/*! \page page_packet_comms Packet Communications

\section packet_introduction Introduction

This page describes...

The point of these examples and the work is to provide a canonical
tool for exploring burst digital communications. Providing the entire
PHY chain in GRC is to help us more easily explore and extract
portions of the transmit and receive chains to better understand,
tweak, and optimize the system.

\section packet_tx Understanding the Transmitter

The transmitter PHY layer defines the following properties of the
transmitted frame:

- Data integrity check, generally a \ref gr::digital::crc32_async_bb
  "CRC". Standard practice would be to calculate a CRC32 of the
  payload and append this to the end of the frame.

- \ref page_fec "Forward Error Correction (FEC)". For correcting bit
  errors during reception, we use FEC codes, which have different
  properties for complexity, correcting capabilities, and amounts of
  added redundancy. See our \ref page_fec "FEC-API page" in the manual
  for more on how to use these and what types of codes are already

- Frame formatting. We expect the data to have been delivered to the
  transmitter from some higher layer (MAC/Network), which we treat as
  the payload. The PHY layer then puts on a bit of its own framing in
  order to properly transmit it for other radios to receive
  correctly. This often involves some information about the payload
  format, such as the length, the type of FEC code used, and the type
  of modulation or modulation parameters. The PHY layer frame will
  also often add a known word to the front to help with
  synchronization and identification. We use the Packet Header
  Formatter block for this, which is completely defined by a packet
  formatter object. See the gr::digital::header_format_base class
  to understand more about how these formatters are created and used.

  The \ref gr::digital::protocol_formatter_async "Protocol Formatter"
  has two output paths, both emitted as PDUs from message ports. The
  first message port is "header" that emits the header created for the
  payload based on the formatter object. The second message port is
  "payload" which is just the input payload PDU re-emitted. This
  creates two paths, which allows us to separately modulate the header
  and payload differently as well as encode the header with a
  different FEC code. We often want to do this to provide a much
  simpler and more robust modulation and FEC structure to the header
  to ensure that it is correctly received and then use a different
  modulation and code for the payload to maximize throughput.

  NOTE: If the header formatter adds the known word / access code
  here, and then we apply an FEC code to the header, then we have the
  problem that the known word is also encoded. The receiver must be
  made aware of this and correctly look for the encoded known
  word. The packet_tx hier block example is a case where this
  happens. If we use a repetition encoder, the access code is now
  three bits out for every bit in. The packet_rx receiver example has
  to account for this in the Correlation Estimator block that is
  correlating against the known word.

- Modulators. We create a modulator path for both the header and
  payload. We define the operations of these two paths completely
  using a \ref gr::digital::constellation "Constellation Object" (see
  the \ref digital_constellations "Digital Modulation" manual page for
  more information). The constellation objects define the mapping from
  bits to complex symbols. You can use these objects in various ways,
  but the packet_tx.grc example provides one way. After moving from
  the PDU to tagged stream mode, the \ref gr::blocks::repack_bits_bb
  "Repack Bits block" takes the packed 8-bits/byte data and converts
  this into "chunks" of the number of bits per symbol of the
  modulation (using the \ref
  gr::digital::constellation::bits_per_symbol() "bits_per_symbol()"
  property of the constellation object). We then map these chunks into
  some known mapping function, most often a form of Gray Coding, using
  the \ref gr::digital::map_bb "Map block" and the constellation object's \ref
  gr::digital::constellation::pre_diff_code() "pre_diff_code()"
  function. We then move these remapped chunks to complex symbols,
  again as defined by the constellation object through the \ref
  gr::digital::constellation::points() "points()" function in the
  \ref gr::digital::chunks_to_symbols_bc "Chunks to Symbols block".

- Combine the header and payload. We need to take both the header and
  payload paths back together into a single stream. In packet_tx.grc,
  we are working with tagged streams, so both paths keep track of the
  size of their segments. Using the Tagged Stream Mux block, we
  recombine these two paths into one.

- Burst Shaping and Filtering. The next stage shapes the packet for
  burst transmission. We apply two blocks to shape the burst

  First, the \ref gr::digital::burst_shaper_cc "Burst Shaping block"
  handles the structure of the burst by applying two different forms
  of padding. First, there is a window that is applied to the time
  domain of the burst. This involves a ramping up stage from 0 and a
  ramping down stage back to 0. We define a window as a vector, and
  the \ref gr::fft::window "fft.window" set of window functions is
  useful here, such as using a Hann or Kaiser window. The size of the
  window is split in half to apply the left half of the window for the
  ramp-up and the right half of the window for the ramp-down. The
  window has two different modes: to insert or not insert phasing
  symbols. When inserting phasing symbols, a sequence of 1's and -1's
  is inserted for the duration of the ramp-up and ramp-down
  periods. So a window size of 20 will produce 10 alternative 1's and
  -1's on the front of the burst and another 10 alternating symbols on
  the rear of the burst. The window is then applied to these phasing
  symbols and does not affect the burst symbols directly. If we are
  not using the phasing symbols, the the window is applied to the
  front and back of the burst directly.

  The Burst Shaper can also add padded 0's to the front or back of the
  burst. This allows us to provide some extra control over the
  structure of the burst. In particular, it can be useful to add
  post-padding 0's that is the length of the delay of the pulse
  shaping filter that will come next. This makes sure that the full
  burst of samples is pushed through the filter and transmitted

                     /                    \
                    /                      \
                   /                        \
            ______/                          \____
            |  E  | D |        C         | B | A |

  A: Pre-padding 0's
  B: Ramp-up window
  C: Frame
  D: Ramp-down window
  E: Post-padding 0's

  When using phasing symbols, C is the entire frame and sections B
  and D are filled with alternative 1's and -1's.

  When not using phase symbols, the frame extends B through C to D.

  After creating this burst shape, we then put the burst through a
  pulse shaping filter. This filter both shapes the complex samples
  into appropriate symbols for transmission based on a spectral mask
  as well as up-samples the burst to the specified number of samples
  per symbol. In packet_tx, we are using a Polyphase Arbitrary
  Resampler to perform this task for us, which means that we can
  specify and real value for the number of samples/symbol, as long as
  it is greater than or equal to 2.0.

  Typical pulse shape filters are \ref
  gr::filter::firdes::root_raised_cosine "Root Raised Cosine (RRC)"
  filters and \ref gr::filter::firdes::gaussian "Gaussian" filters.

  Because the pulse shape filter up-samples, in packet_tx, we use a
  \ref gr::blocks::tagged_stream_multiply_length "Tagged Stream Multiply Length Tag block".
  The resampler block knows nothing about
  tagged streams, so when it up-samples, the
  <a href="https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/Tagged_Stream_Blocks" target="_blank">tagged stream block (TSB)</a>
  tag value does not change. We need to change this tag's value, too, and so we use
  the multiply length tag block for this purpose. This is helpful when
  working with UHD devices, like in uhd_packet_tx.grc, because we can
  explicitly tell the UHD USRP Sink block to expect a tagged stream to
  manage the transmission of the burst.

\subsection packet_tx_params Parameters of the packet_tx Example

The canonical example for handling narrowband M-PSK or M-QAM is the
packet_tx.grc hierarchical block.

- Header FEC Code (hdr_enc)
- Payload FEC Code (pld_enc)
- Header Constellation Object (hdr_const)
- Payload Constellation Object (pld_const)
- Protocol Formatter Object (formatter)
- Samples per symbol (sps as a float)
- Pulse shaping filter (psf_taps, designed for the polyphase arbitrary

We can see all of these objects and settings in the
packet_loopback_hier.grc example and uhd_packet_tx.grc if using a
UHD-compatibly radio front end.

\subsection packet_tx_examples Examples

The following examples exist to showcase how to control each stage of
the transmit processing.

- tx_stage0.grc: simple creation of PDUs to input into the
  transmitter. By default, this generates \ref gr::pdu::random_pdu
  "random PDUs" for testing. However, we can switch in the \ref
  gr::network::tuntap_pdu "TUNTAP PDU" block to create a tun or tap
  device as the input of samples from some OS application. Note that
  you will need root privileges to create a tun/tap device and
  configure it.

- tx_stage1.grc: Adding a CRC to the frame. The Message Debug prints
  the before and after adding the \ref gr::digital::crc32_async_bb
  "CRC32", so we can see the original PDU and then the PDU with the
  added 4 bytes of check.

- tx_stage2.grc: Adding \ref page_fec "forward error correction". This
  adds an \ref gr::fec::async_encoder "FEC Async Encoder" block to
  compare pre- and post-encoding. Three different FEC encoders are
  available immediately in this example with the repetition encoder
  enabled by default. This encoder just repeats every bit 3 times, so
  it is easy to see the behavior before and after encoding. Simply
  disable this FEC code and enabling one of the others will change the
  encoding behavior.

- tx_stage3.grc: takes the payload with the CRC32 check and creates
  the packet structure. Both the header and payload are printed out,
  where the payload is the input payload+CRC and the header is defined
  by the 'formatter' object. The default formatter just applies an
  access code (using the default 64-bit
  digital.packet_utils.default_access_code code) and then it
  calculates the payload length (in bytes) as a 16-bit value. This
  16-bit length field is duplicated, so in the receiver it can check
  both 16-bit fields to make sure they agree. This formatter also
  takes a threshold value. The transmitter does not use this
  threshold. That parameter is used in the receiver to know how many
  bits can be wrong in the access code and still pass.

  Disabling the \ref gr::digital::header_format_default
  "default header definition" and enabling the other 'formatter' to
  change the protocol. This other protocol definition is the \ref
  gr::digital::header_format_counter "counter header". It adds the
  access code and payload length fields as the header like the default
  formatter. This formatter includes two other fields as well: the
  number of bits/symbol used in the payload modulator (as a 16-bit
  field) and a 16-bit counter. Each packet transmitted increments this
  counter by 1, which means we can keep track of how many packets we
  have sent and/or received.

- tx_stage4.grc: Here we add the modulation to both the header and
  payload paths, defined by the hdr_const and pld_const objects,
  respectively. Both are defined as BPSK constellations by
  default. The output is shown in two \ref page_qtgui "QTGUI display"
  graphs. We see the samples in time first, and this is triggering off
  the TSB tag "packet_len". When the time display updates, we can see
  the same pattern right after the tag, which is the header, and then
  the changing samples are the random values in the payload.

  When we look at this Freq tab of this example, we just see a mostly
  flat frequency response over the entire frequency range. This
  response is due to the samples just being +1's and -1's with no
  transition between them and sampled at 1 sampler per symbol. This is
  not something that we can just transmit as a burst. The square
  pulses we use provide horrible out-of-band (OOB) emissions if we put
  this over the air directly, and each burst would go from 0 to +/-1
  within the coarse of a single sample, which again provides large OOB
  emissions. We need to shape the bursts properly from here.

- tx_stage5.grc: Adds the \ref gr::digital::burst_shaper_cc "Burst Shaper"
  block. The default parameters are to use a Hann window of 50 symbols
  and to add 10 0's as pre- and post-padding. We can adjust any of
  these values to explore what the output burst looks like. We can
  stop the time sink from updating and turn on the markers for the
  Re{Data 0} channel to easily count the samples and observe the
  effect of the window.

  As an aside, the window of 50 produces 25 phasing samples on either
  side. This is a lot, but we did this to help show off the way the
  window looks a bit more clearly.

- tx_stage6.grc: We then need to up-sample the signal by the number of
  samples/symbol (sps) and apply our pulse-shaping filter. Again, we
  are using some larger numbers than we really would in an actual
  scenario to make it visually clear what is happening. The psf_taps
  filter creates an RRC filter designed for the 32-arm (set by nfilts)
  polyphase filterbank resampler. In this RRC Filter Taps object, we
  set the number of taps to be 15*sps*nfilts. The sps and nfilts are
  properties of the sample stream and upsampling factor. The value 15
  is the number of symbols to represent in this filter; basically that
  we are going to look over the history effects of 15 samples to
  manage the inter-symbol interference (ISI). That is a long RRC filter
  but done so to make the simulation look better. Five or seven is a
  more realistic value. Similarly, we set sps=4 here to make the time
  and frequency plots look better. Normally, we would want this closer
  to 2.

  Now looking at the time domain plot, we see the filtered samples,
  which are not as pretty as before. They have over- and under-shoots,
  and if we turned on the line markers, we would not see the original
  bits easily through this. That is the effect of the RRC filter,
  which introduces ISI into the transmitted stream. However, when we
  look at the frequency domain, we see a much better shape, which we
  can transmit as part of our channel assignment.

- tx_stage6a.grc: An aside here to study the RRC filters more. This
  example adds a second RRC filter (without any resampling) that
  matches the transmitter's RRC filter. The matched filter means that
  the samples are filtered by two RRC filters, which together make a
  raised cosine (RC) filter. This RC filter is what is known as a
  Nyquist filter and has the properties of 0 (or very close to 0)
  ISI. Though we introduced ISI in the transmit RRC filter, the second
  stage at the receiver undoes that ISI making for a clean, filtered
  signal. Turning on marker in the time domain shows two clean lines
  at +1 and -1. The receiver just needs to know which of the sps
  samples to grad to get the original symbol that was transmitted. But
  that is the job of the receiver.

At this point, we have an encoded, modulated, and shaped burst ready
to be transmitted out of a radio. The uhd_packet_tx.grc example puts
all this together, where we have packaged up most of the transmitter
behavior into packet_tx.grc. We then generate random PDU's, put them
through the packet_tx block, and then through a Multiply Const block
and into a USRP sink. The Multiply Const block is used for digital
scaling of the signal to allow us power control on top of the
transmitter gain inside the USRP radio itself.

\section packet_rx Understanding the Receiver

The receiver is far more complicated. The work involved here is
largely in the detection and synchronization of the received
frames. We must assume that frames are coming in as bursts with
potentially random time intervals.

It is important to understand that it is very difficult to make a
simple protocol work in all scenarios. We have to assume that some
packets will be lost through either a missed detection at the start or
poor synchronization statistics during processing of the burst.

The generic receiver example can be found in packet_rx.grc. This hier
block provides the main detection, synchronization, header/payload
management, demodulation, and decoding of the PHY frames. The input to
this hier block should be not be too far off in frequency. The GNU
Radio block \ref gr::digital::fll_band_edge_cc "FLL Band-Edge" tends
to work well enough, though this is unnecessary if the radio are
synchronized in frequency some other way (e.g., with a GPSDO such as
is available on USRPs).

The main flow of samples here is to detect a frame by discovering its
known word, which also provides initial estimates on timing and phase
offsets of the received frame. We then go through a clock sync block
to perform matched filtering and sample time correction to produce
resampled symbols at 1 sample/symbol. Now we have samples that are
split between the header and payload. We might have information inside
of the header that helps the receiver understand the payload. For
instance, the length of the payload is generally encoded in the
header. So we have to demux the header and payload.

We assume that we know the length of the header in symbols, which we
pass on to the header demodulator chain. Knowing the header
modulation, we synchronize the phase and frequency, demodulate the
symbols into soft bits, decode those soft bits based on the known
header's FEC code, and then parse the header information. The header
parser extracts information about the payload, such as the number of
symbols in the payload and possibly the number of bits/symbol used in
the payload modulation.

The \ref gr::digital::header_payload_demux "Header/Payload Demux"
block sends the appropriate number of samples to the payload demod
chain. This chain does its own phase/freq synchronization for the
appropriate constellation used in the payload, decodes the samples to
soft bits, performs the FEC decoding, and then does the CRC32
check. If this passes, the payload is sent out of the hier block as a
PDU with the PHY layer framing stripped.

When looking at the packet_rx.grc example, notice that we have
instrumented a number of debug ports along the way. These ports are
designed to make it possible for us to externally hook up graphing and
debug blocks in whatever way we are comfortable with to see the signal
along the path and more easily debug.

\subsection packet_rx_correst Correlation Estimator

The first stage of the receiver searches for the known word prepended
to every burst from the transmitter. The known word has gone through
two stages of processing: encoding with the header's FEC (optional)
and modulated by the header's modulator. The correlation of the known
word is done at the input sample stage, so we have to recreate the
modulated and possible encoded known word at the receiver.

To simplify dealing with the encoding process, in packet_rx.grc, we
assume one of two types of codes: dummy code (or not coded) and a 3x
repetition code. We then just simply calculated the preamble's bits
for both cases. Depending on the header decoder (hdr_dec) used, the
hier block knows which preamble to use.

Next, we need to take the known, encoded word and modulate it with the
header's modulator and pulse shaping filter. We create a simple
modulator in the variable 'rxmod' that takes the header \ref
gr::digital::constellation "constellation object" (hdr_const), the
number of samples per symbol, and the pulse shape filter's bandwidth
parameter (eb). The \ref gr::digital::modulate_vector_bc "Modulate Vector"
block than combines this 'rxmod' modulator with the 'preamble'
known word into a vector of complex symbols, here called
'modulated_sync_word'. This variable is then passed to the \ref
gr::digital::corr_est_cc "Correlation Estimator" block.

One tricky thing about burst communications and network setups is the
power of the received samples is unknown and time varying. It is
preferential to try to auto-detect the burst and scale the signal to
+/-1 before coming in to packet_rx. There is still a lot of work to be
done for AGC loops in the hardware and automatic scaling in
software. The Correlation Estimator tries to deal with this. We use a
threshold as an approximate probability of detection. This value
should be set very high; the default here is 99.9%. The correlation
tends to scale well as the amplitudes change and for relatively low
SNR conditions. Still, it is always possible to miss a detection event
or have a false positive.

Another thing that the Correlation Estimator can do for us is provide
information for digital scaling the samples. When received over
hardware, the signals tend to be very small, but most of our follow-on
processing assumes they are about +/-1. The Correlation Estimator
finds the amplitude of the sample where the correlation peak was
found, inverts it, and sends it as a tag with the key 'amp_est'. We
can use this down stream to adjust the amplitude by rescaling the
samples from this value. For our packet_rx example, we use the \ref
gr::blocks::multiply_by_tag_value_cc "Multiply by Tag Value" block,
which updates its multiplicitive factor based on the tag. Much of this
could be handled by a good AGC routine in the hardware.

Finally, the main purpose of the Correlation Estimator block is to
provide the down-stream synchronization blocks with initial estimates
of the timing and phase offset. The peak of the magnitude of the
correlation event corresponds to the sampling timing of the data

    1.   /\      2.   _
        /  \         / \
     __/    \__   __/   \__

The above two drawings show two different correlation scenarios. In
scenario 1, the timing is exact and the sample at the peak of that
curve is the proper sample time of the last symbol of the known
word. In scenario 2, there is a timing offset where the correct timing
offset is half-way between two samples. This would be a timing offset
of 0.5 (or -0.5). Knowing where that estimated offset is helps our
timing recover blocks start near the correct sample offset and then
track from there.

The magnitude of the correlation helps us discover the timing
offset. The correlation itself is a complex vector. So where the peak
of the magnitude happens, we can look to the complex value of the
correlation at the same point and the phase difference between the
real and imaginary parts is the phase offset of the signal.

The Correlation Estimator block calculates the time and phase offsets
and creates stream tags for "time_est" and "phase_est". It also
creates two other tags: "corr_start" and "corr_est," both of which
contain the value of the peak of the magnitude of the
correlation. Because there is a delay in the correlation algorithm
that is affected by the size of the correlation, we need to adjust
where the correlation event occurs to where the tags are actually
placed on the output stream. The block places the "corr_start" tag on
the sample where the correlation actually occurred. It then places the
other three tags offset by some "Tag marking delay," which is a
user-calculated value to place the tags at the correct spot in the
data stream for the actual start of the known word's first symbol.

In packet_rx, we empirically discovered the tag marking delay for
different values of the samples/symbol ('sps') variable and made a
list 'mark_delays' that is index by 'sps' to properly set 'mark_delay'
for the start of the known word. Getting is correct has a huge effect
on the timing recover loop, which can take a while to converge if it
starts offset in time by a sample.

See the example example_corr_est.grc to explore the Correlation
Estimator blocks more.

\subsection packet_rx_timing Timing Recovery

After detecting the frame and estimating the time and phase estimates,
we have to actually perform the timing synchronization step. The
packet_rx example uses the
\ref gr::digital::pfb_clock_sync_ccf "Polyphase Clock Sync" block to
do this. This PFB clock sync (PCS) block typically performs blind
timing recovery on a series of samples. It is composed of 'nfilt'
filters in a filterbank where each filter represents a different phase
from [0, 2pi) in steps of 2pi/nfilts. The algorithm finds the correct
arm of the filterbank that corresponds to the time shift of the
samples. It also knows to look for a "time_est" stream tag and use
that information to set its phase arm estimate. If we have a time
estimate like scenario 1 above, we have perfect timing and so would
select the 0th arm of the filterbank. In scenario 2, we are off by
half a sample, so we select arm nfilts/2. The PCS is a tracking loop,
so it will start with the initial estimate and then keep track of the
timing as well as hone-in on actual timing information of the symbol

The PCS block uses a filterbank concept to perform its tracking
operation. The filters within the filterbank operate best when they
are phase offsets of the matched filter. So not only does the
block recover the timing, it also performs the matched filtering and
produces the optimal 1 sample/symbol output. These are then optimally
sampled symbols in the complex constellation space. They need to be
mapped back to bits and decoded. But first, we need to parse the
header in order to discover information about the payload.

See the example example_corr_est_and_clock_sync.grc to play with the
parameters of time synchronization.

\subsection packet_rx_hpd Header/Payload Demux

Because the header and payload can be modulated differently, the rest
of the symbol processing has to be split into two chains. We do this
using the \ref gr::digital::header_payload_demux "Header/Payload Demux"
block (HPD). We assume that we know the protocol, and so the format,
coding, and modulation of the header. Generally speaking, these are
all controlled through three different objects:

- formatter: An object that described the header structure, derived
  from gr::digital::header_format_base.

- hdr_const: An object that describes the bit and symbol mapping,
  derived from gr::digital::constellation.

- hdr_dec: An object that describes the FEC code, derived from

Through these, we can ask for any parameter to set up the following
stages of processing.

The HPD block is fairly complicated and we will only use it in one
kind of configuration here. See the manual page for the \ref
gr::digital::header_payload_demux "HPD" block itself for more
details. In our use of the HPD block, it receives the data stream and
looks for a Trigger Tag Key. We will use 'time_est', one of the tags
produced by the Correlation Estimator to indicate the sample that
starts the header. When the HPD block sees this trigger key, it passes
along a known number of symbols out of the 'header' stream port. We
know the number of symbols based on the formatter, constellation, and
FEC decoder objects. The formatter objects knows the number of bits in
the header via the header_nbits() function, the constellation knows
how many bits per symbol (via bits_per_symbol()), and the FEC decoder
knows the encoding rate (via 1/rate()). The number of symbols in the
header is therefore:

    (header_nbits() * 1/rate()) / bits_per_symbol()

The HPD then sends this many symbols on to be processed. It holds up
any more processing until triggered to do so with information through
the 'header_data' input message port. The header processing chain will
end with the Packet Parser producing the message here.

When the 'header_data' input message port receives valid information,
it releases the payload out of the 'payload' stream port. The main
thing that the 'header_data' input message port receives is
information about the length of the payload. The HPD parameter 'Length
tag key' is matched to the message received in 'header_data', which is
then used to gate the output of samples as the payload. In our case,
we specify the length as the number of symbols through the message key
'payload symbols'. This tag then becomes the tagged stream key for the
payload chain.

\subsection packet_rx_hdr_chain Header Processing Chain

The header processing chain is kicked off when the HPD block receives
the trigger stream tag (i.e., 'time_est'). We must first correct the
phase and fine frequency offset of the received samples. The
Correlation Estimator block will help us with this through the
'phase_est' tag. The \ref gr::digital::costas_loop_cc "Costas Loop"
looks for this tag, and, when found, it will take this estimate and
reset its own internal phase value, which greatly speed up
acquisition. The Costas loop will then track the phase and frequency
over the course of the header.

With the constellation locked in time, phase, and frequency, we can
not decode the complex symbols. We use a \ref
gr::digital::constellation_soft_decoder_cf "Constellation Soft Decoder"
block for this, which uses the 'hdr_const' object to know the mappings
from complex space to bits. Specifically, it performs a soft decoding,
so the outputs are soft decision bits, which is useful for FEC
decoding that is performed next.

The \ref gr::fec::decoder "FEC decoder" operates on the soft decisions
based on the hdr_dec object. Because of the bounded nature of the
header, we would expect simple block codes used here as well as a
fairly robust and easy to process code. In the current examples, we
only provide no code (via the \ref gr::fec::code::dummy_encoder
"Dummy Encoder" / \ref gr::fec::code::dummy_decoder "Dummy Decoder"
classes) or a repetition code (via the
\ref gr::fec::code::repetition_encoder "Repetition Encoder" / \ref
gr::fec::code::repetition_decoder "Repetition Decoder" classes). The
output of the FEC decoder block is a bit stream where each item is
either a 1 or a 0.

The last step in the header processing stage is to parse that bit
stream back into the header. The \ref gr::digital::protocol_parser_b
"Packet Parser" block does this by receiving a bit stream, passing it
to the \ref gr::digital::header_format_base::parse "parse" function of
the packet formatter object, and emitting a message with the
information about the parsed data.

The packet parsing is explained in detail in the \ref
gr::digital::header_format_base "Packet Formatter Base" class. The
parse function packs together the received bits into the different
header fields, checks that the header is correct, and the constructs a
PMT dictionary of the header information, such as the payload length
and other possible information like the type of constellation or FEC
coding used on the payload bits. This is the message that gets passed
back to the HPD block to guide the payload processing.

If the packet formatter parsing operation fails by not getting enough
data or if the data is corrupted, it will return false. When the
Packet Parser sees this, it emits a message that just contains a
<a href="https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/Polymorphic_Types_(PMTs)" target="_blank">PMT</a>
False (pmt::PMT_F), which resets the HPD block to start
looking for another header trigger event.

If the header parsing completes successfully, the HPD block gets a
message with information about the payload. Most importantly, it gets
information about how many symbols make up the payload. It then sends
a tagged stream to the payload processing chain with this many

\subsection packet_rx_pld_chain Payload Processing Chain

The payload processing chain behaves very similarly to the header
processing chain for the first few blocks. It starts by locking the
phase and frequency in another \ref gr::digital::costas_loop_cc
"Costas loop", and then perform \ref
gr::digital::constellation_soft_decoder_cf "soft decoding" on the
symbols using the 'pld_const' object. Because we come in as symbols
and out as soft decisions, the constellation soft decoder will produce
\ref gr::digital::constellation::bits_per_symbol() "bits_per_symbol()"
times as many outputs as inputs, but the soft decoder will not change
the tag stream information. To compensate for this, we use a \ref
"Tagged Stream Multiply Length" block to update the tagged stream tag
"payload symbols". We then move from the tagged stream mode into PDU
mode and perform the FEC decoding through the \ref
gr::fec::async_decoder "asynchronous FEC decoder". This decoder is
nice in that it comes in with soft bits and produces packed
bytes. These packed bytes are now the full payload with the CRC32
appended. The \ref gr::digital::crc32_async_bb "Async CRC32" block in
"Check CRC" mode will take this PDU of packed bytes, calculate the CRC
and check it against the final four bytes of the payload. If they
match, the PDU is stripped of the CRC bytes and the frame is passed
out of the hier block. This PDU frame is now ready for use in higher
layers of processing.

This takes us through the entire processing chain on the
receiver. From here, it is a matter of tweaking parameters and playing
with options and other setups to improve behavior.
