/* -*- c++ -*- */
 * Copyright 2011,2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 * This file is part of GNU Radio
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later


#include <gnuradio/blocks/api.h>
#include <gnuradio/math.h>

namespace gr {
namespace blocks {

 * \brief A second-order control loop implementation class.
 * \details
 * This class implements a second order control loop and is
 * intended to act as a parent class to blocks which need a control
 * loop (e.g., gr::digital::costas_loop_cc,
 * gr::analog::pll_refout_cc, etc.). It takes in a loop bandwidth
 * as well as a max and min frequency and provides the functions
 * that control the update of the loop.
 * The loop works of alpha and beta gains. These gains are
 * calculated using the input loop bandwidth and a pre-set damping
 * factor. The damping factor can be changed using the
 * #set_damping_factor after the block is
 * constructed. The alpha and beta values can be set using their
 * respective #set_alpha or #set_beta functions if very precise
 * control over these is required.
 * The class tracks both phase and frequency of a signal based on
 * an error signal. The error calculation is unique for each
 * algorithm and is calculated externally and passed to the
 * advance_loop function, which uses this to update its phase and
 * frequency estimates.
 * This class also provides the functions #phase_wrap and
 * #frequency_limit to easily keep the phase and frequency
 * estimates within our set bounds (phase_wrap keeps it within
 * +/-2pi).
class BLOCKS_API control_loop
    float d_phase, d_freq;
    float d_max_freq, d_min_freq;
    float d_damping, d_loop_bw;
    float d_alpha, d_beta;

    control_loop(void) {}
    control_loop(float loop_bw, float max_freq, float min_freq);
    virtual ~control_loop();

    /*! \brief Update the system gains from the loop bandwidth and damping factor.
     * \details
     * This function updates the system gains based on the loop
     * bandwidth and damping factor of the system. These two
     * factors can be set separately through their own set
     * functions.
    void update_gains();

    /*! \brief Advance the control loop based on the current gain
     *  settings and the inputted error signal.
    void advance_loop(float error)
        d_freq = d_freq + d_beta * error;
        d_phase = d_phase + d_freq + d_alpha * error;

    /*! \brief Keep the phase between -2pi and 2pi.
     * \details
     * This function keeps the phase between -2pi and 2pi. If the
     * phase is greater than 2pi by d, it wraps around to be -2pi+d;
     * similarly if it is less than -2pi by d, it wraps around to
     * 2pi-d.
     * This function should be called after advance_loop to keep the
     * phase in a good operating region. It is set as a separate
     * method in case another way is desired as this is fairly
     * heavy-handed.
    void phase_wrap()
        while (d_phase > (2 * GR_M_PI))
            d_phase -= 2 * GR_M_PI;
        while (d_phase < (-2 * GR_M_PI))
            d_phase += 2 * GR_M_PI;

    /*! \brief Keep the frequency between d_min_freq and d_max_freq.
     * \details
     * This function keeps the frequency between d_min_freq and
     * d_max_freq. If the frequency is greater than d_max_freq, it
     * is set to d_max_freq.  If the frequency is less than
     * d_min_freq, it is set to d_min_freq.
     * This function should be called after advance_loop to keep the
     * frequency in the specified region. It is set as a separate
     * method in case another way is desired as this is fairly
     * heavy-handed.
    void frequency_limit()
        if (d_freq > d_max_freq)
            d_freq = d_max_freq;
        else if (d_freq < d_min_freq)
            d_freq = d_min_freq;


     * \brief Set the loop bandwidth.
     * \details
     * Set the loop filter's bandwidth to \p bw. This should be
     * between 2*pi/200 and 2*pi/100 (in rads/samp). It must also be
     * a positive number.
     * When a new damping factor is set, the gains, alpha and beta,
     * of the loop are recalculated by a call to update_gains().
     * \param bw    (float) new bandwidth
    virtual void set_loop_bandwidth(float bw);

     * \brief Set the loop damping factor.
     * \details
     * Set the loop filter's damping factor to \p df. The damping
     * factor should be sqrt(2)/2.0 for critically damped systems.
     * Set it to anything else only if you know what you are
     * doing. It must be a number between 0 and 1.
     * When a new damping factor is set, the gains, alpha and beta,
     * of the loop are recalculated by a call to update_gains().
     * \param df    (float) new damping factor
    void set_damping_factor(float df);

     * \brief Set the loop gain alpha.
     * \details
     * Sets the loop filter's alpha gain parameter.
     * This value should really only be set by adjusting the loop
     * bandwidth and damping factor.
     * \param alpha    (float) new alpha gain
    void set_alpha(float alpha);

     * \brief Set the loop gain beta.
     * \details
     * Sets the loop filter's beta gain parameter.
     * This value should really only be set by adjusting the loop
     * bandwidth and damping factor.
     * \param beta    (float) new beta gain
    void set_beta(float beta);

     * \brief Set the control loop's frequency.
     * \details
     * Sets the control loop's frequency. While this is normally
     * updated by the inner loop of the algorithm, it could be
     * useful to manually initialize, set, or reset this under
     * certain circumstances.
     * \param freq    (float) new frequency
    void set_frequency(float freq);

     * \brief Set the control loop's phase.
     * \details
     * Sets the control loop's phase. While this is normally
     * updated by the inner loop of the algorithm, it could be
     * useful to manually initialize, set, or reset this under
     * certain circumstances.
     * \param phase    (float) new phase
    void set_phase(float phase);

     * \brief Set the control loop's maximum frequency.
     * \details
     * Set the maximum frequency the control loop can track.
     * \param freq    (float) new max frequency
    void set_max_freq(float freq);

     * \brief Set the control loop's minimum frequency.
     * \details
     * Set the minimum frequency the control loop can track.
     * \param freq    (float) new min frequency
    void set_min_freq(float freq);


     * \brief Returns the loop bandwidth.
    float get_loop_bandwidth() const;

     * \brief Returns the loop damping factor.
    float get_damping_factor() const;

     * \brief Returns the loop gain alpha.
    float get_alpha() const;

     * \brief Returns the loop gain beta.
    float get_beta() const;

     * \brief Get the control loop's frequency estimate.
    float get_frequency() const;

     * \brief Get the control loop's phase estimate.
    float get_phase() const;

     * \brief Get the control loop's maximum frequency.
    float get_max_freq() const;

     * \brief Get the control loop's minimum frequency.
    float get_min_freq() const;

// This is a table of tanh(x) for x in [-2, 2] used in tanh_lut.
static float tanh_lut_table[256] = {
    -0.96402758, -0.96290241, -0.96174273, -0.96054753, -0.95931576, -0.95804636,
    -0.95673822, -0.95539023, -0.95400122, -0.95257001, -0.95109539, -0.9495761,
    -0.94801087, -0.94639839, -0.94473732, -0.94302627, -0.94126385, -0.93944862,
    -0.93757908, -0.93565374, -0.93367104, -0.93162941, -0.92952723, -0.92736284,
    -0.92513456, -0.92284066, -0.92047938, -0.91804891, -0.91554743, -0.91297305,
    -0.91032388, -0.90759795, -0.9047933,  -0.90190789, -0.89893968, -0.89588656,
    -0.89274642, -0.88951709, -0.88619637, -0.88278203, -0.87927182, -0.87566342,
    -0.87195453, -0.86814278, -0.86422579, -0.86020115, -0.85606642, -0.85181914,
    -0.84745683, -0.84297699, -0.83837709, -0.83365461, -0.82880699, -0.82383167,
    -0.81872609, -0.81348767, -0.80811385, -0.80260204, -0.7969497,  -0.79115425,
    -0.78521317, -0.77912392, -0.772884,   -0.76649093, -0.75994227, -0.75323562,
    -0.74636859, -0.73933889, -0.73214422, -0.7247824,  -0.71725127, -0.70954876,
    -0.70167287, -0.6936217,  -0.68539341, -0.67698629, -0.66839871, -0.65962916,
    -0.65067625, -0.64153871, -0.6322154,  -0.62270534, -0.61300768, -0.60312171,
    -0.59304692, -0.58278295, -0.57232959, -0.56168685, -0.55085493, -0.53983419,
    -0.52862523, -0.51722883, -0.50564601, -0.49387799, -0.48192623, -0.46979241,
    -0.45747844, -0.44498647, -0.4323189,  -0.41947836, -0.40646773, -0.39329014,
    -0.37994896, -0.36644782, -0.35279057, -0.33898135, -0.32502449, -0.31092459,
    -0.2966865,  -0.28231527, -0.26781621, -0.25319481, -0.23845682, -0.22360817,
    -0.208655,   -0.19360362, -0.17846056, -0.16323249, -0.14792623, -0.13254879,
    -0.11710727, -0.10160892, -0.08606109, -0.07047123, -0.05484686, -0.0391956,
    -0.02352507, -0.00784298, 0.00784298,  0.02352507,  0.0391956,   0.05484686,
    0.07047123,  0.08606109,  0.10160892,  0.11710727,  0.13254879,  0.14792623,
    0.16323249,  0.17846056,  0.19360362,  0.208655,    0.22360817,  0.23845682,
    0.25319481,  0.26781621,  0.28231527,  0.2966865,   0.31092459,  0.32502449,
    0.33898135,  0.35279057,  0.36644782,  0.37994896,  0.39329014,  0.40646773,
    0.41947836,  0.4323189,   0.44498647,  0.45747844,  0.46979241,  0.48192623,
    0.49387799,  0.50564601,  0.51722883,  0.52862523,  0.53983419,  0.55085493,
    0.56168685,  0.57232959,  0.58278295,  0.59304692,  0.60312171,  0.61300768,
    0.62270534,  0.6322154,   0.64153871,  0.65067625,  0.65962916,  0.66839871,
    0.67698629,  0.68539341,  0.6936217,   0.70167287,  0.70954876,  0.71725127,
    0.7247824,   0.73214422,  0.73933889,  0.74636859,  0.75323562,  0.75994227,
    0.76649093,  0.772884,    0.77912392,  0.78521317,  0.79115425,  0.7969497,
    0.80260204,  0.80811385,  0.81348767,  0.81872609,  0.82383167,  0.82880699,
    0.83365461,  0.83837709,  0.84297699,  0.84745683,  0.85181914,  0.85606642,
    0.86020115,  0.86422579,  0.86814278,  0.87195453,  0.87566342,  0.87927182,
    0.88278203,  0.88619637,  0.88951709,  0.89274642,  0.89588656,  0.89893968,
    0.90190789,  0.9047933,   0.90759795,  0.91032388,  0.91297305,  0.91554743,
    0.91804891,  0.92047938,  0.92284066,  0.92513456,  0.92736284,  0.92952723,
    0.93162941,  0.93367104,  0.93565374,  0.93757908,  0.93944862,  0.94126385,
    0.94302627,  0.94473732,  0.94639839,  0.94801087,  0.9495761,   0.95109539,
    0.95257001,  0.95400122,  0.95539023,  0.95673822,  0.95804636,  0.95931576,
    0.96054753,  0.96174273,  0.96290241,  0.96402758

 * A look-up table (LUT) tanh calcuation. This function returns an
 * estimate to tanh(x) based on a 256-point LUT between -2 and
 * 2. If x < -2, it returns -1; if > 2, it returns 1.
 * This LUT form of the tanh is "hidden" in this code because it
 * is likely too coarse an estimate for any real uses of a
 * tanh. It is useful, however, in certain control loop
 * applications where the input is expected to be within these
 * bounds and the noise will be greater than the quanitzation of
 * this small LUT. For more accurate forms of tanh, see
 * volk_32f_tanh_32f.
static inline float tanhf_lut(float x)
    if (x > 2)
        return 1;
    else if (x <= -2)
        return -1;
    else {
        int index = 128 + 64 * x;
        return tanh_lut_table[index];

} /* namespace blocks */
} /* namespace gr */