# Copyright 2013-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of GNU Radio # # GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ######################################################################## # Invoke macro to generate various headers ######################################################################## include(GrMiscUtils) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks abs_XX ss ii ff) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks add_XX ss ii cc) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks add_const_XX bb ss ii ff cc) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks add_const_vXX bb ss ii ff cc) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks and_XX bb ss ii) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks and_const_XX bb ss ii) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks argmax_XX fs is ss) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks divide_XX ss ii ff cc) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks integrate_XX ss ii ff cc) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks max_XX ff ii ss) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks moving_average_XX ss ii ff cc) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks multiply_XX ss ii) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks multiply_const_XX ss ii) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks multiply_const_vXX ss ii ff cc) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks multiply_matrix_XX ff cc) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks mute_XX ss ii ff cc) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks not_XX bb ss ii) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks or_XX bb ss ii) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks peak_detector_XX fb ib sb) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks probe_signal_X b s i f c) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks probe_signal_vX b s i f c) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks sample_and_hold_XX bb ss ii ff) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks sub_XX ss ii ff cc) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks tsb_vector_sink_X b s i f c) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks xor_XX bb ss ii) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks packed_to_unpacked_XX bb ss ii) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks unpacked_to_packed_XX bb ss ii) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks vector_insert_X b s i f c) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks vector_sink_X b s i f c) GR_EXPAND_X_H(blocks vector_source_X b s i f c) add_custom_target(blocks_generated_includes DEPENDS ${generated_includes} ) ######################################################################## # Install header files ######################################################################## install(FILES ${generated_includes} api.h control_loop.h count_bits.h file_sink_base.h lfsr_15_1_0.h lfsr_32k.h log2_const.h pack_k_bits.h rotator.h unpack_k_bits.h wavfile.h add_ff.h annotator_1to1.h annotator_alltoall.h annotator_raw.h bin_statistics_f.h burst_tagger.h char_to_float.h char_to_short.h check_lfsr_32k_s.h complex_to_interleaved_short.h complex_to_float.h complex_to_imag.h complex_to_real.h complex_to_mag.h complex_to_mag_squared.h complex_to_arg.h conjugate_cc.h copy.h deinterleave.h delay.h endian_swap.h file_descriptor_sink.h file_descriptor_source.h file_sink.h file_source.h file_meta_sink.h file_meta_source.h float_to_char.h float_to_complex.h float_to_int.h float_to_short.h float_to_uchar.h head.h int_to_float.h interleave.h interleaved_short_to_complex.h interleaved_char_to_complex.h keep_m_in_n.h keep_one_in_n.h lfsr_32k_source_s.h message_debug.h message_sink.h message_source.h message_strobe.h message_strobe_random.h message_burst_source.h multiply_cc.h multiply_ff.h multiply_conjugate_cc.h multiply_const_cc.h multiply_const_ff.h nlog10_ff.h nop.h null_sink.h null_source.h pack_k_bits_bb.h patterned_interleaver.h pdu.h pdu_filter.h pdu_set.h pdu_remove.h pdu_to_tagged_stream.h peak_detector2_fb.h random_pdu.h plateau_detector_fb.h probe_rate.h regenerate_bb.h repack_bits_bb.h repeat.h rms_cf.h rms_ff.h rotator_cc.h short_to_char.h short_to_float.h skiphead.h socket_pdu.h stream_mux.h stream_to_streams.h stream_to_tagged_stream.h stream_to_vector.h streams_to_stream.h streams_to_vector.h stretch_ff.h tag_debug.h tag_gate.h tagged_file_sink.h tagged_stream_mux.h tagged_stream_multiply_length.h tagged_stream_to_pdu.h tags_strobe.h threshold_ff.h throttle.h transcendental.h tuntap_pdu.h uchar_to_float.h udp_sink.h udp_source.h unpack_k_bits_bb.h vco_f.h vco_c.h vector_map.h vector_to_stream.h vector_to_streams.h wavfile_sink.h wavfile_source.h DESTINATION ${GR_INCLUDE_DIR}/gnuradio/blocks COMPONENT "blocks_devel" ) if(ENABLE_GR_CTRLPORT) install(FILES ctrlport_probe_c.h ctrlport_probe2_c.h ctrlport_probe2_f.h ctrlport_probe2_s.h ctrlport_probe2_i.h ctrlport_probe2_b.h DESTINATION ${GR_INCLUDE_DIR}/gnuradio/blocks COMPONENT "blocks_devel" ) endif(ENABLE_GR_CTRLPORT)