id: blocks_vector_insert_x label: Vector Insert flags: [ python, cpp ] parameters: - id: type label: Output Type dtype: enum options: [byte, complex, float, int, short] option_attributes: fcn: [b, c, f, i, s] vec_type: [int_vector, complex_vector, real_vector, int_vector, int_vector] hide: part - id: vector label: Vector dtype: ${ type.vec_type } default: 0, 0, 0 - id: period label: Periodicity dtype: int default: '100' - id: offset label: Offset dtype: int default: '0' inputs: - domain: stream dtype: ${ type } outputs: - domain: stream dtype: ${ type } templates: imports: from gnuradio import blocks make: blocks.vector_insert_${type.fcn}(${vector}, ${period}, ${offset}) cpp_templates: includes: ['#include <gnuradio/blocks/vector_insert.h>'] declarations: 'blocks::vector_insert_${type.fcn}::sptr ${id};' make: 'this->${id} = blocks::vector_insert_${type.fcn}::make(${vector}, ${period}, ${offset});' documentation: |- Periodicity, the length of the periodicity at which the vector should be inserted at the output. (i.e. one vector for every N output items) Offset specifies where in the cycle period we should begin at. file_format: 1