id: blocks_tcp_server_sink label: TCP Server Sink (Deprecated) flags: [ python, cpp ] parameters: - id: type label: Input Type dtype: enum options: [complex, float, int, short, byte] option_attributes: size: [gr.sizeof_gr_complex, gr.sizeof_float, gr.sizeof_int, gr.sizeof_short, gr.sizeof_char] hide: part - id: ipaddr label: Destination IP Address dtype: string - id: port label: Destination Port dtype: int - id: noblock label: Nonblocking Mode dtype: enum options: ['True', 'False'] option_labels: ['On', 'Off'] - id: vlen label: Vec Length dtype: int default: '1' hide: ${ 'part' if vlen == 1 else 'none' } inputs: - domain: stream dtype: ${ type } vlen: ${ vlen } asserts: - ${ vlen > 0 } templates: imports: from gnuradio import blocks make: blocks.tcp_server_sink(${type.size}*${vlen}, ${ipaddr}, ${port}, ${noblock}) cpp_templates: includes: ['#include <gnuradio/blocks/tcp_server_sink.h>'] declarations: 'blocks::tcp_server_sink::sptr ${id};' make: 'this->${id} = blocks::tcp_server_sink::make(${type.size}*${vlen}, ${ipaddr}, ${port}, ${noblock});' translations: 'True': 'true' 'False': 'false' documentation: |- This block has been deprecated and replaced with more capable TCP source/sink blocks in Networking Tools. file_format: 1