id: blocks_ctrlport_probe2_x label: Ctrlport Probe flags: [ python, cpp ] parameters: - id: type label: Input Type dtype: enum options: [complex, float, int, short, byte] option_attributes: fcn: [c, f, i, s, b] hide: part - id: name label: Name dtype: string default: samples - id: desc label: Description dtype: string default: Sample Points - id: len label: Length dtype: int default: '1024' - id: disp_mask label: Display Mask dtype: raw default: gr.DISPTIME options: [gr.DISPXY | gr.DISPOPTSCATTER, gr.DISPTIME, gr.DISPPSD, gr.DISPSPEC, gr.DISPRAST] option_labels: [Constellation, Time, PSD, Spectrogram, Raster] inputs: - domain: stream dtype: ${ type } templates: imports: from gnuradio import blocks make: blocks.ctrlport_probe2_${type.fcn}(${name}, ${desc}, ${len}, ${disp_mask}) callbacks: - set_length(${len}) cpp_templates: includes: ['#include <gnuradio/blocks/ctrlport_probe2_${type.fcn}.h>'] declarations: 'blocks::ctrlport_probe2_${type.fcn}::sptr ${id};' make: 'this->${id} = blocks::ctrlport_probe2_${type.fcn}::make(${name}, ${desc}, ${len}, ${disp_mask});' callbacks: - set_length(${len}) translations: gr.: '' documentation: |- Place this in a graph to export vectors of samples to a GRCP port probe. * Specify the number of samples to transmit at once and the type of default display to use. file_format: 1