# Copyright 2006,2007,2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Radio
# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

from gnuradio import gr, filter
from fm_emph import fm_deemph
from math import pi

    from gnuradio import analog
except ImportError:
    import analog_swig as analog

class fm_demod_cf(gr.hier_block2):
    Generalized FM demodulation block with deemphasis and audio

    This block demodulates a band-limited, complex down-converted FM
    channel into the the original baseband signal, optionally applying
    deemphasis. Low pass filtering is done on the resultant signal. It
    produces an output float strem in the range of [-1.0, +1.0].

        channel_rate: incoming sample rate of the FM baseband (integer)
        deviation: maximum FM deviation (default = 5000) (float)
        audio_decim: input to output decimation rate (integer)
        audio_pass: audio low pass filter passband frequency (float)
        audio_stop: audio low pass filter stop frequency (float)
        gain: gain applied to audio output (default = 1.0) (float)
        tau: deemphasis time constant (default = 75e-6), specify 'None' to prevent deemphasis
    def __init__(self, channel_rate, audio_decim, deviation,
                 audio_pass, audio_stop, gain=1.0, tau=75e-6):
	gr.hier_block2.__init__(self, "fm_demod_cf",
				gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_gr_complex), # Input signature
				gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_float))      # Output signature

	k = channel_rate/(2*pi*deviation)
	QUAD = analog.quadrature_demod_cf(k)

	audio_taps = filter.optfir.low_pass(gain, 	 # Filter gain
                                           channel_rate, # Sample rate
                                           audio_pass,   # Audio passband
                                           audio_stop,   # Audio stopband
                                           0.1, 	 # Passband ripple
                                           60)	         # Stopband attenuation
	LPF = filter.fir_filter_fff(audio_decim, audio_taps)

	if tau is not None:
	    DEEMPH = fm_deemph(channel_rate, tau)
	    self.connect(self, QUAD, DEEMPH, LPF, self)
            self.connect(self, QUAD, LPF, self)

class demod_20k0f3e_cf(fm_demod_cf):
    NBFM demodulation block, 20 KHz channels

    This block demodulates a complex, downconverted, narrowband FM
    channel conforming to 20K0F3E emission standards, outputting
    floats in the range [-1.0, +1.0].

        sample_rate: incoming sample rate of the FM baseband (integer)
        audio_decim: input to output decimation rate (integer)
    def __init__(self, channel_rate, audio_decim):
        fm_demod_cf.__init__(self, channel_rate, audio_decim,
                             5000,	# Deviation
                             3000,	# Audio passband frequency
                             4500)	# Audio stopband frequency

class demod_200kf3e_cf(fm_demod_cf):
    WFM demodulation block, mono.

    This block demodulates a complex, downconverted, wideband FM
    channel conforming to 200KF3E emission standards, outputting
    floats in the range [-1.0, +1.0].

        sample_rate: incoming sample rate of the FM baseband (integer)
        audio_decim: input to output decimation rate (integer)
    def __init__(self, channel_rate, audio_decim):
	fm_demod_cf.__init__(self, channel_rate, audio_decim,
			     75000,	# Deviation
			     15000,	# Audio passband
			     16000,	# Audio stopband
			     20.0)	# Audio gain