/* -*- c++ -*- */
 * Copyright 2006,2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 * This file is part of GNU Radio
 * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.


#include <gnuradio/api.h>
#include <gnuradio/block.h>
#include <string>
#include "test_types.h"

namespace gr {

  class test;
  typedef boost::shared_ptr<test> test_sptr;

  // public constructor
  GR_RUNTIME_API test_sptr
  make_test(const std::string &name=std::string("test"),
            int min_inputs=1, int max_inputs=1, unsigned int sizeof_input_item=1,
            int min_outputs=1, int max_outputs=1, unsigned int sizeof_output_item=1,
            unsigned int history=1,unsigned int output_multiple=1,double relative_rate=1.0,
            bool fixed_rate=true,consume_type_t cons_type=CONSUME_NOUTPUT_ITEMS,
            produce_type_t prod_type=PRODUCE_NOUTPUT_ITEMS);

   * \brief Test class for testing runtime system (setting up buffers and such.)
   * \ingroup misc
   * This block does not do any usefull actual data processing. It
   * just exposes setting all standard block parameters using the
   * contructor or public methods.
   * This block can be usefull when testing the runtime system.
   * You can force this block to have a large history, decimation
   * factor and/or large output_multiple.
   * The runtime system should detect this and create large enough buffers
   * all through the signal chain.
  class GR_RUNTIME_API test : public block
    ~test() {}

    int general_work(int noutput_items,
                     gr_vector_int &ninput_items,
                     gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
                     gr_vector_void_star &output_items);

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    //		override these to define your behavior
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------

     * \brief  Estimate input requirements given output request
     * \param noutput_items           number of output items to produce
     * \param ninput_items_required   number of input items required on each input stream
     * Given a request to product \p noutput_items, estimate the
     * number of data items required on each input stream. The
     * estimate doesn't have to be exact, but should be close.
    void forecast(int noutput_items,
                  gr_vector_int &ninput_items_required)
      unsigned ninputs = ninput_items_required.size();
      for(unsigned i = 0; i < ninputs; i++)
        ninput_items_required[i] = (int)((double)noutput_items / relative_rate()) + (int)history();

     * \brief Force check topology to return true or false.
     * \param check_topology value to return when check_topology is
     * called (true or false) default check_topology returns true
    void set_check_topology(bool check_topology) {

     * \brief Confirm that ninputs and noutputs is an acceptable combination.
     * \param ninputs	number of input streams connected
     * \param noutputs	number of output streams connected
     * \returns true if this is a valid configuration for this block.
     * This function is called by the runtime system whenever the
     * topology changes. Most classes do not need to override this.
     * This check is in addition to the constraints specified by the
     * input and output gr::io_signatures.
    bool check_topology(int ninputs, int noutputs) {
      return d_check_topology;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
     * The following two methods provide special case info to the
     * scheduler in the event that a block has a fixed input to output
     * ratio. gr::sync_block, gr::sync_decimator and
     * gr::sync_interpolator override these. If you're fixed rate,
     * subclass one of those.
     * \brief Given ninput samples, return number of output samples
     * that will be produced. N.B. this is only defined if fixed_rate
     * returns true.  Generally speaking, you don't need to override
     * this.
    int fixed_rate_ninput_to_noutput(int ninput) {
      return (int)((double)ninput/relative_rate());

     * \brief Given noutput samples, return number of input samples
     * required to produce noutput. N.B. this is only defined if
     * fixed_rate returns true.
    int fixed_rate_noutput_to_ninput(int noutput) {
      return (int)((double)noutput*relative_rate());

     * \brief Set if fixed rate should return true.
     * N.B. This is normally a private method but we make it available here as public.
    void set_fixed_rate_public(bool fixed_rate) {

     * \brief Set the consume pattern.
     * \param cons_type	which consume pattern to use
    void set_consume_type(consume_type_t cons_type) {

     * \brief Set the consume limit.
     * \param limit min or maximum items to consume (depending on
     * consume_type)
    void set_consume_limit(unsigned int limit) {
      d_min_consume=limit; d_max_consume=limit;

     * \brief Set the produce pattern.
     * \param prod_type which produce pattern to use
    void set_produce_type(produce_type_t prod_type) {

     * \brief Set the produce limit.
     * \param limit min or maximum items to produce (depending on
     * produce_type)
    void set_produce_limit(unsigned int limit) {
      d_min_produce=limit; d_max_produce=limit;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    unsigned int d_sizeof_input_item;
    unsigned int d_sizeof_output_item;
    bool d_check_topology;
    char d_temp;
    consume_type_t d_consume_type;
    int d_min_consume;
    int d_max_consume;
    produce_type_t d_produce_type;
    int d_min_produce;
    int d_max_produce;
    test(const std::string &name,int min_inputs, int max_inputs,
         unsigned int sizeof_input_item,
         int min_outputs, int max_outputs, unsigned int sizeof_output_item,
         unsigned int history, unsigned int output_multiple, double relative_rate,
         bool fixed_rate, consume_type_t cons_type, produce_type_t prod_type);

    friend GR_RUNTIME_API test_sptr make_test(const std::string &name,
                                              int min_inputs, int max_inputs,
                                              unsigned int sizeof_input_item,
                                              int min_outputs, int max_outputs,
                                              unsigned int sizeof_output_item,
                                              unsigned int history,
                                              unsigned int output_multiple,
                                              double relative_rate,
                                              bool fixed_rate,
                                              consume_type_t cons_type,
                                              produce_type_t prod_type);

} /* namespace gr */

#endif /* INCLUDED_TEST_H */