/* -*- c++ -*- */ /* * Copyright 2006,2009,2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of GNU Radio * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <gnuradio/constants.h> namespace gr { const std::string prefix() { //Use "GR_PREFIX" environment variable when specified const char *prefix = getenv("GR_PREFIX"); if (prefix != NULL) return prefix; return "@prefix@"; } const std::string sysconfdir() { //Provide the sysconfdir in terms of prefix() //when the "GR_PREFIX" environment var is specified. if (getenv("GR_PREFIX") != NULL) { return prefix() + "/@GR_CONF_DIR@"; } return "@SYSCONFDIR@"; } const std::string prefsdir() { //Provide the prefsdir in terms of sysconfdir() //when the "GR_PREFIX" environment var is specified. if (getenv("GR_PREFIX") != NULL) { return sysconfdir() + "/@CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME@/conf.d"; } return "@GR_PREFSDIR@"; } const std::string build_date() { return "@BUILD_DATE@"; } const std::string version() { return "@VERSION@"; } // Return individual parts of the version const std::string major_version() { return "@MAJOR_VERSION@"; } const std::string api_version() { return "@API_COMPAT@"; } const std::string minor_version() { return "@MINOR_VERSION@"; } const std::string c_compiler() { return "@cmake_c_compiler_version@"; } const std::string cxx_compiler() { return "@cmake_cxx_compiler_version@"; } const std::string compiler_flags() { return "@COMPILER_INFO@"; } const std::string build_time_enabled_components() { return "@_gr_enabled_components@"; } } /* namespace gr */