/* -*- c++ -*- */
 * Copyright 2003,2005,2008,2013,2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 * This file is part of GNU Radio
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

 * mathematical odds and ends.

#ifndef _GR_MATH_H_
#define _GR_MATH_H_

#include <gnuradio/api.h>
#include <gnuradio/gr_complex.h>
#include <cmath>

 * \brief Define commonly used mathematical constants
 * \ingroup misc
 * Mathematical constants are neither defined in the C standard
 * nor the C++ standard. For -std=c{++}11 M_LOG2E and M_SQRT2 won't
 * compile. GR_M_PI actually works with C++ but is defined here for the sake
 * of consistency.
#define GR_M_LOG2E 1.4426950408889634074          /* log_2 e */
#define GR_M_PI 3.14159265358979323846            /* pi */
#define GR_M_PI_4 0.78539816339744830961566084582 /* pi/4 */
#define GR_M_TWOPI 6.28318530717958647692         /* 2*pi */
#define GR_M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880         /* sqrt(2) */
#define GR_M_ONE_OVER_2PI 0.15915494309189533577  /* 1 / (2*pi) */
#define GR_M_MINUS_TWO_PI -6.28318530717958647692 /* - 2*pi */

namespace gr {

static inline void
fast_cc_multiply(gr_complex& out, const gr_complex cc1, const gr_complex cc2)
    // The built-in complex.h multiply has significant NaN/INF checking that
    // considerably slows down performance.  While on some compilers the
    // -fcx-limit-range flag can be used, this fast function makes the math consistent
    // in terms of performance for the Costas loop.
    float o_r, o_i;

    o_r = (cc1.real() * cc2.real()) - (cc1.imag() * cc2.imag());
    o_i = (cc1.real() * cc2.imag()) + (cc1.imag() * cc2.real());


static inline bool is_power_of_2(long x) { return x != 0 && (x & (x - 1)) == 0; }

 * \brief Fast arc tangent using table lookup and linear interpolation
 * \ingroup misc
 * \param y component of input vector
 * \param x component of input vector
 * \returns float angle angle of vector (x, y) in radians
 * This function calculates the angle of the vector (x,y) based on a
 * table lookup and linear interpolation. The table uses a 256 point
 * table covering -45 to +45 degrees and uses symmetry to determine
 * the final angle value in the range of -180 to 180 degrees. Note
 * that this function uses the small angle approximation for values
 * close to zero. This routine calculates the arc tangent with an
 * average error of +/- 0.045 degrees.
GR_RUNTIME_API float fast_atan2f(float y, float x);

static inline float fast_atan2f(gr_complex z) { return fast_atan2f(z.imag(), z.real()); }

/* This bounds x by +/- clip without a branch */
static inline float branchless_clip(float x, float clip)
    return 0.5 * (std::abs(x + clip) - std::abs(x - clip));

static inline float clip(float x, float clip)
    float y = x;
    if (x > clip)
        y = clip;
    else if (x < -clip)
        y = -clip;
    return y;

// Slicer Functions
static inline unsigned int binary_slicer(float x)
    if (x >= 0)
        return 1;
        return 0;

static inline unsigned int quad_45deg_slicer(float r, float i)
    unsigned int ret = 0;
    if ((r >= 0) && (i >= 0))
        ret = 0;
    else if ((r < 0) && (i >= 0))
        ret = 1;
    else if ((r < 0) && (i < 0))
        ret = 2;
        ret = 3;
    return ret;

static inline unsigned int quad_0deg_slicer(float r, float i)
    unsigned int ret = 0;
    if (fabsf(r) > fabsf(i)) {
        if (r > 0)
            ret = 0;
            ret = 2;
    } else {
        if (i > 0)
            ret = 1;
            ret = 3;

    return ret;

static inline unsigned int quad_45deg_slicer(gr_complex x)
    return quad_45deg_slicer(x.real(), x.imag());

static inline unsigned int quad_0deg_slicer(gr_complex x)
    return quad_0deg_slicer(x.real(), x.imag());

// Branchless Slicer Functions
static inline unsigned int branchless_binary_slicer(float x) { return (x >= 0); }

static inline unsigned int branchless_quad_0deg_slicer(float r, float i)
    unsigned int ret = 0;
    ret = (fabsf(r) > fabsf(i)) * (((r < 0) << 0x1));        // either 0 (00) or 2 (10)
    ret |= (fabsf(i) > fabsf(r)) * (((i < 0) << 0x1) | 0x1); // either 1 (01) or 3 (11)

    return ret;

static inline unsigned int branchless_quad_0deg_slicer(gr_complex x)
    return branchless_quad_0deg_slicer(x.real(), x.imag());

static inline unsigned int branchless_quad_45deg_slicer(float r, float i)
    char ret = (r <= 0);
    ret |= ((i <= 0) << 1);
    return (ret ^ ((ret & 0x2) >> 0x1));

static inline unsigned int branchless_quad_45deg_slicer(gr_complex x)
    return branchless_quad_45deg_slicer(x.real(), x.imag());

 * \param x any value
 * \param pow2 must be a power of 2
 * \returns \p x rounded down to a multiple of \p pow2.
static inline size_t p2_round_down(size_t x, size_t pow2) { return x & -pow2; }

 * \param x any value
 * \param pow2 must be a power of 2
 * \returns \p x rounded up to a multiple of \p pow2.
static inline size_t p2_round_up(size_t x, size_t pow2)
    return p2_round_down(x + pow2 - 1, pow2);

 * \param x any value
 * \param pow2 must be a power of 2
 * \returns \p x modulo \p pow2.
static inline size_t p2_modulo(size_t x, size_t pow2) { return x & (pow2 - 1); }

 * \param x any value
 * \param pow2 must be a power of 2
 * \returns \p pow2 - (\p x modulo \p pow2).
static inline size_t p2_modulo_neg(size_t x, size_t pow2)
    return pow2 - p2_modulo(x, pow2);

} /* namespace gr */

#endif /* _GR_MATH_H_ */