/* -*- c++ -*- */
 * Copyright 2004,2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 * This file is part of GNU Radio
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later


#include <gnuradio/api.h>
#include <gnuradio/runtime_types.h>

namespace gr {

 * \brief i/o signature for input and output ports.
 * \brief misc
class GR_RUNTIME_API io_signature
    int d_min_streams;
    int d_max_streams;
    std::vector<int> d_sizeof_stream_item;

    io_signature(int min_streams,
                 int max_streams,
                 const std::vector<int>& sizeof_stream_items);

    typedef boost::shared_ptr<io_signature> sptr;

    static constexpr int IO_INFINITE = -1;


     * \brief Create an i/o signature
     * \ingroup internal
     * \param min_streams  specify minimum number of streams (>= 0)
     * \param max_streams  specify maximum number of streams (>= min_streams or -1 ->
     * infinite) \param sizeof_stream_item  specify the size of the items in each stream
    static sptr make(int min_streams, int max_streams, int sizeof_stream_item);

     * \brief Create an i/o signature
     * \param min_streams  specify minimum number of streams (>= 0)
     * \param max_streams  specify maximum number of streams (>= min_streams or -1 ->
     * infinite) \param sizeof_stream_item1 specify the size of the items in the first
     * stream \param sizeof_stream_item2 specify the size of the items in the second and
     * subsequent streams
    static sptr make2(int min_streams,
                      int max_streams,
                      int sizeof_stream_item1,
                      int sizeof_stream_item2);

     * \brief Create an i/o signature
     * \param min_streams  specify minimum number of streams (>= 0)
     * \param max_streams  specify maximum number of streams (>= min_streams or -1 ->
     * infinite) \param sizeof_stream_item1 specify the size of the items in the first
     * stream \param sizeof_stream_item2 specify the size of the items in the second
     * stream \param sizeof_stream_item3 specify the size of the items in the third and
     * subsequent streams
    static sptr make3(int min_streams,
                      int max_streams,
                      int sizeof_stream_item1,
                      int sizeof_stream_item2,
                      int sizeof_stream_item3);

     * \brief Create an i/o signature
     * \param min_streams  specify minimum number of streams (>= 0)
     * \param max_streams  specify maximum number of streams (>= min_streams or -1 ->
     * infinite) \param sizeof_stream_items specify the size of the items in the streams
     * If there are more streams than there are entries in
     * sizeof_stream_items, the value of the last entry in
     * sizeof_stream_items is used for the missing values.
     * sizeof_stream_items must contain at least 1 entry.
    static sptr
    makev(int min_streams, int max_streams, const std::vector<int>& sizeof_stream_items);

    int min_streams() const { return d_min_streams; }
    int max_streams() const { return d_max_streams; }
    int sizeof_stream_item(int index) const;
    std::vector<int> sizeof_stream_items() const;

} /* namespace gr */