/* -*- c++ -*- */
 * Copyright 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 * This file is part of GNU Radio
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later


#include <gnuradio/api.h>
#include <gnuradio/logger.h>
#include <gnuradio/thread/thread.h>

namespace gr {

 * Custom lock interface. Objects should implement this interface in order to
 * use the custom_lock object below. The interface defines two functions that,
 * as their names suggest, are called when the lock is locked and unlocked
 * respectively.
class custom_lock_if
     * This function will be executed on construction of the custom lock.
    virtual void on_lock(gr::thread::scoped_lock& lock) = 0;

     * This function will be executed on destruction of the custom lock.
    virtual void on_unlock() = 0;

 * Class that defines a lock using a mutex and a "locker" that implements the
 * custom_lock_if interface. The interface defines an on_lock() function that
 * is executed when the lock is locked and an on_unlock() function that the
 * is called when the lock is unlocked. Calls to these two functions are
 * delegated to the locker object.
class custom_lock
    explicit custom_lock(gr::thread::mutex& mutex, std::shared_ptr<custom_lock_if> locker)
        : d_mutex(mutex), d_lock(mutex), d_locker(locker)

    ~custom_lock() { d_locker->on_unlock(); }

    // Disallow copying and assignment
    custom_lock(custom_lock const&) = delete;
    custom_lock& operator=(custom_lock const&) = delete;

    gr::thread::mutex& d_mutex;
    gr::thread::scoped_lock d_lock;
    std::shared_ptr<custom_lock_if> d_locker;

} /* namespace gr */