#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import division from __future__ import unicode_literals import sys, math import argparse from volk_test_funcs import (create_connection, list_tables, get_results, helper, timeit, format_results) try: import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: sys.stderr.write("Could not import Matplotlib (http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/)\n") sys.exit(1) def main(): desc='Plot Volk performance results from a SQLite database. ' + \ 'Run one of the volk tests first (e.g, volk_math.py)' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc) parser.add_argument('-D', '--database', type=str, default='volk_results.db', help='Database file to read data from [default: %(default)s]') parser.add_argument('-E', '--errorbars', action='store_true', default=False, help='Show error bars (1 standard dev.)') parser.add_argument('-P', '--plot', type=str, choices=['mean', 'min', 'max'], default='mean', help='Set the type of plot to produce [default: %(default)s]') parser.add_argument('-%', '--percent', type=str, default=None, metavar="table", help='Show percent difference to the given type [default: %(default)s]') args = parser.parse_args() # Set up global plotting properties matplotlib.rcParams['figure.subplot.bottom'] = 0.2 matplotlib.rcParams['figure.subplot.top'] = 0.95 matplotlib.rcParams['figure.subplot.right'] = 0.98 matplotlib.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 16 matplotlib.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 16 matplotlib.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 18 # Get list of tables to compare conn = create_connection(args.database) tables = list_tables(conn) M = len(tables) # Colors to distinguish each table in the bar graph # More than 5 tables will wrap around to the start. colors = ['b', 'r', 'g', 'm', 'k'] # Set up figure for plotting f0 = plt.figure(0, facecolor='w', figsize=(14,10)) s0 = f0.add_subplot(1,1,1) # Create a register of names that exist in all tables tmp_regs = [] for table in tables: # Get results from the next table res = get_results(conn, table[0]) tmp_regs.append(list()) for r in res: try: tmp_regs[-1].index(r['kernel']) except ValueError: tmp_regs[-1].append(r['kernel']) # Get only those names that are common in all tables name_reg = tmp_regs[0] for t in tmp_regs[1:]: name_reg = list(set(name_reg) & set(t)) name_reg.sort() # Pull the data out for each table into a dictionary # we can ref the table by it's name and the data associated # with a given kernel in name_reg by it's name. # This ensures there is no sorting issue with the data in the # dictionary, so the kernels are plotted against each other. table_data = dict() for i,table in enumerate(tables): # Get results from the next table res = get_results(conn, table[0]) data = dict() for r in res: data[r['kernel']] = r table_data[table[0]] = data if args.percent is not None: for i,t in enumerate(table_data): if args.percent == t: norm_data = [] for name in name_reg: if(args.plot == 'max'): norm_data.append(table_data[t][name]['max']) elif(args.plot == 'min'): norm_data.append(table_data[t][name]['min']) elif(args.plot == 'mean'): norm_data.append(table_data[t][name]['avg']) # Plot the results x0 = list(range(len(name_reg))) i = 0 for t in (table_data): ydata = [] stds = [] for name in name_reg: stds.append(math.sqrt(table_data[t][name]['var'])) if(args.plot == 'max'): ydata.append(table_data[t][name]['max']) elif(args.plot == 'min'): ydata.append(table_data[t][name]['min']) elif(args.plot == 'mean'): ydata.append(table_data[t][name]['avg']) if args.percent is not None: ydata = [-100*(y-n)/y for y,n in zip(ydata,norm_data)] if(args.percent != t): # makes x values for this data set placement # width of bars depends on number of comparisons wdth = 0.80 / (M-1) x1 = [x + i*wdth for x in x0] i += 1 s0.bar(x1, ydata, width=wdth, color=colors[(i-1)%M], label=t, edgecolor='k', linewidth=2) else: # makes x values for this data set placement # width of bars depends on number of comparisons wdth = 0.80 / M x1 = [x + i*wdth for x in x0] i += 1 if(args.errorbars is False): s0.bar(x1, ydata, width=wdth, color=colors[(i-1)%M], label=t, edgecolor='k', linewidth=2) else: s0.bar(x1, ydata, width=wdth, yerr=stds, color=colors[i%M], label=t, edgecolor='k', linewidth=2, error_kw={"ecolor": 'k', "capsize":5, "linewidth":2}) nitems = res[0]['nitems'] if args.percent is None: s0.set_ylabel("Processing time (sec) [{0:G} items]".format(nitems), fontsize=22, fontweight='bold', horizontalalignment='center') else: s0.set_ylabel("% Improvement over {0} [{1:G} items]".format( args.percent, nitems), fontsize=22, fontweight='bold') s0.legend() s0.set_xticks(x0) s0.set_xticklabels(name_reg) for label in s0.xaxis.get_ticklabels(): label.set_rotation(45) label.set_fontsize(16) plt.show() if __name__ == "__main__": main()