This directory contains a work in progress service monitor for DECT
digital cordless phone base stations and handsets.


2007 Apr 27 - Converted to new hier_block2 format
2007 Apr 03 - Development on hold.
2007 Feb 11 - Added GMSK demodulation and option to log to file
2007 Feb 10 - Able to tune and log filtered baseband to file

-----     - DECT receiver application - Top-level hierarchical block (new type) implementing 
                   receiver   - Hierarchical block (new type) implementing a USRP 
                   complex source, with convenience functions for tuning, 
                   gain, decimation, etc.         - Hierarchical block (new type) implementing GMSK
                   modulation and demodulation.  This will eventually go
                   into the core blksimpl directory

DECT Modulation Details

In the US, the FCC has allocated four carrier frequencies for DECT usage:

Channel		Frequency
-------		---------
   1		1921.536 MHz
   2		1923.264 MHz
   3		1924.992 MHz
   4		1926.720 MHz

These are spaced at 1.728 MHz intervals.

The DECT PHY uses GMSK with a 0.5 bandwidth-time product at 1.152 Msym/sec,
for an occupied bandwidth (99% power) of 1.186 MHz (1.03 x symbol rate.)