2006-06-20 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/gmsk2/receive_path.py, python/gmsk2/transmit_path.py, benchmark_gmsk_{tx,rx}.py: refactored to use modulation independent pkt.py code. Lays the foundation for a single set of tools that can exercise all modulations. More work required to meet that goal, but we're closing in. * python/gmsk2/tunnel.py: refactored version of tunnel_ip_null_mac. This creates a virtual ethernet inteface using the TAP driver, and then tunnels packets across the air using GMSK and a simple carrier sense MAC. Fixed problem with truncation of large packets which was leading to stalls. * python/gmsk2/tunnel_ip_null_mac.py: removed. Replaced with tunnel.py 2006-06-15 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp/usrp_fft.py (app_flow_graph.set_decim): added missing return value. * python/usrp/usrp_oscope.py, python/usrp/usrp_fft.py: you can now change the decimation factor in the GUI. 2006-06-06 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/gmsk2/mpsk.py: Lots of rework. QPSK is now working with mpsk_test.py. Need to confirm it on the air, and then make BPSK work again. 2006-05-30 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> Standardized on mpsk as the prefix. Renamed a bunch of stuff to restore sanity: * python/gmsk2/benchmark_xpsk_rx.py -> python/gmsk2/benchmark_mpsk_rx.py * python/gmsk2/benchmark_xpsk_tx.py -> python/gmsk2/benchmark_mpsk_tx.py * python/gmsk2/psk_receive_path.py -> python/gmsk2/mpsk_receive_path.py * python/gmsk2/psk_transmit_path.py -> python/gmsk2/mpsk_transmit_path.py * python/gmsk2/xpsk.py -> python/gmsk2/mpsk.py * python/gmsk2/xpsk_pkt.py -> python/gmsk2/mpsk_pkt.py * python/gmsk2/xpsk_test.py -> python/gmsk2/mpsk_test.py 2006-05-29 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/gmsk2/qpsk_tester.py, python/gmsk2/qpsk_usrp_tester.py: new. Test benches for qpsk code. Thanks Tom! 2005-12-19 Martin Dvh <gnuradiomail@olifantasia.com> updated multi_usrp examples which should now work 'out-of-the-box' with current cvs (you need updated usrp,gr-usrp, gnuradio-core and gnuradio-examples) * configure.ac: added python/usrp_multi/Makefile * python/Makefile.am: added multi_usrp * python/multi_usrp/.cvsignore: new * python/multi_usrp/Makefile.am: new * python/multi_usrp/README: Made this into a real readme * python/multi_usrp/multi_usrp_oscope.py: changed to work with current usrp_multi code in cvs * python/multi_usrp/multi_usrp_rx_cfile.py: changed to work with current usrp_multi code in cvs * python/multi_usrp/multi_usrp.py: removed * python/multi_usrp/multi_usrp_oscope_showcounters.py: removed * python/multi_usrp/multi_usrp_oscope_simple.py: removed * python/multi_usrp/multi_usrp_oscope_standalone.py: removed * python/multi_usrp/multi_usrp_rx_tofile.py: removed * python/multi_usrp/multi_usrp_rx_tofile_standalone.py: removed * python/multi_usrp/multi_usrp_test_counting.py: removed 2006-05-10 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/gmsk2/psk_transmit_path.py: add diff=False per Bob Vincent. 2006-04-06 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp/usrp_fft.py: removed explicit setting of fft_rate. The code will now pick it up from config files. 2006-03-12 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp/usrp_siggen.py: added daughterboard support. * python/usrp/usrp_oscope.py, python/usrp/usrp_fft.py: fixed so frequency can be set even after an invalid frequency is passed on the command line. 2006-03-10 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/gmsk2/xpsk.py: doc fixes. 2006-03-08 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp/fm_tx_2_daughterboards.py: example that transmits different signals out two daughterboards. 2006-02-02 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp/usrp_oscope.py: support manual scaling of Y-axis. Smarter defaulting of rx_subdev_spec if user doesn't pick. * python/usrp/usrp_fft.py: Smarter defaulting of rx_subdev_spec if user doesn't pick. 2006-02-01 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/gmsk2/transmit_path.py: fixed so it works on both A and B sides. 2006-01-30 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/gmsk2/receive_path.py (receive_path.set_auto_tr): added set_auto_tr to the receive path to have it work properly with changes in auto t/r switching semantics. * python/usrp/fm_tx4.py (fm_tx_graph.__init__): changes to have it work in both A and B sides. 2005-12-19 Martin Dvh <gnuradiomail@olifantasia.com> * multi_usrp/README, multi_usrp/multi_usrp.py, multi_usrp/multi_usrp_oscope.py, multi_usrp/multi_usrp_oscope_showcounters.py, multi_usrp/multi_usrp_oscope_simple.py, multi_usrp/multi_usrp_oscope_standalone.py, multi_usrp/multi_usrp_rx_tofile.py, multi_usrp/multi_usrp_rx_tofile_standalone.py, multi_usrp/multi_usrp_test_counting.py: new directory and examples to exercise multiple usrps coherently connected together. These require additional code that is not yet in the repository. 2005-12-13 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp/usrp_wfm_rcv2_nogui.py: new: receive two FM stations simultaneously. 2005-12-09 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/gmsk2/tunnel_ip_null_mac.py: cleaned up. gathered mac functions together. * python/usrp/usrp_wfm_rcv_pll.py (pick_subdevice), python/usrp/usrp_wfm_rcv_nogui.py (pick_subdevice): use library version. * python/usrp/fm_tx4.py: explicity call set_enable(True) to turn on transmitter (required due to policy change). Also removed pick_tx_subdevice. Now use version in usrp library. 2005-12-09 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> Made release 2.6 2005-12-08 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/gmsk/rx.py, python/gmsk/rx2.py, python/gmsk/tx.py, python/gmsk/tx2.py, python/gmsk/xcvr.py, python/gmsk/xcvr2.py, ggmsk-test.py, gmsk-test.py: removed. Use the code in ../gmsk2 instead. * python/gmsk2/receive_path.py, python/gmsk2/transmit_path.py: New. Extracted hierarchical blocks from benchmark_gmsk_{tx,rx}.py 2005-12-06 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/gmsk2/benchmark_gmsk_tx.py, python/gmsk2/benchmark_gmsk_rx.py: now support "--bitrate" command line arg. * python/gmsk2/pick_bitrate.py: given a bitrate, determine samples/baud and interp/decim ratio. 2005-11-11 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp/usrp_nbfm_ptt.py, python/usrp/usrp_wfm_rcv.py: moved pick_xx_subdev to library. 2005-11-01 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp/dbs_nbfm.py: removed. Use usrp_nbfm_rcv.py instead. 2005-10-24 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp/usrp_oscope.py: basically identical to usrp_fft.py, but uses oscope sink. * python/usrp/usrp_wfm_rcv_nogui.py, python/usr/usrp_wfm_rcv.py: increased usrp decimation factor to 200 reduce host cpu requirements. With the half-band in the FPGA, good decimation factors are even values in [8,256]. 2005-10-14 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp/usrp_fft.py: gui mods. * python/usrp/usrp_wfm_rcv.py: reworked gui. 2005-10-11 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp/usrp_waterfall.py: removed. Use usrp_fft.py -W instead. 2005-10-10 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/audio/audio_copy.py, python/audio/audio_play.py, python/audio/audio_to_file.py, python/audio/dial_tone.py, python/audio/mono_tone.py, python/audio/multi_tone.py, python/audio/spectrum_inversion.py: revised to use standard command line args and canonical structure. 2005-09-21 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp/usrp_fft.py: extensively reworked to use new daughterboard auto-instantiation framework. 2005-07-30 Martin Dvh <gnuradiomail@olifantasia.com> * python/usrp/tvrx_tv_rcv.py: PAL/NTSC TV demod. Work in progress. 2005-07-21 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp/benchmark_usb.py, python/usrp/usrp_rx_cfile.py, python/usrp/usrp_oscope.py, python/usrp/dbs_debug: doc fix. 2005-07-19 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp/ayfabtu.py: new. Transmit on 25 frequencies simultaneously! 2005-07-02 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * config/gr_no_undefined.m4, config/gr_x86_64.m4: new, x86_64 support. * config/gr_python.m4: backed out search for libpython, making x86_64 work and breaking Cygwin/MinGW. * configure.ac: mods for x86_64, $(NO_UNDEFINED) * python/usrp/usrp_waterfall.py, python/usrp/dbs_debug.py, python/usrp/flexrf_debug.py, python/usrp/flexrf_siggen.py, python/usrp/usrp_fft.py, python/usrp/usrp_oscope.py, python/usrp/usrp_rx_cfile.py, python/usrp/usrp_rx_file.py, python/usrp/usrp_siggen.py, python/usrp/usrp_waterfall.py: gru.hexint fix for python 2.4. 2005-06-17 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/apps/README: new directory for applications. 2005-06-16 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp/tvrx_wfm_rcv_gui.py: add -d audio_device option; fix volume increment so up == 1.0/down; fix default range of bottom FFT. 2005-06-13 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp/tvrx_wfm_rcv_gui.py: removed limit on what frequency can be set. 2005-05-09 Stephane Fillod <f8cfe@free.fr> * config/gr_sysv_shm.m4: SysV shared memory not mandatory * config/gr_pwin32.m4, config/gr_python.m4, config/lf_cxx.m4: fixes for Cygwin, MinGW 2005-04-27 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/digital_voice/encdec.py: simulate gsm voice encode / gmsk mod / gmsk demod / gsm voice decode. 2005-03-29 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/gmsk/ggmsk-test.py, python/gmsk/gmsk-test.py: new GMSK test code from Joshua Lackey <jl@noether.uoregon.edu> * python/gmsk/tx.py, python/gmsk/rx.py: new tx and rx modules that depending on command line options do either FSK or GMSK and use either files, sockets, named pipes or a USRP for their inputs and outputs. From Bob Vincent <bvincent@bbn.com> 2005-03-29 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/audio/audio_copy.py, python/audio/multi_tone.py, python/audio/mono_tone.py: replace ALSA specific default argument with "" 2005-03-04 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp/nbfm_ptt_quick_and_dirty.py: simple NBFM push-to-talk transceiver. (Works, but has a latency problem that needs to be fixed) 2005-02-28 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp/fsk_tx.py: reduced gain, added -N (no gui) flag. * python/usrp/fsk_rx.py: added -N (no gui) flag. Running Tx and Rx on same machine (1.4 GHz Pentium M) 100kb/sec burns up about 70% of CPU with -N options on both. 2005-02-25 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> Removed usrp0 directory. Moved contents of usrp1 directory into usrp directory. 2005-02-22 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp1/nbfm_rcv.py: added squelch. 2004-10-13 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * configure.ac: upped rev to 0.2cvs 2004-10-11 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): added config.h.in 2004-10-07 Chuck Swiger <cswiger@widomaker.com> * python/audio/audio_to_file.py: coerce audio sample rate to int. 2004-10-07 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp1/wfm_rcv.py: new. Single channel broadcast FM receiver for usrp1 + microtune 4937. 2004-09-23 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * config/usrp_fusb_tech.m4, config/bnv_have_qt.m4, config/cppunit.m4, config/gr_check_mc4020.m4, config/gr_check_usrp.m4, config/gr_doxygen.m4, config/gr_gprof.m4, config/gr_scripting.m4, config/gr_set_md_cpu.m4, config/pkg.m4, config/usrp_fusb_tech.m4: added additional quoting to first arg of AC_DEFUN to silence automake warning. 2004-09-18 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> These changes happened somewhere around DCC * python/usrp/usrp_fft.py: new * python/usrp1/dsb_tx.py: new double sideband AM transmitter * python/usrp1/fm_tx4.py: simultaneous 4 channel narrow band FM transmitter * python/usrp1/fsk_rx.py: FSK Rx module. Needs some work. * python/usrp1/fsk_tx.py: FSK Tx module. Needs some work. 2004-08-19 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp/usrp_rx_file.py (main): added command line parsing. * python/usrp/usrp_siggen.py: added command line parsing. * python/usrp1/test_digital_loopback_lfsr.py, python/usrp1/test_digital_loopback_counting.py, python/usrp1/test_digital_counting.py: new. Take advantage of scheduler fix to implement both the tx and rx path's in the same flow graph. 2004-07-31 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp0, python/usrp1: new directories for rev specific examples. * python/usrp1/loopback.py (main): new. 2004-07-30 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp/usrp_siggen.py: now directly queries hardware for dac freq. * python/usrp/usrp_rx_file.py: now directly queries hardware for dac freq. 2004-07-17 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/mc4020/fm_demod.py: updated to use new mc4020 block, formatting 2004-07-12 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * configure.ac: upped rev to 0.1cvs 2004-07-03 Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> * python/usrp/usrp_siggen.py: Yeah! The first demo program that reconfigures the flow graph on the fly! # # Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of GNU Radio # # GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #