/* * Copyright 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of GNU Radio * * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) * any later version. * * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ [["python:package:gnuradio.ctrlport"]] #ifndef GNURADIO_DEBUG #define GNURADIO_DEBUG module GNURadio { class Knob {}; class KnobB extends Knob { bool value; }; class KnobC extends Knob { byte value; }; class KnobI extends Knob { int value; }; class KnobF extends Knob { float value; }; class KnobD extends Knob { double value; }; class KnobL extends Knob { long value; }; class KnobS extends Knob { string value; }; sequence<bool> VectorB; sequence<byte> VectorC; sequence<int> VectorI; sequence<float> VectorF; sequence<double> VectorD; sequence<string> VectorS; sequence<long> VectorL; class KnobVecB extends Knob { VectorB value; }; class KnobVecC extends Knob { VectorC value; }; class KnobVecI extends Knob { VectorI value; }; class KnobVecF extends Knob { VectorF value; }; class KnobVecD extends Knob { VectorD value; }; class KnobVecL extends Knob { VectorL value; }; class KnobVecS extends Knob { VectorS value; }; enum KnobType { KNOBBOOL, KNOBCHAR, KNOBINT, KNOBFLOAT, KNOBDOUBLE, KNOBSTRING, KNOBLONG, KNOBVECBOOL, KNOBVECCHAR, KNOBVECINT, KNOBVECFLOAT, KNOBVECDOUBLE, KNOBVECSTRING, KNOBVECLONG }; const int DISPNULL = 0x0000; const int DISPTIME = 0x0001; const int DISPXY = 0x0002; const int DISPPSD = 0x0004; const int DISPSPEC = 0x0008; const int DISPRAST = 0x0010; const int DISPOPTCPLX = 0x0100; const int DISPOPTLOG = 0x0200; const int DISPOPTSTEM = 0x0400; const int DISPOPTSTRIP = 0x0800; const int DISPOPTSCATTER = 0x1000; struct KnobProp { KnobType type; string units; string description; int display; Knob min; Knob max; Knob defaultvalue; }; sequence<string> KnobIDList; dictionary<string, Knob> KnobMap; dictionary<string, KnobProp> KnobPropMap; dictionary<string, string> WaveformArgMap; interface StreamReceiver { void push(VectorC data); }; interface ControlPort { void set(KnobMap knobs); idempotent KnobMap get(KnobIDList knobs); idempotent KnobPropMap properties(KnobIDList knobs); void shutdown(); // string subscribe(StreamReceiver* proxy, string streamName, int requestedPeriod, int RequestedSize); // idempotent void unsubscribe(string streamID); }; struct FeedInfo { string protocol; string address; string iface; string port; }; //TODO: convert this part to a Feed Info struct ReceiverInfo { string uid; string signalType; string signalName; string allocatableObjectID; string signalProtocol; string signalAddress; string signalInterface; string signalPort; }; interface Component { void setName(string newName); }; module Frontend { interface AbstractReceiver extends Component { idempotent ReceiverInfo getReceiverInfo(); }; }; module Booter { dictionary<string, string> WaveformArgs; exception WaveformRunningError { string waveformClass; float centerFrequencyHz; }; exception SignalSourceError {string msg; }; interface WaveformBooter extends Frontend::AbstractReceiver { string launchWaveform(string waveformClass, WaveformArgs args) throws WaveformRunningError, SignalSourceError; // string launchWaveformWithSession(string waveformClass, WaveformArgs args, IceGrid::Session* session) // throws WaveformRunningError; WaveformArgMap getDriverEnum(); WaveformArgMap getSourceInfo(); idempotent bool waveformRunning(); idempotent string getWaveformClass(); void shutdown(); }; }; //interface Pingable { // bool ping(); //}; }; #endif