# Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
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/*! \page page_usage Usage Manual

Note: Once built, check out <a href="https://www.gnuradio.org/" target="_blank">gnuradio.org</a> for
more tutorials on using the software system and examples.

<b>Getting Started</b>

\li \subpage build_guide - Installation notes, dependencies etc.
\li \subpage page_exploring_gnuradio
\li \subpage page_operating_fg

<b>Metadata and Messages</b>

\li \subpage page_pmt
\li \subpage page_metadata
\li \subpage page_msg_passing
\li \subpage page_stream_tags
\li \subpage page_tagged_stream_blocks

<b>Advanced Development Topics</b>

\li \subpage page_logger
\li \subpage page_perf_counters
\li \subpage page_affinity
\li \subpage page_prefs
\li \subpage page_python_blocks

<b>Signal Processing and Digital Communications</b>

\li \subpage page_pfb
\li \subpage page_ofdm
\li \subpage page_packet_data

<b>Out-of-tree Modules</b>

\li \subpage page_oot_config


\li \subpage volk_guide - How to incorporate and use VOLK in GNU Radio blocks
