/*! \page page_releasing Release Process Documentation \section Preparation \li make sure a clean build works \li Check whether all significant changes are in CHANGELOG \li List of contributors `git log --format="* %aN <%aE>" vLASTRELEASE..HEAD | sort -u > /tmp/authors.txt` \li Check for ABI / API break, determine Version (MAJOR.MINOR.ABI.PATCH) \li Change [unreleased] to [MAJOR.MINOR.ABI.PATCH] in CHANGELOG \li Update version in CMakeList \li Commit with message: `git commit -m "Release MAJOR.MINOR.ABI.PATCH" CMakeLists.txt CHANGELOG.md \li prepare release statement / tag annotation file: copy last Tag's annotation format (basically, contributors top, new Changelog bottom \section Release Tagging \li `git tag --annotate --sign -F /path/to/release_statement.md vMAJOR.MINOR.ABI.PATCH` \li `git push yourrepo vMAJOR.MINOR.ABI.PATCH && hub pull-request -b {master|maint-MAJOR.MINOR}` \li let CI do its thing; if that's OK: \li `git push origin {master|maint-MAJOR.MINOR} vMAJOR.MINOR.ABI.PATCH` \li on github, mark release \section Creation Of Archives \li `git checkout vMAJOR.MINOR.ABI.PATCH; git submodule update` should be clean \li `gnuradio/dtools/bin/roll-tarball.sh` */