/*! \mainpage \image html gnuradio-logo.svg Welcome to GNU Radio! For details about GNU Radio and using it, please see the <a href="http://gnuradio.org" target="_blank"><b>main project page</b></a>. Other information about the project and discussion about GNU Radio, software radio, and communication theory in general can be found at the <a href="http://www.trondeau.com" target="_blank"><b>GNU Radio blog</b></a>. This manual is split into two parts: A usage manual and a reference. The usage manual deals with concepts of GNU Radio, introductions, how to build GNU Radio etc. The reference contains a list of all GNU Radio components, sorted by in-tree components, modules, files, namespaces and classes. To access these parts, follow these links or use the tree browser in the left sidebar. A search function is also available at the top right. \li \subpage page_usage "Part I - GNU Radio Usage" \li \subpage page_components "Part II - Reference" */