# Copyright 2010-2011,2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of GNU Radio # # GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. if(DEFINED __INCLUDED_GR_SWIG_CMAKE) return() endif() set(__INCLUDED_GR_SWIG_CMAKE TRUE) include(GrPython) ######################################################################## # Builds a swig documentation file to be generated into python docstrings # Usage: GR_SWIG_MAKE_DOCS(output_file input_path input_path....) # # Set the following variable to specify extra dependent targets: # - GR_SWIG_DOCS_SOURCE_DEPS # - GR_SWIG_DOCS_TARGET_DEPS ######################################################################## function(GR_SWIG_MAKE_DOCS output_file) if(ENABLE_DOXYGEN) #setup the input files variable list, quote formatted set(input_files) unset(INPUT_PATHS) foreach(input_path ${ARGN}) if(IS_DIRECTORY ${input_path}) #when input path is a directory file(GLOB input_path_h_files ${input_path}/*.h) else() #otherwise its just a file, no glob set(input_path_h_files ${input_path}) endif() list(APPEND input_files ${input_path_h_files}) set(INPUT_PATHS "${INPUT_PATHS} \"${input_path}\"") endforeach(input_path) #determine the output directory get_filename_component(name ${output_file} NAME_WE) get_filename_component(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${output_file} PATH) set(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${name}_swig_docs) make_directory(${OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}) #generate the Doxyfile used by doxygen configure_file( ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/docs/doxygen/Doxyfile.swig_doc.in ${OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/Doxyfile @ONLY) #Create a dummy custom command that depends on other targets include(GrMiscUtils) GR_GEN_TARGET_DEPS(_${name}_tag tag_deps ${GR_SWIG_DOCS_TARGET_DEPS}) #call doxygen on the Doxyfile + input headers add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/xml/index.xml DEPENDS ${input_files} ${GR_SWIG_DOCS_SOURCE_DEPS} ${tag_deps} COMMAND ${DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE} ${OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/Doxyfile COMMENT "Generating doxygen xml for ${name} docs" ) #call the swig_doc script on the xml files add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${output_file} DEPENDS ${input_files} ${stamp-file} ${OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/xml/index.xml COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -B ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/docs/doxygen/swig_doc.py ${OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/xml ${output_file} COMMENT "Generating python docstrings for ${name}" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/docs/doxygen ) else(ENABLE_DOXYGEN) file(WRITE ${output_file} "\n") #no doxygen -> empty file endif(ENABLE_DOXYGEN) endfunction(GR_SWIG_MAKE_DOCS) ######################################################################## # Build a swig target for the common gnuradio use case. Usage: # GR_SWIG_MAKE(target ifile ifile ifile...) # # Set the following variables before calling: # - GR_SWIG_FLAGS # - GR_SWIG_INCLUDE_DIRS # - GR_SWIG_LIBRARIES # - GR_SWIG_SOURCE_DEPS # - GR_SWIG_TARGET_DEPS # - GR_SWIG_DOC_FILE # - GR_SWIG_DOC_DIRS ######################################################################## macro(GR_SWIG_MAKE name) set(ifiles ${ARGN}) #do swig doc generation if specified if(GR_SWIG_DOC_FILE) set(GR_SWIG_DOCS_SOURCE_DEPS ${GR_SWIG_SOURCE_DEPS}) list(APPEND GR_SWIG_DOCS_TARGET_DEPS ${GR_SWIG_TARGET_DEPS}) GR_SWIG_MAKE_DOCS(${GR_SWIG_DOC_FILE} ${GR_SWIG_DOC_DIRS}) add_custom_target(${name}_swig_doc DEPENDS ${GR_SWIG_DOC_FILE}) list(APPEND GR_SWIG_TARGET_DEPS ${name}_swig_doc) endif() #prepend local swig directories list(INSERT GR_SWIG_INCLUDE_DIRS 0 "$<BUILD_INTERFACE:${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}>") list(INSERT GR_SWIG_INCLUDE_DIRS 0 "$<BUILD_INTERFACE:${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}>") if (PYTHON3) set(py3 "-py3") endif (PYTHON3) #setup the swig flags with flags and include directories set(CMAKE_SWIG_FLAGS -fvirtual -modern -keyword -w511 -w314 -relativeimport ${py3} -module ${name} ${GR_SWIG_FLAGS}) #set the C++ property on the swig .i file so it builds set_source_files_properties(${ifiles} PROPERTIES CPLUSPLUS ON) #setup the actual swig library target to be built include(UseSWIG) swig_add_library(${name} LANGUAGE python SOURCES ${ifiles}) if(${name} STREQUAL "runtime_swig") set_target_properties(runtime_swig PROPERTIES DEFINE_SYMBOL "gnuradio_runtime_EXPORTS") endif(${name} STREQUAL "runtime_swig") set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES SWIG_USE_TARGET_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES TRUE ) target_include_directories(${name} PUBLIC ${GR_SWIG_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set_property(TARGET ${name} PROPERTY SWIG_DEPENDS ${GR_SWIG_TARGET_DEPS}) target_link_libraries(${name} Python::Python ${GR_SWIG_LIBRARIES}) endmacro(GR_SWIG_MAKE) ######################################################################## # Install swig targets generated by GR_SWIG_MAKE. Usage: # GR_SWIG_INSTALL( # TARGETS target target target... # [DESTINATION destination] # ) ######################################################################## macro(GR_SWIG_INSTALL) include(CMakeParseArgumentsCopy) CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(GR_SWIG_INSTALL "" "DESTINATION" "TARGETS" ${ARGN}) foreach(name ${GR_SWIG_INSTALL_TARGETS}) install(TARGETS ${name} DESTINATION ${GR_SWIG_INSTALL_DESTINATION} ) include(GrPython) GR_PYTHON_INSTALL(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${name}.py DESTINATION ${GR_SWIG_INSTALL_DESTINATION} DEPENDS ${name} ) endforeach(name) endmacro(GR_SWIG_INSTALL)