# Try to find gnu scientific library GSL # See # http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/ and # http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/gsl.htm # # Based on a script of Felix Woelk and Jan Woetzel # (www.mip.informatik.uni-kiel.de) # # It defines the following variables: # GSL_FOUND - system has GSL lib # GSL_INCLUDE_DIRS - where to find headers # GSL_LIBRARIES - full path to the libraries # GSL_LIBRARY_DIRS, the directory where the PLplot library is found. # CMAKE_GSL_CXX_FLAGS = Unix compiler flags for GSL, essentially "`gsl-config --cxxflags`" # GSL_LINK_DIRECTORIES = link directories, useful for rpath on Unix # GSL_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS = rpath on Unix INCLUDE(FindPkgConfig) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GSL "gsl >= 1.10") IF(GSL_FOUND) set(GSL_LIBRARY_DIRS ${GSL_LIBDIR}) set(GSL_INCLUDE_DIRS ${GSL_INCLUDEDIR}) ELSE(GSL_FOUND) set( GSL_FOUND OFF ) set( GSL_CBLAS_FOUND OFF ) # Windows, but not for Cygwin and MSys where gsl-config is available if( WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN AND NOT MSYS ) # look for headers find_path( GSL_INCLUDE_DIRS NAMES gsl/gsl_cdf.h gsl/gsl_randist.h ) if( GSL_INCLUDE_DIRS ) # look for gsl library find_library( GSL_LIBRARY NAMES gsl ) if( GSL_LIBRARY ) set( GSL_INCLUDE_DIRS ${GSL_INCLUDE_DIR} ) get_filename_component( GSL_LIBRARY_DIRS ${GSL_LIBRARY} PATH ) set( GSL_FOUND ON ) endif( GSL_LIBRARY ) # look for gsl cblas library find_library( GSL_CBLAS_LIBRARY NAMES gslcblas cblas ) if( GSL_CBLAS_LIBRARY ) set( GSL_CBLAS_FOUND ON ) endif( GSL_CBLAS_LIBRARY ) set( GSL_LIBRARIES ${GSL_LIBRARY} ${GSL_CBLAS_LIBRARY} ) endif( GSL_INCLUDE_DIRS ) mark_as_advanced( GSL_INCLUDE_DIRS GSL_LIBRARIES GSL_CBLAS_LIBRARIES ) else( WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN AND NOT MSYS ) if( UNIX OR MSYS ) find_program( GSL_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE gsl-config /usr/bin/ /usr/local/bin ) if( GSL_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE ) set( GSL_FOUND ON ) # run the gsl-config program to get cxxflags execute_process( COMMAND sh "${GSL_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE}" --cflags OUTPUT_VARIABLE GSL_CFLAGS RESULT_VARIABLE RET ERROR_QUIET ) if( RET EQUAL 0 ) string( STRIP "${GSL_CFLAGS}" GSL_CFLAGS ) separate_arguments( GSL_CFLAGS ) # parse definitions from cflags; drop -D* from CFLAGS string( REGEX MATCHALL "-D[^;]+" GSL_DEFINITIONS "${GSL_CFLAGS}" ) string( REGEX REPLACE "-D[^;]+;" "" GSL_CFLAGS "${GSL_CFLAGS}" ) # parse include dirs from cflags; drop -I prefix string( REGEX MATCHALL "-I[^;]+" GSL_INCLUDE_DIRS "${GSL_CFLAGS}" ) string( REPLACE "-I" "" GSL_INCLUDE_DIRS "${GSL_INCLUDE_DIRS}") string( REGEX REPLACE "-I[^;]+;" "" GSL_CFLAGS "${GSL_CFLAGS}") message("GSL_DEFINITIONS=${GSL_DEFINITIONS}") message("GSL_INCLUDE_DIRS=${GSL_INCLUDE_DIRS}") message("GSL_CFLAGS=${GSL_CFLAGS}") else( RET EQUAL 0 ) set( GSL_FOUND FALSE ) endif( RET EQUAL 0 ) # run the gsl-config program to get the libs execute_process( COMMAND sh "${GSL_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE}" --libs OUTPUT_VARIABLE GSL_LIBRARIES RESULT_VARIABLE RET ERROR_QUIET ) if( RET EQUAL 0 ) string(STRIP "${GSL_LIBRARIES}" GSL_LIBRARIES ) separate_arguments( GSL_LIBRARIES ) # extract linkdirs (-L) for rpath (i.e., LINK_DIRECTORIES) string( REGEX MATCHALL "-L[^;]+" GSL_LIBRARY_DIRS "${GSL_LIBRARIES}" ) string( REPLACE "-L" "" GSL_LIBRARY_DIRS "${GSL_LIBRARY_DIRS}" ) else( RET EQUAL 0 ) set( GSL_FOUND FALSE ) endif( RET EQUAL 0 ) MARK_AS_ADVANCED( GSL_CFLAGS ) message( STATUS "Using GSL from ${GSL_PREFIX}" ) else( GSL_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE ) message( STATUS "FindGSL: gsl-config not found.") endif( GSL_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE ) endif( UNIX OR MSYS ) endif( WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN AND NOT MSYS ) if( GSL_FOUND ) if( NOT GSL_FIND_QUIETLY ) message( STATUS "FindGSL: Found both GSL headers and library" ) endif( NOT GSL_FIND_QUIETLY ) else( GSL_FOUND ) if( GSL_FIND_REQUIRED ) message( FATAL_ERROR "FindGSL: Could not find GSL headers or library" ) endif( GSL_FIND_REQUIRED ) endif( GSL_FOUND ) #needed for gsl windows port but safe to always define LIST(APPEND GSL_DEFINITIONS "-DGSL_DLL") ENDIF(GSL_FOUND) INCLUDE(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(GSL DEFAULT_MSG GSL_LIBRARIES GSL_INCLUDE_DIRS GSL_LIBRARY_DIRS)