Most distributions have the required version of Boost (1.35) ready for installation using their standard package installation tools (apt-get, yum, etc.). If running a distribution that requires boost 1.35 (or later) be built from scratch, these instructions explain how to do so, and in a way that allows it to peacefully coexist with earlier versions of boost. Download the latest version of boost from (boost_1_49_0.tar.bz2 was the latest when this was written). Different Boost versions often have different installations. If these instructions don't work, check the website for more help. unpack it somewhere cd into the resulting directory $ cd boost_1_49_0 # Pick a prefix to install it into. I used /opt/boost_1_49_0 $ BOOST_PREFIX=/opt/boost_1_49_0 $ ./ $ sudo ./b2 --prefix=$BOOST_PREFIX --with-thread --with-date_time --with-program_options --with-filesystem --with-system --layout=versioned threading=multi variant=release install # Done! That was easy! Note that you don't have to specify each library, which will then build all Boost libraries and projects. By specifying only those required will just save compilation time. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Installing GNU Radio with new Boost libraries. Tell cmake to look for the Boost libraries and header files in the new location with the folloing command: $ cd <build directory> $ cmake -DBOOST_ROOT=$BOOST_PREFIX -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR=$BOOST_PREFIX/include/boost-1_49/ -DBoost_LIBRARY_DIRS=$BOOST_PREFIX/lib <path to gnuradio source tree> $ make $ make test $ sudo make install See README for more installation details.