From 258186d5ca2e811ced7ea637fd16e3ed3bb5573e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nick Foster <>
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 16:55:07 -0700
Subject: Interim commit.

 volk/include/volk/              | 140 +++++++++++++++++++++
 volk/include/volk/                 |  13 +-
 .../volk_32fc_x2_conjugate_dot_prod_32fc_a16.h     |   4 +-
 volk/include/volk/volk_32fc_x2_dot_prod_32fc_a16.h |   4 +-
 volk/include/volk/volk_64u_popcnt_a16.h            |   2 +-
 volk/include/volk/                 |  43 ++++++-
 6 files changed, 195 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 volk/include/volk/

(limited to 'volk/include')

diff --git a/volk/include/volk/ b/volk/include/volk/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89ea1f4b66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/volk/include/volk/
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# Copyright 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+from xml.dom import minidom
+def make_makefile_am(dom, machines):
+    tempstring = r"""
+# This file is automatically generated by
+# Do not edit this file.
+include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
+#FIXME: forcing the top_builddir for distcheck seems like a bit
+# of a hack. Figure out the right way to do this to find built
+# volk_config.h and volk_tables.h
+	-I$(top_builddir)/include \
+ \
+	volk_mktables.c		\
+	volk_rank_archs.h 	\
+	volk_proccpu_sim.c	\
+	gcc_x86_cpuid.h
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+#                      The main library
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+libvolk_runtime_la_SOURCES = 	\
+	$(platform_CODE) 	\
+	volk_runtime.c		\
+	volk_rank_archs.c	\
+	volk_cpu.c
+libvolk_la_SOURCES = 		\
+	$(platform_CODE) 	\
+	volk.c 			\
+	volk_environment_init.c
+volk_orc_LDFLAGS = \
+	-lorc-0.4
+volk_orc_LIBADD = \
+	../orc/
+	#here be dragons
+	for machine_name in machines:
+		tempstring += "if LV_MACHINE_" + machine_name.swapcase()
+		tempstring += "libvolk_" + machine_name + "_la_LDFLAGS = "
+    tempstring += """
+libvolk_la_LDFLAGS = $(NO_UNDEFINED) -version-info 0:0:0 $(volk_orc_LDFLAGS)
+libvolk_runtime_la_LDFLAGS = $(NO_UNDEFINED) -version-info 0:0:0 $(volk_orc_LDFLAGS)
+libvolk_la_LIBADD = $(volk_orc_LIBADD)
+libvolk_la_LDFLAGS = $(NO_UNDEFINED) -version-info 0:0:0
+libvolk_runtime_la_LDFLAGS = $(NO_UNDEFINED) -version-info 0:0:0
+libvolk_la_LIBADD =
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+#        The QA library.  Note in LIBADD
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+#libvolk_qa_la_SOURCES = \
+#libvolk_qa_la_LDFLAGS = $(NO_UNDEFINED) -version-info 0:0:0 -lboost
+#libvolk_qa_la_LIBADD = \
+# \
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# headers that don't get installed
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+noinst_HEADERS = \
+	volk_init.h \
+	qa_utils.h
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Our test program
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+noinst_PROGRAMS = \
+	testqa
+testqa_SOURCES =
+testqa_LDADD  = \
+ \
+ \
+	../orc/
+testqa_LDADD  = \
+	rm -f volk.c
+	rm -f volk_cpu_generic.c
+	rm -f volk_cpu_powerpc.c
+	rm -f volk_cpu_x86.c
+	rm -f volk_init.c
+	rm -f volk_init.h
+	rm -f volk_mktables.c
+	rm -f volk_proccpu_sim.c
+	rm -f volk_runtime.c
+	rm -f volk_tables.h
+	rm -f volk_environment_init.c
+    return tempstring
diff --git a/volk/include/volk/ b/volk/include/volk/
index da631d2170..5a848e59ea 100644
--- a/volk/include/volk/
+++ b/volk/include/volk/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 from xml.dom import minidom
-def make_set_simd(dom) :
+def make_set_simd(dom, machines) :
     tempstring = "";
     tempstring = tempstring +'dnl this file is auto generated by\n\n';
@@ -148,7 +148,16 @@ def make_set_simd(dom) :
     for domarch in dom:
         arch = str(domarch.attributes["name"].value);
         tempstring = tempstring + "  AM_CONDITIONAL(LV_MAKE_" + arch.swapcase() + ", test \"$LV_MAKE_" + arch.swapcase() + "\" == \"yes\")\n";
+    tempstring += "\n"
+    #now we can define the machines we're compiling
+    for machine_name in machines:
+        tempstring += "  AM_CONDITIONAL(LV_MACHINE_" + machine_name.swapcase() + ", "
+        marchlist = machines[machine_name]
+        for march in marchlist:
+            tempstring += "test \"$LV_MAKE_" + march.swapcase() + "\" == \"yes\" && "
+        tempstring += "test true)\n" #just so we don't have to detect the last one in the group, i know
     tempstring = tempstring + "  LV_CXXFLAGS=\"${LV_CXXFLAGS} ${ADDONS}\"\n"
     tempstring = tempstring + "])\n"
diff --git a/volk/include/volk/volk_32fc_x2_conjugate_dot_prod_32fc_a16.h b/volk/include/volk/volk_32fc_x2_conjugate_dot_prod_32fc_a16.h
index 2e5036f690..d78faf5b5b 100644
--- a/volk/include/volk/volk_32fc_x2_conjugate_dot_prod_32fc_a16.h
+++ b/volk/include/volk/volk_32fc_x2_conjugate_dot_prod_32fc_a16.h
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ static inline void volk_32fc_x2_conjugate_dot_prod_32fc_a16_generic(lv_32fc_t* r
 #endif /*LV_HAVE_GENERIC*/
-#if defined(LV_HAVE_SSE) && defined(LV_HAVE_64)
+#if LV_HAVE_SSE && LV_HAVE_64
 static inline void volk_32fc_x2_conjugate_dot_prod_32fc_a16_sse(lv_32fc_t* result, const lv_32fc_t* input, const lv_32fc_t* taps, unsigned int num_bytes) {
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ static inline void volk_32fc_x2_conjugate_dot_prod_32fc_a16_sse(lv_32fc_t* resul
-#if defined(LV_HAVE_SSE) && defined(LV_HAVE_32)
+#if LV_HAVE_SSE && LV_HAVE_32
 static inline void volk_32fc_x2_conjugate_dot_prod_32fc_a16_sse_32(lv_32fc_t* result, const lv_32fc_t* input, const lv_32fc_t* taps, unsigned int num_bytes) {
   static const uint32_t conjugator[4] __attribute__((aligned(16)))= {0x00000000, 0x80000000, 0x00000000, 0x80000000};
diff --git a/volk/include/volk/volk_32fc_x2_dot_prod_32fc_a16.h b/volk/include/volk/volk_32fc_x2_dot_prod_32fc_a16.h
index 9bfb889346..b7b9768ab5 100644
--- a/volk/include/volk/volk_32fc_x2_dot_prod_32fc_a16.h
+++ b/volk/include/volk/volk_32fc_x2_dot_prod_32fc_a16.h
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ static inline void volk_32fc_x2_dot_prod_32fc_a16_generic(lv_32fc_t* result, con
 #endif /*LV_HAVE_GENERIC*/
-#if defined(LV_HAVE_SSE) && defined(LV_HAVE_64)
+#if LV_HAVE_SSE && LV_HAVE_64
 static inline void volk_32fc_x2_dot_prod_32fc_a16_sse_64(lv_32fc_t* result, const lv_32fc_t* input, const lv_32fc_t* taps, unsigned int num_bytes) {
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ static inline void volk_32fc_x2_dot_prod_32fc_a16_sse_64(lv_32fc_t* result, cons
-#if defined(LV_HAVE_SSE) && defined(LV_HAVE_32)
+#if LV_HAVE_SSE && LV_HAVE_32
 static inline void volk_32fc_x2_dot_prod_32fc_a16_sse_32(lv_32fc_t* result, const lv_32fc_t* input, const lv_32fc_t* taps, unsigned int num_bytes) {
diff --git a/volk/include/volk/volk_64u_popcnt_a16.h b/volk/include/volk/volk_64u_popcnt_a16.h
index b416d052ec..8b92e91a17 100644
--- a/volk/include/volk/volk_64u_popcnt_a16.h
+++ b/volk/include/volk/volk_64u_popcnt_a16.h
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ static inline void volk_64u_popcnt_a16_generic(uint64_t* ret, const uint64_t val
 #endif /*LV_HAVE_GENERIC*/
-#if defined(LV_HAVE_SSE4_2) && defined(LV_HAVE_64)
+#if LV_HAVE_SSE4_2 && LV_HAVE_64
 #include <nmmintrin.h>
diff --git a/volk/include/volk/ b/volk/include/volk/
index 20b77da6c0..d5a4a968f6 100755
--- a/volk/include/volk/
+++ b/volk/include/volk/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ from make_environment_init_c import make_environment_init_c
 from make_environment_init_h import make_environment_init_h
 from make_mktables import make_mktables
 from make_makefile_am import make_makefile_am
+import copy
 outfile_set_simd = open("../../config/lv_set_simd_flags.m4", "w");
 outfile_reg = open("volk_registry.h", "w");
@@ -91,7 +92,41 @@ for arch in archs:
 archs_or = archs_or[0:len(archs_or)-1];
 archs_or = archs_or + ")";
+#get machine list and parse to a list of machines, each with a list of archs (none of this DOM crap)
+machine_str_dict = {}
+mfile = minidom.parse("machines.xml");
+filemachines = mfile.getElementsByTagName("machine")
+for filemachine in filemachines:
+    machine_str_dict[str(filemachine.attributes["name"].value)] = str(filemachine.getElementsByTagName("archs")[0]
+#all right now you have a dict of arch lists
+#next we expand it
+#this is an expanded list accounting for the OR syntax
+#TODO: make this work for multiple "|" machines
+machines = {}
+already_done = False
+for machine_name in machine_str_dict:
+    already_done = False
+    marchlist = machine_str_dict[machine_name]
+    for march in marchlist:
+        or_marchs = march.split("|")
+        if len(or_marchs) > 1:
+            marchlist.remove(march)
+            for or_march in or_marchs:
+                tempmarchlist = copy.deepcopy(marchlist)
+                tempmarchlist.append(or_march)
+                machines[machine_name + "_" + or_march] = tempmarchlist
+                already_done = True
+    if not already_done:
+        machines[machine_name] = marchlist
+#for machine_name in machines:
+#    print machine_name + ": " + str(machines[machine_name])
+#ok, now we have all the machines we're going to build. next step is to generate a where they're all laid out and compiled
 taglist = [];
 fcountlist = [];
 arched_arglist = [];
@@ -107,7 +142,7 @@ for func in functions:
     sourcefile = infile_source.readlines();
     for line in sourcefile:
+#FIXME: make it work for multiple #if define()s
         archline ="^\#if.*?LV_HAVE_" + archs_or + ".*", line);
         if archline:
             arch =;
@@ -222,7 +257,7 @@ outfile_cpu_h.close();
+outfile_set_simd.write(make_set_simd(filearchs, machines));
@@ -264,5 +299,5 @@ outfile_environment_h.close();
+outfile_makefile_am.write(make_makefile_am(filearchs, machines))
cgit v1.2.3