From 9d1423b9506c89a51a10b6119d01ce9a82a13b0c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: eb <eb@221aa14e-8319-0410-a670-987f0aec2ac5>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 03:52:31 +0000
Subject: Merged features/inband-usb -r6431:8293 into trunk.

git-svn-id: 221aa14e-8319-0410-a670-987f0aec2ac5
 usrp/fpga/Makefile.extra                           |   3 -
 usrp/fpga/inband_lib/chan_fifo_reader.v            | 262 ++++----
 usrp/fpga/inband_lib/channel_demux.v               |  38 +-
 usrp/fpga/inband_lib/channel_ram.v                 | 175 +++---
 usrp/fpga/inband_lib/cmd_reader.v                  | 565 ++++++++---------
 usrp/fpga/inband_lib/data_packet_fifo.v            | 118 ----
 usrp/fpga/inband_lib/packet_builder.v              |  84 ++-
 usrp/fpga/inband_lib/register_io.v                 |  94 +--
 usrp/fpga/inband_lib/rx_buffer_inband.v            | 388 ++++++------
 usrp/fpga/inband_lib/tx_buffer_inband.v            | 305 ++++-----
 usrp/fpga/inband_lib/usb_fifo_reader.v             |  25 -
 usrp/fpga/inband_lib/usb_fifo_writer.v             | 183 ------
 usrp/fpga/megacells/fifo_1kx16.bsf                 |   2 +-
 usrp/fpga/megacells/fifo_1kx16.v                   |   6 +-
 usrp/fpga/megacells/fifo_1kx16_bb.v                |   4 +-
 usrp/fpga/rbf/                          |   4 +
 usrp/fpga/rbf/rev2/inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf            | Bin 0 -> 161180 bytes
 usrp/fpga/rbf/rev2/inband_2rxhb_2tx.rbf            | Bin 0 -> 191849 bytes
 usrp/fpga/rbf/rev4/inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf            | Bin 0 -> 161180 bytes
 usrp/fpga/rbf/rev4/inband_2rxhb_2tx.rbf            | Bin 0 -> 191849 bytes
 usrp/fpga/toplevel/usrp_inband_usb/config.vh       |   2 +-
 .../toplevel/usrp_inband_usb/usrp_inband_usb.qsf   |   7 +-
 .../toplevel/usrp_inband_usb/usrp_inband_usb.v     |  81 ++-
 usrp/host/apps-inband/                  |  31 +-
 usrp/host/apps-inband/                      | 690 ---------------------
 usrp/host/apps-inband/gmac.h                       |  91 ---
 usrp/host/apps-inband/gmac.mbh                     | 146 -----
 usrp/host/apps-inband/gmac_symbols.h               |  47 --
 usrp/host/apps-inband/              | 330 ----------
 usrp/host/apps-inband/      | 371 +++++++++++
 usrp/host/apps-inband/      | 430 +++++++++++++
 usrp/host/apps-inband/       | 476 --------------
 usrp/host/apps-inband/  |   5 +-
 .../host/apps-inband/ |   2 +-
 usrp/host/apps-inband/       |  26 +-
 .../apps-inband/     |   2 +-
 usrp/host/apps-inband/       |  83 ++-
 usrp/host/apps-inband/ |   8 +-
 usrp/host/lib/inband/                   |   7 +-
 usrp/host/lib/inband/                  | 135 ----
 usrp/host/lib/inband/fake_usrp.h                   |  43 --
 usrp/host/lib/inband/      | 239 +++++--
 usrp/host/lib/inband/qa_inband_usrp_server.h       |   2 +
 usrp/host/lib/inband/           | 298 ---------
 usrp/host/lib/inband/     | 235 ++++---
 usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_inband_usb_packet.h      |   5 +
 usrp/host/lib/inband/                    |  63 +-
 usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_rx.h                     |   6 +-
 usrp/host/lib/inband/               | 181 +++---
 usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_rx_stub.h                |  12 +-
 usrp/host/lib/inband/                | 512 ++++++++++++++-
 usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_server.h                 |  12 +
 usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_server.mbh               |   2 +-
 usrp/host/lib/inband/                    |  14 +-
 usrp/host/lib/inband/               |   6 +-
 usrp/host/lib/inband/         | 114 +++-
 usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_usb_interface.h          |   4 +-
 usrp/host/lib/legacy/                 |  26 +-
 58 files changed, 3048 insertions(+), 3952 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 usrp/fpga/inband_lib/data_packet_fifo.v
 delete mode 100755 usrp/fpga/inband_lib/usb_fifo_reader.v
 delete mode 100755 usrp/fpga/inband_lib/usb_fifo_writer.v
 create mode 100755 usrp/fpga/rbf/rev2/inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf
 create mode 100755 usrp/fpga/rbf/rev2/inband_2rxhb_2tx.rbf
 create mode 100755 usrp/fpga/rbf/rev4/inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf
 create mode 100755 usrp/fpga/rbf/rev4/inband_2rxhb_2tx.rbf
 delete mode 100644 usrp/host/apps-inband/
 delete mode 100644 usrp/host/apps-inband/gmac.h
 delete mode 100644 usrp/host/apps-inband/gmac.mbh
 delete mode 100644 usrp/host/apps-inband/gmac_symbols.h
 delete mode 100644 usrp/host/apps-inband/
 create mode 100644 usrp/host/apps-inband/
 create mode 100644 usrp/host/apps-inband/
 delete mode 100644 usrp/host/apps-inband/
 delete mode 100644 usrp/host/lib/inband/
 delete mode 100644 usrp/host/lib/inband/fake_usrp.h
 delete mode 100644 usrp/host/lib/inband/

(limited to 'usrp')

diff --git a/usrp/fpga/Makefile.extra b/usrp/fpga/Makefile.extra
index 8154e2eb0d..56df23c98b 100644
--- a/usrp/fpga/Makefile.extra
+++ b/usrp/fpga/Makefile.extra
@@ -4,14 +4,11 @@ EXTRA_DIST =                                         \
 	inband_lib/channel_demux.v                   \
 	inband_lib/channel_ram.v                     \
 	inband_lib/cmd_reader.v                      \
-	inband_lib/data_packet_fifo.v                \
 	inband_lib/packet_builder.v                  \
 	inband_lib/register_io.v                     \
 	inband_lib/rx_buffer_inband.v                \
 	inband_lib/tx_buffer_inband.v                \
 	inband_lib/tx_packer.v                       \
-	inband_lib/usb_fifo_reader.v                 \
-	inband_lib/usb_fifo_writer.v                 \
 	inband_lib/usb_packet_fifo.v                 \
 	megacells/accum32.bsf                        \
 	megacells/accum32.cmp                        \
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/chan_fifo_reader.v b/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/chan_fifo_reader.v
index a6edf2c60b..69da9ec5a0 100755
--- a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/chan_fifo_reader.v
+++ b/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/chan_fifo_reader.v
@@ -1,106 +1,102 @@
 module chan_fifo_reader 
-  ( reset, tx_clock, tx_strobe, adc_time, samples_format,
+   (reset, tx_clock, tx_strobe, timestamp_clock, samples_format,
     fifodata, pkt_waiting, rdreq, skip, tx_q, tx_i,
     underrun, tx_empty, debug, rssi, threshhold, rssi_wait) ;
-    input   wire                     reset ;
-    input   wire                     tx_clock ;
-    input   wire                     tx_strobe ; //signal to output tx_i and tx_q
-    input   wire              [31:0] adc_time ; //current time
-    input   wire               [3:0] samples_format ;// not useful at this point
-    input   wire              [31:0] fifodata ; //the data input
-    input   wire                     pkt_waiting ; //signal the next packet is ready
-    output  reg                      rdreq ; //actually an ack to the current fifodata
-    output  reg                      skip ; //finish reading current packet
-    output  reg               [15:0] tx_q ; //top 16 bit output of fifodata
-    output  reg               [15:0] tx_i ; //bottom 16 bit output of fifodata
-    output  reg                      underrun ; 
-    output  reg                      tx_empty ; //cause 0 to be the output
-    input 	wire			  [31:0] rssi;
-    input	wire			  [31:0] threshhold;
-	input	wire			  [31:0] rssi_wait;
+   input   wire                     reset ;
+   input   wire                     tx_clock ;
+   input   wire                     tx_strobe ; //signal to output tx_i and tx_q
+   input   wire              [31:0] timestamp_clock ; //current time
+   input   wire               [3:0] samples_format ;// not useful at this point
+   input   wire              [31:0] fifodata ; //the data input
+   input   wire                     pkt_waiting ; //signal the next packet is ready
+   output  reg                      rdreq ; //actually an ack to the current fifodata
+   output  reg                      skip ; //finish reading current packet
+   output  reg               [15:0] tx_q ; //top 16 bit output of fifodata
+   output  reg               [15:0] tx_i ; //bottom 16 bit output of fifodata
+   output  reg                      underrun ; 
+   output  reg                      tx_empty ; //cause 0 to be the output
+   input   wire		     [31:0] rssi;
+   input   wire		     [31:0] threshhold;
+   input   wire		     [31:0] rssi_wait;
-	output wire [14:0] debug;
-	assign debug = {reader_state, trash, skip, timestamp[4:0], adc_time[4:0]};
-    // Should not be needed if adc clock rate < tx clock rate
-    // Used only to debug
-    `define JITTER                   5
-    //Samples format
-    // 16 bits interleaved complex samples
-    `define QI16                     4'b0
+   output wire [14:0] debug;
+   assign debug = {7'd0, rdreq, skip, reader_state, pkt_waiting, tx_strobe, tx_clock};
+   //Samples format
+   // 16 bits interleaved complex samples
+   `define QI16                     4'b0
-    // States
-    parameter IDLE           =     3'd0;    
-	parameter HEADER         =     3'd1;
-    parameter TIMESTAMP      =     3'd2;
-    parameter WAIT           =     3'd3;
-    parameter WAITSTROBE     =     3'd4;
-    parameter SEND           =     3'd5;
+   // States
+   parameter IDLE           =     3'd0;    
+   parameter HEADER         =     3'd1;
+   parameter TIMESTAMP      =     3'd2;
+   parameter WAIT           =     3'd3;
+   parameter WAITSTROBE     =     3'd4;
+   parameter SEND           =     3'd5;
-    // Header format
-    `define PAYLOAD                  8:2
-    `define ENDOFBURST               27
-    `define STARTOFBURST            28
-    `define RSSI_FLAG				 26
+   // Header format
+   `define PAYLOAD                  8:2
+   `define ENDOFBURST               27
+   `define STARTOFBURST             28
+   `define RSSI_FLAG                26
-    /* State registers */
-    reg                        [2:0] reader_state;
-	/* Local registers */  
-    reg                        [6:0] payload_len;
-    reg                        [6:0] read_len;
-    reg                       [31:0] timestamp;
-    reg                              burst;
-	reg								 trash;
-	reg								 rssi_flag;
-	reg						  [31:0] time_wait;
+   /* State registers */
+   reg                        [2:0] reader_state;
+   /* Local registers */  
+   reg                        [6:0] payload_len;
+   reg                        [6:0] read_len;
+   reg                       [31:0] timestamp;
+   reg                              burst;
+   reg                              trash;
+   reg                              rssi_flag;
+   reg			     [31:0] time_wait;
-    always @(posedge tx_clock)
-    begin
-        if (reset) 
-          begin
-            reader_state <= IDLE;
-            rdreq <= 0;
-            skip <= 0;
-            underrun <= 0;
-            burst <= 0;
-            tx_empty <= 1;
-            tx_q <= 0;
-            tx_i <= 0;
-			trash <= 0;
-			rssi_flag <= 0;
-			time_wait <= 0;
+   always @(posedge tx_clock)
+     begin
+       if (reset) 
+         begin
+           reader_state <= IDLE;
+           rdreq <= 0;
+           skip <= 0;
+           underrun <= 0;
+           burst <= 0;
+           tx_empty <= 1;
+           tx_q <= 0;
+           tx_i <= 0;
+           trash <= 0;
+           rssi_flag <= 0;
+           time_wait <= 0;
-		   begin
+         begin
            case (reader_state)
-               IDLE:
+             IDLE:
-				/*
-				 * reset all the variables and wait for a tx_strobe
-				 * it is assumed that the ram connected to this fifo_reader 
-				 * is a short hand fifo meaning that the header to the next packet
-				 * is already available to this fifo_reader when pkt_waiting is on
-				 */
-                   skip <=0;
-				   time_wait <= 0;
-                   if (pkt_waiting == 1)
-                     begin
-                        reader_state <= HEADER;
-                        rdreq <= 1;
-                        underrun <= 0;
-                     end
-                   if (burst == 1 && pkt_waiting == 0)
-                        underrun <= 1;
-                   if (tx_strobe == 1)
-                       tx_empty <= 1 ;
+               /*
+		* reset all the variables and wait for a tx_strobe
+		* it is assumed that the ram connected to this fifo_reader 
+		* is a short hand fifo meaning that the header to the next packet
+		* is already available to this fifo_reader when pkt_waiting is on
+		*/
+                 skip <=0;
+                 time_wait <= 0;
+                 if (pkt_waiting == 1)
+                   begin
+                     reader_state <= HEADER;
+                     rdreq <= 1;
+                     underrun <= 0;
+                   end
+                 if (burst == 1 && pkt_waiting == 0)
+                     underrun <= 1;
+                 if (tx_strobe == 1)
+                     tx_empty <= 1 ;
-				   /* Process header */
+               /* Process header */
-               begin
+                 begin
                    if (tx_strobe == 1)
                        tx_empty <= 1 ;
@@ -114,68 +110,64 @@ module chan_fifo_reader
                    else if (fifodata[`ENDOFBURST] == 1)
                        burst <= 0;
-					if (trash == 1 && fifodata[`STARTOFBURST] == 0)
-					begin
-						skip <= 1;
-						reader_state <= IDLE;
-						rdreq <= 0;
-					end 
-                    else
-					begin   
-                   		payload_len <= fifodata[`PAYLOAD] ;
-                   		read_len <= 0;
-                        rdreq <= 1;
-						reader_state <= TIMESTAMP;
-					end
-               end
+                   if (trash == 1 && fifodata[`STARTOFBURST] == 0)
+                     begin
+                       skip <= 1;
+                       reader_state <= IDLE;
+                       rdreq <= 0;
+                     end 
+                   else
+                     begin   
+                       payload_len <= fifodata[`PAYLOAD] ;
+                       read_len <= 0;
+                       rdreq <= 1;
+                       reader_state <= TIMESTAMP;
+                     end
+                 end
-               begin
+                 begin
                    timestamp <= fifodata;
                    reader_state <= WAIT;
                    if (tx_strobe == 1)
                        tx_empty <= 1 ;
                    rdreq <= 0;
-               end
+                 end
-				   // Decide if we wait, send or discard samples
+               // Decide if we wait, send or discard samples
-               begin
+                 begin
                    if (tx_strobe == 1)
                        tx_empty <= 1 ;
                    time_wait <= time_wait + 32'd1;
-				   // Outdated
-                   if ((timestamp < adc_time) ||
-							(time_wait >= rssi_wait && rssi_wait != 0 && rssi_flag))
+                   // Outdated
+                   if ((timestamp < timestamp_clock) ||
+                      (time_wait >= rssi_wait && rssi_wait != 0 && rssi_flag))
-						trash <= 1;
-                        reader_state <= IDLE;
-                        skip <= 1;
+                       trash <= 1;
+                       reader_state <= IDLE;
+                       skip <= 1;
                    // Let's send it					
-                   else if ((timestamp <= adc_time + `JITTER 
-                             && timestamp > adc_time)
+                   else if (timestamp == timestamp_clock 
                              || timestamp == 32'hFFFFFFFF)
-					begin
-						if (rssi <= threshhold || rssi_flag == 0)
-						  begin
-						    trash <= 0;
-                            reader_state <= WAITSTROBE; 
-                          end
-						else
-						    reader_state <= WAIT;
-					end
-				   else
-						reader_state <= WAIT;
-                   // Wait a little bit more
-                   //else if (timestamp > adc_time + `JITTER)
-                   //    reader_state <= WAIT;
-               end
+                     begin
+                       if (rssi <= threshhold || rssi_flag == 0)
+                         begin
+                           trash <= 0;
+                           reader_state <= WAITSTROBE; 
+                         end
+                       else
+                         reader_state <= WAIT;
+                     end
+                   else
+                       reader_state <= WAIT;
+                 end
                // Wait for the transmit chain to be ready
-               begin
+                 begin
                    // If end of payload...
                    if (read_len == payload_len)
@@ -189,11 +181,11 @@ module chan_fifo_reader
                        reader_state <= SEND;
                        rdreq <= 1;
-               end
+                 end
-			   // Send the samples to the tx_chain
+               // Send the samples to the tx_chain
-               begin
+                 begin
                    reader_state <= WAITSTROBE; 
                    read_len <= read_len + 7'd1;
                    tx_empty <= 0;
@@ -213,13 +205,13 @@ module chan_fifo_reader
                             tx_q <= fifodata[31:16];
-               end
+                 end
-               begin
-					//error handling
+                 begin
+                   //error handling
                    reader_state <= IDLE;
-               end
+                 end
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/channel_demux.v b/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/channel_demux.v
index d46be9397c..cca5cdb65f 100644
--- a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/channel_demux.v
+++ b/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/channel_demux.v
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 module channel_demux
- #(parameter NUM_CHAN = 2, parameter CHAN_WIDTH = 2) (     //usb Side
-			input [31:0]usbdata_final,
-			input WR_final, 
-			// TX Side
-			input reset,
-			input txclk,
-			output reg [CHAN_WIDTH:0] WR_channel,
-			output reg [31:0] ram_data,
-			output reg [CHAN_WIDTH:0] WR_done_channel );
-/* Parse header and forward to ram */
-	reg [2:0]reader_state;
-	reg [4:0]channel ;
-	reg [6:0]read_length ;
+ #(parameter NUM_CHAN = 2) (     //usb Side
+   input [31:0]usbdata_final,
+   input WR_final, 
+   // TX Side
+   input reset,
+   input txclk,
+   output reg [NUM_CHAN:0] WR_channel,
+   output reg [31:0] ram_data,
+   output reg [NUM_CHAN:0] WR_done_channel );
+   /* Parse header and forward to ram */
+    reg [2:0]reader_state;
+    reg [4:0]channel ;
+    reg [6:0]read_length ;
 	 // States
-    parameter IDLE		=	3'd0;
-    parameter HEADER	=	3'd1;
-    parameter WAIT		=	3'd2;
-    parameter FORWARD	=	3'd3;
+    parameter IDLE      =    3'd0;
+    parameter HEADER    =    3'd1;
+    parameter WAIT      =    3'd2;
+    parameter FORWARD   =    3'd3;
 	`define CHANNEL 20:16
 	`define PKT_SIZE 127
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ module channel_demux
 							NUM_CHAN : (usbdata_final[`CHANNEL]);
 	always @(posedge txclk)
-	begin
+	  begin
 	    if (reset)
 	       reader_state <= IDLE;
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/channel_ram.v b/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/channel_ram.v
index 60450f02dd..9621246c55 100755
--- a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/channel_ram.v
+++ b/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/channel_ram.v
@@ -1,114 +1,107 @@
 module channel_ram 
-	( // System
-	input txclk,
-	input reset,
+   ( // System
+     input txclk, input reset,
+     // USB side
+     input [31:0] datain, input WR, input WR_done, output have_space,
+     // Reader side 
+     output [31:0] dataout, input RD, input RD_done, output packet_waiting);
-	// USB side
-	input [31:0] datain, 
-	input WR, 
-	input WR_done,
-	output have_space,
-	// Reader side
-	output [31:0] dataout,
-	input RD,
-	input RD_done,
-	output packet_waiting);
-	reg [6:0] wr_addr, rd_addr;
-	reg [1:0] which_ram_wr, which_ram_rd;
-	reg [2:0] nb_packets;
+   reg [6:0] wr_addr, rd_addr;
+   reg [1:0] which_ram_wr, which_ram_rd;
+   reg [2:0] nb_packets;
-	reg [31:0] ram0 [0:127];
-	reg [31:0] ram1 [0:127];
-	reg [31:0] ram2 [0:127];
-	reg [31:0] ram3 [0:127];
+   reg [31:0] ram0 [0:127];
+   reg [31:0] ram1 [0:127];
+   reg [31:0] ram2 [0:127];
+   reg [31:0] ram3 [0:127];
-	reg [31:0] dataout0;
-	reg [31:0] dataout1;
-	reg [31:0] dataout2;
-	reg [31:0] dataout3;
+   reg [31:0] dataout0;
+   reg [31:0] dataout1;
+   reg [31:0] dataout2;
+   reg [31:0] dataout3;
-	wire wr_done_int;
-	wire rd_done_int;
-   	wire [6:0] rd_addr_final;
-	wire [1:0] which_ram_rd_final;
+   wire wr_done_int;
+   wire rd_done_int;
+   wire [6:0] rd_addr_final;
+   wire [1:0] which_ram_rd_final;
-	// USB side
-	always @(posedge txclk)
-		if(WR & (which_ram_wr == 2'd0)) ram0[wr_addr] <= datain;
+   // USB side
+   always @(posedge txclk)
+       if(WR & (which_ram_wr == 2'd0)) ram0[wr_addr] <= datain;
-	always @(posedge txclk)
-		if(WR & (which_ram_wr == 2'd1)) ram1[wr_addr] <= datain;
+   always @(posedge txclk)
+       if(WR & (which_ram_wr == 2'd1)) ram1[wr_addr] <= datain;
-	always @(posedge txclk)
-		if(WR & (which_ram_wr == 2'd2)) ram2[wr_addr] <= datain;
+   always @(posedge txclk)
+       if(WR & (which_ram_wr == 2'd2)) ram2[wr_addr] <= datain;
-	always @(posedge txclk)
-		if(WR & (which_ram_wr == 2'd3)) ram3[wr_addr] <= datain;
+   always @(posedge txclk)
+       if(WR & (which_ram_wr == 2'd3)) ram3[wr_addr] <= datain;
    assign wr_done_int = ((WR && (wr_addr == 7'd127)) || WR_done);
-	always @(posedge txclk)
-		if(reset)
-			wr_addr <= 0;
-		else if (WR_done)
-			wr_addr <= 0;
-		else if (WR) 
-			wr_addr <= wr_addr + 7'd1;
+   always @(posedge txclk)
+       if(reset)
+           wr_addr <= 0;
+       else if (WR_done)
+           wr_addr <= 0;
+       else if (WR) 
+           wr_addr <= wr_addr + 7'd1;
-	always @(posedge txclk)
-		if(reset)
-			which_ram_wr <= 0;
-		else if (wr_done_int) 
-			which_ram_wr <= which_ram_wr + 2'd1;
+   always @(posedge txclk)
+      if(reset)
+          which_ram_wr <= 0;
+      else if (wr_done_int) 
+          which_ram_wr <= which_ram_wr + 2'd1;
-	assign have_space = (nb_packets < 3'd3);
+   assign have_space = (nb_packets < 3'd3);
-	// Reader side
-	// short hand fifo
-	// rd_addr_final is what rd_addr is going to be next clock cycle
-	// which_ram_rd_final is what which_ram_rd is going to be next clock cycle
-	always @(posedge txclk)  dataout0 <= ram0[rd_addr_final];
-	always @(posedge txclk)  dataout1 <= ram1[rd_addr_final];
-	always @(posedge txclk)  dataout2 <= ram2[rd_addr_final];
-	always @(posedge txclk)  dataout3 <= ram3[rd_addr_final];
+   // Reader side
+   // short hand fifo
+   // rd_addr_final is what rd_addr is going to be next clock cycle
+   // which_ram_rd_final is what which_ram_rd is going to be next clock cycle
+   always @(posedge txclk)  dataout0 <= ram0[rd_addr_final];
+   always @(posedge txclk)  dataout1 <= ram1[rd_addr_final];
+   always @(posedge txclk)  dataout2 <= ram2[rd_addr_final];
+   always @(posedge txclk)  dataout3 <= ram3[rd_addr_final];
-	assign dataout = (which_ram_rd_final[1]) ? 
-						(which_ram_rd_final[0] ? dataout3 : dataout2) :
-						(which_ram_rd_final[0] ? dataout1 : dataout0);
+   assign dataout = (which_ram_rd_final[1]) ? 
+                    (which_ram_rd_final[0] ? dataout3 : dataout2) :
+                    (which_ram_rd_final[0] ? dataout1 : dataout0);
-	//RD_done is the only way to signal the end of one packet
-	assign rd_done_int = RD_done;   
+   //RD_done is the only way to signal the end of one packet
+   assign rd_done_int = RD_done;   
-	always @(posedge txclk)
-		if (reset)
-			rd_addr <= 0;
-		else if (RD_done)
-			rd_addr <= 0;
-		else if (RD) rd_addr <= rd_addr + 7'd1;
+   always @(posedge txclk)
+       if (reset)
+           rd_addr <= 0;
+       else if (RD_done)
+           rd_addr <= 0;
+       else if (RD) 
+           rd_addr <= rd_addr + 7'd1;
-	assign rd_addr_final = (reset|RD_done) ? (6'd0) : 
-	                        ((RD)?(rd_addr+7'd1):rd_addr); 
-	always @(posedge txclk)
-	   if (reset)
-			which_ram_rd <= 0;
-		else if (rd_done_int)
-			which_ram_rd <= which_ram_rd + 2'd1;
+   assign rd_addr_final = (reset|RD_done) ? (6'd0) : 
+	                  ((RD)?(rd_addr+7'd1):rd_addr); 
+   always @(posedge txclk)
+       if (reset)
+           which_ram_rd <= 0;
+       else if (rd_done_int)
+           which_ram_rd <= which_ram_rd + 2'd1;
-	assign which_ram_rd_final = (reset) ? (2'd0):
+   assign which_ram_rd_final = (reset) ? (2'd0):
 	                       ((rd_done_int) ? (which_ram_rd + 2'd1) : which_ram_rd);
-	//packet_waiting is set to zero if rd_done_int is high
-	//because there is no guarantee that nb_packets will be pos.
-	//assign packet_waiting = (nb_packets != 0) & (~rd_done_int);
-	assign packet_waiting = (nb_packets > 1) | ((nb_packets == 1)&(~rd_done_int));
-	always @(posedge txclk)
-		if (reset)
-			nb_packets <= 0;
-		else if (wr_done_int & ~rd_done_int)
-			nb_packets <= nb_packets + 3'd1;
-		else if (rd_done_int & ~wr_done_int)
-			nb_packets <= nb_packets - 3'd1;
+   //packet_waiting is set to zero if rd_done_int is high
+   //because there is no guarantee that nb_packets will be pos.
+   assign packet_waiting = (nb_packets > 1) | ((nb_packets == 1)&(~rd_done_int));
+   always @(posedge txclk)
+       if (reset)
+           nb_packets <= 0;
+       else if (wr_done_int & ~rd_done_int)
+           nb_packets <= nb_packets + 3'd1;
+       else if (rd_done_int & ~wr_done_int)
+           nb_packets <= nb_packets - 3'd1;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/cmd_reader.v b/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/cmd_reader.v
index 7604321e40..b69ea02b7b 100755
--- a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/cmd_reader.v
+++ b/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/cmd_reader.v
@@ -1,292 +1,305 @@
-module cmd_reader(
-		//System
-		input reset,
-		input txclk,
-		input [31:0] adc_time,
-		//FX2 Side
-		output reg skip,
-		output reg rdreq,
-		input [31:0] fifodata,
-		input pkt_waiting,
-		//Rx side
-		input rx_WR_enabled,
-		output reg [15:0] rx_databus,
-		output reg rx_WR,
-		output reg rx_WR_done,
-		//register io
-		input wire [31:0] reg_data_out,
-		output reg [31:0] reg_data_in,
-		output reg [6:0] reg_addr,
-		output reg [1:0] reg_io_enable,
-		output wire [14:0] debug		
-	);
+module cmd_reader
+   (//System
+    input reset, input txclk, input [31:0] timestamp_clock,
+    //FX2 Side
+    output reg skip, output reg rdreq, 
+    input [31:0] fifodata, input pkt_waiting,
+    //Rx side
+    input rx_WR_enabled, output reg [15:0] rx_databus,
+    output reg rx_WR, output reg rx_WR_done,
+    //register io
+    input wire [31:0] reg_data_out, output reg [31:0] reg_data_in,
+    output reg [6:0] reg_addr, output reg [1:0] reg_io_enable,
+    output wire [14:0] debug, output reg stop, output reg [15:0] stop_time);
-	// States
-    parameter IDLE				=	4'd0;
-	parameter HEADER			=  	4'd1;
-	parameter TIMESTAMP			=	4'd2;
-    parameter WAIT          	=   4'd3;
-	parameter TEST				=	4'd4;
-	parameter SEND				=	4'd5;
-	parameter PING				=	4'd6;
-	parameter WRITE_REG			=	4'd7;
-	parameter WRITE_REG_MASKED	= 	4'd8;
-	parameter READ_REG			=   4'd9;
-	parameter DELAY				=	4'd14;		
+   // States
+   parameter IDLE                       =   4'd0;
+   parameter HEADER                     =   4'd1;
+   parameter TIMESTAMP                  =   4'd2;
+   parameter WAIT          	        =   4'd3;
+   parameter TEST                       =   4'd4;
+   parameter SEND                       =   4'd5;
+   parameter PING                       =   4'd6;
+   parameter WRITE_REG                  =   4'd7;
+   parameter WRITE_REG_MASKED           =   4'd8;
+   parameter READ_REG                   =   4'd9;
+   parameter DELAY                      =   4'd14;		
-	`define OP_PING_FIXED				8'd0
-	`define OP_PING_FIXED_REPLY			8'd1
-	`define OP_WRITE_REG				8'd2
-	`define OP_WRITE_REG_MASKED			8'd3
-	`define OP_READ_REG					8'd4
-	`define OP_READ_REG_REPLY			8'd5
-	`define OP_DELAY					8'd12
+   `define OP_PING_FIXED                    8'd0
+   `define OP_PING_FIXED_REPLY              8'd1
+   `define OP_WRITE_REG	                    8'd2
+   `define OP_WRITE_REG_MASKED              8'd3
+   `define OP_READ_REG                      8'd4
+   `define OP_READ_REG_REPLY                8'd5
+   `define OP_DELAY                         8'd12
-	reg [6:0] 	payload;
-	reg [6:0] 	payload_read;
-	reg [3:0] 	state;
-	reg [15:0]  high;
-	reg [15:0]	low;
-	reg			pending;
-	reg [31:0]  value0;
-	reg [31:0]	value1;
-	reg [31:0]	value2;
-	reg [1:0]   lines_in;
-	reg [1:0]	lines_out;
-	reg [1:0] 	lines_out_total;
+   reg [6:0]   payload;
+   reg [6:0]   payload_read;
+   reg [3:0]   state;
+   reg [15:0]  high;
+   reg [15:0]  low;
+   reg         pending;
+   reg [31:0]  value0;
+   reg [31:0]  value1;
+   reg [31:0]  value2;
+   reg [1:0]   lines_in;
+   reg [1:0]   lines_out;
+   reg [1:0]   lines_out_total;
-	`define JITTER                      5
-	`define OP_CODE						31:24
-	`define PAYLOAD   					8:2
+   `define JITTER                           5
+   `define OP_CODE                          31:24
+   `define PAYLOAD                          8:2
-	wire [7:0] ops;
-	assign ops = value0[`OP_CODE];
-	assign debug = {state[3:0], lines_out[1:0], pending, rx_WR, rx_WR_enabled, value0[2:0], ops[2:0]};
+   wire [7:0] ops;
+   assign ops = value0[`OP_CODE];
+   assign debug = {state[3:0], lines_out[1:0], pending, rx_WR, rx_WR_enabled, value0[2:0], ops[2:0]};
-	always @(posedge txclk)
-		if (reset)
-		  begin
-			pending <= 0;
-		    state <= IDLE;
-			skip <= 0;
-			rdreq <= 0;
-			rx_WR <= 0;
-			reg_io_enable <= 0;
-			reg_data_in <= 0;
-			reg_addr <= 0;
-		  end
-		else case (state)
-			IDLE : begin
-				payload_read <= 0;
-				skip <= 0;
-				lines_in <= 0;
-				if (pkt_waiting)
-				  begin
-					state <= HEADER;
-					rdreq <= 1;
-				  end
-			end
+   always @(posedge txclk)
+       if (reset)
+         begin
+           pending <= 0;
+           state <= IDLE;
+           skip <= 0;
+           rdreq <= 0;
+           rx_WR <= 0;
+           reg_io_enable <= 0;
+           reg_data_in <= 0;
+           reg_addr <= 0;
+           stop <= 0;
+          end
+        else case (state)
+          IDLE : 
+            begin
+              payload_read <= 0;
+              skip <= 0;
+              lines_in <= 0;
+              if(pkt_waiting)
+                begin
+                  state <= HEADER;
+                  rdreq <= 1;
+                end
+             end
+          HEADER : 
+            begin
+              payload <= fifodata[`PAYLOAD];
+              state <= TIMESTAMP;
+            end
+          TIMESTAMP : 
+            begin
+              value0 <= fifodata;
+              state <= WAIT;
+              rdreq <= 0;
+            end
-			HEADER : begin
-				payload <= fifodata[`PAYLOAD];
-				state <= TIMESTAMP;
-			end
+          WAIT : 
+            begin
+              // Let's send it
+              if ((value0 <= timestamp_clock + `JITTER 
+                 && value0 > timestamp_clock)
+                 || value0 == 32'hFFFFFFFF)
+                  state <= TEST;
+              // Wait a little bit more
+              else if (value0 > timestamp_clock + `JITTER)
+                  state <= WAIT; 
+              // Outdated
+              else if (value0 < timestamp_clock)
+                begin
+                  state <= IDLE;
+                  skip <= 1;
+                end
+            end
-			TIMESTAMP : begin
-				value0 <= fifodata;
-				state <= WAIT;
-				rdreq <= 0;
-			end
-			WAIT : begin
-  					// Let's send it
-                   if ((value0 <= adc_time + `JITTER 
-                             && value0 > adc_time)
-                             || value0 == 32'hFFFFFFFF)
-                       state <= TEST;
-                   // Wait a little bit more
-                   else if (value0 > adc_time + `JITTER)
-                       state <= WAIT; 
-                   // Outdated
-                   else if (value0 < adc_time)
-                     begin
-                        state <= IDLE;
+          TEST : 
+            begin
+              reg_io_enable <= 0;
+              rx_WR <= 0;
+              rx_WR_done <= 1;
+              stop <= 0;
+              if (payload_read == payload)
+                begin
+                  skip <= 1;
+                  state <= IDLE;
+                  rdreq <= 0;
+                end
+              else
+                begin
+                  value0 <= fifodata;
+                  lines_in <= 2'd1;
+                  rdreq <= 1;
+                  payload_read <= payload_read + 7'd1;
+                  lines_out <= 0;
+                  case (fifodata[`OP_CODE])
+                    `OP_PING_FIXED: 
+                      begin
+                        state <= PING;
+                      end
+                    `OP_WRITE_REG: 
+                      begin
+                        state <= WRITE_REG;
+                        pending <= 1;
+                      end
+                    `OP_WRITE_REG_MASKED: 
+                      begin
+                        state <= WRITE_REG_MASKED;
+                        pending <= 1;
+                      end
+                    `OP_READ_REG: 
+                      begin
+                        state <= READ_REG;
+                      end
+                    `OP_DELAY: 
+                      begin
+                        state <= DELAY;
+                      end
+                    default: 
+                      begin
+                      //error, skip this packet
                         skip <= 1;
-                     end
-			end
-			TEST : begin
-				reg_io_enable <= 0;
-				rx_WR <= 0;
-				rx_WR_done <= 1;
-				if (payload_read == payload)
-					begin
-						skip <= 1;
-						state <= IDLE;
-						rdreq <= 0;
-					end
-				else
-					begin
-						value0 <= fifodata;
-						lines_in <= 2'd1;
-						rdreq <= 1;
-						payload_read <= payload_read + 7'd1;
-						lines_out <= 0;
-						case (fifodata[`OP_CODE])
-							`OP_PING_FIXED: begin
-								state <= PING;
-							end
-							`OP_WRITE_REG: begin
-								state <= WRITE_REG;
-								pending <= 1;
-							end
-							`OP_WRITE_REG_MASKED: begin
-								state <= WRITE_REG_MASKED;
-								pending <= 1;
-							end
-							`OP_READ_REG: begin
-								state <= READ_REG;
-							end
-							`OP_DELAY: begin
-								state <= DELAY;
-							end
-							default: begin
-							//error, skip this packet
-								skip <= 1;
-								state <= IDLE;
-							end
-						endcase
-					end
-			end
+                        state <= IDLE;
+                      end
+                  endcase
+                end
+              end
-			SEND: begin
-				rdreq <= 0;
-				rx_WR_done <= 0;
-				if (pending)
-					begin
-						rx_WR <= 1;
-						rx_databus <= high;
-						pending <= 0;
-						if (lines_out == lines_out_total)
-							state <= TEST;
-						else case (ops)
-							`OP_READ_REG: begin
-								state <= READ_REG;
-							end
-							default: begin
-								state <= TEST;
-							end
-						endcase
-					end
-				else
-					begin
-						if (rx_WR_enabled)
-						begin
-							rx_WR <= 1;
-							rx_databus <= low;
-							pending <= 1;
-							lines_out <= lines_out + 2'd1;
-						end
-						else
-							rx_WR <= 0;
-					end
-			end
+            SEND: 
+              begin
+                rdreq <= 0;
+                rx_WR_done <= 0;
+                if (pending)
+                  begin
+                    rx_WR <= 1;
+                    rx_databus <= high;
+                    pending <= 0;
+                    if (lines_out == lines_out_total)
+                        state <= TEST;
+                    else case (ops)
+                        `OP_READ_REG: 
+                          begin
+                            state <= READ_REG;
+                          end
+                         default: 
+                           begin
+                             state <= TEST;
+                           end
+                    endcase
+                  end
+                else
+                  begin
+                    if (rx_WR_enabled)
+                      begin
+                        rx_WR <= 1;
+                        rx_databus <= low;
+                        pending <= 1;
+                        lines_out <= lines_out + 2'd1;
+                      end
+                    else
+                        rx_WR <= 0;
+                  end
+                end
-			PING: begin
-				rx_WR <= 0;
-				rdreq <= 0;
-				rx_WR_done <= 0;
-				lines_out_total <= 2'd1;
-				pending <= 0;
-				state <= SEND;
-				high <= {`OP_PING_FIXED_REPLY, 8'd2};
-				low <= value0[15:0];	
-			end
+            PING: 
+              begin
+                rx_WR <= 0;
+                rdreq <= 0;
+                rx_WR_done <= 0;
+                lines_out_total <= 2'd1;
+                pending <= 0; 
+                state <= SEND;
+                high <= {`OP_PING_FIXED_REPLY, 8'd2};
+                low <= value0[15:0];	
+              end
-			READ_REG: begin
-				rx_WR <= 0;
-				rx_WR_done <= 0;
-				rdreq <= 0;
-				lines_out_total <= 2'd2;
-				pending <= 0;
-				state <= SEND;
-				if (lines_out == 0)
-					begin
-						high <= {`OP_READ_REG_REPLY, 8'd6};
-						low <= value0[15:0];
-						reg_io_enable <= 2'd3;
-						reg_addr <= value0[6:0];
-					end
-				else
-					begin		
-						high <= reg_data_out[31:16];
-						low <= reg_data_out[15:0];
-					end
-			end
+            READ_REG: 
+              begin
+                rx_WR <= 0;
+                rx_WR_done <= 0;
+                rdreq <= 0;
+                lines_out_total <= 2'd2;
+                pending <= 0;
+                state <= SEND;
+                if (lines_out == 0)
+                  begin
+                    high <= {`OP_READ_REG_REPLY, 8'd6};
+                    low <= value0[15:0];
+                    reg_io_enable <= 2'd3;
+                    reg_addr <= value0[6:0];
+                  end
+                else
+                  begin		
+                    high <= reg_data_out[31:16];
+                    low <= reg_data_out[15:0];
+                  end
+             end    
-			WRITE_REG: begin
-				rx_WR <= 0;
-				if (pending)
-					pending <= 0;
-				else
-					begin
-						if (lines_in == 2'd1)
-						begin
-							payload_read <= payload_read + 7'd1;
-							lines_in <= lines_in + 2'd1;
-							value1 <= fifodata;
-							rdreq <= 0;
-						end
-						else
-						begin
-							reg_io_enable <= 2'd2;
-							reg_data_in <= value1;
-							reg_addr <= value0[6:0];
-							state <= TEST;
-						end
-					end
-			end
+            WRITE_REG: 
+              begin
+                rx_WR <= 0;
+                if (pending)
+                    pending <= 0;
+                else
+                  begin
+                    if (lines_in == 2'd1)
+                      begin
+                        payload_read <= payload_read + 7'd1;
+                        lines_in <= lines_in + 2'd1;
+                        value1 <= fifodata;
+                        rdreq <= 0;
+                      end
+                    else
+                      begin
+                        reg_io_enable <= 2'd2;
+                        reg_data_in <= value1;
+                        reg_addr <= value0[6:0];
+                        state <= TEST;
+                      end
+                  end
+              end
-				rx_WR <= 0;
-				if (pending)
-					pending <= 0;
-				else
-					begin
-						if (lines_in == 2'd1)
-						begin
-							rdreq <= 1;
-							payload_read <= payload_read + 7'd1;
-							lines_in <= lines_in + 2'd1;
-							value1 <= fifodata;
-						end
-						else if (lines_in == 2'd2)
-						begin
-							rdreq <= 0;
-							payload_read <= payload_read + 7'd1;
-							lines_in <= lines_in + 2'd1;
-							value2 <= fifodata;
-						end
-						else
-						begin
-							reg_io_enable <= 2'd2;
-							reg_data_in <= (value1 & value2);
-							reg_addr <= value0[6:0];
-							state <= TEST;
-						end
-					end
-			end
+            WRITE_REG_MASKED: 
+              begin
+                rx_WR <= 0;
+                if (pending)
+                    pending <= 0;
+                else
+                  begin
+                    if (lines_in == 2'd1)
+                      begin
+                        rdreq <= 1;
+                        payload_read <= payload_read + 7'd1;
+                        lines_in <= lines_in + 2'd1;
+                        value1 <= fifodata;
+                      end
+                    else if (lines_in == 2'd2)
+                      begin
+                        rdreq <= 0;
+                        payload_read <= payload_read + 7'd1;
+                        lines_in <= lines_in + 2'd1;
+                        value2 <= fifodata;
+                      end
+                    else
+                      begin
+                        reg_io_enable <= 2'd2;
+                        reg_data_in <= (value1 & value2);
+                        reg_addr <= value0[6:0];
+                        state <= TEST;
+                      end
+                  end
+              end
-			DELAY : begin
-				rdreq <= 0;
-				value1 <= value1 + 32'd1;
-				if (value0[15:0] == value1[15:0])
-					state <= TEST;
-			end
+            DELAY : 
+              begin
+                rdreq <= 0;
+                stop <= 1;
+                stop_time <= value0[15:0];
+                state <= TEST;
+              end
-			default : begin
-				//error state handling
-				state <= IDLE;
-			end
-		endcase
\ No newline at end of file
+            default : 
+              begin
+                //error state handling
+                state <= IDLE;
+              end
+        endcase
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/data_packet_fifo.v b/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/data_packet_fifo.v
deleted file mode 100755
index a9bcbdae7b..0000000000
--- a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/data_packet_fifo.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-module data_packet_fifo 
-  ( input       reset,
-    input       clock,
-    input       [31:0]ram_data_in,
-    input       write_enable,
-    output  reg have_space,
-    output  reg [31:0]ram_data_out,
-    output  reg pkt_waiting,
-	output	reg	isfull,
-	output	reg [1:0]usb_ram_packet_out,
-	output	reg [1:0]usb_ram_packet_in,
-    input       read_enable,
-    input       pkt_complete,
-    input       skip_packet) ;
-    /* Some parameters for usage later on */
-    parameter DATA_WIDTH = 32 ;
-    parameter PKT_DEPTH = 128 ;
-    parameter NUM_PACKETS = 4 ;
-    /* Create the RAM here */
-    reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] usb_ram [PKT_DEPTH*NUM_PACKETS-1:0] ;
-    /* Create the address signals */
-    reg [6:0] usb_ram_offset_out ;
-    //reg [1:0] usb_ram_packet_out ;
-    reg [6:0] usb_ram_offset_in ;
-    //reg [1:0] usb_ram_packet_in ;
-    wire [6-2+NUM_PACKETS:0] usb_ram_aout ;
-    wire [6-2+NUM_PACKETS:0] usb_ram_ain ;
-    //reg isfull;
-    assign usb_ram_aout = {usb_ram_packet_out, usb_ram_offset_out} ;
-    assign usb_ram_ain = {usb_ram_packet_in, usb_ram_offset_in} ;
-    // Check if there is one full packet to process
-    always @(usb_ram_ain, usb_ram_aout, isfull)
-    begin
-        if (usb_ram_ain == usb_ram_aout)
-            pkt_waiting <= isfull ;
-        else if (usb_ram_ain > usb_ram_aout)
-            pkt_waiting <= (usb_ram_ain - usb_ram_aout) >= PKT_DEPTH;
-        else
-            pkt_waiting <= (usb_ram_ain + 10'b1000000000 - usb_ram_aout) >= PKT_DEPTH;
-    end
-    // Check if there is room
-    always @(usb_ram_ain, usb_ram_aout, isfull)
-    begin
-        if (usb_ram_ain == usb_ram_aout)
-            have_space <= ~isfull;   
-        else if (usb_ram_ain > usb_ram_aout)
-            have_space <= ((usb_ram_ain - usb_ram_aout) <= PKT_DEPTH * (NUM_PACKETS - 1))? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
-        else
-            have_space <= (usb_ram_aout - usb_ram_ain) >= PKT_DEPTH;
-    end
-    /* RAM Writing/Reading process */
-    always @(posedge clock)
-    begin
-        if( write_enable ) 
-          begin
-            usb_ram[usb_ram_ain] <= ram_data_in ;
-          end
-		ram_data_out <= usb_ram[usb_ram_aout] ;
-    end
-    /* RAM Write/Read Address process */
-    always @(posedge clock)
-    begin
-        if( reset ) 
-          begin
-            usb_ram_packet_out <= 0 ;
-            usb_ram_offset_out <= 0 ;
-			usb_ram_offset_in <= 0 ;
-            usb_ram_packet_in <= 0 ;
-            isfull <= 0;
-          end
-        else
-		  begin
-            if( skip_packet )
-              begin
-                usb_ram_packet_out <= usb_ram_packet_out + 1 ;
-                usb_ram_offset_out <= 0 ;
-                isfull <= 0;
-              end
-            else if(read_enable) 
-			  begin
-                if( usb_ram_offset_out == 7'b1111111 )
-                  begin
-                    isfull <= 0 ;
-                    usb_ram_offset_out <= 0 ;
-                    usb_ram_packet_out <= usb_ram_packet_out + 1 ;
-                  end
-                else
-                    usb_ram_offset_out <= usb_ram_offset_out + 1 ;  
-              end
-			if( pkt_complete )
-              begin
-                usb_ram_packet_in <= usb_ram_packet_in + 1 ;
-                usb_ram_offset_in <= 0 ;
-                if ((usb_ram_packet_in + 2'b1) == usb_ram_packet_out)
-                    isfull <= 1 ;
-              end
-            else if( write_enable ) 
-              begin
-                if (usb_ram_offset_in == 7'b1111111)
-                    usb_ram_offset_in <= 7'b1111111 ;    
-                else
-                    usb_ram_offset_in <= usb_ram_offset_in + 1 ;
-              end
-		  end
-    end
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/packet_builder.v b/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/packet_builder.v
index fbf0a656ee..2c9122394a 100755
--- a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/packet_builder.v
+++ b/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/packet_builder.v
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-module packet_builder #(parameter NUM_CHAN = 1)(
+module packet_builder #(parameter NUM_CHAN = 2)(
     // System
     input rxclk,
     input reset,
-	 input [31:0] adctime,
+	 input [31:0] timestamp_clock,
 	 input [3:0] channels,
     // ADC side
     input [15:0]chan_fifodata,
@@ -14,17 +14,17 @@ module packet_builder #(parameter NUM_CHAN = 1)(
     output reg WR,
     output reg [15:0]fifodata,
     input have_space, 
-	input wire [31:0]rssi_0, input wire [31:0]rssi_1, input wire [31:0]rssi_2,
-	input wire [31:0]rssi_3, output wire [7:0] debugbus,
-	input [NUM_CHAN:0] overrun, input [NUM_CHAN:0] underrun);
+    input wire [31:0]rssi_0, input wire [31:0]rssi_1, input wire [31:0]rssi_2,
+    input wire [31:0]rssi_3, output wire [7:0] debugbus,
+    input [NUM_CHAN:0] underrun);
     // States
     `define IDLE                     3'd0
     `define HEADER1                  3'd1
-	`define HEADER2					 3'd2
+    `define HEADER2                  3'd2
     `define TIMESTAMP                3'd3
- 	`define FORWARD					 3'd4
+    `define FORWARD                  3'd4
     `define MAXPAYLOAD 504
@@ -39,51 +39,67 @@ module packet_builder #(parameter NUM_CHAN = 1)(
     `define UNDERRUN 14
     `define OVERRUN 15
+    reg [NUM_CHAN:0] overrun;
     reg [2:0] state;
     reg [8:0] read_length;
     reg [8:0] payload_len;
-    reg tstamp_complete;
+    reg timestamp_complete;
     reg [3:0] check_next;
-	wire [8:0] chan_used;
     wire [31:0] true_rssi;
-	wire [4:0] true_channel;
+    wire [4:0] true_channel;
+    wire ready_to_send;
+    assign debugbus = {chan_empty[0], rd_select[0], have_space, 
+                       (chan_usedw >= 10'd504), (chan_usedw ==0),  
+                       ready_to_send, state[1:0]};
-	assign debugbus = {state, chan_empty[0], underrun[0], check_next[0],
-						have_space, rd_select[0]};
-	assign chan_used = chan_usedw[8:0];
-	assign true_rssi = (rd_select[1]) ? ((rd_select[0]) ? rssi_3:rssi_2) :
+    assign true_rssi = (rd_select[1]) ? ((rd_select[0]) ? rssi_3:rssi_2) :
 							((rd_select[0]) ? rssi_1:rssi_0);
-	assign true_channel = (check_next == 4'd0 ? 5'h1f : {1'd0, check_next - 4'd1});	
+    assign true_channel = (check_next == 4'd0 ? 5'h1f : {1'd0, check_next - 4'd1});
+    assign ready_to_send = (chan_usedw >= 10'd504) || (chan_usedw == 0) || 
+                           ((rd_select == NUM_CHAN)&&(chan_usedw > 0));
     always @(posedge rxclk)
         if (reset)
+            overrun <= 0;
             WR <= 0;
             rd_select <= 0;
             chan_rdreq <= 0;
-            tstamp_complete <= 0;
+            timestamp_complete <= 0;
             check_next <= 0;
             state <= `IDLE;
         else case (state)
             `IDLE: begin
-				chan_rdreq <= #1 0;
-				if (have_space)
-				  begin
-					if(~chan_empty[check_next])
-				      begin
-                		state <= #1 `HEADER1;
-						rd_select <= #1 check_next;
-				  	  end
-					check_next <= #1 (check_next == channels ? 4'd0 : check_next + 4'd1);
-				  end	
+		chan_rdreq <= #1 0;
+		//check if the channel is full
+		if(~chan_empty[check_next])
+		  begin
+                    if (have_space)
+                      begin
+                        //transmit if the usb buffer have space
+                       //check if we should send
+                       if (ready_to_send)
+                           state <= #1 `HEADER1;
+                       overrun[check_next] <= 0;
+                      end
+                  else
+                    begin
+                      state <= #1 `IDLE;
+                      overrun[check_next] <= 1;
+                    end
+                  rd_select <= #1 check_next;
+                end
+                check_next <= #1 (check_next == channels ? 4'd0 : check_next + 4'd1);
             `HEADER1: begin
-                fifodata[`PAYLOAD_LEN] <= #1 (chan_used > 9'd252
-                                           ? 9'd252 : chan_used << 1);
-                payload_len <= #1 (chan_used > 9'd252
-                                ? 9'd252 : chan_used << 1);
+                fifodata[`PAYLOAD_LEN] <= #1 9'd504;
+                payload_len <= #1 9'd504;
                 fifodata[`TAG] <= #1 0;
                 fifodata[`MBZ] <= #1 0;
                 WR <= #1 1;
@@ -103,13 +119,13 @@ module packet_builder #(parameter NUM_CHAN = 1)(
             `TIMESTAMP: begin
-                fifodata <= #1 (tstamp_complete ? adctime[31:16] : adctime[15:0]);
-                tstamp_complete <= #1 ~tstamp_complete;
+                fifodata <= #1 (timestamp_complete ? timestamp_clock[31:16] : timestamp_clock[15:0]);
+                timestamp_complete <= #1 ~timestamp_complete;
-                if (~tstamp_complete)
+                if (~timestamp_complete)
                     chan_rdreq <= #1 1;
-                state <= #1 (tstamp_complete ? `FORWARD : `TIMESTAMP);
+                state <= #1 (timestamp_complete ? `FORWARD : `TIMESTAMP);
             `FORWARD: begin
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/register_io.v b/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/register_io.v
index b116b3acec..2b0cd1732d 100755
--- a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/register_io.v
+++ b/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/register_io.v
@@ -1,15 +1,38 @@
 module register_io
-	(input clk, input reset, input wire [1:0] enable, input wire [6:0] addr, 
-	 input wire [31:0] datain, output reg [31:0] dataout, output wire [15:0] debugbus,
-	 input wire [31:0] rssi_0, input wire [31:0] rssi_1,
-	 input wire [31:0] rssi_2, input wire [31:0] rssi_3, 
-	 output wire [31:0] threshhold, output wire [31:0] rssi_wait);
+	(clk, reset, enable, addr, datain, dataout, debugbus, addr_wr, data_wr, strobe_wr,
+	 rssi_0, rssi_1, rssi_2, rssi_3, threshhold, rssi_wait, reg_0, reg_1, reg_2, reg_3, 
+     debug_en, misc, txmux);   
+	input clk;
+	input reset;
+	input wire [1:0] enable;
+	input wire [6:0] addr; 
+	input wire [31:0] datain;
+	output reg [31:0] dataout;
+	output wire [15:0] debugbus;
+	output reg [6:0] addr_wr;
+	output reg [31:0] data_wr;
+	output wire strobe_wr; 
+	input wire [31:0] rssi_0;
+	input wire [31:0] rssi_1;
+	input wire [31:0] rssi_2; 
+	input wire [31:0] rssi_3; 
+	output wire [31:0] threshhold;
+	output wire [31:0] rssi_wait;
+	input wire [15:0] reg_0;
+	input wire [15:0] reg_1; 
+	input wire [15:0] reg_2; 
+	input wire [15:0] reg_3;
+	input wire [3:0]  debug_en;
+	input wire [7:0]  misc;
+	input wire [31:0] txmux;
 	reg strobe;
-	wire [31:0] out[7:0];
+	wire [31:0] out[2:1];
 	assign debugbus = {clk, enable, addr[2:0], datain[4:0], dataout[4:0]};
 	assign threshhold = out[1];
 	assign rssi_wait = out[2];
+	assign strobe_wr = strobe;
 	always @(*)
         if (reset | ~enable[1])
@@ -22,41 +45,38 @@ module register_io
 	         if (enable[0])
-                 if (addr == 7'd9)
-                 	dataout <= rssi_0;
-                 else if (addr == 7'd10)
-                 	dataout <= rssi_1;
-                 else if (addr == 7'd11)
-                 	dataout <= rssi_2;
-                 else if (addr == 7'd12)
-                 	dataout <= rssi_3;
-                 else
-	             	dataout <= out[addr[2:0]];
-	             strobe <= 0;
-               end
+				if (addr <= 7'd52 && addr > 7'd50)
+					dataout <= out[addr-7'd50];
+				else
+					dataout <= 32'hFFFFFFFF; 	
+	            strobe <= 0;
+              end
 	             dataout <= dataout;
                  strobe <= 1;
+				 data_wr <= datain;
+				 addr_wr <= addr;
-	//register declarations
-    setting_reg #(0) setting_reg0(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
-    .strobe(strobe),.addr(addr),.in(datain),.out(out[0]));
-    setting_reg #(1) setting_reg1(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
-    .strobe(strobe),.addr(addr),.in(datain),.out(out[1]));
-    setting_reg #(2) setting_reg2(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
-    .strobe(strobe),.addr(addr),.in(datain),.out(out[2]));
-    setting_reg #(3) setting_reg3(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
-    .strobe(strobe),.addr(addr),.in(datain),.out(out[3]));
-    setting_reg #(4) setting_reg4(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
-    .strobe(strobe),.addr(addr),.in(datain),.out(out[4]));
-    setting_reg #(5) setting_reg5(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
-    .strobe(strobe),.addr(addr),.in(datain),.out(out[5]));
-    setting_reg #(6) setting_reg6(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
-    .strobe(strobe),.addr(addr),.in(datain),.out(out[6]));
-    setting_reg #(7) setting_reg7(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
-    .strobe(strobe),.addr(addr),.in(datain),.out(out[7]));
\ No newline at end of file
+//register declarations
+    /*setting_reg #(50) setting_reg0(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
+    .strobe(strobe_wr),.addr(addr_wr),.in(data_wr),.out(out[0]));*/
+    setting_reg #(51) setting_reg1(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
+    .strobe(strobe_wr),.addr(addr_wr),.in(data_wr),.out(out[1]));
+    setting_reg #(52) setting_reg2(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
+    .strobe(strobe_wr),.addr(addr_wr),.in(data_wr),.out(out[2]));
+    /*setting_reg #(53) setting_reg3(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
+    .strobe(strobe_wr),.addr(addr_wr),.in(data_wr),.out(out[3]));
+    setting_reg #(54) setting_reg4(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
+    .strobe(strobe_wr),.addr(addr_wr),.in(data_wr),.out(out[4]));
+    setting_reg #(55) setting_reg5(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
+    .strobe(strobe_wr),.addr(addr_wr),.in(data_wr),.out(out[5]));
+    setting_reg #(56) setting_reg6(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
+    .strobe(strobe_wr),.addr(addr_wr),.in(data_wr),.out(out[6]));
+    setting_reg #(57) setting_reg7(.clock(clk),.reset(reset),
+    .strobe(strobe_wr),.addr(addr_wr),.in(data_wr),.out(out[7]));*/
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/rx_buffer_inband.v b/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/rx_buffer_inband.v
index 1eaecabedd..cbd2d89589 100755
--- a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/rx_buffer_inband.v
+++ b/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/rx_buffer_inband.v
@@ -1,179 +1,209 @@
-//`include "../../firmware/include/fpga_regs_common.v"
-//`include "../../firmware/include/fpga_regs_standard.v"
-module rx_buffer_inband
-  ( input usbclk,
-    input bus_reset,
-    input reset,  // DSP side reset (used here), do not reset registers
-    input reset_regs, //Only reset registers
-    output [15:0] usbdata,
-    input RD,
-    output wire have_pkt_rdy,
-    output reg rx_overrun,
-    input wire [3:0] channels,
-    input wire [15:0] ch_0,
-    input wire [15:0] ch_1,
-    input wire [15:0] ch_2,
-    input wire [15:0] ch_3,
-    input wire [15:0] ch_4,
-    input wire [15:0] ch_5,
-    input wire [15:0] ch_6,
-    input wire [15:0] ch_7,
-    input rxclk,
-    input rxstrobe,
-    input clear_status,
-    input [6:0] serial_addr, 
-    input [31:0] serial_data, 
-    input serial_strobe,
-    output wire [15:0] debugbus,
-	//Connection with tx_inband
-	input rx_WR,
-	input [15:0] rx_databus,
-	input rx_WR_done,
-	output reg rx_WR_enabled,
-	//signal strength
-	input wire [31:0] rssi_0, input wire [31:0] rssi_1,
-	input wire [31:0] rssi_2, input wire [31:0] rssi_3,
-    input wire [1:0] tx_overrun, input wire [1:0] tx_underrun
-    );
-    parameter NUM_CHAN = 1;
-    genvar i ;
-    // FX2 Bug Fix
-    reg [8:0] read_count;
-    always @(negedge usbclk)
-        if(bus_reset)
-            read_count <= #1 9'd0;
-        else if(RD & ~read_count[8])
-            read_count <= #1 read_count + 9'd1;
-        else
-            read_count <= #1 RD ? read_count : 9'b0;
-	// Time counter
-	reg [31:0] adctime;
-	always @(posedge rxclk)
-		if (reset)
-			adctime <= 0;
-		else if (rxstrobe)
-			adctime <= adctime + 1;
-    // USB side fifo
-    wire [11:0] rdusedw;
-    wire [11:0] wrusedw;
-    wire [15:0] fifodata;
-    wire WR;
-    wire have_space;
-    fifo_4kx16_dc	rx_usb_fifo (
-	     .aclr ( reset ),
-	     .data ( fifodata ),
-	     .rdclk ( ~usbclk ),
-	     .rdreq ( RD & ~read_count[8] ),
-	     .wrclk ( rxclk ),
-	     .wrreq ( WR ),
-	     .q ( usbdata ),
-	     .rdempty (  ),
-	     .rdusedw ( rdusedw ),
-	     .wrfull (  ),
-	     .wrusedw ( wrusedw ) );
-     assign have_pkt_rdy = (rdusedw >= 12'd256);
-	 assign have_space = (wrusedw < 12'd760);
-	 // Rx side fifos
-	 wire chan_rdreq;
-	 wire [15:0] chan_fifodata;
-	 wire [9:0] chan_usedw;
-	 wire [NUM_CHAN:0] chan_empty;
-	 wire [3:0] rd_select;
-	 wire [NUM_CHAN:0] rx_full;
-	 packet_builder #(NUM_CHAN) rx_pkt_builer (
-	     .rxclk ( rxclk ),
-	     .reset ( reset ),
-		  .adctime ( adctime ),
-		  .channels ( 4'd1 ), 
-	     .chan_rdreq ( chan_rdreq ),
-	     .chan_fifodata ( chan_fifodata ),
-	     .chan_empty ( chan_empty ),
-	     .rd_select ( rd_select ),
-	     .chan_usedw ( chan_usedw ),
-	     .WR ( WR ),
-	     .fifodata ( fifodata ),
-	     .have_space ( have_space ),
-		 .rssi_0(rssi_0), .rssi_1(rssi_1),
-		.rssi_2(rssi_2),.rssi_3(rssi_3), .debugbus(debug),
-    .overrun(tx_overrun), .underrun(tx_underrun));
-	 // Detect overrun
-	 always @(posedge rxclk)
-        if(reset)
-            rx_overrun <= 1'b0;
-        else if(rx_full[0])
-            rx_overrun <= 1'b1;
-        else if(clear_status)
-            rx_overrun <= 1'b0;
-	reg [6:0] test;
-	always @(posedge rxclk)
-		if (reset)
-			test <= 0;
-		else
-			test <= test + 7'd1;
-	 // TODO write this genericly
-	 wire [15:0]ch[NUM_CHAN:0];
-	 assign ch[0] = ch_0;
-	 wire cmd_empty;
-	 always @(posedge rxclk)
-        if(reset)
-            rx_WR_enabled <= 1;
-		else if(cmd_empty)
-            rx_WR_enabled <= 1;
-        else if(rx_WR_done)
-            rx_WR_enabled <= 0;
-	wire [15:0] dataout [0:NUM_CHAN];
-	wire [9:0]  usedw	[0:NUM_CHAN];
-	wire empty[0:NUM_CHAN];
-	 generate for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_CHAN; i = i + 1)
-     begin : generate_channel_fifos
-		wire rdreq;
-		assign rdreq = (rd_select == i) & chan_rdreq;
-		//assign chan_empty[i] = usedw[i] < 10'd126;
-        fifo_1kx16	rx_chan_fifo (
-	         .aclr ( reset ),
-	         .clock ( rxclk ),
-	         .data ( ch[i] ),
-	         .rdreq ( rdreq ),
-			 .wrreq ( ~rx_full[i] & rxstrobe),
-	         .empty (empty[i]),
-	         .full (rx_full[i]),
-	         .q ( dataout[i]),
-             .usedw ( usedw[i]),
-			 .almost_empty(chan_empty[i])
-		);
-     end
-     endgenerate
-	wire [7:0] debug;
-	 fifo_1kx16 rx_cmd_fifo (
-	         .aclr ( reset ),
-	         .clock ( rxclk ),
-	         .data ( rx_databus ),
-	         .rdreq ( (rd_select == NUM_CHAN) & chan_rdreq ),
-			 .wrreq ( rx_WR & rx_WR_enabled),
-	         .empty ( cmd_empty),
-	         .full ( rx_full[NUM_CHAN] ),
-	         .q ( dataout[NUM_CHAN]),
-             .usedw ( usedw[NUM_CHAN] )
-	);	
-  	assign chan_empty[NUM_CHAN] = cmd_empty | rx_WR_enabled;
-	assign chan_fifodata 	= dataout[rd_select];
-	assign chan_usedw	  	= usedw[rd_select];
-    assign debugbus = {rxstrobe, chan_rdreq, debug, 
-				rx_full[0], chan_empty[0], empty[0], have_space, RD, rxclk};
+//`include "../../firmware/include/fpga_regs_common.v"
+//`include "../../firmware/include/fpga_regs_standard.v"
+module rx_buffer_inband
+  ( input usbclk,
+    input bus_reset,
+    input reset,  // DSP side reset (used here), do not reset registers
+    input reset_regs, //Only reset registers
+    output [15:0] usbdata,
+    input RD,
+    output wire have_pkt_rdy,
+    output reg rx_overrun,
+    input wire [3:0] channels,
+    input wire [15:0] ch_0,
+    input wire [15:0] ch_1,
+    input wire [15:0] ch_2,
+    input wire [15:0] ch_3,
+    input wire [15:0] ch_4,
+    input wire [15:0] ch_5,
+    input wire [15:0] ch_6,
+    input wire [15:0] ch_7,
+    input rxclk,
+    input rxstrobe,
+    input clear_status,
+    input [6:0] serial_addr, 
+    input [31:0] serial_data, 
+    input serial_strobe,
+    output wire [15:0] debugbus,
+    //Connection with tx_inband
+    input rx_WR,
+    input [15:0] rx_databus,
+    input rx_WR_done,
+    output reg rx_WR_enabled,
+    //signal strength
+    input wire [31:0] rssi_0, input wire [31:0] rssi_1,
+    input wire [31:0] rssi_2, input wire [31:0] rssi_3,
+    input wire [1:0] tx_underrun
+    );
+    parameter NUM_CHAN = 1;
+    genvar i ;
+    // FX2 Bug Fix
+    reg [8:0] read_count;
+    always @(negedge usbclk)
+        if(bus_reset)
+            read_count <= #1 9'd0;
+        else if(RD & ~read_count[8])
+            read_count <= #1 read_count + 9'd1;
+        else
+            read_count <= #1 RD ? read_count : 9'b0;
+	// Time counter
+	reg [31:0] timestamp_clock;
+	always @(posedge rxclk)
+		if (reset)
+			timestamp_clock <= 0;
+		else
+			timestamp_clock <= timestamp_clock + 1;
+  // USB side fifo
+  wire [11:0] rdusedw;
+  wire [11:0] wrusedw;
+  wire [15:0] fifodata;
+  wire [15:0] fifodata_il[0:NUM_CHAN];
+  wire WR;
+  wire have_space;
+  reg sel;
+  reg wr;
+  always@(posedge rxclk)
+    begin
+      if(reset)
+        begin
+          sel<=1;
+          wr<=0;
+        end
+      else if(rxstrobe)
+        begin
+          sel<=0;
+          wr<=1;
+        end
+      else if(wr&~sel)
+          sel<=1;
+      else if(wr&sel)
+          wr<=0;
+      else
+          wr<=0;
+    end
+  assign fifodata_il[0] = (sel)?ch_1:ch_0;
+  assign fifodata_il[1] = (sel)?ch_3:ch_2;
+  fifo_4kx16_dc	rx_usb_fifo (
+    .aclr ( reset ),
+    .data ( fifodata ),
+    .rdclk ( ~usbclk ),
+    .rdreq ( RD & ~read_count[8] ),
+    .wrclk ( rxclk ),
+    .wrreq ( WR ),
+    .q ( usbdata ),
+    .rdempty (  ),
+    .rdusedw ( rdusedw ),
+    .wrfull (  ),
+    .wrusedw ( wrusedw ) );
+  assign have_pkt_rdy = (rdusedw >= 12'd256);
+  assign have_space = (wrusedw < 12'd760);
+  // Rx side fifos
+  // These are of size [NUM_CHAN:0] because the extra channel is used for the
+  // RX command channel.  If there were no command channel, they would be
+  // NUM_CHAN-1.
+  wire chan_rdreq;
+  wire [15:0] chan_fifodata;
+  wire [9:0] chan_usedw;
+  wire [NUM_CHAN:0] chan_empty;
+  wire [3:0] rd_select;
+  wire [NUM_CHAN:0] rx_full;
+  packet_builder #(NUM_CHAN) rx_pkt_builer (
+    .rxclk ( rxclk ),
+    .reset ( reset ),
+    .timestamp_clock ( timestamp_clock ),
+    .channels ( NUM_CHAN ),
+    .chan_rdreq ( chan_rdreq ),
+    .chan_fifodata ( chan_fifodata ),
+    .chan_empty ( chan_empty ),
+    .rd_select ( rd_select ),
+    .chan_usedw ( chan_usedw ),
+    .WR ( WR ),
+    .fifodata ( fifodata ),
+    .have_space ( have_space ),
+      .rssi_0(rssi_0), .rssi_1(rssi_1),
+      .rssi_2(rssi_2),.rssi_3(rssi_3), .debugbus(debug),
+      .underrun(tx_underrun));
+  // Detect overrun
+  always @(posedge rxclk)
+    if(reset)
+      rx_overrun <= 1'b0;
+    else if(rx_full[0])
+      rx_overrun <= 1'b1;
+    else if(clear_status)
+      rx_overrun <= 1'b0;
+  // FIXME: what is the purpose of these two lines?
+  wire [15:0]ch[NUM_CHAN:0];
+  assign ch[0] = ch_0;
+  wire cmd_empty;
+  always @(posedge rxclk)
+    if(reset)
+      rx_WR_enabled <= 1;
+    else if(cmd_empty)
+      rx_WR_enabled <= 1;
+    else if(rx_WR_done)
+      rx_WR_enabled <= 0;
+  // Of Size 0:NUM_CHAN due to extra command channel.
+  wire [15:0] dataout [0:NUM_CHAN];
+  wire [9:0]  usedw	[0:NUM_CHAN];
+  wire empty[0:NUM_CHAN];
+  generate for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_CHAN; i = i + 1)
+    begin : generate_channel_fifos
+      wire rdreq;
+      assign rdreq = (rd_select == i) & chan_rdreq;
+      fifo_1kx16 rx_chan_fifo (
+      .aclr ( reset ),
+      .clock ( rxclk ),
+      .data ( fifodata_il[i] ),
+      .rdreq ( rdreq ),
+      .wrreq ( ~rx_full[i] & wr),
+      .empty (empty[i]),
+      .full (rx_full[i]),
+      .q ( dataout[i]),
+      .usedw ( usedw[i]),
+      .almost_empty(chan_empty[i])
+      );
+    end
+  endgenerate
+  wire [7:0] debug;
+  fifo_1kx16 rx_cmd_fifo (
+    .aclr ( reset ),
+    .clock ( rxclk ),
+    .data ( rx_databus ),
+    .rdreq ( (rd_select == NUM_CHAN) & chan_rdreq ),
+    .wrreq ( rx_WR & rx_WR_enabled),
+    .empty ( cmd_empty),
+    .full ( rx_full[NUM_CHAN] ),
+    .q ( dataout[NUM_CHAN]),
+    .usedw ( usedw[NUM_CHAN] )
+  );
+  assign chan_empty[NUM_CHAN] = cmd_empty | rx_WR_enabled;
+  assign chan_fifodata = dataout[rd_select];
+  assign chan_usedw = usedw[rd_select];
+  assign debugbus = {4'd0, rxclk, rxstrobe, rx_full[0], rx_full[1], sel, wr};
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/tx_buffer_inband.v b/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/tx_buffer_inband.v
index fec9dbe313..2dd75f42f2 100755
--- a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/tx_buffer_inband.v
+++ b/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/tx_buffer_inband.v
@@ -1,224 +1,143 @@
 module tx_buffer_inband
-  ( usbclk, bus_reset, reset, usbdata, WR, have_space, 
-    channels, tx_i_0, tx_q_0, tx_i_1, tx_q_1,
-    tx_i_2, tx_q_2, tx_i_3, tx_q_3, txclk, txstrobe,
-    clear_status, tx_empty, debugbus, 
-	rx_databus, rx_WR, rx_WR_done, rx_WR_enabled, reg_io_enable,
-	reg_data_in, reg_data_out, reg_addr, rssi_0, rssi_1, rssi_2, 
-    rssi_3, rssi_wait, threshhold, tx_underrun
-   );
+  ( //System
+    input wire usbclk, input wire bus_reset, input wire reset, 
+    input wire [15:0] usbdata, output wire have_space, input wire [3:0] channels, 
+    //output transmit signals
+    output wire [15:0] tx_i_0, output wire [15:0] tx_q_0, 
+    output wire [15:0] tx_i_1, output wire [15:0] tx_q_1,
+    output wire [15:0] tx_i_2, output wire [15:0] tx_q_2, 
+    output wire [15:0] tx_i_3, output wire [15:0] tx_q_3, 
+    input wire txclk, input wire txstrobe, input wire WR,
+    input wire clear_status, output wire tx_empty, output wire [15:0] debugbus, 
+    //command reader io
+    output wire [15:0] rx_databus, output wire rx_WR, output wire rx_WR_done, 
+    input wire rx_WR_enabled,
+    //register io 
+    output wire [1:0] reg_io_enable, output wire [31:0] reg_data_in, output wire [6:0] reg_addr,
+    input wire [31:0] reg_data_out,  
+    //input characteristic signals
+    input wire [31:0] rssi_0, input wire [31:0] rssi_1, input wire [31:0] rssi_2, 
+    input wire [31:0] rssi_3, input wire [31:0] rssi_wait, input wire [31:0] threshhold, 
+    output wire [1:0] tx_underrun, 
+    //system stop
+    output wire stop, output wire [15:0] stop_time);
-    parameter NUM_CHAN	 =      2 ;
-	/* Debug paramters */
-    parameter STROBE_RATE_0 =   8'd1 ;
-    parameter STROBE_RATE_1 =   8'd2 ;
+   parameter NUM_CHAN	 =      1 ;
-    input   wire                usbclk ;
-    input   wire                bus_reset ; // Used here for the 257-Hack to fix the FX2 bug
-    input   wire                reset ; // standard DSP-side reset
-    input   wire         [15:0] usbdata ;
-    input   wire                WR ;
-    input   wire                txclk ;
-    input   wire                txstrobe ;
-	input 	wire				rx_WR_enabled;
-    /* Not used yet */
-    input   wire          [3:0] channels ;
-    input   wire                clear_status ;
-    /*register io*/
-    input   wire          [31:0]reg_data_out;
-    // rssi
-    input	wire		  [31:0]rssi_0;
-    input	wire		  [31:0]rssi_1;
-    input	wire		  [31:0]rssi_2;
-    input	wire		  [31:0]rssi_3;
-    input	wire		  [31:0]threshhold;
-	input	wire		  [31:0]rssi_wait;
-    output  wire                have_space ;
-    output  wire                tx_empty ;
-    output  wire         [15:0] tx_i_0 ;
-    output  wire         [15:0] tx_q_0 ;
-    output  wire         [15:0] tx_i_1 ;
-    output  wire         [15:0] tx_q_1 ;
-    output  wire         [15:0] debugbus ;
-    /* Not used yet */
-    output  wire         [15:0] tx_i_2 ;
-    output  wire         [15:0] tx_q_2 ;
-    output  wire         [15:0] tx_i_3 ;
-    output  wire         [15:0] tx_q_3 ;
-	output	wire		 [15:0] rx_databus ;
-	output	wire		 		rx_WR;
-	output 	wire				rx_WR_done;
-    /* reg_io */
-    output  wire         [31:0] reg_data_in;
-    output  wire         [6:0]  reg_addr;
-    output  wire         [1:0]  reg_io_enable;
-	output	wire		 [NUM_CHAN-1:0] tx_underrun;
-    /* To generate channel readers */
-    genvar i ;
+   /* To generate channel readers */
+   genvar i ;
-    /* These will eventually be external register */
-    reg                  [31:0] adc_time ;
-    wire                  [7:0] txstrobe_rate [NUM_CHAN-1:0] ;
-    wire				 [31:0] rssi [3:0];
-    assign rssi[0] = rssi_0;
-    assign rssi[1] = rssi_1;
-    assign rssi[2] = rssi_2;
-    assign rssi[3] = rssi_3;
+   /* These will eventually be external register */
+   reg                  [31:0] timestamp_clock ;
+   wire                 [7:0]  txstrobe_rate [NUM_CHAN-1:0] ;
+   wire			        [31:0] rssi [3:0];
+   assign rssi[0] = rssi_0;
+   assign rssi[1] = rssi_1;
+   assign rssi[2] = rssi_2;
+   assign rssi[3] = rssi_3;
-	always @(posedge txclk)
-		if (reset)
-			adc_time <= 0;
-		else if (txstrobe)
-			adc_time <= adc_time + 1;
+   always @(posedge txclk)
+       if (reset)
+           timestamp_clock <= 0;
+       else
+           timestamp_clock <= timestamp_clock + 1;
     /* Connections between tx_usb_fifo_reader and
        cnannel/command processing blocks */
-    wire                 [31:0] tx_data_bus ;
-    wire           [NUM_CHAN:0] chan_WR ;
-    wire           [NUM_CHAN:0] chan_done ;
+   wire                  [31:0] tx_data_bus ;
+   wire            [NUM_CHAN:0] chan_WR ;
+   wire            [NUM_CHAN:0] chan_done ;
     /* Connections between data block and the
        FX2/TX chains */
-    wire           [NUM_CHAN:0] chan_underrun ;
-    wire           [NUM_CHAN:0] chan_txempty ;
+   wire            [NUM_CHAN:0] chan_underrun;
+   wire            [NUM_CHAN:0] chan_txempty;
-    /* Conections between tx_data_packet_fifo and
+   /* Conections between tx_data_packet_fifo and
        its reader + strobe generator */
-    wire                 [31:0] chan_fifodata [NUM_CHAN:0] ;
-    wire                        chan_pkt_waiting [NUM_CHAN:0] ;
-    wire                        chan_rdreq [NUM_CHAN:0] ;
-    wire                        chan_skip [NUM_CHAN:0] ;
-    wire           [NUM_CHAN:0] chan_have_space ;
-    wire                        chan_txstrobe [NUM_CHAN-1:0] ;
+   wire                 [31:0] chan_fifodata [NUM_CHAN:0] ;
+   wire                        chan_pkt_waiting [NUM_CHAN:0] ;
+   wire                        chan_rdreq [NUM_CHAN:0] ;
+   wire                        chan_skip [NUM_CHAN:0] ;
+   wire                        chan_have_space [NUM_CHAN:0] ;
-	wire				[14:0]  debug;
+   wire		            [14:0] debug [NUM_CHAN:0];
-    /* Outputs to transmit chains */
-    wire                 [15:0] tx_i [NUM_CHAN-1:0] ;
-    wire                 [15:0] tx_q [NUM_CHAN-1:0] ;
+   /* Outputs to transmit chains */
+   wire                 [15:0] tx_i [NUM_CHAN:0] ;
+   wire                 [15:0] tx_q [NUM_CHAN:0] ;
+   assign tx_i[NUM_CHAN] = 0;
+   assign tx_q[NUM_CHAN] = 0;
-	/* TODO: Figure out how to write this genericly */
-    assign have_space = chan_have_space[0] & chan_have_space[1];
-    assign tx_empty = chan_txempty[0] & chan_txempty[1] ;
-    assign tx_i_0 = chan_txempty[0] ? 16'b0 : tx_i[0] ;
-    assign tx_q_0 = chan_txempty[0] ? 16'b0 : tx_q[0] ;
-    assign tx_i_1 = chan_txempty[1] ? 16'b0 : tx_i[1] ;
-    assign tx_q_1 = chan_txempty[1] ? 16'b0 : tx_q[1] ;
+   assign have_space = chan_have_space[0] & chan_have_space[1];
+   assign tx_empty = chan_txempty[0] & chan_txempty[1] ;
+   assign tx_i_0 = chan_txempty[0] ? 16'b0 : tx_i[0] ;
+   assign tx_q_0 = chan_txempty[0] ? 16'b0 : tx_q[0] ;
+   assign tx_i_1 = chan_txempty[1] ? 16'b0 : tx_i[1] ;
+   assign tx_q_1 = chan_txempty[1] ? 16'b0 : tx_q[1] ;
-    /* Debug statement */
-    assign txstrobe_rate[0] = STROBE_RATE_0 ;
-    assign txstrobe_rate[1] = STROBE_RATE_1 ;
-	assign tx_q_2 = 16'b0 ;
-	assign tx_i_2 = 16'b0 ;
-	assign tx_q_3 = 16'b0 ;
-	assign tx_i_3 = 16'b0 ;
-	assign tx_i_3 = 16'b0 ;
+   assign tx_q_2 = 16'b0 ;
+   assign tx_i_2 = 16'b0 ;
+   assign tx_q_3 = 16'b0 ;
+   assign tx_i_3 = 16'b0 ;
+   assign tx_i_3 = 16'b0 ;
-	assign debugbus = {debug, txclk};
+   assign debugbus = {have_space, txclk, WR, WR_final, chan_WR, chan_done, 
+                      chan_pkt_waiting[0], chan_pkt_waiting[1],
+                      chan_rdreq[0], chan_rdreq[1], chan_txempty[0], chan_txempty[1]};
-	wire [31:0] usbdata_final;
-	wire		WR_final;
+   wire [31:0] usbdata_final;
+   wire		WR_final;
-	tx_packer tx_usb_packer
-	(
-				.bus_reset			(bus_reset),
-				.usbclk				(usbclk),
-				.WR_fx2				(WR),
-				.usbdata			(usbdata),
-				.reset				(reset),
-				.txclk				(txclk),
-				.usbdata_final 		(usbdata_final),
-				.WR_final			(WR_final)
-	);
+   tx_packer tx_usb_packer
+   (.bus_reset(bus_reset), .usbclk(usbclk), .WR_fx2(WR),
+    .usbdata(usbdata), .reset(reset), .txclk(txclk),
+    .usbdata_final(usbdata_final), .WR_final(WR_final));
-	channel_demux channel_demuxer
-	(
-				.usbdata_final		(usbdata_final),
-				.WR_final			(WR_final),
-				.reset				(reset),
-				.txclk				(txclk),
-                .WR_channel         (chan_WR),
-                .WR_done_channel    (chan_done),
-                .ram_data           (tx_data_bus)				
-	);
+   channel_demux #(NUM_CHAN) channel_demuxer
+   (.usbdata_final(usbdata_final), .WR_final(WR_final),
+    .reset(reset), .txclk(txclk), .WR_channel(chan_WR),
+    .WR_done_channel(chan_done), .ram_data(tx_data_bus));
-    generate for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_CHAN; i = i + 1)
-    begin : generate_channel_readers
-		assign tx_underrun[i] = chan_underrun[i];
-        channel_ram tx_data_packet_fifo 
-            (      .reset               (reset),
-                   .txclk               (txclk), 
-                   .datain              (tx_data_bus),
-                   .WR                  (chan_WR[i]),
-                   .WR_done             (chan_done[i]),
-                   .have_space          (chan_have_space[i]),
-                   .dataout             (chan_fifodata[i]),
-                   .packet_waiting      (chan_pkt_waiting[i]),
-                   .RD                  (chan_rdreq[i]),
-                   .RD_done             (chan_skip[i])
-             );
+   generate for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_CHAN; i = i + 1)
+     begin : generate_channel_readers
+       assign tx_underrun[i] = chan_underrun[i];
-        chan_fifo_reader tx_chan_reader 
-           (       .reset               (reset),
-                   .tx_clock            (txclk),
-                   .tx_strobe           (txstrobe),
-                   .adc_time            (adc_time),
-                   .samples_format      (4'b0),
-                   .tx_q                (tx_q[i]),
-                   .tx_i                (tx_i[i]),
-                   .underrun            (chan_underrun[i]),
-                   .skip             	(chan_skip[i]),
-                   .rdreq               (chan_rdreq[i]),
-                   .fifodata            (chan_fifodata[i]),
-                   .pkt_waiting         (chan_pkt_waiting[i]),
-                   .tx_empty            (chan_txempty[i]),
-                   .rssi				(rssi[i]),
-                   .threshhold			(threshhold),
-				   .rssi_wait			(rssi_wait)
-            );	    
+       channel_ram tx_data_packet_fifo 
+       (.reset(reset), .txclk(txclk), .datain(tx_data_bus),
+        .WR(chan_WR[i]), .WR_done(chan_done[i]),
+        .have_space(chan_have_space[i]), .dataout(chan_fifodata[i]),
+        .packet_waiting(chan_pkt_waiting[i]), .RD(chan_rdreq[i]),
+        .RD_done(chan_skip[i]));
+       chan_fifo_reader tx_chan_reader 
+       (.reset(reset), .tx_clock(txclk), .tx_strobe(txstrobe),
+        .timestamp_clock(timestamp_clock), .samples_format(4'b0),          
+        .tx_q(tx_q[i]), .tx_i(tx_i[i]), .underrun(chan_underrun[i]),
+        .skip(chan_skip[i]), .rdreq(chan_rdreq[i]),
+        .fifodata(chan_fifodata[i]), .pkt_waiting(chan_pkt_waiting[i]),
+        .tx_empty(chan_txempty[i]), .rssi(rssi[i]), .debug(debug[i]),
+        .threshhold(threshhold), .rssi_wait(rssi_wait));	         
-	channel_ram tx_cmd_packet_fifo 
-            (      .reset               (reset),
-                   .txclk               (txclk), 
-                   .datain              (tx_data_bus),
-                   .WR                  (chan_WR[NUM_CHAN]),
-                   .WR_done             (chan_done[NUM_CHAN]),
-                   .have_space          (chan_have_space[NUM_CHAN]),
-                   .dataout             (chan_fifodata[NUM_CHAN]),
-                   .packet_waiting      (chan_pkt_waiting[NUM_CHAN]),
-                   .RD                  (chan_rdreq[NUM_CHAN]),
-                   .RD_done             (chan_skip[NUM_CHAN])
-             );
+   channel_ram tx_cmd_packet_fifo 
+   (.reset(reset), .txclk(txclk), .datain(tx_data_bus), .WR(chan_WR[NUM_CHAN]),
+    .WR_done(chan_done[NUM_CHAN]), .have_space(chan_have_space[NUM_CHAN]),
+    .dataout(chan_fifodata[NUM_CHAN]), .packet_waiting(chan_pkt_waiting[NUM_CHAN]),
+    .RD(chan_rdreq[NUM_CHAN]), .RD_done(chan_skip[NUM_CHAN]));
-	cmd_reader tx_cmd_reader
-		(		.reset					(reset),
-				.txclk					(txclk),
-				.adc_time				(adc_time),
-				.skip					(chan_skip[NUM_CHAN]),
-				.rdreq					(chan_rdreq[NUM_CHAN]),
-				.fifodata				(chan_fifodata[NUM_CHAN]),
-				.pkt_waiting			(chan_pkt_waiting[NUM_CHAN]),
-				.rx_databus				(rx_databus),
-				.rx_WR					(rx_WR),
-				.rx_WR_done				(rx_WR_done),
-				.rx_WR_enabled			(rx_WR_enabled),
-				.reg_data_in			(reg_data_in),
-				.reg_data_out			(reg_data_out),
-				.reg_addr				(reg_addr),
-				.reg_io_enable			(reg_io_enable),
-				.debug					(debug)
-		);
+   cmd_reader tx_cmd_reader
+   (.reset(reset), .txclk(txclk), .timestamp_clock(timestamp_clock), .skip(chan_skip[NUM_CHAN]),
+    .rdreq(chan_rdreq[NUM_CHAN]), .fifodata(chan_fifodata[NUM_CHAN]),
+    .pkt_waiting(chan_pkt_waiting[NUM_CHAN]), .rx_databus(rx_databus),
+    .rx_WR(rx_WR), .rx_WR_done(rx_WR_done), .rx_WR_enabled(rx_WR_enabled),
+    .reg_data_in(reg_data_in), .reg_data_out(reg_data_out), .reg_addr(reg_addr),
+    .reg_io_enable(reg_io_enable), .debug(debug[NUM_CHAN]), .stop(stop), .stop_time(stop_time));
 endmodule // tx_buffer
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/usb_fifo_reader.v b/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/usb_fifo_reader.v
deleted file mode 100755
index d002d90ff7..0000000000
--- a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/usb_fifo_reader.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-module usb_fifo_reader (
-      input usbclk,
-      input bus_reset, 
-      input RD,
-      output rdreq,
-      );
-    // FX2 Bug Fix
-    reg [8:0] read_count;
-    always @(negedge usbclk)
-        if(bus_reset)
-            read_count <= #1 9'd0;
-        else if(RD & ~read_count[8])
-            read_count <= #1 read_count + 9'd1;
-        else
-            read_count <= #1 RD ? read_count : 9'b0;
-    assign rdreq = RD & ~read_count[8];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/usb_fifo_writer.v b/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/usb_fifo_writer.v
deleted file mode 100755
index abe1dd5678..0000000000
--- a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/usb_fifo_writer.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-module usb_fifo_writer
-   #(parameter BUS_WIDTH = 16,
-     parameter NUM_CHAN = 2,
-     parameter FIFO_WIDTH = 32)
-   (     //FX2 Side
-			input bus_reset, 
-			input usbclk, 
-			input WR_fx2, 
-			input [15:0]usbdata,
-			// TX Side
-			input reset,
-			input txclk,
-			output reg [NUM_CHAN:0] WR_channel,
-			output reg [FIFO_WIDTH-1:0] ram_data,
-			output reg [NUM_CHAN:0] WR_done_channel );
-	reg [8:0] write_count;
-	/* Fix FX2 bug */
-	always @(posedge usbclk)
-    	if(bus_reset)        // Use bus reset because this is on usbclk
-       		write_count <= #1 0;
-    	else if(WR_fx2 & ~write_count[8])
-    		write_count <= #1 write_count + 9'd1;
-    	else
-    		write_count <= #1 WR_fx2 ? write_count : 9'b0;
-	reg WR_fx2_fixed;
-	reg [15:0]usbdata_fixed;
-	always @(posedge usbclk) 
-	begin
-	   WR_fx2_fixed <= WR_fx2 & ~write_count[8];
-	   usbdata_fixed <= usbdata;
-	end
-	/* Used to convert 16 bits bus_data to the 32 bits wide fifo */
-    reg                             word_complete ;
-    reg     [BUS_WIDTH-1:0]         usbdata_delayed ;
-    reg                             writing ;
-	wire	[FIFO_WIDTH-1:0]		usbdata_packed ;    
-	wire							WR_packed ;
-    always @(posedge usbclk)
-    begin
-        if (bus_reset)
-          begin
-            word_complete <= 0 ;
-            writing <= 0 ;
-          end
-        else if (WR_fx2_fixed)
-          begin
-            writing <= 1 ;
-            if (word_complete)
-                word_complete <= 0 ;
-            else
-              begin
-                usbdata_delayed <= usbdata_fixed ;
-                word_complete <= 1 ;
-              end
-          end
-        else
-            writing <= 0 ;
-	end
-	assign usbdata_packed = {usbdata_fixed, usbdata_delayed} ;
-    assign WR_packed = word_complete & writing ;
-	/* Make sure data are sync with usbclk */
- 	reg [31:0]usbdata_usbclk;
-	reg WR_usbclk; 
-    always @(posedge usbclk)
-    begin
-    	if (WR_packed)
-    		usbdata_usbclk <= usbdata_packed;
-        WR_usbclk <= WR_packed;
-    end
-	/* Cross clock boundaries */
-	reg [FIFO_WIDTH-1:0] usbdata_tx ;
-	reg WR_tx;
-    reg WR_1;
-    reg WR_2;
-	reg [31:0] usbdata_final;
-	reg WR_final;
-	always @(posedge txclk) usbdata_tx <= usbdata_usbclk;
-    always @(posedge txclk) 
-    	if (reset)
-    		WR_1 <= 0;
-    	else
-       		WR_1 <= WR_usbclk;
-    always @(posedge txclk) 
-    	if (reset)
-       		WR_2 <= 0;
-    	else
-      		WR_2 <= WR_1;
-	always @(posedge txclk)
-	begin
-		if (reset)
-			WR_tx <= 0;
-		else
-		   WR_tx <= WR_1 & ~WR_2;
-	end
-	always @(posedge txclk)
-	begin
-	   if (reset)
-	      WR_final <= 0;
-	   else
-	   begin
-	      WR_final <= WR_tx; 
-	      if (WR_tx)
-	         usbdata_final <= usbdata_tx;
-	   end
-	end
-	/* Parse header and forward to ram */
-	reg [3:0]reader_state;
-	reg [4:0]channel ;
-	reg [9:0]read_length ;
-	parameter IDLE = 4'd0;
-	parameter HEADER = 4'd1;
-	parameter WAIT = 4'd2;
-	parameter FORWARD = 4'd3;
-	`define CHANNEL 20:16
-	`define PKT_SIZE 512
-	always @(posedge txclk)
-	begin
-	    if (reset)
-	      begin
-	       reader_state <= 0;
-	       WR_channel <= 0;
-	       WR_done_channel <= 0;
-	      end
-	      else
-	        case (reader_state)
-	        IDLE: begin
-	            if (WR_final)
-	                reader_state <= HEADER; 
-	            end
-            // Store channel and forware header
-	        HEADER: begin
-	            channel <= (usbdata_final[`CHANNEL] == 5'h1f ? NUM_CHAN : usbdata_final[`CHANNEL]) ;
-	            WR_channel[(usbdata_final[`CHANNEL] == 5'h1f ? NUM_CHAN : usbdata_final[`CHANNEL])] <= 1;
-				//channel <= usbdata_final[`CHANNEL] ;
-	            //WR_channel[usbdata_final[`CHANNEL]] <= 1;
-	            ram_data <= usbdata_final;
-				read_length <= 10'd4 ;
-                reader_state <= WAIT;
-	        end
-	        WAIT: begin
-	           WR_channel[channel] <= 0;
-			   if (read_length == `PKT_SIZE)
-	               reader_state <= IDLE;
-	           else if (WR_final)
-	               reader_state <= FORWARD;
-	        end
-	        FORWARD: begin
-	           WR_channel[channel] <= 1;
-	           ram_data <= usbdata_final;
-	           read_length <= read_length + 10'd4;
-	           reader_state <= WAIT;
-	        end
-	       endcase
-	end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/megacells/fifo_1kx16.bsf b/usrp/fpga/megacells/fifo_1kx16.bsf
index 329be2d445..2de80816f6 100755
--- a/usrp/fpga/megacells/fifo_1kx16.bsf
+++ b/usrp/fpga/megacells/fifo_1kx16.bsf
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ applicable agreement for further details.
 		(text "16 bits x 1024 words" (rect 58 132 144 144)(font "Arial" ))
-		(text "almost_empty < 126" (rect 58 122 144 134)(font "Arial" ))
+		(text "almost_empty < 504" (rect 58 122 144 134)(font "Arial" ))
 		(line (pt 16 16)(pt 144 16)(line_width 1))
 		(line (pt 144 16)(pt 144 144)(line_width 1))
 		(line (pt 144 144)(pt 16 144)(line_width 1))
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/megacells/fifo_1kx16.v b/usrp/fpga/megacells/fifo_1kx16.v
index e22b416e5b..4f7e94ef5d 100755
--- a/usrp/fpga/megacells/fifo_1kx16.v
+++ b/usrp/fpga/megacells/fifo_1kx16.v
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ module fifo_1kx16 (
 		scfifo_component.add_ram_output_register = "OFF",
-		scfifo_component.almost_empty_value = 126,
+		scfifo_component.almost_empty_value = 504,
 		scfifo_component.intended_device_family = "Cyclone",
 		scfifo_component.lpm_hint = "RAM_BLOCK_TYPE=M4K",
 		scfifo_component.lpm_numwords = 1024,
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ endmodule
 // CNX file retrieval info
 // ============================================================
 // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: AlmostEmpty NUMERIC "1"
-// Retrieval info: PRIVATE: AlmostEmptyThr NUMERIC "126"
+// Retrieval info: PRIVATE: AlmostEmptyThr NUMERIC "504"
 // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: AlmostFull NUMERIC "0"
 // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: AlmostFullThr NUMERIC "-1"
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ endmodule
 // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: wsFull NUMERIC "1"
 // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: wsUsedW NUMERIC "0"
 // Retrieval info: CONSTANT: LPM_NUMWORDS NUMERIC "1024"
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/megacells/fifo_1kx16_bb.v b/usrp/fpga/megacells/fifo_1kx16_bb.v
index 283aada818..9d9912bc29 100755
--- a/usrp/fpga/megacells/fifo_1kx16_bb.v
+++ b/usrp/fpga/megacells/fifo_1kx16_bb.v
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ endmodule
 // CNX file retrieval info
 // ============================================================
 // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: AlmostEmpty NUMERIC "1"
-// Retrieval info: PRIVATE: AlmostEmptyThr NUMERIC "126"
+// Retrieval info: PRIVATE: AlmostEmptyThr NUMERIC "504"
 // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: AlmostFull NUMERIC "0"
 // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: AlmostFullThr NUMERIC "-1"
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ endmodule
 // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: wsFull NUMERIC "1"
 // Retrieval info: PRIVATE: wsUsedW NUMERIC "0"
 // Retrieval info: CONSTANT: LPM_NUMWORDS NUMERIC "1024"
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/rbf/ b/usrp/fpga/rbf/
index 49d2f2592e..c7c9ce670c 100644
--- a/usrp/fpga/rbf/
+++ b/usrp/fpga/rbf/
@@ -26,8 +26,12 @@ datadir = $(prefix)/share/usrp
 rbfs = 				\
 	rev2/std_2rxhb_2tx.rbf	\
 	rev2/std_4rx_0tx.rbf	\
+	rev2/inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf	\
+	rev2/inband_2rxhb_2tx.rbf	\
 	rev4/std_2rxhb_2tx.rbf	\
 	rev4/std_4rx_0tx.rbf    \
+	rev4/inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf	\
+	rev4/inband_2rxhb_2tx.rbf	\
 	rev2/multi_2rxhb_2tx.rbf	\
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/rbf/rev2/inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf b/usrp/fpga/rbf/rev2/inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..c1c9af2cec
Binary files /dev/null and b/usrp/fpga/rbf/rev2/inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf differ
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/rbf/rev2/inband_2rxhb_2tx.rbf b/usrp/fpga/rbf/rev2/inband_2rxhb_2tx.rbf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..ca1a0f92b1
Binary files /dev/null and b/usrp/fpga/rbf/rev2/inband_2rxhb_2tx.rbf differ
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/rbf/rev4/inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf b/usrp/fpga/rbf/rev4/inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..c1c9af2cec
Binary files /dev/null and b/usrp/fpga/rbf/rev4/inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf differ
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/rbf/rev4/inband_2rxhb_2tx.rbf b/usrp/fpga/rbf/rev4/inband_2rxhb_2tx.rbf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..ca1a0f92b1
Binary files /dev/null and b/usrp/fpga/rbf/rev4/inband_2rxhb_2tx.rbf differ
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/toplevel/usrp_inband_usb/config.vh b/usrp/fpga/toplevel/usrp_inband_usb/config.vh
index 3291dc10b8..007a529e3f 100644
--- a/usrp/fpga/toplevel/usrp_inband_usb/config.vh
+++ b/usrp/fpga/toplevel/usrp_inband_usb/config.vh
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
   `include "../include/common_config_1rxhb_1tx.vh"
 // Uncomment this for 2 rx channels (w/ halfband) & 2 transmit channels
-//`include "../include/common_config_2rxhb_2tx.vh"
+//  `include "../include/common_config_2rxhb_2tx.vh"
 // Uncomment this for 4 rx channels (w/o halfband) & 0 transmit channels
 //`include "../include/common_config_4rx_0tx.vh"
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/toplevel/usrp_inband_usb/usrp_inband_usb.qsf b/usrp/fpga/toplevel/usrp_inband_usb/usrp_inband_usb.qsf
index c9eebc1ada..ae0807f6fc 100644
--- a/usrp/fpga/toplevel/usrp_inband_usb/usrp_inband_usb.qsf
+++ b/usrp/fpga/toplevel/usrp_inband_usb/usrp_inband_usb.qsf
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 # ========================
 set_global_assignment -name ORIGINAL_QUARTUS_VERSION 3.0
 set_global_assignment -name PROJECT_CREATION_TIME_DATE "00:14:04  JULY 13, 2003"
-set_global_assignment -name LAST_QUARTUS_VERSION "5.1 SP1"
+set_global_assignment -name LAST_QUARTUS_VERSION "7.2 SP2"
 # Pin & Location Assignments
 # ==========================
@@ -392,7 +392,6 @@ set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE ../../sdr_lib/hb/ram16_2sum.v
 set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE ../../sdr_lib/hb/coeff_rom.v
 set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE ../../sdr_lib/hb/halfband_decim.v
 set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE ../../sdr_lib/hb/mac.v
-set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE ../../sdr_lib/hb/coeff_ram.v
 set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE ../../sdr_lib/tx_chain.v
 set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE ../../sdr_lib/rx_dcoffset.v
 set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE ../../sdr_lib/adc_interface.v
@@ -419,4 +418,6 @@ set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE ../../sdr_lib/serial_io.v
 set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE ../../sdr_lib/strobe_gen.v
 set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE ../../sdr_lib/sign_extend.v
 set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE ../../inband_lib/channel_ram.v
-set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE ../../inband_lib/register_io.v
\ No newline at end of file
+set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE ../../inband_lib/register_io.v
+set_global_assignment -name LL_ROOT_REGION ON -section_id "Root Region"
+set_global_assignment -name LL_MEMBER_STATE LOCKED -section_id "Root Region"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/toplevel/usrp_inband_usb/usrp_inband_usb.v b/usrp/fpga/toplevel/usrp_inband_usb/usrp_inband_usb.v
index cc625b0e76..79f0dfa4ac 100644
--- a/usrp/fpga/toplevel/usrp_inband_usb/usrp_inband_usb.v
+++ b/usrp/fpga/toplevel/usrp_inband_usb/usrp_inband_usb.v
@@ -97,8 +97,6 @@ module usrp_inband_usb
    // Tri-state bus macro
    bustri bustri( .data(usbdata_out),.enabledt(OE),.tridata(usbdata) );
-   assign      clk64 = master_clk;
    wire [15:0] ch0tx,ch1tx,ch2tx,ch3tx; //,ch4tx,ch5tx,ch6tx,ch7tx;
    wire [15:0] ch0rx,ch1rx,ch2rx,ch3rx,ch4rx,ch5rx,ch6rx,ch7rx;
@@ -129,19 +127,7 @@ module usrp_inband_usb
    assign      bb_tx_q0 = ch1tx;
    assign      bb_tx_i1 = ch2tx;
    assign      bb_tx_q1 = ch3tx;
-wire [6:0] reg_addr;
-wire [31:0] reg_data_out;
-wire [31:0] reg_data_in;
-wire [1:0] reg_io_enable;
-wire [31:0] rssi_threshhold;
-wire [31:0] rssi_wait;
-register_io register_control
- .dataout(reg_data_out),.rssi_0(rssi_0), .rssi_1(rssi_1), .rssi_2(rssi_2), 
- .rssi_3(rssi_3), .threshhold(rssi_threshhold), .rssi_wait(rssi_wait));
-wire [1:0] tx_overrun;
 wire [1:0] tx_underrun;
 `ifdef TX_IN_BAND
@@ -164,9 +150,15 @@ wire [1:0] tx_underrun;
-	   .debugbus(),
+	   .debugbus(rx_debugbus),
 	   .rssi_0(rssi_0), .rssi_1(rssi_1), .rssi_2(rssi_2), 
-       .rssi_3(rssi_3), .threshhold(rssi_threshhold), .rssi_wait(rssi_wait));
+       .rssi_3(rssi_3), .threshhold(rssi_threshhold), .rssi_wait(rssi_wait),
+	   .stop(stop), .stop_time(stop_time));
+  `ifdef TX_DUAL
+    defparam tx_buffer.NUM_CHAN=2;
+  `endif
    tx_buffer tx_buffer
      ( .usbclk(usbclk),.bus_reset(tx_bus_reset),.reset(tx_dsp_reset),
@@ -276,14 +268,18 @@ wire [1:0] tx_underrun;
-       .serial_addr(serial_addr),.serial_data(serial_data),.serial_strobe(serial_strobe),
 	   .rssi_0(rssi_0), .rssi_1(rssi_1), .rssi_2(rssi_2), .rssi_3(rssi_3),
-	   .tx_overrun(tx_overrun), .tx_underrun(tx_underrun));
+	   .tx_underrun(tx_underrun));
+    `ifdef RX_DUAL
+      defparam rx_buffer.NUM_CHAN=2;
+    `endif
    rx_buffer rx_buffer
      ( .usbclk(usbclk),.bus_reset(rx_bus_reset),.reset(rx_dsp_reset),
@@ -357,11 +353,52 @@ wire [1:0] tx_underrun;
    serial_io serial_io
      ( .master_clk(clk64),.serial_clock(SCLK),.serial_data_in(SDI),
-       .serial_addr(serial_addr),.serial_data(serial_data),.serial_strobe(serial_strobe),
+       .serial_addr(addr_db),.serial_data(data_db),.serial_strobe(strobe_db),
+   wire [6:0] reg_addr;
+   wire [31:0] reg_data_out;
+   wire [31:0] reg_data_in;
+   wire [1:0] reg_io_enable;
+   wire [31:0] rssi_threshhold;
+   wire [31:0] rssi_wait;
+   wire [6:0] addr_wr;
+   wire [31:0] data_wr;
+   wire strobe_wr;
+   wire [6:0] addr_db;
+   wire [31:0] data_db;
+   wire strobe_db;
+   assign serial_strobe = strobe_db | strobe_wr;
+   assign serial_addr = (strobe_db)? (addr_db) : (addr_wr);
+   assign serial_data = (strobe_db)? (data_db) : (data_wr);	
+   //assign serial_strobe = strobe_wr;
+   //assign serial_data = data_wr;
+   //assign serial_addr = addr_wr;
+   register_io register_control
+    (.clk(clk64),.reset(1'b0),.enable(reg_io_enable),.addr(reg_addr),.datain(reg_data_in),
+     .dataout(reg_data_out), .addr_wr(addr_wr), .data_wr(data_wr), .strobe_wr(strobe_wr),
+     .rssi_0(rssi_0), .rssi_1(rssi_1), .rssi_2(rssi_2), 
+     .rssi_3(rssi_3), .threshhold(rssi_threshhold), .rssi_wait(rssi_wait),
+	 .reg_0(reg_0),.reg_1(reg_1),.reg_2(reg_2),.reg_3(reg_3),
+     .debug_en(debug_en), .misc(settings), 
+	 .txmux({dac3mux,dac2mux,dac1mux,dac0mux,tx_realsignals,tx_numchan}));
+   //implementing freeze mode
+   reg [15:0] timestop;
+   wire stop;
+   wire [15:0] stop_time;
+   assign	clk64 = (timestop == 0) ? master_clk : 0;
+   always @(posedge master_clk)
+		if (timestop[15:0] != 0)
+			timestop <= timestop - 16'd1;
+		else if (stop)
+			timestop <= stop_time;
    wire [15:0] reg_0,reg_1,reg_2,reg_3;
    master_control master_control
      ( .master_clk(clk64),.usbclk(usbclk),
@@ -374,8 +411,8 @@ wire [1:0] tx_underrun;
-       .debug_0(tx_debugbus),.debug_1(tx_debugbus),
-       .debug_2({rx_sample_strobe,strobe_decim,serial_strobe,serial_addr}),.debug_3({rx_dsp_reset,tx_dsp_reset,rx_bus_reset,tx_bus_reset,enable_rx,(tx_underrun == 0),rx_overrun,decim_rate}),
+       .debug_0(rx_debugbus),.debug_1(ddc0_in_i),
+       .debug_2({rx_sample_strobe,strobe_decim,serial_strobe,serial_addr}),.debug_3({rx_dsp_reset,tx_dsp_reset,rx_bus_reset,tx_bus_reset,enable_rx,tx_underrun,rx_overrun,decim_rate}),
        .reg_0(reg_0),.reg_1(reg_1),.reg_2(reg_2),.reg_3(reg_3) );
    io_pins io_pins
diff --git a/usrp/host/apps-inband/ b/usrp/host/apps-inband/
index 86bb406181..f231b57f7a 100644
--- a/usrp/host/apps-inband/
+++ b/usrp/host/apps-inband/
@@ -30,46 +30,31 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = 	\
 bin_PROGRAMS =				
 noinst_PROGRAMS =			\
-	test_usrp_inband_cs		\
 	test_usrp_inband_ping		\
 	test_usrp_inband_registers	\
 	test_usrp_inband_rx		\
+	test_usrp_inband_2rx		\
 	test_usrp_inband_tx		\
+	test_usrp_inband_2tx		\
 	test_usrp_inband_timestamps	\
 	test_usrp_inband_overrun	\
 	test_usrp_inband_underrun	\
-	test_gmac_tx			\
 noinst_HEADERS =			\
 	ui_nco.h			\
-	ui_sincos.h			\
-	gmac.h				\
-	gmac_symbols.h			
+	ui_sincos.h	
-EXTRA_DIST =				\
-	gmac.mbh
-# Build gmac sources
- : gmac.mbh
-	$(COMPILE_MBH) $(srcdir)/gmac.mbh
-test_usrp_inband_cs_SOURCES 	= ui_sincos.c
-test_usrp_inband_cs_LDADD   	= $(USRP_LA) $(USRP_INBAND_LA)
 test_usrp_inband_ping_SOURCES 	= 
 test_usrp_inband_ping_LDADD   	= $(USRP_LA) $(USRP_INBAND_LA)
 test_usrp_inband_tx_SOURCES 	= ui_sincos.c
 test_usrp_inband_tx_LDADD   	= $(USRP_LA) $(USRP_INBAND_LA)
+test_usrp_inband_2tx_SOURCES 	= ui_sincos.c
+test_usrp_inband_2tx_LDADD   	= $(USRP_LA) $(USRP_INBAND_LA)
 test_usrp_inband_timestamps_SOURCES 	= ui_sincos.c
 test_usrp_inband_timestamps_LDADD   	= $(USRP_LA) $(USRP_INBAND_LA)
@@ -85,8 +70,8 @@ test_usrp_inband_underrun_LDADD   	= $(USRP_LA) $(USRP_INBAND_LA)
 test_usrp_inband_rx_SOURCES 	= ui_sincos.c
 test_usrp_inband_rx_LDADD   	= $(USRP_LA) $(USRP_INBAND_LA)
-test_gmac_tx_SOURCES 	= ui_sincos.c
-test_gmac_tx_LDADD   	= $(USRP_LA) $(USRP_INBAND_LA)
+test_usrp_inband_2rx_SOURCES 	= ui_sincos.c
+test_usrp_inband_2rx_LDADD   	= $(USRP_LA) $(USRP_INBAND_LA)
 read_packets_SOURCES =
 read_packets_LDADD = $(USRP_LA) $(USRP_INBAND_LA)
diff --git a/usrp/host/apps-inband/ b/usrp/host/apps-inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index 107582e121..0000000000
--- a/usrp/host/apps-inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,690 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- * 
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- * 
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- * 
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <gmac.h>
-#include <mb_mblock.h>
-#include <mb_runtime.h>
-#include <mb_protocol_class.h>
-#include <mb_exception.h>
-#include <mb_msg_queue.h>
-#include <mb_message.h>
-#include <mb_msg_accepter.h>
-#include <mb_class_registry.h>
-#include <pmt.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <ui_nco.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_server_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_channel.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_low_level_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_tx.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_rx.h>
-#include <gmac_symbols.h>
-static bool verbose = true;
-gmac::gmac(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
-  : mb_mblock(rt, instance_name, user_arg),
-    d_us_rx_chan(PMT_NIL), d_us_tx_chan(PMT_NIL)
-  // When the MAC layer is initialized, we must connect to the USRP and setup
-  // channels.  We begin by defining ports to connect to the 'usrp_server' block
-  // and then initialize the USRP by opening it through the 'usrp_server.'
-  // Initialize the ports
-  define_ports();
-  // Initialize the connection to the USRP
-  initialize_usrp();
-// The full functionality of GMAC is based on messages passed back and forth
-// between the application and a physical layer and/or usrp_server.  Each
-// message triggers additional events, states, and messages to be sent.
-void gmac::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
-  // The MAC functionality is dispatched based on the event, which is the
-  // driving force of the MAC.  The event can be anything from incoming samples
-  // to a message to change the carrier sense threshold.
-  pmt_t event = msg->signal();
-  pmt_t data = msg->data();
-  pmt_t port_id = msg->port_id();
-  pmt_t handle = PMT_F;
-  pmt_t status = PMT_F;
-  pmt_t dict = PMT_NIL;
-  std::string error_msg;
-  switch(d_state) {
-    //---------------------------- INIT ------------------------------------//
-    // In the INIT state, there should be no messages across the ports. 
-    case INIT:
-      error_msg = "no messages should be passed during the INIT state:"; 
-      goto unhandled;
-    //-------------------------- OPENING USRP -------------------------------//
-    // In this state we expect a response from usrp_server over the CS channel
-    // as to whether or not the opening of the USRP was successful.  If so, we
-    // switch states to allocating the channels for use.
-    case OPENING_USRP:
-      if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_open)
-          && pmt_eq(d_us_cs->port_symbol(), port_id)) {
-        status = pmt_nth(1, data);          // PMT_T or PMT_F
-        if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {         // on success, allocate channels!
-          allocate_channels();
-          return;
-        }
-        else {
-          error_msg = "failed to open usrp:";
-          goto bail;
-        }
-      }
-      goto unhandled;   // all other messages not handled in this state
-    //------------------------ ALLOCATING CHANNELS --------------------------//
-    // When allocating channels, we need to wait for 2 responses from USRP
-    // server: one for TX and one for RX.  Both are initialized to NIL so we
-    // know to continue to the next state once both are set.
-      // ************* TX ALLOCATION RESPONSE ***************** //
-      if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_allocate_channel)
-          && pmt_eq(d_us_tx->port_symbol(), port_id)) 
-      {
-        status = pmt_nth(1, data);
-        if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {   // extract channel on success
-          d_us_tx_chan = pmt_nth(2, data);
-          if(verbose)
-            std::cout << "[GMAC] Received TX allocation"
-                      << " on channel " << d_us_tx_chan << std::endl;
-          // If the RX has also been allocated already, we can continue
-          if(!pmt_eqv(d_us_rx_chan, PMT_NIL)) {
-            //enter_receiving();
-            initialize_gmac();
-          }
-          return;
-        }
-        else {  // TX allocation failed
-          error_msg = "failed to allocate TX channel:";
-          goto bail;
-        }
-      }
-      // ************* RX ALLOCATION RESPONSE ****************//
-      if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_allocate_channel)
-          && pmt_eq(d_us_rx->port_symbol(), port_id)) 
-      {
-        status = pmt_nth(1, data);
-        if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
-          d_us_rx_chan = pmt_nth(2, data);
-          if(verbose)
-            std::cout << "[GMAC] Received RX allocation"
-                      << " on channel " << d_us_rx_chan << std::endl;
-          // If the TX has also been allocated already, we can continue
-          if(!pmt_eqv(d_us_tx_chan, PMT_NIL)) {
-            //enter_receiving();
-            initialize_gmac();
-          }
-          return;
-        }
-        else {  // RX allocation failed
-          error_msg = "failed to allocate RX channel:";
-          goto bail;
-        }
-      }
-      goto unhandled;
-    //----------------------------- INIT GMAC --------------------------------//
-    // In the INIT_GMAC state, now that the USRP is initialized we can do things
-    // like right the carrier sense threshold to the FPGA register.
-    case INIT_GMAC:
-      goto unhandled;
-    //----------------------------- IDLE ------------------------------------//
-    // In the idle state the MAC is not quite 'idle', it is just not doing
-    // anything specific.  It is still being passive with data between the
-    // application and the lower layer.
-    case IDLE:
-      //-------- TX PORT ----------------------------------------------------//
-      if(pmt_eq(d_tx->port_symbol(), port_id)) {
-        //-------- INCOMING PACKET ------------------------------------------//
-        if(pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_tx_pkt)) {
-          handle_cmd_tx_pkt(data);
-          return;
-        }
-      }
-      //--------- USRP TX PORT ----------------------------------------------//
-      if(pmt_eq(d_us_tx->port_symbol(), port_id)) {
-        //-------- INCOMING PACKET RESPONSE ---------------------------------//
-        if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_xmit_raw_frame)) {
-          handle_response_xmit_raw_frame(data);
-          return;
-        }
-      }
-      //--------- CS PORT ---------------------------------------------------//
-      if(pmt_eq(d_cs->port_symbol(), port_id)) {
-        //------- ENABLE CARRIER SENSE --------------------------------------//
-        if(pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_carrier_sense_enable)) {
-          handle_cmd_carrier_sense_enable(data);
-          return;
-        }
-        //------- CARRIER SENSE THRESHOLD -----------------------------------//
-        if(pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_carrier_sense_threshold)) {
-          handle_cmd_carrier_sense_threshold(data);
-          return;
-        }
-        //------- CARRIER SENSE DEADLINE ------------------------------------//
-        if(pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_carrier_sense_deadline)) {
-          handle_cmd_carrier_sense_deadline(data);
-          return;
-        }
-        //------- DISABLE CARRIER SENSE -------------------------------------//
-        if(pmt_eq(event, s_cmd_carrier_sense_disable)) {
-          handle_cmd_carrier_sense_disable(data);
-          return;
-        }
-      }
-      goto unhandled;
-    //------------------------ CLOSING CHANNELS -----------------------------//
-      if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_deallocate_channel)
-          && pmt_eq(d_us_tx->port_symbol(), port_id))
-      {
-        status = pmt_nth(1, data);
-        if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
-          d_us_tx_chan = PMT_NIL;
-          if(verbose)
-            std::cout << "[GMAC] Received TX deallocation\n";
-          // If the RX is also deallocated, we can close the USRP
-          if(pmt_eq(d_us_rx_chan, PMT_NIL)) 
-            close_usrp();
-          return;
-        } else {
-          error_msg = "failed to deallocate TX channel:";
-          goto bail;
-        }
-      }
-      if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_deallocate_channel)
-          && pmt_eq(d_us_rx->port_symbol(), port_id))
-      {
-        status = pmt_nth(1, data);
-        // If successful, set the port to NIL
-        if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
-          d_us_rx_chan = PMT_NIL;
-          if(verbose)
-            std::cout << "[GMAC] Received RX deallocation\n";
-          // If the TX is also deallocated, we can close the USRP
-          if(pmt_eq(d_us_tx_chan, PMT_NIL)) 
-            close_usrp();
-          return;
-        } else {
-          error_msg = "failed to deallocate RX channel:";
-          goto bail;
-        }
-      }
-      goto unhandled;
-    //-------------------------- CLOSING USRP -------------------------------//
-    case CLOSING_USRP:
-      goto unhandled;
-  }
- // An error occured, print it, and shutdown all m-blocks
- bail:
-  std::cerr << error_msg << data
-      	    << "status = " << status << std::endl;
-  shutdown_all(PMT_F);
-  return;
- // Received an unhandled message for a specific state
- unhandled:
-  if(0 && verbose && !pmt_eq(event, pmt_intern("%shutdown")))
-    std::cout << "[GMAC] unhandled msg: " << msg
-              << "in state "<< d_state << std::endl;
-// The MAC layer connects to 'usrp_server' which has a control/status channel,
-// a TX, and an RX port.  The MAC layer can then relay TX/RX data back and
-// forth to the application, or a physical layer once available.
-void gmac::define_ports()
-  // Ports we use to connect to usrp_server
-  d_us_tx = define_port("us-tx0", "usrp-tx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
-  d_us_rx = define_port("us-rx0", "usrp-rx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
-  d_us_cs = define_port("us-cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
-  // Ports applications used to connect to us
-  d_tx = define_port("tx0", "gmac-tx", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
-  d_rx = define_port("rx0", "gmac-rx", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
-  d_cs = define_port("cs", "gmac-cs", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
-// To initialize the USRP we must pass several parameters to 'usrp_server' such
-// as the RBF to use, and the interpolation/decimation rate.  The MAC layer will
-// then pass these parameters to the block with a message to establish the
-// connection to the USRP.
-void gmac::initialize_usrp()
-  if(verbose)
-    std::cout << "[GMAC] Initializing USRP\n";
-  // The initialization parameters are passed to usrp_server via a PMT
-  // dictionary.
-  pmt_t usrp_dict = pmt_make_dict();
-  // Specify the RBF to use
-  pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
-               pmt_intern("rbf"),
-               pmt_intern("test2.rbf"));
-  pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
-               pmt_intern("interp-tx"),
-               pmt_from_long(128));
-  pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
-               pmt_intern("decim-rx"),
-               pmt_from_long(16));
-  // Center frequency
-  pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
-               pmt_intern("rf-freq"),
-               pmt_from_long((long)10e6));
-  // Default is to use USRP considered '0' (incase of multiple)
-  d_which_usrp = pmt_from_long(0);
-  define_component("USRP-SERVER", "usrp_server", usrp_dict);
-  connect("self", "us-tx0", "USRP-SERVER", "tx0");
-  connect("self", "us-rx0", "USRP-SERVER", "rx0");
-  connect("self", "us-cs", "USRP-SERVER", "cs");
-  // Finally, enter the OPENING_USRP state by sending a request to open the
-  // USRP.
-  open_usrp();
-// In the initialization state of the MAC layer we set default values for
-// several functionalities.
-void gmac::initialize_gmac()
-  // The initial state is the INIT state.
-  d_state = INIT_GMAC;
-  // Set carrier sense to enabled by default with the specified threshold and
-  // the deadline to 0 -- which is wait forever.
-  set_carrier_sense(true, 25, 0, PMT_NIL);
-  // Can now notify the application that we are initialized
-  d_cs->send(s_response_gmac_initialized,
-             pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, PMT_T));
-  // The MAC enters an IDLE state where it waits for messages and dispatches
-  // based on them
-  enter_idle();
-// Method for setting the carrier sense and an associated threshold which is
-// written to a register on the FPGA, which it will read if the CS flag is set
-// and perform carrier sense based on.
-// We currently do not wait for the successful response for the write to
-// register command, we assume it will succeed else the MAC must
-void gmac::set_carrier_sense(bool toggle, long threshold, long deadline, pmt_t invocation)
-  d_carrier_sense = toggle;
-  // Only waste the bandwidth and processing of a C/S packet if needed
-  if(threshold != d_cs_thresh) {
-    d_us_tx->send(s_cmd_to_control_channel,    // C/S packet
-               pmt_list2(invocation,           // invoc handle
-                         pmt_list1(
-                              pmt_list2(s_op_write_reg, 
-                                        pmt_list2(
-                                        pmt_from_long(REG_CS_THRESH), 
-                                        pmt_from_long(threshold))))));
-    d_cs_thresh = threshold;
-    if(verbose)
-      std::cout << "[GMAC] Changing CS threshold: " << d_cs_thresh << std::endl;
-  }
-  if(deadline != d_cs_deadline) {
-    d_us_tx->send(s_cmd_to_control_channel,    // C/S packet
-               pmt_list2(invocation,           // invoc handle
-                         pmt_list1(
-                              pmt_list2(s_op_write_reg, 
-                                        pmt_list2(
-                                        pmt_from_long(REG_CS_DEADLINE), 
-                                        pmt_from_long(deadline))))));
-    d_cs_deadline = deadline;
-    if(verbose)
-      std::cout << "[GMAC] Changing CS deadline: " << d_cs_deadline << std::endl;
-  }
-  if(verbose)
-    std::cout << "[GMAC] Setting carrier sense to " << toggle << std::endl;
-// The following sends a command to open the USRP, which will upload the
-// specified RBF when creating the instance of the USRP server and set all other
-// relevant parameters.
-void gmac::open_usrp()
-  d_state = OPENING_USRP;
-  d_us_cs->send(s_cmd_open, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_which_usrp));
-  if(verbose)
-    std::cout << "[GMAC] Opening USRP " 
-              << d_which_usrp << std::endl;
-// Before sending the close to the USRP we wait a couple seconds to let any data
-// through the USB exit, else a bug in the driver will kick an error and cause
-// an abnormal termination.
-void gmac::close_usrp()
-  d_state = CLOSING_USRP;
-  sleep(2);
-  d_us_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(PMT_NIL));
-// RX and TX channels must be allocated so that the USRP server can
-// properly share bandwidth across multiple USRPs.  No commands will be
-// successful to the USRP through the USRP server on the TX or RX channels until
-// a bandwidth allocation has been received.
-void gmac::allocate_channels()
-  if(verbose)
-    std::cout << "[GMAC] Sending channel allocation requests\n";
-  long capacity = (long) 16e6;
-  d_us_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
-  d_us_rx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
-// Before closing the USRP connection, we deallocate our channels so that the
-// capacity can be reused.
-void gmac::close_channels()
-  d_state = CLOSING_CHANNELS;
-  d_us_tx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_us_tx_chan));
-  d_us_rx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_us_rx_chan));
-  if(verbose)
-    std::cout << "[GMAC] Closing channels...\n";
-// Used to enter the receiving state
-void gmac::enter_receiving()
-  d_us_rx->send(s_cmd_start_recv_raw_samples,
-             pmt_list2(PMT_F,
-                       d_us_rx_chan));
-  if(verbose)
-    std::cout << "[GMAC] Started RX sample stream\n";
-// A simple idle state, nothing more to it.
-void gmac::enter_idle()
-  d_state = IDLE;
-// Handles the transmission of a pkt from the application.  The invocation
-// handle is passed on but a response is not given back to the application until
-// the response is passed from usrp_server.  This ensures that the MAC passes
-// back the success or failure.  Furthermore, the MAC could decide to retransmit
-// on a failure based on the result of the packet transmission.
-// This should eventually be connected to a physically layer rather than
-// directly to usrp_server. (d_us_tx should be replaced with a different
-// connection)
-void gmac::handle_cmd_tx_pkt(pmt_t data)
-  pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
-  pmt_t dst = pmt_nth(1, data);
-  pmt_t samples = pmt_nth(2, data);
-  pmt_t pkt_properties = pmt_nth(3, data);
-  pmt_t us_tx_properties = pmt_make_dict();
-  // Set the packet to be carrier sensed?
-  if(carrier_sense_pkt(pkt_properties))
-    pmt_dict_set(us_tx_properties,
-                 pmt_intern("carrier-sense"),
-                 PMT_T);
-  pmt_t timestamp = pmt_from_long(0xffffffff);	// NOW
-  // Construct the proper message for USRP server
-  d_us_tx->send(s_cmd_xmit_raw_frame,
-                pmt_list5(invocation_handle,
-		                      d_us_tx_chan,
-		                      samples, 
-                          timestamp,
-                          us_tx_properties));
-  if(verbose && 0)
-    std::cout << "[GMAC] Transmitted packet\n";
-// Handles a response from the USRP server about the transmission of a frame,
-// whether it was successful or failed.  This should eventually be replaced with
-// a response from the PHY layer.  This is where a retransmit could be
-// implemented.
-void gmac::handle_response_xmit_raw_frame(pmt_t data)
-  pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
-  pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
-  d_tx->send(s_response_tx_pkt,
-             pmt_list2(invocation_handle,
-                       status));
-// This method determines whether carrier sense should be enabled based on two
-// properties.  The first is the MAC setting, which the user can set to carrier
-// sense packets by default or not.  The second is a per packet setting, which
-// can be used to override the MAC setting for the given packet only.
-bool gmac::carrier_sense_pkt(pmt_t pkt_properties) 
-  // First we extract the per packet properties to check the per packet setting
-  // if it exists
-  if(pmt_is_dict(pkt_properties)) {
-    if(pmt_t pkt_cs = pmt_dict_ref(pkt_properties,
-                                   pmt_intern("carrier-sense"),
-                                   PMT_NIL)) {
-      // If the per packet property says true, enable carrier sense regardless
-      // of the MAC setting
-      if(pmt_eqv(pkt_cs, PMT_T))
-        return true;
-      // If the per packet setting says false, disable carrier sense regardless
-      // of the MAC setting
-      else if(pmt_eqv(pkt_cs, PMT_F))
-        return false;
-    }
-  }
-  // If we've hit this point, the packet properties did not state whether
-  // carrier sense should be used or not, so we use the MAC setting
-  if(d_carrier_sense)
-    return true;
-  else
-    return false;
-// This method is envoked by an incoming cmd-enable-carrier-sense signal on the
-// C/S port.  It can be used to re-adjust the threshold or simply enabled
-// carrier sense.  When a threshold is not provided, the MAC will use an
-// averaging algorithm to determine the threshold (in the future).
-void gmac::handle_cmd_carrier_sense_enable(pmt_t data)
-  pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
-  pmt_t threshold = pmt_nth(1, data);
-  pmt_t deadline = pmt_nth(2, data);
-  long l_threshold, l_deadline;
-  // FIXME: for now, if threshold is NIL, we do not change the threshold.
-  // This should be replaced with an averaging algorithm
-  if(pmt_eqv(threshold, PMT_NIL))
-    l_threshold = d_cs_thresh;
-  else
-    l_threshold = pmt_to_long(threshold);
-  // If the deadline is NIL, we do not change the value
-  if(pmt_eqv(threshold, PMT_NIL))
-    l_deadline = d_cs_deadline;
-  else
-    l_deadline = pmt_to_long(deadline);
-  set_carrier_sense(true, l_threshold, l_deadline, invocation_handle);
-// This method is called when an incoming disable carrier sense command is sent
-// over the control status channel.  It so far does not ellicit a response, this
-// needs to be added correctly.  It needs to wait for the response for the C/S
-// packet from usrp_server.
-void gmac::handle_cmd_carrier_sense_disable(pmt_t data) 
-  pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
-  // We don't change the threshold, we leave it as is because the application
-  // did not request that it changes, only to disable carrier sense.
-  set_carrier_sense(false, d_cs_thresh, d_cs_deadline, invocation_handle);
-// When the app requests that the threshold changes, the state of the carrier
-// sense should not change.  If it was enabled, it should remain enabled.
-// Likewise if it was disabled.  The deadline value should also remain
-// unchanged.
-void gmac::handle_cmd_carrier_sense_threshold(pmt_t data)
-  pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
-  pmt_t threshold = pmt_nth(1, data);
-  long l_threshold;
-  // FIXME: for now, if threshold is NIL, we do not change the threshold.
-  // This should be replaced with an averaging algorithm
-  if(pmt_eqv(threshold, PMT_NIL))
-    l_threshold = d_cs_thresh;
-  else
-    l_threshold = pmt_to_long(threshold);
-  set_carrier_sense(d_carrier_sense, l_threshold, d_cs_deadline, invocation_handle);
-// Ability to change the deadline using a C/S packet.  The state of all other
-// carrier sense parameters should not change.
-void gmac::handle_cmd_carrier_sense_deadline(pmt_t data)
-  pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
-  pmt_t deadline = pmt_nth(1, data);
-  long l_deadline;
-  // If the deadline passed is NIL, do *not* change the value.
-  if(pmt_eqv(deadline, PMT_NIL))
-    l_deadline = d_cs_deadline;
-  else
-    l_deadline = pmt_to_long(deadline);
-  set_carrier_sense(d_carrier_sense, d_cs_thresh, l_deadline, invocation_handle);
diff --git a/usrp/host/apps-inband/gmac.h b/usrp/host/apps-inband/gmac.h
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index a6d0bcb128..0000000000
--- a/usrp/host/apps-inband/gmac.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- * 
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- * 
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- * 
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <mb_mblock.h>
-class gmac;
-class gmac : public mb_mblock
-  // The state is used to determine how to handle incoming messages and of
-  // course, the state of the MAC protocol.
-  enum state_t {
-    INIT,
-    IDLE,
-  };
-  state_t	d_state;
-  // Ports used for applications to connect to this block
-  mb_port_sptr		  d_tx, d_rx, d_cs;
-  // Ports to connect to usrp_server (us)
-  mb_port_sptr      d_us_tx, d_us_rx, d_us_cs;
-  // The channel numbers assigned for use
-  pmt_t d_us_rx_chan, d_us_tx_chan;
-  pmt_t d_which_usrp;
-  bool d_carrier_sense;
-  long d_cs_thresh;
-  long d_cs_deadline;
-    REG_CS_THRESH = 1,
-  };
- public:
-  gmac(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
-  ~gmac();
-  void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- private:
-  void define_ports();
-  void initialize_usrp();
-  void initialize_gmac();
-  void set_carrier_sense(bool toggle, long threshold, long deadline, pmt_t invocation);
-  void allocate_channels();
-  void enter_receiving();
-  void enter_idle();
-  void close_channels();
-  void open_usrp();
-  void close_usrp();
-  void handle_cmd_tx_pkt(pmt_t data);
-  void handle_response_xmit_raw_frame(pmt_t data);
-  bool carrier_sense_pkt(pmt_t pkt_properties);
-  void handle_cmd_carrier_sense_enable(pmt_t data);
-  void handle_cmd_carrier_sense_threshold(pmt_t data);
-  void handle_cmd_carrier_sense_disable(pmt_t data);
-  void handle_cmd_carrier_sense_deadline(pmt_t data);
-#endif // INCLUDED_GMAC_H
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index 4fa9a062fd..0000000000
--- a/usrp/host/apps-inband/gmac.mbh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-;; -*- scheme -*- ; not really, but tells emacs how to format this
-;; Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; This file is part of GNU Radio
-;; GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-;;              This is an mblock header file
-;; The format is very much a work-in-progress.
-;; It'll be compiled to C++.
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-;; In the outgoing messages described below, invocation-handle is an
-;; identifier provided by the client to tag the method invocation.
-;; The identifier will be returned with the response, to provide the
-;; client with a mechanism to match asynchronous responses with the
-;; commands that generate them.  The value of the invocation-handle is
-;; opaque the the server, and is not required by the server to be
-;; unique.
-;; In the incoming messages described below, invocation-handle is the
-;; identifier provided by the client in the prompting invocation.  The
-;; identifier is returned with the response, so that the client has a
-;; mechanism to match asynchronous responses with the commands that
-;; generated them.
-;; status is either #t, indicating success, or a symbol indicating an error.
-;; All symbol's names shall begin with %error-
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-;; gmac-tx
-;; The protocol class is defined from the client's point-of-view.
-;; (The client port is unconjugated, the server port is conjugated.)
-(define-protocol-class gmac-tx
-  (:outgoing
-    ;; Transmitting packets can carry an invocation handle so the application
-    ;; can get TX results on specific packets, such as whether a packet tagged
-    ;; as #1 was successfully transmitted or not.  This would allow the
-    ;; application to implement something sliding window like.
-    ;;
-    ;; 'dst' is the destination MAC address (given a MAC addressing scheme)
-    ;;
-    ;; 'data' will be treated transparently and passed on as samples.
-    ;;
-    ;; 'properties' can be used in the future to set per-packet options such as
-    ;;   carrier sense overriding functionality.
-    (cmd-tx-pkt invocation-handle dst data properties)
-   )
-  (:incoming
-    ;; The response will carry the same invocation-handle passed with cmd-tx-pkt
-    (response-tx-pkt invocation-handle status)
-   )
-  )
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-;; gmac-rx
-;; The protocol class is defined from the client's point-of-view.
-;; (The client port is unconjugated, the server port is conjugated.)
-(define-protocol-class gmac-rx
-  (:outgoing
-    ;; There are currently no outgoing commands, I believe that the RX
-    ;; should always be enabled, there is no point in having an enable/disable
-    ;; that I can see.
-   )
-  (:incoming
-    ;; Contains packets decoded by the MAC destined for this machine, sent by
-    ;; the specified address.
-    (response-rx-pkt invocation-handle src data)
-   )
-  )
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
-;; gmac-cs
-;; The protocol class is defined from the client's point-of-view.
-;; (The client port is unconjugated, the server port is conjugated.)
-;; This defines a control/status interface to the MAC layer, for control over
-;; functionality such as carrier sense and future functionality such as channel
-;; hopping.
-(define-protocol-class gmac-cs
-  (:outgoing
-    ;; Threshold represents the carrier sense threshold based on the digital
-    ;; reading out of the DAC.  If the threshold is set to PMT_NIL then the
-    ;; MAC will use averaging to determine an appropriate threshold.
-    (cmd-carrier-sense-enable invocation-handle threshold deadline)
-    (cmd-carrier-sense-threshold invocation-handle threshold)
-    (cmd-carrier-sense-disable invocation-handle)
-    ;; Setting the number of fast transmission retries on a failure before
-    ;; reporting a loss back to the application.
-    (cmd-set-tx-retries invocation-handle retries)
-   )
-  (:incoming
-    (response-gmac-initialized invocation-handle status)
-    (response-carrier-sense-enable invocation-handle status)
-    (response-carrier-sense-threshold invocation-handle status)
-    (response-carrier-sense-deadline invocation-handle status)
-    (response-carrier-sense-disable invocation-handle status)
-    (response-set-tx-retries invocation-handle status)
-   )
-  )
diff --git a/usrp/host/apps-inband/gmac_symbols.h b/usrp/host/apps-inband/gmac_symbols.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d7804be15..0000000000
--- a/usrp/host/apps-inband/gmac_symbols.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- * 
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- * 
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- * 
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <pmt.h>
-// TX
-static pmt_t s_cmd_tx_pkt = pmt_intern("cmd-tx-pkt");
-static pmt_t s_response_tx_pkt = pmt_intern("response-tx-pkt");
-// RX
-static pmt_t s_response_rx_pkt = pmt_intern("response-rx-pkt");
-// CS
-static pmt_t s_cmd_carrier_sense_enable = pmt_intern("cmd-carrier-sense-enable");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_carrier_sense_threshold = pmt_intern("cmd-carrier-sense-threshold");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_carrier_sense_deadline = pmt_intern("cmd-carrier-sense-deadline");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_carrier_sense_disable = pmt_intern("cmd-carrier-sense-disable");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_set_tx_retries = pmt_intern("cmd-set-tx-retries");
-static pmt_t s_response_gmac_initialized = pmt_intern("response-gmac-initialized");
-static pmt_t s_response_carrier_sense_enable = pmt_intern("response-carrier-sense-enable");
-static pmt_t s_response_carrier_sense_treshold = pmt_intern("response-carrier-sense-threshold");
-static pmt_t s_response_carrier_sense_deadline = pmt_intern("response-carrier-sense-deadline");
-static pmt_t s_response_carrier_sense_disable = pmt_intern("response-carrier-sense-disable");
-static pmt_t s_response_set_tx_retries = pmt_intern("response-set-tx-retries");
diff --git a/usrp/host/apps-inband/ b/usrp/host/apps-inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index 74f16c669a..0000000000
--- a/usrp/host/apps-inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- * 
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- * 
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- * 
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mb_mblock.h>
-#include <mb_runtime.h>
-#include <mb_protocol_class.h>
-#include <mb_exception.h>
-#include <mb_msg_queue.h>
-#include <mb_message.h>
-#include <mb_msg_accepter.h>
-#include <mb_class_registry.h>
-#include <pmt.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <ui_nco.h>
-#include <gmac.h>
-#include <gmac_symbols.h>
-static bool verbose = true;
-class test_gmac_tx : public mb_mblock
-  mb_port_sptr 	d_tx;
-  mb_port_sptr 	d_cs;
-  pmt_t		d_tx_chan;	// returned tx channel handle
-  enum state_t {
-    INIT,
-  };
-  state_t	d_state;
-  long		d_nsamples_to_send;
-  long		d_nsamples_xmitted;
-  long		d_nframes_xmitted;
-  long		d_samples_per_frame;
-  bool		d_done_sending;
-  // for generating sine wave output
-  ui_nco<float,float>	d_nco;
-  double	        d_amplitude;
- public:
-  test_gmac_tx(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
-  ~test_gmac_tx();
-  void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- protected:
-  void open_usrp();
-  void close_usrp();
-  void allocate_channel();
-  void send_packets();
-  void enter_transmitting();
-  void build_and_send_next_frame();
-  void handle_xmit_response(pmt_t invocation_handle);
-  void enter_closing_channel();
-test_gmac_tx::test_gmac_tx(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
-  : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg),
-    d_state(INIT), d_nsamples_to_send((long) 40e6),
-    d_nsamples_xmitted(0),
-    d_nframes_xmitted(0),
-    d_samples_per_frame((long)(126 * 4)),	// full packet
-    d_done_sending(false),
-    d_amplitude(16384)
-  define_component("GMAC", "gmac", PMT_NIL);
-  d_tx = define_port("tx0", "gmac-tx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
-  d_cs = define_port("cs", "gmac-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
-  connect("self", "tx0", "GMAC", "tx0");
-  connect("self", "cs", "GMAC", "cs");
-  // initialize NCO
-  double freq = 100e3;
-  int interp = 32;			    // 32 -> 4MS/s
-  double sample_rate = 128e6 / interp;	
-  d_nco.set_freq(2*M_PI * freq/sample_rate);
-test_gmac_tx::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
-  pmt_t event = msg->signal();
-  pmt_t data = msg->data();
-  pmt_t port_id = msg->port_id();
-  pmt_t handle = PMT_F;
-  pmt_t status = PMT_F;
-  pmt_t dict = PMT_NIL;
-  std::string error_msg;
-  // Dispatch based on state
-  switch(d_state) {
-    //------------------------------ INIT ---------------------------------//
-    // When GMAC is done initializing, it will send a response
-    case INIT:
-      if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_gmac_initialized)) {
-        handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
-        status = pmt_nth(1, data);
-        if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
-          enter_transmitting();
-          return;
-        }
-        else {
-          error_msg = "error initializing gmac:";
-          goto bail;
-        }
-      }
-      goto unhandled;
-    //-------------------------- TRANSMITTING ----------------------------//
-    // In the transmit state we count the number of underruns received and
-    // ballpark the number with an expected count (something >1 for starters)
-      // Check that the transmits are OK
-      if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_tx_pkt)){
-        handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
-        status = pmt_nth(1, data);
-        if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
-          handle_xmit_response(handle);
-          return;
-        }
-        else {
-          error_msg = "bad response-tx-pkt:";
-          goto bail;
-        }
-      }
-      goto unhandled;
-  }
- // An error occured, print it, and shutdown all m-blocks
- bail:
-  std::cerr << error_msg << data
-      	    << "status = " << status << std::endl;
-  shutdown_all(PMT_F);
-  return;
- // Received an unhandled message for a specific state
- unhandled:
-  if(verbose && !pmt_eq(event, pmt_intern("%shutdown")))
-    std::cout << "[TEST_GMAC_TX] unhandled msg: " << msg
-              << "in state "<< d_state << std::endl;
-  d_state = TRANSMITTING;
-  d_nsamples_xmitted = 0;
-  d_cs->send(s_cmd_carrier_sense_deadline,
-             pmt_list2(PMT_NIL,
-                       pmt_from_long(50000000)));
-  build_and_send_next_frame();	// fire off 4 to start pipeline
-  build_and_send_next_frame();
-  build_and_send_next_frame();
-  build_and_send_next_frame();
-  // allocate the uniform vector for the samples
-  // FIXME perhaps hold on to this between calls
-#if 0
-  long nsamples_this_frame =
-    std::min(d_nsamples_to_send - d_nsamples_xmitted,
-	     d_samples_per_frame);
-  long nsamples_this_frame = d_samples_per_frame;
-  if (nsamples_this_frame == 0){
-    d_done_sending = true;
-    return;
-  }
-  size_t nshorts = 2 * nsamples_this_frame;	// 16-bit I & Q
-  pmt_t uvec = pmt_make_s16vector(nshorts, 0);
-  size_t ignore;
-  int16_t *samples = pmt_s16vector_writeable_elements(uvec, ignore);
-  // fill in the complex sinusoid
-  for (int i = 0; i < nsamples_this_frame; i++){
-    if (1){
-      gr_complex s;
-      d_nco.sincos(&s, 1, d_amplitude);
-      // write 16-bit i & q
-      samples[2*i] =   (int16_t) s.real();
-      samples[2*i+1] = (int16_t) s.imag();
-    }
-    else {
-      gr_complex s(d_amplitude, d_amplitude);
-      // write 16-bit i & q
-      samples[2*i] =   (int16_t) s.real();
-      samples[2*i+1] = (int16_t) s.imag();
-    }
-  }
-  // Per packet properties
-  pmt_t tx_properties = pmt_make_dict();
-  if(d_nframes_xmitted > 25000) {
-    pmt_dict_set(tx_properties,
-                 pmt_intern("carrier-sense"),
-                 PMT_F);
-  }
-  if(d_nframes_xmitted > 35000) {
-    pmt_dict_set(tx_properties,
-                 pmt_intern("carrier-sense"),
-                 PMT_NIL);
-  }
-  if(d_nframes_xmitted == 45000) {
-    d_cs->send(s_cmd_carrier_sense_threshold, 
-               pmt_list2(PMT_NIL,
-                         pmt_from_long(100)));
-  }
-  if(d_nframes_xmitted == 60000) {
-    d_cs->send(s_cmd_carrier_sense_threshold, 
-               pmt_list2(PMT_NIL,
-                         pmt_from_long(25)));
-  }
-  if(d_nframes_xmitted == 75000) {
-    d_cs->send(s_cmd_carrier_sense_disable, 
-               pmt_list1(PMT_NIL));
-  }
-  if(d_nframes_xmitted > 90000 && d_nframes_xmitted < 110000) {
-    pmt_dict_set(tx_properties,
-                 pmt_intern("carrier-sense"),
-                 PMT_T);
-  }
-  if(d_nframes_xmitted > 110000) {
-    if(d_nframes_xmitted % 100 == 0)
-      pmt_dict_set(tx_properties,
-                   pmt_intern("carrier-sense"),
-                   PMT_T);
-  pmt_t timestamp = pmt_from_long(0xffffffff);	// NOW
-  d_tx->send(s_cmd_tx_pkt,
-	     pmt_list4(PMT_NIL,   // invocation-handle
-           PMT_NIL,         // destination
-		       uvec,				    // the samples
-           tx_properties)); // per pkt properties
-  d_nsamples_xmitted += nsamples_this_frame;
-  d_nframes_xmitted++;
-  if(verbose && 0)
-    std::cout << "[TEST_GMAC_TX] Transmitted frame\n";
-test_gmac_tx::handle_xmit_response(pmt_t handle)
-  if (d_done_sending &&
-      pmt_to_long(handle) == (d_nframes_xmitted - 1)){
-    // We're done sending and have received all responses
-  }
-  build_and_send_next_frame();
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-main (int argc, char **argv)
-  // handle any command line args here
-  mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
-  pmt_t result = PMT_NIL;
-  rt->run("test_gmac_tx", "test_gmac_tx", PMT_F, &result);
diff --git a/usrp/host/apps-inband/ b/usrp/host/apps-inband/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da8d7271c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usrp/host/apps-inband/
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * 
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ * 
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <mb_mblock.h>
+#include <mb_runtime.h>
+#include <mb_runtime_nop.h>		// QA only
+#include <mb_protocol_class.h>
+#include <mb_exception.h>
+#include <mb_msg_queue.h>
+#include <mb_message.h>
+#include <mb_mblock_impl.h>
+#include <mb_msg_accepter.h>
+#include <mb_class_registry.h>
+#include <pmt.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+// Include the symbols needed for communication with USRP server
+#include <symbols_usrp_server_cs.h>
+#include <symbols_usrp_channel.h>
+#include <symbols_usrp_low_level_cs.h>
+#include <symbols_usrp_rx.h>
+static bool verbose = true;
+class test_usrp_rx : public mb_mblock
+  mb_port_sptr 	d_rx;
+  mb_port_sptr 	d_cs;
+  pmt_t		d_rx_chan0, d_rx_chan1;
+  enum state_t {
+    INIT,
+  };
+  state_t	d_state;
+  std::ofstream d_ofile;
+  long d_samples_recvd;
+  long d_samples_to_recv;
+ public:
+  test_usrp_rx(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
+  ~test_usrp_rx();
+  void initial_transition();
+  void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
+ protected:
+  void open_usrp();
+  void close_usrp();
+  void allocate_channel();
+  void send_packets();
+  void enter_receiving();
+  void build_and_send_next_frame();
+  void handle_response_recv_raw_samples(pmt_t invocation_handle);
+  void enter_closing_channel();
+test_usrp_rx::test_usrp_rx(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
+  : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg),
+    d_rx_chan0(PMT_NIL), d_rx_chan1(PMT_NIL),
+    d_samples_recvd(0),
+    d_samples_to_recv(20e6)
+  d_rx = define_port("rx0", "usrp-rx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
+  d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
+  // Pass a dictionary to usrp_server which specifies which interface to use, the stub or USRP
+  pmt_t usrp_dict = pmt_make_dict();
+  // To test the application without a USRP
+  bool fake_usrp_p = false;
+  if(fake_usrp_p) {
+    pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict, 
+                 pmt_intern("fake-usrp"),
+		             PMT_T);
+  }
+  // Specify the RBF to use
+  pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
+               pmt_intern("rbf"),
+               pmt_intern("inband_2rxhb_2tx.rbf"));
+  pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
+               pmt_intern("decim-rx"),
+               pmt_from_long(64));
+  define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_dict);
+  connect("self", "rx0", "server", "rx0");
+  connect("self", "cs", "server", "cs");
+  open_usrp();
+test_usrp_rx::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
+  pmt_t	event = msg->signal();
+  pmt_t data = msg->data();
+  pmt_t handle = PMT_F;
+  pmt_t status = PMT_F;
+  std::string error_msg;
+  switch(d_state){
+    //----------------------------- OPENING_USRP ----------------------------//
+    // We only expect a response from opening the USRP which should be succesful
+    // or failed.
+    case OPENING_USRP:
+      if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_open)){
+        status = pmt_nth(1, data);
+        if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
+          allocate_channel();
+          return;
+        }
+        else {
+          error_msg = "failed to open usrp:";
+          goto bail;
+        }
+      }
+      goto unhandled;
+    //----------------------- ALLOCATING CHANNELS --------------------//
+    // Allocate an RX channel to perform the overrun test.
+      if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_allocate_channel)){
+        status = pmt_nth(1, data);
+        if(pmt_eqv(d_rx_chan0, PMT_NIL))
+          d_rx_chan0 = pmt_nth(2, data);
+        else
+          d_rx_chan1 = pmt_nth(2, data);
+        if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T) && !pmt_eqv(d_rx_chan1, PMT_NIL)){
+          enter_receiving();
+          return;
+        }
+        else if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_F)){
+          error_msg = "failed to allocate channel:";
+          goto bail;
+        }
+        return;
+      }
+      goto unhandled;
+    //--------------------------- RECEIVING ------------------------------//
+    // In the receiving state, we receive samples until the specified amount
+    // while counting the number of overruns.
+    case RECEIVING:
+      if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_recv_raw_samples)){
+        status = pmt_nth(1, data);
+        if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
+          handle_response_recv_raw_samples(data);
+          return;
+        }
+        else {
+          error_msg = "bad response-xmit-raw-frame:";
+          goto bail;
+        }
+      }
+      goto unhandled;
+    //------------------------- CLOSING CHANNEL ----------------------------//
+    // Check deallocation response for the RX channel 
+      if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_deallocate_channel)){
+        status = pmt_nth(1, data);
+        if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
+          close_usrp();
+          return;
+        }
+        else {
+          error_msg = "failed to deallocate channel:";
+          goto bail;
+        }
+      }
+      // Alternately, we ignore all response recv samples while waiting for the
+      // channel to actually close
+      if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_recv_raw_samples))
+        return;
+      goto unhandled;
+    //--------------------------- CLOSING USRP ------------------------------//
+    // Once we have received a successful USRP close response, we shutdown all
+    // mblocks and exit.
+    case CLOSING_USRP:
+      if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_close)){
+        status = pmt_nth(1, data);
+        if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
+          fflush(stdout);
+          shutdown_all(PMT_T);
+          return;
+        }
+        else {
+          error_msg = "failed to close USRP:";
+          goto bail;
+        }
+      }
+      goto unhandled;
+    default:
+      goto unhandled;
+  }
+  return;
+ // An error occured, print it, and shutdown all m-blocks
+ bail:
+  std::cerr << error_msg << data
+	    << "status = " << status << std::endl;
+  shutdown_all(PMT_F);
+  return;
+ // Received an unhandled message for a specific state
+ unhandled:
+  if(verbose && !pmt_eq(event, pmt_intern("%shutdown")))
+    std::cout << "test_usrp_inband_tx: unhandled msg: " << msg
+              << "in state "<< d_state << std::endl;
+  pmt_t which_usrp = pmt_from_long(0);
+  d_cs->send(s_cmd_open, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, which_usrp));
+  d_state = OPENING_USRP;
+  if(verbose)
+    std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_RX] Opening the USRP\n";
+  d_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(PMT_NIL));
+  d_state = CLOSING_USRP;
+  if(verbose)
+    std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_RX] Closing the USRP\n";
+  long capacity = (long) 16e6;
+  d_rx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
+  d_rx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
+  if(verbose)
+    std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_RX] Requesting RX channel allocation\n";
+  d_state = RECEIVING;
+  d_rx->send(s_cmd_start_recv_raw_samples,
+             pmt_list2(PMT_F,
+                       d_rx_chan0));
+  d_rx->send(s_cmd_start_recv_raw_samples,
+             pmt_list2(PMT_F,
+                       d_rx_chan1));
+  if(verbose)
+    std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_RX] Receiving...\n";
+test_usrp_rx::handle_response_recv_raw_samples(pmt_t data)
+  pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
+  pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
+  pmt_t v_samples = pmt_nth(2, data);
+  pmt_t timestamp = pmt_nth(3, data);
+  pmt_t channel = pmt_nth(4, data);
+  pmt_t properties = pmt_nth(5, data);
+  d_samples_recvd += pmt_length(v_samples) / 4;
+  // Check for overrun
+  if(!pmt_is_dict(properties)) {
+    std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_RX] Recv samples dictionary is improper\n";
+    return;
+  }
+  // Check if the number samples we have received meets the test
+  if(d_samples_recvd >= d_samples_to_recv) {
+    d_rx->send(s_cmd_stop_recv_raw_samples, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_rx_chan0));
+    d_rx->send(s_cmd_stop_recv_raw_samples, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_rx_chan1));
+    enter_closing_channel();
+    return;
+  }
+  d_state = CLOSING_CHANNEL;
+  d_rx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_rx_chan0));
+  d_rx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_rx_chan1));
+  if(verbose)
+    std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_RX] Deallocating RX channel\n";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+main (int argc, char **argv)
+  mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
+  pmt_t result = PMT_NIL;
+  rt->run("top", "test_usrp_rx", PMT_F, &result);
diff --git a/usrp/host/apps-inband/ b/usrp/host/apps-inband/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ab9be06ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usrp/host/apps-inband/
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * 
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ * 
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <mb_mblock.h>
+#include <mb_runtime.h>
+#include <mb_runtime_nop.h>		// QA only
+#include <mb_protocol_class.h>
+#include <mb_exception.h>
+#include <mb_msg_queue.h>
+#include <mb_message.h>
+#include <mb_mblock_impl.h>
+#include <mb_msg_accepter.h>
+#include <mb_class_registry.h>
+#include <pmt.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <ui_nco.h>
+#include <symbols_usrp_server_cs.h>
+#include <symbols_usrp_channel.h>
+#include <symbols_usrp_low_level_cs.h>
+#include <symbols_usrp_tx.h>
+static bool verbose = true;
+class test_usrp_tx : public mb_mblock
+  mb_port_sptr 	d_tx;
+  mb_port_sptr 	d_cs;
+  pmt_t		d_tx_chan0, d_tx_chan1;
+  enum state_t {
+    INIT,
+  };
+  state_t	d_state;
+  long		d_nsamples_to_send;
+  long		d_nsamples_xmitted;
+  long		d_nframes_xmitted;
+  long		d_samples_per_frame;
+  bool		d_done_sending;
+  // for generating sine wave output
+  ui_nco<float,float>	d_nco;
+  double	        d_amplitude;
+ public:
+  test_usrp_tx(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
+  ~test_usrp_tx();
+  void initial_transition();
+  void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
+ protected:
+  void open_usrp();
+  void close_usrp();
+  void allocate_channel();
+  void send_packets();
+  void enter_transmitting();
+  void build_and_send_next_frame();
+  void handle_xmit_response(pmt_t invocation_handle);
+  void enter_closing_channel();
+test_usrp_tx::test_usrp_tx(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
+  : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg),
+    d_tx_chan0(PMT_NIL), d_tx_chan1(PMT_NIL),
+    d_state(INIT), d_nsamples_to_send((long) 80e6),
+    d_nsamples_xmitted(0),
+    d_nframes_xmitted(0),
+    d_samples_per_frame((long)(126 * 4)),	// full packet
+    d_done_sending(false),
+    d_amplitude(16384)
+  // std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_TX] Initializing...\n";
+  d_tx = define_port("tx0", "usrp-tx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
+  d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
+  //bool fake_usrp_p = true;
+  bool fake_usrp_p = false;
+  // Test the TX side
+  pmt_t usrp_dict = pmt_make_dict();
+  if(fake_usrp_p) {
+    pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict, 
+                 pmt_intern("fake-usrp"),
+		             PMT_T);
+  }
+  // Specify the RBF to use
+  pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
+               pmt_intern("rbf"),
+               pmt_intern("inband_2rxhb_2tx.rbf"));
+  // Set TX and RX interpolations
+  pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
+               pmt_intern("interp-tx"),
+               pmt_from_long(128));
+  pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
+               pmt_intern("rf-freq"),
+               pmt_from_long(10e6));
+  define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_dict);
+  connect("self", "tx0", "server", "tx0");
+  connect("self", "cs", "server", "cs");
+  // initialize NCO
+  double freq = 100e3;
+  int interp = 32;			    // 32 -> 4MS/s
+  double sample_rate = 128e6 / interp;	
+  d_nco.set_freq(2*M_PI * freq/sample_rate);
+  // FIXME need to somehow set the interp rate in the USRP.
+  // for now, we'll have the low-level code hardwire it.
+  open_usrp();
+test_usrp_tx::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
+  pmt_t	event = msg->signal();
+  pmt_t data = msg->data();
+  pmt_t handle = PMT_F;
+  pmt_t status = PMT_F;
+  std::string error_msg;
+  //std::cout << msg << std::endl;
+  switch(d_state){
+    if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_open)){
+      status = pmt_nth(1, data);
+      if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
+        allocate_channel();
+        return;
+      }
+      else {
+        error_msg = "failed to open usrp:";
+        goto bail;
+      }
+    }
+    goto unhandled;
+    if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_allocate_channel)){
+      status = pmt_nth(1, data);
+      if(pmt_eqv(d_tx_chan0, PMT_NIL))
+        d_tx_chan0 = pmt_nth(2, data);
+      else
+        d_tx_chan1 = pmt_nth(2, data);
+      if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T) && !pmt_eqv(d_tx_chan1, PMT_NIL)){
+        enter_transmitting();
+        return;
+      }
+      else if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_F)){
+        error_msg = "failed to allocate channel:";
+        goto bail;
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+    goto unhandled;
+    if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_xmit_raw_frame)){
+      handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
+      status = pmt_nth(1, data);
+      if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
+        handle_xmit_response(handle);
+        return;
+      }
+      else {
+        error_msg = "bad response-xmit-raw-frame:";
+        goto bail;
+      }
+    }
+    goto unhandled;
+    if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_deallocate_channel)){
+      status = pmt_nth(1, data);
+      if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
+        close_usrp();
+        return;
+      }
+      else {
+        error_msg = "failed to deallocate channel:";
+        goto bail;
+      }
+    }
+    goto unhandled;
+    if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_close)){
+      status = pmt_nth(1, data);
+      if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
+        shutdown_all(PMT_T);
+        return;
+      }
+      else {
+        error_msg = "failed to close USRP:";
+        goto bail;
+      }
+    }
+    goto unhandled;
+  default:
+    goto unhandled;
+  }
+  return;
+ bail:
+  std::cerr << error_msg << data
+	    << "status = " << status << std::endl;
+  shutdown_all(PMT_F);
+  return;
+ unhandled:
+  std::cout << "test_usrp_inband_tx: unhandled msg: " << msg
+	    << "in state "<< d_state << std::endl;
+  pmt_t which_usrp = pmt_from_long(0);
+  d_cs->send(s_cmd_open, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, which_usrp));
+  d_state = OPENING_USRP;
+  if(verbose)
+    std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TX] Opening the USRP\n";
+  d_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(PMT_NIL));
+  d_state = CLOSING_USRP;
+  if(verbose)
+    std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TX] Closing the USRP\n";
+  long capacity = (long) 16e6;
+  // Send two capacity requests, which will allocate us two channels
+  d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
+  d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
+  if(verbose)
+    std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TX] Requesting TX channel allocation\n";
+  d_state = TRANSMITTING;
+  d_nsamples_xmitted = 0;
+  if(verbose)
+    std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TX] Transmitting...\n";
+  build_and_send_next_frame();	// fire off 4 to start pipeline
+  build_and_send_next_frame();
+  build_and_send_next_frame();
+  build_and_send_next_frame();
+  // allocate the uniform vector for the samples
+  // FIXME perhaps hold on to this between calls
+#if 1
+  long nsamples_this_frame =
+    std::min(d_nsamples_to_send - d_nsamples_xmitted,
+	     d_samples_per_frame);
+  long nsamples_this_frame = d_samples_per_frame;
+  if (nsamples_this_frame == 0){
+    d_done_sending = true;
+    return;
+  }
+  size_t nshorts = 2 * nsamples_this_frame;	// 16-bit I & Q
+  pmt_t uvec = pmt_make_s16vector(nshorts, 0);
+  size_t ignore;
+  int16_t *samples = pmt_s16vector_writeable_elements(uvec, ignore);
+  // fill in the complex sinusoid
+  for (int i = 0; i < nsamples_this_frame; i++){
+    if (1){
+      gr_complex s;
+      d_nco.sincos(&s, 1, d_amplitude);
+      // write 16-bit i & q
+      samples[2*i] =   (int16_t) s.real();
+      samples[2*i+1] = (int16_t) s.imag();
+    }
+    else {
+      gr_complex s(d_amplitude, d_amplitude);
+      // write 16-bit i & q
+      samples[2*i] =   (int16_t) s.real();
+      samples[2*i+1] = (int16_t) s.imag();
+    }
+  }
+  pmt_t tx_properties = pmt_make_dict();
+  pmt_t timestamp = pmt_from_long(0xffffffff);	// NOW
+  d_tx->send(s_cmd_xmit_raw_frame,
+	     pmt_list5(pmt_from_long(d_nframes_xmitted),  // invocation-handle
+		       d_tx_chan0,			  // channel
+		       uvec,				  // the samples
+		       timestamp,
+           tx_properties));
+  // Resend on channel 1
+  d_tx->send(s_cmd_xmit_raw_frame,
+	     pmt_list5(pmt_from_long(d_nframes_xmitted),  // invocation-handle
+		       d_tx_chan1,			  // channel
+		       uvec,				  // the samples
+		       timestamp,
+           tx_properties));
+  d_nsamples_xmitted += nsamples_this_frame;
+  d_nframes_xmitted++;
+  if(verbose && 0)
+    std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TX] Transmitted frame\n";
+test_usrp_tx::handle_xmit_response(pmt_t handle)
+  if (d_done_sending &&
+      pmt_to_long(handle) == (d_nframes_xmitted - 1)){
+    // We're done sending and have received all responses
+    enter_closing_channel();
+  }
+  build_and_send_next_frame();
+  d_state = CLOSING_CHANNEL;
+  // Deallocate both channels
+  d_tx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_tx_chan0));
+  d_tx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_tx_chan1));
+  if(verbose)
+    std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_tX] Deallocating TX channel\n";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+main (int argc, char **argv)
+  // handle any command line args here
+  mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
+  pmt_t result = PMT_NIL;
+  rt->run("top", "test_usrp_tx", PMT_F, &result);
diff --git a/usrp/host/apps-inband/ b/usrp/host/apps-inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2497f8d5c4..0000000000
--- a/usrp/host/apps-inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,476 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- * 
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- * 
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- * 
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mb_mblock.h>
-#include <mb_runtime.h>
-#include <mb_protocol_class.h>
-#include <mb_exception.h>
-#include <mb_msg_queue.h>
-#include <mb_message.h>
-#include <mb_msg_accepter.h>
-#include <mb_class_registry.h>
-#include <pmt.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <ui_nco.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_server_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_channel.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_low_level_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_tx.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_rx.h>
-#define NBPING  10
-static bool verbose = false;
-class test_usrp_cs : public mb_mblock
-  mb_port_sptr 	d_tx;
-  mb_port_sptr 	d_rx;
-  mb_port_sptr 	d_cs;
-  pmt_t		d_tx_chan;	// returned tx channel handle
-  pmt_t		d_rx_chan;	// returned tx channel handle
-  struct timeval times[NBPING];
-  enum state_t {
-    INIT,
-  };
-  state_t	d_state;
-  long		d_nsamples_to_send;
-  long		d_nsamples_xmitted;
-  long		d_nframes_xmitted;
-  long		d_samples_per_frame;
-  bool		d_done_sending;
-  // for generating sine wave output
-  ui_nco<float,float>	d_nco;
-  double	        d_amplitude;
- public:
-  test_usrp_cs(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
-  ~test_usrp_cs();
-  void initial_transition();
-  void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- protected:
-  void open_usrp();
-  void close_usrp();
-  void allocate_channel();
-  void send_packets();
-  void enter_receiving();
-  void enter_transmitting();
-  void build_and_send_ping();
-  void build_and_send_next_frame();
-  void handle_xmit_response(pmt_t invocation_handle);
-  void enter_closing_channel();
-test_usrp_cs::test_usrp_cs(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
-  : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg),
-    d_tx_chan(PMT_NIL),
-    d_rx_chan(PMT_NIL),
-    d_state(INIT), d_nsamples_to_send((long) 40e6),
-    d_nsamples_xmitted(0),
-    d_nframes_xmitted(0),
-    //d_samples_per_frame((long)(126)),
-    //d_samples_per_frame((long)(126 * 3.5)),	// non-full packet
-    d_samples_per_frame((long)(126 * 4)),	// full packet
-    d_done_sending(false),
-    d_amplitude(16384)
-  if(verbose)
-    std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_CS] Initializing...\n";
-  d_tx = define_port("tx0", "usrp-tx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
-  d_rx = define_port("rx0", "usrp-rx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
-  d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
-  //bool fake_usrp_p = true;
-  bool fake_usrp_p = false;
-  // Test the TX side
-  pmt_t usrp_dict = pmt_make_dict();
-  if(fake_usrp_p) {
-    pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict, 
-                 pmt_intern("fake-usrp"),
-		             PMT_T);
-  }
-  // Set TX and RX interpolations
-  pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
-               pmt_intern("interp-tx"),
-               pmt_from_long(128));
-  pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
-               pmt_intern("decim-rx"),
-               pmt_from_long(16));
-  // Specify the RBF to use
-  pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
-               pmt_intern("rbf"),
-               pmt_intern("boe.rbf"));
-  define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_dict);
-  connect("self", "tx0", "server", "tx0");
-  connect("self", "rx0", "server", "rx0");
-  connect("self", "cs", "server", "cs");
-  // initialize NCO
-  double freq = 100e3;
-  int interp = 32;			    // 32 -> 4MS/s
-  double sample_rate = 128e6 / interp;	
-  d_nco.set_freq(2*M_PI * freq/sample_rate);
-  // FIXME need to somehow set the interp rate in the USRP.
-  // for now, we'll have the low-level code hardwire it.
-  open_usrp();
-test_usrp_cs::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
-  pmt_t	event = msg->signal();
-  pmt_t data = msg->data();
-  pmt_t port_id = msg->port_id();
-  pmt_t handle = PMT_F;
-  pmt_t status = PMT_F;
-  std::string error_msg;
-  //std::cout << msg << std::endl;
-  switch(d_state){
-    if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_open)){
-      status = pmt_nth(1, data);
-      if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
-        allocate_channel();
-        return;
-      }
-      else {
-        error_msg = "failed to open usrp:";
-        goto bail;
-      }
-    }
-    goto unhandled;
-    if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_allocate_channel)){
-      if(pmt_eq(d_tx->port_symbol(), port_id)) {
-        status = pmt_nth(1, data);
-        d_tx_chan = pmt_nth(2, data);
-        if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
-          if(verbose)
-            std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_CS] Received allocation for TX\n";
-          if(!pmt_eqv(d_rx_chan, PMT_NIL)) {
-            enter_receiving();
-            enter_transmitting();
-          }
-          return;
-        }
-        else {
-          error_msg = "failed to allocate channel:";
-          goto bail;
-        }
-      }
-      if(pmt_eq(d_rx->port_symbol(), port_id)) {
-        status = pmt_nth(1, data);
-        d_rx_chan = pmt_nth(2, data);
-        if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
-          if(verbose)
-            std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_CS] Received allocation for TX\n";
-          if(!pmt_eqv(d_tx_chan, PMT_NIL)) {
-            enter_receiving();
-            enter_transmitting();
-          }
-          return;
-        }
-        else {
-          error_msg = "failed to allocate channel:";
-          goto bail;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    goto unhandled;
-    if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_xmit_raw_frame)){
-      handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
-      status = pmt_nth(1, data);
-      if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
-        handle_xmit_response(handle);
-        return;
-      }
-      else {
-        error_msg = "bad response-xmit-raw-frame:";
-        goto bail;
-      }
-    }
-    goto unhandled;
-    if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_deallocate_channel)){
-      status = pmt_nth(1, data);
-      if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
-        close_usrp();
-        return;
-      }
-      else {
-        error_msg = "failed to deallocate channel:";
-        goto bail;
-      }
-    }
-    goto unhandled;
-    if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_close)){
-      status = pmt_nth(1, data);
-      if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
-        shutdown_all(PMT_T);
-        return;
-      }
-      else {
-        error_msg = "failed to close USRP:";
-        goto bail;
-      }
-    }
-    goto unhandled;
-  default:
-    goto unhandled;
-  }
-  return;
- bail:
-  std::cerr << error_msg << data
-	    << "status = " << status << std::endl;
-  shutdown_all(PMT_F);
-  return;
- unhandled:
-  if(verbose)
-    std::cout << "test_usrp_inband_tx: unhandled msg: " << msg
-              << "in state "<< d_state << std::endl;
-  pmt_t which_usrp = pmt_from_long(0);
-  d_cs->send(s_cmd_open, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, which_usrp));
-  d_state = OPENING_USRP;
-  d_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(PMT_NIL));
-  d_state = CLOSING_USRP;
-  if(verbose)
-    std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_CS] Closing USRP\n";
-  long capacity = (long) 16e6;
-  d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
-  d_rx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
-  d_rx->send(s_cmd_start_recv_raw_samples,
-             pmt_list2(PMT_F,
-                       d_rx_chan));
-  d_state = TRANSMITTING;
-  d_nsamples_xmitted = 0;
-  if(verbose)
-    std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_CS] Beginning transmission\n";
-  sleep(1);
-//  build_and_send_next_frame();	// fire off 4 to start pipeline
-  build_and_send_ping();
-  build_and_send_ping();
-  build_and_send_ping();
-  d_tx->send(s_cmd_to_control_channel,
-             pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, pmt_list1(pmt_list2(s_op_ping_fixed,
-                                                    pmt_list2(pmt_from_long(0),
-                                                              pmt_from_long(0))))));
-  std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_CS] Ping sent" << std::endl;
-  // allocate the uniform vector for the samples
-  // FIXME perhaps hold on to this between calls
-#if 1
-  long nsamples_this_frame =
-    std::min(d_nsamples_to_send - d_nsamples_xmitted,
-	     d_samples_per_frame);
-  long nsamples_this_frame = d_samples_per_frame;
-  if (nsamples_this_frame == 0){
-    d_done_sending = true;
-    return;
-  }
-  size_t nshorts = 2 * nsamples_this_frame;	// 16-bit I & Q
-  pmt_t uvec = pmt_make_s16vector(nshorts, 0);
-  size_t ignore;
-  int16_t *samples = pmt_s16vector_writeable_elements(uvec, ignore);
-  // fill in the complex sinusoid
-  for (int i = 0; i < nsamples_this_frame; i++){
-    if (1){
-      gr_complex s;
-      d_nco.sincos(&s, 1, d_amplitude);
-      // write 16-bit i & q
-      samples[2*i] =   (int16_t) s.real();
-      samples[2*i+1] = (int16_t) s.imag();
-    }
-    else {
-      gr_complex s(d_amplitude, d_amplitude);
-      // write 16-bit i & q
-      samples[2*i] =   (int16_t) s.real();
-      samples[2*i+1] = (int16_t) s.imag();
-    }
-  }
-  pmt_t timestamp = pmt_from_long(0xffffffff);	// NOW
-  d_tx->send(s_cmd_xmit_raw_frame,
-	     pmt_list4(pmt_from_long(d_nframes_xmitted),  // invocation-handle
-		       d_tx_chan,			  // channel
-		       uvec,				  // the samples
-		       timestamp));
-  d_nsamples_xmitted += nsamples_this_frame;
-  d_nframes_xmitted++;
-  if(verbose)
-    std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_CS] Transmitted frame\n";
-test_usrp_cs::handle_xmit_response(pmt_t handle)
-  if (d_done_sending &&
-      pmt_to_long(handle) == (d_nframes_xmitted - 1)){
-    // We're done sending and have received all responses
-    enter_closing_channel();
-  }
-  //build_and_send_next_frame();
-  d_state = CLOSING_CHANNEL;
-  d_tx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_tx_chan));
-  if(verbose)
-    std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_CS] Closing channel\n";
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-main (int argc, char **argv)
-  // handle any command line args here
-  mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
-  pmt_t result = PMT_NIL;
-  rt->run("top", "test_usrp_cs", PMT_F, &result);
diff --git a/usrp/host/apps-inband/ b/usrp/host/apps-inband/
index 9041a09845..107668b894 100644
--- a/usrp/host/apps-inband/
+++ b/usrp/host/apps-inband/
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ test_usrp_rx::test_usrp_rx(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name
   // Specify the RBF to use
-               pmt_intern("nanocell9.rbf"));
+               pmt_intern("inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf"));
@@ -306,7 +306,8 @@ test_usrp_rx::handle_response_recv_raw_samples(pmt_t data)
   pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
   pmt_t v_samples = pmt_nth(2, data);
   pmt_t timestamp = pmt_nth(3, data);
-  pmt_t properties = pmt_nth(4, data);
+  pmt_t channel = pmt_nth(4, data);
+  pmt_t properties = pmt_nth(5, data);
   d_samples_recvd += pmt_length(v_samples) / 4;
diff --git a/usrp/host/apps-inband/ b/usrp/host/apps-inband/
index 017ccdbf50..a1d9cc1417 100644
--- a/usrp/host/apps-inband/
+++ b/usrp/host/apps-inband/
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ test_usrp_inband_registers::test_usrp_inband_registers(mb_runtime *runtime, cons
   // Specify the RBF to use
-               pmt_intern("boe2.rbf"));
+               pmt_intern("inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf"));
   // Set TX and RX interpolations
diff --git a/usrp/host/apps-inband/ b/usrp/host/apps-inband/
index 0429951f3c..cff2aa723c 100644
--- a/usrp/host/apps-inband/
+++ b/usrp/host/apps-inband/
@@ -87,23 +87,30 @@ class test_usrp_rx : public mb_mblock
 test_usrp_rx::test_usrp_rx(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
   : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg),
-    d_samples_to_recv(5e6)
+    d_samples_to_recv(20e6)
   d_rx = define_port("rx0", "usrp-rx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
   d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
   // Pass a dictionary to usrp_server which specifies which interface to use, the stub or USRP
   pmt_t usrp_dict = pmt_make_dict();
+  // To test the application without a USRP
+  bool fake_usrp_p = false;
+  if(fake_usrp_p) {
+    pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict, 
+                 pmt_intern("fake-usrp"),
+		             PMT_T);
+  }
   // Specify the RBF to use
-               pmt_intern("nanocell9.rbf"));
+               pmt_intern("inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf"));
-               pmt_from_long(128));
+               pmt_from_long(64));
   define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_dict);
@@ -264,6 +271,7 @@ test_usrp_rx::open_usrp()
   d_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(PMT_NIL));
   d_state = CLOSING_USRP;
@@ -302,7 +310,8 @@ test_usrp_rx::handle_response_recv_raw_samples(pmt_t data)
   pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
   pmt_t v_samples = pmt_nth(2, data);
   pmt_t timestamp = pmt_nth(3, data);
-  pmt_t properties = pmt_nth(4, data);
+  pmt_t channel = pmt_nth(4, data);
+  pmt_t properties = pmt_nth(5, data);
   d_samples_recvd += pmt_length(v_samples) / 4;
@@ -325,9 +334,7 @@ void
   d_state = CLOSING_CHANNEL;
-  sleep(2);
   d_rx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_rx_chan));
@@ -342,10 +349,9 @@ REGISTER_MBLOCK_CLASS(test_usrp_rx);
 main (int argc, char **argv)
-  // handle any command line args here
   mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
   pmt_t result = PMT_NIL;
   rt->run("top", "test_usrp_rx", PMT_F, &result);
diff --git a/usrp/host/apps-inband/ b/usrp/host/apps-inband/
index 8824a72fec..297c7126ab 100644
--- a/usrp/host/apps-inband/
+++ b/usrp/host/apps-inband/
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ test_usrp_inband_timestamps::test_usrp_inband_timestamps(mb_runtime *runtime, co
   // Specify the RBF to use
-               pmt_intern("tmac5.rbf"));
+               pmt_intern("inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf"));
   define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_dict);
diff --git a/usrp/host/apps-inband/ b/usrp/host/apps-inband/
index 7118d2d0f4..7f894a4c34 100644
--- a/usrp/host/apps-inband/
+++ b/usrp/host/apps-inband/
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 #include <symbols_usrp_low_level_cs.h>
 #include <symbols_usrp_tx.h>
-static bool verbose = false;
+static bool verbose = true;
 class test_usrp_tx : public mb_mblock
@@ -89,11 +89,9 @@ class test_usrp_tx : public mb_mblock
 test_usrp_tx::test_usrp_tx(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
   : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg),
-    d_state(INIT), d_nsamples_to_send((long) 40e6),
+    d_state(INIT), d_nsamples_to_send((long) 80e6),
-    //d_samples_per_frame((long)(126)),
-    //d_samples_per_frame((long)(126 * 3.5)),	// non-full packet
     d_samples_per_frame((long)(126 * 4)),	// full packet
@@ -119,17 +117,13 @@ test_usrp_tx::test_usrp_tx(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name
   // Specify the RBF to use
-               pmt_intern("cs1.rbf"));
+               pmt_intern("inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf"));
   // Set TX and RX interpolations
-               pmt_from_long(128));
+               pmt_from_long(64));
-  pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
-               pmt_intern("decim-rx"),
-               pmt_from_long(16));
@@ -176,12 +170,12 @@ test_usrp_tx::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
     if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_open)){
       status = pmt_nth(1, data);
       if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
-	allocate_channel();
-	return;
+        allocate_channel();
+        return;
       else {
-	error_msg = "failed to open usrp:";
-	goto bail;
+        error_msg = "failed to open usrp:";
+        goto bail;
     goto unhandled;
@@ -192,12 +186,12 @@ test_usrp_tx::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
       d_tx_chan = pmt_nth(2, data);
       if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
-	enter_transmitting();
-	return;
+        enter_transmitting();
+        return;
       else {
-	error_msg = "failed to allocate channel:";
-	goto bail;
+        error_msg = "failed to allocate channel:";
+        goto bail;
     goto unhandled;
@@ -208,12 +202,12 @@ test_usrp_tx::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
       status = pmt_nth(1, data);
       if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
-	handle_xmit_response(handle);
-	return;
+        handle_xmit_response(handle);
+        return;
       else {
-	error_msg = "bad response-xmit-raw-frame:";
-	goto bail;
+        error_msg = "bad response-xmit-raw-frame:";
+        goto bail;
     goto unhandled;
@@ -223,12 +217,12 @@ test_usrp_tx::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
       status = pmt_nth(1, data);
       if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
-	close_usrp();
-	return;
+        close_usrp();
+        return;
       else {
-	error_msg = "failed to deallocate channel:";
-	goto bail;
+        error_msg = "failed to deallocate channel:";
+        goto bail;
     goto unhandled;
@@ -238,12 +232,12 @@ test_usrp_tx::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
       status = pmt_nth(1, data);
       if (pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)){
-	shutdown_all(PMT_T);
-	return;
+        shutdown_all(PMT_T);
+        return;
       else {
-	error_msg = "failed to close USRP:";
-	goto bail;
+        error_msg = "failed to close USRP:";
+        goto bail;
     goto unhandled;
@@ -272,6 +266,9 @@ test_usrp_tx::open_usrp()
   d_cs->send(s_cmd_open, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, which_usrp));
   d_state = OPENING_USRP;
+  if(verbose)
+    std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TX] Opening the USRP\n";
@@ -279,6 +276,9 @@ test_usrp_tx::close_usrp()
   d_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(PMT_NIL));
   d_state = CLOSING_USRP;
+  if(verbose)
+    std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TX] Closing the USRP\n";
@@ -287,6 +287,9 @@ test_usrp_tx::allocate_channel()
   long capacity = (long) 16e6;
   d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
+  if(verbose)
+    std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TX] Requesting TX channel allocation\n";
@@ -295,15 +298,9 @@ test_usrp_tx::enter_transmitting()
   d_state = TRANSMITTING;
   d_nsamples_xmitted = 0;
-  // FIXME: carrier sense hack
-  d_tx->send(s_cmd_to_control_channel,    // C/S packet
-             pmt_list2(PMT_NIL,           // invoc handle
-                       pmt_list1(
-                            pmt_list2(s_op_write_reg, 
-                                      pmt_list2(
-                                      pmt_from_long(1), 
-                                      pmt_from_long(21))))));
+  if(verbose)
+    std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TX] Transmitting...\n";
   build_and_send_next_frame();	// fire off 4 to start pipeline
@@ -356,9 +353,6 @@ test_usrp_tx::build_and_send_next_frame()
   pmt_t tx_properties = pmt_make_dict();
-  pmt_dict_set(tx_properties,
-               pmt_intern("carrier-sense"),
-               PMT_T);
   pmt_t timestamp = pmt_from_long(0xffffffff);	// NOW
@@ -371,7 +365,7 @@ test_usrp_tx::build_and_send_next_frame()
   d_nsamples_xmitted += nsamples_this_frame;
-  if(verbose)
+  if(verbose && 0)
     std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TX] Transmitted frame\n";
@@ -394,6 +388,9 @@ test_usrp_tx::enter_closing_channel()
   d_state = CLOSING_CHANNEL;
   d_tx->send(s_cmd_deallocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_tx_chan));
+  if(verbose)
+    std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_tX] Deallocating TX channel\n";
diff --git a/usrp/host/apps-inband/ b/usrp/host/apps-inband/
index 0404208b43..c9630cec2e 100644
--- a/usrp/host/apps-inband/
+++ b/usrp/host/apps-inband/
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ test_usrp_inband_underrun::test_usrp_inband_underrun(mb_runtime *runtime, const
-  d_nsamples_to_send((long) 20e6),
+  d_nsamples_to_send((long) 27e6),
   d_samples_per_frame(d_nsamples_to_send),	// full packet
@@ -143,12 +143,12 @@ test_usrp_inband_underrun::test_usrp_inband_underrun(mb_runtime *runtime, const
   // Specify the RBF to use
-               pmt_intern("nanocell9.rbf"));
+               pmt_intern("inband_1rxhb_1tx.rbf"));
   // Set TX and RX interpolations
-               pmt_from_long(8));
+               pmt_from_long(64));
@@ -668,8 +668,6 @@ test_usrp_inband_underrun::closing_usrp()
   d_state = CLOSING_USRP;
-  sleep(2);
   d_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(PMT_NIL));
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/inband/ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/
index 77d1f6699d..a41ac18b84 100644
--- a/usrp/host/lib/inband/
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ include_HEADERS =			\
 noinst_HEADERS =      			\
-	fake_usrp.h			\
 	qa_inband.h			\
 	qa_inband_packet_prims.h	\
 	qa_inband_usrp_server.h		\
@@ -109,14 +108,10 @@ libusrp_inband_qa_la_LIBADD =    	\
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 noinst_PROGRAMS =			\
-	test_inband			\
-	test_usrp_inband
+	test_inband
 test_inband_SOURCES =
 test_inband_LDADD   =
-test_usrp_inband_SOURCES =
-test_usrp_inband_LDADD =
 	$(BUILT_SOURCES) *~ *.pyc
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/inband/ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a66d5c18c..0000000000
--- a/usrp/host/lib/inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- * 
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- * 
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- * 
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <fake_usrp.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <usrp_inband_usb_packet.h>
-#include <mb_class_registry.h>
-#include <vector>
-typedef usrp_inband_usb_packet transport_pkt;   // makes conversion to gigabit easy
-  std::cout << "[fake_usrp] Initializing...\n";
-fake_usrp::~fake_usrp() {}
-fake_usrp::write_bus(transport_pkt *pkts, long n_bytes)
-  std::cout << "[fake_usrp] Bytes over bus: " << n_bytes << "\n";
-  // I'm assuming that a control packet cannot exist in a burst of data packets,
-  // therefore i read only the first packet's channel in the current burst
-  if(pkts[0].chan() == 0x1f) {
-    return control_block(pkts, n_bytes);
-  } else {
-    return data_block(pkts, n_bytes);
-  }
-fake_usrp::data_block(transport_pkt *pkts, long n_bytes)
-  std::cout << "[fake_usrp] Entering data block\n";
-  // Infer the number of packets from the byte count to do logical tests
-  long n_pkts = static_cast<long>(std::ceil(n_bytes / (double)transport_pkt::max_pkt_size()));
-  std::cout << "[fake_usrp] Number of packets: " << n_pkts << "\n";
-  // The first packet should have the start of burst, and the last packet should have end of burst
-  if(pkts[0].start_of_burst() && pkts[n_pkts-1].end_of_burst()) {
-    std::cout << "[fake_usrp] Correct burst flags set\n";
-  } else {
-    std::cout << "[fake_usrp] Incorrect burst flags set!\n";
-    return 0;
-  }
-  // All other flags should be set to 0 (e.g., overrun should not be set yet) on ALL packets
-  for(int i=0; i < n_pkts; i++) {
-    if(pkts[i].overrun()) {
-      std::cout << "[fake_usrp] Incorrect set of overrun flag on transmit\n";
-      return 0;
-    } else if(pkts[i].underrun()) {
-      std::cout << "[fake_usrp] Incorrect set of underrun flag on transmit\n";
-      return 0;
-    } else if(pkts[i].dropped()) {
-      std::cout << "[fake_usrp] Incorrect set of drop flag on transmit\n";
-      return 0;
-    } 
-  }
-  std::cout << "[fake_usrp] Correct overrun, underrun, and drop flags on transmit (initialized to 0)\n";
-  // The first packet should have a timestamp, other packets should have "NOW"
-  if(pkts[0].timestamp() != 0xffffffff) {
-    std::cout << "[fake_usrp] Correct timestamp on first packet\n";
-  } else {
-    std::cout << "[fake_usrp] Initial packet should not have the 0xffffffff timestamp\n";
-    return 0;
-  }
-  // Check that all of the other packets include the NOW timestamp
-  int check_stamps=1;
-  for(int i=1; i < n_pkts; i++)           // start at 1 to skip the first packet
-    if(pkts[i].timestamp() != 0xffffffff) 
-      check_stamps=0;
-  if(check_stamps) {
-    std::cout << "[fake_usrp] Correct NOW timestamps (0xffffffff) on intermediate burst packets\n";
-  } else {
-    std::cout << "[fake_usrp] Incorrect timestamps on intermediate burst packets\n";
-    return 0;
-  }
-  // Since we are being transparent about samples, we do not ensure the payload is correct, however
-  // it should be the case that if there are >1 packets, all packets except the last packet should
-  // have a full payload size
-  if(n_pkts > 1) {
-    int check_size=1;
-    for(int i=0; i < n_pkts-1; i++)
-      if(pkts[i].payload_len() != transport_pkt::max_payload())
-        check_size=0;
-    if(check_size) {
-      std::cout << "[fake_usrp] Correct payload size sanity check on packets\n";
-    } else {
-      std::cout << "[fake_usrp] Failed payload size sanity check\n";
-      return 0;
-    }
-  }
-  return 1;
-fake_usrp::control_block(transport_pkt *pkts, long n_bytes)
-  std::cout << "[fake_usrp] Entering control block\n";
-  return 1;
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/inband/fake_usrp.h b/usrp/host/lib/inband/fake_usrp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 818c5a506d..0000000000
--- a/usrp/host/lib/inband/fake_usrp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- * 
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- * 
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- * 
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <usrp_inband_usb_packet.h>
-typedef usrp_inband_usb_packet transport_pkt;
- * \brief Implements a fake USRP for testing without hardware
- */
-class fake_usrp
- public:
-  fake_usrp();
-  ~fake_usrp();
-  long write_bus(transport_pkt *pkts, long n_bytes);
- protected:
-  long data_block(transport_pkt *pkts, long n_bytes);
-  long control_block(transport_pkt *pkts, long n_bytes);
-#endif /* INCLUDED_FAKE_USRP_H */
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/inband/ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/
index b01e74e002..e457e8d64c 100644
--- a/usrp/host/lib/inband/
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ typedef usrp_inband_usb_packet transport_pkt;   // makes conversion to gigabit e
 static bool verbose = false;
+static pmt_t s_timeout = pmt_intern("%timeout");
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 class qa_alloc_top : public mb_mblock
@@ -903,10 +905,10 @@ class qa_rx_top : public mb_mblock
   long d_rx_chan;
-  long d_got_response_recv;
+  bool d_got_response_recv;
-  long d_nmsg_to_recv;
-  long d_nmsg_recvd;
+  mb_time d_t0;
+  double d_delta_t;
   qa_rx_top(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
@@ -927,18 +929,19 @@ qa_rx_top::qa_rx_top(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_
-  d_nmsg_to_recv=12;
-  d_nmsg_recvd=0;
   d_rx = define_port("rx0", "usrp-rx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
   d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
   // Use the stub with the usrp_server
-  pmt_t usrp_server_dict = pmt_make_dict();
-  pmt_dict_set(usrp_server_dict, pmt_intern("fake-usrp"), PMT_T);
+  pmt_t usrp_dict = pmt_make_dict();
+  // Set TX and RX interpolations
+  pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
+               pmt_intern("decim-rx"),
+               pmt_from_long(128));
+  pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict, pmt_intern("fake-usrp"), PMT_T);
   // Test the TX side
-  define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_server_dict);
+  define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_dict);
   connect("self", "rx0", "server", "rx0");
   connect("self", "cs", "server", "cs");
@@ -967,17 +970,10 @@ qa_rx_top::run_tests()
-  // A small sleep is used to ensure, if working properly, a recv
-  // response comes through successfully before the close gets
-  // through
-  usleep(1000);
-  d_rx->send(s_cmd_stop_recv_raw_samples, 
-             pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, 
-                       pmt_from_long(0)));
-  d_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(pmt_list2(s_response_close,PMT_T)));
+  // Schedule a small timeout in which we expect to have received at least one
+  // packet worth of samples from the stub
+  d_t0 = mb_time::time();
+  schedule_one_shot_timeout(d_t0 + 0.01, PMT_NIL);
@@ -992,26 +988,37 @@ qa_rx_top::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
   pmt_t expected = pmt_nth(0, data);
   pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
+  // If we get a timeout we shutdown
+  if(pmt_eq(event, s_timeout)) {
+    if(verbose)
+      std::cout << "[qa_rx_top] Got timeout\n";
+    d_rx->send(s_cmd_stop_recv_raw_samples, 
+               pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, 
+                         pmt_from_long(0)));
+    d_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(pmt_list2(s_response_close,PMT_T)));
+    return;
+  }
   // For testing RX, an invocation handle is not generated by the stub,
   // therefore the same approach for testing is not used.  We simply
   // expect all responses to be true.
   if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_recv_raw_samples)) {
-    if(!pmt_eqv(status, PMT_T)) {
-      if(verbose)
-        std::cout << "Got: " << status << " Expected: " << PMT_T << "\n";
-      shutdown_all(PMT_F);
-      return;
-    }
-    else {
+    if(pmt_eqv(status, PMT_T)) {
         std::cout << "[qa_rx_top] Received expected response for message " 
-                  << d_nmsg_recvd
                   << " (" << event << ")\n";
       // All we want is 1 response receive!  Can't guarantee exact numbers
       d_got_response_recv = true;
+    else {
+      if(verbose)
+        std::cout << "Got: " << status << " Expected: " << PMT_T << "\n";
+      shutdown_all(PMT_F);
+    }
@@ -1026,8 +1033,7 @@ qa_rx_top::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
   } else {
       std::cout << "[qa_rx_top] Received expected response for message " 
-                << d_nmsg_recvd
-      << " (" << event << ")\n";
+                << " (" << event << ")\n";
   if (pmt_eq(msg->port_id(), d_rx->port_symbol())) {
@@ -1051,12 +1057,7 @@ qa_rx_top::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
         std::cout << "[qa_rx_top] No response message before close\n";
-  d_nmsg_recvd++;
@@ -1079,6 +1080,160 @@ qa_rx_top::check_allocation(mb_message_sptr msg)
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class qa_rid_top : public mb_mblock
+  mb_port_sptr d_tx;
+  mb_port_sptr d_rx;
+  mb_port_sptr d_cs;
+  long d_npongs;
+  long d_tcycles;
+  long d_cycles;
+  long d_max_rid;
+  mb_time d_t0;
+  double d_delta_t;
+ public:
+  qa_rid_top(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
+  ~qa_rid_top();
+  void initial_transition();
+  void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
+ protected:
+  void run_tests();
+  void send_max_pings();
+qa_rid_top::qa_rid_top(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
+  : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
+  d_npongs = 0;
+  d_tcycles = 3;
+  d_cycles = d_tcycles;
+  d_max_rid = usrp_server::D_MAX_RID;
+  d_delta_t = 0.1;
+  d_rx = define_port("rx0", "usrp-rx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
+  d_tx = define_port("tx0", "usrp-tx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
+  d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
+  // Use the stub with the usrp_server
+  pmt_t usrp_server_dict = pmt_make_dict();
+  pmt_dict_set(usrp_server_dict, pmt_intern("fake-usrp"),PMT_T);
+  // Test the TX side
+  define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_server_dict);
+  connect("self", "tx0", "server", "tx0");
+  connect("self", "rx0", "server", "rx0");
+  connect("self", "cs", "server", "cs");
+  run_tests();
+  if(verbose)
+    std::cout << "[qa_rid_top] Starting tests...\n";
+  // Retrieve information about the USRP, then run tests
+  d_cs->send(s_cmd_open, 
+             pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_open, PMT_T), 
+             pmt_from_long(0)));
+  // should be able to allocate 1 byte
+  d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, 
+             pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_allocate_channel, PMT_T), 
+                       pmt_from_long(1)));
+  d_rx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, 
+             pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_allocate_channel, PMT_T), 
+                       pmt_from_long(1)));
+  // Need to start receiving to read from the USRP to get C/S responses
+  d_rx->send(s_cmd_start_recv_raw_samples, 
+             pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, 
+                       pmt_from_long(0)));
+  // Build a subpacket of MAX_RID pings and wait a small amount for all of the
+  // responses and fire off another MAX_RID.  If MAX_RID*2 responses are
+  // received, the RID recycling is working correctly.
+  // Schedule a timer in which we expect to have received all of the responses,
+  // which will send off another MAX_RID worth.
+  send_max_pings();
+  d_t0 = mb_time::time();
+  schedule_one_shot_timeout(d_t0 + d_delta_t, PMT_NIL);
+  pmt_t ping = pmt_list2(s_op_ping_fixed,
+                         pmt_list2(pmt_from_long(0),
+                                   pmt_from_long(0)));
+  pmt_t sub_packets = PMT_NIL;
+  for(int i=0; i<d_max_rid; i++) 
+    sub_packets = pmt_list_add(sub_packets, ping);
+  d_tx->send(s_cmd_to_control_channel,
+             pmt_list2(pmt_list2(s_response_from_control_channel, PMT_T),
+                       sub_packets));
+qa_rid_top::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
+  pmt_t data = msg->data();
+  pmt_t event = msg->signal();
+  // If we get a timeout we ensure we got a maximum RID number of responses.
+  if(pmt_eq(event, s_timeout)) {
+    if(verbose)
+      std::cout << "[qa_rid_top] Got timeout, received so far: " 
+                << d_npongs << "\n";
+    d_cycles--;
+    if(d_cycles==0 && d_npongs == d_max_rid*d_tcycles) {
+      shutdown_all(PMT_T);
+    }
+    else if(d_cycles==0) {
+      std::cout << "[qa_rid_top] d_npongs: " << d_npongs
+                << " expected: " << d_max_rid*d_tcycles
+                << std::endl;
+      shutdown_all(PMT_F);
+    }
+    else {
+      send_max_pings();
+      d_t0 = mb_time::time();
+      schedule_one_shot_timeout(d_t0 + d_delta_t, PMT_NIL);
+    }
+  }
+  else if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_from_control_channel))
+  {
+    d_npongs++;
+  }
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1398,3 +1553,17 @@ qa_inband_usrp_server::test_cs()
   CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(PMT_T, result));
+  mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
+  pmt_t result = PMT_T;
+  // std::cout << "\n\n-----------------\n";
+  // std::cout << "  RUNNING RID TESTS  \n";
+  rt->run("top", "qa_rid_top", PMT_F, &result);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pmt_equal(PMT_T, result));
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/inband/qa_inband_usrp_server.h b/usrp/host/lib/inband/qa_inband_usrp_server.h
index 5db57c3ed4..52a4a0b067 100644
--- a/usrp/host/lib/inband/qa_inband_usrp_server.h
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/qa_inband_usrp_server.h
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ class qa_inband_usrp_server : public CppUnit::TestCase {
+  CPPUNIT_TEST(test_rid);
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ class qa_inband_usrp_server : public CppUnit::TestCase {
   void test_tx();
   void test_rx();
   void test_cs();
+  void test_rid();
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/inband/ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index 64fbf3a97a..0000000000
--- a/usrp/host/lib/inband/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- * 
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- * 
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- * 
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <usrp_inband_usb_packet.h>
-#include <mb_mblock.h>
-#include <mb_runtime.h>
-#include <mb_protocol_class.h>
-#include <mb_class_registry.h>
-#include <pmt.h>
-#include "usrp_standard.h"
-typedef usrp_inband_usb_packet transport_pkt; 
-// Signal set for the USRP server
-static pmt_t s_cmd_open = pmt_intern("cmd-open");
-static pmt_t s_response_open = pmt_intern("response-open");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_close = pmt_intern("cmd-close");
-static pmt_t s_response_close = pmt_intern("response-close");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_allocate_channel = pmt_intern("cmd-allocate-channel");
-static pmt_t s_response_allocate_channel = pmt_intern("response-allocate-channel");
-static pmt_t s_send_allocate_channel = pmt_intern("send-allocate-channel");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_deallocate_channel = pmt_intern("cmd-deallocate-channel");
-static pmt_t s_response_deallocate_channel = pmt_intern("response-deallocate-channel");
-static pmt_t s_send_deallocate_channel = pmt_intern("send-deallocate-channel");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_max_capacity = pmt_intern("cmd-max-capacity");
-static pmt_t s_response_max_capacity = pmt_intern("response-max-capacity");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_ntx_chan  = pmt_intern("cmd-ntx-chan");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_nrx_chan  = pmt_intern("cmd-nrx-chan");
-static pmt_t s_response_ntx_chan = pmt_intern("response-ntx-chan");
-static pmt_t s_response_nrx_chan = pmt_intern("response-nrx-chan");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_current_capacity_allocation  = pmt_intern("cmd-current-capacity-allocation");
-static pmt_t s_response_current_capacity_allocation  = pmt_intern("response-current-capacity-allocation");
-static pmt_t s_cmd_xmit_raw_frame  = pmt_intern("cmd-xmit-raw-frame");
-static pmt_t s_response_xmit_raw_frame = pmt_intern("response-xmit-raw-frame");
-bool loopback_p = false;
-bool counting_p = false;
-bool fake_usrp_p = false;
-char *prog_name;
-static void
-set_progname (char *path)
-  char *p = strrchr (path, '/');
-  if (p != 0)
-    prog_name = p+1;
-  else
-    prog_name = path;
-static void
-  fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [-l]\n", prog_name);
-  fprintf (stderr, "  [-l] digital loopback in FPGA\n");
-  fprintf (stderr, "  [-c] counting in FPGA\n");
-  fprintf (stderr, "  [-f] fake usrp\n");
-  exit(1);
-main(int argc, char **argv)
-  int ch;
-  set_progname(argv[0]);
-  mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
-  pmt_t result = PMT_T;
-  while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "flc")) != EOF) {
-    switch(ch) {
-      case 'l':
-        loopback_p = true;
-        break;
-      case 'c':
-        counting_p = true;
-        break;
-      case 'f':
-        fake_usrp_p = true;
-        break;
-      default:
-        usage();
-    }
-  }
-  std::cout << "[test_usrp_inband] Starting...\n";
-  rt->run("top", "test_usrp_inband_top", PMT_F, &result);
-class test_usrp_inband_top : public mb_mblock
-  mb_port_sptr d_tx;
-  mb_port_sptr d_cs;
-  long d_tx_chan;
- public:
-  test_usrp_inband_top(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
-  ~test_usrp_inband_top();
-  void initial_transition();
-  void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- protected:
-  void open_usrp();
-  void close_usrp();
-  void check_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
-  void allocate_channel();
-  void send_packets();
-test_usrp_inband_top::test_usrp_inband_top(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
-  : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg)
-  std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TOP] Initializing...\n";
-  d_tx = define_port("tx0", "usrp-tx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
-  d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
-  // Test the TX side
-  // Pass a dictionary to usrp_server which specifies which interface to use, the stub or USRP
-  pmt_t usrp_server_dict = pmt_make_dict();
-  if(fake_usrp_p)
-    pmt_dict_set(usrp_server_dict, pmt_intern("usrp-interface"), pmt_intern("usrp_usb_interface_stub"));
-  define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_server_dict);
-  connect("self", "tx0", "server", "tx0");
-  connect("self", "cs", "server", "cs");
-  open_usrp();
-test_usrp_inband_top::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
-  pmt_t event = msg->signal();		// the "name" of the message
-  pmt_t port_id = msg->port_id();	// which port it came in on
-  pmt_t data = msg->data();
-  pmt_t metadata = msg->metadata();
-  pmt_t status;
-  if (pmt_eq(port_id, d_cs->port_symbol())) {	// message came in on our control/status port
-    //---------- OPEN RESPONSE ----------//
-    if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_open)) {
-      status = pmt_nth(1, data);
-      if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
-        std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TOP] Success opening USRP\n";
-      }
-      else {
-        std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TOP] Received error message opening USRP\n";
-        shutdown_all(PMT_F);
-      }
-      allocate_channel();
-      return;
-    }
-    //--------- CLOSE RESPONSE -----------//
-    else if (pmt_eq(event, s_response_close)) {
-      status = pmt_nth(1, data);
-      if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
-        std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TOP] Successfully closed USRP\n";
-      }
-      else {
-        std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TOP] Received error message closing USRP\n";
-        shutdown_all(PMT_F);
-      }
-      shutdown_all(PMT_T);
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  if (pmt_eq(port_id, d_tx->port_symbol())) {
-    //---------- ALLOCATE RESPONSE ---------//
-    if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_allocate_channel)) {
-      status = pmt_nth(1, data);
-      pmt_t channel = pmt_nth(2, data);
-      if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
-        d_tx_chan = pmt_to_long(channel);
-        std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TOP] Received allocation on channel " << d_tx_chan << "\n";
-      }
-      else {
-        std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TOP] Error allocating channel\n";
-        shutdown_all(PMT_F);
-      }
-      send_packets();
-      return;
-    }
-    //----------- XMIT RESPONSE ------------//
-    else if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_xmit_raw_frame)) {
-      status = pmt_nth(1, data);
-      if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
-        std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TOP] Transmission successful\n";
-      }
-      else {
-        std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TOP] Failed transmission\n";
-        shutdown_all(PMT_F);
-      }
-      close_usrp();
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TOP] Received unhandled message: " << event << "\n";
-  std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TOP] Requesting channel allocation...\n";
-  d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(1)));
-  std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_TOP] Sending single packet..\n";
-  d_tx->send(s_cmd_xmit_raw_frame, pmt_list4(pmt_from_long(1), pmt_from_long(d_tx_chan), pmt_make_u32vector(transport_pkt::max_payload()/4, 0), pmt_from_long(0)));
-  pmt_t usrp = pmt_from_long(0);
-  long rx_mode = 0;
-  if(loopback_p)
-    rx_mode |= usrp_standard_rx::FPGA_MODE_LOOPBACK;
-  if(counting_p)
-    rx_mode |= usrp_standard_rx::FPGA_MODE_COUNTING;
-  d_cs->send(s_cmd_open, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, usrp));
-  d_cs->send(s_cmd_close, pmt_list1(PMT_NIL));
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/inband/ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/
index ee4cb22f3f..2f02ecc3ff 100644
--- a/usrp/host/lib/inband/
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/
@@ -30,6 +30,14 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <string.h>
+ * \brief Aligns the packet payload on a 32 bit boundary.  This is essential to
+ * all control/status packets so that the inband FPGA code can parse them
+ * easily.
+ *
+ * \returns true if successful or if the packet was already aligned; false if it
+ * cannot be aligned.
+ */
 bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::align32()
   int p_len = payload_len();
@@ -44,18 +52,20 @@ bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::align32()
   if((MAX_PAYLOAD - p_len) < bytes_needed)
     return false;
-  p_len += bytes_needed;
-  int h_flags = flags();
-  int h_chan = chan();
-  int h_tag = tag();
-  int h_payload_len = p_len;
-  set_header(h_flags, h_chan, h_tag, h_payload_len);
+  incr_header_len(bytes_needed);
   return true;
+ * \brief Adds a ping command to the current control packet.
+ *
+ * The \p rid is the rid to be associated with the ping response and \p ping_val
+ * is currently unused.
+ *
+ * \returns true if adding the ping command was successful, false otherwise
+ * (i.e. no space in the current packet).
+ */
 bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_ping(long rid, long ping_val)
@@ -78,17 +88,20 @@ bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_ping(long rid, long ping_val)
   *payload = host_to_usrp_u32(ping);
   // Update payload length
-  int h_flags = flags();
-  int h_chan = chan();
-  int h_tag = tag();
-  int h_payload_len = payload_len() + CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_PING_LEN;
-  set_header(h_flags, h_chan, h_tag, h_payload_len);
+  incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_PING_LEN);
   return true;
+ * \brief Adds a ping response to the packet.  This is used by the fake USRP
+ * code to generate fake responses for pings.
+ *
+ * The \p rid is the RID to be associated with the response and \p ping_val is
+ * currently unused.
+ *
+ * \returns true if the ping reply was added successfully, false otherwise.
+ */
 bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_ping_reply(long rid, long ping_val) 
@@ -111,16 +124,20 @@ bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_ping_reply(long rid, long ping_val)
   *payload = host_to_usrp_u32(ping);
   // Update payload length
-  int h_flags = flags();
-  int h_chan = chan();
-  int h_tag = tag();
-  int h_payload_len = payload_len() + CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_PING_LEN;
-  set_header(h_flags, h_chan, h_tag, h_payload_len);
+  incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_PING_LEN);
   return true;
+ * \brief Adds a write register command to the packet.
+ *
+ * The \p reg_num is the register number for which the value \p val will be
+ * written to.
+ *
+ * \returns true if the command was added to the packet successfully, false
+ * otherwise.
+ */
 bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_write_reg(long reg_num, long val)
@@ -149,16 +166,19 @@ bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_write_reg(long reg_num, long val)
   *payload = host_to_usrp_u32((uint32_t) val);
   // Rebuild the header to update the payload length
-  int h_flags = flags();
-  int h_chan = chan();
-  int h_tag = tag();
-  int h_payload_len = payload_len() + CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_WRITEREG_LEN;
-  set_header(h_flags, h_chan, h_tag, h_payload_len);
+  incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_WRITEREG_LEN);
   return true;
+ * \brief Adds a write register masked command to the packet.
+ *
+ * The \p reg_num is the register number for which the value \p val will be
+ * written, masked by \p mask
+ *
+ * \returns true if the command was added to the packet, false otherwise.
+ */
 bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_write_reg_masked(long reg_num, long val, long mask)
@@ -190,16 +210,19 @@ bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_write_reg_masked(long reg_num, long val, long ma
   *payload = host_to_usrp_u32((uint32_t) mask);
   // Rebuild the header to update the payload length
-  int h_flags = flags();
-  int h_chan = chan();
-  int h_tag = tag();
-  int h_payload_len = payload_len() + CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_WRITEREGMASKED_LEN;
-  set_header(h_flags, h_chan, h_tag, h_payload_len);
   return true;
+ * \brief Adds a read register message to the packet. 
+ *
+ * The \p rid will be the associated RID returned with the response, and \p
+ * reg_num is the register to be read.
+ * 
+ * \returns true if the command was added to the packet, false otherwise.
+ */
 bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_read_reg(long rid, long reg_num)
@@ -222,16 +245,22 @@ bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_read_reg(long rid, long reg_num)
   *payload = host_to_usrp_u32(read_reg);
   // Update payload length
-  int h_flags = flags();
-  int h_chan = chan();
-  int h_tag = tag();
-  int h_payload_len = payload_len() + CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_READREG_LEN;
-  set_header(h_flags, h_chan, h_tag, h_payload_len);
+  incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_READREG_LEN);
   return true;
+ * \brief Adds a read register reply response to the current packet.  This is
+ * used by the fake USRP code to generate fake register read responses for
+ * testing.
+ *
+ * The \p rid is the associated RID to be included in the response, \p reg_num
+ * is the register the read is coming from, and \p reg_val is the value of the
+ * read.
+ *
+ * \returns true if the command was added to the packet, false otherwise.
+ */
 bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_read_reg_reply(long rid, long reg_num, long reg_val)
@@ -258,16 +287,19 @@ bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_read_reg_reply(long rid, long reg_num, long reg_
   *payload = host_to_usrp_u32((uint32_t) reg_val); 
   // Update payload length
-  int h_flags = flags();
-  int h_chan = chan();
-  int h_tag = tag();
-  int h_payload_len = payload_len() + CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_READREGREPLY_LEN;
-  set_header(h_flags, h_chan, h_tag, h_payload_len);
+  incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_READREGREPLY_LEN);
   return true;
+ * \brief Adds a delay command to the current packet.
+ *
+ * The \p ticks parameter is the number of clock ticks the FPGA should delay
+ * parsing for, which is added to the packet.
+ *
+ * \returns true if the command was added to the packet, false otherwise.
+ */
 bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_delay(long ticks)
@@ -289,16 +321,16 @@ bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_delay(long ticks)
   *payload = host_to_usrp_u32(delay);
   // Update payload length
-  int h_flags = flags();
-  int h_chan = chan();
-  int h_tag = tag();
-  int h_payload_len = payload_len() + CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_DELAY_LEN;
-  set_header(h_flags, h_chan, h_tag, h_payload_len);
+  incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_DELAY_LEN);
   return true;
+ * \brief
+ *
+ * \returns true if the command was added to the packet, false otherwise.
+ */
 bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_i2c_write(long i2c_addr, uint8_t *i2c_data, size_t data_len)
@@ -328,16 +360,20 @@ bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_i2c_write(long i2c_addr, uint8_t *i2c_data, size
    memcpy(payload, i2c_data, data_len);
   // Update payload length
-  int h_flags = flags();
-  int h_chan = chan();
-  int h_tag = tag();
-  int h_payload_len = payload_len() + CS_FIXED_LEN + i2c_len;
-  set_header(h_flags, h_chan, h_tag, h_payload_len);
+  incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + i2c_len);
   return true;
+ * \brief Adds an I2C read command to the current packet.
+ *
+ * The \p rid is the associated RID to return with the read response, \p
+ * i2c_addr is the address to read from on the I2C bus, and \p n_bytes is the
+ * number of bytes to be read from the bus.
+ *
+ * \returns true if the command was added to the packet, false otherwise.
+ */
 bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_i2c_read(long rid, long i2c_addr, long n_bytes)
@@ -367,16 +403,20 @@ bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_i2c_read(long rid, long i2c_addr, long n_bytes)
   *payload = host_to_usrp_u32(word1);
   // Update payload length
-  int h_flags = flags();
-  int h_chan = chan();
-  int h_tag = tag();
-  int h_payload_len = payload_len() + CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_I2CREAD_LEN;
-  set_header(h_flags, h_chan, h_tag, h_payload_len);
+  incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_I2CREAD_LEN);
   return true;
+ * \brief Adds an I2C read reply response to the current packet.  This is used
+ * by the fake USRP code to generate fake I2C responses.
+ *
+ * The \p rid is the RID to be associated with the response, \p i2c_addr is the
+ * address on the I2C bus that the \p i2c_data of \p i2c_data_len was read from.
+ *
+ * \returns true if the command was added to the packet, false otherwise.
+ */
 bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_i2c_read_reply(long rid, long i2c_addr, uint8_t *i2c_data, long i2c_data_len)
@@ -406,16 +446,16 @@ bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_i2c_read_reply(long rid, long i2c_addr, uint8_t
   memcpy(payload, i2c_data, i2c_data_len);
   // Update payload length
-  int h_flags = flags();
-  int h_chan = chan();
-  int h_tag = tag();
-  int h_payload_len = payload_len() + CS_FIXED_LEN + i2c_len;
-  set_header(h_flags, h_chan, h_tag, h_payload_len);
+  incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + i2c_len);
   return true;
+ * \brief Adds a SPI write command to the current packet.
+ *
+ * \returns true if the command was added to the packet, false otherwise.
+ */
 bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_spi_write(long enables, long format, long opt_header_bytes, uint8_t *spi_data, long spi_data_len)
@@ -454,16 +494,16 @@ bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_spi_write(long enables, long format, long opt_he
   memcpy(payload, spi_data, spi_data_len);
   // Update payload length
-  int h_flags = flags();
-  int h_chan = chan();
-  int h_tag = tag();
-  int h_payload_len = payload_len() + CS_FIXED_LEN + spi_len;
-  set_header(h_flags, h_chan, h_tag, h_payload_len);
+  incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + spi_len);
   return true;
+ * \brief Adds a SPI bus read command to the packet.
+ *
+ * \returns true if the command was added to the packet, false otherwise.
+ */
 bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_spi_read(long rid, long enables, long format, long opt_header_bytes, long n_bytes)
@@ -508,16 +548,17 @@ bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_spi_read(long rid, long enables, long format, lo
   *payload = host_to_usrp_u32(word);
   // Update payload length
-  int h_flags = flags();
-  int h_chan = chan();
-  int h_tag = tag();
-  int h_payload_len = payload_len() + CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_SPIREAD_LEN;
+  incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + CS_SPIREAD_LEN);
-  set_header(h_flags, h_chan, h_tag, h_payload_len);
   return true;
+ * \brief Adds an SPI read reply to the current packet.  This is used by the
+ * fake USRP code to generate fake responses for SPI reads.
+ *
+ * \returns true if the command was added to the packet, false otherwise.
+ */
 bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_spi_read_reply(long rid, uint8_t *spi_data, long spi_data_len)
@@ -546,30 +587,32 @@ bool usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_spi_read_reply(long rid, uint8_t *spi_data, long
   memcpy(payload, spi_data, spi_data_len);
   // Update payload length
-  int h_flags = flags();
-  int h_chan = chan();
-  int h_tag = tag();
-  int h_payload_len = payload_len() + CS_FIXED_LEN + spi_len;
-  set_header(h_flags, h_chan, h_tag, h_payload_len);
+  incr_header_len(CS_FIXED_LEN + spi_len);
   return true;
-// Takes an offset to the beginning of a subpacket and extracts the
-// length of the subpacket
+ * \brief Since all control packets contain subpackets which have the length of
+ * the subpacket at a uniform location in the subpacket, this will return the
+ * subpacket length given a byte offset of the start of the subpacket from the beginning of the packet.
+ *
+ * \returns the length of the subpacket
+ */
 int usrp_inband_usb_packet::cs_len(int payload_offset) {
   uint32_t subpkt = usrp_to_host_u32(*((uint32_t *)(d_payload + payload_offset)));
   return (subpkt >> CS_LEN_SHIFT) & CS_LEN_MASK;
-// The following method takes an offset within the packet payload to extract
-// a control/status subpacket and construct a pmt response which includes the
-// proper signal and arguments specified by usrp-low-level-cs.  The USRP
-// server could therefore use this to read subpackets and pass them responses
-// back up to the application.  It's arguable that only reply packets should
-// be parsed here, however we parse others for use in debugging or failure
-// reporting on the transmit side of packets.
+ * \brief The following method takes an offset within the packet payload to
+ * extract a control/status subpacket and constructs a pmt response which
+ * includes the proper signal and arguments specified by usrp-low-level-cs.  The
+ * USRP server could therefore use this to read subpackets and pass them
+ * responses back up to the application.  It's arguable that only reply packets
+ * should be parsed here, however we parse others for use in debugging or
+ * failure reporting on the transmit side of packets.
+ */
 pmt_t usrp_inband_usb_packet::read_subpacket(int payload_offset) {
   uint32_t subpkt = usrp_to_host_u32(*((uint32_t *)(d_payload + payload_offset)));
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_inband_usb_packet.h b/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_inband_usb_packet.h
index 8c19b1aeba..8f59d1b656 100644
--- a/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_inband_usb_packet.h
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_inband_usb_packet.h
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 static const int USB_PKT_SIZE = 512;   // bytes
 static const int MAX_PAYLOAD = USB_PKT_SIZE-2*sizeof(uint32_t);
+static const int CONTROL_CHAN = 0x1f;
 class usrp_inband_usb_packet {
@@ -150,6 +151,10 @@ public:
                        | ((payload_len & PAYLOAD_LEN_MASK) << PAYLOAD_LEN_SHIFT));
     d_word0 = host_to_usrp_u32(word0);
+  void incr_header_len(int val) {
+    set_header(flags(), chan(), tag(), payload_len() + val);
+  }
   uint32_t timestamp() const {
     return usrp_to_host_u32(d_timestamp);
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/inband/ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/
index caa2d71754..71c042a50e 100644
--- a/usrp/host/lib/inband/
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/
@@ -40,25 +40,30 @@ typedef usrp_inband_usb_packet transport_pkt;
 static const bool verbose = false;
+bool usrp_rx_stop;
 usrp_rx::usrp_rx(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
   : mb_mblock(rt, instance_name, user_arg),
-    d_disk_write(false)
+    d_disk_write(false),
+    d_disk_write_pkt(false)   // if true, writes full packet, else just the payload
   d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-rx-cs", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
-  //d_disk_write=true;
   if(d_disk_write) {
+  usrp_rx_stop = false;
   if(d_disk_write) {
-    d_ofile.close();
+    d_ofile0.close();
+    d_ofile1.close();
@@ -69,6 +74,12 @@ usrp_rx::initial_transition()
+ * \brief Handles incoming signals to to the m-block, wihch should only ever be
+ * a single message: cmd-usrrp-rx-start-reading.  There is no signal to stop
+ * reading as the m-block goes in to a forever loop to read inband packets from
+ * the bus.
+ */
 usrp_rx::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
@@ -85,6 +96,17 @@ usrp_rx::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
+ * \brief Performs the actual reading of data from the USB bus, called by
+ * handle_message() when a cmd-usrp-rx-start-reading signal is received.  
+ *
+ * The method enters a forever loop where it continues to read data from the bus
+ * and generate read responses to the higher layer.  Currently, shared memory is
+ * used to exit this loop.
+ *
+ * The \p data parameter is a PMT list which contains only a single element, an
+ * invocation handle which will be returned with all read respones.
+ */
 usrp_rx::read_and_respond(pmt_t data)
@@ -104,7 +126,7 @@ usrp_rx::read_and_respond(pmt_t data)
     std::cout << "[usrp_rx] Waiting for packets..\n";
   // Read by 512 which is packet size and send them back up
-  while(1) {
+  while(!usrp_rx_stop) {
     pmt_t v_pkt = pmt_make_u8vector(pkt_size, 0);
     transport_pkt *pkt = 
@@ -124,19 +146,38 @@ usrp_rx::read_and_respond(pmt_t data)
                pmt_list3(PMT_NIL, PMT_T, v_pkt));
-    if(verbose)
+    if(verbose && 0)
       std::cout << "[usrp_rx] Read 1 packet\n";
     if(d_disk_write) {
-      if(pkt->chan() == 0x1f)
+      if(pkt->chan() == CONTROL_CHAN)
         d_cs_ofile.write((const char *)pkt, transport_pkt::max_pkt_size());
-      else
-        d_ofile.write((const char *)pkt, transport_pkt::max_pkt_size());
+      else {
+        if(d_disk_write_pkt) {
+          if(pkt->chan() == 0)
+            d_ofile0.write((const char *)pkt, transport_pkt::max_pkt_size());
+          else if(pkt->chan() == 1)
+            d_ofile1.write((const char *)pkt, transport_pkt::max_pkt_size());
+        } else {
+          if(pkt->chan() == 0)
+            d_ofile0.write((const char *)pkt->payload(), transport_pkt::max_payload());
+          else if(pkt->chan() == 1)
+            d_ofile1.write((const char *)pkt->payload(), transport_pkt::max_payload());
+        }
+      }
-      d_ofile.flush();
+      d_ofile0.flush();
+      d_ofile1.flush();
+  usrp_rx_stop = false;
+  if(verbose) {
+    std::cout << "[USRP_RX] Stopping...\n";
+    fflush(stdout);
+  }
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_rx.h b/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_rx.h
index e1a90a7813..10104bd665 100644
--- a/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_rx.h
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_rx.h
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
 class usrp_standard_rx;
+extern bool usrp_rx_stop;   // used to communicate a 'stop' to the RX stub
  * \brief Implements the low level usb interface to the USRP
@@ -35,7 +37,9 @@ class usrp_rx : public mb_mblock
   usrp_standard_rx     *d_urx;
   bool d_disk_write;
-  std::ofstream d_ofile;
+  bool d_disk_write_pkt;
+  std::ofstream d_ofile0;
+  std::ofstream d_ofile1;
   std::ofstream d_cs_ofile;
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/inband/ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/
index 4bdb106b18..1c96b7a7ac 100644
--- a/usrp/host/lib/inband/
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ typedef usrp_inband_usb_packet transport_pkt;
 static const bool verbose = false;
-bool usrp_rx_stop;
+bool usrp_rx_stop_stub;
 // Used for the fake control packet response code to send the responses back up
 // the RX.  The TX stub dumps responses in to this queue.
@@ -52,15 +52,32 @@ std::queue<pmt_t> d_cs_queue;
 usrp_rx_stub::usrp_rx_stub(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
   : mb_mblock(rt, instance_name, user_arg),
+    d_decim_rx(128),
+  // Information about the rates are passed all the way from the app in the form
+  // of a dictionary.  We use this to read the RX decimation rate and compute
+  // the approximate number of MS/s as a form of flow control for the stub.
+  pmt_t usrp_dict = user_arg;
+  if (pmt_is_dict(usrp_dict)) {
+    // Read the RX decimation rate
+    if(pmt_t decim_rx = pmt_dict_ref(usrp_dict, 
+                                      pmt_intern("decim-rx"), 
+                                      PMT_NIL)) {
+      if(!pmt_eqv(decim_rx, PMT_NIL)) 
+        d_decim_rx = pmt_to_long(decim_rx);
+    }
+  }
   d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-rx-cs", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);
   // initialize NCO
   double freq = 100e3;
   int interp = 32;			    // 32 -> 4MS/s
-  double sample_rate = 128e6 / interp;	
+  double sample_rate = 64e6 / interp;	
   d_nco.set_freq(2*M_PI * freq/sample_rate);
   //d_disk_write = true;
@@ -68,7 +85,7 @@ usrp_rx_stub::usrp_rx_stub(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instance_name, pmt
-  usrp_rx_stop = false;
+  usrp_rx_stop_stub = false;
@@ -80,7 +97,6 @@ usrp_rx_stub::~usrp_rx_stub()
@@ -90,94 +106,121 @@ usrp_rx_stub::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
   pmt_t port_id = msg->port_id();
   pmt_t data = msg->data(); 
+  if (pmt_eq(msg->signal(), s_timeout)
+      && !pmt_eq(msg->data(), s_done)) {
+    if(!usrp_rx_stop_stub) 
+      read_and_respond();
+    else {  // requested to stop
+      cancel_timeout(msg->metadata());
+      usrp_rx_stop_stub=false;
+      if(verbose)
+        std::cout << "[USRP_RX_STUB] Stopping RX stub\n";
+    }
+  }
   // Theoretically only have 1 message to ever expect, but
   // want to make sure its at least what we want
-  if(pmt_eq(port_id, d_cs->port_symbol())) {
+  if(pmt_eq(port_id, d_cs->port_symbol())
+      && pmt_eqv(event, s_cmd_usrp_rx_start_reading)) {
-      std::cout << "[USRP_RX_STUB] Starting...\n";
+      std::cout << "[USRP_RX_STUB] Starting with decim @ " 
+                << d_decim_rx << std::endl;
-    if(pmt_eqv(event, s_cmd_usrp_rx_start_reading))
-      read_and_respond(data);
+      start_packet_timer();
+// Setup a periodic timer which will drive packet generation
-usrp_rx_stub::read_and_respond(pmt_t data)
+  d_t0 = mb_time::time();   // current time
+  // Calculate the inter-packet arrival time.  
+  double samples_per_sec = (64.0/(double)d_decim_rx)*1000000.0;
+  double frames_per_sec = samples_per_sec / (double)d_samples_per_frame;
+  double frame_rate = 1.0 / frames_per_sec;
+  if(verbose) {
+    std::cout << "[USRP_RX_STUB] Scheduling periodic packet generator\n";
+    std::cout << "\tsamples_per_sec: " << samples_per_sec << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "\tframes_per_sec: " << frames_per_sec << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "\tframe_rate: " << frame_rate << std::endl;
+  }
-  while(!usrp_rx_stop) {
+  schedule_periodic_timeout(d_t0 + frame_rate, mb_time(frame_rate), PMT_T);
-    long nsamples_this_frame = d_samples_per_frame;
-    size_t nshorts = 2 * nsamples_this_frame;	// 16-bit I & Q
-    long channel = 0;
-    long n_bytes = nshorts*2;
-    pmt_t uvec = pmt_make_s16vector(nshorts, 0);
-    size_t ignore;
-    int16_t *samples = pmt_s16vector_writeable_elements(uvec, ignore);
+  long nsamples_this_frame = d_samples_per_frame;
-    // fill in the complex sinusoid
+  size_t nshorts = 2 * nsamples_this_frame;	// 16-bit I & Q
+  long channel = 0;
+  long n_bytes = nshorts*2;
+  pmt_t uvec = pmt_make_s16vector(nshorts, 0);
+  size_t ignore;
+  int16_t *samples = pmt_s16vector_writeable_elements(uvec, ignore);
-    for (int i = 0; i < nsamples_this_frame; i++){
+  // fill in the complex sinusoid
-      if (1){
-        gr_complex s;
-        d_nco.sincos(&s, 1, d_amplitude);
-        // write 16-bit i & q
-        samples[2*i] =   (int16_t) s.real();
-        samples[2*i+1] = (int16_t) s.imag();
-      }
-      else {
-        gr_complex s(d_amplitude, d_amplitude);
+  for (int i = 0; i < nsamples_this_frame; i++){
-        // write 16-bit i & q
-        samples[2*i] =   (int16_t) s.real();
-        samples[2*i+1] = (int16_t) s.imag();
-      }
+    if (1){
+      gr_complex s;
+      d_nco.sincos(&s, 1, d_amplitude);
+      // write 16-bit i & q
+      samples[2*i] =   (int16_t) s.real();
+      samples[2*i+1] = (int16_t) s.imag();
-    if(d_disk_write)
-      d_ofile.write((const char *)samples, n_bytes);
-    pmt_t v_pkt = pmt_make_u8vector(sizeof(transport_pkt), 0);
-    transport_pkt *pkt =
-      (transport_pkt *) pmt_u8vector_writeable_elements(v_pkt, ignore);
+    else {
+      gr_complex s(d_amplitude, d_amplitude);
-    pkt->set_header(0, channel, 0, n_bytes);
-    pkt->set_timestamp(0xffffffff);
-    memcpy(pkt->payload(), samples, n_bytes);
-    d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_rx_read, pmt_list3(PMT_NIL, PMT_T, v_pkt));
-    // Now lets check the shared CS queue between the TX and RX stub.  Each
-    // element in a queue is a list where the first element is an invocation
-    // handle and the second element is a PMT u8 vect representation of the
-    // CS packet response which can just be passed transparently.
-    while(!d_cs_queue.empty()) {
-      pmt_t cs_pkt = d_cs_queue.front();
-      d_cs_queue.pop();
-      pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, cs_pkt);
-      pmt_t v_pkt = pmt_nth(1, cs_pkt);
-      d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_rx_read,   
-                 pmt_list3(invocation_handle, 
-                           PMT_T, 
-                           v_pkt));  // Take the front CS pkt
-      if(verbose)
-        std::cout << "[USRP_RX_STUB] Received CS response from TX stub\n";
+      // write 16-bit i & q
+      samples[2*i] =   (int16_t) s.real();
+      samples[2*i+1] = (int16_t) s.imag();
-  usrp_rx_stop = false;
+  if(d_disk_write)
+    d_ofile.write((const char *)samples, n_bytes);
+  pmt_t v_pkt = pmt_make_u8vector(sizeof(transport_pkt), 0);
+  transport_pkt *pkt =
+    (transport_pkt *) pmt_u8vector_writeable_elements(v_pkt, ignore);
+  pkt->set_header(0, channel, 0, n_bytes);
+  pkt->set_timestamp(0xffffffff);
+  memcpy(pkt->payload(), samples, n_bytes);
+  d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_rx_read, pmt_list3(PMT_NIL, PMT_T, v_pkt));
-  if(verbose)
-    std::cout << "[USRP_RX_STUB] Got fake RX stop\n";
+  // Now lets check the shared CS queue between the TX and RX stub.  Each
+  // element in a queue is a list where the first element is an invocation
+  // handle and the second element is a PMT u8 vect representation of the
+  // CS packet response which can just be passed transparently.
+  while(!d_cs_queue.empty()) {
+    pmt_t cs_pkt = d_cs_queue.front();
+    d_cs_queue.pop();
+    pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, cs_pkt);
+    pmt_t v_pkt = pmt_nth(1, cs_pkt);
+    d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_rx_read,   
+               pmt_list3(invocation_handle, 
+                         PMT_T, 
+                         v_pkt));  // Take the front CS pkt
+    if(verbose)
+      std::cout << "[USRP_RX_STUB] Received CS response from TX stub\n";
+  }
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_rx_stub.h b/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_rx_stub.h
index 5a75bf00ac..9cf308a992 100644
--- a/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_rx_stub.h
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_rx_stub.h
@@ -31,9 +31,12 @@
 typedef usrp_inband_usb_packet transport_pkt;
-extern bool usrp_rx_stop;   // used to communicate a 'stop' to the RX stub
+extern bool usrp_rx_stop_stub;   // used to communicate a 'stop' to the RX stub
 extern std::queue<pmt_t> d_cs_queue;
+static pmt_t s_timeout = pmt_intern("%timeout");
+static pmt_t s_done = pmt_intern("done");
  * \brief Implements the low level usb interface to the USRP
@@ -45,6 +48,10 @@ class usrp_rx_stub : public mb_mblock
   usrp_standard_rx* d_urx;
   long		d_samples_per_frame;
+  long    d_decim_rx;
+  mb_time d_t0;
+  double d_delta_t;
   // for generating sine wave output
   ui_nco<float,float>	d_nco;
@@ -61,8 +68,9 @@ class usrp_rx_stub : public mb_mblock
   void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
-  void read_and_respond(pmt_t data);
+  void read_and_respond();
   void read_data();
+  void start_packet_timer();
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/inband/ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/
index 1948a43b29..6a3643e568 100644
--- a/usrp/host/lib/inband/
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include <usrp_usb_interface.h>
 #include <string.h>
+#include <fpga_regs_common.h>
+#include <fpga_regs_standard.h>
 #include <symbols_usrp_server_cs.h>
 #include <symbols_usrp_channel.h>
@@ -53,13 +55,42 @@ str(long x)
 usrp_server::usrp_server(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
   : mb_mblock(rt, instance_name, user_arg),
+  d_fpga_debug(false),
+  d_interp_tx(128),     // these should match the lower level defaults (rx also)
+  d_decim_rx(128),
     std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Initializing...\n";
   // Dictionary for arguments to all of the components
-  pmt_t usrp_dict = user_arg;
+  d_usrp_dict = user_arg;
+  if (pmt_is_dict(d_usrp_dict)) {
+    if(pmt_t fpga_debug = pmt_dict_ref(d_usrp_dict, 
+                                      pmt_intern("fpga-debug"), 
+                                      PMT_NIL)) {
+      if(pmt_eqv(fpga_debug, PMT_T)) 
+        d_fpga_debug=true;
+    }
+    // Read the TX interpolations
+    if(pmt_t interp_tx = pmt_dict_ref(d_usrp_dict, 
+                                      pmt_intern("interp-tx"), 
+                                      PMT_NIL)) {
+      if(!pmt_eqv(interp_tx, PMT_NIL)) 
+        d_interp_tx = pmt_to_long(interp_tx);
+    }
+    // Read the RX decimation rate
+    if(pmt_t decim_rx = pmt_dict_ref(d_usrp_dict, 
+                                      pmt_intern("decim-rx"), 
+                                      PMT_NIL)) {
+      if(!pmt_eqv(decim_rx, PMT_NIL)) 
+        d_decim_rx = pmt_to_long(decim_rx);
+    }
+  }
   // control & status port
   d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", true, mb_port::EXTERNAL);	
@@ -82,7 +113,7 @@ usrp_server::usrp_server(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t
-  define_component("usrp", "usrp_usb_interface", usrp_dict);
+  define_component("usrp", "usrp_usb_interface", d_usrp_dict);
   connect("self", "cs_usrp", "usrp", "cs");
@@ -108,6 +139,10 @@ usrp_server::usrp_server(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t
+ * \brief resets the assigned capacity and owners of each RX and TX channel from
+ * allocations.
+ */
@@ -136,6 +171,11 @@ usrp_server::initial_transition()
   // the initial transition
+ * \brief Reads all incoming messages to USRP server from the TX, RX, and the CS
+ * ports.  This drives the state of USRP server and dispatches based on the
+ * message.
+ */
 usrp_server::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
@@ -178,6 +218,9 @@ usrp_server::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
       pmt_t status = pmt_nth(1, data);
       d_cs->send(s_response_open, pmt_list2(invocation_handle, status));
+      //reset_all_registers();
+      //initialize_registers();
       if(pmt_eqv(status,PMT_T)) {
         d_opened = true;
         d_defer = false;
@@ -209,7 +252,7 @@ usrp_server::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
       // Do not report back responses if they were generated from a
       // command packet
-      if(channel == 0x1f)
+      if(channel == CONTROL_CHAN)
       // Find the port through the owner of the channel
@@ -470,7 +513,14 @@ usrp_server::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
   std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] unhandled msg: " << msg << std::endl;
-// Return -1 if it is not an RX port, or an index
+ * \brief Takes a port_symbol() as parameter \p port_id and is used to determine
+ * if the port is a TX port, or to find an index in the d_tx vector which stores
+ * the port.
+ *
+ * \returns -1 if \p port_id is not in the d_tx vector (i.e., it's not a TX
+ * port), otherwise returns an index in the d_tx vector which stores the port.
+ */
 int usrp_server::tx_port_index(pmt_t port_id) {
   for(int i=0; i < (int) d_tx.size(); i++) 
@@ -480,7 +530,14 @@ int usrp_server::tx_port_index(pmt_t port_id) {
   return -1;
-// Return -1 if it is not an RX port, or an index
+ * \brief Takes a port_symbol() as parameter \p port_id and is used to determine
+ * if the port is an RX port, or to find an index in the d_rx vector which
+ * stores the port.
+ *
+ * \returns -1 if \p port_id is not in the d_rx vector (i.e., it's not an RX
+ * port), otherwise returns an index in the d_rx vector which stores the port.
+ */
 int usrp_server::rx_port_index(pmt_t port_id) {
   for(int i=0; i < (int) d_rx.size(); i++) 
@@ -490,8 +547,12 @@ int usrp_server::rx_port_index(pmt_t port_id) {
   return -1;
-// Go through all TX and RX channels, sum up the assigned capacity
-// and return it
+ * \brief Determines the current total capacity allocated by all RX and TX
+ * channels.
+ *
+ * \returns the total allocated capacity
+ */
 long usrp_server::current_capacity_allocation() {
   long capacity = 0;
@@ -504,6 +565,14 @@ long usrp_server::current_capacity_allocation() {
   return capacity;
+ * \brief Called by the handle_message() method if the incoming message to
+ * usrp_server is to allocate a channel (cmd-allocate-channel).  The method
+ * checks if the requested capacity exists and if so it will reserve it for the
+ * caller on the channel that is returned via a response-allocate-channel
+ * signal.
+ */
                                 mb_port_sptr port, 
@@ -564,9 +633,13 @@ usrp_server::handle_cmd_allocate_channel(
-// Check the port type and deallocate assigned capacity based on this, ensuring
-// that the owner of the method invocation is the owner of the port and that the
-// channel number is valid.
+ * \brief Called by the handle_message() method if the incoming message to
+ * usrp_server is to deallocate a channel (cmd-deallocate-channel).  The method
+ * ensures that the sender of the signal owns the channel and that the channel
+ * number is valid.  A response-deallocate-channel signal is sent back with the
+ * result of the deallocation.
+ */
                               mb_port_sptr port, 
@@ -591,8 +664,26 @@ usrp_server::handle_cmd_deallocate_channel(
-void usrp_server::handle_cmd_xmit_raw_frame(mb_port_sptr port, std::vector<struct channel_info> &chan_info, pmt_t data) {
+ * \brief Called by the handle_message() method if the incoming message to
+ * usrp_server is to transmit a frame (cmd-xmit-raw-frame).  The method
+ * allocates enough memory to support a burst of packets which contain the frame
+ * over the bus of the frame, sets the packet headers, and sends a signal to the
+ * lower block for the data (packets) to be written to the bus.  
+ *
+ * The \p port the command was sent on and the channel info (\p chan_info) of
+ * the channel the frame is to be transmitted on are passed to ensure that the
+ * caller owns the channel.
+ *
+ * The \p data parameter is in the format of a cmd-xmit-raw-frame signal.
+ *
+ * The properties
+ */
+void usrp_server::handle_cmd_xmit_raw_frame(
+                              mb_port_sptr port, 
+                              std::vector<struct channel_info> &chan_info, 
+                              pmt_t data) 
   size_t n_bytes, psize;
   long max_payload_len = transport_pkt::max_payload();
@@ -667,7 +758,8 @@ void usrp_server::handle_cmd_xmit_raw_frame(mb_port_sptr port, std::vector<struc
               << invocation_handle << std::endl;
   // The actual response to the write will be generated by a
-  // s_response_usrp_write
+  // s_response_usrp_write since we cannot determine whether to transmit was
+  // successful until we hear from the lower layers.
@@ -676,7 +768,29 @@ void usrp_server::handle_cmd_xmit_raw_frame(mb_port_sptr port, std::vector<struc
-void usrp_server::handle_cmd_to_control_channel(mb_port_sptr port, std::vector<struct channel_info> &chan_info, pmt_t data) 
+ * \brief Called by the handle_message() method to parse incoming control/status
+ * signals (cmd-to-control-channel).  
+ * 
+ * The \p port the command was sent on and the channel info (\p chan_info) of
+ * the channel are passed to ensure that the caller owns the channel.
+ *
+ * The \p data parameter is in the format of a PMT list, where each element
+ * follows the format of a control/status signal (i.e. op-ping-fixed).
+ *
+ * The method will parse all of the C/S commands included in \p data and place
+ * the commands in to a lower level packet sent to the control channel.  The
+ * method will pack as many commands as possible in t oa single packet, and once
+ * it is fill generate as many lower level packets as needed.
+ *
+ * Anything that needs to be returned to the sender of the signal (i.e. the
+ * value of a register) will be generated by the parse_control_pkt() method as
+ * the responses to the commands are read back from the USRP.
+ */
+void usrp_server::handle_cmd_to_control_channel(
+                            mb_port_sptr port, 
+                            std::vector<struct channel_info> &chan_info, 
+                            pmt_t data) 
   pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
@@ -687,7 +801,10 @@ void usrp_server::handle_cmd_to_control_channel(mb_port_sptr port, std::vector<s
   size_t psize;
   long payload_len = 0;
-  long channel = 0x1f;
+  long channel = CONTROL_CHAN;
+  if(verbose)
+    std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Handling " << n_subpkts << " commands\n";
   // The design of the following code is optimized for simplicity, not
   // performance.  To performance optimize this code, the total size in bytes
@@ -990,8 +1107,22 @@ void usrp_server::handle_cmd_to_control_channel(mb_port_sptr port, std::vector<s
+ * \brief Called by the handle_message() method when the incoming signal is a
+ * command to start reading samples from the USRP (cmd-start-recv-raw-samples).  
+ *
+ * The \p port the command was sent on and the channel info (\p chan_info) of
+ * the channel are passed to ensure that the caller owns the channel.
+ *
+ * The \p data parameter should be in the format of a cmd-start-recv-raw-samples
+ * command where the first element in the list is an invocation handle, and the
+ * second is the channel the signal generator wants to receive the samples on.
+ */
-usrp_server::handle_cmd_start_recv_raw_samples(mb_port_sptr port, std::vector<struct channel_info> &chan_info, pmt_t data)
+                                  mb_port_sptr port, 
+                                  std::vector<struct channel_info> &chan_info, 
+                                  pmt_t data)
   pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
   long channel = pmt_to_long(pmt_nth(1, data));
@@ -1032,6 +1163,18 @@ usrp_server::handle_cmd_start_recv_raw_samples(mb_port_sptr port, std::vector<st
+ * \brief Called by the handle_message() method when the incoming signal is to
+ * stop receiving samples from the USRP (cmd-stop-recv-raw-samples).
+ *
+ * The \p port the command was sent on and the channel info (\p chan_info) of
+ * the channel are passed to ensure that the caller owns the channel.
+ *
+ * The \p data parameter should be in the format of a cmd-stop-recv-raw-samples
+ * command where the first element in the list is an invocation handle, and the
+ * second is the channel the signal generator wants to stop receiving the
+ * samples from.
+ */
                         mb_port_sptr port, 
@@ -1067,7 +1210,22 @@ usrp_server::handle_cmd_stop_recv_raw_samples(
-// Read the packet header, determine the port by the channel owner
+ * \brief Called by the handle_message() method when an incoming signal is
+ * generated to USRP server that contains raw samples from the USRP.  This
+ * method generates the response-recv-raw-samples signals that are the result of
+ * a cmd-start-recv-raw-samples signal.
+ *
+ * The raw lower-level packet is extracted from \p data, where the format for \p
+ * data is a PMT list.  The PMT \p data list should contain an invocation handle
+ * as the first element, the status of the lower-level read as the second
+ * element, and a uniform vector representation of the packets as the third
+ * element.  
+ *
+ * The packet contains a channel field that the samples are destined to, and the
+ * method determines where to send the samples based on this channel since each
+ * channel has an associated port which allocated it.
+ */
 usrp_server::handle_response_usrp_read(pmt_t data)
@@ -1106,7 +1264,7 @@ usrp_server::handle_response_usrp_read(pmt_t data)
   // If the packet is a C/S packet, parse it separately
-  if(channel == 0x1f) {
+  if(channel == CONTROL_CHAN) {
     parse_control_pkt(invocation_handle, pkt);
@@ -1137,14 +1295,28 @@ usrp_server::handle_response_usrp_read(pmt_t data)
-                   pmt_list5(invocation_handle,
+                   pmt_list6(invocation_handle,
+                             pmt_from_long(channel),
+ * \brief Called by handle_response_usrp_read() when the incoming packet has a
+ * channel of CONTROL_CHAN.  This means that the incoming packet contains a
+ * response for a command sent to the control channel, which this method will
+ * parse.
+ *
+ * The \p pkt parameter is a pointer to the full packet (transport_pkt) in
+ * memory.
+ *
+ * Given that all commands sent to the control channel that require responses
+ * will carry an RID (request ID), the method will use the RID passed back with
+ * the response to determine which port the response should be sent on.
+ */
 usrp_server::parse_control_pkt(pmt_t invocation_handle, transport_pkt *pkt)
@@ -1190,6 +1362,9 @@ usrp_server::parse_control_pkt(pmt_t invocation_handle, transport_pkt *pkt)
       pmt_t owner = d_rids[srid].owner;
+      // Return the RID
+      d_rids[srid].owner = PMT_NIL;
       // FIXME: should be 1 response for all subpackets here ?
       if((port = tx_port_index(owner)) != -1)
@@ -1225,6 +1400,9 @@ usrp_server::parse_control_pkt(pmt_t invocation_handle, transport_pkt *pkt)
       pmt_t owner = d_rids[srid].owner;
+      // Return the RID
+      d_rids[srid].owner = PMT_NIL;
       // FIXME: should be 1 response for all subpackets here ?
       if((port = tx_port_index(owner)) != -1)
@@ -1261,6 +1439,9 @@ usrp_server::parse_control_pkt(pmt_t invocation_handle, transport_pkt *pkt)
       pmt_t owner = d_rids[srid].owner;
+      // Return the RID
+      d_rids[srid].owner = PMT_NIL;
       if((port = tx_port_index(owner)) != -1)
@@ -1294,6 +1475,9 @@ usrp_server::parse_control_pkt(pmt_t invocation_handle, transport_pkt *pkt)
       pmt_t owner = d_rids[srid].owner;
+      // Return the RID
+      d_rids[srid].owner = PMT_NIL;
       if((port = tx_port_index(owner)) != -1)
@@ -1317,6 +1501,10 @@ usrp_server::parse_control_pkt(pmt_t invocation_handle, transport_pkt *pkt)
+ * \brief Used to recall all incoming signals that were deferred when USRP
+ * server was in the initialization state.
+ */
@@ -1335,6 +1523,25 @@ usrp_server::recall_defer_queue()
+ * \brief Commonly called by any method which handles outgoing frames or control
+ * packets to the USRP to check if the port on which the signal was sent owns
+ * the channel the outgoing packet will be associated with.   This helps ensure
+ * that applications do not send data on other application's ports.
+ *
+ * The \p port parameter is the port symbol that the caller wishes to determine
+ * owns the channel specified by \p chan_info.  
+ *
+ * The \p signal_info parameter is a PMT list containing two elements: the
+ * response signal to use if the permissions are invalid, and the invocation
+ * handle that was passed.  This allows the method to generate detailed failure
+ * responses to signals without having to return some sort of structured
+ * information which the caller must then parse and interpret to determine the
+ * failure type.
+ *
+ * \returns true if \p port owns the channel specified by \p chan_info, false
+ * otherwise.
+ */
 usrp_server::check_valid(mb_port_sptr port,
                          long channel,
@@ -1346,7 +1553,7 @@ usrp_server::check_valid(mb_port_sptr port,
   pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(1, signal_info);
   // not a valid channel number?
-  if(channel >= (long)chan_info.size() && channel != 0x1f) {
+  if(channel >= (long)chan_info.size() && channel != CONTROL_CHAN) {
@@ -1377,8 +1584,12 @@ usrp_server::check_valid(mb_port_sptr port,
   return true;
-// Goes through the vector of RIDs and retreieves an
-// available one for use
+ * \brief Finds the next available RID for internal USRP server use with control
+ * and status packets.
+ *
+ * \returns the next valid RID or -1 if no more RIDs are available.
+ */
@@ -1386,7 +1597,264 @@ usrp_server::next_rid()
     if(pmt_eqv(d_rids[i].owner, PMT_NIL))
       return i;
+  if(verbose)
+    std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] No RIDs left\n";
   return -1;
+ * \brief Called by handle_message() when USRP server gets a response that the
+ * USRP was opened successfully to initialize the registers using the new
+ * register read/write control packets.
+ */
+  // We use handle_cmd_to_control_channel() to create the register writes using
+  // PMT_NIL as the response port to tell usrp_server not to pass the response
+  // up to any application.
+  if(verbose)
+    std::cout << "[USRP_SERVER] Initializing registers...\n";
+  // RX mode to normal (0)
+  set_register(FR_MODE, 0);
+  // FPGA debugging?
+  if(d_fpga_debug) {
+    set_register(FR_DEBUG_EN, 1);
+    // FIXME: need to figure out exact register writes to control daughterboard
+    // pins that need to be written to
+  } else {
+    set_register(FR_DEBUG_EN, 0);
+  }
+  // Set the transmit sample rate divisor, which is 4-1
+  set_register(FR_TX_SAMPLE_RATE_DIV, 3);
+  // Dboard IO buffer and register settings
+  set_register(FR_OE_0, (0xffff << 16) | 0x0000);
+  set_register(FR_IO_0, (0xffff << 16) | 0x0000);
+  set_register(FR_OE_1, (0xffff << 16) | 0x0000);
+  set_register(FR_IO_1, (0xffff << 16) | 0x0000);
+  set_register(FR_OE_2, (0xffff << 16) | 0x0000);
+  set_register(FR_IO_2, (0xffff << 16) | 0x0000);
+  set_register(FR_OE_3, (0xffff << 16) | 0x0000);
+  set_register(FR_IO_3, (0xffff << 16) | 0x0000);
+  // zero Tx side Auto Transmit/Receive regs
+  set_register(FR_ATR_MASK_0, 0); 
+  set_register(FR_ATR_TXVAL_0, 0);
+  set_register(FR_ATR_RXVAL_0, 0);
+  set_register(FR_ATR_MASK_1, 0); 
+  set_register(FR_ATR_TXVAL_1, 0);
+  set_register(FR_ATR_RXVAL_1, 0);
+  set_register(FR_ATR_MASK_2, 0);
+  set_register(FR_ATR_TXVAL_2, 0);
+  set_register(FR_ATR_RXVAL_2, 0);
+  set_register(FR_ATR_MASK_3, 0);
+  set_register(FR_ATR_TXVAL_3, 0);
+  set_register(FR_ATR_RXVAL_3, 0);
+  // Configure TX mux, this is a hacked value
+  set_register(FR_TX_MUX, 0x00000081);
+  // Set the interpolation rate, which is the rate divided by 4, minus 1
+  set_register(FR_INTERP_RATE, (d_interp_tx/4)-1);
+  // Apparently this register changes again
+  set_register(FR_TX_MUX, 0x00000981);
+  // Set the receive sample rate divisor, which is 2-1
+  set_register(FR_RX_SAMPLE_RATE_DIV, 1);
+  // DC offset
+  set_register(FR_DC_OFFSET_CL_EN, 0x0000000f);
+  // Reset the DC correction offsets
+  set_register(FR_ADC_OFFSET_0, 0);
+  set_register(FR_ADC_OFFSET_1, 0);
+  // Some hard-coded RX configuration
+  set_register(FR_RX_FORMAT, 0x00000300);
+  set_register(FR_RX_MUX, 1);
+  // RX decimation rate is divided by two, then subtract 1
+  set_register(FR_DECIM_RATE, (d_decim_rx/2)-1);
+  // More hard coding
+  set_register(FR_RX_MUX, 0x000e4e41);
+  // Resetting RX registers
+  set_register(FR_RX_PHASE_0, 0);
+  set_register(FR_RX_PHASE_1, 0);
+  set_register(FR_RX_PHASE_2, 0);
+  set_register(FR_RX_PHASE_3, 0);
+  set_register(FR_RX_FREQ_0, 0x28000000);
+  set_register(FR_RX_FREQ_1, 0);
+  set_register(FR_RX_FREQ_2, 0);
+  set_register(FR_RX_FREQ_3, 0);
+  // Enable debug bus
+  set_register(FR_DEBUG_EN, 0xf);
+  set_register(FR_OE_0, -1);
+  set_register(FR_OE_1, -1);
+  set_register(FR_OE_2, -1);
+  set_register(FR_OE_3, -1);
+  //check_register_initialization();
+// FIXME: used for debugging to determine if all the registers are actually
+// being set correctly
+  // RX mode to normal (0)
+  read_register(FR_MODE);
+  // FPGA debugging?
+  if(d_fpga_debug) {
+    read_register(FR_DEBUG_EN);
+    // FIXME: need to figure out exact register writes to control daughterboard
+    // pins that need to be written to
+  } else {
+    read_register(FR_DEBUG_EN);
+  }
+  // Set the transmit sample rate divisor, which is 4-1
+  read_register(FR_TX_SAMPLE_RATE_DIV);
+  // Dboard IO buffer and register settings
+  read_register(FR_OE_0);
+  read_register(FR_IO_0);
+  read_register(FR_OE_1);
+  read_register(FR_IO_1);
+  read_register(FR_OE_2);
+  read_register(FR_IO_2);
+  read_register(FR_OE_3);
+  read_register(FR_IO_3);
+  // zero Tx side Auto Transmit/Receive regs
+  read_register(FR_ATR_MASK_0); 
+  read_register(FR_ATR_TXVAL_0);
+  read_register(FR_ATR_RXVAL_0);
+  read_register(FR_ATR_MASK_1); 
+  read_register(FR_ATR_TXVAL_1);
+  read_register(FR_ATR_RXVAL_1);
+  read_register(FR_ATR_MASK_2);
+  read_register(FR_ATR_TXVAL_2);
+  read_register(FR_ATR_RXVAL_2);
+  read_register(FR_ATR_MASK_3);
+  read_register(FR_ATR_TXVAL_3);
+  read_register(FR_ATR_RXVAL_3);
+  // Configure TX mux, this is a hacked value
+  read_register(FR_TX_MUX);
+  // Set the interpolation rate, which is the rate divided by 4, minus 1
+  read_register(FR_INTERP_RATE);
+  // Apparently this register changes again
+  read_register(FR_TX_MUX);
+  // Set the receive sample rate divisor, which is 2-1
+  read_register(FR_RX_SAMPLE_RATE_DIV);
+  // DC offset
+  read_register(FR_DC_OFFSET_CL_EN);
+  // Reset the DC correction offsets
+  read_register(FR_ADC_OFFSET_0);
+  read_register(FR_ADC_OFFSET_1);
+  // Some hard-coded RX configuration
+  read_register(FR_RX_FORMAT);
+  read_register(FR_RX_MUX);
+  // RX decimation rate is divided by two, then subtract 1
+  read_register(FR_DECIM_RATE);
+  // More hard coding
+  read_register(FR_RX_MUX);
+  // Resetting RX registers
+  read_register(FR_RX_PHASE_0);
+  read_register(FR_RX_PHASE_1);
+  read_register(FR_RX_PHASE_2);
+  read_register(FR_RX_PHASE_3);
+  read_register(FR_RX_FREQ_0);
+  read_register(FR_RX_FREQ_1);
+  read_register(FR_RX_FREQ_2);
+  read_register(FR_RX_FREQ_3);
+ * \brief Used to generate FPGA register write commands to reset all of the FPGA
+ * registers to a value of 0.
+ */
+  for(int i=0; i<64; i++)
+    set_register(i, 0);
+ * \brief Used internally by USRP server to generate a control/status packet
+ * which contains a register write.
+ *
+ * The \p reg parameter is the register number that the value \p val will be
+ * written to.
+ */
+usrp_server::set_register(long reg, long val)
+  size_t psize;
+  long payload_len = 0;
+  pmt_t v_packet = pmt_make_u8vector(sizeof(transport_pkt), 0);
+  transport_pkt *pkt = (transport_pkt *) pmt_u8vector_writeable_elements(v_packet, psize);
+  pkt->set_header(0, CONTROL_CHAN, 0, payload_len);
+  pkt->set_timestamp(0xffffffff);
+  pkt->cs_write_reg(reg, val);
+  d_cs_usrp->send(s_cmd_usrp_write, 
+                  pmt_list3(PMT_NIL, 
+                            pmt_from_long(CONTROL_CHAN), 
+                            v_packet));
+ * \brief Used internally by USRP server to generate a control/status packet
+ * which contains a register read.  This is important to use internally so that
+ * USRP server can bypass the use of RIDs with register reads, as they are not
+ * needed and it would use up the finite number of RIDs available for use for
+ * applications to receive responses.
+ *
+ * The \p reg parameter is the register number that the value should be read
+ * from.
+ */
+usrp_server::read_register(long reg)
+  size_t psize;
+  long payload_len = 0;
+  pmt_t v_packet = pmt_make_u8vector(sizeof(transport_pkt), 0);
+  transport_pkt *pkt = (transport_pkt *) pmt_u8vector_writeable_elements(v_packet, psize);
+  pkt->set_header(0, CONTROL_CHAN, 0, payload_len);
+  pkt->set_timestamp(0xffffffff);
+  pkt->cs_read_reg(0, reg);
+  d_cs_usrp->send(s_cmd_usrp_write, 
+                  pmt_list3(PMT_NIL, 
+                            pmt_from_long(CONTROL_CHAN), 
+                            v_packet));
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_server.h b/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_server.h
index 81dceb1f4f..09c82faac4 100644
--- a/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_server.h
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_server.h
@@ -51,6 +51,13 @@ public:
   long d_ntx_chan;
   long d_nrx_chan;
+  pmt_t d_usrp_dict;
+  bool d_fpga_debug;
+  long d_interp_tx;
+  long d_decim_rx;
   // Keep track of the request IDs
   struct rid_info {
     pmt_t owner;
@@ -114,6 +121,11 @@ private:
   bool check_valid(mb_port_sptr port, long channel, std::vector<struct channel_info> &chan_info, pmt_t signal_info);
   void parse_control_pkt(pmt_t invocation_handle, transport_pkt *pkt);
   long next_rid();
+  void initialize_registers();
+  void set_register(long reg, long val);
+  void read_register(long reg);
+  void check_register_initialization();
+  void reset_all_registers();
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_server.mbh b/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_server.mbh
index 3fd0db139b..ed7943fc37 100644
--- a/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_server.mbh
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_server.mbh
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
-   (response-recv-raw-samples invocation-handle status samples timestamp properties)
+   (response-recv-raw-samples invocation-handle status samples timestamp channel properties)
    ;; samples is a uniform numeric vector.  The contents of the sample
    ;; vector is treated as opaque and is passed from the FPGA
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/inband/ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/
index a7a5e4a894..da87775130 100644
--- a/usrp/host/lib/inband/
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/
@@ -66,6 +66,10 @@ usrp_tx::initial_transition()
+ * \brief Handles incoming signals to to the m-block, wihch should only ever be
+ * a single message: cmd-usrp-tx-write.
+ */
 usrp_tx::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
@@ -82,6 +86,14 @@ usrp_tx::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
+ * \brief Performs the actual writing of data to the USB bus, called by
+ * handle_message() when a cmd-usrp-tx-write signal is received.
+ *
+ * The \p data parameter is a PMT list which contains three mandatory elements,
+ * in the following order: an invocation handle, a channel, and a uniform vector
+ * of memory which contains the packets to be written to the bus.
+ */
 usrp_tx::write(pmt_t data)
@@ -121,7 +133,7 @@ usrp_tx::write(pmt_t data)
   for(int i=0; i < n_packets; i++) {
     if(d_disk_write) {
-      if(pkts[i].chan() == 0x1f)
+      if(pkts[i].chan() == CONTROL_CHAN)
         d_cs_ofile.write((const char *)&pkts[i], transport_pkt::max_pkt_size());
         d_ofile.write((const char *)&pkts[i], transport_pkt::max_pkt_size());
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/inband/ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/
index 7a9876322f..6cff3b4eef 100644
--- a/usrp/host/lib/inband/
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ usrp_tx_stub::write(pmt_t data)
   for(long i=0; i<n_packets; i++) {
     if(d_disk_write) {
-      if(pkts[i].chan() == 0x1f)
+      if(pkts[i].chan() == CONTROL_CHAN)
         d_cs_ofile.write((const char *)&pkts[i], transport_pkt::max_pkt_size());
         d_ofile.write((const char *)&pkts[i], transport_pkt::max_pkt_size());
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ usrp_tx_stub::write(pmt_t data)
-    if(pkts[i].chan() == 0x1f)
+    if(pkts[i].chan() == CONTROL_CHAN)
       parse_cs(invocation_handle, pkts[i]);
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ usrp_tx_stub::parse_cs(pmt_t invocation_handle, transport_pkt pkt)
   transport_pkt *q_pkt =
     (transport_pkt *) pmt_u8vector_writeable_elements(v_pkt, ignore);
-  q_pkt->set_header(0, 0x1f, 0, 0);
+  q_pkt->set_header(0, CONTROL_CHAN, 0, 0);
   // We dispatch based on the control packet type, however we can extract the
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/inband/ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/
index 269ed2706d..51b6d4646c 100644
--- a/usrp/host/lib/inband/
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/
@@ -47,12 +47,16 @@ static pmt_t s_shutdown = pmt_intern("%shutdown");
 static const bool verbose = false;
-// need to take number of TX and RX channels as parameter
+ * \brief Initializes the USB interface m-block.
+ *
+ * The \p user_arg should be a PMT dictionary which can contain optional
+ * arguments for the block, such as the decimatoin and interpolation rate.
+ */
 usrp_usb_interface::usrp_usb_interface(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
   : mb_mblock(rt, instance_name, user_arg),
-  d_fpga_debug(false),
+  d_rx_reading(false),
@@ -86,7 +90,7 @@ usrp_usb_interface::usrp_usb_interface(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instan
         d_interp_tx = pmt_to_long(interp_tx);
-    // Read the RX interpolations
+    // Read the RX decimation rate
     if(pmt_t decim_rx = pmt_dict_ref(usrp_dict, 
                                       PMT_NIL)) {
@@ -134,8 +138,8 @@ usrp_usb_interface::usrp_usb_interface(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instan
   d_tx_cs = define_port("tx_cs", "usrp-tx-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);	
   // Connect to TX and RX
-  define_component("tx", tx_interface, PMT_F);
-  define_component("rx", rx_interface, PMT_F);
+  define_component("tx", tx_interface, usrp_dict);
+  define_component("rx", rx_interface, usrp_dict);
   connect("self", "rx_cs", "rx", "cs");
   connect("self", "tx_cs", "tx", "cs");
@@ -146,8 +150,6 @@ usrp_usb_interface::usrp_usb_interface(mb_runtime *rt, const std::string &instan
   d_utx = NULL;
   d_urx = NULL;
@@ -161,6 +163,10 @@ usrp_usb_interface::initial_transition()
+ * \brief Handles all incoming signals to the block from the lowest m-blocks
+ * which read/write to the bus, or the higher m-block which is the USRP server.
+ */
 usrp_usb_interface::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
@@ -256,6 +262,13 @@ usrp_usb_interface::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
   std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] unhandled msg: " << msg << std::endl;
+ * \brief Called by the handle_message() method when the incoming signal is to
+ * open a USB connection to the USRP (cmd-usrp-open).
+ *
+ * The \p data parameter is a PMT list, where the elements are an invocation
+ * handle and the USRP number.
+ */
 usrp_usb_interface::handle_cmd_open(pmt_t data)
@@ -290,7 +303,7 @@ usrp_usb_interface::handle_cmd_open(pmt_t data)
-  if(!d_utx->set_tx_freq (0,d_rf_freq)) {  // try setting center freq to 0
+  if(!d_utx->set_tx_freq (0,d_rf_freq) || !d_utx->set_tx_freq(1,d_rf_freq)) {  // try setting center freq to 0
     if (verbose)
       std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Failed to set center frequency on TX\n";
     reply_data = pmt_list2(invocation_handle, PMT_F);
@@ -298,6 +311,14 @@ usrp_usb_interface::handle_cmd_open(pmt_t data)
+  if(!d_utx->set_mux(0xBA98)) {
+    if (verbose)
+      std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Failed to set TX mux\n";
+    reply_data = pmt_list2(invocation_handle, PMT_F);
+    d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_open, reply_data);
+    return;
+  }
   if (verbose)
@@ -321,33 +342,44 @@ usrp_usb_interface::handle_cmd_open(pmt_t data)
-  if(!d_urx->set_rx_freq (0, d_rf_freq)) {
+  if(!d_urx->set_rx_freq (0, -d_rf_freq) || !d_urx->set_rx_freq(1, -d_rf_freq)) {
     if (verbose)
       std::cout << "[usrp_server] Failed to set center frequency on RX\n";
     reply_data = pmt_list2(invocation_handle, PMT_F);
     d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_open, reply_data);
-  if(d_fpga_debug) {
-    d_utx->_write_fpga_reg(FR_DEBUG_EN,0xf);
-    d_utx->_write_oe(0, 0xffff, 0xffff);
-    d_urx->_write_oe(0, 0xffff, 0xffff);
-    d_utx->_write_oe(1, 0xffff, 0xffff);
-    d_urx->_write_oe(1, 0xffff, 0xffff);
-//    while(1){
-//      for(int i=0; i<0xffff; i++) 
-//        d_urx->write_io(0, i, 0xffff);
-//    }
-  }
+  // Two channels ... this really needs to end up being set correctly by
+  // querying for what dboards are connected
+  if(!d_urx->set_mux(0x32103210)) {
+    if (verbose)
+      std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Failed to set RX mux\n";
+    reply_data = pmt_list2(invocation_handle, PMT_F);
+    d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_open, reply_data);
+    return;
+  }
   if (verbose)
     std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Setup RX channel\n";
+//  d_utx->_write_fpga_reg(FR_DEBUG_EN,0xf);
+//  d_utx->_write_oe(0, 0xffff, 0xffff);
+//  d_urx->_write_oe(0, 0xffff, 0xffff);
+//  d_utx->_write_oe(1, 0xffff, 0xffff);
+//  d_urx->_write_oe(1, 0xffff, 0xffff);
   d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_open, pmt_list2(invocation_handle, PMT_T));
+ * \brief Called by the handle_message() method when the incoming signal is to
+ * write data to the USB bus (cmd-usrp-write). 
+ *
+ * The \p data parameter is a PMT list containing 3 mandatory elements in the
+ * following order: an invocation handle, channel, and a uniform vector
+ * representation of the packets.
+ */
 usrp_usb_interface::handle_cmd_write(pmt_t data)
@@ -366,6 +398,13 @@ usrp_usb_interface::handle_cmd_write(pmt_t data)
+ * \brief Called by the handle_message() method when the incoming signal is to
+ * start reading data from the USB bus (cmd-usrp-start-reading).
+ *
+ * The \p data parameter is a PMT list with a single element: an invocation
+ * handle which can be returned with the response.
+ */
 usrp_usb_interface::handle_cmd_start_reading(pmt_t data)
@@ -381,9 +420,18 @@ usrp_usb_interface::handle_cmd_start_reading(pmt_t data)
   d_rx_cs->send(s_cmd_usrp_rx_start_reading, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, rx_handle));
+  d_rx_reading = true;
+ * \brief Called by the handle_message() method when the incoming signal is to
+ * stop reading data from the USB bus (cmd-usrp-stop-reading).
+ *
+ * The \p data parameter is a PMT list with a single element: an invocation
+ * handle which can be returned with the response.
+ */
 usrp_usb_interface::handle_cmd_stop_reading(pmt_t data)
@@ -392,22 +440,40 @@ usrp_usb_interface::handle_cmd_stop_reading(pmt_t data)
   if(!d_fake_usrp) {
       std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Stopping RX...\n";
+    usrp_rx_stop = true;
+    // Used to allow a read() being called by a lower layer to complete before
+    // stopping, else there can be partial data left on the bus and can generate
+    // errors.
+    while(usrp_rx_stop) {usleep(1);}
   else {
       std::cout << "[USRP_USB_INTERFACE] Stopping fake RX...\n";
-    usrp_rx_stop = true;  // extern to communicate with stub to wait
+    usrp_rx_stop_stub = true;  // extern to communicate with stub to wait
+  d_rx_reading = false;
+ * \brief Called by the handle_message() method when the incoming signal is to
+ * close the USB connection to the USRP.
+ *
+ * The \p data parameter is a PMT list with a single element: an invocation
+ * handle which can be returned with the response.
+ */
 usrp_usb_interface::handle_cmd_close(pmt_t data)
   pmt_t invocation_handle = pmt_nth(0, data);
+  if(d_rx_reading)
+    handle_cmd_stop_reading(PMT_NIL);
   if(d_fake_usrp) {
     d_cs->send(s_response_usrp_close, pmt_list2(invocation_handle, PMT_T));
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_usb_interface.h b/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_usb_interface.h
index 8efce2ff66..6c2c157680 100644
--- a/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_usb_interface.h
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/inband/usrp_usb_interface.h
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ class usrp_usb_interface : public mb_mblock
   long d_ntx_chan;
   long d_nrx_chan;
-  long d_fpga_debug;
   bool d_fake_usrp;
+  bool d_rx_reading;
   long d_interp_tx;
   long d_decim_rx;
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/legacy/ b/usrp/host/lib/legacy/
index 60687a1499..6dce8d9e04 100644
--- a/usrp/host/lib/legacy/
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/legacy/
@@ -386,14 +386,6 @@ fusb_ephandle_linux::stop ()
   if (!d_started)
     return true;
-  d_devhandle->_cancel_pending_rqsts (this);
-  d_devhandle->_reap (false);
-  usbdevfs_urb *urb;
-  while ((urb = completed_list_get ()) != 0)
-    free_list_add (urb);
   if (d_write_work_in_progress){
     free_list_add (d_write_work_in_progress);
@@ -407,11 +399,19 @@ fusb_ephandle_linux::stop ()
     d_read_buffer_end = 0;
-  if (d_free_list.size () != (unsigned) d_nblocks)
-    fprintf (stderr, "d_free_list.size () = %d, d_nblocks = %d\n",
-	     d_free_list.size (), d_nblocks);
-  assert (d_free_list.size () == (unsigned) d_nblocks);
+  d_devhandle->_cancel_pending_rqsts (this);
+  d_devhandle->_reap (false);
+  while (1){
+    usbdevfs_urb *urb;
+    while ((urb = completed_list_get ()) != 0)
+      free_list_add (urb);
+    if (d_free_list.size () == (unsigned) d_nblocks)
+      break;
+    d_devhandle->_reap(true);
+  }
   d_started = false;
   return true;
cgit v1.2.3