From d7b57e43f186097f147534ad49c6337edc4fdc88 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tom Rondeau <>
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 11:10:11 -0400
Subject: grc: ability to automatically create hier_blocks from a flowgraph.

Highlight a set of blocks and hit 'c' or right-click and 'Create Hier' to automatically build a new hier_block that opens in GRC with the probes in place. Any parameter/variables become parameters in the new graph. Save, generate, and hit the 'Reload Blocks' to get access to new block.
 grc/gui/ | 129 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 grc/gui/       |   6 +++
 grc/gui/     |   3 ++
 3 files changed, 138 insertions(+)

(limited to 'grc')

diff --git a/grc/gui/ b/grc/gui/
index 430a05fc22..9fb5e4ebfc 100644
--- a/grc/gui/
+++ b/grc/gui/
@@ -153,6 +153,134 @@ class ActionHandler:
+                ##################################################
+                # Create heir block 
+                ##################################################
+		elif action == Actions.BLOCK_CREATE_HIER:
+                        # keeping track of coordinates for pasting later
+                        coords = self.get_flow_graph().get_selected_blocks()[0].get_coordinate()
+                        x,y = coords
+                        x_min = x 
+                        y_min = y
+                        pads = [];
+                        params = [];
+                        # Save the state of the leaf blocks
+                        for block in self.get_flow_graph().get_selected_blocks():
+                            # Check for string variables within the blocks
+                            for param in block.get_params():
+                                for variable in self.get_flow_graph().get_variables():
+                                    # If a block parameter exists that is a variable, create a parameter for it
+                                    if param.get_value() == variable.get_id():
+                                        params.append(param.get_value())
+                                for flow_param in self.get_flow_graph().get_parameters():
+                                    # If a block parameter exists that is a parameter, create a parameter for it
+                                    if param.get_value() == flow_param.get_id():
+                                        params.append(param.get_value())
+                            # keep track of x,y mins for pasting later 
+                            (x,y) = block.get_coordinate()
+                            if x < x_min:
+                                x_min = x
+                            if y < y_min:
+                                y_min = y
+                            for connection in block.get_connections():
+                                # Get id of connected blocks
+                                source_id = connection.get_source().get_parent().get_id()
+                                sink_id = connection.get_sink().get_parent().get_id()
+                                # If connected block is not in the list of selected blocks create a pad for it 
+                                if self.get_flow_graph().get_block(source_id) not in self.get_flow_graph().get_selected_blocks():
+                                    pads.append({'key': connection.get_sink().get_key(), 'coord': connection.get_source().get_coordinate(), 'block_id' : block.get_id(), 'direction': 'source'})
+                                if self.get_flow_graph().get_block(sink_id) not in self.get_flow_graph().get_selected_blocks():
+                                    pads.append({'key': connection.get_source().get_key(), 'coord': connection.get_sink().get_coordinate(), 'block_id' : block.get_id(), 'direction': 'sink'})
+                        # Copy the selected blocks and paste them into a new page
+                        #   then move the flowgraph to a reasonable position
+			Actions.BLOCK_COPY()
+			self.main_window.new_page()
+                        Actions.BLOCK_PASTE()
+                        coords = (x_min,y_min)
+                        self.get_flow_graph().move_selected(coords)
+                        # Set flow graph to heir block type
+                        top_block  = self.get_flow_graph().get_block("top_block")
+                        top_block.get_param('generate_options').set_value('hb')
+                        # this needs to be a unique name
+                        top_block.get_param('id').set_value('new_heir')
+                        # Remove the default samp_rate variable block that is created
+                        remove_me  = self.get_flow_graph().get_block("samp_rate")
+                        self.get_flow_graph().remove_element(remove_me) 
+                        # Add the param blocks along the top of the window
+                        x_pos = 150
+                        for param in params:
+                            param_id = self.get_flow_graph().add_new_block('parameter',(x_pos,10))
+                            param_block = self.get_flow_graph().get_block(param_id)
+                            param_block.get_param('id').set_value(param)
+                            x_pos = x_pos + 100
+                        for pad in pads:
+                            # Add the pad sources and sinks within the new heir block
+                            if pad['direction'] == 'sink':
+                                # Add new PAD_SINK block to the canvas
+                                pad_id = self.get_flow_graph().add_new_block('pad_sink', pad['coord'])
+                                # setup the references to the sink and source
+                                pad_block = self.get_flow_graph().get_block(pad_id)
+                                pad_sink = pad_block.get_sinks()[0]
+                                source_block = self.get_flow_graph().get_block(pad['block_id'])
+                                source = source_block.get_source(pad['key'])
+                                # Ensure the port types match
+                                while pad_sink.get_type() != source.get_type():
+                                    # Special case for some blocks that have non-standard type names, e.g. uhd
+                                    if pad_sink.get_type() == 'complex' and source.get_type() == 'fc32':
+                                        break;
+                                    pad_block.type_controller_modify(1)
+                                # Connect the pad to the proper sinks
+                                new_connection = self.get_flow_graph().connect(source,pad_sink)
+                            elif pad['direction'] == 'source':
+                                pad_id = self.get_flow_graph().add_new_block('pad_source', pad['coord'])
+                                # setup the references to the sink and source
+                                pad_block = self.get_flow_graph().get_block(pad_id)
+                                pad_source = pad_block.get_sources()[0]
+                                sink_block = self.get_flow_graph().get_block(pad['block_id'])
+                                sink = sink_block.get_sink(pad['key'])
+                                # Ensure the port types match
+                                while sink.get_type() != pad_source.get_type():
+                                    # Special case for some blocks that have non-standard type names, e.g. uhd
+                                    if pad_source.get_type() == 'complex' and sink.get_type() == 'fc32':
+                                        break;
+                                    pad_block.type_controller_modify(1)
+                                # Connect the pad to the proper sinks
+                                new_connection = self.get_flow_graph().connect(pad_source,sink)
+                        # update the new heir block flow graph 
+		        self.get_flow_graph().update()
 		# Move/Rotate/Delete/Create
@@ -330,6 +458,7 @@ class ActionHandler:
 		#update enable/disable
+		Actions.BLOCK_CREATE_HIER.set_sensitive(bool(self.get_flow_graph().get_selected_blocks()))
 		#set the exec and stop buttons
diff --git a/grc/gui/ b/grc/gui/
index 03aa430573..8087f49553 100644
--- a/grc/gui/
+++ b/grc/gui/
@@ -198,6 +198,12 @@ BLOCK_DISABLE = Action(
 	keypresses=(gtk.keysyms.d, NO_MODS_MASK),
+	label='C_reate Hier',
+	tooltip='Create hier block from selected blocks',
+	stock_id=gtk.STOCK_CONNECT,
+	keypresses=(gtk.keysyms.c, NO_MODS_MASK),
 BLOCK_CUT = Action(
diff --git a/grc/gui/ b/grc/gui/
index 0f69d48783..67e5af97bc 100644
--- a/grc/gui/
+++ b/grc/gui/
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ class FlowGraph(Element):
 		]: self._context_menu.append(action.create_menu_item())
@@ -98,6 +99,8 @@ class FlowGraph(Element):
+                return id
 	# Copy Paste
cgit v1.2.3