From 502c63d341bd839f597a3d23708c72e2aa888bf1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastian Koslowski <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2017 17:54:02 +0100
Subject: grc: gtk3: curved connections

 grc/gui/canvas/ | 221 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 113 insertions(+), 108 deletions(-)

(limited to 'grc/gui/canvas/')

diff --git a/grc/gui/canvas/ b/grc/gui/canvas/
index 14bd0c9280..1da63be389 100644
--- a/grc/gui/canvas/
+++ b/grc/gui/canvas/
@@ -17,13 +17,19 @@ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
-from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division
-from .drawable import Drawable
-from .. import Colors, Utils
+from math import pi
+from . import colors
+from .drawable import Drawable
+from .. import Utils
+from ..Constants import (
 from ...core.Connection import Connection as CoreConnection
 from ...core.Element import nop_write
@@ -46,13 +52,17 @@ class Connection(CoreConnection, Drawable):
         self._line_width_factor = 1.0
         self._color = self._color2 = self._arrow_color = None
-        self._sink_rot = self._source_rot = None
-        self._sink_coor = self._source_coor = None
+        self._current_port_rotations = self._current_coordinates = None
+        self._rel_points = None  # connection coordinates relative to sink/source
+        self._arrow_rotation = 0.0  # rotation of the arrow in radians
+        self._current_cr = None  # for what_is_selected() of curved line
+        self._line_path = None
     def coordinate(self):
-        return self.source_port.get_connector_coordinate()
+        return self.source_port.connector_coordinate_absolute
@@ -68,123 +78,96 @@ class Connection(CoreConnection, Drawable):
     def create_shapes(self):
         """Pre-calculate relative coordinates."""
-        self._sink_rot = None
-        self._source_rot = None
-        self._sink_coor = None
-        self._source_coor = None
-        #get the source coordinate
-        try:
-            connector_length = self.source_port.connector_length
-        except:
-            return  # todo: why?
-        self.x1, self.y1 = Utils.get_rotated_coordinate((connector_length, 0), self.source_port.rotation)
-        #get the sink coordinate
-        connector_length = self.sink_port.connector_length + CONNECTOR_ARROW_HEIGHT
-        self.x2, self.y2 = Utils.get_rotated_coordinate((-connector_length, 0), self.sink_port.rotation)
-        #build the arrow
-        self._arrow_base = [
-            (0, 0),
-            Utils.get_rotated_coordinate((-CONNECTOR_ARROW_HEIGHT, -CONNECTOR_ARROW_BASE/2), self.sink_port.rotation),
-            Utils.get_rotated_coordinate((-CONNECTOR_ARROW_HEIGHT, CONNECTOR_ARROW_BASE/2), self.sink_port.rotation),
-        ] if self.sink_block.state != 'bypassed' else []
-        source_domain = self.source_port.domain
-        sink_domain = self.sink_port.domain
+        source = self.source_port
+        sink = self.sink_port
+        rotate = Utils.get_rotated_coordinate
+        # first two components relative to source connector, rest relative to sink connector
+        self._rel_points = [
+            rotate((15, 0), source.rotation),  # line from 0,0 to here, bezier curve start
+            rotate((50, 0), source.rotation),  # bezier curve control point 1
+            rotate((-50, 0), sink.rotation),  # bezier curve control point 2
+            rotate((-15, 0), sink.rotation),  # bezier curve end
+            rotate((-CONNECTOR_ARROW_HEIGHT, 0), sink.rotation),  # line to arrow head
+        ]
+        self._current_coordinates = None  # triggers _make_path()
         def get_domain_color(domain_name):
             domain =, {})
             color_spec = domain.get('color')
-            return Colors.get_color(color_spec) if color_spec else Colors.DEFAULT_DOMAIN_COLOR
+            return colors.get_color(color_spec) if color_spec else colors.DEFAULT_DOMAIN_COLOR
-        if source_domain == GR_MESSAGE_DOMAIN:
+        if source.domain == GR_MESSAGE_DOMAIN:
             self._line_width_factor = 1.0
             self._color = None
-            self._color2 = Colors.CONNECTION_ENABLED_COLOR
+            self._color2 = colors.CONNECTION_ENABLED_COLOR
-            if source_domain != sink_domain:
+            if source.domain != sink.domain:
                 self._line_width_factor = 2.0
-            self._color = get_domain_color(source_domain)
-            self._color2 = get_domain_color(sink_domain)
-        self._arrow_color = self._color2 if self.is_valid() else Colors.CONNECTION_ERROR_COLOR
-        self._update_after_move()
-    def _update_after_move(self):
-        """Calculate coordinates."""
-        source = self.source_port
-        sink = self.sink_port
-        source_dir = source.get_connector_direction()
-        sink_dir = sink.get_connector_direction()
-        x_pos, y_pos = self.coordinate
-        x_start, y_start = source.get_connector_coordinate()
-        x_end, y_end = sink.get_connector_coordinate()
-        p3 = x3, y3 = x_end - x_pos, y_end - y_pos
-        p2 = x2, y2 = self.x2 + x3, self.y2 + y3
-        p1 = x1, y1 = self.x1, self.y1
-        p0 = x_start - x_pos, y_start - y_pos
-        self._arrow = [(x + x3, y + y3) for x, y in self._arrow_base]
-        if abs(source_dir - sink.get_connector_direction()) == 180:
-            # 2 possible point sets to create a 3-line connector
-            mid_x, mid_y = (x1 + x2) / 2.0, (y1 + y2) / 2.0
-            points = ((mid_x, y1), (mid_x, y2))
-            alt = ((x1, mid_y), (x2, mid_y))
-            # source connector -> points[0][0] should be in the direction of source (if possible)
-            if Utils.get_angle_from_coordinates(p1, points[0]) != source_dir:
-                points, alt = alt, points
-            # points[0] -> sink connector should not be in the direction of sink
-            if Utils.get_angle_from_coordinates(points[0], p2) == sink_dir:
-                points, alt = alt, points
-            # points[0] -> source connector should not be in the direction of source
-            if Utils.get_angle_from_coordinates(points[0], p1) == source_dir:
-                points, alt = alt, points
-            # create 3-line connector
-            i1, i2 = points
-            self._line = [p0, p1, i1, i2, p2, p3]
-        else:
-            # 2 possible points to create a right-angled connector
-            point, alt = [(x1, y2), (x2, y1)]
-            # source connector -> point should be in the direction of source (if possible)
-            if Utils.get_angle_from_coordinates(p1, point) != source_dir:
-                point, alt = alt, point
-            # point -> sink connector should not be in the direction of sink
-            if Utils.get_angle_from_coordinates(point, p2) == sink_dir:
-                point, alt = alt, point
-            # point -> source connector should not be in the direction of source
-            if Utils.get_angle_from_coordinates(point, p1) == source_dir:
-                point, alt = alt, point
-            # create right-angled connector
-            self._line = [p0, p1, point, p2, p3]
-        self.bounds_from_line(self._line)
+            self._color = get_domain_color(source.domain)
+            self._color2 = get_domain_color(sink.domain)
+        self._arrow_color = self._color2 if self.is_valid() else colors.CONNECTION_ERROR_COLOR
+        self._arrow_rotation = -sink.rotation / 180 * pi
+        if not self._bounding_points:
+            self._make_path()  # no cr set --> only sets bounding_points for extent
+    def _make_path(self, cr=None):
+        x_pos, y_pos = self.coordinate  # is source connector coordinate
+        # x_start, y_start = self.source_port.get_connector_coordinate()
+        x_end, y_end = self.sink_port.connector_coordinate_absolute
+        # sink connector relative to sink connector
+        x_e, y_e = x_end - x_pos, y_end - y_pos
+        # make rel_point all relative to source connector
+        p0 = 0, 0  # x_start - x_pos, y_start - y_pos
+        p1, p2, (dx_e1, dy_e1), (dx_e2, dy_e2), (dx_e3, dy_e3) = self._rel_points
+        p3 = x_e + dx_e1, y_e + dy_e1
+        p4 = x_e + dx_e2, y_e + dy_e2
+        p5 = x_e + dx_e3, y_e + dy_e3
+        self._bounding_points = p0, p1, p4, p5  # ignores curved part =(
+        if cr:
+            cr.move_to(*p0)
+            cr.line_to(*p1)
+            cr.curve_to(*(p2 + p3 + p4))
+            cr.line_to(*p5)
+            self._line_path = cr.copy_path()
     def draw(self, cr):
         Draw the connection.
+        self._current_cr = cr
         sink = self.sink_port
         source = self.source_port
         # check for changes
-        if self._sink_rot != sink.rotation or self._source_rot != source.rotation:
-            self.create_shapes()
-            self._sink_rot = sink.rotation
-            self._source_rot = source.rotation
-        elif self._sink_coor != sink.parent_block.coordinate or self._source_coor != source.parent_block.coordinate:
-            self._update_after_move()
-            self._sink_coor = sink.parent_block.coordinate
-            self._source_coor = source.parent_block.coordinate
-        # draw
+        port_rotations = (source.rotation, sink.rotation)
+        if self._current_port_rotations != port_rotations:
+            self.create_shapes()  # triggers _make_path() call below
+            self._current_port_rotations = port_rotations
+        new_coordinates = (source.parent_block.coordinate, sink.parent_block.coordinate)
+        if self._current_coordinates != new_coordinates:
+            self._make_path(cr)
+            self._current_coordinates = new_coordinates
         color1, color2, arrow_color = (
             None if color is None else
-            Colors.HIGHLIGHT_COLOR if self.highlighted else
-            Colors.CONNECTION_DISABLED_COLOR if not self.enabled else color
+            colors.HIGHLIGHT_COLOR if self.highlighted else
+            colors.CONNECTION_DISABLED_COLOR if not self.enabled else color
             for color in (self._color, self._color2, self._arrow_color)
         cr.set_line_width(self._line_width_factor * cr.get_line_width())
-        for point in self._line:
-            cr.line_to(*point)
+        cr.new_path()
+        cr.append_path(self._line_path)
+        arrow_pos = cr.get_current_point()
         if color1:  # not a message connection
@@ -199,10 +182,32 @@ class Connection(CoreConnection, Drawable):
-        if self._arrow:
-            cr.set_source_rgba(*arrow_color)
-            cr.move_to(*self._arrow[0])
-            cr.line_to(*self._arrow[1])
-            cr.line_to(*self._arrow[2])
-            cr.close_path()
-            cr.fill()
+        cr.move_to(*arrow_pos)
+        cr.set_source_rgba(*arrow_color)
+        cr.rotate(self._arrow_rotation)
+        cr.rel_move_to(CONNECTOR_ARROW_HEIGHT, 0)
+        cr.rel_line_to(0, CONNECTOR_ARROW_BASE)
+        cr.close_path()
+        cr.fill()
+    def what_is_selected(self, coor, coor_m=None):
+        """
+        Returns:
+            self if one of the areas/lines encompasses coor, else None.
+        """
+        if coor_m:
+            return Drawable.what_is_selected(self, coor, coor_m)
+        x, y = [a - b for a, b in zip(coor, self.coordinate)]
+        cr = self._current_cr
+        cr.new_path()
+        cr.append_path(self._line_path)
+        cr.set_line_width(cr.get_line_width() * LINE_SELECT_SENSITIVITY)
+        hit = cr.in_stroke(x, y)
+        cr.restore()
+        if hit:
+            return self
cgit v1.2.3