From b2a294302e5cd72ec41b5471f3f8dc5da9abff66 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Spencer Ross <>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 19:41:04 -0400
Subject: Fixes #1297, adds grc gui_hint collision detection

 grc/core/ | 128 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 106 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

(limited to 'grc/core/')

diff --git a/grc/core/ b/grc/core/
index 00c9e7d827..6c2c83fda8 100644
--- a/grc/core/
+++ b/grc/core/
@@ -533,37 +533,121 @@ class Param(Element):
         # GUI Position/Hint
         elif t == 'gui_hint':
-            if ':' in v:
-                tab, pos = v.split(':')
-            elif '@' in v:
-                tab, pos = v, ''
-            else:
-                tab, pos = '', v
-            if '@' in tab:
-                tab, index = tab.split('@')
-            else:
-                index = '?'
-            # TODO: Problem with this code. Produces bad tabs
-            widget_str = ({
-                (True, True): 'self.%(tab)s_grid_layout_%(index)s.addWidget(%(widget)s, %(pos)s)',
-                (True, False): 'self.%(tab)s_layout_%(index)s.addWidget(%(widget)s)',
-                (False, True): 'self.top_grid_layout.addWidget(%(widget)s, %(pos)s)',
-                (False, False): 'self.top_layout.addWidget(%(widget)s)',
-            }[bool(tab), bool(pos)]) % {'tab': tab, 'index': index, 'widget': '%s', 'pos': pos}
             # FIXME: Move replace(...) into the make template of the qtgui blocks
             # Return a string here
             class GuiHint(object):
                 def __init__(self, ws):
                     self._ws = ws
                 def __call__(self, w):
                     return (self._ws.replace('addWidget', 'addLayout') if 'layout' in w else self._ws) % w
                 def __str__(self):
                     return self._ws
+            if (self.get_parent().get_state() == Constants.BLOCK_DISABLED):
+                return GuiHint('')
+            # Parsing
+            if ':' in v:                
+                tab, pos = v.split(':')
+            elif '@' in v:              
+                tab, pos = v, ''        
+            else:
+                tab, pos = '', v        
+            if '@' in tab:
+                tab, index = tab.split('@')
+            else:
+                index = '0'
+            position_set = bool(pos)
+            tab_set = bool(tab)
+            # Validation
+            if position_set:
+                e = self.get_parent().get_parent().evaluate(pos)
+                if len(e) == 2:
+                    e = e + (1,1)    
+                row, col, row_span, col_span = e
+                if not isinstance(e, (list, tuple)) or not (len(e) == 2 or len(e) == 4) or not all([isinstance(ei, int) for ei in e]):
+                    raise Exception('Invalid GUI Hint entered: {e!s:s} (Must be a list of {{2,4}} non-negative integers).'.format(e=e))
+                if (row < 0) or (col < 0):
+                    raise Exception('Invalid GUI Hint entered: {e!s:s} (non-negative integers only).'.format(e=e))
+                if (row_span < 1) or (col_span < 1):
+                    raise Exception('Invalid GUI Hint entered: {e!s:s} (positive row/column span required).'.format(e=e))
+            if tab_set:
+                enabled_blocks = self.get_parent().get_parent().get_enabled_blocks()
+                tab_list = filter(lambda block: str(block.get_key()) == 'qtgui_tab_widget', enabled_blocks)
+                tab_match = filter(lambda t: t.get_id() == tab, tab_list) 
+                if not tab_match:
+                    raise Exception('Invalid tab name entered: {tab!s:s} (Tab name not found).'.format(tab=tab))
+                tab_index_size = tab_match[0].get_param('num_tabs').get_value()
+                if index >= tab_index_size:
+                    raise Exception('Invalid tab index entered: {tab!s:s}@{index!s:s} (Index out of range).'.format(tab=tab,
+                                                                                                                    index=index))   
+            # Code Generation        
+            if position_set and tab_set:
+                widget_str = 'self.{tab:s}_grid_layout_{index:s}.addWidget({widget:s}, {e!s:s})'
+                widget_str += '\n[self.{tab:s}_grid_layout_{index:s}.setRowStretch(r,1) for r in range({fRow:d},{lRow:d})]'
+                widget_str += '\n[self.{tab:s}_grid_layout_{index:s}.setColumnStretch(c,1) for c in range({fCol:d},{lCol:d})]'
+                widget_str = widget_str.format(tab=tab,
+                                               index=index,
+                                               widget='%s',
+                                               e=str(e)[1:-1],
+                                               fRow=row,
+                                               lRow=(row + row_span),
+                                               fCol=col,
+                                               lCol=(col + col_span))
+            elif position_set and not tab_set:
+                widget_str = 'self.top_grid_layout.addWidget({widget:s}, {e!s:s})'
+                widget_str += '\n[self.top_grid_layout.setRowStretch(r,1) for r in range({fRow:d},{lRow:d})]'
+                widget_str += '\n[self.top_grid_layout.setColumnStretch(c,1) for c in range({fCol:d},{lCol:d})]'
+                widget_str = widget_str.format(widget='%s',
+                                               e=str(e)[1:-1],
+                                               fRow=row,
+                                               lRow=(row + row_span),
+                                               fCol=col,
+                                               lCol=(col + col_span))
+            elif not position_set and tab_set:
+                widget_str = 'self.{tab:s}_layout_{index:s}.addWidget({widget:s})'
+                widget_str = widget_str.format(tab=tab,
+                                               index=index,
+                                               widget='%s')
+            elif not position_set and not tab_set:
+                widget_str = 'self.top_layout.addWidget({widget:s})'
+                widget_str = widget_str.format(widget='%s')
+            # Collision Detection
+            if position_set:
+                if tab_set:
+                    my_parent = '{tab:s}@{index:s}'.format(tab=tab,
+                                                           index=index)
+                else:
+                    my_parent = 'main'                            
+                # Calculate hostage cells
+                for r in range(row, row + row_span):
+                    for c in range(col, col + col_span):
+                        self._hostage_cells.append((my_parent, (r, c)))
+                # Avoid collisions
+                params = filter(lambda p: p is not self, self.get_all_params('gui_hint'))
+                for param in params:
+                    for parent, cell in param._hostage_cells:
+                        if (parent, cell) in self._hostage_cells:
+                            raise Exception('Another graphical element is using parent "{parent!s:s}", cell "{cell!s:s}".'.format(parent=parent,
+                                                                                                                                  cell=cell))
             return GuiHint(widget_str)
         # Grid Position Type
cgit v1.2.3