From 6d9a16470bbb416d311a8830d7db42d6c69a39cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johnathan Corgan <>
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2016 13:15:11 -0700
Subject: wxgui: removed

 gr-wxgui/python/wxgui/plotter/ | 458 ---------------------
 1 file changed, 458 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 gr-wxgui/python/wxgui/plotter/

(limited to 'gr-wxgui/python/wxgui/plotter/')

diff --git a/gr-wxgui/python/wxgui/plotter/ b/gr-wxgui/python/wxgui/plotter/
deleted file mode 100644
index bc48ad72f5..0000000000
--- a/gr-wxgui/python/wxgui/plotter/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-import wx
-import wx.glcanvas
-from OpenGL import GL
-import common
-from plotter_base import plotter_base
-import gltext
-import math
-GRID_LINE_COLOR_SPEC = (.7, .7, .7) #gray
-GRID_BORDER_COLOR_SPEC = (0, 0, 0) #black
-POINT_LABEL_COLOR_SPEC = (1, 1, 0.5, 0.75)
-# Grid Plotter Base Class
-class grid_plotter_base(plotter_base):
-	def __init__(self, parent, min_padding=(0, 0, 0, 0)):
-		plotter_base.__init__(self, parent)
-		#setup grid cache
-		self._grid_cache = self.new_gl_cache(self._draw_grid, 25)
-		self.enable_grid_lines(True)
-		#setup padding
-		self.padding_top_min, self.padding_right_min, self.padding_bottom_min, self.padding_left_min = min_padding
-		#store title and unit strings
-		self.set_title('Title')
-		self.set_x_label('X Label')
-		self.set_y_label('Y Label')
-		#init the grid to some value
-		self.set_x_grid(-1, 1, 1)
-		self.set_y_grid(-1, 1, 1)
-		#setup point label cache
-		self._point_label_cache = self.new_gl_cache(self._draw_point_label, 75)
-		self.enable_point_label(False)
-		self.enable_grid_aspect_ratio(False)
-		self.set_point_label_coordinate(None)
-		common.point_label_thread(self)
-		#init grid plotter
-		self.register_init(self._init_grid_plotter)
-	def _init_grid_plotter(self):
-		"""
-		Run gl initialization tasks.
-		"""
-		GL.glEnableClientState(GL.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY)
-	def set_point_label_coordinate(self, coor):
-		"""
-		Set the point label coordinate.
-                Args:
-		    coor: the coordinate x, y tuple or None
-		"""
-		self.lock()
-		self._point_label_coordinate = coor
-		self._point_label_cache.changed(True)
-		self.update()
-		self.unlock()
-	def call_freq_callback(self, coor):
-		try:
-			x, y = self._point_label_coordinate
-		except:
-			return
-		if x < self.padding_left or x > self.width-self.padding_right: return
-		if y < self.padding_top or y > self.height-self.padding_bottom: return
-		#scale to window bounds
-		x_win_scalar = float(x - self.padding_left)/(self.width-self.padding_left-self.padding_right)
-		y_win_scalar = float((self.height - y) - self.padding_bottom)/(self.height-self.padding_top-self.padding_bottom)
-		#scale to grid bounds
-		x_val = x_win_scalar*(self.x_max-self.x_min) + self.x_min
-		y_val = y_win_scalar*(self.y_max-self.y_min) + self.y_min
-		self._call_callback(x_val, y_val)
-	def enable_grid_aspect_ratio(self, enable=None):
-		"""
-		Enable/disable the grid aspect ratio.
-		If enabled, enforce the aspect ratio on the padding:
-			horizontal_padding:vertical_padding == width:height
-                Args:
-		    enable: true to enable
-                Returns:
-		    the enable state when None
-		"""
-		if enable is None: return self._enable_grid_aspect_ratio
-		self.lock()
-		self._enable_grid_aspect_ratio = enable
-		for cache in self._gl_caches: cache.changed(True)
-		self.unlock()
-	def enable_point_label(self, enable=None):
-		"""
-		Enable/disable the point label.
-                Args:
-		    enable: true to enable
-                Returns:
-		    the enable state when None
-		"""
-		if enable is None: return self._enable_point_label
-		self.lock()
-		self._enable_point_label = enable
-		self._point_label_cache.changed(True)
-		self.unlock()
-	def set_title(self, title):
-		"""
-		Set the title.
-                Args:
-		    title the title string
-		"""
-		self.lock()
-		self.title = title
-		self._grid_cache.changed(True)
-		self.unlock()
-	def set_x_label(self, x_label, x_units=''):
-		"""
-		Set the x label and units.
-                Args:
-		    x_label: the x label string
-		    x_units: the x units string
-		"""
-		self.lock()
-		self.x_label = x_label
-		self.x_units = x_units
-		self._grid_cache.changed(True)
-		self.unlock()
-	def set_y_label(self, y_label, y_units=''):
-		"""
-		Set the y label and units.
-                Args:
-		    y_label: the y label string
-		    y_units: the y units string
-		"""
-		self.lock()
-		self.y_label = y_label
-		self.y_units = y_units
-		self._grid_cache.changed(True)
-		self.unlock()
-	def set_x_grid(self, minimum, maximum, step, scale=False):
-		"""
-		Set the x grid parameters.
-                Args:
-		    minimum: the left-most value
-		    maximum: the right-most value
-		    step: the grid spacing
-		    scale: true to scale the x grid
-		"""
-		self.lock()
-		self.x_min = float(minimum)
-		self.x_max = float(maximum)
-		self.x_step = float(step)
-		if scale:
-			coeff, exp, prefix = common.get_si_components(max(abs(self.x_min), abs(self.x_max)))
-			self.x_scalar = 10**(-exp)
-			self.x_prefix = prefix
-		else:
-			self.x_scalar = 1.0
-			self.x_prefix = ''
-		for cache in self._gl_caches: cache.changed(True)
-		self.unlock()
-	def set_y_grid(self, minimum, maximum, step, scale=False):
-		"""
-		Set the y grid parameters.
-                Args:
-		    minimum: the bottom-most value
-		    maximum: the top-most value
-		    step: the grid spacing
-		    scale: true to scale the y grid
-		"""
-		self.lock()
-		self.y_min = float(minimum)
-		self.y_max = float(maximum)
-		self.y_step = float(step)
-		if scale:
-			coeff, exp, prefix = common.get_si_components(max(abs(self.y_min), abs(self.y_max)))
-			self.y_scalar = 10**(-exp)
-			self.y_prefix = prefix
-		else:
-			self.y_scalar = 1.0
-			self.y_prefix = ''
-		for cache in self._gl_caches: cache.changed(True)
-		self.unlock()
-	def _draw_grid(self):
-		"""
-		Create the x, y, tick, and title labels.
-		Resize the padding for the labels.
-		Draw the border, grid, title, and labels.
-		"""
-		##################################################
-		# Create GL text labels
-		##################################################
-		#create x tick labels
-		x_tick_labels = [(tick, self._get_tick_label(tick, self.x_units))
-			for tick in self._get_ticks(self.x_min, self.x_max, self.x_step, self.x_scalar)]
-		#create x tick labels
-		y_tick_labels = [(tick, self._get_tick_label(tick, self.y_units))
-			for tick in self._get_ticks(self.y_min, self.y_max, self.y_step, self.y_scalar)]
-		#create x label
-		x_label_str = self.x_units and "%s (%s%s)"%(self.x_label, self.x_prefix, self.x_units) or self.x_label
-		x_label = gltext.Text(x_label_str, bold=True, font_size=UNITS_TEXT_FONT_SIZE, centered=True)
-		#create y label
-		y_label_str = self.y_units and "%s (%s%s)"%(self.y_label, self.y_prefix, self.y_units) or self.y_label
-		y_label = gltext.Text(y_label_str, bold=True, font_size=UNITS_TEXT_FONT_SIZE, centered=True)
-		#create title
-		title_label = gltext.Text(self.title, bold=True, font_size=TITLE_TEXT_FONT_SIZE, centered=True)
-		##################################################
-		# Resize the padding
-		##################################################
-		self.padding_top = max(2*TITLE_LABEL_PADDING + title_label.get_size()[1], self.padding_top_min)
-		self.padding_right = max(2*TICK_LABEL_PADDING, self.padding_right_min)
-		self.padding_bottom = max(2*AXIS_LABEL_PADDING + TICK_LABEL_PADDING + x_label.get_size()[1] + max([label.get_size()[1] for tick, label in x_tick_labels]), self.padding_bottom_min)
-		self.padding_left = max(2*AXIS_LABEL_PADDING + TICK_LABEL_PADDING + y_label.get_size()[1] + max([label.get_size()[0] for tick, label in y_tick_labels]), self.padding_left_min)
-		#enforce padding aspect ratio if enabled
-		if self.enable_grid_aspect_ratio():
-			w_over_h_ratio = float(self.width)/float(self.height)
-			horizontal_padding = float(self.padding_right + self.padding_left)
-			veritical_padding = float(self.padding_top + self.padding_bottom)
-			if w_over_h_ratio > horizontal_padding/veritical_padding:
-				#increase the horizontal padding
-				new_padding = veritical_padding*w_over_h_ratio - horizontal_padding
-				#distribute the padding to left and right
-				self.padding_left += int(round(new_padding/2))
-				self.padding_right += int(round(new_padding/2))
-			else:
-				#increase the vertical padding
-				new_padding = horizontal_padding/w_over_h_ratio - veritical_padding
-				#distribute the padding to top and bottom
-				self.padding_top += int(round(new_padding/2))
-				self.padding_bottom += int(round(new_padding/2))
-		##################################################
-		# Draw Grid X
-		##################################################
-		for tick, label in x_tick_labels:
-			scaled_tick = (self.width-self.padding_left-self.padding_right)*\
-				(tick/self.x_scalar-self.x_min)/(self.x_max-self.x_min) + self.padding_left
-			self._draw_grid_line(
-				(scaled_tick, self.padding_top),
-				(scaled_tick, self.height-self.padding_bottom),
-			)
-			w, h = label.get_size()
-			label.draw_text(wx.Point(scaled_tick-w/2, self.height-self.padding_bottom+TICK_LABEL_PADDING))
-		##################################################
-		# Draw Grid Y
-		##################################################
-		for tick, label in y_tick_labels:
-			scaled_tick = (self.height-self.padding_top-self.padding_bottom)*\
-				(1 - (tick/self.y_scalar-self.y_min)/(self.y_max-self.y_min)) + self.padding_top
-			self._draw_grid_line(
-				(self.padding_left, scaled_tick),
-				(self.width-self.padding_right, scaled_tick),
-			)
-			w, h = label.get_size()
-			label.draw_text(wx.Point(self.padding_left-w-TICK_LABEL_PADDING, scaled_tick-h/2))
-		##################################################
-		# Draw Border
-		##################################################
-		self._draw_rect(
-			self.padding_left,
-			self.padding_top,
-			self.width - self.padding_right - self.padding_left,
-			self.height - self.padding_top - self.padding_bottom,
-			fill=False,
-		)
-		##################################################
-		# Draw Labels
-		##################################################
-		#draw title label
-		title_label.draw_text(wx.Point(self.width/2.0, TITLE_LABEL_PADDING + title_label.get_size()[1]/2))
-		#draw x labels
-		x_label.draw_text(wx.Point(
-				(self.width-self.padding_left-self.padding_right)/2.0 + self.padding_left,
-				self.height-(AXIS_LABEL_PADDING + x_label.get_size()[1]/2),
-				)
-		)
-		#draw y labels
-		y_label.draw_text(wx.Point(
-				AXIS_LABEL_PADDING + y_label.get_size()[1]/2,
-				(self.height-self.padding_top-self.padding_bottom)/2.0 + self.padding_top,
-			), rotation=90,
-		)
-	def _get_tick_label(self, tick, unit):
-		"""
-		Format the tick value and create a gl text.
-                Args:
-		    tick: the floating point tick value
-		    unit: the axis unit
-                Returns:
-		    the tick label text
-		"""
-		if unit: tick_str = common.sci_format(tick)
-		else: tick_str = common.eng_format(tick)
-		return gltext.Text(tick_str, font_size=TICK_TEXT_FONT_SIZE)
-	def _get_ticks(self, min, max, step, scalar):
-		"""
-		Determine the positions for the ticks.
-                Args:
-		    min: the lower bound
-		    max: the upper bound
-		    step: the grid spacing
-		    scalar: the grid scaling
-                Returns:
-		    a list of tick positions between min and max
-		"""
-		#cast to float
-		min = float(min)
-		max = float(max)
-		step = float(step)
-		#check for valid numbers
-		try:
-			assert step > 0
-			assert max > min
-			assert max - min > step
-		except AssertionError: return [-1, 1]
-		#determine the start and stop value
-		start = int(math.ceil(min/step))
-		stop = int(math.floor(max/step))
-		return [i*step*scalar for i in range(start, stop+1)]
-	def enable_grid_lines(self, enable=None):
-		"""
-		Enable/disable the grid lines.
-                Args:
-		    enable: true to enable
-                Returns:
-		    the enable state when None
-		"""
-		if enable is None: return self._enable_grid_lines
-		self.lock()
-		self._enable_grid_lines = enable
-		self._grid_cache.changed(True)
-		self.unlock()
-	def _draw_grid_line(self, coor1, coor2):
-		"""
-		Draw a dashed line from coor1 to coor2.
-                Args:
-		    corr1: a tuple of x, y
-		    corr2: a tuple of x, y
-		"""
-		if not self.enable_grid_lines(): return
-		length = math.sqrt((coor1[0] - coor2[0])**2 + (coor1[1] - coor2[1])**2)
-		num_points = int(length/GRID_LINE_DASH_LEN)
-		#calculate points array
-		points = [(
-			coor1[0] + i*(coor2[0]-coor1[0])/(num_points - 1),
-			coor1[1] + i*(coor2[1]-coor1[1])/(num_points - 1)
-		) for i in range(num_points)]
-		#set color and draw
-		GL.glVertexPointerf(points)
-		GL.glDrawArrays(GL.GL_LINES, 0, len(points))
-	def _draw_rect(self, x, y, width, height, fill=True):
-		"""
-		Draw a rectangle on the x, y plane.
-		X and Y are the top-left corner.
-                Args:
-		    x: the left position of the rectangle
-		    y: the top position of the rectangle
-		    width: the width of the rectangle
-		    height: the height of the rectangle
-		    fill: true to color inside of rectangle
-		"""
-		GL.glBegin(fill and GL.GL_QUADS or GL.GL_LINE_LOOP)
-		GL.glVertex2f(x, y)
-		GL.glVertex2f(x+width, y)
-		GL.glVertex2f(x+width, y+height)
-		GL.glVertex2f(x, y+height)
-		GL.glEnd()
-	def _draw_point_label(self):
-		"""
-		Draw the point label for the last mouse motion coordinate.
-		The mouse coordinate must be an X, Y tuple.
-		The label will be drawn at the X, Y coordinate.
-		The values of the X, Y coordinate will be scaled to the current X, Y bounds.
-		"""
-		if not self.enable_point_label(): return
-		if not self._point_label_coordinate: return
-		x, y = self._point_label_coordinate
-		if x < self.padding_left or x > self.width-self.padding_right: return
-		if y < self.padding_top or y > self.height-self.padding_bottom: return
-		#scale to window bounds
-		x_win_scalar = float(x - self.padding_left)/(self.width-self.padding_left-self.padding_right)
-		y_win_scalar = float((self.height - y) - self.padding_bottom)/(self.height-self.padding_top-self.padding_bottom)
-		#scale to grid bounds
-		x_val = x_win_scalar*(self.x_max-self.x_min) + self.x_min
-		y_val = y_win_scalar*(self.y_max-self.y_min) + self.y_min
-		#create text
-		label_str = self._populate_point_label(x_val, y_val)
-		if not label_str: return
-		txt = gltext.Text(label_str, font_size=POINT_LABEL_FONT_SIZE)
-		w, h = txt.get_size()
-		#enable transparency
-		GL.glEnable(GL.GL_BLEND)
-		#draw rect + text
-		if x > self.width/2: x -= w+2*POINT_LABEL_PADDING + POINT_LABEL_OFFSET
-		else: x += POINT_LABEL_OFFSET
-		txt.draw_text(wx.Point(x+POINT_LABEL_PADDING, y-h-POINT_LABEL_PADDING))
cgit v1.2.3