From 9f62aa85ee15b6a7dd7283d834abc192c437ea13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jiří Pinkava <>
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2016 13:04:41 +0200
Subject: modtool: replace OptionParser by ArgumentParser

 gr-utils/python/modtool/CMakeLists.txt     |  1 -
 gr-utils/python/modtool/        |  3 +-
 gr-utils/python/modtool/     | 44 ++++++++---------
 gr-utils/python/modtool/    | 78 ++++++++++++++++--------------
 gr-utils/python/modtool/ | 19 +++++---
 gr-utils/python/modtool/    | 68 --------------------------
 gr-utils/python/modtool/    | 20 ++++----
 gr-utils/python/modtool/ | 25 +++++-----
 gr-utils/python/modtool/  | 24 +++++----
 gr-utils/python/modtool/  | 39 +++++++--------
 gr-utils/python/modtool/      | 19 +++++---
 gr-utils/python/modtool/       |  6 ---
 gr-utils/python/modtool/  |  9 ----
 13 files changed, 133 insertions(+), 222 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 gr-utils/python/modtool/

(limited to 'gr-utils/python/modtool')

diff --git a/gr-utils/python/modtool/CMakeLists.txt b/gr-utils/python/modtool/CMakeLists.txt
index 9ee38d61e6..697a84ddd1 100644
--- a/gr-utils/python/modtool/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ GR_PYTHON_INSTALL(FILES
diff --git a/gr-utils/python/modtool/ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/
index 1bc841ecf5..897ff97fce 100644
--- a/gr-utils/python/modtool/
+++ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 from cmakefile_editor import CMakeFileEditor
 from grc_xml_generator import GRCXMLGenerator
-from modtool_base import ModTool, ModToolException, get_class_dict
+from modtool_base import ModTool, ModToolException, get_modtool_modules
 from modtool_add import ModToolAdd
 from modtool_disable import ModToolDisable
 from modtool_info import ModToolInfo
@@ -31,6 +31,5 @@ from modtool_rm import ModToolRemove
 from modtool_rename import ModToolRename
 from templates import Templates
 # Leave this at the end
-from modtool_help import ModToolHelp
 from parser_cc_block import ParserCCBlock
 from util_functions import *
diff --git a/gr-utils/python/modtool/ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/
index 416c0943b7..b7d33c6113 100644
--- a/gr-utils/python/modtool/
+++ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 import os
 import re
-from optparse import OptionGroup
 from util_functions import append_re_line_sequence, ask_yes_no
 from cmakefile_editor import CMakeFileEditor
@@ -33,7 +32,7 @@ from code_generator import render_template
 class ModToolAdd(ModTool):
     """ Add block to the out-of-tree module. """
     name = 'add'
-    aliases = ('insert',)
+    description = 'Add new block into module.'
     _block_types = ('sink', 'source', 'sync', 'decimator', 'interpolator',
                     'general', 'tagged_stream', 'hier', 'noblock')
@@ -44,30 +43,29 @@ class ModToolAdd(ModTool):
         self._skip_cmakefiles = False
         self._license_file = None
-    def setup_parser(self):
-        parser = ModTool.setup_parser(self)
-        ogroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Add module options")
-        ogroup.add_option("-t", "--block-type", type="choice",
-                choices=self._block_types, default=None, help="One of %s." % ', '.join(self._block_types))
-        ogroup.add_option("--license-file", type="string", default=None,
+    @staticmethod
+    def setup_parser(parser):
+        parser.add_argument("-t", "--block-type", choices=ModToolAdd._block_types,
+                help="One of %s." % ', '.join(ModToolAdd._block_types))
+        parser.add_argument("--license-file",
                 help="File containing the license header for every source code file.")
-        ogroup.add_option("--copyright", type="string", default=None,
+        parser.add_argument("--copyright",
                 help="Name of the copyright holder (you or your company) MUST be a quoted string.")
-        ogroup.add_option("--argument-list", type="string", default=None,
+        parser.add_argument("--argument-list",
                 help="The argument list for the constructor and make functions.")
-        ogroup.add_option("--add-python-qa", action="store_true", default=None,
+        parser.add_argument("--add-python-qa", action="store_true", default=None,
                 help="If given, Python QA code is automatically added if possible.")
-        ogroup.add_option("--add-cpp-qa", action="store_true", default=None,
+        parser.add_argument("--add-cpp-qa", action="store_true", default=None,
                 help="If given, C++ QA code is automatically added if possible.")
-        ogroup.add_option("--skip-cmakefiles", action="store_true", default=False,
+        parser.add_argument("--skip-cmakefiles", action="store_true",
                 help="If given, only source files are written, but CMakeLists.txt files are left unchanged.")
-        ogroup.add_option("-l", "--lang", type="choice", choices=('cpp', 'c++', 'python'),
-                default=None, help="Language (cpp or python)")
-        parser.add_option_group(ogroup)
+        parser.add_argument("-l", "--lang", choices=('cpp', 'c++', 'python'),
+                help="Programing language")
+        ModTool.setup_parser_block(parser)
         return parser
-    def setup(self, options, args):
-        ModTool.setup(self, options, args)
+    def setup(self, options):
+        ModTool.setup(self, options)
         self._info['blocktype'] = options.block_type
         if self._info['blocktype'] is None:
@@ -80,7 +78,7 @@ class ModToolAdd(ModTool):
         # Allow user to specify language interactively if not set
         self._info['lang'] = options.lang
         if self._info['lang'] is None:
-            while self._info['lang'] not in ['cpp', 'python']:
+            while self._info['lang'] not in ['c++', 'cpp', 'python']:
                 self._info['lang'] = raw_input("Language (python/cpp): ")
         if self._info['lang'] == 'c++':
             self._info['lang'] = 'cpp'
@@ -92,10 +90,7 @@ class ModToolAdd(ModTool):
             raise ModToolException('Missing or skipping relevant subdir.')
         if self._info['blockname'] is None:
-            if len(args) >= 2:
-                self._info['blockname'] = args[1]
-            else:
-                self._info['blockname'] = raw_input("Enter name of block/code (without module name prefix): ")
+            self._info['blockname'] = raw_input("Enter name of block/code (without module name prefix): ")
         if not re.match('[a-zA-Z0-9_]+', self._info['blockname']):
             raise ModToolException('Invalid block name.')
         print "Block/code identifier: " + self._info['blockname']
@@ -152,8 +147,9 @@ class ModToolAdd(ModTool):
         open(path_to_file, 'w').write(render_template(tpl, **self._info))
-    def run(self):
+    def run(self, options):
         """ Go, go, go. """
+        self.setup(options)
         has_swig = (
                 self._info['lang'] == 'cpp'
                 and not self._skip_subdirs['swig']
diff --git a/gr-utils/python/modtool/ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/
index a58b7abcb1..990e63af14 100644
--- a/gr-utils/python/modtool/
+++ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 import os
 import re
-from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
+from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
 from gnuradio import gr
 from util_functions import get_modname
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ class ModToolException(BaseException):
 class ModTool(object):
     """ Base class for all modtool command classes. """
     name = 'base'
+    description = None
     def __init__(self):
         self._subdirs = ['lib', 'include', 'python', 'swig', 'grc'] # List subdirs where stuff happens
         self._has_subdirs = {}
@@ -44,45 +46,49 @@ class ModTool(object):
         for subdir in self._subdirs:
             self._has_subdirs[subdir] = False
             self._skip_subdirs[subdir] = False
-        self.parser = self.setup_parser()
         self._dir = None
-    def setup_parser(self):
-        """ Init the option parser. If derived classes need to add options,
-        override this and call the parent function. """
-        parser = OptionParser(add_help_option=False)
-        parser.usage = '%prog ' + + ' [options] <PATTERN> \n' + \
-                       ' Call "%prog ' + + '" without any options to run it interactively.'
-        ogroup = OptionGroup(parser, "General options")
-        ogroup.add_option("-h", "--help", action="help", help="Displays this help message.")
-        ogroup.add_option("-d", "--directory", type="string", default=".",
+    @staticmethod
+    def setup_parser(parser):
+        """Override in child class."""
+        pass
+    @staticmethod
+    def setup_parser_block(parser):
+        """Setup options specific for block manipulating modules."""
+        parser.add_argument("blockname", nargs="?", metavar="BLOCK_NAME",
+                help="Name of the block/module")
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_parser():
+        """Init the option parser."""
+        parser = ArgumentParser(
+                description='Manipulate with GNU Radio modules source code tree. ' + \
+                        'Call it withou options to run specified command interactively',
+                        formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
+        parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", default=".",
                 help="Base directory of the module. Defaults to the cwd.")
-        ogroup.add_option("-n", "--module-name", type="string", default=None,
-                help="Use this to override the current module's name (is normally autodetected).")
-        ogroup.add_option("-N", "--block-name", type="string", default=None,
-                help="Name of the block, where applicable.")
-        ogroup.add_option("--skip-lib", action="store_true", default=False,
+        parser.add_argument("--skip-lib", action="store_true",
                 help="Don't do anything in the lib/ subdirectory.")
-        ogroup.add_option("--skip-swig", action="store_true", default=False,
+        parser.add_argument("--skip-swig", action="store_true",
                 help="Don't do anything in the swig/ subdirectory.")
-        ogroup.add_option("--skip-python", action="store_true", default=False,
+        parser.add_argument("--skip-python", action="store_true",
                 help="Don't do anything in the python/ subdirectory.")
-        ogroup.add_option("--skip-grc", action="store_true", default=False,
+        parser.add_argument("--skip-grc", action="store_true",
                 help="Don't do anything in the grc/ subdirectory.")
-        ogroup.add_option("--scm-mode", type="choice", choices=('yes', 'no', 'auto'),
+        parser.add_argument("--scm-mode", choices=('yes', 'no', 'auto'),
                 default=gr.prefs().get_string('modtool', 'scm_mode', 'no'),
-                help="Use source control management (yes, no or auto).")
-        ogroup.add_option("-y", "--yes", action="store_true", default=False,
+                help="Use source control management [ yes | no | auto ]).")
+        parser.add_argument("-y", "--yes", action="store_true",
                 help="Answer all questions with 'yes'. This can overwrite and delete your files, so be careful.")
-        parser.add_option_group(ogroup)
         return parser
-    def setup(self, options, args):
+    def setup(self, options):
         """ Initialise all internal variables, such as the module name etc. """
         self._dir =
         if not self._check_directory(self._dir):
             raise ModToolException('No GNU Radio module found in the given directory.')
-        if options.module_name is not None:
+        if hasattr(options, 'module_name') and options.module_name is not None:
             self._info['modname'] = options.module_name
             self._info['modname'] = get_modname()
@@ -102,7 +108,7 @@ class ModTool(object):
             self._skip_subdirs['swig'] = True
         if options.skip_grc or not self._has_subdirs['grc']:
             self._skip_subdirs['grc'] = True
-        self._info['blockname'] = options.block_name
+        self._info['blockname'] = options.blockname
         self._info['yes'] = options.yes
         self.options = options
@@ -181,21 +187,19 @@ class ModTool(object):
                 return fname
         return None
-    def run(self):
+    def run(self, options):
         """ Override this. """
-        pass
+        raise NotImplementedError('Module implementation missing')
-def get_class_dict(the_globals):
-    " Return a dictionary of the available commands in the form command->class "
-    classdict = {}
-    for g in the_globals:
+def get_modtool_modules(all_objects):
+    """Return list with all modtool modules."""
+    modules = []
+    for o in all_objects:
-            if issubclass(g, ModTool):
-                classdict[] = g
-                for a in g.aliases:
-                    classdict[a] = g
+            if issubclass(o, ModTool) and o != ModTool:
+                modules.append(o)
         except (TypeError, AttributeError):
-    return classdict
+    return modules
diff --git a/gr-utils/python/modtool/ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/
index 4ae2242f99..1772a740f3 100644
--- a/gr-utils/python/modtool/
+++ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/
@@ -31,24 +31,26 @@ from cmakefile_editor import CMakeFileEditor
 class ModToolDisable(ModTool):
     """ Disable block (comments out CMake entries for files) """
     name = 'disable'
-    aliases = ('dis',)
+    description = 'Disable selected block in module.'
     def __init__(self):
-    def setup(self, options, args):
-        ModTool.setup(self, options, args)
+    @staticmethod
+    def setup_parser(parser):
+        ModTool.setup_parser_block(parser)
-        if options.block_name is not None:
-            self._info['pattern'] = options.block_name
-        elif len(args) >= 2:
-            self._info['pattern'] = args[1]
+    def setup(self, options):
+        ModTool.setup(self, options)
+        if options.blockname is not None:
+            self._info['pattern'] = options.blockname
             self._info['pattern'] = raw_input('Which blocks do you want to disable? (Regex): ')
         if len(self._info['pattern']) == 0:
             self._info['pattern'] = '.'
-    def run(self):
+    def run(self, options):
         """ Go, go, go! """
         def _handle_py_qa(cmake, fname):
             """ Do stuff for py qa """
@@ -115,6 +117,7 @@ class ModToolDisable(ModTool):
             open(self._file['swig'], 'w').write(swigfile)
             return False
+        self.setup(options)
         # List of special rules: 0: subdir, 1: filename re match, 2: callback
         special_treatments = (
                 ('python', 'qa.+py$', _handle_py_qa),
diff --git a/gr-utils/python/modtool/ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/
deleted file mode 100644
index b894e272e8..0000000000
--- a/gr-utils/python/modtool/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-""" The help module """
-from gnuradio.modtool import *
-from util_functions import get_command_from_argv
-from templates import Templates
-def print_class_descriptions():
-    """ Go through all ModTool* classes and print their name,
-        alias and description. """
-    desclist = []
-    for gvar in globals().values():
-        try:
-            if issubclass(gvar, ModTool) and not issubclass(gvar, ModToolHelp):
-                desclist.append((, ','.join(gvar.aliases), gvar.__doc__))
-        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
-            pass
-    print 'Name      Aliases          Description'
-    print '====================================================================='
-    for description in desclist:
-        print '%-8s  %-12s    %s' % description
-class ModToolHelp(ModTool):
-    """ Show some help. """
-    name = 'help'
-    aliases = ('h', '?')
-    def __init__(self):
-        ModTool.__init__(self)
-    def setup(self, options, args):
-        pass
-    def run(self):
-        cmd_dict = get_class_dict(globals().values())
-        cmds = cmd_dict.keys()
-        cmds.remove(
-        for a in self.aliases:
-            cmds.remove(a)
-        help_requested_for = get_command_from_argv(cmds)
-        if help_requested_for is None:
-            print 'Usage:' + Templates['usage']
-            print '\nList of possible commands:\n'
-            print_class_descriptions()
-            return
-        cmd_dict[help_requested_for]().setup_parser().print_help()
diff --git a/gr-utils/python/modtool/ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/
index 5596a7db83..317948239e 100644
--- a/gr-utils/python/modtool/
+++ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 """ Returns information about a module """
 import os
-from optparse import OptionGroup
 from modtool_base import ModTool, ModToolException
 from util_functions import get_modname
@@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ from util_functions import get_modname
 class ModToolInfo(ModTool):
     """ Return information about a given module """
     name = 'info'
-    aliases = ('getinfo', 'inf')
+    description = 'Return informations about module.'
     def __init__(self):
@@ -38,26 +37,25 @@ class ModToolInfo(ModTool):
         self._python_readable = False
         self._suggested_dirs = None
-    def setup_parser(self):
+    @staticmethod
+    def setup_parser(parser):
         """ Initialise the option parser for 'gr_modtool info' """
-        parser = ModTool.setup_parser(self)
-        parser.usage = '%prog info [options]. \n Call %prog without any options to run it interactively.'
-        ogroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Info options")
-        ogroup.add_option("--python-readable", action="store_true", default=None,
+        #args_group = parser.add_argument_group(title="Info options")
+        parser.add_argument("--python-readable", action="store_true",
                 help="Return the output in a format that's easier to read for Python scripts.")
-        ogroup.add_option("--suggested-dirs", default=None, type="string",
+        parser.add_argument("--suggested-dirs",
                 help="Suggest typical include dirs if nothing better can be detected.")
-        parser.add_option_group(ogroup)
         return parser
-    def setup(self, options, args):
+    def setup(self, options):
         # Won't call parent's setup(), because that's too chatty
         self._directory =
         self._python_readable = options.python_readable
         self._suggested_dirs = options.suggested_dirs
-    def run(self):
+    def run(self, options):
         """ Go, go, go! """
+        self.setup(options)
         mod_info = dict()
         mod_info['base_dir'] = self._get_base_dir(self._directory)
         if mod_info['base_dir'] is None:
diff --git a/gr-utils/python/modtool/ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/
index 575d7eb873..5f53749163 100644
--- a/gr-utils/python/modtool/
+++ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/
@@ -34,35 +34,34 @@ from util_functions import ask_yes_no
 class ModToolMakeXML(ModTool):
     """ Make XML file for GRC block bindings """
     name = 'makexml'
-    aliases = ('mx',)
+    description = 'Generate XML files for GRC block bindings.'
     def __init__(self):
-    def setup_parser(self):
+    @staticmethod
+    def setup_parser(parser):
         """ Initialise the option parser for 'gr_modtool makexml' """
-        parser = ModTool.setup_parser(self)
-        parser.usage = """%prog info [options]. \n Call %prog without any options to run it interactively.
+        parser.usage = """%s
         Note: This does not work on Python blocks!
-        """
-        return parser
+        """ % parser.usage
+        ModTool.setup_parser_block(parser)
-    def setup(self, options, args):
-        ModTool.setup(self, options, args)
+    def setup(self, options):
+        ModTool.setup(self, options)
-        if options.block_name is not None:
-            self._info['pattern'] = options.block_name
-        elif len(args) >= 2:
-            self._info['pattern'] = args[1]
+        if options.blockname is not None:
+            self._info['pattern'] = options.blockname
             self._info['pattern'] = raw_input('Which blocks do you want to parse? (Regex): ')
         if len(self._info['pattern']) == 0:
             self._info['pattern'] = '.'
-    def run(self):
+    def run(self, options):
         """ Go, go, go! """
         print "Warning: This is an experimental feature. Don't expect any magic."
+        self.setup(options)
         # 1) Go through lib/
         if not self._skip_subdirs['lib']:
             if self._info['version'] == '37':
diff --git a/gr-utils/python/modtool/ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/
index 3e05ecbf48..4382d9be7d 100644
--- a/gr-utils/python/modtool/
+++ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
 import shutil
 import os
 import re
-from optparse import OptionGroup
 from gnuradio import gr
 from modtool_base import ModTool, ModToolException
 from scm import SCMRepoFactory
@@ -31,26 +30,24 @@ from scm import SCMRepoFactory
 class ModToolNewModule(ModTool):
     """ Create a new out-of-tree module """
     name = 'newmod'
-    aliases = ('nm', 'create')
+    description = 'Create new empty module, use add to add blocks.'
     def __init__(self):
-    def setup_parser(self):
+    @staticmethod
+    def setup_parser(parser):
         " Initialise the option parser for 'gr_modtool newmod' "
-        parser = ModTool.setup_parser(self)
-        parser.usage = '%prog nm [options]. \n Call %prog without any options to run it interactively.'
-        ogroup = OptionGroup(parser, "New out-of-tree module options")
-        ogroup.add_option("--srcdir", type="string",
+        parser.add_argument("--srcdir",
                 help="Source directory for the module template.")
-        parser.add_option_group(ogroup)
-        return parser
+        parser.add_argument("module_name", metavar='MODULE-NAME', nargs='?',
+                help="Override the current module's name (normally is autodetected).")
-    def setup(self, options, args):
+    def setup(self, options):
         # Don't call ModTool.setup(), that assumes an existing module.
         self._info['modname'] = options.module_name
         if self._info['modname'] is None:
-            if len(args) >= 2:
-                self._info['modname'] = args[1]
+            if options.module_name:
+                self._info['modname'] = options.module_name
                 self._info['modname'] = raw_input('Name of the new module: ')
         if not re.match('[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$', self._info['modname']):
@@ -72,12 +69,13 @@ class ModToolNewModule(ModTool):
         self.options = options
-    def run(self):
+    def run(self, options):
         * Copy the example dir recursively
         * Open all files, rename howto and HOWTO to the module name
         * Rename files and directories that contain the word howto
+        self.setup(options)
         print "Creating out-of-tree module in %s..." % self._dir,
             shutil.copytree(self._srcdir, self._dir)
diff --git a/gr-utils/python/modtool/ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/
index 86bafc56a5..f0ff412a89 100644
--- a/gr-utils/python/modtool/
+++ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 import os
 import re
-from optparse import OptionGroup
 from util_functions import append_re_line_sequence, ask_yes_no
 from cmakefile_editor import CMakeFileEditor
@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ from templates import Templates
 class ModToolRename(ModTool):
     """ Rename a block in the out-of-tree module. """
     name = 'rename'
-    aliases = ('mv',)
+    description = 'Rename block inside module.'
     def __init__(self):
@@ -41,47 +40,43 @@ class ModToolRename(ModTool):
         self._skip_cmakefiles = False
         self._license_file = None
-    def setup_parser(self):
-        parser = ModTool.setup_parser(self)
-        ogroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Rename module options")
-        ogroup.add_option("-o", "--old-name", type="string", default=None, help="Current name of the block to rename.")
-        ogroup.add_option("-u", "--new-name", type="string", default=None, help="New name of the block.")
-        parser.add_option_group(ogroup)
+    @staticmethod
+    def setup_parser(parser):
+         #parser = parser.add_argument_group(title="Rename module options")
+        ModTool.setup_parser_block(parser)
+        parser.add_argument("new_name", nargs="?", metavar='NEW-BLOCK-NAME',
+                help="New name of the block.")
         return parser
-    def setup(self, options, args):
-        ModTool.setup(self, options, args)
+    def setup(self, options):
+        ModTool.setup(self, options)
         if ((self._skip_subdirs['lib'] and self._info['lang'] == 'cpp')
              or (self._skip_subdirs['python'] and self._info['lang'] == 'python')):
             raise ModToolException('Missing or skipping relevant subdir.')
         # first make sure the old block name is provided
-        self._info['oldname'] = options.old_name
+        self._info['oldname'] = options.blockname
         if self._info['oldname'] is None:
-            if len(args) >= 2:
-                self._info['oldname'] = args[1]
-            else:
-                self._info['oldname'] = raw_input("Enter name of block/code to rename (without module name prefix): ")
+            self._info['oldname'] = raw_input("Enter name of block/code to rename (without module name prefix): ")
         if not re.match('[a-zA-Z0-9_]+', self._info['oldname']):
             raise ModToolException('Invalid block name.')
         print "Block/code to rename identifier: " + self._info['oldname']
         self._info['fulloldname'] = self._info['modname'] + '_' + self._info['oldname']
         # now get the new block name
-        self._info['newname'] = options.new_name
-        if self._info['newname'] is None:
-            if len(args) >= 2:
-                self._info['newname'] = args[2]
-            else:
-                self._info['newname'] = raw_input("Enter name of block/code (without module name prefix): ")
+        if options.new_name is None:
+            self._info['newname'] = raw_input("Enter name of block/code (without module name prefix): ")
+        else:
+            self._info['newname'] = options.new_name[0]
         if not re.match('[a-zA-Z0-9_]+', self._info['newname']):
             raise ModToolException('Invalid block name.')
         print "Block/code identifier: " + self._info['newname']
         self._info['fullnewname'] = self._info['modname'] + '_' + self._info['newname']
-    def run(self):
+    def run(self, options):
         """ Go, go, go. """
+        self.setup(options)
         module = self._info['modname']
         oldname = self._info['oldname']
         newname = self._info['newname']
diff --git a/gr-utils/python/modtool/ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/
index 47128dbc87..eef743dd61 100644
--- a/gr-utils/python/modtool/
+++ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/
@@ -33,24 +33,26 @@ from cmakefile_editor import CMakeFileEditor
 class ModToolRemove(ModTool):
     """ Remove block (delete files and remove Makefile entries) """
     name = 'remove'
-    aliases = ('rm', 'del')
+    description = 'Remove block from module.'
     def __init__(self):
-    def setup(self, options, args):
-        ModTool.setup(self, options, args)
+    @staticmethod
+    def setup_parser(parser):
+        ModTool.setup_parser_block(parser)
-        if options.block_name is not None:
-            self._info['pattern'] = options.block_name
-        elif len(args) >= 2:
-            self._info['pattern'] = args[1]
+    def setup(self, options):
+        ModTool.setup(self, options)
+        if options.blockname is not None:
+            self._info['pattern'] = options.blockname
             self._info['pattern'] = raw_input('Which blocks do you want to delete? (Regex): ')
         if len(self._info['pattern']) == 0:
             self._info['pattern'] = '.'
-    def run(self):
+    def run(self, options):
         """ Go, go, go! """
         def _remove_cc_test_case(filename=None, ed=None):
             """ Special function that removes the occurrences of a qa*.cc file
@@ -96,6 +98,7 @@ class ModToolRemove(ModTool):
                     (self._info['modname'], pyblockname, self._info['modname'], filename)
             return regexp
         # Go, go, go!
+        self.setup(options)
         if not self._skip_subdirs['lib']:
             self._run_subdir('lib', ('*.cc', '*.h'), ('add_library', 'list'),
diff --git a/gr-utils/python/modtool/ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/
index a9c117ac91..3829f7a644 100644
--- a/gr-utils/python/modtool/
+++ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/
@@ -567,12 +567,6 @@ Templates['grc_xml'] = '''<?xml version="1.0"?>
-# Usage
-Templates['usage'] = '''
-gr_modtool <command> [options] -- Run <command> with the given options.
-gr_modtool help -- Show a list of commands.
-gr_modtool help <command> -- Shows the help for a given command. '''
 # SWIG string
 Templates['swig_block_magic'] = """% if version == '36':
 % if blocktype != 'noblock':
diff --git a/gr-utils/python/modtool/ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/
index 47799ac461..de7f3d29b6 100644
--- a/gr-utils/python/modtool/
+++ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/
@@ -25,15 +25,6 @@ import sys
 # None of these must depend on other modtool stuff!
-def get_command_from_argv(possible_cmds):
-    """ Read the requested command from argv. This can't be done with optparse,
-    since the option parser isn't defined before the command is known, and
-    optparse throws an error."""
-    for arg in sys.argv:
-        if arg[0] != "-" and arg in possible_cmds:
-            return arg
-    return None
 def append_re_line_sequence(filename, linepattern, newline):
     """ Detects the re 'linepattern' in the file. After its last occurrence,
     paste 'newline'. If the pattern does not exist, append the new line
cgit v1.2.3