From befadabc2f18b483c71250adfd7dbf42f66b16f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tom Rondeau <>
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2011 12:55:16 -0400
Subject: gr-qtgui: restructuring qtgui directory to new layout.

 gr-qtgui/src/lib/ | 691 --------------------------------
 1 file changed, 691 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 gr-qtgui/src/lib/

(limited to 'gr-qtgui/src/lib/')

diff --git a/gr-qtgui/src/lib/ b/gr-qtgui/src/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index e0509a2948..0000000000
--- a/gr-qtgui/src/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,691 +0,0 @@
-#include <cmath>
-#include <QColorDialog>
-#include <QMessageBox>
-#include <spectrumdisplayform.h>
-int SpectrumDisplayForm::_openGLWaterfall3DFlag = -1;
-SpectrumDisplayForm::SpectrumDisplayForm(bool useOpenGL, QWidget* parent)
-  : QWidget(parent)
-  setupUi(this);
-  _useOpenGL = useOpenGL;
-  _systemSpecifiedFlag = false;
-  _intValidator = new QIntValidator(this);
-  _intValidator->setBottom(0);
-  _frequencyDisplayPlot = new FrequencyDisplayPlot(FrequencyPlotDisplayFrame);
-  _waterfallDisplayPlot = new WaterfallDisplayPlot(WaterfallPlotDisplayFrame);
-  _timeDomainDisplayPlot = new TimeDomainDisplayPlot(TimeDomainDisplayFrame);
-  _constellationDisplayPlot = new ConstellationDisplayPlot(ConstellationDisplayFrame);
-  _numRealDataPoints = 1024;
-  _realFFTDataPoints = new double[_numRealDataPoints];
-  _averagedValues = new double[_numRealDataPoints];
-  _historyVector = new std::vector<double*>;
-  AvgLineEdit->setRange(0, 500);                 // Set range of Average box value from 0 to 500
-  MinHoldCheckBox_toggled( false );
-  MaxHoldCheckBox_toggled( false );
-  WaterfallMaximumIntensityWheel->setRange(-200, 0);
-  WaterfallMaximumIntensityWheel->setTickCnt(50);
-  WaterfallMinimumIntensityWheel->setRange(-200, 0);
-  WaterfallMinimumIntensityWheel->setTickCnt(50);
-  WaterfallMinimumIntensityWheel->setValue(-200);
-  _peakFrequency = 0;
-  _peakAmplitude = -HUGE_VAL;
-  _noiseFloorAmplitude = -HUGE_VAL;
-  connect(_waterfallDisplayPlot, SIGNAL(UpdatedLowerIntensityLevel(const double)), 
-	  _frequencyDisplayPlot, SLOT(SetLowerIntensityLevel(const double)));
-  connect(_waterfallDisplayPlot, SIGNAL(UpdatedUpperIntensityLevel(const double)), 
-	  _frequencyDisplayPlot, SLOT(SetUpperIntensityLevel(const double)));
-  _frequencyDisplayPlot->SetLowerIntensityLevel(-200);
-  _frequencyDisplayPlot->SetUpperIntensityLevel(-200);
-  // Load up the acceptable FFT sizes...
-  FFTSizeComboBox->clear();
-  for(long fftSize = SpectrumGUIClass::MIN_FFT_SIZE; fftSize <= SpectrumGUIClass::MAX_FFT_SIZE; fftSize *= 2){
-    FFTSizeComboBox->insertItem(FFTSizeComboBox->count(), QString("%1").arg(fftSize));
-  }
-  Reset();
-  ToggleTabFrequency(false);
-  ToggleTabWaterfall(false);
-  ToggleTabTime(false);
-  ToggleTabConstellation(false);
-  // Create a timer to update plots at the specified rate
-  displayTimer = new QTimer(this);
-  connect(displayTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(UpdateGuiTimer()));
-  // Qt deletes children when parent is deleted
-  // Don't worry about deleting Display Plots - they are deleted when parents are deleted
-  delete _intValidator;
-  delete[] _realFFTDataPoints;
-  delete[] _averagedValues;
-  for(unsigned int count = 0; count < _historyVector->size(); count++){
-    delete[] _historyVector->operator[](count);
-  }
-  delete _historyVector;
-  displayTimer->stop();
-  delete displayTimer;
-SpectrumDisplayForm::setSystem( SpectrumGUIClass * newSystem, 
-				const uint64_t numFFTDataPoints, 
-				const uint64_t numTimeDomainDataPoints )
-  ResizeBuffers(numFFTDataPoints, numTimeDomainDataPoints);
-  if(newSystem != NULL){
-    _system = newSystem;
-    _systemSpecifiedFlag = true;
-  }
-  else{
-    _systemSpecifiedFlag = false;
-  }
-SpectrumDisplayForm::newFrequencyData( const SpectrumUpdateEvent* spectrumUpdateEvent)
-  //_lastSpectrumEvent = (SpectrumUpdateEvent)(*spectrumUpdateEvent);
-  const std::complex<float>* complexDataPoints = spectrumUpdateEvent->getFFTPoints();
-  const uint64_t numFFTDataPoints = spectrumUpdateEvent->getNumFFTDataPoints();
-  const double* realTimeDomainDataPoints = spectrumUpdateEvent->getRealTimeDomainPoints();
-  const double* imagTimeDomainDataPoints = spectrumUpdateEvent->getImagTimeDomainPoints();
-  const uint64_t numTimeDomainDataPoints = spectrumUpdateEvent->getNumTimeDomainDataPoints();
-  const timespec dataTimestamp = spectrumUpdateEvent->getDataTimestamp();
-  const bool repeatDataFlag = spectrumUpdateEvent->getRepeatDataFlag();
-  const bool lastOfMultipleUpdatesFlag = spectrumUpdateEvent->getLastOfMultipleUpdateFlag();
-  const timespec generatedTimestamp = spectrumUpdateEvent->getEventGeneratedTimestamp();
-  // REMEMBER: The dataTimestamp is NOT valid when the repeat data flag is true...
-  ResizeBuffers(numFFTDataPoints, numTimeDomainDataPoints);
-  // Calculate the Magnitude of the complex point
-  const std::complex<float>* complexDataPointsPtr = complexDataPoints+numFFTDataPoints/2;
-  double* realFFTDataPointsPtr = _realFFTDataPoints;
-  double sumMean = 0.0;
-  double localPeakAmplitude = -HUGE_VAL;
-  double localPeakFrequency = 0.0;
-  const double fftBinSize = (_stopFrequency-_startFrequency) /
-    static_cast<double>(numFFTDataPoints);
-  // Run this twice to perform the fftshift operation on the data here as well
-  std::complex<float> scaleFactor = std::complex<float>((float)numFFTDataPoints);
-  for(uint64_t point = 0; point < numFFTDataPoints/2; point++){
-    std::complex<float> pt = (*complexDataPointsPtr) / scaleFactor;
-    *realFFTDataPointsPtr = 10.0*log10((pt.real() * pt.real() + pt.imag()*pt.imag()) + 1e-20);
-    if(*realFFTDataPointsPtr > localPeakAmplitude) {
-      localPeakFrequency = static_cast<float>(point) * fftBinSize;
-      localPeakAmplitude = *realFFTDataPointsPtr;
-    }
-    sumMean += *realFFTDataPointsPtr;
-    complexDataPointsPtr++;
-    realFFTDataPointsPtr++;
-  }
-  // This loop takes the first half of the input data and puts it in the 
-  // second half of the plotted data
-  complexDataPointsPtr = complexDataPoints;
-  for(uint64_t point = 0; point < numFFTDataPoints/2; point++){
-    std::complex<float> pt = (*complexDataPointsPtr) / scaleFactor;
-    *realFFTDataPointsPtr = 10.0*log10((pt.real() * pt.real() + pt.imag()*pt.imag()) + 1e-20);
-    if(*realFFTDataPointsPtr > localPeakAmplitude) {
-      localPeakFrequency = static_cast<float>(point) * fftBinSize;
-      localPeakAmplitude = *realFFTDataPointsPtr;
-    }
-    sumMean += *realFFTDataPointsPtr;
-    complexDataPointsPtr++;
-    realFFTDataPointsPtr++;
-  }
-  // Don't update the averaging history if this is repeated data
-  if(!repeatDataFlag){
-    _AverageHistory(_realFFTDataPoints);
-    // Only use the local info if we are not repeating data
-    _peakAmplitude = localPeakAmplitude;
-    _peakFrequency = localPeakFrequency;
-    // calculate the spectral mean
-    // +20 because for the comparison below we only want to throw out bins
-    // that are significantly higher (and would, thus, affect the mean more)
-    const double meanAmplitude = (sumMean / numFFTDataPoints) + 20.0;
-    // now throw out any bins higher than the mean
-    sumMean = 0.0;
-    uint64_t newNumDataPoints = numFFTDataPoints;
-    for(uint64_t number = 0; number < numFFTDataPoints; number++){
-      if (_realFFTDataPoints[number] <= meanAmplitude)
-        sumMean += _realFFTDataPoints[number];
-      else
-        newNumDataPoints--;
-    }
-    if (newNumDataPoints == 0)             // in the odd case that all
-      _noiseFloorAmplitude = meanAmplitude; // amplitudes are equal!
-    else
-      _noiseFloorAmplitude = sumMean / newNumDataPoints;
-  }
-  if(lastOfMultipleUpdatesFlag){
-    int tabindex = SpectrumTypeTab->currentIndex();
-    if(tabindex == d_plot_fft) {
-      _frequencyDisplayPlot->PlotNewData(_averagedValues, numFFTDataPoints, 
-					 _noiseFloorAmplitude, _peakFrequency, 
-					 _peakAmplitude, d_update_time);
-    }
-    if(tabindex == d_plot_time) {
-      _timeDomainDisplayPlot->PlotNewData(realTimeDomainDataPoints, 
-					  imagTimeDomainDataPoints, 
-					  numTimeDomainDataPoints,
-					  d_update_time);
-    }
-    if(tabindex == d_plot_constellation) {
-      _constellationDisplayPlot->PlotNewData(realTimeDomainDataPoints, 
-					     imagTimeDomainDataPoints, 
-					     numTimeDomainDataPoints,
-					     d_update_time);
-    }
-    // Don't update the repeated data for the waterfall
-    if(!repeatDataFlag){
-      if(tabindex == d_plot_waterfall) {
-	_waterfallDisplayPlot->PlotNewData(_realFFTDataPoints, numFFTDataPoints, 
-					   d_update_time, dataTimestamp, 
-					   spectrumUpdateEvent->getDroppedFFTFrames());
-      }
-    }
-    // Tell the system the GUI has been updated
-    if(_systemSpecifiedFlag){
-      _system->SetLastGUIUpdateTime(generatedTimestamp);
-      _system->DecrementPendingGUIUpdateEvents();
-    }
-  }
-SpectrumDisplayForm::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *e )
-  QSize s;
-  s.setWidth(FrequencyPlotDisplayFrame->width());
-  s.setHeight(FrequencyPlotDisplayFrame->height());
-  emit _frequencyDisplayPlot->resizeSlot(&s);
-  s.setWidth(TimeDomainDisplayFrame->width());
-  s.setHeight(TimeDomainDisplayFrame->height());
-  emit _timeDomainDisplayPlot->resizeSlot(&s);
-  s.setWidth(WaterfallPlotDisplayFrame->width());
-  s.setHeight(WaterfallPlotDisplayFrame->height());
-  emit _waterfallDisplayPlot->resizeSlot(&s);
-  s.setWidth(ConstellationDisplayFrame->width());
-  s.setHeight(ConstellationDisplayFrame->height());
-  emit _constellationDisplayPlot->resizeSlot(&s);
-SpectrumDisplayForm::customEvent( QEvent * e)
-  if(e->type() == QEvent::User+3){
-    if(_systemSpecifiedFlag){
-      WindowComboBox->setCurrentIndex(_system->GetWindowType());
-      FFTSizeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(_system->GetFFTSizeIndex());
-      //FFTSizeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(1);
-    }
-    waterfallMinimumIntensityChangedCB(WaterfallMinimumIntensityWheel->value());
-    waterfallMaximumIntensityChangedCB(WaterfallMaximumIntensityWheel->value());
-    // Clear any previous display
-    Reset();
-  }
-  else if(e->type() == 10005){
-    SpectrumUpdateEvent* spectrumUpdateEvent = (SpectrumUpdateEvent*)e;
-    newFrequencyData(spectrumUpdateEvent);
-  }
-  else if(e->type() == 10008){
-    setWindowTitle(((SpectrumWindowCaptionEvent*)e)->getLabel());
-  }
-  else if(e->type() == 10009){
-    Reset();
-    if(_systemSpecifiedFlag){
-      _system->ResetPendingGUIUpdateEvents();
-    }
-  }
-  else if(e->type() == 10010){
-    _startFrequency = ((SpectrumFrequencyRangeEvent*)e)->GetStartFrequency();
-    _stopFrequency = ((SpectrumFrequencyRangeEvent*)e)->GetStopFrequency();
-    _centerFrequency  = ((SpectrumFrequencyRangeEvent*)e)->GetCenterFrequency();
-    UseRFFrequenciesCB(UseRFFrequenciesCheckBox->isChecked());
-  }
-  // This is called by the displayTimer and redraws the canvases of
-  // all of the plots.
-  _frequencyDisplayPlot->canvas()->update();
-  _waterfallDisplayPlot->canvas()->update();
-  _timeDomainDisplayPlot->canvas()->update();
-  _constellationDisplayPlot->canvas()->update();
-SpectrumDisplayForm::AvgLineEdit_valueChanged( int value )
-  SetAverageCount(value);
-SpectrumDisplayForm::MaxHoldCheckBox_toggled( bool newState )
-  MaxHoldResetBtn->setEnabled(newState);
-  _frequencyDisplayPlot->SetMaxFFTVisible(newState);
-  MaxHoldResetBtn_clicked();
-SpectrumDisplayForm::MinHoldCheckBox_toggled( bool newState )
-  MinHoldResetBtn->setEnabled(newState);
-  _frequencyDisplayPlot->SetMinFFTVisible(newState);
-  MinHoldResetBtn_clicked();
-  _frequencyDisplayPlot->ClearMinData();
-  _frequencyDisplayPlot->replot();
-  _frequencyDisplayPlot->ClearMaxData();
-  _frequencyDisplayPlot->replot();
-SpectrumDisplayForm::TabChanged(int index)
-  // This might be dangerous to call this with NULL
-  resizeEvent(NULL);  
-SpectrumDisplayForm::SetFrequencyRange(const double newCenterFrequency,
-				       const double newStartFrequency, 
-				       const double newStopFrequency)
-  double fdiff;
-  if(UseRFFrequenciesCheckBox->isChecked()) {
-    fdiff = newCenterFrequency;
-  }
-  else {
-    fdiff = std::max(fabs(newStartFrequency), fabs(newStopFrequency));
-  }
-  if(fdiff > 0) {
-    std::string strunits[4] = {"Hz", "kHz", "MHz", "GHz"};
-    std::string strtime[4] = {"sec", "ms", "us", "ns"};
-    double units10 = floor(log10(fdiff));
-    double units3  = std::max(floor(units10 / 3.0), 0.0);
-    double units = pow(10, (units10-fmod(units10, 3.0)));
-    int iunit = static_cast<int>(units3);
-    _startFrequency = newStartFrequency;
-    _stopFrequency = newStopFrequency;
-    _centerFrequency = newCenterFrequency;
-    _frequencyDisplayPlot->SetFrequencyRange(_startFrequency,
-					     _stopFrequency,
-					     _centerFrequency,
-					     UseRFFrequenciesCheckBox->isChecked(),
-					     units, strunits[iunit]);
-    _waterfallDisplayPlot->SetFrequencyRange(_startFrequency,
-					     _stopFrequency,
-					     _centerFrequency,
-					     UseRFFrequenciesCheckBox->isChecked(),
-					     units, strunits[iunit]);
-    _timeDomainDisplayPlot->SetSampleRate(_stopFrequency - _startFrequency,
-					  units, strtime[iunit]);
-  }
-  return _historyVector->size();
-SpectrumDisplayForm::SetAverageCount(const int newCount)
-  if(newCount > -1){
-    if(newCount != static_cast<int>(_historyVector->size())){
-      std::vector<double*>::iterator pos;
-      while(newCount < static_cast<int>(_historyVector->size())){
-	pos = _historyVector->begin();
-	delete[] (*pos);
-	_historyVector->erase(pos);
-      }
-      while(newCount > static_cast<int>(_historyVector->size())){
-	_historyVector->push_back(new double[_numRealDataPoints]);
-      }
-      AverageDataReset();
-    }
-  }
-SpectrumDisplayForm::_AverageHistory(const double* newBuffer)
-  if(_numRealDataPoints > 0){
-    if(_historyVector->size() > 0){
-      memcpy(_historyVector->operator[](_historyEntry), newBuffer,
-	     _numRealDataPoints*sizeof(double));
-      // Increment the next location to store data
-      _historyEntryCount++;
-      if(_historyEntryCount > static_cast<int>(_historyVector->size())){
-	_historyEntryCount = _historyVector->size();
-      }
-      _historyEntry = (++_historyEntry)%_historyVector->size();
-      // Total up and then average the values
-      double sum;
-      for(uint64_t location = 0; location < _numRealDataPoints; location++){
-	sum = 0;
-	for(int number = 0; number < _historyEntryCount; number++){
-	  sum += _historyVector->operator[](number)[location];
-	}
- 	_averagedValues[location] = sum/static_cast<double>(_historyEntryCount);
-      }
-    }
-    else{
-      memcpy(_averagedValues, newBuffer, _numRealDataPoints*sizeof(double));
-    }
-  }
-SpectrumDisplayForm::ResizeBuffers( const uint64_t numFFTDataPoints,
-				    const uint64_t /*numTimeDomainDataPoints*/ )
-  // Convert from Complex to Real for certain Displays
-  if(_numRealDataPoints != numFFTDataPoints){
-    _numRealDataPoints = numFFTDataPoints;
-    delete[] _realFFTDataPoints;
-    delete[] _averagedValues;
-    _realFFTDataPoints = new double[_numRealDataPoints];
-    _averagedValues = new double[_numRealDataPoints];
-    memset(_realFFTDataPoints, 0x0, _numRealDataPoints*sizeof(double));
-    const int historySize = _historyVector->size();
-    SetAverageCount(0); // Clear the existing history
-    SetAverageCount(historySize);
-    Reset();
-  }
-  AverageDataReset();
-  _waterfallDisplayPlot->Reset();
-  _historyEntry = 0;
-  _historyEntryCount = 0;
-  memset(_averagedValues, 0x0, _numRealDataPoints*sizeof(double));
-  MaxHoldResetBtn_clicked();
-  MinHoldResetBtn_clicked();
-SpectrumDisplayForm::closeEvent( QCloseEvent *e )
-  if(_systemSpecifiedFlag){
-    _system->SetWindowOpenFlag(false);
-  }
-  qApp->processEvents();
-  QWidget::closeEvent(e);
-SpectrumDisplayForm::WindowTypeChanged( int newItem )
-  if(_systemSpecifiedFlag){
-   _system->SetWindowType(newItem);
-  }
-SpectrumDisplayForm::UseRFFrequenciesCB( bool useRFFlag )
-  SetFrequencyRange(_centerFrequency, _startFrequency, _stopFrequency);
-SpectrumDisplayForm::waterfallMaximumIntensityChangedCB( double newValue )
-  if(newValue > WaterfallMinimumIntensityWheel->value()){
-    WaterfallMaximumIntensityLabel->setText(QString("%1 dB").arg(newValue, 0, 'f', 0));
-  }
-  else{
-    WaterfallMaximumIntensityWheel->setValue(WaterfallMinimumIntensityWheel->value());
-  }
-  _waterfallDisplayPlot->SetIntensityRange(WaterfallMinimumIntensityWheel->value(),
-					   WaterfallMaximumIntensityWheel->value());
-SpectrumDisplayForm::waterfallMinimumIntensityChangedCB( double newValue )
-  if(newValue < WaterfallMaximumIntensityWheel->value()){
-    WaterfallMinimumIntensityLabel->setText(QString("%1 dB").arg(newValue, 0, 'f', 0));
-  }
-  else{
-    WaterfallMinimumIntensityWheel->setValue(WaterfallMaximumIntensityWheel->value());
-  }
-  _waterfallDisplayPlot->SetIntensityRange(WaterfallMinimumIntensityWheel->value(),
-					   WaterfallMaximumIntensityWheel->value());
-SpectrumDisplayForm::FFTComboBoxSelectedCB( const QString &fftSizeString )
-  if(_systemSpecifiedFlag){
-    _system->SetFFTSize(fftSizeString.toLong());
-  }
-  double minimumIntensity = _noiseFloorAmplitude - 5;
-  if(minimumIntensity < WaterfallMinimumIntensityWheel->minValue()){
-    minimumIntensity = WaterfallMinimumIntensityWheel->minValue();
-  }
-  WaterfallMinimumIntensityWheel->setValue(minimumIntensity);
-  double maximumIntensity = _peakAmplitude + 10;
-  if(maximumIntensity > WaterfallMaximumIntensityWheel->maxValue()){
-    maximumIntensity = WaterfallMaximumIntensityWheel->maxValue();
-  }
-  WaterfallMaximumIntensityWheel->setValue(maximumIntensity);
-  waterfallMaximumIntensityChangedCB(maximumIntensity);
-SpectrumDisplayForm::WaterfallIntensityColorTypeChanged( int newType )
-  QColor lowIntensityColor;
-  QColor highIntensityColor;
-  if(newType == WaterfallDisplayPlot::INTENSITY_COLOR_MAP_TYPE_USER_DEFINED){
-    // Select the Low Intensity Color
-    lowIntensityColor = _waterfallDisplayPlot->GetUserDefinedLowIntensityColor();
-    if(!lowIntensityColor.isValid()){
-      lowIntensityColor = Qt::black;
-    }
-    QMessageBox::information(this, "Low Intensity Color Selection", "In the next window, select the low intensity color for the waterfall display",  QMessageBox::Ok);
-    lowIntensityColor = QColorDialog::getColor(lowIntensityColor, this);
-    // Select the High Intensity Color
-    highIntensityColor = _waterfallDisplayPlot->GetUserDefinedHighIntensityColor();
-    if(!highIntensityColor.isValid()){
-      highIntensityColor = Qt::white;
-    }
-    QMessageBox::information(this, "High Intensity Color Selection", "In the next window, select the high intensity color for the waterfall display",  QMessageBox::Ok);
-    highIntensityColor = QColorDialog::getColor(highIntensityColor, this);
-  }
-  _waterfallDisplayPlot->SetIntensityColorMapType(newType, lowIntensityColor, highIntensityColor);
-SpectrumDisplayForm::ToggleTabFrequency(const bool state)
-  if(state == true) {
-    if(d_plot_fft == -1) {
-      SpectrumTypeTab->addTab(FrequencyPage, "Frequency Display");
-      d_plot_fft = SpectrumTypeTab->count()-1;
-    }
-  }
-  else {
-    SpectrumTypeTab->removeTab(SpectrumTypeTab->indexOf(FrequencyPage));
-    d_plot_fft = -1;
-  }
-SpectrumDisplayForm::ToggleTabWaterfall(const bool state)
-  if(state == true) {
-    if(d_plot_waterfall == -1) {
-      SpectrumTypeTab->addTab(WaterfallPage, "Waterfall Display");
-      d_plot_waterfall = SpectrumTypeTab->count()-1;
-    }
-  }
-  else {
-    SpectrumTypeTab->removeTab(SpectrumTypeTab->indexOf(WaterfallPage));
-    d_plot_waterfall = -1;
-  }
-SpectrumDisplayForm::ToggleTabTime(const bool state)
-  if(state == true) {
-    if(d_plot_time == -1) {
-      SpectrumTypeTab->addTab(TimeDomainPage, "Time Domain Display");
-      d_plot_time = SpectrumTypeTab->count()-1;
-    }
-  }
-  else {
-    SpectrumTypeTab->removeTab(SpectrumTypeTab->indexOf(TimeDomainPage));
-    d_plot_time = -1;
-  }
-SpectrumDisplayForm::ToggleTabConstellation(const bool state)
-  if(state == true) {
-    if(d_plot_constellation == -1) {
-      SpectrumTypeTab->addTab(ConstellationPage, "Constellation Display");
-      d_plot_constellation = SpectrumTypeTab->count()-1;
-    }
-  }
-  else {
-    SpectrumTypeTab->removeTab(SpectrumTypeTab->indexOf(ConstellationPage));
-    d_plot_constellation = -1;
-  }
-SpectrumDisplayForm::SetTimeDomainAxis(double min, double max)
-  _timeDomainDisplayPlot->set_yaxis(min, max);
-SpectrumDisplayForm::SetConstellationAxis(double xmin, double xmax,
-						double ymin, double ymax)
-  _constellationDisplayPlot->set_axis(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
-SpectrumDisplayForm::SetConstellationPenSize(int size)
-  _constellationDisplayPlot->set_pen_size( size );
-SpectrumDisplayForm::SetFrequencyAxis(double min, double max)
-  _frequencyDisplayPlot->set_yaxis(min, max);
-SpectrumDisplayForm::SetUpdateTime(double t)
-  d_update_time = t;
-  // QTimer class takes millisecond input
-  displayTimer->start(d_update_time*1000);
cgit v1.2.3