From 7a0948ba85758fba1cc3858ef99bfa600dcc7416 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mormj <>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2020 10:59:50 -0400
Subject: qa: run autopep8 formatting on qa python files

find ./ -iname qa*.py | xargs autopep8 --in-place -a -a

mostly formats whitespace and gets rid of trailing semicolons
 .../digital/      | 168 +++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 124 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

(limited to 'gr-digital/python/digital/')

diff --git a/gr-digital/python/digital/ b/gr-digital/python/digital/
index 1a9d3abe79..1249df46a1 100755
--- a/gr-digital/python/digital/
+++ b/gr-digital/python/digital/
@@ -1,76 +1,113 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # Copyright 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 # This file is part of GNU Radio
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
 from gnuradio import gr, gr_unittest
-import random, numpy
+import random
+import numpy
 from gnuradio import digital, blocks, channels
 class qa_linear_equalizer(gr_unittest.TestCase):
-    def unpack_values(self, values_in, bits_per_value, bits_per_symbol):   
-        # verify that 8 is divisible by bits_per_symbol 
+    def unpack_values(self, values_in, bits_per_value, bits_per_symbol):
+        # verify that 8 is divisible by bits_per_symbol
         m = bits_per_value / bits_per_symbol
         # print(m)
-        mask = 2**(bits_per_symbol)-1
-        if bits_per_value != m*bits_per_symbol:
-            print("error - bits per symbols must fit nicely into bits_per_value bit values")
+        mask = 2**(bits_per_symbol) - 1
+        if bits_per_value != m * bits_per_symbol:
+            print(
+                "error - bits per symbols must fit nicely into bits_per_value bit values")
             return []
         num_values = len(values_in)
-        num_symbols = int(num_values*( m) )
+        num_symbols = int(num_values * (m))
         cur_byte = 0
         cur_bit = 0
         out = []
         for i in range(num_symbols):
-            s = (values_in[cur_byte] >> (bits_per_value-bits_per_symbol-cur_bit)) & mask
+            s = (
+                values_in[cur_byte] >> (
+                    bits_per_value -
+                    bits_per_symbol -
+                    cur_bit)) & mask
             cur_bit += bits_per_symbol
             if cur_bit >= bits_per_value:
                 cur_bit = 0
                 cur_byte += 1
         return out
     def map_symbols_to_constellation(self, symbols, cons):
         l = list(map(lambda x: cons.points()[x], symbols))
         return l
     def setUp(self):
         self.tb = gr.top_block()
         self.num_data = num_data = 10000
         self.snr = snr = 10
-        self.noise_voltage = pow(10.0,(-snr/20.0))
+        self.noise_voltage = pow(10.0, (-snr / 20.0))
         self.sps = sps = 4
         self.eb = eb = 0.35
-        self.preamble = preamble = [0x27,0x2F,0x18,0x5D,0x5B,0x2A,0x3F,0x71,0x63,0x3C,0x17,0x0C,0x0A,0x41,0xD6,0x1F,0x4C,0x23,0x65,0x68,0xED,0x1C,0x77,0xA7,0x0E,0x0A,0x9E,0x47,0x82,0xA4,0x57,0x24,]
-        self.payload_size = payload_size = 300 # bytes
- = data = [0]*4+[random.getrandbits(8) for i in range(payload_size)]
+        self.preamble = preamble = [
+            0x27,
+            0x2F,
+            0x18,
+            0x5D,
+            0x5B,
+            0x2A,
+            0x3F,
+            0x71,
+            0x63,
+            0x3C,
+            0x17,
+            0x0C,
+            0x0A,
+            0x41,
+            0xD6,
+            0x1F,
+            0x4C,
+            0x23,
+            0x65,
+            0x68,
+            0xED,
+            0x1C,
+            0x77,
+            0xA7,
+            0x0E,
+            0x0A,
+            0x9E,
+            0x47,
+            0x82,
+            0xA4,
+            0x57,
+            0x24,
+        ]
+        self.payload_size = payload_size = 300  # bytes
+ = data = [0] * 4 + \
+            [random.getrandbits(8) for i in range(payload_size)]
         self.gain = gain = .001  # LMS gain
         self.corr_thresh = corr_thresh = 3e6
-        self.num_taps = num_taps = 16      
+        self.num_taps = num_taps = 16
     def tearDown(self):
         self.tb = None
     def transform(self, src_data, gain, const):
         SRC = blocks.vector_source_c(src_data, False)
         EQU = digital.lms_dd_equalizer_cc(4, gain, 1, const.base())
@@ -82,9 +119,9 @@ class qa_linear_equalizer(gr_unittest.TestCase):
     def test_001_identity(self):
         # Constant modulus signal so no adjustments
         const = digital.constellation_qpsk()
-        src_data = const.points()*1000
+        src_data = const.points() * 1000
-        N = 100 # settling time
+        N = 100  # settling time
         expected_data = src_data[N:]
         result = self.transform(src_data, 0.1, const)[N:]
@@ -97,18 +134,37 @@ class qa_linear_equalizer(gr_unittest.TestCase):
         num_taps_fwd = 13
         num_taps_rev = 3
         num_test = 1000
-        cons = digital.constellation_qpsk().base()        
-        rxmod = digital.generic_mod(cons, False, self.sps, True, self.eb, False, False)
-        modulated_sync_word_pre = digital.modulate_vector_bc(rxmod.to_basic_block(),  self.preamble+self.preamble, [1])
-        modulated_sync_word = modulated_sync_word_pre[86:(512+86)]  # compensate for the RRC filter delay
-        corr_max = numpy.abs(,numpy.conj(modulated_sync_word)))
-        corr_calc = self.corr_thresh/(corr_max*corr_max)
-        preamble_symbols = self.map_symbols_to_constellation(self.unpack_values(self.preamble, 8, 2), cons)
+        cons = digital.constellation_qpsk().base()
+        rxmod = digital.generic_mod(
+            cons, False, self.sps, True, self.eb, False, False)
+        modulated_sync_word_pre = digital.modulate_vector_bc(
+            rxmod.to_basic_block(), self.preamble + self.preamble, [1])
+        # compensate for the RRC filter delay
+        modulated_sync_word = modulated_sync_word_pre[86:(512 + 86)]
+        corr_max = numpy.abs(
+                modulated_sync_word,
+                numpy.conj(modulated_sync_word)))
+        corr_calc = self.corr_thresh / (corr_max * corr_max)
+        preamble_symbols = self.map_symbols_to_constellation(
+            self.unpack_values(self.preamble, 8, 2), cons)
         alg = digital.adaptive_algorithm_lms(cons, gain).base()
         evm = digital.meas_evm_cc(cons, digital.evm_measurement_t.EVM_PERCENT)
-        dfe = digital.decision_feedback_equalizer(num_taps_fwd, num_taps_rev, self.sps, alg, True, preamble_symbols, 'corr_est')
-        correst = digital.corr_est_cc(modulated_sync_word, self.sps, 12, corr_calc, digital.THRESHOLD_ABSOLUTE)
+        dfe = digital.decision_feedback_equalizer(
+            num_taps_fwd,
+            num_taps_rev,
+            self.sps,
+            alg,
+            True,
+            preamble_symbols,
+            'corr_est')
+        correst = digital.corr_est_cc(
+            modulated_sync_word,
+            self.sps,
+            12,
+            corr_calc,
+            digital.THRESHOLD_ABSOLUTE)
         constmod = digital.generic_mod(
@@ -121,21 +177,45 @@ class qa_linear_equalizer(gr_unittest.TestCase):
-            taps=(2.0,-0.459489+-0.156287j,0.185799+0.022878j,0.060229+0.002171j,-0.023041+-0.016539j,-0.004507+0.011984j,-0.002597+0.002675j,0.002320+0.000621j,-0.001420+-0.000126j,-0.000118+-0.000520j,-0.000029+-0.000201j,0.000060+-0.000002j,0.169089+-0.500778j,0.419112+0.042402j,-0.139208+0.030027j,-0.080077+0.036473j,0.026689+0.000837j,-0.002449+0.002320j,-0.000567+-0.002068j,0.001528+0.002867j,0.000944+-0.000166j,0.000218+0.000007j,0.000214+-0.000150j,0.000004+0.000008j),
+            taps=(
+                2.0,
+                -0.459489 + -0.156287j,
+                0.185799 + 0.022878j,
+                0.060229 + 0.002171j,
+                -0.023041 + -0.016539j,
+                -0.004507 + 0.011984j,
+                -0.002597 + 0.002675j,
+                0.002320 + 0.000621j,
+                -0.001420 + -0.000126j,
+                -0.000118 + -0.000520j,
+                -0.000029 + -0.000201j,
+                0.000060 + -0.000002j,
+                0.169089 + -0.500778j,
+                0.419112 + 0.042402j,
+                -0.139208 + 0.030027j,
+                -0.080077 + 0.036473j,
+                0.026689 + 0.000837j,
+                -0.002449 + 0.002320j,
+                -0.000567 + -0.002068j,
+                0.001528 + 0.002867j,
+                0.000944 + -0.000166j,
+                0.000218 + 0.000007j,
+                0.000214 + -0.000150j,
+                0.000004 + 0.000008j),
-        repeating_data = * 200
+        repeating_data = self.preamble + * 200
         vso = blocks.vector_source_b(repeating_data, False, 1, [])
-        head = blocks.head(gr.sizeof_char*1, 500)
+        head = blocks.head(gr.sizeof_char * 1, 500)
         vsi = blocks.vector_sink_f()
         self.tb.connect(vso, head, constmod, chan, correst, dfe, evm, vsi)
         # look at the last 1000 samples, should converge quickly, below 5% EVM
-        upper_bound = list(20.0*numpy.ones((num_test,)))
-        lower_bound = list(0.0*numpy.zeros((num_test,)))
+        upper_bound = list(20.0 * numpy.ones((num_test,)))
+        lower_bound = list(0.0 * numpy.zeros((num_test,)))
         output_data =
         output_data = output_data[-num_test:]
         self.assertLess(output_data, upper_bound)
cgit v1.2.3