From 48a95b3469febf4929c74f41beac6b33ab77566e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tom Rondeau <>
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2012 00:00:14 -0400
Subject: digital: converted mpsk snr and probes to new style.

 gr-digital/include/digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est.h | 279 -------------------------
 1 file changed, 279 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 gr-digital/include/digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est.h

(limited to 'gr-digital/include/digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est.h')

diff --git a/gr-digital/include/digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est.h b/gr-digital/include/digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est.h
deleted file mode 100644
index df7dbadec1..0000000000
--- a/gr-digital/include/digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- * 
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- * 
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- * 
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-#include <digital_api.h>
-#include <gr_sync_block.h>
-//! Enum for the type of SNR estimator to select
-/*! \ingroup snr_blk
- *  \anchor ref_snr_est_types
- *
- * Below are some ROUGH estimates of what values of SNR each of these
- * types of estimators is good for. In general, these offer a
- * trade-off between accuracy and performance.
- *
- * \li SNR_EST_SIMPLE:  Simple estimator (>= 7 dB)
- * \li SNR_EST_SKEW:    Skewness-base est (>= 5 dB)
- * \li SNR_EST_M2M4:    2nd & 4th moment est (>= 1 dB)
- * \li SNR_EST_SVR:     SVR-based est (>= 0dB)
-enum snr_est_type_t {
-  SNR_EST_SIMPLE = 0,	// Simple estimator (>= 7 dB)
-  SNR_EST_SKEW,	        // Skewness-base est (>= 5 dB)
-  SNR_EST_M2M4,         // 2nd & 4th moment est (>= 1 dB)
-  SNR_EST_SVR           // SVR-based est (>= 0dB)
-/*! \brief A parent class for SNR estimators, specifically for M-PSK
- *  signals in AWGN channels.
- *  \ingroup snr_blk
- */
-class DIGITAL_API digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est
- protected:
-  double d_alpha, d_beta;
- public:
-  /*! Constructor
-   *
-   *  Parameters:
-   *  \param alpha: the update rate of internal running average
-   *  calculations.
-   */
-  digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est(double alpha);
-  virtual ~digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est();
-  //! Get the running-average coefficient
-  double alpha() const;
-  //! Set the running-average coefficient
-  void set_alpha(double alpha);
-  //! Update the current registers
-  virtual int update(int noutput_items,
-		     const gr_complex *in);
-  //! Use the register values to compute a new estimate
-  virtual double snr();
-//! \brief SNR Estimator using simple mean/variance estimates.
-/*! \ingroup snr_blk
- *
- *  A very simple SNR estimator that just uses mean and variance
- *  estimates of an M-PSK constellation. This esimator is quick and
- *  cheap and accurate for high SNR (above 7 dB or so) but quickly
- *  starts to overestimate the SNR at low SNR.
- */
-class DIGITAL_API digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est_simple :
-  public digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est
- private:
-  double d_y1, d_y2;
- public:
-  /*! Constructor
-   *
-   *  Parameters:
-   *  \param alpha: the update rate of internal running average
-   *  calculations.
-   */
-  digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est_simple(double alpha);
-  ~digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est_simple() {}
-  int update(int noutput_items,
-	     const gr_complex *in);
-  double snr();
-//! \brief SNR Estimator using skewness correction.
-/*!  \ingroup snr_blk
- *
- *  This is an estimator that came from a discussion between Tom
- *  Rondeau and fred harris with no known paper reference. The idea is
- *  that at low SNR, the variance estimations will be affected because
- *  of fold-over around the decision boundaries, which results in a
- *  skewness to the samples. We estimate the skewness and use this as
- *  a correcting term.
- */
-class DIGITAL_API digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est_skew :
-  public digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est
- private:
-  double d_y1, d_y2, d_y3;
- public:
-  /*! Constructor
-   *
-   *  Parameters:
-   *  \param alpha: the update rate of internal running average
-   *  calculations.
-   */
-  digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est_skew(double alpha);
-  ~digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est_skew() {}
-  int update(int noutput_items,
-	     const gr_complex *in);
-  double snr();
-//! \brief SNR Estimator using 2nd and 4th-order moments.
-/*! \ingroup snr_blk
- *
- *  An SNR estimator for M-PSK signals that uses 2nd (M2) and 4th (M4)
- *  order moments. This estimator uses knowledge of the kurtosis of
- *  the signal (k_a) and noise (k_w) to make its estimation. We use
- *  Beaulieu's approximations here to M-PSK signals and AWGN channels
- *  such that k_a=1 and k_w=2. These approximations significantly
- *  reduce the complexity of the calculations (and computations)
- *  required.
- *
- *  Reference:
- *  D. R. Pauluzzi and N. C. Beaulieu, "A comparison of SNR
- *  estimation techniques for the AWGN channel," IEEE
- *  Trans. Communications, Vol. 48, No. 10, pp. 1681-1691, 2000.
- */
-class DIGITAL_API digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est_m2m4 :
-  public digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est
- private:
-  double d_y1, d_y2;
- public:
-  /*! Constructor
-   *
-   *  Parameters:
-   *  \param alpha: the update rate of internal running average
-   *  calculations.
-   */
-  digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est_m2m4(double alpha);
-  ~digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est_m2m4() {}
-  int update(int noutput_items,
-	     const gr_complex *in);
-  double snr();
-//! \brief SNR Estimator using 2nd and 4th-order moments.
-/*!  \ingroup snr_blk
- *
- *  An SNR estimator for M-PSK signals that uses 2nd (M2) and 4th (M4)
- *  order moments. This estimator uses knowledge of the kurtosis of
- *  the signal (k_a) and noise (k_w) to make its estimation. In this
- *  case, you can set your own estimations for k_a and k_w, the
- *  kurtosis of the signal and noise, to fit this estimation better to
- *  your signal and channel conditions.
- *
- *  A word of warning: this estimator has not been fully tested or
- *  proved with any amount of rigor. The estimation for M4 in
- *  particular might be ignoring effectf of when k_a and k_w are
- *  different. Use this estimator with caution and a copy of the
- *  reference on hand.
- *
- *  The digital_mpsk_snr_est_m2m4 assumes k_a and k_w to simplify the
- *  computations for M-PSK and AWGN channels. Use that estimator
- *  unless you have a way to guess or estimate these values here.
- *
- *  Original paper: 
- *  R. Matzner, "An SNR estimation algorithm for complex baseband
- *  signal using higher order statistics," Facta Universitatis
- *  (Nis), no. 6, pp. 41-52, 1993.
- *
- *  Reference used in derivation:
- *  D. R. Pauluzzi and N. C. Beaulieu, "A comparison of SNR
- *  estimation techniques for the AWGN channel," IEEE
- *  Trans. Communications, Vol. 48, No. 10, pp. 1681-1691, 2000.
- */
-class DIGITAL_API digital_impl_snr_est_m2m4 :
-  public digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est
- private:
-  double d_y1, d_y2;
-  double d_ka, d_kw;
- public:
-  /*! Constructor
-   *
-   *  Parameters:
-   *  \param alpha: the update rate of internal running average
-   *  calculations.
-   *  \param ka: estimate of the signal kurtosis (1 for PSK)
-   *  \param kw: estimate of the channel noise kurtosis (2 for AWGN)
-   */
-  digital_impl_snr_est_m2m4(double alpha, double ka, double kw);
-  ~digital_impl_snr_est_m2m4() {}
-  int update(int noutput_items,
-	     const gr_complex *in);
-  double snr();
-//! \brief Signal-to-Variation Ratio SNR Estimator.
-/*! \ingroup snr_blk
- *
- *  This estimator actually comes from an SNR estimator for M-PSK
- *  signals in fading channels, but this implementation is
- *  specifically for AWGN channels. The math was simplified to assume
- *  a signal and noise kurtosis (k_a and k_w) for M-PSK signals in
- *  AWGN. These approximations significantly reduce the complexity of
- *  the calculations (and computations) required.
- *
- *  Original paper:
- *  A. L. Brandao, L. B. Lopes, and D. C. McLernon, "In-service
- *  monitoring of multipath delay and cochannel interference for
- *  indoor mobile communication systems," Proc. IEEE
- *  Int. Conf. Communications, vol. 3, pp. 1458-1462, May 1994.
- *
- *  Reference:
- *  D. R. Pauluzzi and N. C. Beaulieu, "A comparison of SNR
- *  estimation techniques for the AWGN channel," IEEE
- *  Trans. Communications, Vol. 48, No. 10, pp. 1681-1691, 2000.
- */
-class DIGITAL_API digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est_svr :
-  public digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est
- private:
-  double d_y1, d_y2;
- public:
-  /*! Constructor
-   *
-   *  Parameters:
-   *  \param alpha: the update rate of internal running average
-   *  calculations.
-   */
-  digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est_svr(double alpha);
-  ~digital_impl_mpsk_snr_est_svr() {}
-  int update(int noutput_items,
-	     const gr_complex *in);
-  double snr();
cgit v1.2.3