From 5748eff26f835bffedb41bd5748ccbaefbe1e02f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johnathan Corgan <>
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 10:26:56 -0700
Subject: audio: remove obsoleted individual top-level components

 gr-audio-osx/src/circular_buffer.h | 315 -------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 315 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 gr-audio-osx/src/circular_buffer.h

(limited to 'gr-audio-osx/src/circular_buffer.h')

diff --git a/gr-audio-osx/src/circular_buffer.h b/gr-audio-osx/src/circular_buffer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 48758bf878..0000000000
--- a/gr-audio-osx/src/circular_buffer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- * 
- * This file is part of GNU Radio.
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- * 
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-#include <gruel/thread.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#ifndef DO_DEBUG
-#define DO_DEBUG 0
-#define DEBUG(X) do{X} while(0);
-#define DEBUG(X) do{} while(0);
-template <class T>
-class circular_buffer
-// the buffer to use
-  T* d_buffer;
-// the following are in Items (type T)
-  size_t d_bufLen_I, d_readNdx_I, d_writeNdx_I;
-  size_t d_n_avail_write_I, d_n_avail_read_I;
-// stuff to control access to class internals
-  gruel::mutex* d_internal;
-  gruel::condition_variable* d_readBlock;
-  gruel::condition_variable* d_writeBlock;
-// booleans to decide how to control reading, writing, and aborting
-  bool d_doWriteBlock, d_doFullRead, d_doAbort;
-  void delete_mutex_cond () {
-    if (d_internal) {
-      delete d_internal;
-      d_internal = NULL;
-    }
-    if (d_readBlock) {
-      delete d_readBlock;
-      d_readBlock = NULL;
-    }
-    if (d_writeBlock) {
-      delete d_writeBlock;
-      d_writeBlock = NULL;
-    }
-  };
-  circular_buffer (size_t bufLen_I,
-		   bool doWriteBlock = true, bool doFullRead = false) {
-    if (bufLen_I == 0)
-      throw std::runtime_error ("circular_buffer(): "
-				"Number of items to buffer must be > 0.\n");
-    d_bufLen_I = bufLen_I;
-    d_buffer = (T*) new T[d_bufLen_I];
-    d_doWriteBlock = doWriteBlock;
-    d_doFullRead = doFullRead;
-    d_internal = NULL;
-    d_readBlock = d_writeBlock = NULL;
-    reset ();
-    DEBUG (std::cerr << "c_b(): buf len (items) = " << d_bufLen_
-	   << ", doWriteBlock = " << (d_doWriteBlock ? "true" : "false")
-	   << ", doFullRead = " << (d_doFullRead ? "true" : "false")
-	   << std::endl);
-  };
-  ~circular_buffer () {
-    delete_mutex_cond ();
-    delete [] d_buffer;
-  };
-  inline size_t n_avail_write_items () {
-    gruel::scoped_lock l (*d_internal);
-    size_t retVal = d_n_avail_write_I;
-    return (retVal);
-  };
-  inline size_t n_avail_read_items () {
-    gruel::scoped_lock l (*d_internal);
-    size_t retVal = d_n_avail_read_I;
-    return (retVal);
-  };
-  inline size_t buffer_length_items () {return (d_bufLen_I);};
-  inline bool do_write_block () {return (d_doWriteBlock);};
-  inline bool do_full_read () {return (d_doFullRead);};
-  void reset () {
-    d_doAbort = false;
-    bzero (d_buffer, d_bufLen_I * sizeof (T));
-    d_readNdx_I = d_writeNdx_I = d_n_avail_read_I = 0;
-    d_n_avail_write_I = d_bufLen_I;
-    delete_mutex_cond ();
-    // create a mutex to handle contention of shared resources;
-    // any routine needed access to shared resources uses lock()
-    // before doing anything, then unlock() when finished.
-    d_internal = new gruel::mutex ();
-    // link the internal mutex to the read and write conditions;
-    // when wait() is called, the internal mutex will automatically
-    // be unlock()'ed.  Upon return (from a notify_one() to the condition),
-    // the internal mutex will be lock()'ed.
-    d_readBlock = new gruel::condition_variable ();
-    d_writeBlock = new gruel::condition_variable ();
-  };
- * enqueue: add the given buffer of item-length to the queue,
- *     first-in-first-out (FIFO).
- *
- * inputs:
- *     buf: a pointer to the buffer holding the data
- *
- *     bufLen_I: the buffer length in items (of the instantiated type)
- *
- * returns:
- *    -1: on overflow (write is not blocking, and data is being
- *                     written faster than it is being read)
- *     0: if nothing to do (0 length buffer)
- *     1: if success
- *     2: in the process of aborting, do doing nothing
- *
- * will throw runtime errors if inputs are improper:
- *     buffer pointer is NULL
- *     buffer length is larger than the instantiated buffer length
- */
-  int enqueue (T* buf, size_t bufLen_I) {
-    DEBUG (std::cerr << "enqueue: buf = " << (void*) buf
-	   << ", bufLen = " << bufLen_I
-	   << ", #av_wr = " << d_n_avail_write_I
-	   << ", #av_rd = " << d_n_avail_read_I << std::endl);
-    if (bufLen_I > d_bufLen_I) {
-      std::cerr << "ERROR: cannot add buffer longer ("
-		<< bufLen_I << ") than instantiated length ("
-		<< d_bufLen_I << ")." << std::endl;
-      throw std::runtime_error ("circular_buffer::enqueue()");
-    }
-    if (bufLen_I == 0)
-      return (0);
-    if (!buf)
-      throw std::runtime_error ("circular_buffer::enqueue(): "
-				"input buffer is NULL.\n");
-    gruel::scoped_lock l (*d_internal);
-    if (d_doAbort) {
-      return (2);
-    }
-    // set the return value to 1: success; change if needed
-    int retval = 1;
-    if (bufLen_I > d_n_avail_write_I) {
-      if (d_doWriteBlock) {
-	while (bufLen_I > d_n_avail_write_I) {
-	  DEBUG (std::cerr << "enqueue: #len > #a, waiting." << std::endl);
-	  // wait; will automatically unlock() the internal mutex via
-	  // the scoped lock
-	  d_writeBlock->wait (l);
-	  // and auto re-lock() it here.
-	  if (d_doAbort) {
-	    DEBUG (std::cerr << "enqueue: #len > #a, aborting." << std::endl);
-	    return (2);
-	  }
-	  DEBUG (std::cerr << "enqueue: #len > #a, done waiting." << std::endl);
-	}
-      } else {
-	d_n_avail_read_I = d_bufLen_I - bufLen_I;
-	d_n_avail_write_I = bufLen_I;
-	DEBUG (std::cerr << "circular_buffer::enqueue: overflow" << std::endl);
-	retval = -1;
-      }
-    }
-    size_t n_now_I = d_bufLen_I - d_writeNdx_I, n_start_I = 0;
-    if (n_now_I > bufLen_I)
-      n_now_I = bufLen_I;
-    else if (n_now_I < bufLen_I)
-      n_start_I = bufLen_I - n_now_I;
-    bcopy (buf, &(d_buffer[d_writeNdx_I]), n_now_I * sizeof (T));
-    if (n_start_I) {
-      bcopy (&(buf[n_now_I]), d_buffer, n_start_I * sizeof (T));
-      d_writeNdx_I = n_start_I;
-    } else
-      d_writeNdx_I += n_now_I;
-    d_n_avail_read_I += bufLen_I;
-    d_n_avail_write_I -= bufLen_I;
-    d_readBlock->notify_one ();
-    return (retval);
-  };
- * dequeue: removes from the queue the number of items requested, or
- *     available, into the given buffer on a FIFO basis.
- *
- * inputs:
- *     buf: a pointer to the buffer into which to copy the data
- *
- *     bufLen_I: pointer to the number of items to remove in items
- *         (of the instantiated type)
- *
- * returns:
- *     0: if nothing to do (0 length buffer)
- *     1: if success
- *     2: in the process of aborting, do doing nothing
- *
- * will throw runtime errors if inputs are improper:
- *     buffer pointer is NULL
- *     buffer length pointer is NULL
- *     buffer length is larger than the instantiated buffer length
- */
-  int dequeue (T* buf, size_t* bufLen_I) {
-    DEBUG (std::cerr << "dequeue: buf = " << ((void*) buf)
-	   << ", *bufLen = " << (*bufLen_I)
-	   << ", #av_wr = " <<  d_n_avail_write_I
-	   << ", #av_rd = " << d_n_avail_read_I << std::endl);
-    if (!bufLen_I)
-      throw std::runtime_error ("circular_buffer::dequeue(): "
-				"input bufLen pointer is NULL.\n");
-    if (!buf)
-      throw std::runtime_error ("circular_buffer::dequeue(): "
-				"input buffer pointer is NULL.\n");
-    size_t l_bufLen_I = *bufLen_I;
-    if (l_bufLen_I == 0)
-      return (0);
-    if (l_bufLen_I > d_bufLen_I) {
-      std::cerr << "ERROR: cannot remove buffer longer ("
-		<< l_bufLen_I << ") than instantiated length ("
-		<< d_bufLen_I << ")." << std::endl;
-      throw std::runtime_error ("circular_buffer::dequeue()");
-    }
-    gruel::scoped_lock l (*d_internal);
-    if (d_doAbort) {
-      return (2);
-    }
-    if (d_doFullRead) {
-      while (d_n_avail_read_I < l_bufLen_I) {
-	DEBUG (std::cerr << "dequeue: #a < #len, waiting." << std::endl);
-	// wait; will automatically unlock() the internal mutex via
-	// the scoped lock
-	d_readBlock->wait (l);
-	// and re-lock() it here.
-	if (d_doAbort) {
-	  DEBUG (std::cerr << "dequeue: #a < #len, aborting." << std::endl);
-	  return (2);
-	}
-	DEBUG (std::cerr << "dequeue: #a < #len, done waiting." << std::endl);
-     }
-    } else {
-      while (d_n_avail_read_I == 0) {
-	DEBUG (std::cerr << "dequeue: #a == 0, waiting." << std::endl);
-	// wait; will automatically unlock() the internal mutex via
-	// the scoped lock
-	d_readBlock->wait (l);
-	// and re-lock() it here.
-	if (d_doAbort) {
-	  DEBUG (std::cerr << "dequeue: #a == 0, aborting." << std::endl);
-	  return (2);
-	}
-	DEBUG (std::cerr << "dequeue: #a == 0, done waiting." << std::endl);
-      }
-    }
-    if (l_bufLen_I > d_n_avail_read_I)
-      l_bufLen_I = d_n_avail_read_I;
-    size_t n_now_I = d_bufLen_I - d_readNdx_I, n_start_I = 0;
-    if (n_now_I > l_bufLen_I)
-      n_now_I = l_bufLen_I;
-    else if (n_now_I < l_bufLen_I)
-      n_start_I = l_bufLen_I - n_now_I;
-    bcopy (&(d_buffer[d_readNdx_I]), buf, n_now_I * sizeof (T));
-    if (n_start_I) {
-      bcopy (d_buffer, &(buf[n_now_I]), n_start_I * sizeof (T));
-      d_readNdx_I = n_start_I;
-    } else
-      d_readNdx_I += n_now_I;
-    *bufLen_I = l_bufLen_I;
-    d_n_avail_read_I -= l_bufLen_I;
-    d_n_avail_write_I += l_bufLen_I;
-    d_writeBlock->notify_one ();
-    return (1);
-  };
-  void abort () {
-    gruel::scoped_lock l (*d_internal);
-    d_doAbort = true;
-    d_writeBlock->notify_one ();
-    d_readBlock->notify_one ();
-  };
-#endif /* _CIRCULAR_BUFFER_H_ */
cgit v1.2.3