From f40796f58549047c4fd09aec892d1376ce73dbc6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tom Rondeau <>
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2013 17:10:32 -0400
Subject: ctrlport: new performance monitoring tool using networkx and

 .../src/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/gr-perf-monitorx  | 710 +++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 710 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 gnuradio-core/src/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/gr-perf-monitorx

(limited to 'gnuradio-core/src/python')

diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/gr-perf-monitorx b/gnuradio-core/src/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/gr-perf-monitorx
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..f70e7d7cff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/gr-perf-monitorx
@@ -0,0 +1,710 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2012-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GNU Radio
+# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+import random,math,operator
+import networkx as nx;
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas
+from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import NavigationToolbar2QTAgg as NavigationToolbar
+from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+from gnuradio import gr, ctrlport
+from PyQt4 import QtCore,Qt,Qwt5
+import PyQt4.QtGui as QtGui
+import sys, time, re, pprint
+import itertools
+import scipy
+from scipy import spatial
+import Ice
+from gnuradio.ctrlport.IceRadioClient import *
+from gnuradio.ctrlport.GrDataPlotter import *
+from gnuradio.ctrlport import GNURadio
+class MAINWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):
+    def minimumSizeHint(self):
+        return QtGui.QSize(800,600)
+    def __init__(self, radio, port, interface):
+        super(MAINWindow, self).__init__()
+        self.conns = []
+        self.plots = []
+        self.knobprops = []
+        self.interface = interface
+        self.mdiArea = QtGui.QMdiArea()
+        self.mdiArea.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded)
+        self.mdiArea.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded)
+        self.setCentralWidget(self.mdiArea)
+        self.mdiArea.subWindowActivated.connect(self.updateMenus)
+        self.windowMapper = QtCore.QSignalMapper(self)
+        self.windowMapper.mapped[QtGui.QWidget].connect(self.setActiveSubWindow)
+        self.createActions()
+        self.createMenus()
+        self.createToolBars()
+        self.createStatusBar()
+        self.updateMenus()
+        self.setWindowTitle("GNU Radio Performance Monitor")
+        self.setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac(True)
+        self.newCon(radio, port)
+        icon = QtGui.QIcon(ctrlport.__path__[0] + "/icon.png" )
+        self.setWindowIcon(icon)
+    def newSubWindow(self, window, title):
+        child = window;
+        child.setWindowTitle(title)
+        self.mdiArea.addSubWindow(child)
+        self.conns.append(child)
+        self.mdiArea.currentSubWindow().showMaximized()
+    def newCon(self, radio=None, port=None):
+        child = MForm(radio, port, len(self.conns), self)
+        if( is not None):
+            child.setWindowTitle(str(
+#            horizbar = QtGui.QScrollArea()
+#            horizbar.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded)
+#            horizbar.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded)
+#            horizbar.setWidget(child)
+#            self.mdiArea.addSubWindow(horizbar)
+            self.mdiArea.addSubWindow(child)
+            self.mdiArea.currentSubWindow().showMaximized()
+        self.conns.append(child)
+        self.plots.append([])
+    def update(self, knobs, uid):
+        #sys.stderr.write("KNOB KEYS: {0}\n".format(knobs.keys()))
+        for plot in self.plots[uid]:
+            data = knobs[].value
+            plot.update(data)
+            plot.stop()
+            plot.wait()
+            plot.start()
+    def setActiveSubWindow(self, window):
+        if window:
+            self.mdiArea.setActiveSubWindow(window)
+    def createActions(self):
+        self.newConAct = QtGui.QAction("&New Connection",
+                self, shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.New,
+                statusTip="Create a new file", triggered=self.newCon)
+        self.exitAct = QtGui.QAction("E&xit", self, shortcut="Ctrl+Q",
+                statusTip="Exit the application",
+                triggered=QtGui.qApp.closeAllWindows)
+        self.closeAct = QtGui.QAction("Cl&ose", self, shortcut="Ctrl+F4",
+                statusTip="Close the active window",
+                triggered=self.mdiArea.closeActiveSubWindow)
+        self.closeAllAct = QtGui.QAction("Close &All", self,
+                statusTip="Close all the windows",
+                triggered=self.mdiArea.closeAllSubWindows)
+        qks = QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.CTRL + QtCore.Qt.Key_T);
+        self.tileAct = QtGui.QAction("&Tile", self,
+                statusTip="Tile the windows",
+                triggered=self.mdiArea.tileSubWindows,
+                shortcut=qks)
+        qks = QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.CTRL + QtCore.Qt.Key_C);
+        self.cascadeAct = QtGui.QAction("&Cascade", self,
+                statusTip="Cascade the windows", shortcut=qks,
+                triggered=self.mdiArea.cascadeSubWindows)
+        self.nextAct = QtGui.QAction("Ne&xt", self,
+                shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.NextChild,
+                statusTip="Move the focus to the next window",
+                triggered=self.mdiArea.activateNextSubWindow)
+        self.previousAct = QtGui.QAction("Pre&vious", self,
+                shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.PreviousChild,
+                statusTip="Move the focus to the previous window",
+                triggered=self.mdiArea.activatePreviousSubWindow)
+        self.separatorAct = QtGui.QAction(self)
+        self.separatorAct.setSeparator(True)
+        self.aboutAct = QtGui.QAction("&About", self,
+                statusTip="Show the application's About box",
+                triggered=self.about)
+        self.aboutQtAct = QtGui.QAction("About &Qt", self,
+                statusTip="Show the Qt library's About box",
+                triggered=QtGui.qApp.aboutQt)
+    def createMenus(self):
+        self.fileMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&File")
+        self.fileMenu.addAction(self.newConAct)
+        self.fileMenu.addSeparator()
+        self.fileMenu.addAction(self.exitAct)
+        self.windowMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&Window")
+        self.updateWindowMenu()
+        self.windowMenu.aboutToShow.connect(self.updateWindowMenu)
+        self.menuBar().addSeparator()
+        self.helpMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&Help")
+        self.helpMenu.addAction(self.aboutAct)
+        self.helpMenu.addAction(self.aboutQtAct)
+    def createToolBars(self):
+        self.fileToolBar = self.addToolBar("File")
+        self.fileToolBar.addAction(self.newConAct)
+        self.fileToolBar = self.addToolBar("Window")
+        self.fileToolBar.addAction(self.tileAct)
+        self.fileToolBar.addAction(self.cascadeAct)
+    def createStatusBar(self):
+        self.statusBar().showMessage("Ready")
+    def activeMdiChild(self):
+        activeSubWindow = self.mdiArea.activeSubWindow()
+        if activeSubWindow:
+            return activeSubWindow.widget()
+        return None
+    def updateMenus(self):
+        hasMdiChild = (self.activeMdiChild() is not None)
+        self.closeAct.setEnabled(hasMdiChild)
+        self.closeAllAct.setEnabled(hasMdiChild)
+        self.tileAct.setEnabled(hasMdiChild)
+        self.cascadeAct.setEnabled(hasMdiChild)
+        self.nextAct.setEnabled(hasMdiChild)
+        self.previousAct.setEnabled(hasMdiChild)
+        self.separatorAct.setVisible(hasMdiChild)
+    def updateWindowMenu(self):
+        self.windowMenu.clear()
+        self.windowMenu.addAction(self.closeAct)
+        self.windowMenu.addAction(self.closeAllAct)
+        self.windowMenu.addSeparator()
+        self.windowMenu.addAction(self.tileAct)
+        self.windowMenu.addAction(self.cascadeAct)
+        self.windowMenu.addSeparator()
+        self.windowMenu.addAction(self.nextAct)
+        self.windowMenu.addAction(self.previousAct)
+        self.windowMenu.addAction(self.separatorAct)
+    def about(self):
+        about_info = \
+'''Copyright 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n
+This program is part of GNU Radio.\n
+GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.\n
+GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.'''
+        QtGui.QMessageBox.about(None, "gr-ctrlport-monitor", about_info)
+class ConInfoDialog(QtGui.QDialog):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        super(ConInfoDialog, self).__init__(parent)
+        self.gridLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout(self)
+ = QtGui.QLineEdit(self);
+        self.port = QtGui.QLineEdit(self);
+        self.port.setText("43243");
+        self.buttonBox = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok |
+                                                QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel)
+        self.gridLayout.addWidget(;
+        self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.port);
+        self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.buttonBox);
+        self.buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.accept)
+        self.buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.reject)
+    def accept(self):
+        self.done(1);
+    def reject(self):
+        self.done(0);
+class DataTable(QtGui.QWidget):
+    def update(self):
+        print "update"
+    def __init__(self, radio, G):
+        QtGui.QWidget.__init__( self)
+        self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self);
+        self.hlayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout();
+        self.layout.addLayout(self.hlayout);
+        self.G = G;
+ = radio;
+        # Create a combobox to set the type of statistic we want.
+        self._statistic = "Instantaneous"
+        self._statistics_table = {"Instantaneous": "",
+                                  "Average": "avg ",
+                                  "Variance": "var "}
+        self.stattype = QtGui.QComboBox()
+        self.stattype.addItem("Instantaneous")
+        self.stattype.addItem("Average")
+        self.stattype.addItem("Variance")
+        self.stattype.setMaximumWidth(200)
+        self.hlayout.addWidget(self.stattype);
+        self.stattype.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.stat_changed)
+        # Create a checkbox to toggle sorting of graphs
+        self._sort = False
+        self.checksort = QtGui.QCheckBox("Sort")
+        self.checksort.setCheckState(self._sort)
+        self.hlayout.addWidget(self.checksort);
+        self.checksort.stateChanged.connect(self.checksort_changed)
+        # set up table
+        self.perfTable = Qt.QTableWidget();
+        self.perfTable.setColumnCount(2)
+        self.perfTable.verticalHeader().hide();
+        self.perfTable.setHorizontalHeaderLabels( ["Block Name", "Percent Runtime"] );
+        self.perfTable.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True);
+        self.perfTable.setSortingEnabled(True)
+        nodes = self.G.nodes(data=True)
+        # set up plot
+        self.f = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8), dpi=90)
+        self.sp = self.f.add_subplot(111);
+        self.sp.autoscale_view(True,True,True);
+        self.sp.set_autoscale_on(True)
+        self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.f)
+        # set up tabs
+        self.tabber = QtGui.QTabWidget();
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.tabber);
+        self.tabber.addTab(self.perfTable,"Table View");
+        self.tabber.addTab(self.canvas, "Graph View");
+        # set up timer
+        self.timer = QtCore.QTimer()
+        self.connect(self.timer, QtCore.SIGNAL('timeout()'), self.update)
+        self.timer.start(500)
+        for i in range(0,len(nodes)):
+            self.perfTable.setItem( 
+                i,0,
+                Qt.QTableWidgetItem(nodes[i][0]))
+    def table_update(self,data):
+        for k in data.keys():
+            weight = data[k]
+            existing = self.perfTable.findItems(str(k),QtCore.Qt.MatchFixedString)
+            if(len(existing) == 0):
+                i = self.perfTable.rowCount();
+                self.perfTable.setRowCount( i+1)
+                self.perfTable.setItem( i,0, Qt.QTableWidgetItem(str(k)))
+                self.perfTable.setItem( i,1, Qt.QTableWidgetItem(str(weight)))
+            else:
+                self.perfTable.setItem( self.perfTable.row(existing[0]),1, Qt.QTableWidgetItem(str(weight)))
+    def stat_changed(self, index):
+        self._statistic = str(self.stattype.currentText())
+    def checksort_changed(self, state):
+        self._sort = state > 0
+class DataTableBuffers(DataTable):
+    def __init__(self, radio, G):
+        DataTable.__init__(self,radio,G)
+        self.perfTable.setHorizontalHeaderLabels( ["Block Name", "Percent Buffer Full"] );
+    def update(self):
+        nodes = self.G.nodes();
+        # get buffer fullness for all blocks
+        kl = map(lambda x: "%s::%soutput %% full" % \
+                     (x, self._statistics_table[self._statistic]),
+                 nodes);
+        buf_knobs =
+        # strip values out of ctrlport response
+        buffer_fullness = dict(zip(
+                    map(lambda x: x.split("::")[0], buf_knobs.keys()),
+                    map(lambda x: x.value, buf_knobs.values())))
+        blockport_fullness = {}
+        for blk in buffer_fullness:
+            for port in range(0,len(buffer_fullness[blk])):
+                blockport_fullness["%s:%d"%(blk,port)] =  buffer_fullness[blk][port];
+        self.table_update(blockport_fullness);
+        if(self._sort):
+            sorted_fullness = sorted(blockport_fullness.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
+        else:
+            sorted_fullness = blockport_fullness.items()
+        self.sp.clear();
+        plt.figure(self.f.number)
+        plt.subplot(111);
+ range(0,len(sorted_fullness)), map(lambda x: x[1], sorted_fullness))
+        self.sp.set_ylabel("% Buffers Full");
+        self.sp.set_xticks( map(lambda x: x+0.5, range(0,len(sorted_fullness))))
+        self.sp.set_xticklabels( map(lambda x: "  " + x, map(lambda x: x[0], sorted_fullness)),
+                                 rotation="vertical", verticalalignment="bottom" )
+        self.canvas.draw();
+class DataTableRuntimes(DataTable):
+    def __init__(self, radio, G):
+        DataTable.__init__(self,radio,G)
+        #self.perfTable.setRowCount(len( self.G.nodes() ))
+    def update(self):
+        nodes = self.G.nodes();
+        # get work time for all blocks
+        kl = map(lambda x: "%s::%swork time" % \
+                     (x, self._statistics_table[self._statistic]),
+                 nodes);
+        wrk_knobs =
+        # strip values out of ctrlport response
+        total_work = sum(map(lambda x: x.value, wrk_knobs.values()))
+        work_times = dict(zip(
+                    map(lambda x: x.split("::")[0], wrk_knobs.keys()),
+                    map(lambda x: x.value/total_work, wrk_knobs.values())))
+        # update table view
+        self.table_update(work_times)
+        if(self._sort):
+            sorted_work = sorted(work_times.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
+        else:
+            sorted_work = work_times.items()
+        self.sp.clear();  
+        plt.figure(self.f.number)
+        plt.subplot(111);
+ range(0,len(sorted_work)), map(lambda x: x[1], sorted_work) )
+        self.sp.set_ylabel("% Runtime");
+        self.sp.set_xticks( map(lambda x: x+0.5, range(0,len(sorted_work))))
+        self.sp.set_xticklabels( map(lambda x: "  " + x[0], sorted_work), rotation="vertical", verticalalignment="bottom" )
+        self.canvas.draw();
+class MForm(QtGui.QWidget):
+    def update(self):
+        try:
+            nodes = self.G.nodes();
+            # get current buffer depths of all output buffers
+            kl = map(lambda x: "%s::%soutput %% full" % \
+                         (x, self._statistics_table[self._statistic]),
+                     nodes);
+            st = time.time()
+            buf_knobs =
+            td1 = time.time() - st;
+            # strip values out of ctrlport response
+            buf_vals = dict(zip(
+                        map(lambda x: x.split("::")[0], buf_knobs.keys()),
+                        map(lambda x: x.value, buf_knobs.values())))
+            # get work time for all blocks
+            kl = map(lambda x: "%s::%swork time" % \
+                         (x, self._statistics_table[self._statistic]),
+                     nodes);
+            st = time.time()
+            wrk_knobs =
+            td2 = time.time() - st;
+            # strip values out of ctrlport response
+            total_work = sum(map(lambda x: x.value, wrk_knobs.values()))
+            work_times = dict(zip(
+                        map(lambda x: x.split("::")[0], wrk_knobs.keys()),
+                        map(lambda x: x.value/total_work, wrk_knobs.values())))
+            for n in nodes:
+                # ne is the list of edges away from this node!
+                ne = self.G.edges([n],True);
+                for e in ne: # iterate over edges from this block
+                    # get the right output buffer/port weight for each edge
+                    sourceport = e[2]["sourceport"];
+                    newweight = buf_vals[n][sourceport]
+                    e[2]["weight"] = newweight;
+            # set updated weights
+            self.node_weights = map(lambda x: 20+2000*work_times[x], nodes);
+            self.edge_weights = map(lambda x: 100.0*x[2]["weight"], self.G.edges(data=True));
+            # draw graph updates
+            self.updateGraph();
+            latency = td1 + td2;
+            self.parent.statusBar().showMessage("Current GNU Radio Control Port Query Latency: %f ms"%\
+                                                    (latency*1000))
+        except Exception, e:
+            sys.stderr.write("ctrlport-monitor: radio.get threw exception ({0}).\n".format(e))
+            if(type(self.parent) is MAINWindow):
+                # Find window of connection
+                remove = []
+                for p in self.parent.mdiArea.subWindowList():
+                    if self.parent.conns[self.uid] == p.widget():
+                        remove.append(p)
+                # Remove subwindows for connection and plots
+                for r in remove:
+                    self.parent.mdiArea.removeSubWindow(r)
+                # Clean up self
+                self.close()
+            else:
+                sys.exit(1)
+            return
+    def rtt(self):
+        self.parent.newSubWindow(  DataTableRuntimes(, self.G),  "Runtime Table" );
+    def bpt(self):
+        self.parent.newSubWindow(  DataTableBuffers(, self.G),  "Buffers Table" );
+    def stat_changed(self, index):
+        self._statistic = str(self.stattype.currentText())
+    def __init__(self, radio=None, port=None, uid=0, parent=None):
+        super(MForm, self).__init__()
+        if(radio == None or port == None):
+            askinfo = ConInfoDialog(self);
+            if askinfo.exec_():
+                host = str(;
+                port = str(askinfo.port.text());
+                radio = parent.interface.getRadio(host, port)
+            else:
+       = None
+                return
+        self.uid = uid
+        self.parent = parent
+        self.layoutTop = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self)
+        self.ctlBox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout();
+        self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.layoutTop.addLayout(self.ctlBox);
+        self.layoutTop.addLayout(self.layout);
+        self.rttAct = QtGui.QAction("Runtime Table",
+                self, statusTip="Runtime Table", triggered=self.rtt)
+        self.rttBut = Qt.QToolButton()
+        self.rttBut.setDefaultAction(self.rttAct);
+        self.ctlBox.addWidget(self.rttBut);
+        self.bptAct = QtGui.QAction("Buffer Table",
+                self, statusTip="Buffer Table", triggered=self.bpt)
+        self.bptBut = Qt.QToolButton()
+        self.bptBut.setDefaultAction(self.bptAct);
+        self.ctlBox.addWidget(self.bptBut);
+        self._statistic = "Instantaneous"
+        self._statistics_table = {"Instantaneous": "",
+                                  "Average": "avg ",
+                                  "Variance": "var "}
+        self.stattype = QtGui.QComboBox()
+        self.stattype.addItem("Instantaneous")
+        self.stattype.addItem("Average")
+        self.stattype.addItem("Variance")
+        self.stattype.setMaximumWidth(200)
+        self.ctlBox.addWidget(self.stattype);
+        self.stattype.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.stat_changed)
+#        self.setLayout(self.layout);
+ = radio
+        self.knobprops =[])
+        self.parent.knobprops.append(self.knobprops)
+        self.timer = QtCore.QTimer()
+        self.constupdatediv = 0
+        self.tableupdatediv = 0
+        plotsize=250
+        # Set up the graph of blocks
+        input_name = lambda x: x+"::avg input % full"
+        output_name = lambda x: x+"::avg output % full"
+        wtime_name = lambda x: x+"::avg work time"
+        nout_name = lambda x: x+"::avg noutput_items"
+        nprod_name = lambda x: x+"::avg nproduced"
+        tmplist = []
+        knobs =[])
+        edgelist = None
+        for k in knobs:
+            propname = k.split("::")
+            blockname = propname[0]
+            keyname = propname[1]
+            if(keyname == "edge list"):
+                edgelist = knobs[k].value
+            elif(blockname not in tmplist):
+                # only take gr_blocks (no hier_block2)
+                if(knobs.has_key(input_name(blockname))):
+                    tmplist.append(blockname)
+        if not edgelist:
+            sys.stderr.write("Could not find list of edges from flowgraph. " + \
+                                 "Make sure the option 'edges_list' is enabled " + \
+                                 "in the ControlPort configuration.\n\n")
+            sys.exit(1)
+        edges = edgelist.split("\n")[0:-1]
+        edgepairs = [];
+        for e in edges:
+            _e = e.split("->")
+            edgepairs.append( (_e[0].split(":")[0], _e[1].split(":")[0],
+                               {"sourceport":int(_e[0].split(":")[1])}) );
+        self.G = nx.MultiDiGraph();
+        self.G.add_edges_from(edgepairs);
+        n_edges = self.G.edges(data=True);
+        for e in n_edges:
+            e[2]["weight"] = 5+random.random()*10;
+        self.G.clear();
+        self.G.add_edges_from(n_edges);
+        self.f = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8), dpi=90)
+        self.sp = self.f.add_subplot(111);
+        self.sp.autoscale_view(True,True,True);
+        self.sp.set_autoscale_on(True)
+        self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.f)
+        self.layout.addWidget(self.canvas);
+        self.pos = nx.graphviz_layout(self.G);
+        #self.pos = nx.pygraphviz_layout(self.G);
+        #self.pos = nx.spectral_layout(self.G);
+        #self.pos = nx.circular_layout(self.G);
+        #self.pos = nx.shell_layout(self.G);
+        #self.pos = nx.spring_layout(self.G);
+        # generate weights and plot
+        self.update();
+        # set up timer
+        self.timer = QtCore.QTimer()
+        self.connect(self.timer, QtCore.SIGNAL('timeout()'), self.update)
+        self.timer.start(1000)
+        # Set up mouse callback functions to move blocks around.
+        self._grabbed = False
+        self._current_block = ''
+        self.f.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event',
+                                  self.button_press)
+        self.f.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event',
+                                  self.mouse_move)
+        self.f.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event',
+                                  self.button_release)
+    def button_press(self, event):
+        x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata
+        thrsh = 100
+        if(x is not None and y is not None):
+            nearby = map(lambda z: spatial.distance.euclidean((x,y), z), self.pos.values())
+            i = nearby.index(min(nearby))
+            if(abs(self.pos.values()[i][0] - x) < thrsh and
+               abs(self.pos.values()[i][1]-y) < thrsh):
+                self._current_block = self.pos.keys()[i]
+                #print "MOVING BLOCK: ", self._current_block
+                #print "CUR POS: ", self.pos.values()[i]
+                self._grabbed = True
+    def mouse_move(self, event):
+        if self._grabbed:
+            x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata
+            if(x is not None and y is not None):
+                #print "NEW POS: ", (x,y)
+                self.pos[self._current_block] = (x,y)
+                self.updateGraph();
+    def button_release(self, event):
+        self._grabbed = False
+    def openMenu(self, pos):
+        index = self.table.treeWidget.selectedIndexes()
+        item = self.table.treeWidget.itemFromIndex(index[0])
+        itemname = str(item.text(0))
+        self.parent.propertiesMenu(itemname,, self.uid)
+    def updateGraph(self):
+        self.canvas.updateGeometry()
+        self.sp.clear();  
+        plt.figure(self.f.number)
+        plt.subplot(111);
+        nx.draw(self.G, self.pos, 
+                edge_color=self.edge_weights,
+                node_color='#A0CBE2',
+                width=map(lambda x: 3+math.log(x), self.edge_weights),
+                node_shape="s",
+                node_size=self.node_weights,
+      ,
+      ,
+                ax=self.sp,
+                arrows=False
+        )
+        nx.draw_networkx_labels(self.G, self.pos,
+                                font_size=12)
+        self.canvas.draw();
+class MyClient(IceRadioClient):
+    def __init__(self):
+        IceRadioClient.__init__(self, MAINWindow)
cgit v1.2.3