path: root/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
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Diffstat (limited to 'usrp/limbo/apps-inband/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 374 deletions
diff --git a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/ b/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
deleted file mode 100644
index d779c9a644..0000000000
--- a/usrp/limbo/apps-inband/
+++ /dev/null
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-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <mblock/mblock.h>
-#include <mblock/runtime.h>
-#include <mblock/protocol_class.h>
-#include <mblock/exception.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_queue.h>
-#include <mblock/message.h>
-#include <mblock/msg_accepter.h>
-#include <mblock/class_registry.h>
-#include <pmt.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <iostream>
-// Include the symbols needed for communication with USRP server
-#include <symbols_usrp_server_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_channel.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_low_level_cs.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_tx.h>
-#include <symbols_usrp_rx.h>
-static bool verbose = false;
-class test_usrp_inband_ping : public mb_mblock
- mb_port_sptr d_tx; // Ports connected to the USRP server
- mb_port_sptr d_rx;
- mb_port_sptr d_cs;
- pmt_t d_tx_chan; // Returned channel from TX allocation
- pmt_t d_rx_chan; // Returned channel from RX allocation
- pmt_t d_which_usrp; // The USRP to use for the test
- long d_warm_msgs; // The number of messages to 'warm' the USRP
- long d_warm_recvd; // The number of msgs received in the 'warm' state
- // Keep track of current state
- enum state_t {
- };
- state_t d_state;
- public:
- test_usrp_inband_ping(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg);
- ~test_usrp_inband_ping();
- void initial_transition();
- void handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg);
- protected:
- void opening_usrp();
- void allocating_channels();
- void enter_warming_usrp();
- void enter_pinging();
- void build_and_send_ping();
- void closing_channels();
- void closing_usrp();
-main (int argc, char **argv)
- // handle any command line args here
- mb_runtime_sptr rt = mb_make_runtime();
- pmt_t result = PMT_NIL;
- rt->run("top", "test_usrp_inband_ping", PMT_F, &result);
-test_usrp_inband_ping::test_usrp_inband_ping(mb_runtime *runtime, const std::string &instance_name, pmt_t user_arg)
- : mb_mblock(runtime, instance_name, user_arg),
- d_tx_chan(PMT_NIL),
- d_rx_chan(PMT_NIL),
- d_which_usrp(pmt_from_long(0)),
- d_state(INIT)
- // A dictionary is used to pass parameters to the USRP
- pmt_t usrp_dict = pmt_make_dict();
- // Specify the RBF to use
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("rbf"),
- pmt_intern("fixed1.rbf"));
- // Set TX and RX interpolations
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("interp-tx"),
- pmt_from_long(128));
- pmt_dict_set(usrp_dict,
- pmt_intern("decim-rx"),
- pmt_from_long(16));
- d_tx = define_port("tx0", "usrp-tx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_rx = define_port("rx0", "usrp-rx", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- d_cs = define_port("cs", "usrp-server-cs", false, mb_port::INTERNAL);
- // Create an instance of USRP server and connect ports
- define_component("server", "usrp_server", usrp_dict);
- connect("self", "tx0", "server", "tx0");
- connect("self", "rx0", "server", "rx0");
- connect("self", "cs", "server", "cs");
- opening_usrp();
-// Handle message reads all incoming messages from USRP server which will be
-// initialization and ping responses. We perform actions based on the current
-// state and the event (ie, ping response)
-test_usrp_inband_ping::handle_message(mb_message_sptr msg)
- pmt_t event = msg->signal();
- pmt_t data = msg->data();
- pmt_t port_id = msg->port_id();
- pmt_t handle = PMT_F;
- pmt_t status = PMT_F;
- std::string error_msg;
- // Dispatch based on state
- switch(d_state) {
- //----------------------------- OPENING_USRP ----------------------------//
- // We only expect a response from opening the USRP which should be succesful
- // or failed.
- if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_open)) {
- status = pmt_nth(1, data); // failed/succes
- if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
- allocating_channels();
- return;
- }
- else {
- error_msg = "failed to open usrp:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled; // all other messages not handled in this state
- //----------------------- ALLOCATING CHANNELS --------------------//
- // When allocating channels, we need to wait for 2 responses from
- // USRP server: one for TX and one for RX. Both are initialized to
- // NIL so we know to continue to the next state once both are set.
- // A TX allocation response
- if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_allocate_channel)
- && pmt_eq(d_tx->port_symbol(), port_id))
- {
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- // If successful response, extract the channel
- if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
- d_tx_chan = pmt_nth(2, data);
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_PING] Received TX allocation"
- << " on channel " << d_tx_chan << std::endl;
- // If the RX has also been allocated already, we can continue
- if(!pmt_eqv(d_rx_chan, PMT_NIL))
- enter_warming_usrp();
- return;
- }
- else { // TX allocation failed
- error_msg = "failed to allocate TX channel:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- // A RX allocation response
- if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_allocate_channel)
- && pmt_eq(d_rx->port_symbol(), port_id))
- {
- status = pmt_nth(1, data);
- // If successful response, extract the channel
- if(pmt_eq(status, PMT_T)) {
- d_rx_chan = pmt_nth(2, data);
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_PING] Received RX allocation"
- << " on channel " << d_rx_chan << std::endl;
- // If the TX has also been allocated already, we can continue
- if(!pmt_eqv(d_tx_chan, PMT_NIL))
- enter_warming_usrp();
- return;
- }
- else { // RX allocation failed
- error_msg = "failed to allocate RX channel:";
- goto bail;
- }
- }
- goto unhandled;
- //----------------------- WARMING USRP --------------------//
- // The FX2 seems to need some amount of data to be buffered
- // before it begins reading. We use this state to simply
- // warm up the USRP before benchmarking pings.
- // We really don't care about the responses from the
- // control channel in the warming stage, but once we receive
- // the proper number of responses we switch states.
- if(pmt_eq(event, s_response_from_control_channel)
- && pmt_eq(d_rx->port_symbol(), port_id))
- {
- d_warm_recvd++;
- if(d_warm_recvd > d_warm_msgs)
- enter_pinging();
- return;
- }
- goto unhandled;
- case PINGING:
- goto unhandled;
- goto unhandled;
- goto unhandled;
- case INIT:
- goto unhandled;
- }
- // An error occured, print it, and shutdown all m-blocks
- bail:
- std::cerr << error_msg << data
- << "status = " << status << std::endl;
- shutdown_all(PMT_F);
- return;
- // Received an unhandled message for a specific state
- unhandled:
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "test_usrp_inband_tx: unhandled msg: " << msg
- << "in state "<< d_state << std::endl;
-// Sends a command to USRP server to open up a connection to the
-// specified USRP, which is defaulted to USRP 0 on the system
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_PING] Opening USRP "
- << d_which_usrp << std::endl;
- d_cs->send(s_cmd_open, pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, d_which_usrp));
- d_state = OPENING_USRP;
-// RX and TX channels must be allocated so that the USRP server can
-// properly share bandwidth across multiple USRPs. No commands will be
-// successful to the USRP through the USRP server on the TX or RX channels until
-// a bandwidth allocation has been received.
- long capacity = (long) 16e6;
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
- d_rx->send(s_cmd_allocate_channel, pmt_list2(PMT_T, pmt_from_long(capacity)));
-// The USRP needs some amount of initial data to pass a buffering point such
-// that it begins to pull and read data from the FX2. We send an arbitrary
-// amount of data to start the pipeline, which are just pings.
- d_state = WARMING_USRP;
- for(int i=0; i < d_warm_msgs; i++)
- build_and_send_ping();
- d_state = PINGING;
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_PING] Running ping tests\n";
-// Pings are sent over the TX channel using the signal 'cmd-to-control-channel'
-// to the USRP server. Within this message there can be infinite subpackets
-// stored as a list (the second parameter) and sent. The only subpacket we send
-// is a ping, interpreted by the 'op-ping-fixed' signal.
- d_tx->send(s_cmd_to_control_channel, // USRP server signal
- pmt_list2(PMT_NIL, // invocation handle
- pmt_list1(pmt_list3(s_op_ping_fixed,
- pmt_from_long(0),
- pmt_from_long(0)))));
- if(verbose)
- std::cout << "[TEST_USRP_INBAND_PING] Ping!!" << std::endl;