path: root/grc/src/grc_gnuradio/wxgui/
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Diffstat (limited to 'grc/src/grc_gnuradio/wxgui/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 303 deletions
diff --git a/grc/src/grc_gnuradio/wxgui/ b/grc/src/grc_gnuradio/wxgui/
deleted file mode 100644
index 32e5d88422..0000000000
--- a/grc/src/grc_gnuradio/wxgui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-import wx
-import sys
-from gnuradio import eng_notation
-class LabelText(wx.StaticText):
- """Label text class for uniform labels among all controls."""
- def __init__(self, window, label):
- wx.StaticText.__init__(self, window, label=str(label))
- font = self.GetFont()
- font.SetWeight(wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD)
- self.SetFont(font)
-class _control_base(wx.BoxSizer):
- """Control base class"""
- def __init__(self, window, callback):
- self.window = window
- self.callback = callback
- wx.BoxSizer.__init__(self, wx.VERTICAL)
- def get_window(self): return self.window
- def call(self): return self.callback(self.get_value())
- def get_value(self): raise NotImplementedError
- def set_value(self): raise NotImplementedError
-class _chooser_control_base(_control_base):
- """House a drop down or radio buttons for variable control."""
- def __init__(self, window, callback, label='Label', index=0, choices=[0], labels=[]):
- """
- Chooser contructor.
- Create the slider, text box, and label.
- @param window the wx parent window
- @param callback call the callback on changes
- @param label the label title
- @param index the default choice index
- @param choices a list of choices
- @param labels the choice labels or empty list
- """
- #initialize
- _control_base.__init__(self, window, callback)
- label_text = LabelText(self.get_window(), label)
- self.Add(label_text, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
- self.index = index
- self.choices = choices
- self.labels = map(str, labels or choices)
- self._init()
- def _handle_changed(self, event=None):
- """
- A change is detected. Call the callback.
- """
- try:
- except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, 'Error in exec callback from handle changed.\n', e
- def get_value(self):
- """
- Update the chooser.
- @return one of the possible choices
- """
- self._update()
- return self.choices[self.index]
-# Button Control
-class button_control(_chooser_control_base):
- """House a button for variable control."""
- def _init(self):
- self.button = wx.Button(self.get_window(), label=self.labels[self.index])
- self.button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self._handle_changed)
- self.Add(self.button, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
- def _update(self):
- self.index = (self.index + 1)%len(self.choices) #circularly increment index
- self.button.SetLabel(self.labels[self.index])
-# Drop Down Control
-class drop_down_control(_chooser_control_base):
- """House a drop down for variable control."""
- def _init(self):
- self.drop_down = wx.Choice(self.get_window(), choices=self.labels)
- self.Add(self.drop_down, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
- self.drop_down.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self._handle_changed)
- self.drop_down.SetSelection(self.index)
- def _update(self):
- self.index = self.drop_down.GetSelection()
-# Radio Buttons Control
-class _radio_buttons_control_base(_chooser_control_base):
- """House radio buttons for variable control."""
- def _init(self):
- #create box for radio buttons
- radio_box = wx.BoxSizer(self.radio_box_orientation)
- panel = wx.Panel(self.get_window())
- panel.SetSizer(radio_box)
- self.Add(panel, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
- #create radio buttons
- self.radio_buttons = list()
- for label in self.labels:
- radio_button = wx.RadioButton(panel, label=label)
- radio_button.SetValue(False)
- self.radio_buttons.append(radio_button)
- radio_box.Add(radio_button, 0, self.radio_button_align)
- radio_button.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self._handle_changed)
- #set one radio button active
- self.radio_buttons[self.index].SetValue(True)
- def _update(self):
- selected_radio_button = filter(lambda rb: rb.GetValue(), self.radio_buttons)[0]
- self.index = self.radio_buttons.index(selected_radio_button)
-class radio_buttons_horizontal_control(_radio_buttons_control_base):
- radio_box_orientation = wx.HORIZONTAL
- radio_button_align = wx.ALIGN_CENTER
-class radio_buttons_vertical_control(_radio_buttons_control_base):
- radio_box_orientation = wx.VERTICAL
- radio_button_align = wx.ALIGN_LEFT
-# Slider Control
-class _slider_control_base(_control_base):
- """House a Slider and a Text Box for variable control."""
- def __init__(self, window, callback, label='Label', value=50, min=0, max=100, num_steps=100, slider_length=200):
- """
- Slider contructor.
- Create the slider, text box, and label.
- @param window the wx parent window
- @param callback call the callback on changes
- @param label the label title
- @param value the default value
- @param min the min
- @param max the max
- @param num_steps the number of steps
- @param slider_length the length of the slider bar in pixels
- """
- #initialize
- _control_base.__init__(self, window, callback)
- self.min = float(min)
- self.max = float(max)
- self.num_steps = int(num_steps)
- self.slider_length = slider_length
- #create gui elements
- label_text_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(self.label_text_orientation) #label and text box container
- label_text = LabelText(self.get_window(), '%s: '%str(label))
- self.text_box = text_box = wx.TextCtrl(self.get_window(), style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER)
- text_box.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self._handle_enter) #bind this special enter hotkey event
- for obj in (label_text, text_box): #fill the container with label and text entry box
- label_text_sizer.Add(obj, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
- self.Add(label_text_sizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
- #make the slider
- self.slider = slider = wx.Slider(self.get_window(), size=wx.Size(*self.get_slider_size()), style=self.slider_style)
- try: slider.SetRange(0, num_steps)
- except Exception, e:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'Error in set slider range: "%s".'%e
- exit(-1)
- slider.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLL, self._handle_scroll) #bind the scrolling event
- self.Add(slider, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
- #init slider and text box
- self.set_value(value)
- def get_value(self):
- """
- Get the current set value.
- @return the value (float)
- """
- return self._value
- def set_value(self, value):
- """
- Set the current set value.
- @param value the value (float)
- """
- self._value = value
- self._update_slider()
- self._update_text_box()
- def _update_slider(self):
- """
- Translate the real numerical value into a slider value.
- """
- slider_value = (float(self.get_value()) - self.min)*self.num_steps/(self.max - self.min)
- self.slider.SetValue(slider_value)
- def _update_text_box(self):
- """
- Update the text box value.
- Convert the value into engineering notation.
- """
- self.text_box.SetValue(eng_notation.num_to_str(self.get_value()))
- def _handle_scroll(self, event=None):
- """
- A scroll event is detected. Read the slider, call the callback.
- """
- slider_value = self.slider.GetValue()
- new_value = slider_value*(self.max - self.min)/self.num_steps + self.min
- self.set_value(new_value)
- try:
- except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, 'Error in exec callback from handle scroll.\n', e
- def _handle_enter(self, event=None):
- """
- An enter key was pressed. Read the text box, call the callback.
- """
- new_value = eng_notation.str_to_num(self.text_box.GetValue())
- self.set_value(new_value)
- try:
- except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, 'Error in exec callback from handle enter.\n', e
-class slider_horizontal_control(_slider_control_base):
- label_text_orientation = wx.HORIZONTAL
- slider_style = wx.SL_HORIZONTAL
- def get_slider_size(self): return self.slider_length, -1
-class slider_vertical_control(_slider_control_base):
- label_text_orientation = wx.VERTICAL
- slider_style = wx.SL_VERTICAL
- def get_slider_size(self): return -1, self.slider_length
-# Text Box Control
-class text_box_control(_control_base):
- """House a Text Box for variable control."""
- def __init__(self, window, callback, label='Label', value=50):
- """
- Text box contructor.
- Create the text box, and label.
- @param window the wx parent window
- @param callback call the callback on changes
- @param label the label title
- @param value the default value
- """
- #initialize
- _control_base.__init__(self, window, callback)
- #create gui elements
- label_text_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) #label and text box container
- label_text = LabelText(self.get_window(), '%s: '%str(label))
- self.text_box = text_box = wx.TextCtrl(self.get_window(), value=str(value), style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER)
- text_box.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self._handle_enter) #bind this special enter hotkey event
- for obj in (label_text, text_box): #fill the container with label and text entry box
- label_text_sizer.Add(obj, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
- self.Add(label_text_sizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
- #detect string mode
- self._string_mode = isinstance(value, str)
- def get_value(self):
- """
- Get the current set value.
- @return the value (float)
- """
- return self._value
- def _handle_enter(self, event=None):
- """
- An enter key was pressed. Read the text box, call the callback.
- If the text cannot be evaluated, do not try callback.
- Do not evaluate the text box value in string mode.
- """
- if self._string_mode:
- self._value = str(self.text_box.GetValue())
- else:
- try: self._value = eval(self.text_box.GetValue())
- except Exception, e:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'Error in evaluate value from handle enter.\n', e
- return
- try:
- except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, 'Error in exec callback from handle enter.\n', e