path: root/gr-wxgui/python/wxgui/
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Diffstat (limited to 'gr-wxgui/python/wxgui/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 691 deletions
diff --git a/gr-wxgui/python/wxgui/ b/gr-wxgui/python/wxgui/
deleted file mode 100644
index 71e2b8e285..0000000000
--- a/gr-wxgui/python/wxgui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,691 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2008,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# Imports
-import plotter
-import common
-import wx
-import numpy
-import time
-import pubsub
-from constants import *
-from gnuradio import gr #for gr.prefs, trigger modes
-from gnuradio import wxgui
-import forms
-# Constants
-DEFAULT_FRAME_RATE = gr.prefs().get_long('wxgui', 'scope_rate', 30)
-DEFAULT_TRIG_MODE = gr.prefs().get_long('wxgui', 'trig_mode', wxgui.TRIG_MODE_AUTO)
-DEFAULT_WIN_SIZE = (600, 300)
- ('DC', False),
- ('AC', True),
- ('Freerun', wxgui.TRIG_MODE_FREE),
- ('Auto', wxgui.TRIG_MODE_AUTO),
- ('Normal', wxgui.TRIG_MODE_NORM),
- ('Stripchart', wxgui.TRIG_MODE_STRIPCHART),
- ('Pos +', wxgui.TRIG_SLOPE_POS),
- ('Neg -', wxgui.TRIG_SLOPE_NEG),
- (0.3, 0.3, 1.0),
- (0.0, 0.8, 0.0),
- (1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
- (0.8, 0.0, 0.8),
- (0.7, 0.7, 0.0),
- (0.15, 0.90, 0.98),
-TRIGGER_COLOR_SPEC = (1.0, 0.4, 0.0)
- ('Line Link', None),
- ('Dot Large', 3.0),
- ('Dot Med', 2.0),
- ('Dot Small', 1.0),
- ('None', 0.0),
-# Scope window control panel
-class control_panel(wx.Panel):
- """
- A control panel with wx widgits to control the plotter and scope block.
- """
- def __init__(self, parent):
- """
- Create a new control panel.
- Args:
- parent: the wx parent window
- """
- WIDTH = 90
- self.parent = parent
- wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, style=wx.SUNKEN_BORDER)
- parent.subscribe(SHOW_CONTROL_PANEL_KEY, self.Show)
- control_box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
- ##################################################
- # Persistence
- ##################################################
- forms.check_box(
- sizer=control_box, parent=self, label='Persistence',
- ps=parent, key=USE_PERSISTENCE_KEY,
- )
- #static text and slider for analog alpha
- persist_alpha_text = forms.static_text(
- sizer=control_box, parent=self, label='Analog Alpha',
- converter=forms.float_converter(lambda x: '%.4f'%x),
- ps=parent, key=PERSIST_ALPHA_KEY, width=50,
- )
- persist_alpha_slider = forms.log_slider(
- sizer=control_box, parent=self,
- num_steps=SLIDER_STEPS,
- ps=parent, key=PERSIST_ALPHA_KEY,
- )
- for widget in (persist_alpha_text, persist_alpha_slider):
- parent.subscribe(USE_PERSISTENCE_KEY, widget.Enable)
- widget.Enable(parent[USE_PERSISTENCE_KEY])
- parent.subscribe(USE_PERSISTENCE_KEY, widget.ShowItems)
- #allways show initially, so room is reserved for them
- widget.ShowItems(True) # (parent[USE_PERSISTENCE_KEY])
- parent.subscribe(USE_PERSISTENCE_KEY, self._update_layout)
- ##################################################
- # Axes Options
- ##################################################
- control_box.AddStretchSpacer()
- axes_options_box = forms.static_box_sizer(
- parent=self, sizer=control_box, label='Axes Options',
- bold=True, orient=wx.VERTICAL,
- )
- ##################################################
- # Scope Mode Box
- ##################################################
- scope_mode_box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
- axes_options_box.Add(scope_mode_box, 0, wx.EXPAND)
- #x axis divs
- forms.incr_decr_buttons(
- parent=self, sizer=scope_mode_box, label='Secs/Div',
- on_incr=self._on_incr_t_divs, on_decr=self._on_decr_t_divs,
- )
- #y axis divs
- y_buttons_scope = forms.incr_decr_buttons(
- parent=self, sizer=scope_mode_box, label='Counts/Div',
- on_incr=self._on_incr_y_divs, on_decr=self._on_decr_y_divs,
- )
- #y axis ref lvl
- y_off_buttons_scope = forms.incr_decr_buttons(
- parent=self, sizer=scope_mode_box, label='Y Offset',
- on_incr=self._on_incr_y_off, on_decr=self._on_decr_y_off,
- )
- #t axis ref lvl
- scope_mode_box.AddSpacer(5)
- forms.slider(
- parent=self, sizer=scope_mode_box,
- ps=parent, key=T_FRAC_OFF_KEY, label='T Offset',
- minimum=0, maximum=1, num_steps=1000,
- )
- scope_mode_box.AddSpacer(5)
- ##################################################
- # XY Mode Box
- ##################################################
- xy_mode_box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
- axes_options_box.Add(xy_mode_box, 0, wx.EXPAND)
- #x div controls
- x_buttons = forms.incr_decr_buttons(
- parent=self, sizer=xy_mode_box, label='X/Div',
- on_incr=self._on_incr_x_divs, on_decr=self._on_decr_x_divs,
- )
- #y div controls
- y_buttons = forms.incr_decr_buttons(
- parent=self, sizer=xy_mode_box, label='Y/Div',
- on_incr=self._on_incr_y_divs, on_decr=self._on_decr_y_divs,
- )
- #x offset controls
- x_off_buttons = forms.incr_decr_buttons(
- parent=self, sizer=xy_mode_box, label='X Off',
- on_incr=self._on_incr_x_off, on_decr=self._on_decr_x_off,
- )
- #y offset controls
- y_off_buttons = forms.incr_decr_buttons(
- parent=self, sizer=xy_mode_box, label='Y Off',
- on_incr=self._on_incr_y_off, on_decr=self._on_decr_y_off,
- )
- for widget in (y_buttons_scope, y_off_buttons_scope, x_buttons, y_buttons, x_off_buttons, y_off_buttons):
- parent.subscribe(AUTORANGE_KEY, widget.Disable)
- widget.Disable(parent[AUTORANGE_KEY])
- xy_mode_box.ShowItems(False)
- #autorange check box
- forms.check_box(
- parent=self, sizer=axes_options_box, label='Autorange',
- ps=parent, key=AUTORANGE_KEY,
- )
- ##################################################
- # Channel Options
- ##################################################
- TRIGGER_PAGE_INDEX = parent.num_inputs
- XY_PAGE_INDEX = parent.num_inputs+1
- control_box.AddStretchSpacer()
- chan_options_box = forms.static_box_sizer(
- parent=self, sizer=control_box, label='Channel Options',
- bold=True, orient=wx.VERTICAL,
- )
- options_notebook = wx.Notebook(self)
- options_notebook_args = list()
- CHANNELS = [('Ch %d'%(i+1), i) for i in range(parent.num_inputs)]
- ##################################################
- # Channel Menu Boxes
- ##################################################
- for i in range(parent.num_inputs):
- channel_menu_panel = wx.Panel(options_notebook)
- options_notebook_args.append((channel_menu_panel, i, 'Ch%d'%(i+1)))
- channel_menu_box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
- channel_menu_panel.SetSizer(channel_menu_box)
- #ac couple check box
- channel_menu_box.AddStretchSpacer()
- forms.drop_down(
- parent=channel_menu_panel, sizer=channel_menu_box,
- ps=parent, key=common.index_key(AC_COUPLE_KEY, i),
- choices=map(lambda x: x[1], COUPLING_MODES),
- labels=map(lambda x: x[0], COUPLING_MODES),
- label='Coupling', width=WIDTH,
- )
- #marker
- channel_menu_box.AddStretchSpacer()
- forms.drop_down(
- parent=channel_menu_panel, sizer=channel_menu_box,
- ps=parent, key=common.index_key(MARKER_KEY, i),
- choices=map(lambda x: x[1], MARKER_TYPES),
- labels=map(lambda x: x[0], MARKER_TYPES),
- label='Marker', width=WIDTH,
- )
- channel_menu_box.AddStretchSpacer()
- ##################################################
- # Trigger Menu Box
- ##################################################
- trigger_menu_panel = wx.Panel(options_notebook)
- options_notebook_args.append((trigger_menu_panel, TRIGGER_PAGE_INDEX, 'Trig'))
- trigger_menu_box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
- trigger_menu_panel.SetSizer(trigger_menu_box)
- #trigger mode
- forms.drop_down(
- parent=trigger_menu_panel, sizer=trigger_menu_box,
- ps=parent, key=TRIGGER_MODE_KEY,
- choices=map(lambda x: x[1], TRIGGER_MODES),
- labels=map(lambda x: x[0], TRIGGER_MODES),
- label='Mode', width=WIDTH,
- )
- #trigger slope
- trigger_slope_chooser = forms.drop_down(
- parent=trigger_menu_panel, sizer=trigger_menu_box,
- ps=parent, key=TRIGGER_SLOPE_KEY,
- choices=map(lambda x: x[1], TRIGGER_SLOPES),
- labels=map(lambda x: x[0], TRIGGER_SLOPES),
- label='Slope', width=WIDTH,
- )
- #trigger channel
- trigger_channel_chooser = forms.drop_down(
- parent=trigger_menu_panel, sizer=trigger_menu_box,
- ps=parent, key=TRIGGER_CHANNEL_KEY,
- choices=map(lambda x: x[1], CHANNELS),
- labels=map(lambda x: x[0], CHANNELS),
- label='Channel', width=WIDTH,
- )
- #trigger level
- hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
- trigger_menu_box.Add(hbox, 0, wx.EXPAND)
- hbox.Add(wx.StaticText(trigger_menu_panel, label='Level:'), 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
- trigger_level_button = forms.single_button(
- parent=trigger_menu_panel, sizer=hbox, label='50%',
- callback=parent.set_auto_trigger_level, style=wx.BU_EXACTFIT,
- )
- hbox.AddSpacer(WIDTH-60)
- trigger_level_buttons = forms.incr_decr_buttons(
- parent=trigger_menu_panel, sizer=hbox,
- on_incr=self._on_incr_trigger_level, on_decr=self._on_decr_trigger_level,
- )
- def disable_all(trigger_mode):
- for widget in (trigger_slope_chooser, trigger_channel_chooser, trigger_level_buttons, trigger_level_button):
- widget.Disable(trigger_mode == wxgui.TRIG_MODE_FREE)
- parent.subscribe(TRIGGER_MODE_KEY, disable_all)
- disable_all(parent[TRIGGER_MODE_KEY])
- ##################################################
- # XY Menu Box
- ##################################################
- if parent.num_inputs > 1:
- xy_menu_panel = wx.Panel(options_notebook)
- options_notebook_args.append((xy_menu_panel, XY_PAGE_INDEX, 'XY'))
- xy_menu_box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
- xy_menu_panel.SetSizer(xy_menu_box)
- #x and y channel choosers
- xy_menu_box.AddStretchSpacer()
- forms.drop_down(
- parent=xy_menu_panel, sizer=xy_menu_box,
- ps=parent, key=X_CHANNEL_KEY,
- choices=map(lambda x: x[1], CHANNELS),
- labels=map(lambda x: x[0], CHANNELS),
- label='Channel X', width=WIDTH,
- )
- xy_menu_box.AddStretchSpacer()
- forms.drop_down(
- parent=xy_menu_panel, sizer=xy_menu_box,
- ps=parent, key=Y_CHANNEL_KEY,
- choices=map(lambda x: x[1], CHANNELS),
- labels=map(lambda x: x[0], CHANNELS),
- label='Channel Y', width=WIDTH,
- )
- #marker
- xy_menu_box.AddStretchSpacer()
- forms.drop_down(
- parent=xy_menu_panel, sizer=xy_menu_box,
- ps=parent, key=XY_MARKER_KEY,
- choices=map(lambda x: x[1], MARKER_TYPES),
- labels=map(lambda x: x[0], MARKER_TYPES),
- label='Marker', width=WIDTH,
- )
- xy_menu_box.AddStretchSpacer()
- ##################################################
- # Setup Options Notebook
- ##################################################
- forms.notebook(
- parent=self, sizer=chan_options_box,
- notebook=options_notebook,
- ps=parent, key=CHANNEL_OPTIONS_KEY,
- pages=map(lambda x: x[0], options_notebook_args),
- choices=map(lambda x: x[1], options_notebook_args),
- labels=map(lambda x: x[2], options_notebook_args),
- )
- #gui handling for channel options changing
- def options_notebook_changed(chan_opt):
- try:
- parent[XY_MODE_KEY] = chan_opt == XY_PAGE_INDEX
- except wx.PyDeadObjectError: pass
- parent.subscribe(CHANNEL_OPTIONS_KEY, options_notebook_changed)
- #gui handling for xy mode changing
- def xy_mode_changed(mode):
- #ensure xy tab is selected
- if mode and parent[CHANNEL_OPTIONS_KEY] != XY_PAGE_INDEX:
- #ensure xy tab is not selected
- elif not mode and parent[CHANNEL_OPTIONS_KEY] == XY_PAGE_INDEX:
- #show/hide control buttons
- scope_mode_box.ShowItems(not mode)
- xy_mode_box.ShowItems(mode)
- control_box.Layout()
- parent.subscribe(XY_MODE_KEY, xy_mode_changed)
- xy_mode_changed(parent[XY_MODE_KEY])
- ##################################################
- # Run/Stop Button
- ##################################################
- #run/stop
- control_box.AddStretchSpacer()
- forms.toggle_button(
- sizer=control_box, parent=self,
- true_label='Stop', false_label='Run',
- ps=parent, key=RUNNING_KEY,
- )
- #set sizer
- self.SetSizerAndFit(control_box)
- #mouse wheel event
- def on_mouse_wheel(event):
- if not parent[XY_MODE_KEY]:
- if event.GetWheelRotation() < 0: self._on_incr_t_divs(event)
- else: self._on_decr_t_divs(event)
- parent.plotter.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSEWHEEL, on_mouse_wheel)
- ##################################################
- # Event handlers
- ##################################################
- #trigger level
- def _on_incr_trigger_level(self, event):
- self.parent[TRIGGER_LEVEL_KEY] += self.parent[Y_PER_DIV_KEY]/3.
- def _on_decr_trigger_level(self, event):
- self.parent[TRIGGER_LEVEL_KEY] -= self.parent[Y_PER_DIV_KEY]/3.
- #incr/decr divs
- def _on_incr_t_divs(self, event):
- self.parent[T_PER_DIV_KEY] = common.get_clean_incr(self.parent[T_PER_DIV_KEY])
- def _on_decr_t_divs(self, event):
- self.parent[T_PER_DIV_KEY] = common.get_clean_decr(self.parent[T_PER_DIV_KEY])
- def _on_incr_x_divs(self, event):
- self.parent[X_PER_DIV_KEY] = common.get_clean_incr(self.parent[X_PER_DIV_KEY])
- def _on_decr_x_divs(self, event):
- self.parent[X_PER_DIV_KEY] = common.get_clean_decr(self.parent[X_PER_DIV_KEY])
- def _on_incr_y_divs(self, event):
- self.parent[Y_PER_DIV_KEY] = common.get_clean_incr(self.parent[Y_PER_DIV_KEY])
- def _on_decr_y_divs(self, event):
- self.parent[Y_PER_DIV_KEY] = common.get_clean_decr(self.parent[Y_PER_DIV_KEY])
- #incr/decr offset
- def _on_incr_x_off(self, event):
- self.parent[X_OFF_KEY] = self.parent[X_OFF_KEY] + self.parent[X_PER_DIV_KEY]
- def _on_decr_x_off(self, event):
- self.parent[X_OFF_KEY] = self.parent[X_OFF_KEY] - self.parent[X_PER_DIV_KEY]
- def _on_incr_y_off(self, event):
- self.parent[Y_OFF_KEY] = self.parent[Y_OFF_KEY] + self.parent[Y_PER_DIV_KEY]
- def _on_decr_y_off(self, event):
- self.parent[Y_OFF_KEY] = self.parent[Y_OFF_KEY] - self.parent[Y_PER_DIV_KEY]
- ##################################################
- # subscriber handlers
- ##################################################
- def _update_layout(self,key):
- # Just ignore the key value we get
- # we only need to now that the visability or size of something has changed
- self.parent.Layout()
- #self.parent.Fit()
-# Scope window with plotter and control panel
-class scope_window(wx.Panel, pubsub.pubsub):
- def __init__(
- self,
- parent,
- controller,
- size,
- title,
- frame_rate,
- num_inputs,
- sample_rate_key,
- t_scale,
- v_scale,
- v_offset,
- xy_mode,
- ac_couple_key,
- trigger_level_key,
- trigger_mode_key,
- trigger_slope_key,
- trigger_channel_key,
- decimation_key,
- msg_key,
- use_persistence,
- persist_alpha,
- trig_mode,
- y_axis_label,
- ):
- pubsub.pubsub.__init__(self)
- #check num inputs
- assert num_inputs <= len(CHANNEL_COLOR_SPECS)
- #setup
- self.sampleses = None
- self.num_inputs = num_inputs
- autorange = not v_scale
- self.autorange_ts = 0
- v_scale = v_scale or 1
- self.frame_rate_ts = 0
- #proxy the keys
- self.proxy(MSG_KEY, controller, msg_key)
- self.proxy(SAMPLE_RATE_KEY, controller, sample_rate_key)
- self.proxy(TRIGGER_LEVEL_KEY, controller, trigger_level_key)
- self.proxy(TRIGGER_MODE_KEY, controller, trigger_mode_key)
- self.proxy(TRIGGER_SLOPE_KEY, controller, trigger_slope_key)
- self.proxy(TRIGGER_CHANNEL_KEY, controller, trigger_channel_key)
- self.proxy(DECIMATION_KEY, controller, decimation_key)
- #initialize values
- self[RUNNING_KEY] = True
- self[XY_MARKER_KEY] = 2.0
- self[XY_MODE_KEY] = xy_mode
- self[X_CHANNEL_KEY] = 0
- self[Y_CHANNEL_KEY] = self.num_inputs-1
- self[AUTORANGE_KEY] = autorange
- self[T_PER_DIV_KEY] = t_scale
- self[X_PER_DIV_KEY] = v_scale
- self[Y_PER_DIV_KEY] = v_scale
- self[T_OFF_KEY] = 0
- self[X_OFF_KEY] = v_offset
- self[Y_OFF_KEY] = v_offset
- self[T_DIVS_KEY] = 8
- self[X_DIVS_KEY] = 8
- self[Y_DIVS_KEY] = 8
- self[Y_AXIS_LABEL] = y_axis_label
- self[FRAME_RATE_KEY] = frame_rate
- self[TRIGGER_MODE_KEY] = trig_mode
- self[T_FRAC_OFF_KEY] = 0.5
- self[USE_PERSISTENCE_KEY] = use_persistence
- self[PERSIST_ALPHA_KEY] = persist_alpha
- self[T_FRAC_OFF_KEY] = 0.0
- for i in range(num_inputs):
- self.proxy(common.index_key(AC_COUPLE_KEY, i), controller, common.index_key(ac_couple_key, i))
- #init panel and plot
- wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER)
- self.plotter = plotter.channel_plotter(self)
- self.plotter.SetSize(wx.Size(*size))
- self.plotter.SetSizeHints(*size)
- self.plotter.set_title(title)
- self.plotter.enable_legend(True)
- self.plotter.enable_point_label(True)
- self.plotter.enable_grid_lines(True)
- self.plotter.set_use_persistence(use_persistence)
- self.plotter.set_persist_alpha(persist_alpha)
- #setup the box with plot and controls
- self.control_panel = control_panel(self)
- main_box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
- main_box.Add(self.plotter, 1, wx.EXPAND)
- main_box.Add(self.control_panel, 0, wx.EXPAND)
- self.SetSizerAndFit(main_box)
- #register events for message
- self.subscribe(MSG_KEY, self.handle_msg)
- #register events for grid
- for key in [common.index_key(MARKER_KEY, i) for i in range(self.num_inputs)] + [
- ]: self.subscribe(key, self.update_grid)
- #register events for plotter settings
- self.subscribe(USE_PERSISTENCE_KEY, self.plotter.set_use_persistence)
- self.subscribe(PERSIST_ALPHA_KEY, self.plotter.set_persist_alpha)
- #initial update
- self.update_grid()
- def handle_msg(self, msg):
- """
- Handle the message from the scope sink message queue.
- Plot the list of arrays of samples onto the grid.
- Each samples array gets its own channel.
- Args:
- msg: the time domain data as a character array
- """
- if not self[RUNNING_KEY]: return
- #check time elapsed
- if time.time() - self.frame_rate_ts < 1.0/self[FRAME_RATE_KEY]: return
- #convert to floating point numbers
- samples = numpy.fromstring(msg, numpy.float32)
- #extract the trigger offset
- self.trigger_offset = samples[-1]
- samples = samples[:-1]
- samps_per_ch = len(samples)/self.num_inputs
- self.sampleses = [samples[samps_per_ch*i:samps_per_ch*(i+1)] for i in range(self.num_inputs)]
- #handle samples
- self.handle_samples()
- self.frame_rate_ts = time.time()
- def set_auto_trigger_level(self, *args):
- """
- Use the current trigger channel and samples to calculate the 50% level.
- """
- if not self.sampleses: return
- samples = self.sampleses[self[TRIGGER_CHANNEL_KEY]]
- self[TRIGGER_LEVEL_KEY] = (numpy.max(samples)+numpy.min(samples))/2
- def handle_samples(self):
- """
- Handle the cached samples from the scope input.
- Perform ac coupling, triggering, and auto ranging.
- """
- if not self.sampleses: return
- sampleses = self.sampleses
- if self[XY_MODE_KEY]:
- self[DECIMATION_KEY] = 1
- x_samples = sampleses[self[X_CHANNEL_KEY]]
- y_samples = sampleses[self[Y_CHANNEL_KEY]]
- #autorange
- if self[AUTORANGE_KEY] and time.time() - self.autorange_ts > AUTORANGE_UPDATE_RATE:
- x_min, x_max = common.get_min_max(x_samples)
- y_min, y_max = common.get_min_max(y_samples)
- #adjust the x per div
- x_per_div = common.get_clean_num((x_max-x_min)/self[X_DIVS_KEY])
- if x_per_div != self[X_PER_DIV_KEY]: self[X_PER_DIV_KEY] = x_per_div; return
- #adjust the x offset
- x_off = x_per_div*round((x_max+x_min)/2/x_per_div)
- if x_off != self[X_OFF_KEY]: self[X_OFF_KEY] = x_off; return
- #adjust the y per div
- y_per_div = common.get_clean_num((y_max-y_min)/self[Y_DIVS_KEY])
- if y_per_div != self[Y_PER_DIV_KEY]: self[Y_PER_DIV_KEY] = y_per_div; return
- #adjust the y offset
- y_off = y_per_div*round((y_max+y_min)/2/y_per_div)
- if y_off != self[Y_OFF_KEY]: self[Y_OFF_KEY] = y_off; return
- self.autorange_ts = time.time()
- #plot xy channel
- self.plotter.set_waveform(
- channel='XY',
- samples=(x_samples, y_samples),
- color_spec=CHANNEL_COLOR_SPECS[0],
- marker=self[XY_MARKER_KEY],
- )
- #turn off each waveform
- for i, samples in enumerate(sampleses):
- self.plotter.clear_waveform(channel='Ch%d'%(i+1))
- else:
- #autorange
- if self[AUTORANGE_KEY] and time.time() - self.autorange_ts > AUTORANGE_UPDATE_RATE:
- bounds = [common.get_min_max(samples) for samples in sampleses]
- y_min = numpy.min([bound[0] for bound in bounds])
- y_max = numpy.max([bound[1] for bound in bounds])
- #adjust the y per div
- y_per_div = common.get_clean_num((y_max-y_min)/self[Y_DIVS_KEY])
- if y_per_div != self[Y_PER_DIV_KEY]: self[Y_PER_DIV_KEY] = y_per_div; return
- #adjust the y offset
- y_off = y_per_div*round((y_max+y_min)/2/y_per_div)
- if y_off != self[Y_OFF_KEY]: self[Y_OFF_KEY] = y_off; return
- self.autorange_ts = time.time()
- #number of samples to scale to the screen
- actual_rate = self.get_actual_rate()
- time_span = self[T_PER_DIV_KEY]*self[T_DIVS_KEY]
- num_samps = int(round(time_span*actual_rate))
- #handle the time offset
- t_off = self[T_FRAC_OFF_KEY]*(len(sampleses[0])/actual_rate - time_span)
- if t_off != self[T_OFF_KEY]: self[T_OFF_KEY] = t_off; return
- samps_off = int(round(actual_rate*self[T_OFF_KEY]))
- #adjust the decim so that we use about half the samps
- self[DECIMATION_KEY] = int(round(
- time_span*self[SAMPLE_RATE_KEY]/(0.5*len(sampleses[0]))
- )
- )
- #num samps too small, auto increment the time
- if num_samps < 2: self[T_PER_DIV_KEY] = common.get_clean_incr(self[T_PER_DIV_KEY])
- #num samps in bounds, plot each waveform
- elif num_samps <= len(sampleses[0]):
- for i, samples in enumerate(sampleses):
- #plot samples
- self.plotter.set_waveform(
- channel='Ch%d'%(i+1),
- samples=samples[samps_off:num_samps+samps_off],
- color_spec=CHANNEL_COLOR_SPECS[i],
- marker=self[common.index_key(MARKER_KEY, i)],
- trig_off=self.trigger_offset,
- )
- #turn XY channel off
- self.plotter.clear_waveform(channel='XY')
- #keep trigger level within range
- if self[TRIGGER_LEVEL_KEY] > self.get_y_max():
- self[TRIGGER_LEVEL_KEY] = self.get_y_max(); return
- if self[TRIGGER_LEVEL_KEY] < self.get_y_min():
- self[TRIGGER_LEVEL_KEY] = self.get_y_min(); return
- #disable the trigger channel
- if not self[TRIGGER_SHOW_KEY] or self[XY_MODE_KEY] or self[TRIGGER_MODE_KEY] == wxgui.TRIG_MODE_FREE:
- self.plotter.clear_waveform(channel='Trig')
- else: #show trigger channel
- trigger_level = self[TRIGGER_LEVEL_KEY]
- trigger_point = (len(self.sampleses[0])-1)/self.get_actual_rate()/2.0
- self.plotter.set_waveform(
- channel='Trig',
- samples=(
- [self.get_t_min(), trigger_point, trigger_point, trigger_point, trigger_point, self.get_t_max()],
- [trigger_level, trigger_level, self.get_y_max(), self.get_y_min(), trigger_level, trigger_level]
- ),
- color_spec=TRIGGER_COLOR_SPEC,
- )
- #update the plotter
- self.plotter.update()
- def get_actual_rate(self): return 1.0*self[SAMPLE_RATE_KEY]/self[DECIMATION_KEY]
- def get_t_min(self): return self[T_OFF_KEY]
- def get_t_max(self): return self[T_PER_DIV_KEY]*self[T_DIVS_KEY] + self[T_OFF_KEY]
- def get_x_min(self): return -1*self[X_PER_DIV_KEY]*self[X_DIVS_KEY]/2.0 + self[X_OFF_KEY]
- def get_x_max(self): return self[X_PER_DIV_KEY]*self[X_DIVS_KEY]/2.0 + self[X_OFF_KEY]
- def get_y_min(self): return -1*self[Y_PER_DIV_KEY]*self[Y_DIVS_KEY]/2.0 + self[Y_OFF_KEY]
- def get_y_max(self): return self[Y_PER_DIV_KEY]*self[Y_DIVS_KEY]/2.0 + self[Y_OFF_KEY]
- def update_grid(self, *args):
- """
- Update the grid to reflect the current settings:
- xy divisions, xy offset, xy mode setting
- """
- if self[T_FRAC_OFF_KEY] < 0: self[T_FRAC_OFF_KEY] = 0; return
- if self[T_FRAC_OFF_KEY] > 1: self[T_FRAC_OFF_KEY] = 1; return
- if self[XY_MODE_KEY]:
- #update the x axis
- self.plotter.set_x_label('Ch%d'%(self[X_CHANNEL_KEY]+1))
- self.plotter.set_x_grid(self.get_x_min(), self.get_x_max(), self[X_PER_DIV_KEY])
- #update the y axis
- self.plotter.set_y_label('Ch%d'%(self[Y_CHANNEL_KEY]+1))
- self.plotter.set_y_grid(self.get_y_min(), self.get_y_max(), self[Y_PER_DIV_KEY])
- else:
- #update the t axis
- self.plotter.set_x_label('Time', 's')
- self.plotter.set_x_grid(self.get_t_min(), self.get_t_max(), self[T_PER_DIV_KEY], True)
- #update the y axis
- self.plotter.set_y_label(self[Y_AXIS_LABEL])
- self.plotter.set_y_grid(self.get_y_min(), self.get_y_max(), self[Y_PER_DIV_KEY])
- #redraw current sample
- self.handle_samples()