path: root/gr-uhd/apps/hf_explorer/hfx_help
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- HF Explorer Help
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Command Line Switches:
- -c DDC center frequency, set band.
- -c 7.2e6 or -c 7.2M for 40 meter ham band.
- Default is 3.9e6 80 meter ham band.
- Example:
- -c 9500k
- starts up in the 31 meter band.
- -a Audio output file. Output file for 32kHz two channel
- signed word audio. Two channels are used for
- independent sideband. This file can be converted
- to a wav file with sox. Example:
- sox -c 2 -r 3200 file.sw file.wav
- sox needs the .sw extension to indicate file type.
- If not specified no audio file is created.
- -r Radio output file. File to write RF data to for later
- demodulation. Records the entire band to disk, width
- determined by sample rate/decimation. Be sure to
- note the decimation and center freq for later use!
- Example:
- -c 900e3 -d 80 -r rf_data_AM-c900e3-d80
- writes a pre-demod rf file centered on 900kHz with a
- bandwidth of 800kHz (That's 80 AM stations!). The
- center and decimation could be put in the filename for
- proper use later.
- If not specified no rf data file is created.
- At default 250 decimation disk usage is about
- 8Gb / hour.
- -i Radio input file. Use to play back a previously
- recorded rf data file. Example:
- -c 900e3 -d 80 -i rf_data_AM-c900e3-d80
- plays back the previously recorded band, no
- usrp hardware needed. Tune about the 800kHz wide band.
- When playing a recorded file, time controls
- fast-forward and rewind are available.
- -d Decimation. Sets sample rate and bandwidth.
- This is the factor that the usrp sample rate, 64e6,
- is divided by. Default is 250 for 256kHz bandwidth
- which is enough to record a ham band without
- eating up disk space too fast. The 64e6 sample
- rate limits the upper practical frequency to 32MHz.
- The Basic RX transformer limits the lower frequency
- to about 200kHz.
- Powermate Knob:
- A Powermate knob is recommended but not necessary. If a knob
- is used, it is in one of 3 or 4 modes controlling frequency,
- volume, filter and (if playing a recorded file) time.
- Pushing the knob switches mode and the buttons on the HFX panel
- change to show which mode is in effect. Then just turn the knob
- to set frequency, volume, filter or go fast forward or rewind.
- Bandswitch:
- Across the top are a set of predefined bands and buttons
- to rapidly switch to the center of that band. To change a band,
- type the frequency in Hz into the box under "Center Frequency",
- then press "Set" on the left, then the button you want to
- program. From then on (untill the program is exited) pushing
- that button takes you to that band. To make a band button
- permenant edit the script with whatever frequency you
- want assigned to what button.
- Frequency:
- There are 6 ways to set the frequency.
- 1) Move the slider with the mouse
- 2) Use the Spin Control up/down arrows (very fine 1Hz control)
- 3) Type the frequency in Hz into the Spin Control
- 4) Turn the Powermate knob
- 5) Web control.
- 6) Clicking on the FFT display to set demod center. This is very
- convenient for tuning +-15kHz when you see a signal on the
- display. If in Lower Sideband, clicking just to the right of
- a signal will tune to it immediately. Clicking several times
- on the far right right or left of the display will rapidly
- tune up or down the band.
- Volume:
- Move the volume slider with the mouse, or push the Powermate knob
- untill the volume button is active, or click on the volume button,
- then turn the knob. Volume can also be set by web control if web
- control is setup and enabled.
- Filter:
- Similar to volume, switches in any of 30 audio filters from 600
- to 3600Hz in Sideband or up to 5kHz in AM.
- Mode:
- Demodulation modes are chosen by clicking on the buttons for
- Lower Sideband, Upper Sideband, or AM.
- PGA:
- PGA slider sets the rf gain in the Analog-to-Digital converter
- before digitizing. 0 to 20db gain easily shows up on the FFT
- display.
- Time:
- When playing back a recorded RF data file, you can enjoy the
- freedom of rewinding or fast-forwarding. Replay a weak signal
- or skip through annoying AM commercials.
- Antennas and Preamps:
- The USRP Basic RX board is not sensitive enough for anything but
- the strongest signals. In my experience about 40 db of small
- signal gain is required to make the HFX as sensitive as other
- receivers. Some working amplifiers are the Ramsey PR-2 with 20db
- gain, fairly low noise and more bandwidth than we can use here.
- Also the amp modules from Advanced Receiver Research are nice.
- I use an ARR 7-7.4MHz GaAsFET 29db amp with .5db noise at the
- apex of a 40 meter dipole with excellent results. Another
- amp I like is a Minicircuits ZHL-32A 29db amp but they are
- expensive and hard to find. Also it may help to use some filters
- to keep strong local signals from the ADC, or limit rf input
- to the band of interest, etc.
- Resonant outdoor antennas, like a dipole, in a low-noise (away
- from consumer electronics) environment are nice. Long random wires
- with a tuner work. I like a small indoor tuned loop made from 10ft
- of 1/4" copper tube, a 365pf tuning cap and a pickup loop connected
- to rg-58.
- Web Control:
- To control your radio remotely, ensure you have a web server
- (Apache, etc) working and a compatible directory structure in
- place. Directories /var/www/cgi-bin/commands and
- /var/www/cgi-bin/state must already exist. You will need a
- home page with forms and a set of scripts to put commands in
- and put the current state on the home page. email me for further
- help. Setting WEB_CONTROL to True in turns on the timers
- that check for commands and update the state.
- IF Output:
- There is a provision for outputting un-demodulated complex
- through the audio out in stereo for use with Digital Radio
- Mondial (DRM) or using a seperate demodulation program like
- SDRadio (by I2PHD).
- Set IF_OUTPUT to True in
- --Good luck and happy LW/MW/SW Exploring.
- Chuck