path: root/gr-trellis/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gr-trellis/src')
9 files changed, 624 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/gr-trellis/src/examples/ b/gr-trellis/src/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..1173d0734d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-trellis/src/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from gnuradio import gr
+from gnuradio import trellis
+from gnuradio import eng_notation
+import math
+import sys
+import random
+import fsm_utils
+def run_test (fo,fi,interleaver,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,constellation,Es,N0,IT,seed):
+ tb = gr.top_block ()
+ # TX
+ src = gr.lfsr_32k_source_s()
+ src_head = gr.head (gr.sizeof_short,Kb/16) # packet size in shorts
+ s2fsmi = gr.packed_to_unpacked_ss(bitspersymbol,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # unpack shorts to symbols compatible with the outer FSM input cardinality
+ #src = gr.vector_source_s([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1],False)
+ enc = trellis.pccc_encoder_ss(fo,0,fi,0,interleaver,K)
+ code = gr.vector_sink_s()
+ mod = gr.chunks_to_symbols_sf(constellation,dimensionality)
+ add = gr.add_ff()
+ noise = gr.noise_source_f(gr.GR_GAUSSIAN,math.sqrt(N0/2),seed)
+ # RX
+ metrics_in = trellis.metrics_f(fi.O()*fo.O(),dimensionality,constellation,trellis.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN) # data preprocessing to generate metrics for innner SISO
+ scale = gr.multiply_const_ff(1.0/N0)
+ dec = trellis.pccc_decoder_s(fo,0,-1,fi,0,-1,interleaver,K,IT,trellis.TRELLIS_MIN_SUM)
+ fsmi2s = gr.unpacked_to_packed_ss(bitspersymbol,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # pack FSM input symbols to shorts
+ dst = gr.check_lfsr_32k_s()
+ tb.connect (src,src_head,s2fsmi,enc,mod)
+ #tb.connect (src,enc,mod)
+ #tb.connect(enc,code)
+ tb.connect (mod,(add,0))
+ tb.connect (noise,(add,1))
+ tb.connect (add,metrics_in,scale,dec,fsmi2s,dst)
+ #print
+ ntotal = dst.ntotal ()
+ nright = dst.nright ()
+ runlength = dst.runlength ()
+ return (ntotal,ntotal-nright)
+def main(args):
+ nargs = len (args)
+ if nargs == 5:
+ fname_out=args[0]
+ fname_in=args[1]
+ esn0_db=float(args[2]) # Es/No in dB
+ IT=int(args[3])
+ rep=int(args[4]) # number of times the experiment is run to collect enough errors
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write ('usage: fsm_name_1 fsm_fname_2 Es/No_db iterations repetitions\n')
+ sys.exit (1)
+ # system parameters
+ Kb=1024*16 # packet size in bits (make it multiple of 16 so it can be packed in a short)
+ fo=trellis.fsm(fname_out) # get the outer FSM specification from a file
+ fi=trellis.fsm(fname_in) # get the innner FSM specification from a file
+ bitspersymbol = int(round(math.log(fo.I())/math.log(2))) # bits per FSM input symbol
+ if fo.I() != fi.I():
+ sys.stderr.write ('Incompatible input cardinality between two FSMs.\n')
+ sys.exit (1)
+ K=Kb/bitspersymbol # packet size in trellis steps
+ interleaver=trellis.interleaver(K,666) # construct a random interleaver
+ #modulation = fsm_utils.psk8 # see for available predefined modulations
+ dimensionality = 4
+ constellation = [ 1, 0, 1, 0,\
+ 1, 0,-1, 0,\
+ 1, 0, 0, 1,\
+ 1, 0, 0,-1,\
+ -1, 0, 1, 0,\
+ -1, 0,-1, 0,\
+ -1, 0, 0, 1,\
+ -1, 0, 0,-1,\
+ 0, 1, 1, 0,\
+ 0, 1,-1, 0,\
+ 0, 1, 0, 1,\
+ 0, 1, 0,-1,\
+ 0,-1, 1, 0,\
+ 0,-1,-1, 0,\
+ 0,-1, 0, 1,\
+ 0,-1, 0,-1,] # equivalent to 2 QPSK symbols
+ if len(constellation)/dimensionality != fi.O()*fo.O():
+ sys.stderr.write ('Incompatible FSM output cardinality and modulation size.\n')
+ sys.exit (1)
+ # calculate average symbol energy
+ Es = 0
+ for i in range(len(constellation)):
+ Es = Es + constellation[i]**2
+ Es = Es / (len(constellation)/dimensionality)
+ N0=Es/pow(10.0,esn0_db/10.0); # calculate noise variance
+ tot_s=0 # total number of transmitted shorts
+ terr_s=0 # total number of shorts in error
+ terr_p=0 # total number of packets in error
+ for i in range(rep):
+ (s,e)=run_test(fo,fi,interleaver,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,constellation,Es,N0,IT,-long(666+i)) # run experiment with different seed to get different noise realizations
+ tot_s=tot_s+s
+ terr_s=terr_s+e
+ terr_p=terr_p+(terr_s!=0)
+ if ((i+1)%10==0): # display progress
+ print i+1,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
+ # estimate of the (short or bit) error rate
+ print rep,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main (sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/gr-trellis/src/lib/.gitignore b/gr-trellis/src/lib/.gitignore
index 8120aad94d..40e0ebd748 100644
--- a/gr-trellis/src/lib/.gitignore
+++ b/gr-trellis/src/lib/.gitignore
@@ -140,6 +140,15 @@
diff --git a/gr-trellis/src/lib/ b/gr-trellis/src/lib/
index 42ea17aca7..05cffb7b13 100644
--- a/gr-trellis/src/lib/
+++ b/gr-trellis/src/lib/
@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ core_generator = \ \
trellis_sccc_decoder_X.h.t \
trellis_sccc_decoder_X.i.t \
+ \
+ trellis_pccc_decoder_X.h.t \
+ trellis_pccc_decoder_X.i.t \ \
trellis_viterbi_X.h.t \
diff --git a/gr-trellis/src/lib/ b/gr-trellis/src/lib/
index b7037926e5..91ac8fbdf9 100644
--- a/gr-trellis/src/lib/
+++ b/gr-trellis/src/lib/
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
#include <cstring>
#include <stdexcept>
+//#include <cstdio>
+#include <iostream>
#include "core_algorithms.h"
#include "calc_metric.h"
@@ -976,93 +978,92 @@ void sccc_decoder(
const float *iprioro, T *data
-//allocate space for priori, and posti of inner FSM
-std::vector<float> ipriori(blocklength*FSMi.I(),0.0);
-std::vector<float> iposti(blocklength*FSMi.I());
-//allocate space for priori, prioro and posto of outer FSM
-std::vector<float> opriori(blocklength*FSMo.I(),0.0);
-std::vector<float> oprioro(blocklength*FSMo.O());
-std::vector<float> oposti(blocklength*FSMo.I());
-std::vector<float> oposto(blocklength*FSMo.O());
-for(int rep=0;rep<repetitions;rep++) {
- // run inner SISO
- siso_algorithm(FSMi.I(),FSMi.S(),FSMi.O(),
+ //allocate space for priori, and posti of inner FSM
+ std::vector<float> ipriori(blocklength*FSMi.I(),0.0);
+ std::vector<float> iposti(blocklength*FSMi.I());
+ //allocate space for priori, prioro and posto of outer FSM
+ std::vector<float> opriori(blocklength*FSMo.I(),0.0);
+ std::vector<float> oprioro(blocklength*FSMo.O());
+ std::vector<float> oposti(blocklength*FSMo.I());
+ std::vector<float> oposto(blocklength*FSMo.O());
+ for(int rep=0;rep<repetitions;rep++) {
+ // run inner SISO
+ siso_algorithm(FSMi.I(),FSMi.S(),FSMi.O(),
FSMi.NS(), FSMi.OS(), FSMi.PS(), FSMi.PI(),
true, false,
&(ipriori[0]), &(iprioro[0]), &(iposti[0])
- );
+ );
- //interleave soft info inner -> outer
- for(int k=0;k<blocklength;k++) {
- int ki = INTERLEAVER.DEINTER()[k];
- //for(int i=0;i<FSMi.I();i++) {
- //oprioro[k*FSMi.I()+i]=iposti[ki*FSMi.I()+i];
- //}
- memcpy(&(oprioro[k*FSMi.I()]),&(iposti[ki*FSMi.I()]),FSMi.I()*sizeof(float));
- }
+ //interleave soft info inner -> outer
+ for(int k=0;k<blocklength;k++) {
+ int ki = INTERLEAVER.DEINTER()[k];
+ //for(int i=0;i<FSMi.I();i++) {
+ //oprioro[k*FSMi.I()+i]=iposti[ki*FSMi.I()+i];
+ //}
+ memcpy(&(oprioro[k*FSMi.I()]),&(iposti[ki*FSMi.I()]),FSMi.I()*sizeof(float));
+ }
- // run outer SISO
+ // run outer SISO
- if(rep<repetitions-1) { // do not produce posti
- siso_algorithm(FSMo.I(),FSMo.S(),FSMo.O(),
+ if(rep<repetitions-1) { // do not produce posti
+ siso_algorithm(FSMo.I(),FSMo.S(),FSMo.O(),
FSMo.NS(), FSMo.OS(), FSMo.PS(), FSMo.PI(),
false, true,
&(opriori[0]), &(oprioro[0]), &(oposto[0])
- );
- //interleave soft info outer --> inner
- for(int k=0;k<blocklength;k++) {
- int ki = INTERLEAVER.DEINTER()[k];
- //for(int i=0;i<FSMi.I();i++) {
- //ipriori[ki*FSMi.I()+i]=oposto[k*FSMi.I()+i];
- //}
- memcpy(&(ipriori[ki*FSMi.I()]),&(oposto[k*FSMi.I()]),FSMi.I()*sizeof(float));
- }
- }
- else // produce posti but not posto
+ );
+ //interleave soft info outer --> inner
+ for(int k=0;k<blocklength;k++) {
+ int ki = INTERLEAVER.DEINTER()[k];
+ //for(int i=0;i<FSMi.I();i++) {
+ //ipriori[ki*FSMi.I()+i]=oposto[k*FSMi.I()+i];
+ //}
+ memcpy(&(ipriori[ki*FSMi.I()]),&(oposto[k*FSMi.I()]),FSMi.I()*sizeof(float));
+ }
+ }
+ else {// produce posti but not posto
- siso_algorithm(FSMo.I(),FSMo.S(),FSMo.O(),
+ siso_algorithm(FSMo.I(),FSMo.S(),FSMo.O(),
FSMo.NS(), FSMo.OS(), FSMo.PS(), FSMo.PI(),
true, false,
&(opriori[0]), &(oprioro[0]), &(oposti[0])
- );
+ );
- /*
- viterbi_algorithm(FSMo.I(),FSMo.S(),FSMo.O(),
+ /*
+ viterbi_algorithm(FSMo.I(),FSMo.S(),FSMo.O(),
FSMo.NS(), FSMo.OS(), FSMo.PS(), FSMo.PI(),
&(oprioro[0]), data
- );
- */
+ );
+ */
+ }
+ } // end repetitions
-// generate hard decisions
-for(int k=0;k<blocklength;k++) {
- float min=INF;
- int mini=0;
- for(int i=0;i<FSMo.I();i++) {
- if(oposti[k*FSMo.I()+i]<min) {
- min=oposti[k*FSMo.I()+i];
- mini=i;
+ // generate hard decisions
+ for(int k=0;k<blocklength;k++) {
+ float min=INF;
+ int mini=0;
+ for(int i=0;i<FSMo.I();i++) {
+ if(oposti[k*FSMo.I()+i]<min) {
+ min=oposti[k*FSMo.I()+i];
+ mini=i;
+ }
+ data[k]=(T)mini;
- data[k]=(T)mini;
@@ -1097,3 +1098,142 @@ void sccc_decoder<int>(
const float *iprioro, int *data
+template<class T>
+void pccc_decoder(
+ const fsm &FSM1, int ST10, int ST1K,
+ const fsm &FSM2, int ST20, int ST2K,
+ const interleaver &INTERLEAVER, int blocklength, int repetitions,
+ float (*p2mymin)(float,float),
+ const float *cprioro, T *data
+ //allocate space for priori, prioro and posti of FSM1
+ std::vector<float> priori1(blocklength*FSM1.I(),0.0);
+ std::vector<float> prioro1(blocklength*FSM1.O());
+ std::vector<float> posti1(blocklength*FSM1.I());
+ //allocate space for priori, prioro and posti of FSM2
+ std::vector<float> priori2(blocklength*FSM2.I(),0.0);
+ std::vector<float> prioro2(blocklength*FSM2.O());
+ std::vector<float> posti2(blocklength*FSM2.I());
+ //generate prioro1,2 (metrics are not updated per iteration: this is not the best you can do...)
+ for (int k=0;k<blocklength;k++) {
+ //std::cout << k << std::endl;
+ for(int i=0;i<FSM1.O();i++) {
+ float x=cprioro[k*FSM1.O()*FSM2.O()+i*FSM1.O()+0];
+ for(int j=1;j<FSM2.O();j++)
+ x = (*p2mymin)(x,cprioro[k*FSM1.O()*FSM2.O()+i*FSM1.O()+j]);
+ prioro1[k*FSM1.O()+i]=x;
+ //std::cout << prioro1[k*FSM1.O()+i] << ", ";
+ }
+ //std::cout << std::endl;
+ for(int i=0;i<FSM2.O();i++) {
+ float x=cprioro[k*FSM1.O()*FSM2.O()+0*FSM1.O()+i];
+ for(int j=1;j<FSM1.O();j++)
+ x = (*p2mymin)(x,cprioro[k*FSM1.O()*FSM2.O()+j*FSM1.O()+i]);
+ prioro2[k*FSM2.O()+i]=x;
+ }
+ }
+ for(int rep=0;rep<repetitions;rep++) {
+ // run SISO 1
+ siso_algorithm(FSM1.I(),FSM1.S(),FSM1.O(),
+ FSM1.NS(), FSM1.OS(), FSM1.PS(), FSM1.PI(),
+ blocklength,
+ ST10,ST1K,
+ true, false,
+ p2mymin,
+ &(priori1[0]), &(prioro1[0]), &(posti1[0])
+ );
+ //for(int k=0;k<blocklength;k++){
+ //for(int i=0;i<FSM1.I();i++)
+ //std::cout << posti1[k*FSM1.I()+i] << ", ";
+ //std::cout << std::endl;
+ //}
+ //interleave soft info 1 -> 2
+ for(int k=0;k<blocklength;k++) {
+ int ki = INTERLEAVER.INTER()[k];
+ //for(int i=0;i<FSMi.I();i++) {
+ //oprioro[k*FSMi.I()+i]=iposti[ki*FSMi.I()+i];
+ //}
+ memcpy(&(priori2[k*FSM2.I()]),&(posti1[ki*FSM1.I()]),FSM1.I()*sizeof(float));
+ }
+ // run SISO 2
+ siso_algorithm(FSM2.I(),FSM2.S(),FSM2.O(),
+ FSM2.NS(), FSM2.OS(), FSM2.PS(), FSM2.PI(),
+ blocklength,
+ ST20,ST2K,
+ true, false,
+ p2mymin,
+ &(priori2[0]), &(prioro2[0]), &(posti2[0])
+ );
+ //interleave soft info 2 --> 1
+ for(int k=0;k<blocklength;k++) {
+ int ki = INTERLEAVER.INTER()[k];
+ //for(int i=0;i<FSMi.I();i++) {
+ //ipriori[ki*FSMi.I()+i]=oposto[k*FSMi.I()+i];
+ //}
+ memcpy(&(priori1[ki*FSM1.I()]),&(posti2[k*FSM2.I()]),FSM1.I()*sizeof(float));
+ }
+ } // end repetitions
+ // generate hard decisions
+ for(int k=0;k<blocklength;k++) {
+ for(int i=0;i<FSM1.I();i++)
+ posti1[k*FSM1.I()+i] = (*p2mymin)(priori1[k*FSM1.I()+i],posti1[k*FSM1.I()+i]);
+ float min=INF;
+ int mini=0;
+ for(int i=0;i<FSM1.I();i++) {
+ if(posti1[k*FSM1.I()+i]<min) {
+ min=posti1[k*FSM1.I()+i];
+ mini=i;
+ }
+ }
+ data[k]=(T)mini;
+ //std::cout << data[k] << ", "<< std::endl;
+ }
+ //std::cout << std::endl;
+void pccc_decoder<unsigned char>(
+ const fsm &FSM1, int ST10, int ST1K,
+ const fsm &FSM2, int ST20, int ST2K,
+ const interleaver &INTERLEAVER, int blocklength, int repetitions,
+ float (*p2mymin)(float,float),
+ const float *cprioro, unsigned char *data
+void pccc_decoder<short>(
+ const fsm &FSM1, int ST10, int ST1K,
+ const fsm &FSM2, int ST20, int ST2K,
+ const interleaver &INTERLEAVER, int blocklength, int repetitions,
+ float (*p2mymin)(float,float),
+ const float *cprioro, short *data
+void pccc_decoder<int>(
+ const fsm &FSM1, int ST10, int ST1K,
+ const fsm &FSM2, int ST20, int ST2K,
+ const interleaver &INTERLEAVER, int blocklength, int repetitions,
+ float (*p2mymin)(float,float),
+ const float *cprioro, int *data
diff --git a/gr-trellis/src/lib/core_algorithms.h b/gr-trellis/src/lib/core_algorithms.h
index e52a22b8e3..fdb5f398ec 100644
--- a/gr-trellis/src/lib/core_algorithms.h
+++ b/gr-trellis/src/lib/core_algorithms.h
@@ -114,6 +114,15 @@ void sccc_decoder(
+template<class T>
+void pccc_decoder(
+ const fsm &FSM1, int ST10, int ST1K,
+ const fsm &FSM2, int ST20, int ST2K,
+ const interleaver &INTERLEAVER, int blocklength, int repetitions,
+ float (*p2mymin)(float,float),
+ const float *cprioro, T *data
diff --git a/gr-trellis/src/lib/ b/gr-trellis/src/lib/
index 32cf54db7c..9f845f74a4 100644
--- a/gr-trellis/src/lib/
+++ b/gr-trellis/src/lib/
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ other_roots = [
+ 'trellis_pccc_decoder_X',
other_signatures = (
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ other_signatures = (
+ ['b','s','i'],
diff --git a/gr-trellis/src/lib/ b/gr-trellis/src/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34dd2eb878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-trellis/src/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2004,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <@NAME@.h>
+#include <gr_io_signature.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "core_algorithms.h"
+static const float INF = 1.0e9;
+trellis_make_@BASE_NAME@ (
+ const fsm &FSM1, int ST10, int ST1K,
+ const fsm &FSM2, int ST20, int ST2K,
+ const interleaver &INTERLEAVER,
+ int blocklength,
+ int repetitions,
+ trellis_siso_type_t SISO_TYPE
+ return gnuradio::get_initial_sptr (new @NAME@ (
+ FSM1, ST10, ST1K,
+ FSM2, ST20, ST2K,
+ blocklength,
+ repetitions,
+ ));
+@NAME@::@NAME@ (
+ const fsm &FSM1, int ST10, int ST1K,
+ const fsm &FSM2, int ST20, int ST2K,
+ const interleaver &INTERLEAVER,
+ int blocklength,
+ int repetitions,
+ trellis_siso_type_t SISO_TYPE
+ : gr_block ("@BASE_NAME@",
+ gr_make_io_signature (1, 1, sizeof (float)),
+ gr_make_io_signature (1, 1, sizeof (@O_TYPE@))),
+ d_FSM1 (FSM1), d_ST10 (ST10), d_ST1K (ST1K),
+ d_FSM2 (FSM2), d_ST20 (ST20), d_ST2K (ST2K),
+ d_blocklength (blocklength),
+ d_repetitions (repetitions),
+ assert(d_FSM1.I() == d_FSM2.I());
+ set_relative_rate (1.0 / ((double) d_FSM1.O() * d_FSM2.O()));
+ set_output_multiple (d_blocklength);
+@NAME@::forecast (int noutput_items, gr_vector_int &ninput_items_required)
+ assert (noutput_items % d_blocklength == 0);
+ int input_required = d_FSM1.O() * d_FSM2.O() * noutput_items ;
+ ninput_items_required[0] = input_required;
+@NAME@::general_work (int noutput_items,
+ gr_vector_int &ninput_items,
+ gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
+ gr_vector_void_star &output_items)
+ assert (noutput_items % d_blocklength == 0);
+ int nblocks = noutput_items / d_blocklength;
+ float (*p2min)(float, float) = NULL;
+ p2min = &min;
+ p2min = &min_star;
+ const float *in = (const float *) input_items[0];
+ @O_TYPE@ *out = (@O_TYPE@ *) output_items[0];
+ for (int n=0;n<nblocks;n++) {
+ pccc_decoder(
+ d_FSM1, d_ST10, d_ST1K,
+ d_FSM2, d_ST20, d_ST2K,
+ d_INTERLEAVER, d_blocklength, d_repetitions,
+ p2min,
+ &(in[n*d_blocklength*d_FSM1.O()*d_FSM2.O()]),&(out[n*d_blocklength])
+ );
+ }
+ consume_each (d_FSM1.O() * d_FSM2.O() * noutput_items );
+ return noutput_items;
diff --git a/gr-trellis/src/lib/trellis_pccc_decoder_X.h.t b/gr-trellis/src/lib/trellis_pccc_decoder_X.h.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff4b7a1f8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-trellis/src/lib/trellis_pccc_decoder_X.h.t
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef @GUARD_NAME@
+#define @GUARD_NAME@
+#include "fsm.h"
+#include "interleaver.h"
+#include <gr_block.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include "siso_type.h"
+class @NAME@;
+typedef boost::shared_ptr<@NAME@> @SPTR_NAME@;
+@SPTR_NAME@ trellis_make_@BASE_NAME@ (
+ const fsm &FSM1, int ST10, int ST1K,
+ const fsm &FSM2, int ST20, int ST2K,
+ const interleaver &INTERLEAVER,
+ int blocklength,
+ int repetitions,
+ trellis_siso_type_t SISO_TYPE // perform "min-sum" or "sum-product" combining
+ * \ingroup coding_blk
+ */
+class @NAME@ : public gr_block
+ fsm d_FSM1;
+ fsm d_FSM2;
+ int d_ST10;
+ int d_ST1K;
+ int d_ST20;
+ int d_ST2K;
+ interleaver d_INTERLEAVER;
+ int d_blocklength;
+ int d_repetitions;
+ trellis_siso_type_t d_SISO_TYPE;
+ std::vector<float> d_buffer;
+ friend @SPTR_NAME@ trellis_make_@BASE_NAME@ (
+ const fsm &FSM1, int ST10, int ST1K,
+ const fsm &FSM2, int ST20, int ST2K,
+ const interleaver &INTERLEAVER,
+ int blocklength,
+ int repetitions,
+ trellis_siso_type_t SISO_TYPE
+ );
+ @NAME@ (
+ const fsm &FSM1, int ST10, int ST1K,
+ const fsm &FSM2, int ST20, int ST2K,
+ const interleaver &INTERLEAVER,
+ int blocklength,
+ int repetitions,
+ trellis_siso_type_t SISO_TYPE
+ );
+ fsm FSM1 () const { return d_FSM1; }
+ fsm FSM2 () const { return d_FSM2; }
+ int ST10 () const { return d_ST10; }
+ int ST1K () const { return d_ST1K; }
+ int ST20 () const { return d_ST20; }
+ int ST2K () const { return d_ST2K; }
+ interleaver INTERLEAVER () const { return d_INTERLEAVER; }
+ int blocklength () const { return d_blocklength; }
+ int repetitions () const { return d_repetitions; }
+ trellis_siso_type_t SISO_TYPE () const { return d_SISO_TYPE; }
+ void forecast (int noutput_items,
+ gr_vector_int &ninput_items_required);
+ int general_work (int noutput_items,
+ gr_vector_int &ninput_items,
+ gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
+ gr_vector_void_star &output_items);
diff --git a/gr-trellis/src/lib/trellis_pccc_decoder_X.i.t b/gr-trellis/src/lib/trellis_pccc_decoder_X.i.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83d7fe969d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-trellis/src/lib/trellis_pccc_decoder_X.i.t
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+@SPTR_NAME@ trellis_make_@BASE_NAME@ (
+ const fsm &FSM1, int ST10, int ST1K,
+ const fsm &FSM2, int ST20, int ST2K,
+ const interleaver &INTERLEAVER,
+ int blocklength,
+ int repetitions,
+ trellis_siso_type_t SISO_TYPE
+class @NAME@ : public gr_block
+ @NAME@ (
+ const fsm &FSM1, int ST10, int ST1K,
+ const fsm &FSM2, int ST20, int ST2K,
+ const interleaver &INTERLEAVER,
+ int blocklength,
+ int repetitions,
+ trellis_siso_type_t SISO_TYPE
+ );
+ fsm FSM1 () const { return d_FSM1; }
+ fsm FSM2 () const { return d_FSM2; }
+ int ST10 () const { return d_ST10; }
+ int ST1K () const { return d_ST1K; }
+ int ST20 () const { return d_ST20; }
+ int ST2K () const { return d_ST2K; }
+ interleaver INTERLEAVER () const { return d_INTERLEAVER; }
+ int blocklength () const { return d_blocklength; }
+ int repetitions () const { return d_repetitions; }
+ trellis_siso_type_t SISO_TYPE () const { return d_SISO_TYPE; }