path: root/gr-trellis/grc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gr-trellis/grc')
27 files changed, 921 insertions, 1510 deletions
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/CMakeLists.txt b/gr-trellis/grc/CMakeLists.txt
index 9fbadd50d8..f727da92d4 100644
--- a/gr-trellis/grc/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gr-trellis/grc/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -18,18 +18,18 @@
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- trellis_encoder_xx.xml
- trellis_siso_combined_f.xml
- trellis_viterbi_x.xml
- trellis_metrics_x.xml
- trellis_siso_f.xml
- trellis_permutation.xml
- trellis_viterbi_combined_xx.xml
- trellis_sccc_encoder_xx.xml
- trellis_sccc_decoder_x.xml
- trellis_sccc_decoder_combined_xx.xml
- trellis_pccc_encoder_xx.xml
- trellis_pccc_decoder_x.xml
- trellis_pccc_decoder_combined_xx.xml
+ trellis_encoder_xx.block.yml
+ trellis_siso_combined_f.block.yml
+ trellis_viterbi_x.block.yml
+ trellis_metrics_x.block.yml
+ trellis_siso_f.block.yml
+ trellis_permutation.block.yml
+ trellis_viterbi_combined_xx.block.yml
+ trellis_sccc_encoder_xx.block.yml
+ trellis_sccc_decoder_x.block.yml
+ trellis_sccc_decoder_combined_xx.block.yml
+ trellis_pccc_encoder_xx.block.yml
+ trellis_pccc_decoder_x.block.yml
+ trellis_pccc_decoder_combined_xx.block.yml
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_encoder_xx.block.yml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_encoder_xx.block.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d437c16119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_encoder_xx.block.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+id: trellis_encoder_xx
+label: Trellis Encoder
+category: '[Core]/Trellis Coding'
+- id: type
+ label: Type
+ dtype: enum
+ options: [bb, bs, bi, ss, si, ii]
+ option_labels: [Byte->Byte, Byte->Short, Byte->Int, Short->Short, Short->Int,
+ Int->Int]
+ option_attributes:
+ input: [byte, byte, byte, short, short, int]
+ output: [byte, short, int, short, int, int]
+ hide: part
+- id: fsm_args
+ label: FSM Args
+ dtype: raw
+- id: init_state
+ label: Initial State
+ dtype: int
+ default: '0'
+- id: blockwise
+ label: Blockwise
+ dtype: enum
+ default: 'False'
+ options: ['True', 'False']
+ option_labels: ['On', 'Off']
+ hide: part
+- id: blocklength
+ label: Block length
+ dtype: int
+ default: '0'
+ hide: ${ ('none' if blockwise == 'True' else 'all') }
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: ${ type.input }
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: ${ type.output }
+- ${ (isinstance(eval(""" fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open(fsm_args).close()) or True }
+ imports: from gnuradio import trellis
+ make: ' trellis.encoder_${type}(trellis.fsm(${fsm_args}), ${init_state}, ${blocklength})
+ if ${blockwise} else trellis.encoder_${type}(trellis.fsm(${fsm_args}), ${init_state}) '
+ callbacks:
+ - set_FSM(trellis.fsm(${fsm_args}))
+ - set_ST(${init_state})
+ - set_K(${blocklength})
+documentation: |-
+ The fsm arguments are passed directly to the trellis.fsm() constructor.
+file_format: 1
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_encoder_xx.xml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_encoder_xx.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ab7d5226e9..0000000000
--- a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_encoder_xx.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-##Trellis Encoder
- -->
- <name>Trellis Encoder</name>
- <key>trellis_encoder_xx</key>
- <category>[Core]/Trellis Coding</category>
- <import>from gnuradio import trellis</import>
- <make> trellis.encoder_$(type)(trellis.fsm($fsm_args), $init_state, $blocklength) if $blockwise else trellis.encoder_$(type)(trellis.fsm($fsm_args), $init_state) </make>
- <callback>set_FSM(trellis.fsm($fsm_args))</callback>
- <callback>set_ST($init_state)</callback>
- <callback>set_K($blocklength)</callback>
- <param>
- <name>Type</name>
- <key>type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Byte->Byte</name>
- <key>bb</key>
- <opt>input:byte</opt>
- <opt>output:byte</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Byte->Short</name>
- <key>bs</key>
- <opt>input:byte</opt>
- <opt>output:short</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Byte->Int</name>
- <key>bi</key>
- <opt>input:byte</opt>
- <opt>output:int</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Short->Short</name>
- <key>ss</key>
- <opt>input:short</opt>
- <opt>output:short</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Short->Int</name>
- <key>si</key>
- <opt>input:short</opt>
- <opt>output:int</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Int->Int</name>
- <key>ii</key>
- <opt>input:int</opt>
- <opt>output:int</opt>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>FSM Args</name>
- <key>fsm_args</key>
- <type>raw</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Initial State</name>
- <key>init_state</key>
- <value>0</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Blockwise</name>
- <key>blockwise</key>
- <value>False</value>
- <type>enum</type>
- <hide>part</hide>
- <option>
- <name>On</name>
- <key>True</key>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Off</name>
- <key>False</key>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Block length</name>
- <key>blocklength</key>
- <value>0</value>
- <type>int</type>
- <hide>#if $blockwise() == 'True' then 'none' else 'all'#</hide>
- </param>
- <check>(isinstance(eval(""" $fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open($fsm_args).close()) or True</check>
- <sink>
- <name>in</name>
- <type>$type.input</type>
- </sink>
- <source>
- <name>out</name>
- <type>$type.output</type>
- </source>
- <doc>
-The fsm arguments are passed directly to the trellis.fsm() constructor.
- </doc>
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_metrics_x.block.yml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_metrics_x.block.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4559ea15c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_metrics_x.block.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+id: trellis_metrics_x
+label: Trellis Metrics
+category: '[Core]/Trellis Coding'
+- id: type
+ label: Type
+ dtype: enum
+ options: [c, f, i, s]
+ option_labels: [Complex, Float, Int, Short]
+ option_attributes:
+ io: [complex, float, int, short]
+ table: [complex_vector, real_vector, int_vector, int_vector]
+ hide: part
+- id: card
+ label: Output Cardinality
+ dtype: int
+- id: dim
+ label: Dimensionality
+ dtype: int
+- id: table
+ label: Constellation
+ dtype: ${ type.table }
+- id: metric_type
+ label: Metric Type
+ dtype: enum
+ option_labels: [Euclidean, Hard Symbol, Hard Bit]
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: ${ }
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: float
+ imports: from gnuradio import trellis, digital
+ make: trellis.metrics_${type}(${card}, ${dim}, ${table}, ${metric_type})
+ callbacks:
+ - set_O(${card})
+ - set_D(${dim})
+ - set_TYPE(${metric_type})
+ - set_TABLE(${table})
+documentation: |-
+ Generate metrics required for Viterbi or SISO algorithms.
+file_format: 1
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_metrics_x.xml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_metrics_x.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 15e7338098..0000000000
--- a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_metrics_x.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-##Trellis Metrics
- -->
- <name>Trellis Metrics</name>
- <key>trellis_metrics_x</key>
- <category>[Core]/Trellis Coding</category>
- <import>from gnuradio import trellis, digital</import>
- <make>trellis.metrics_$(type)($card, $dim, $table, $metric_type)</make>
- <callback>set_O($card)</callback>
- <callback>set_D($dim)</callback>
- <callback>set_TYPE($metric_type)</callback>
- <callback>set_TABLE($table)</callback>
- <param>
- <name>Type</name>
- <key>type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Complex</name>
- <key>c</key>
- <opt>io:complex</opt>
- <opt>table:complex_vector</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Float</name>
- <key>f</key>
- <opt>io:float</opt>
- <opt>table:real_vector</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Int</name>
- <key>i</key>
- <opt>io:int</opt>
- <opt>table:int_vector</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Short</name>
- <key>s</key>
- <opt>io:short</opt>
- <opt>table:int_vector</opt>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Output Cardinality</name>
- <key>card</key>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Dimensionality</name>
- <key>dim</key>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Constellation</name>
- <key>table</key>
- <type>$type.table</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Metric Type</name>
- <key>metric_type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Euclidean</name>
- <key>digital.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN</key>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Hard Symbol</name>
- <key>digital.TRELLIS_HARD_SYMBOL</key>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Hard Bit</name>
- <key>digital.TRELLIS_HARD_BIT</key>
- </option>
- </param>
- <sink>
- <name>in</name>
- <type>$</type>
- </sink>
- <source>
- <name>out</name>
- <type>float</type>
- </source>
- <doc>
-Generate metrics required for Viterbi or SISO algorithms.
- </doc>
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_pccc_decoder_combined_xx.block.yml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_pccc_decoder_combined_xx.block.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbfe1ec31d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_pccc_decoder_combined_xx.block.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+id: trellis_pccc_decoder_combined_xx
+label: PCCC Decoder Combo
+category: '[Core]/Trellis Coding'
+- id: type
+ label: Input Type
+ dtype: enum
+ options: [c, f]
+ option_labels: [Complex, Float]
+ option_attributes:
+ io: [complex, float]
+ table: [complex_vector, real_vector]
+ hide: part
+- id: out_type
+ label: Output Type
+ dtype: enum
+ options: [i, s, b]
+ option_labels: [Int, Short, Byte]
+ option_attributes:
+ io: [int, short, byte]
+ hide: part
+- id: o_fsm_args
+ label: FSM 1
+ dtype: raw
+- id: o_init_state
+ label: Initial State 1
+ dtype: int
+ default: '0'
+- id: o_final_state
+ label: Final State 1
+ dtype: int
+ default: '-1'
+- id: i_fsm_args
+ label: FSM 2
+ dtype: raw
+- id: i_init_state
+ label: Initial State 2
+ dtype: int
+ default: '0'
+- id: i_final_state
+ label: Final State 2
+ dtype: int
+ default: '-1'
+- id: interleaver
+ label: Interleaver
+ dtype: raw
+- id: block_size
+ label: Block Size
+ dtype: int
+- id: iterations
+ label: Iterations
+ dtype: int
+ default: '10'
+- id: dim
+ label: Dimensionality
+ dtype: int
+- id: table
+ label: Constellation
+ dtype: ${ type.table }
+- id: metric_type
+ label: Metric Type
+ dtype: enum
+ option_labels: [Euclidean, Hard Symbol, Hard Bit]
+- id: siso_type
+ label: SISO Type
+ dtype: enum
+ options: [trellis.TRELLIS_MIN_SUM, trellis.TRELLIS_SUM_PRODUCT]
+ option_labels: [Min Sum, Sum Product]
+- id: scaling
+ label: Scaling
+ dtype: real
+ default: '1.0'
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: ${ }
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: ${ }
+- ${ (isinstance(eval(""" o_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open(o_fsm_args).close()) or True }
+- ${ (isinstance(eval(""" i_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open(i_fsm_args).close()) or True }
+ imports: from gnuradio import trellis, digital
+ make: "trellis.pccc_decoder_combined_${type}${out_type}(\n trellis.fsm(${o_fsm_args}),\
+ \ ${o_init_state}, ${o_final_state},\n trellis.fsm(${i_fsm_args}), ${i_init_state},\
+ \ ${i_final_state},\n trellis.interleaver(${interleaver}),\n ${block_size},\n\
+ \ ${iterations},\n ${siso_type},\n ${dim}, ${table}, ${metric_type},\n\
+ \ ${scaling})\n "
+ callbacks:
+ - set_scaling(${scaling})
+documentation: |-
+ PCCC turbo Decoder combined with metric calculation.
+ The fsm arguments are passed directly to the trellis.fsm() constructor.
+file_format: 1
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_pccc_decoder_combined_xx.xml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_pccc_decoder_combined_xx.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bb38db893..0000000000
--- a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_pccc_decoder_combined_xx.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-## PCCC Decoder Combined
- -->
- <name>PCCC Decoder Combo</name>
- <key>trellis_pccc_decoder_combined_xx</key>
- <category>[Core]/Trellis Coding</category>
- <import>from gnuradio import trellis, digital</import>
- <make>trellis.pccc_decoder_combined_$(type)$(out_type)(
- trellis.fsm($o_fsm_args), $o_init_state, $o_final_state,
- trellis.fsm($i_fsm_args), $i_init_state, $i_final_state,
- trellis.interleaver($interleaver),
- $block_size,
- $iterations,
- $siso_type,
- $dim, $table, $metric_type,
- $scaling)
- </make>
- <callback>set_scaling($scaling)</callback>
- <param>
- <name>Input Type</name>
- <key>type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Complex</name>
- <key>c</key>
- <opt>io:complex</opt>
- <opt>table:complex_vector</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Float</name>
- <key>f</key>
- <opt>io:float</opt>
- <opt>table:real_vector</opt>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Output Type</name>
- <key>out_type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Int</name>
- <key>i</key>
- <opt>io:int</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Short</name>
- <key>s</key>
- <opt>io:short</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Byte</name>
- <key>b</key>
- <opt>io:byte</opt>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>FSM 1</name>
- <key>o_fsm_args</key>
- <type>raw</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Initial State 1</name>
- <key>o_init_state</key>
- <value>0</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Final State 1</name>
- <key>o_final_state</key>
- <value>-1</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>FSM 2</name>
- <key>i_fsm_args</key>
- <type>raw</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Initial State 2</name>
- <key>i_init_state</key>
- <value>0</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Final State 2</name>
- <key>i_final_state</key>
- <value>-1</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Interleaver</name>
- <key>interleaver</key>
- <type>raw</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Block Size</name>
- <key>block_size</key>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Iterations</name>
- <key>iterations</key>
- <value>10</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Dimensionality</name>
- <key>dim</key>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Constellation</name>
- <key>table</key>
- <type>$type.table</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Metric Type</name>
- <key>metric_type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Euclidean</name>
- <key>digital.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN</key>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Hard Symbol</name>
- <key>digital.TRELLIS_HARD_SYMBOL</key>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Hard Bit</name>
- <key>digital.TRELLIS_HARD_BIT</key>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>SISO Type</name>
- <key>siso_type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Min Sum</name>
- <key>trellis.TRELLIS_MIN_SUM</key>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Sum Product</name>
- <key>trellis.TRELLIS_SUM_PRODUCT</key>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Scaling</name>
- <key>scaling</key>
- <value>1.0</value>
- <type>real</type>
- </param>
- <check>(isinstance(eval(""" $o_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open($o_fsm_args).close()) or True</check>
- <check>(isinstance(eval(""" $i_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open($i_fsm_args).close()) or True </check>
- <sink>
- <name>in</name>
- <type>$</type>
- </sink>
- <source>
- <name>out</name>
- <type>$</type>
- </source>
- <doc>
-PCCC turbo Decoder combined with metric calculation.
-The fsm arguments are passed directly to the trellis.fsm() constructor.
- </doc>
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_pccc_decoder_x.block.yml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_pccc_decoder_x.block.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f49ec91a70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_pccc_decoder_x.block.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+id: trellis_pccc_decoder_x
+label: PCCC Decoder
+category: '[Core]/Trellis Coding'
+- id: out_type
+ label: Output Type
+ dtype: enum
+ options: [i, s, b]
+ option_labels: [Int, Short, Byte]
+ option_attributes:
+ io: [int, short, byte]
+ hide: part
+- id: o_fsm_args
+ label: FSM 1
+ dtype: raw
+- id: o_init_state
+ label: Initial State 1
+ dtype: int
+ default: '0'
+- id: o_final_state
+ label: Final State 1
+ dtype: int
+ default: '-1'
+- id: i_fsm_args
+ label: FSM 2
+ dtype: raw
+- id: i_init_state
+ label: Initial State 2
+ dtype: int
+ default: '0'
+- id: i_final_state
+ label: Final State 2
+ dtype: int
+ default: '-1'
+- id: interleaver
+ label: Interleaver
+ dtype: raw
+- id: block_size
+ label: Block Size
+ dtype: int
+- id: iterations
+ label: Iterations
+ dtype: int
+ default: '10'
+- id: siso_type
+ label: SISO Type
+ dtype: enum
+ options: [trellis.TRELLIS_MIN_SUM, trellis.TRELLIS_SUM_PRODUCT]
+ option_labels: [Min Sum, Sum Product]
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: float
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: ${ }
+- ${ (isinstance(eval(""" o_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open(o_fsm_args).close()) or True }
+- ${ (isinstance(eval(""" i_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open(i_fsm_args).close()) or True }
+ imports: from gnuradio import trellis
+ make: "trellis.pccc_decoder_${out_type}(\n trellis.fsm(${o_fsm_args}), ${o_init_state},\
+ \ ${o_final_state},\n trellis.fsm(${i_fsm_args}), ${i_init_state}, ${i_final_state},\n\
+ \ trellis.interleaver(${interleaver}),\n ${block_size},\n ${iterations},\n\
+ \ ${siso_type})\n "
+documentation: |-
+ PCCC turbo Decoder.
+ The fsm and interleaver arguments are passed directly to the trellis.fsm() and trellis.interleaver() constructors.
+file_format: 1
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_pccc_decoder_x.xml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_pccc_decoder_x.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 08d1f526af..0000000000
--- a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_pccc_decoder_x.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-## PCCC Decoder
- -->
- <name>PCCC Decoder</name>
- <key>trellis_pccc_decoder_x</key>
- <category>[Core]/Trellis Coding</category>
- <import>from gnuradio import trellis</import>
- <make>trellis.pccc_decoder_$(out_type)(
- trellis.fsm($o_fsm_args), $o_init_state, $o_final_state,
- trellis.fsm($i_fsm_args), $i_init_state, $i_final_state,
- trellis.interleaver($interleaver),
- $block_size,
- $iterations,
- $siso_type)
- </make>
- <param>
- <name>Output Type</name>
- <key>out_type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Int</name>
- <key>i</key>
- <opt>io:int</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Short</name>
- <key>s</key>
- <opt>io:short</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Byte</name>
- <key>b</key>
- <opt>io:byte</opt>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>FSM 1</name>
- <key>o_fsm_args</key>
- <type>raw</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Initial State 1</name>
- <key>o_init_state</key>
- <value>0</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Final State 1</name>
- <key>o_final_state</key>
- <value>-1</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>FSM 2</name>
- <key>i_fsm_args</key>
- <type>raw</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Initial State 2</name>
- <key>i_init_state</key>
- <value>0</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Final State 2</name>
- <key>i_final_state</key>
- <value>-1</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Interleaver</name>
- <key>interleaver</key>
- <type>raw</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Block Size</name>
- <key>block_size</key>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Iterations</name>
- <key>iterations</key>
- <value>10</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>SISO Type</name>
- <key>siso_type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Min Sum</name>
- <key>trellis.TRELLIS_MIN_SUM</key>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Sum Product</name>
- <key>trellis.TRELLIS_SUM_PRODUCT</key>
- </option>
- </param>
- <check>(isinstance(eval(""" $o_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open($o_fsm_args).close()) or True</check>
- <check>(isinstance(eval(""" $i_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open($i_fsm_args).close()) or True </check>
- <sink>
- <name>in</name>
- <type>float</type>
- </sink>
- <source>
- <name>out</name>
- <type>$</type>
- </source>
- <doc>
-PCCC turbo Decoder.
-The fsm and interleaver arguments are passed directly to the trellis.fsm() and trellis.interleaver() constructors.
- </doc>
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_pccc_encoder_xx.block.yml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_pccc_encoder_xx.block.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4bc2f10b3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_pccc_encoder_xx.block.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+id: trellis_pccc_encoder_xx
+label: PCCC Encoder
+category: '[Core]/Trellis Coding'
+- id: type
+ label: Type
+ dtype: enum
+ options: [bb, bs, bi, ss, si, ii]
+ option_labels: [Byte->Byte, Byte->Short, Byte->Int, Short->Short, Short->Int,
+ Int->Int]
+ option_attributes:
+ input: [byte, byte, byte, short, short, int]
+ output: [byte, short, int, short, int, int]
+ hide: part
+- id: o_fsm_args
+ label: FSM 1
+ dtype: raw
+- id: o_init_state
+ label: Initial State 1
+ dtype: int
+ default: '0'
+- id: i_fsm_args
+ label: FSM 2
+ dtype: raw
+- id: i_init_state
+ label: Initial State 2
+ dtype: int
+ default: '0'
+- id: interleaver_args
+ label: Interleaver
+ dtype: raw
+- id: bl
+ label: Blocklength
+ dtype: int
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: ${ type.input }
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: ${ type.output }
+- ${ (isinstance(eval(""" o_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open(o_fsm_args).close()) or True }
+- ${ (isinstance(eval(""" i_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open(i_fsm_args).close()) or True }
+ imports: from gnuradio import trellis
+ make: trellis.pccc_encoder_${type}(trellis.fsm(${o_fsm_args}), ${o_init_state},
+ trellis.fsm(${i_fsm_args}), ${i_init_state}, trellis.interleaver(${interleaver_args}),
+ ${bl})
+documentation: |-
+ The fsm and interleaver arguments are passed directly to the trellis.fsm() and trellis.interleaver() constructors.
+file_format: 1
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_pccc_encoder_xx.xml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_pccc_encoder_xx.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 85348e6e9b..0000000000
--- a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_pccc_encoder_xx.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-## PCCC Encoder
- -->
- <name>PCCC Encoder</name>
- <key>trellis_pccc_encoder_xx</key>
- <category>[Core]/Trellis Coding</category>
- <import>from gnuradio import trellis</import>
- <make>trellis.pccc_encoder_$(type)(trellis.fsm($o_fsm_args), $o_init_state, trellis.fsm($i_fsm_args), $i_init_state, trellis.interleaver($interleaver_args), $bl)</make>
- <param>
- <name>Type</name>
- <key>type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Byte->Byte</name>
- <key>bb</key>
- <opt>input:byte</opt>
- <opt>output:byte</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Byte->Short</name>
- <key>bs</key>
- <opt>input:byte</opt>
- <opt>output:short</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Byte->Int</name>
- <key>bi</key>
- <opt>input:byte</opt>
- <opt>output:int</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Short->Short</name>
- <key>ss</key>
- <opt>input:short</opt>
- <opt>output:short</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Short->Int</name>
- <key>si</key>
- <opt>input:short</opt>
- <opt>output:int</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Int->Int</name>
- <key>ii</key>
- <opt>input:int</opt>
- <opt>output:int</opt>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>FSM 1</name>
- <key>o_fsm_args</key>
- <type>raw</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Initial State 1</name>
- <key>o_init_state</key>
- <value>0</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>FSM 2</name>
- <key>i_fsm_args</key>
- <type>raw</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Initial State 2</name>
- <key>i_init_state</key>
- <value>0</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Interleaver</name>
- <key>interleaver_args</key>
- <type>raw</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Blocklength</name>
- <key>bl</key>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <check>(isinstance(eval(""" $o_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open($o_fsm_args).close()) or True</check>
- <check>(isinstance(eval(""" $i_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open($i_fsm_args).close()) or True </check>
- <sink>
- <name>in</name>
- <type>$type.input</type>
- </sink>
- <source>
- <name>out</name>
- <type>$type.output</type>
- </source>
- <doc>
-The fsm and interleaver arguments are passed directly to the trellis.fsm() and trellis.interleaver() constructors.
- </doc>
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_permutation.block.yml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_permutation.block.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2dba671448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_permutation.block.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+id: trellis_permutation
+label: Trellis Permutation
+category: '[Core]/Trellis Coding'
+- id: type
+ label: Type
+ dtype: enum
+ options: [complex, float, int, short, byte]
+ option_attributes:
+ size: [gr.sizeof_gr_complex, gr.sizeof_float, gr.sizeof_int, gr.sizeof_short,
+ gr.sizeof_char]
+ hide: part
+- id: interleaver_size
+ label: Interleaver Size
+ dtype: int
+- id: table
+ label: Table
+ dtype: int_vector
+- id: syms_per_block
+ label: Symbols per Block
+ dtype: int
+- id: vlen
+ label: Vec Length
+ dtype: int
+ default: '1'
+ hide: ${ 'part' if vlen == 1 else 'none' }
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: ${ type }
+ vlen: ${ vlen }
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: ${ type }
+ vlen: ${ vlen }
+- ${ vlen > 0 }
+ imports: from gnuradio import trellis
+ make: trellis.permutation(${interleaver_size}, ${table}, ${syms_per_block}, ${type.size}*${vlen})
+ callbacks:
+ - set_K(${interleaver_size})
+ - set_TABLE(${table})
+ - set_SYMS_PER_BLOCK(${syms_per_block})
+documentation: |-
+ Interleaver size is given in blocks.
+ One Symbol = (in/out type) * (vector length)
+file_format: 1
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_permutation.xml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_permutation.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 99eb2d291c..0000000000
--- a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_permutation.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-##Trellis Permutation
- -->
- <name>Trellis Permutation</name>
- <key>trellis_permutation</key>
- <category>[Core]/Trellis Coding</category>
- <import>from gnuradio import trellis</import>
- <make>trellis.permutation($interleaver_size, $table, $syms_per_block, $type.size*$vlen)</make>
- <callback>set_K($interleaver_size)</callback>
- <callback>set_TABLE($table)</callback>
- <callback>set_SYMS_PER_BLOCK($syms_per_block)</callback>
- <param>
- <name>Type</name>
- <key>type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Complex</name>
- <key>complex</key>
- <opt>size:gr.sizeof_gr_complex</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Float</name>
- <key>float</key>
- <opt>size:gr.sizeof_float</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Int</name>
- <key>int</key>
- <opt>size:gr.sizeof_int</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Short</name>
- <key>short</key>
- <opt>size:gr.sizeof_short</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Byte</name>
- <key>byte</key>
- <opt>size:gr.sizeof_char</opt>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Interleaver Size</name>
- <key>interleaver_size</key>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Table</name>
- <key>table</key>
- <type>int_vector</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Symbols per Block</name>
- <key>syms_per_block</key>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Vec Length</name>
- <key>vlen</key>
- <value>1</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <check>$vlen &gt; 0</check>
- <sink>
- <name>in</name>
- <type>$type</type>
- <vlen>$vlen</vlen>
- </sink>
- <source>
- <name>out</name>
- <type>$type</type>
- <vlen>$vlen</vlen>
- </source>
- <doc>
-Interleaver size is given in blocks.
-One Symbol = (in/out type) * (vector length)
- </doc>
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_sccc_decoder_combined_xx.block.yml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_sccc_decoder_combined_xx.block.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..441d9593b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_sccc_decoder_combined_xx.block.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+id: trellis_sccc_decoder_combined_xx
+label: SCCC Decoder Combo
+category: '[Core]/Trellis Coding'
+- id: type
+ label: Input Type
+ dtype: enum
+ options: [c, f]
+ option_labels: [Complex, Float]
+ option_attributes:
+ io: [complex, float]
+ table: [complex_vector, real_vector]
+ hide: part
+- id: out_type
+ label: Output Type
+ dtype: enum
+ options: [i, s, b]
+ option_labels: [Int, Short, Byte]
+ option_attributes:
+ io: [int, short, byte]
+ hide: part
+- id: o_fsm_args
+ label: Outer FSM
+ dtype: raw
+- id: o_init_state
+ label: Outer Initial State
+ dtype: int
+ default: '0'
+- id: o_final_state
+ label: Outer Final State
+ dtype: int
+ default: '-1'
+- id: i_fsm_args
+ label: Inner FSM
+ dtype: raw
+- id: i_init_state
+ label: Inner Initial State
+ dtype: int
+ default: '0'
+- id: i_final_state
+ label: Inner Final State
+ dtype: int
+ default: '-1'
+- id: interleaver
+ label: Interleaver
+ dtype: raw
+- id: block_size
+ label: Block Size
+ dtype: int
+- id: iterations
+ label: Iterations
+ dtype: int
+ default: '10'
+- id: dim
+ label: Dimensionality
+ dtype: int
+- id: table
+ label: Constellation
+ dtype: ${ type.table }
+- id: metric_type
+ label: Metric Type
+ dtype: enum
+ option_labels: [Euclidean, Hard Symbol, Hard Bit]
+- id: siso_type
+ label: SISO Type
+ dtype: enum
+ options: [trellis.TRELLIS_MIN_SUM, trellis.TRELLIS_SUM_PRODUCT]
+ option_labels: [Min Sum, Sum Product]
+- id: scaling
+ label: Scaling
+ dtype: real
+ default: '1.0'
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: ${ }
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: ${ }
+- ${ (isinstance(eval(""" o_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open(o_fsm_args).close()) or True }
+- ${ (isinstance(eval(""" i_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open(i_fsm_args).close()) or True }
+ imports: from gnuradio import trellis, digital
+ make: "trellis.sccc_decoder_combined_${type}${out_type}(\n trellis.fsm(${o_fsm_args}),\
+ \ ${o_init_state}, ${o_final_state},\n trellis.fsm(${i_fsm_args}), ${i_init_state},\
+ \ ${i_final_state},\n trellis.interleaver(${interleaver}),\n ${block_size},\n\
+ \ ${iterations},\n ${siso_type},\n ${dim}, ${table},\
+ \ ${metric_type},\n ${scaling})\n "
+ callbacks:
+ - set_scaling(${scaling})
+documentation: |-
+ SCCC turbo Decoder combined with metric calculation.
+ The fsm arguments are passed directly to the trellis.fsm() constructor.
+file_format: 1
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_sccc_decoder_combined_xx.xml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_sccc_decoder_combined_xx.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 79be0b8b5d..0000000000
--- a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_sccc_decoder_combined_xx.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-## SCCC Decoder Combined
- -->
- <name>SCCC Decoder Combo</name>
- <key>trellis_sccc_decoder_combined_xx</key>
- <category>[Core]/Trellis Coding</category>
- <import>from gnuradio import trellis, digital</import>
- <make>trellis.sccc_decoder_combined_$(type)$(out_type)(
- trellis.fsm($o_fsm_args), $o_init_state, $o_final_state,
- trellis.fsm($i_fsm_args), $i_init_state, $i_final_state,
- trellis.interleaver($interleaver),
- $block_size,
- $iterations,
- $siso_type,
- $dim, $table, $metric_type,
- $scaling)
- </make>
- <callback>set_scaling($scaling)</callback>
- <param>
- <name>Input Type</name>
- <key>type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Complex</name>
- <key>c</key>
- <opt>io:complex</opt>
- <opt>table:complex_vector</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Float</name>
- <key>f</key>
- <opt>io:float</opt>
- <opt>table:real_vector</opt>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Output Type</name>
- <key>out_type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Int</name>
- <key>i</key>
- <opt>io:int</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Short</name>
- <key>s</key>
- <opt>io:short</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Byte</name>
- <key>b</key>
- <opt>io:byte</opt>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Outer FSM</name>
- <key>o_fsm_args</key>
- <type>raw</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Outer Initial State</name>
- <key>o_init_state</key>
- <value>0</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Outer Final State</name>
- <key>o_final_state</key>
- <value>-1</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Inner FSM</name>
- <key>i_fsm_args</key>
- <type>raw</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Inner Initial State</name>
- <key>i_init_state</key>
- <value>0</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Inner Final State</name>
- <key>i_final_state</key>
- <value>-1</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Interleaver</name>
- <key>interleaver</key>
- <type>raw</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Block Size</name>
- <key>block_size</key>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Iterations</name>
- <key>iterations</key>
- <value>10</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Dimensionality</name>
- <key>dim</key>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Constellation</name>
- <key>table</key>
- <type>$type.table</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Metric Type</name>
- <key>metric_type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Euclidean</name>
- <key>digital.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN</key>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Hard Symbol</name>
- <key>digital.TRELLIS_HARD_SYMBOL</key>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Hard Bit</name>
- <key>digital.TRELLIS_HARD_BIT</key>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>SISO Type</name>
- <key>siso_type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Min Sum</name>
- <key>trellis.TRELLIS_MIN_SUM</key>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Sum Product</name>
- <key>trellis.TRELLIS_SUM_PRODUCT</key>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Scaling</name>
- <key>scaling</key>
- <value>1.0</value>
- <type>real</type>
- </param>
- <check>(isinstance(eval(""" $o_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open($o_fsm_args).close()) or True</check>
- <check>(isinstance(eval(""" $i_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open($i_fsm_args).close()) or True </check>
- <sink>
- <name>in</name>
- <type>$</type>
- </sink>
- <source>
- <name>out</name>
- <type>$</type>
- </source>
- <doc>
-SCCC turbo Decoder combined with metric calculation.
-The fsm arguments are passed directly to the trellis.fsm() constructor.
- </doc>
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_sccc_decoder_x.block.yml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_sccc_decoder_x.block.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..794115d48a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_sccc_decoder_x.block.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+id: trellis_sccc_decoder_x
+label: SCCC Decoder
+category: '[Core]/Trellis Coding'
+- id: out_type
+ label: Output Type
+ dtype: enum
+ options: [i, s, b]
+ option_labels: [Int, Short, Byte]
+ option_attributes:
+ io: [int, short, byte]
+ hide: part
+- id: o_fsm_args
+ label: Outer FSM
+ dtype: raw
+- id: o_init_state
+ label: Outer Initial State
+ dtype: int
+ default: '0'
+- id: o_final_state
+ label: Outer Final State
+ dtype: int
+ default: '-1'
+- id: i_fsm_args
+ label: Inner FSM
+ dtype: raw
+- id: i_init_state
+ label: Inner Initial State
+ dtype: int
+ default: '0'
+- id: i_final_state
+ label: Inner Final State
+ dtype: int
+ default: '-1'
+- id: interleaver
+ label: Interleaver
+ dtype: raw
+- id: block_size
+ label: Block Size
+ dtype: int
+- id: iterations
+ label: Iterations
+ dtype: int
+ default: '10'
+- id: siso_type
+ label: SISO Type
+ dtype: enum
+ options: [trellis.TRELLIS_MIN_SUM, trellis.TRELLIS_SUM_PRODUCT]
+ option_labels: [Min Sum, Sum Product]
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: float
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: ${ }
+- ${ (isinstance(eval(""" o_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open(o_fsm_args).close()) or True }
+- ${ (isinstance(eval(""" i_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open(i_fsm_args).close()) or True }
+ imports: from gnuradio import trellis
+ make: "trellis.sccc_decoder_${out_type}(\n trellis.fsm(${o_fsm_args}), ${o_init_state},\
+ \ ${o_final_state},\n trellis.fsm(${i_fsm_args}), ${i_init_state}, ${i_final_state},\n\
+ \ trellis.interleaver(${interleaver}),\n ${block_size},\n ${iterations},\n\
+ \ ${siso_type})\n "
+documentation: |-
+ SCCC turbo Decoder.
+ The fsm and interleaver arguments are passed directly to the trellis.fsm() and trellis.interleaver() constructors.
+file_format: 1
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_sccc_decoder_x.xml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_sccc_decoder_x.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 584ff0b0af..0000000000
--- a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_sccc_decoder_x.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-## SCCC Decoder
- -->
- <name>SCCC Decoder</name>
- <key>trellis_sccc_decoder_x</key>
- <category>[Core]/Trellis Coding</category>
- <import>from gnuradio import trellis</import>
- <make>trellis.sccc_decoder_$(out_type)(
- trellis.fsm($o_fsm_args), $o_init_state, $o_final_state,
- trellis.fsm($i_fsm_args), $i_init_state, $i_final_state,
- trellis.interleaver($interleaver),
- $block_size,
- $iterations,
- $siso_type)
- </make>
- <param>
- <name>Output Type</name>
- <key>out_type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Int</name>
- <key>i</key>
- <opt>io:int</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Short</name>
- <key>s</key>
- <opt>io:short</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Byte</name>
- <key>b</key>
- <opt>io:byte</opt>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Outer FSM</name>
- <key>o_fsm_args</key>
- <type>raw</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Outer Initial State</name>
- <key>o_init_state</key>
- <value>0</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Outer Final State</name>
- <key>o_final_state</key>
- <value>-1</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Inner FSM</name>
- <key>i_fsm_args</key>
- <type>raw</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Inner Initial State</name>
- <key>i_init_state</key>
- <value>0</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Inner Final State</name>
- <key>i_final_state</key>
- <value>-1</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Interleaver</name>
- <key>interleaver</key>
- <type>raw</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Block Size</name>
- <key>block_size</key>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Iterations</name>
- <key>iterations</key>
- <value>10</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>SISO Type</name>
- <key>siso_type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Min Sum</name>
- <key>trellis.TRELLIS_MIN_SUM</key>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Sum Product</name>
- <key>trellis.TRELLIS_SUM_PRODUCT</key>
- </option>
- </param>
- <check>(isinstance(eval(""" $o_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open($o_fsm_args).close()) or True</check>
- <check>(isinstance(eval(""" $i_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open($i_fsm_args).close()) or True </check>
- <sink>
- <name>in</name>
- <type>float</type>
- </sink>
- <source>
- <name>out</name>
- <type>$</type>
- </source>
- <doc>
-SCCC turbo Decoder.
-The fsm and interleaver arguments are passed directly to the trellis.fsm() and trellis.interleaver() constructors.
- </doc>
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_sccc_encoder_xx.block.yml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_sccc_encoder_xx.block.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5068af38ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_sccc_encoder_xx.block.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+id: trellis_sccc_encoder_xx
+label: SCCC Encoder
+category: '[Core]/Trellis Coding'
+- id: type
+ label: Type
+ dtype: enum
+ options: [bb, bs, bi, ss, si, ii]
+ option_labels: [Byte->Byte, Byte->Short, Byte->Int, Short->Short, Short->Int,
+ Int->Int]
+ option_attributes:
+ input: [byte, byte, byte, short, short, int]
+ output: [byte, short, int, short, int, int]
+ hide: part
+- id: o_fsm_args
+ label: Outer FSM
+ dtype: raw
+- id: o_init_state
+ label: Outer Initial State
+ dtype: int
+ default: '0'
+- id: i_fsm_args
+ label: Inner FSM
+ dtype: raw
+- id: i_init_state
+ label: Inner Initial State
+ dtype: int
+ default: '0'
+- id: interleaver_args
+ label: Interleaver
+ dtype: raw
+- id: bl
+ label: Blocklength
+ dtype: int
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: ${ type.input }
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: ${ type.output }
+- ${ (isinstance(eval(""" o_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open(o_fsm_args).close()) or True }
+- ${ (isinstance(eval(""" i_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open(i_fsm_args).close()) or True }
+ imports: from gnuradio import trellis
+ make: trellis.sccc_encoder_${type}(trellis.fsm(${o_fsm_args}), ${o_init_state},
+ trellis.fsm(${i_fsm_args}), ${i_init_state}, trellis.interleaver(${interleaver_args}),
+ ${bl})
+documentation: |-
+ The fsm and interleaver arguments are passed directly to the trellis.fsm() and trellis.interleaver() constructors.
+file_format: 1
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_sccc_encoder_xx.xml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_sccc_encoder_xx.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b4ab30c75..0000000000
--- a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_sccc_encoder_xx.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-##SCCC Encoder
- -->
- <name>SCCC Encoder</name>
- <key>trellis_sccc_encoder_xx</key>
- <category>[Core]/Trellis Coding</category>
- <import>from gnuradio import trellis</import>
- <make>trellis.sccc_encoder_$(type)(trellis.fsm($o_fsm_args), $o_init_state, trellis.fsm($i_fsm_args), $i_init_state, trellis.interleaver($interleaver_args), $bl)</make>
- <param>
- <name>Type</name>
- <key>type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Byte->Byte</name>
- <key>bb</key>
- <opt>input:byte</opt>
- <opt>output:byte</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Byte->Short</name>
- <key>bs</key>
- <opt>input:byte</opt>
- <opt>output:short</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Byte->Int</name>
- <key>bi</key>
- <opt>input:byte</opt>
- <opt>output:int</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Short->Short</name>
- <key>ss</key>
- <opt>input:short</opt>
- <opt>output:short</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Short->Int</name>
- <key>si</key>
- <opt>input:short</opt>
- <opt>output:int</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Int->Int</name>
- <key>ii</key>
- <opt>input:int</opt>
- <opt>output:int</opt>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Outer FSM</name>
- <key>o_fsm_args</key>
- <type>raw</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Outer Initial State</name>
- <key>o_init_state</key>
- <value>0</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Inner FSM</name>
- <key>i_fsm_args</key>
- <type>raw</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Inner Initial State</name>
- <key>i_init_state</key>
- <value>0</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Interleaver</name>
- <key>interleaver_args</key>
- <type>raw</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Blocklength</name>
- <key>bl</key>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <check>(isinstance(eval(""" $o_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open($o_fsm_args).close()) or True</check>
- <check>(isinstance(eval(""" $i_fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open($i_fsm_args).close()) or True </check>
- <sink>
- <name>in</name>
- <type>$type.input</type>
- </sink>
- <source>
- <name>out</name>
- <type>$type.output</type>
- </source>
- <doc>
-The fsm and interleaver arguments are passed directly to the trellis.fsm() and trellis.interleaver() constructors.
- </doc>
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_siso_combined_f.block.yml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_siso_combined_f.block.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a10dc14d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_siso_combined_f.block.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+id: trellis_siso_combined_f
+label: SISO Combo
+category: '[Core]/Trellis Coding'
+- id: fsm_args
+ label: FSM Args
+ dtype: raw
+- id: block_size
+ label: Block Size
+ dtype: int
+- id: init_state
+ label: Initial State
+ dtype: int
+ default: '0'
+- id: final_state
+ label: Final State
+ dtype: int
+ default: '-1'
+- id: a_post_in
+ label: A-posteriori In
+ dtype: enum
+ options: ['True', 'False']
+ option_labels: ['Yes', 'No']
+- id: a_post_out
+ label: A-posteriori Out
+ dtype: enum
+ options: ['True', 'False']
+ option_labels: ['Yes', 'No']
+- id: siso_type
+ label: SISO Type
+ dtype: enum
+ options: [trellis.TRELLIS_MIN_SUM, trellis.TRELLIS_SUM_PRODUCT]
+ option_labels: [Min Sum, Sum Product]
+- id: dim
+ label: Dimensionality
+ dtype: int
+- id: table
+ label: Constellation
+ dtype: real_vector
+- id: metric_type
+ label: Metric Type
+ dtype: enum
+ option_labels: [Euclidean, Hard Symbol, Hard Bit]
+- label: in_i
+ domain: stream
+ dtype: float
+- label: in_o
+ domain: stream
+ dtype: float
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: float
+ imports: from gnuradio import trellis
+ make: trellis.siso_combined_f(trellis.fsm(${fsm_args}), ${block_size}, ${init_state},
+ ${final_state}, ${a_post_in}, ${a_post_out}, ${siso_type}, ${dim}, ${table},
+ ${metric_type})
+ callbacks:
+ - set_FSM(trellis.fsm(${fsm_args}))
+ - set_K(${block_size})
+ - set_S0(${init_state})
+ - set_SK(${final_state})
+ - set_POSTI(${a_post_in})
+ - set_POSTO(${a_post_out})
+ - set_SISO_TYPE(${siso_type})
+ - set_D(${dim})
+ - set_TABLE(${table})
+ - set_TYPE(${metric_type})
+documentation: |-
+ BCJR Algorithm combined with metric calculation. The fsm arguments are passed directly to the trellis.fsm() constructor.
+file_format: 1
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_siso_combined_f.xml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_siso_combined_f.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f8ec9c2d21..0000000000
--- a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_siso_combined_f.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-##Trellis SISO Combined
- -->
- <name>SISO Combo</name>
- <key>trellis_siso_combined_f</key>
- <category>[Core]/Trellis Coding</category>
- <import>from gnuradio import trellis</import>
- <make>trellis.siso_combined_f(trellis.fsm($fsm_args), $block_size, $init_state, $final_state, $a_post_in, $a_post_out, $siso_type, $dim, $table, $metric_type)</make>
- <callback>set_FSM(trellis.fsm($fsm_args))</callback>
- <callback>set_K($block_size)</callback>
- <callback>set_S0($init_state)</callback>
- <callback>set_SK($final_state)</callback>
- <callback>set_POSTI($a_post_in)</callback>
- <callback>set_POSTO($a_post_out)</callback>
- <callback>set_SISO_TYPE($siso_type)</callback>
- <callback>set_D($dim)</callback>
- <callback>set_TABLE($table)</callback>
- <callback>set_TYPE($metric_type)</callback>
- <param>
- <name>FSM Args</name>
- <key>fsm_args</key>
- <type>raw</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Block Size</name>
- <key>block_size</key>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Initial State</name>
- <key>init_state</key>
- <value>0</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Final State</name>
- <key>final_state</key>
- <value>-1</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>A-posteriori In</name>
- <key>a_post_in</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Yes</name>
- <key>True</key>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>No</name>
- <key>False</key>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>A-posteriori Out</name>
- <key>a_post_out</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Yes</name>
- <key>True</key>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>No</name>
- <key>False</key>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>SISO Type</name>
- <key>siso_type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Min Sum</name>
- <key>trellis.TRELLIS_MIN_SUM</key>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Sum Product</name>
- <key>trellis.TRELLIS_SUM_PRODUCT</key>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Dimensionality</name>
- <key>dim</key>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Constellation</name>
- <key>table</key>
- <type>real_vector</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Metric Type</name>
- <key>metric_type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Euclidean</name>
- <key>trellis.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN</key>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Hard Symbol</name>
- <key>trellis.TRELLIS_HARD_SYMBOL</key>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Hard Bit</name>
- <key>trellis.TRELLIS_HARD_BIT</key>
- </option>
- </param>
- <sink>
- <name>in_i</name>
- <type>float</type>
- </sink>
- <sink>
- <name>in_o</name>
- <type>float</type>
- </sink>
- <source>
- <name>out</name>
- <type>float</type>
- </source>
- <doc>
-BCJR Algorithm combined with metric calculation. \
-The fsm arguments are passed directly to the trellis.fsm() constructor.
- </doc>
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_siso_f.block.yml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_siso_f.block.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5687dee4ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_siso_f.block.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+id: trellis_siso_f
+label: SISO
+category: '[Core]/Trellis Coding'
+- id: fsm_args
+ label: FSM Args
+ dtype: raw
+- id: block_size
+ label: Block Size
+ dtype: int
+- id: init_state
+ label: Initial State
+ dtype: int
+ default: '0'
+- id: final_state
+ label: Final State
+ dtype: int
+ default: '-1'
+- id: a_post_in
+ label: A-posteriori In
+ dtype: enum
+ options: ['True', 'False']
+ option_labels: ['Yes', 'No']
+- id: a_post_out
+ label: A-posteriori Out
+ dtype: enum
+ options: ['True', 'False']
+ option_labels: ['Yes', 'No']
+- id: siso_type
+ label: SISO Type
+ dtype: enum
+ options: [trellis.TRELLIS_MIN_SUM, trellis.TRELLIS_SUM_PRODUCT]
+ option_labels: [Min Sum, Sum Product]
+- label: priori
+ domain: stream
+ dtype: float
+- label: prioro
+ domain: stream
+ dtype: float
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: float
+- ${ (isinstance(eval(""" fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open(fsm_args).close()) or True }
+ imports: from gnuradio import trellis
+ make: trellis.siso_f(trellis.fsm(${fsm_args}), ${block_size}, ${init_state}, ${final_state},
+ ${a_post_in}, ${a_post_out}, ${siso_type})
+ callbacks:
+ - set_FSM(trellis.fsm(${fsm_args}))
+ - set_K(${block_size})
+ - set_S0(${init_state})
+ - set_SK(${final_state})
+ - set_POSTI(${a_post_in})
+ - set_POSTO(${a_post_out})
+ - set_SISO_TYPE(${siso_type})
+documentation: |-
+ BCJR Algorithm. The fsm arguments are passed directly to the trellis.fsm() constructor.
+file_format: 1
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_siso_f.xml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_siso_f.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e121643e3f..0000000000
--- a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_siso_f.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-##Trellis SISO
- -->
- <name>SISO</name>
- <key>trellis_siso_f</key>
- <category>[Core]/Trellis Coding</category>
- <import>from gnuradio import trellis</import>
- <make>trellis.siso_f(trellis.fsm($fsm_args), $block_size, $init_state, $final_state, $a_post_in, $a_post_out, $siso_type)</make>
- <callback>set_FSM(trellis.fsm($fsm_args))</callback>
- <callback>set_K($block_size)</callback>
- <callback>set_S0($init_state)</callback>
- <callback>set_SK($final_state)</callback>
- <callback>set_POSTI($a_post_in)</callback>
- <callback>set_POSTO($a_post_out)</callback>
- <callback>set_SISO_TYPE($siso_type)</callback>
- <param>
- <name>FSM Args</name>
- <key>fsm_args</key>
- <type>raw</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Block Size</name>
- <key>block_size</key>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Initial State</name>
- <key>init_state</key>
- <value>0</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Final State</name>
- <key>final_state</key>
- <value>-1</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>A-posteriori In</name>
- <key>a_post_in</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Yes</name>
- <key>True</key>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>No</name>
- <key>False</key>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>A-posteriori Out</name>
- <key>a_post_out</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Yes</name>
- <key>True</key>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>No</name>
- <key>False</key>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>SISO Type</name>
- <key>siso_type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Min Sum</name>
- <key>trellis.TRELLIS_MIN_SUM</key>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Sum Product</name>
- <key>trellis.TRELLIS_SUM_PRODUCT</key>
- </option>
- </param>
- <check>(isinstance(eval(""" $fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open($fsm_args).close()) or True</check>
- <sink>
- <name>priori</name>
- <type>float</type>
- </sink>
- <sink>
- <name>prioro</name>
- <type>float</type>
- </sink>
- <source>
- <name>out</name>
- <type>float</type>
- </source>
- <doc>
-BCJR Algorithm. \
-The fsm arguments are passed directly to the trellis.fsm() constructor.
- </doc>
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_viterbi_combined_xx.block.yml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_viterbi_combined_xx.block.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d1451e2da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_viterbi_combined_xx.block.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+id: trellis_viterbi_combined_xx
+label: Viterbi Combo
+category: '[Core]/Trellis Coding'
+- id: type
+ label: Input Type
+ dtype: enum
+ options: [c, f, i, s]
+ option_labels: [Complex, Float, Int, Short]
+ option_attributes:
+ io: [complex, float, int, short]
+ table: [complex_vector, real_vector, int_vector, int_vector]
+ hide: part
+- id: out_type
+ label: Output Type
+ dtype: enum
+ options: [i, s, b]
+ option_labels: [Int, Short, Byte]
+ option_attributes:
+ io: [int, short, byte]
+ hide: part
+- id: fsm_args
+ label: FSM Args
+ dtype: raw
+- id: block_size
+ label: Block Size
+ dtype: int
+- id: init_state
+ label: Initial State
+ dtype: int
+ default: '0'
+- id: final_state
+ label: Final State
+ dtype: int
+ default: '-1'
+- id: dim
+ label: Dimensionality
+ dtype: int
+- id: table
+ label: Constellation
+ dtype: ${ type.table }
+- id: metric_type
+ label: Metric Type
+ dtype: enum
+ option_labels: [Euclidean, Hard Symbol, Hard Bit]
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: ${ }
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: ${ }
+- ${ (isinstance(eval(""" fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open(fsm_args).close()) or True }
+ imports: from gnuradio import trellis, digital
+ make: trellis.viterbi_combined_${type}${out_type}(trellis.fsm(${fsm_args}), ${block_size},
+ ${init_state}, ${final_state}, ${dim}, ${table}, ${metric_type})
+ callbacks:
+ - set_FSM(trellis.fsm(${fsm_args}))
+ - set_K(${block_size})
+ - set_S0(${init_state})
+ - set_SK(${final_state})
+ - set_D(${dim})
+ - set_TABLE(${table})
+ - set_TYPE(${metric_type})
+documentation: |-
+ Viterbi Decoder combined with metric calculation. The fsm arguments are passed directly to the trellis.fsm() constructor.
+file_format: 1
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_viterbi_combined_xx.xml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_viterbi_combined_xx.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a52e5ed2b5..0000000000
--- a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_viterbi_combined_xx.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-##Trellis Viterbi Combined
- -->
- <name>Viterbi Combo</name>
- <key>trellis_viterbi_combined_xx</key>
- <category>[Core]/Trellis Coding</category>
- <import>from gnuradio import trellis, digital</import>
- <make>trellis.viterbi_combined_$(type)$(out_type)(trellis.fsm($fsm_args), $block_size, $init_state, $final_state, $dim, $table, $metric_type)</make>
- <callback>set_FSM(trellis.fsm($fsm_args))</callback>
- <callback>set_K($block_size)</callback>
- <callback>set_S0($init_state)</callback>
- <callback>set_SK($final_state)</callback>
- <callback>set_D($dim)</callback>
- <callback>set_TABLE($table)</callback>
- <callback>set_TYPE($metric_type)</callback>
- <param>
- <name>Input Type</name>
- <key>type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Complex</name>
- <key>c</key>
- <opt>io:complex</opt>
- <opt>table:complex_vector</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Float</name>
- <key>f</key>
- <opt>io:float</opt>
- <opt>table:real_vector</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Int</name>
- <key>i</key>
- <opt>io:int</opt>
- <opt>table:int_vector</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Short</name>
- <key>s</key>
- <opt>io:short</opt>
- <opt>table:int_vector</opt>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Output Type</name>
- <key>out_type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Int</name>
- <key>i</key>
- <opt>io:int</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Short</name>
- <key>s</key>
- <opt>io:short</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Byte</name>
- <key>b</key>
- <opt>io:byte</opt>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>FSM Args</name>
- <key>fsm_args</key>
- <type>raw</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Block Size</name>
- <key>block_size</key>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Initial State</name>
- <key>init_state</key>
- <value>0</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Final State</name>
- <key>final_state</key>
- <value>-1</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Dimensionality</name>
- <key>dim</key>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Constellation</name>
- <key>table</key>
- <type>$type.table</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Metric Type</name>
- <key>metric_type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Euclidean</name>
- <key>digital.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN</key>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Hard Symbol</name>
- <key>digital.TRELLIS_HARD_SYMBOL</key>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Hard Bit</name>
- <key>digital.TRELLIS_HARD_BIT</key>
- </option>
- </param>
- <check>(isinstance(eval(""" $fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open($fsm_args).close()) or True</check>
- <sink>
- <name>in</name>
- <type>$</type>
- </sink>
- <source>
- <name>out</name>
- <type>$</type>
- </source>
- <doc>
-Viterbi Decoder combined with metric calculation. \
-The fsm arguments are passed directly to the trellis.fsm() constructor.
- </doc>
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_viterbi_x.block.yml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_viterbi_x.block.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2caa5992e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_viterbi_x.block.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+id: trellis_viterbi_x
+label: Viterbi
+category: '[Core]/Trellis Coding'
+- id: type
+ label: Type
+ dtype: enum
+ options: [i, s, b]
+ option_labels: [Int, Short, Byte]
+ option_attributes:
+ io: [int, short, byte]
+ hide: part
+- id: fsm_args
+ label: FSM Args
+ dtype: raw
+- id: block_size
+ label: Block Size
+ dtype: int
+- id: init_state
+ label: Initial State
+ dtype: int
+ default: '0'
+- id: final_state
+ label: Final State
+ dtype: int
+ default: '-1'
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: float
+- domain: stream
+ dtype: ${ }
+- ${ (isinstance(eval(""" fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open(fsm_args).close()) or True }
+ imports: from gnuradio import trellis
+ make: trellis.viterbi_${type}(trellis.fsm(${fsm_args}), ${block_size}, ${init_state},
+ ${final_state})
+ callbacks:
+ - set_FSM(trellis.fsm(${fsm_args}))
+ - set_K(${block_size})
+ - set_S0(${init_state})
+ - set_SK(${final_state})
+documentation: |-
+ Viterbi Decoder. The fsm arguments are passed directly to the trellis.fsm() constructor.
+file_format: 1
diff --git a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_viterbi_x.xml b/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_viterbi_x.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 21611ee51d..0000000000
--- a/gr-trellis/grc/trellis_viterbi_x.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-##Trellis Viterbi
- -->
- <name>Viterbi</name>
- <key>trellis_viterbi_x</key>
- <category>[Core]/Trellis Coding</category>
- <import>from gnuradio import trellis</import>
- <make>trellis.viterbi_$(type)(trellis.fsm($fsm_args), $block_size, $init_state, $final_state)</make>
- <callback>set_FSM(trellis.fsm($fsm_args))</callback>
- <callback>set_K($block_size)</callback>
- <callback>set_S0($init_state)</callback>
- <callback>set_SK($final_state)</callback>
- <param>
- <name>Type</name>
- <key>type</key>
- <type>enum</type>
- <option>
- <name>Int</name>
- <key>i</key>
- <opt>io:int</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Short</name>
- <key>s</key>
- <opt>io:short</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Byte</name>
- <key>b</key>
- <opt>io:byte</opt>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>FSM Args</name>
- <key>fsm_args</key>
- <type>raw</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Block Size</name>
- <key>block_size</key>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Initial State</name>
- <key>init_state</key>
- <value>0</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Final State</name>
- <key>final_state</key>
- <value>-1</value>
- <type>int</type>
- </param>
- <check>(isinstance(eval(""" $fsm_args """[1:-1], locals(),globals()), str) and open($fsm_args).close()) or True</check>
- <sink>
- <name>in</name>
- <type>float</type>
- </sink>
- <source>
- <name>out</name>
- <type>$</type>
- </source>
- <doc>
-Viterbi Decoder. \
-The fsm arguments are passed directly to the trellis.fsm() constructor.
- </doc>