path: root/gr-qtgui/lib/DisplayPlot.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'gr-qtgui/lib/DisplayPlot.h')
1 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gr-qtgui/lib/DisplayPlot.h b/gr-qtgui/lib/DisplayPlot.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9ee16e087
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-qtgui/lib/DisplayPlot.h
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2008-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <vector>
+#include <qwt_plot.h>
+#include <qwt_painter.h>
+#include <qwt_plot_canvas.h>
+#include <qwt_plot_curve.h>
+#include <qwt_scale_engine.h>
+#include <qwt_scale_widget.h>
+#include <qwt_plot_zoomer.h>
+#include <qwt_plot_panner.h>
+#include <qwt_plot_magnifier.h>
+#include <qwt_plot_marker.h>
+#include <qwt_symbol.h>
+#include <qtgui/utils.h>
+#if QWT_VERSION >= 0x060000
+#include <qwt_compat.h>
+typedef QList<QColor> QColorList;
+class DisplayPlot:public QwtPlot{
+ Q_PROPERTY ( QColor line_color1 READ getLineColor1 WRITE setLineColor1 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( QColor line_color2 READ getLineColor2 WRITE setLineColor2 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( QColor line_color3 READ getLineColor3 WRITE setLineColor3 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( QColor line_color4 READ getLineColor4 WRITE setLineColor4 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( QColor line_color5 READ getLineColor5 WRITE setLineColor5 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( QColor line_color6 READ getLineColor6 WRITE setLineColor6 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( QColor line_color7 READ getLineColor7 WRITE setLineColor7 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( QColor line_color8 READ getLineColor8 WRITE setLineColor8 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( QColor line_color9 READ getLineColor9 WRITE setLineColor9 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( int line_width1 READ getLineWidth1 WRITE setLineWidth1 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( int line_width2 READ getLineWidth2 WRITE setLineWidth2 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( int line_width3 READ getLineWidth3 WRITE setLineWidth3 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( int line_width4 READ getLineWidth4 WRITE setLineWidth4 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( int line_width5 READ getLineWidth5 WRITE setLineWidth5 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( int line_width6 READ getLineWidth6 WRITE setLineWidth6 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( int line_width7 READ getLineWidth7 WRITE setLineWidth7 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( int line_width8 READ getLineWidth8 WRITE setLineWidth8 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( int line_width9 READ getLineWidth9 WRITE setLineWidth9 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( Qt::PenStyle line_style1 READ getLineStyle1 WRITE setLineStyle1 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( Qt::PenStyle line_style2 READ getLineStyle2 WRITE setLineStyle2 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( Qt::PenStyle line_style3 READ getLineStyle3 WRITE setLineStyle3 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( Qt::PenStyle line_style4 READ getLineStyle4 WRITE setLineStyle4 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( Qt::PenStyle line_style5 READ getLineStyle5 WRITE setLineStyle5 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( Qt::PenStyle line_style6 READ getLineStyle6 WRITE setLineStyle6 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( Qt::PenStyle line_style7 READ getLineStyle7 WRITE setLineStyle7 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( Qt::PenStyle line_style8 READ getLineStyle8 WRITE setLineStyle8 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( Qt::PenStyle line_style9 READ getLineStyle9 WRITE setLineStyle9 )
+ typedef QwtSymbol::Style QwtSymbolStyle;
+ Q_ENUMS ( QwtSymbolStyle )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( QwtSymbolStyle line_marker1 READ getLineMarker1 WRITE setLineMarker1 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( QwtSymbolStyle line_marker2 READ getLineMarker2 WRITE setLineMarker2 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( QwtSymbolStyle line_marker3 READ getLineMarker3 WRITE setLineMarker3 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( QwtSymbolStyle line_marker4 READ getLineMarker4 WRITE setLineMarker4 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( QwtSymbolStyle line_marker5 READ getLineMarker5 WRITE setLineMarker5 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( QwtSymbolStyle line_marker6 READ getLineMarker6 WRITE setLineMarker6 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( QwtSymbolStyle line_marker7 READ getLineMarker7 WRITE setLineMarker7 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( QwtSymbolStyle line_marker8 READ getLineMarker8 WRITE setLineMarker8 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( QwtSymbolStyle line_marker9 READ getLineMarker9 WRITE setLineMarker9 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( int marker_alpha1 READ getMarkerAlpha1 WRITE setMarkerAlpha1 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( int marker_alpha2 READ getMarkerAlpha2 WRITE setMarkerAlpha2 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( int marker_alpha3 READ getMarkerAlpha3 WRITE setMarkerAlpha3 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( int marker_alpha4 READ getMarkerAlpha4 WRITE setMarkerAlpha4 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( int marker_alpha5 READ getMarkerAlpha5 WRITE setMarkerAlpha5 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( int marker_alpha6 READ getMarkerAlpha6 WRITE setMarkerAlpha6 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( int marker_alpha7 READ getMarkerAlpha7 WRITE setMarkerAlpha7 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( int marker_alpha8 READ getMarkerAlpha8 WRITE setMarkerAlpha8 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( int marker_alpha9 READ getMarkerAlpha9 WRITE setMarkerAlpha9 )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( QColor zoomer_color READ getZoomerColor WRITE setZoomerColor )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( QColor palette_color READ getPaletteColor WRITE setPaletteColor )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( int yaxis_label_font_size READ getYaxisLabelFontSize WRITE setYaxisLabelFontSize )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( int xaxis_label_font_size READ getXaxisLabelFontSize WRITE setXaxisLabelFontSize )
+ Q_PROPERTY ( int axes_label_font_size READ getAxesLabelFontSize WRITE setAxesLabelFontSize )
+ DisplayPlot(int nplots, QWidget*);
+ virtual ~DisplayPlot();
+ virtual void replot() = 0;
+ const QColor getLineColor1 () const;
+ const QColor getLineColor2 () const;
+ const QColor getLineColor3 () const;
+ const QColor getLineColor4 () const;
+ const QColor getLineColor5 () const;
+ const QColor getLineColor6 () const;
+ const QColor getLineColor7 () const;
+ const QColor getLineColor8 () const;
+ const QColor getLineColor9 () const;
+ int getLineWidth1 () const;
+ int getLineWidth2 () const;
+ int getLineWidth3 () const;
+ int getLineWidth4 () const;
+ int getLineWidth5 () const;
+ int getLineWidth6 () const;
+ int getLineWidth7 () const;
+ int getLineWidth8 () const;
+ int getLineWidth9 () const;
+ const Qt::PenStyle getLineStyle1 () const;
+ const Qt::PenStyle getLineStyle2 () const;
+ const Qt::PenStyle getLineStyle3 () const;
+ const Qt::PenStyle getLineStyle4 () const;
+ const Qt::PenStyle getLineStyle5 () const;
+ const Qt::PenStyle getLineStyle6 () const;
+ const Qt::PenStyle getLineStyle7 () const;
+ const Qt::PenStyle getLineStyle8 () const;
+ const Qt::PenStyle getLineStyle9 () const;
+ const QwtSymbol::Style getLineMarker1 () const;
+ const QwtSymbol::Style getLineMarker2 () const;
+ const QwtSymbol::Style getLineMarker3 () const;
+ const QwtSymbol::Style getLineMarker4 () const;
+ const QwtSymbol::Style getLineMarker5 () const;
+ const QwtSymbol::Style getLineMarker6 () const;
+ const QwtSymbol::Style getLineMarker7 () const;
+ const QwtSymbol::Style getLineMarker8 () const;
+ const QwtSymbol::Style getLineMarker9 () const;
+ int getMarkerAlpha1 () const;
+ int getMarkerAlpha2 () const;
+ int getMarkerAlpha3 () const;
+ int getMarkerAlpha4 () const;
+ int getMarkerAlpha5 () const;
+ int getMarkerAlpha6 () const;
+ int getMarkerAlpha7 () const;
+ int getMarkerAlpha8 () const;
+ int getMarkerAlpha9 () const;
+ QColor getZoomerColor() const;
+ QColor getPaletteColor() const;
+ int getAxisLabelFontSize(int axisId) const;
+ int getYaxisLabelFontSize() const;
+ int getXaxisLabelFontSize() const;
+ int getAxesLabelFontSize() const;
+ // Make sure to create your won PlotNewData method in the derived
+ // class:
+ // void PlotNewData(...);
+public slots:
+ void setYaxis(double min, double max);
+ void setXaxis(double min, double max);
+ void setLineLabel(int which, QString label);
+ QString getLineLabel(int which);
+ void setLineColor(int which, QColor color);
+ QColor getLineColor(int which) const;
+ void setLineWidth(int which, int width);
+ int getLineWidth(int which) const;
+ void setLineStyle(int which, Qt::PenStyle style);
+ const Qt::PenStyle getLineStyle(int which) const;
+ void setLineMarker(int which, QwtSymbol::Style marker);
+ const QwtSymbol::Style getLineMarker(int which) const;
+ void setMarkerAlpha(int which, int alpha);
+ int getMarkerAlpha(int which) const;
+ // Need a function for each curve for setting via stylesheet.
+ // Can't use preprocessor directives because we're inside a Q_OBJECT.
+ void setLineColor1 (QColor);
+ void setLineColor2 (QColor);
+ void setLineColor3 (QColor);
+ void setLineColor4 (QColor);
+ void setLineColor5 (QColor);
+ void setLineColor6 (QColor);
+ void setLineColor7 (QColor);
+ void setLineColor8 (QColor);
+ void setLineColor9 (QColor);
+ void setLineWidth1 (int);
+ void setLineWidth2 (int);
+ void setLineWidth3 (int);
+ void setLineWidth4 (int);
+ void setLineWidth5 (int);
+ void setLineWidth6 (int);
+ void setLineWidth7 (int);
+ void setLineWidth8 (int);
+ void setLineWidth9 (int);
+ void setLineStyle1 (Qt::PenStyle);
+ void setLineStyle2 (Qt::PenStyle);
+ void setLineStyle3 (Qt::PenStyle);
+ void setLineStyle4 (Qt::PenStyle);
+ void setLineStyle5 (Qt::PenStyle);
+ void setLineStyle6 (Qt::PenStyle);
+ void setLineStyle7 (Qt::PenStyle);
+ void setLineStyle8 (Qt::PenStyle);
+ void setLineStyle9 (Qt::PenStyle);
+ void setLineMarker1 (QwtSymbol::Style);
+ void setLineMarker2 (QwtSymbol::Style);
+ void setLineMarker3 (QwtSymbol::Style);
+ void setLineMarker4 (QwtSymbol::Style);
+ void setLineMarker5 (QwtSymbol::Style);
+ void setLineMarker6 (QwtSymbol::Style);
+ void setLineMarker7 (QwtSymbol::Style);
+ void setLineMarker8 (QwtSymbol::Style);
+ void setLineMarker9 (QwtSymbol::Style);
+ void setMarkerAlpha1 (int);
+ void setMarkerAlpha2 (int);
+ void setMarkerAlpha3 (int);
+ void setMarkerAlpha4 (int);
+ void setMarkerAlpha5 (int);
+ void setMarkerAlpha6 (int);
+ void setMarkerAlpha7 (int);
+ void setMarkerAlpha8 (int);
+ void setMarkerAlpha9 (int);
+ void setZoomerColor(QColor c);
+ void setPaletteColor(QColor c);
+ void setAxisLabelFontSize(int axisId, int fs);
+ void setYaxisLabelFontSize(int fs);
+ void setXaxisLabelFontSize(int fs);
+ void setAxesLabelFontSize(int fs);
+ void setStop(bool on);
+ void resizeSlot(QSize *s);
+ // Because of the preprocessing of slots in QT, these are not
+ // easily separated by the version check. Make one for each
+ // version until it's worked out.
+ void onPickerPointSelected(const QwtDoublePoint & p);
+ void onPickerPointSelected6(const QPointF & p);
+ void plotPointSelected(const QPointF p);
+protected slots:
+ void legendEntryChecked(QwtPlotItem *plotItem, bool on);
+ int _nplots;
+ std::vector<QwtPlotCurve*> _plot_curve;
+ QwtPlotPanner* _panner;
+ QwtPlotZoomer* _zoomer;
+ QwtDblClickPlotPicker *_picker;
+ QwtPlotMagnifier *_magnifier;
+ int64_t _numPoints;
+ bool _stop;
+ QList<QColor> _trace_colors;
+ bool _autoscale_state;