path: root/gr-channels/include/gnuradio/channels/dynamic_channel_model.h
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1 files changed, 26 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/gr-channels/include/gnuradio/channels/dynamic_channel_model.h b/gr-channels/include/gnuradio/channels/dynamic_channel_model.h
index 0223b14962..7b23a4144d 100644
--- a/gr-channels/include/gnuradio/channels/dynamic_channel_model.h
+++ b/gr-channels/include/gnuradio/channels/dynamic_channel_model.h
@@ -31,19 +31,19 @@ namespace gr {
namespace channels {
- * \brief channel simulator
+ * \brief dynamic channel simulator
* \ingroup dynamic_channel_models_blk
* \details
- * This block implements a basic channel model simulator that can
+ * This block implements a dynamic channel model simulator that can
* be used to help evaluate, design, and test various signals,
- * waveforms, and algorithms. This model allows the user to set
- * the voltage of an AWGN noise source, a (normalized) frequency
- * offset, a sample timing offset, and a noise seed to randomize
- * the AWGN noise source.
+ * waveforms, and algorithms.
- * Multipath can be approximated in this model by using a FIR
- * filter representation of a multipath delay profile..
+ * This model allows the user to set up an AWGN noise cource, a
+ * random walk process to simulate carrier frequency drift, a random
+ * walk process to simulate sample rate offset drive, and a frequency
+ * selective fading channel response that is either Rayleigh or Ricean
+ * for a user specified power delay profile.
class CHANNELS_API dynamic_channel_model : virtual public hier_block2
@@ -51,18 +51,25 @@ namespace gr {
// gr::channels::dynamic_channel_model::sptr
typedef boost::shared_ptr<dynamic_channel_model> sptr;
- /*! \brief Build the channel simulator.
+ /*! \brief Build the dynamic channel simulator.
- * \param noise_voltage The AWGN noise level as a voltage (to be
- * calculated externally to meet, say, a
- * desired SNR).
- * \param frequency_offset The normalized frequency offset. 0 is
- * no offset; 0.25 would be, for a digital
- * modem, one quarter of the symbol rate.
- * \param epsilon The sample timing offset to emulate the
- * different rates between the sample clocks of
- * the transmitter and receiver. 1.0 is no difference.
- * \param taps Taps of a FIR filter to emulate a multipath delay profile.
+ * \param samp_rate Input sample rate in Hz
+ * \param sro_std_dev sample rate drift process standard deviation per sample in Hz
+ * \param sro_max_dev maximum sample rate offset in Hz
+ * \param cfo_std_dev carrier frequnecy drift process standard deviation per sample in Hz
+ * \param cfo_max_dev maximum carrier frequency offset in Hz
+ * \param N number of sinusoids used in frequency selective fading simulation
+ * \param doppler_freq maximum doppler frequency used in fading simulation in Hz
+ * \param LOS_model defines whether the fading model should include a line of site
+ component. LOS->Rician, NLOS->Rayleigh
+ * \param K Rician K-factor, the ratio of specular to diffuse power in the model
+ * \param delays A list of fractional sample delays making up the power delay profile
+ * \param mags A list of magnitudes corresponding to each delay time in the power delay profile
+ * \param ntaps_mpath The length of the filter to interpolate the power delay profile over.
+ Delays in the PDP must lie between 0 and ntaps_mpath, fractional delays
+ will be sinc-interpolated only to the width of this filter.
+ * \param noise_amp Specifies the standard deviation of the AWGN process
* \param noise_seed A random number generator seed for the noise source.
static sptr make(