path: root/gr-atsc/lib/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 208 deletions
diff --git a/gr-atsc/lib/ b/gr-atsc/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3037f5e0b4..0000000000
--- a/gr-atsc/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2002,2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-#include <gnuradio/atsc/trellis_encoder_impl.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-static const int DIBITS_PER_BYTE = 4;
-#define SEGOF(x) ( (x) / ((SEGMENT_SIZE+1) * DIBITS_PER_BYTE))
-#define SYMOF(x) (((x) % ((SEGMENT_SIZE+1) * DIBITS_PER_BYTE))-4)
-/* How many separate Trellis encoders / Viterbi decoders run in parallel */
-static const int NCODERS = 12;
-/* A Segment sync symbol is an 8VSB +5,-5,-5,+5 sequence that occurs at
- the start of each 207-byte segment (including field sync segments). */
-#define DSEG_SYNC_SYM1 0x06 /* +5 */
-#define DSEG_SYNC_SYM2 0x01 /* -5 */
-#define DSEG_SYNC_SYM3 0x01 /* -5 */
-#define DSEG_SYNC_SYM4 0x06 /* +5 */
-/* Shift counts to bit numbers (high order, low order); 9x entries unused */
-static const int bit1[8] = {1, 99, 3, 98, 5, 97, 7, 96};
-static const int bit2[8] = {0, 99, 2, 98, 4, 97, 6, 96};
-atsci_trellis_encoder::atsci_trellis_encoder ()
- debug = false;
- reset ();
-atsci_trellis_encoder::~atsci_trellis_encoder ()
-atsci_trellis_encoder::reset ()
- for (int i = 0; i < NCODERS; i++)
- enc[i].reset ();
-atsci_trellis_encoder::encode (atsc_data_segment out[NCODERS],
- const atsc_mpeg_packet_rs_encoded in[NCODERS])
- unsigned char out_copy[OUTPUT_SIZE];
- unsigned char in_copy[INPUT_SIZE];
- assert (sizeof (in_copy) == sizeof (in[0].data) * NCODERS);
- assert (sizeof (out_copy) == sizeof (out[0].data) * NCODERS);
- // copy input into continguous temporary buffer
- for (int i = 0; i < NCODERS; i++){
- assert (in[i].pli.regular_seg_p ());
- plinfo::sanity_check (in[i].pli);
- memcpy (&in_copy[i * INPUT_SIZE/NCODERS],
- &in[i].data[0],
- ATSC_MPEG_RS_ENCODED_LENGTH * sizeof (in_copy[0]));
- }
- memset (out_copy, 0, sizeof (out_copy)); // FIXME, sanity check
- // do the deed...
- encode_helper (out_copy, in_copy);
- // copy output from contiguous temp buffer into final output
- for (int i = 0; i < NCODERS; i++){
- memcpy (&out[i].data[0],
- &out_copy[i * OUTPUT_SIZE/NCODERS],
- ATSC_DATA_SEGMENT_LENGTH * sizeof (out_copy[0]));
- // copy pipeline info
- out[i].pli = in[i].pli;
- plinfo::sanity_check (out[i].pli);
- assert (out[i].pli.regular_seg_p ());
- }
- * This code expects contiguous arrrays. Use it as is, it computes
- * the correct answer. Maybe someday, when we've run out of better
- * things to do, rework to avoid the copying in encode.
- */
-atsci_trellis_encoder::encode_helper (unsigned char output[OUTPUT_SIZE],
- const unsigned char input[INPUT_SIZE])
- int i;
- int encoder;
- unsigned char trellis_buffer[NCODERS];
- int trellis_wherefrom[NCODERS];
- unsigned char *out, *next_out_seg;
- int chunk;
- int shift;
- unsigned char dibit;
- unsigned char symbol;
- int skip_encoder_bump;
- /* FIXME, we may want special processing here
- for a flag byte to keep track of which part of the field we're in? */
- skip_encoder_bump = 0;
- out = output;
- next_out_seg = out;
- for (chunk = 0;
- chunk < INPUT_SIZE;
- chunk += NCODERS) {
- /* Load a new chunk of bytes into the Trellis encoder buffers.
- They get loaded in an order that depends on where we are in the
- segment sync progress (sigh).
- GRR! When the chunk reload happens at the same time as the
- segment boundary, we should bump the encoder NOW for the reload,
- rather than LATER during the bitshift transition!!! */
- if (out >= next_out_seg) {
- encoder = (encoder + ENCODER_SEG_BUMP) % NCODERS;
- skip_encoder_bump = 1;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < NCODERS; i++) {
- /* for debug */ trellis_wherefrom[encoder] = chunk+i;
- trellis_buffer[encoder] = input [chunk+i];
- encoder++;
- if (encoder >= NCODERS) encoder = 0;
- }
- for (shift = 6; shift >= 0; shift -= 2) {
- /* Segment boundaries happen to occur on some bitshift transitions. */
- if (out >= next_out_seg) {
- /* Segment transition. Output a data segment sync symbol, and
- mess with the trellis encoder mux. */
- *out++ = DSEG_SYNC_SYM1;
- *out++ = DSEG_SYNC_SYM2;
- *out++ = DSEG_SYNC_SYM3;
- *out++ = DSEG_SYNC_SYM4;
- if (debug) printf ("SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC\n");
- next_out_seg = out + (SEGMENT_SIZE * DIBITS_PER_BYTE);
- if (!skip_encoder_bump)
- encoder = (encoder + ENCODER_SEG_BUMP) % NCODERS;
- skip_encoder_bump = 0;
- }
- /* Now run each of the 12 Trellis encoders to spit out 12 symbols.
- Each encoder takes input from the same byte of the chunk, but the
- outputs of the encoders come out in various orders.
- NOPE -- this is false. The encoders take input from various
- bytes of the chunk (which changes at segment sync time), AND
- they also come out in various orders. You really do have to
- keep separate track of: the input bytes, the encoders, and
- the output bytes -- because they're all moving with respect to
- each other!!! */
- for (i = 0; i < NCODERS; i++) {
- dibit = 0x03 & (trellis_buffer[encoder] >> shift);
- if (debug)
- printf ("Seg %ld Symb %3ld Trell %2d Byte %6d Bits %d-%d = dibit %d ",
- (long) SEGOF(out-output), (long) SYMOF(out-output),
- encoder, trellis_wherefrom[encoder],
- bit1[shift], bit2[shift], dibit);
- symbol = enc[encoder].encode (dibit);
- *out++ = symbol;
- encoder++; if (encoder >= NCODERS) encoder = 0;
- if (debug) printf ("sym %d\n", symbol);
- } /* Encoders */
- } /* Bit shifts */
- } /* Chunks */
- /* Check up on ourselves */
-#if 0
- assertIntsEqual (0, (INPUT_SIZE * DIBITS_PER_BYTE) % NCODERS, "not %");
- assertIntsEqual (OUTPUT_SIZE, out - output, "outptr");
- assertIntsEqual (NCODERS - ENCODER_SEG_BUMP, encoder, "mux sync");
- assert (OUTPUT_SIZE == out - output);
- assert (NCODERS - ENCODER_SEG_BUMP == encoder);