path: root/gnuradio-examples
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gnuradio-examples')
-rwxr-xr-xgnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/ (renamed from gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
-rw-r--r--gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/ayfabtu.dat (renamed from gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/ayfabtu.dat)bin544640 -> 544640 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xgnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/ (renamed from gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
-rwxr-xr-xgnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/ (renamed from gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
-rwxr-xr-xgnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/ (renamed from gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
-rwxr-xr-xgnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/ (renamed from gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
-rwxr-xr-xgnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/ (renamed from gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
-rwxr-xr-xgnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/ (renamed from gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
-rwxr-xr-xgnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/ (renamed from gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
-rwxr-xr-xgnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/ (renamed from gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
63 files changed, 67 insertions, 3957 deletions
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/
index de576770f9..c9db48d6ab 100644
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/
+++ b/gnuradio-examples/python/
@@ -19,5 +19,25 @@
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-SUBDIRS = apps audio channel-coding digital_voice digital multi-antenna \
- multi_usrp networking usrp hier ofdm
+include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
+ apps \
+ audio \
+ digital_voice \
+ digital \
+ multi-antenna \
+ multi_usrp \
+ networking \
+ usrp \
+ hier \
+ ofdm
+# Make example scripts with #! executable
+ for i in `find $(exampledir) -type f ! -perm 755`; do \
+ if head -1 $$i | grep -q '^#!'; then \
+ chmod 755 $$i; \
+ echo "made executable: $$i"; \
+ fi; \
+ done
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/apps/hf_explorer/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/apps/hf_explorer/
index 49aac10150..deb6c32d81 100644
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/apps/hf_explorer/
+++ b/gnuradio-examples/python/apps/hf_explorer/
@@ -19,8 +19,12 @@
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
+ourdatadir = $(exampledir)/hf_explorer
+ourdata_DATA = $(EXTRA_DIST) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/apps/hf_radio/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/apps/hf_radio/
index 3f7340efe9..a6a4dfe3d3 100644
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/apps/hf_radio/
+++ b/gnuradio-examples/python/apps/hf_radio/
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
hfir.sci \ \
@@ -32,3 +34,5 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \ \
+ourdatadir = $(exampledir)/hf_radio
+ourdata_DATA = $(EXTRA_DIST)
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/audio/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/audio/
index e0fdb7e783..6c69588ca0 100644
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/audio/
+++ b/gnuradio-examples/python/audio/
@@ -19,16 +19,19 @@
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
EXTRA_DIST = \ \ \ \ \
- \ \
- \ \ \ \ \
+ourdatadir = $(exampledir)/audio
+ourdata_DATA = $(EXTRA_DIST)
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/audio/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/audio/
deleted file mode 100755
index 8a0c3f5626..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/audio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-from gnuradio import gr, audio, eng_option
-from gnuradio.eng_option import eng_option
-from math import pi, cos
-from optparse import OptionParser
-This script generates a standard dial tone and then applies a sinusoidal
-envelope to vary it's loudness. The audio is then passed through the
-power squelch block before it gets sent to the sound card. By varying
-the command line parameters, one can see the effect of differing
-amounts of power averaging, threshold, and attack/decay ramping.
-class app_flow_graph(gr.flow_graph):
- def __init__(self, options, args):
- gr.flow_graph.__init__(self)
- # Create dial tone by adding two sine waves
- SRC1 = gr.sig_source_f(options.rate, gr.GR_SIN_WAVE, 350, 0.5, 0.0)
- SRC2 = gr.sig_source_f(options.rate, gr.GR_SIN_WAVE, 440, 0.5, 0.0)
- ADD = gr.add_ff()
- # Convert to vector stream (and back) to apply raised cosine envelope
- # You could also do this with a vector_source_f block that repeats.
- S2V = gr.stream_to_vector(gr.sizeof_float, options.rate)
- ENV = [0.5-cos(2*pi*x/options.rate)/2 for x in range(options.rate)]
- MLT = gr.multiply_const_vff(ENV)
- V2S = gr.vector_to_stream(gr.sizeof_float, options.rate)
- # Run through power squelch with user supplied or default options
- # Zero output when squelch is invoked
- SQL = gr.pwr_squelch_ff(options.threshold, options.alpha, options.ramp, False)
- DST = audio.sink(options.rate)
- # Solder it all together
- self.connect(SRC1, (ADD, 0))
- self.connect(SRC2, (ADD, 1))
- self.connect(ADD, S2V, MLT, V2S, SQL, DST)
-def main():
- parser = OptionParser(option_class=eng_option)
- parser.add_option("-r", "--rate", type="int", default=8000, help="set audio output sample rate to RATE", metavar="RATE")
- parser.add_option("-t", "--threshold", type="eng_float", default=-10.0, help="set power squelch to DB", metavar="DB")
- parser.add_option("-a", "--alpha", type="eng_float", default=None, help="set alpha to ALPHA", metavar="ALPHA")
- parser.add_option("-m", "--ramp", type="int", default=None, help="set attack/decay ramp to SAMPLES", metavar="SAMPLES")
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if options.alpha == None:
- options.alpha = 50.0/options.rate
- if options.ramp == None:
- options.ramp = options.rate/50 # ~ 20 ms
- print "Using audio rate of", options.rate
- print "Using threshold of", options.threshold, "db"
- print "Using alpha of", options.alpha
- print "Using ramp of", options.ramp, "samples"
- fg = app_flow_graph(options, args)
- try:
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/audio/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/audio/
deleted file mode 100755
index ab1ca2a641..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/audio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-from gnuradio import gr, audio
-from math import pi, sin
-This test script demonstrates the use of element-wise vector processing
-vs. stream processing. The example is artificial in that the stream
-version in is the normal way to do it; in addition, the
-envelope processing here is just for demo purposes and isn't needed.
-# For testing different buffer sizes
-rate = 48000
-fg = gr.flow_graph()
-# Two streams of floats
-a = gr.sig_source_f(rate, gr.GR_SIN_WAVE, 350, 0.5, 0.0);
-b = gr.sig_source_f(rate, gr.GR_SIN_WAVE, 440, 0.5, 0.0);
-# Turn them into vectors of length 'size'
-av = gr.stream_to_vector(gr.sizeof_float, rate)
-bv = gr.stream_to_vector(gr.sizeof_float, rate)
-# Make a vector adder for float vectors
-adder = gr.add_vff(rate)
-# Make a 1 Hz sine envelope
-envelope = [sin(2*pi*x/rate)*0.5 for x in range(rate)]
-multiplier = gr.multiply_const_vff(envelope)
-# Make an offset adder
-offset = gr.add_const_vff((0.5,)*rate)
-# Turn the vector back into a stream of floats
-result = gr.vector_to_stream(gr.sizeof_float, rate)
-# Play it
-sink = audio.sink(rate)
-fg.connect(a, av)
-fg.connect(b, bv)
-fg.connect(av, (adder, 0))
-fg.connect(bv, (adder, 1))
-fg.connect(adder, multiplier, offset, result, sink)
-except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a6c33820e..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
-SUBDIRS = fsm_files
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/README b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/README
deleted file mode 100644
index d5bad85f57..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-Here we have several test programs for use with the gr-trellis implementation.
-Documentation can be found in
- contains several useful functions.
-fsm_files is a directory with some FSM definitions
-If you just want to see what these programs do, run each of the following:
-./ fsm_files/awgn1o2_4.fsm 6.0 1000
-./ fsm_files/awgn1o2_4.fsm 6.0 1000
-./ 6.0 1000
-./ fsm_files/awgn1o2_4.fsm 6.0 1000
-./ fsm_files/awgn1o2_4.fsm 6.0 1000
-./ fsm_files/awgn1o2_4.fsm fsm_files/awgn2o3_4_msb.fsm 10.0 100
-./ fsm_files/awgn1o2_4.fsm fsm_files/awgn2o3_4_msb.fsm 8.0 100
-./ fsm_files/awgn1o2_4.fsm fsm_files/awgn2o3_4_msb.fsm 5.0 100
-./ 12.0 100
-./ 12.0 100
-./ fsm_files/awgn1o2_4.fsm 8.0 100
-./ fsm_files/awgn1o2_4.fsm 8.0 100
-In your terminal you will see something like this:
-$ ./ fsm_files/awgn1o2_4.fsm 6.0 1000
-100 98 9.80e-01 102400 9 8.79e-05
-200 198 9.90e-01 204800 20 9.77e-05
-300 298 9.93e-01 307200 40 1.30e-04
-400 398 9.95e-01 409600 1074 2.62e-03
-500 498 9.96e-01 512000 1081 2.11e-03
-600 598 9.97e-01 614400 1090 1.77e-03
-700 698 9.97e-01 716800 1097 1.53e-03
-800 798 9.98e-01 819200 1107 1.35e-03
-900 898 9.98e-01 921600 1120 1.22e-03
-1000 998 9.98e-01 1024000 1129 1.10e-03
-1000 998 9.98e-01 1024000 1129 1.10e-03
-which gives you information about the:
-number of transmitted packets
-number of packets in error
-estimated packet error rate
-number of transmitted shorts (or symbols, or bits, depending on the specific program)
-number of shorts (or symbols, or bits) in error
-estimated short (or symbol, or bit) error rate
-for instance, the final number 1.10e-03 is the error rate estimate by sending 1000
-packets of 1024 shorts each, using an 1/2 4-state convolutional code
-and QPSK modulation through an AWGN with Es/N0 = 6.0 dB
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/
deleted file mode 100644
index 081f62fc3f..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- awgn1o2_128.fsm \
- awgn1o2_16.fsm \
- awgn1o2_4.fsm \
- awgn1o2_8.fsm \
- awgn2o3_16.fsm \
- awgn2o3_4.fsm \
- awgn2o3_4_msb.fsm \
- awgn2o3_4_msbG.fsm \
- awgn2o3_8.fsm \
- awgn2o4_4.fsm \
- disconnected.fsm \
- rep3.fsm \
- rep5.fsm \
- simple.fsm
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn1o2_128.fsm b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn1o2_128.fsm
deleted file mode 100644
index bb79c59da4..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn1o2_128.fsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-2 128 4
-0 64
-0 64
-1 65
-1 65
-2 66
-2 66
-3 67
-3 67
-4 68
-4 68
-5 69
-5 69
-6 70
-6 70
-7 71
-7 71
-8 72
-8 72
-9 73
-9 73
-10 74
-10 74
-11 75
-11 75
-12 76
-12 76
-13 77
-13 77
-14 78
-14 78
-15 79
-15 79
-16 80
-16 80
-17 81
-17 81
-18 82
-18 82
-19 83
-19 83
-20 84
-20 84
-21 85
-21 85
-22 86
-22 86
-23 87
-23 87
-24 88
-24 88
-25 89
-25 89
-26 90
-26 90
-27 91
-27 91
-28 92
-28 92
-29 93
-29 93
-30 94
-30 94
-31 95
-31 95
-32 96
-32 96
-33 97
-33 97
-34 98
-34 98
-35 99
-35 99
-36 100
-36 100
-37 101
-37 101
-38 102
-38 102
-39 103
-39 103
-40 104
-40 104
-41 105
-41 105
-42 106
-42 106
-43 107
-43 107
-44 108
-44 108
-45 109
-45 109
-46 110
-46 110
-47 111
-47 111
-48 112
-48 112
-49 113
-49 113
-50 114
-50 114
-51 115
-51 115
-52 116
-52 116
-53 117
-53 117
-54 118
-54 118
-55 119
-55 119
-56 120
-56 120
-57 121
-57 121
-58 122
-58 122
-59 123
-59 123
-60 124
-60 124
-61 125
-61 125
-62 126
-62 126
-63 127
-63 127
-0 3
-3 0
-1 2
-2 1
-3 0
-0 3
-2 1
-1 2
-1 2
-2 1
-0 3
-3 0
-2 1
-1 2
-3 0
-0 3
-1 2
-2 1
-0 3
-3 0
-2 1
-1 2
-3 0
-0 3
-0 3
-3 0
-1 2
-2 1
-3 0
-0 3
-2 1
-1 2
-2 1
-1 2
-3 0
-0 3
-1 2
-2 1
-0 3
-3 0
-3 0
-0 3
-2 1
-1 2
-0 3
-3 0
-1 2
-2 1
-3 0
-0 3
-2 1
-1 2
-0 3
-3 0
-1 2
-2 1
-2 1
-1 2
-3 0
-0 3
-1 2
-2 1
-0 3
-3 0
-2 1
-1 2
-3 0
-0 3
-1 2
-2 1
-0 3
-3 0
-3 0
-0 3
-2 1
-1 2
-0 3
-3 0
-1 2
-2 1
-3 0
-0 3
-2 1
-1 2
-0 3
-3 0
-1 2
-2 1
-2 1
-1 2
-3 0
-0 3
-1 2
-2 1
-0 3
-3 0
-0 3
-3 0
-1 2
-2 1
-3 0
-0 3
-2 1
-1 2
-1 2
-2 1
-0 3
-3 0
-2 1
-1 2
-3 0
-0 3
-1 2
-2 1
-0 3
-3 0
-2 1
-1 2
-3 0
-0 3
-0 3
-3 0
-1 2
-2 1
-3 0
-0 3
-2 1
-1 2
-GM1o2_128=[1+D+D^2+D^5+D^7 1+D^3+D^4+D^5+D^6+D^7]
- =[11100101 10011111]
- =[229 159]
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn1o2_16.fsm b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn1o2_16.fsm
deleted file mode 100644
index cdab41359e..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn1o2_16.fsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-2 16 4
-0 8
-0 8
-1 9
-1 9
-2 10
-2 10
-3 11
-3 11
-4 12
-4 12
-5 13
-5 13
-6 14
-6 14
-7 15
-7 15
-0 3
-3 0
-1 2
-2 1
-1 2
-2 1
-0 3
-3 0
-2 1
-1 2
-3 0
-0 3
-3 0
-0 3
-2 1
-1 2
-GM1o2_16=[1+D+D^4 1+D^2+D^3+D^4 ] = [25,23] (decimal)
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn1o2_4.fsm b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn1o2_4.fsm
deleted file mode 100644
index fb316b5ef8..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn1o2_4.fsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-2 4 4
-0 2
-0 2
-1 3
-1 3
-0 3
-3 0
-1 2
-2 1
-AWGN CC from Proakis-Salehi pg 779
-GM1o2_4=[1+D^2, 1+D+D^2] = [5, 7] (in decimal);
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn1o2_8.fsm b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn1o2_8.fsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 604bac6c2c..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn1o2_8.fsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-2 8 4
-0 4
-0 4
-1 5
-1 5
-2 6
-2 6
-3 7
-3 7
-0 3
-3 0
-1 2
-2 1
-3 0
-0 3
-2 1
-1 2
-1/2 8-state code (Proakis pg. 493)
-GM1o2_8=[ 1+D+D^3 1+D+D^2+D^3] =[13 , 15] (decimal)
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn2o3_16.fsm b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn2o3_16.fsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9630cd9afb..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn2o3_16.fsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-4 16 8
-0 8 4 12
-0 8 4 12
-0 8 4 12
-0 8 4 12
-1 9 5 13
-1 9 5 13
-1 9 5 13
-1 9 5 13
-2 10 6 14
-2 10 6 14
-2 10 6 14
-2 10 6 14
-3 11 7 15
-3 11 7 15
-3 11 7 15
-3 11 7 15
-0 1 7 6
-6 7 1 0
-3 2 4 5
-5 4 2 3
-2 3 5 4
-4 5 3 2
-1 0 6 7
-7 6 0 1
-4 5 3 2
-2 3 5 4
-7 6 0 1
-1 0 6 7
-6 7 1 0
-0 1 7 6
-5 4 2 3
-3 2 4 5
-2/3 code generated from the awgn 1/2 code with 16 states and puncturing the 4th bit.
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn2o3_4.fsm b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn2o3_4.fsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ac57be18d..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn2o3_4.fsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-4 4 8
-0 1 2 3
-0 1 2 3
-0 1 2 3
-0 1 2 3
-0 7 4 3
-3 4 7 0
-5 2 1 6
-6 1 2 5
-I don't remeber how I generated this one...
-it is a bit better than awgn2o3_4_msb and worse
-than awgn2o3_4_msbG.
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn2o3_4_msb.fsm b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn2o3_4_msb.fsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 551b711019..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn2o3_4_msb.fsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-4 4 8
-0 1 2 3
-0 1 2 3
-0 1 2 3
-0 1 2 3
-0 5 3 6
-4 1 7 2
-7 2 4 1
-3 6 0 5
-This is generated by the 1/2 AWGN code (5 7) operated twice, ie,
-(xk+1 xki) [xk-1 xk-2] -> [xk+1 xki].
-We also puncture the first (MSB) bit.
-This code is worse than awgn2o3_4_msbG and slightly worse than
-awgn2o3_4, BUT seems to be a good innner code for sctcm (with 8PSK natural).
-intermediate states:
-00 21 02 23
-00 21 02 23
-10 31 12 33
-10 31 12 33
-output before puncturing:
-00 31 03 32
-30 01 33 02
-13 22 10 21
-23 12 20 11
-output after punturing the MSB:
-00 11 03 12
-10 01 13 02
-13 02 10 01
-03 12 00 11
-and in decimal:
-0 5 3 6
-4 1 7 2
-7 2 4 1
-3 6 0 5
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn2o3_4_msbG.fsm b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn2o3_4_msbG.fsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 8956c53da2..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn2o3_4_msbG.fsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-4 4 8
-0 1 2 3
-0 1 2 3
-0 1 2 3
-0 1 2 3
-0 4 2 6
-5 1 3 7
-3 7 5 1
-This is generated by the 1/2 AWGN code (5 7) operated twice, ie,
-(xk+1 xki) [xk-1 xk-2] -> [xk+1 xki].
-We also puncture the first (MSB) bit and Gray map the symbols.
-intermediate states:
-00 21 02 23
-00 21 02 23
-10 31 12 33
-10 31 12 33
-output before puncturing:
-00 31 03 32
-30 01 33 02
-13 22 10 21
-23 12 20 11
-output after punturing the MSB:
-00 11 03 12
-10 01 13 02
-13 02 10 01
-03 12 00 11
-and in decimal:
-0 5 3 6
-4 1 7 2
-7 2 4 1
-3 6 0 5
-After Gray mapping:
-label -> phase
-0 -> 0
-1 -> 0
-2 -> 7
-3 -> 2
-4 -> 5
-5 -> 4
-6 -> 6
-7 -> 3
-0 4 2 6
-5 1 3 7
-3 7 5 1
-2 6 0 4
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn2o3_8.fsm b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn2o3_8.fsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 34deeb68cb..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn2o3_8.fsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-4 8 8
-0 4 2 6
-0 4 2 6
-0 4 2 6
-0 4 2 6
-1 5 3 7
-1 5 3 7
-1 5 3 7
-1 5 3 7
-0 1 7 6
-6 7 1 0
-3 2 4 5
-5 4 2 3
-6 7 1 0
-0 1 7 6
-5 4 2 3
-3 2 4 5
-This is generated by the 1/2 8-state AWGN code (15 17) by puncturing the fourth bit.
---> d_free=???
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn2o4_4.fsm b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn2o4_4.fsm
deleted file mode 100644
index a895be8965..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/awgn2o4_4.fsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-4 4 16
-0 1 2 3
-0 1 2 3
-0 1 2 3
-0 1 2 3
- 0 13 3 14
-12 1 15 2
- 7 10 4 9
-11 6 8 5
-This is generated by the 1/2 AWGN code (5 7) operated twice, ie,
-(xk+1 xki) [xk-1 xk-2] -> [xk+1 xki].
-intermediate states:
-00 21 02 23
-00 21 02 23
-10 31 12 33
-10 31 12 33
-00 31 03 32
-30 01 33 02
-13 22 10 21
-23 12 20 11
-and in decimal:
- 0 13 3 14
-12 1 15 2
- 7 10 4 9
-11 6 8 5
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/disconnected.fsm b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/disconnected.fsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 847963e7b2..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/disconnected.fsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-1 4 1
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/irregular.fsm b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/irregular.fsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 80b82b889d..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/irregular.fsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-2 2 2
-0 0
-0 1
-0 1
-0 1
-useless irregular FSM for testing. state 0 has 3 incoming edges and state
-1 has 1 incoming edge.
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/rep3.fsm b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/rep3.fsm
deleted file mode 100644
index ef1bd1f025..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/rep3.fsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-2 1 8
-0 0
-0 7
-1/3 repetition code (with binary input).
-There is only one state, since this is essentially a memoryless system.
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/rep5.fsm b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/rep5.fsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 581858ec10..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/rep5.fsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-2 1 8
-0 0
-0 7
-1/3 repetiotion code
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/simple.fsm b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/simple.fsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 07fb0852f6..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/fsm_files/simple.fsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-1 4 1
-essentially this fsm has no inputs and no outputs; it ijust cycles through all 4 states.
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
deleted file mode 100755
index 1b011246c8..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-import re
-import math
-import sys
-import operator
-from gnuradio import trellis
-# Decimal to any base conversion.
-# Convert 'num' to a list of 'l' numbers representing 'num'
-# to base 'base' (most significant symbol first).
-def dec2base(num,base,l):
- s=range(l)
- n=num
- for i in range(l):
- s[l-i-1]=n%base
- n=int(n/base)
- if n!=0:
- print 'Number ', num, ' requires more than ', l, 'digits.'
- return s
-# Conversion from any base to decimal.
-# Convert a list 's' of symbols to a decimal number
-# (most significant symbol first)
-def base2dec(s,base):
- num=0
- for i in range(len(s)):
- num=num*base+s[i]
- return num
-# Generate a new FSM representing the concatenation of two FSMs
-def fsm_concatenate(f1,f2):
- if f1.O() > f2.I():
- print "Not compatible FSMs\n"
- I=f1.I()
- S=f1.S()*f2.S()
- O=f2.O()
- nsm=list([0]*I*S)
- osm=list([0]*I*S)
- for s1 in range(f1.S()):
- for s2 in range(f2.S()):
- for i in range(f1.I()):
- ns1=f1.NS()[s1*f1.I()+i]
- o1=f1.OS()[s1*f1.I()+i]
- ns2=f2.NS()[s2*f2.I()+o1]
- o2=f2.OS()[s2*f2.I()+o1]
- s=s1*f2.S()+s2
- ns=ns1*f2.S()+ns2
- nsm[s*I+i]=ns
- osm[s*I+i]=o2
- f=trellis.fsm(I,S,O,nsm,osm)
- return f
-# Generate a new FSM representing n stages through the original FSM
-def fsm_radix(f,n):
- I=f.I()**n
- S=f.S()
- O=f.O()**n
- nsm=list([0]*I*S)
- osm=list([0]*I*S)
- for s in range(f.S()):
- for i in range(I):
- ii=dec2base(i,f.I(),n)
- oo=list([0]*n)
- ns=s
- for k in range(n):
- oo[k]=f.OS()[ns*f.I()+ii[k]]
- ns=f.NS()[ns*f.I()+ii[k]]
- nsm[s*I+i]=ns
- osm[s*I+i]=base2dec(oo,f.O())
- f=trellis.fsm(I,S,O,nsm,osm)
- return f
-# Automatically generate the lookup table that maps the FSM outputs
-# to channel inputs corresponding to a channel 'channel' and a modulation
-# 'mod'. Optional normalization of channel to unit energy.
-# This table is used by the 'metrics' block to translate
-# channel outputs to metrics for use with the Viterbi algorithm.
-# Limitations: currently supports only one-dimensional modulations.
-def make_isi_lookup(mod,channel,normalize):
- dim=mod[0]
- constellation = mod[1]
- if normalize:
- p = 0
- for i in range(len(channel)):
- p = p + channel[i]**2
- for i in range(len(channel)):
- channel[i] = channel[i]/math.sqrt(p)
- lookup=range(len(constellation)**len(channel))
- for o in range(len(constellation)**len(channel)):
- ss=dec2base(o,len(constellation),len(channel))
- ll=0
- for i in range(len(channel)):
- ll=ll+constellation[ss[i]]*channel[i]
- lookup[o]=ll
- return (1,lookup)
-# A list of common modulations.
-# Format: (dimensionality,constellation)
-pam2 = (1,[-1, 1])
-pam4 = (1,[-3, -1, 3, 1]) # includes Gray mapping
-pam8 = (1,[-7, -5, -3, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7])
-psk4=(2,[1, 0, \
- 0, 1, \
- 0, -1,\
- -1, 0]) # includes Gray mapping
-psk8=(2,[math.cos(2*math.pi*0/8), math.sin(2*math.pi*0/8), \
- math.cos(2*math.pi*1/8), math.sin(2*math.pi*1/8), \
- math.cos(2*math.pi*2/8), math.sin(2*math.pi*2/8), \
- math.cos(2*math.pi*3/8), math.sin(2*math.pi*3/8), \
- math.cos(2*math.pi*4/8), math.sin(2*math.pi*4/8), \
- math.cos(2*math.pi*5/8), math.sin(2*math.pi*5/8), \
- math.cos(2*math.pi*6/8), math.sin(2*math.pi*6/8), \
- math.cos(2*math.pi*7/8), math.sin(2*math.pi*7/8)])
-orth2 = (2,[1, 0, \
- 0, 1])
-orth4=(4,[1, 0, 0, 0, \
- 0, 1, 0, 0, \
- 0, 0, 1, 0, \
- 0, 0, 0, 1])
-# A list of channels to be tested
-# C test channel (J. Proakis, Digital Communications, McGraw-Hill Inc., 2001)
-c_channel = [0.227, 0.460, 0.688, 0.460, 0.227]
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- f1=trellis.fsm('fsm_files/awgn1o2_4.fsm')
- #f2=trellis.fsm('fsm_files/awgn2o3_4.fsm')
- print f1.I(), f1.S(), f1.O()
- print f1.NS()
- print f1.OS()
- #print f2.I(), f2.S(), f2.O()
- #print f2.NS()
- #print f2.OS()
- ##f1.write_trellis_svg('f1.svg',4)
- #f2.write_trellis_svg('f2.svg',4)
- #f=fsm_concatenate(f1,f2)
- f=fsm_radix(f1,2)
- print "----------\n"
- print f.I(), f.S(), f.O()
- print f.NS()
- print f.OS()
- #f.write_trellis_svg('f.svg',4)
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
deleted file mode 100755
index d634282fe7..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from gnuradio import gr
-from gnuradio import audio
-from gnuradio import trellis
-from gnuradio import eng_notation
-import math
-import sys
-import random
-import fsm_utils
-def run_test (fo,fi,interleaver,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,constellation,N0,seed):
- fg = gr.flow_graph ()
- # TX
- src = gr.lfsr_32k_source_s()
- src_head = gr.head (gr.sizeof_short,Kb/16) # packet size in shorts
- s2fsmi = gr.packed_to_unpacked_ss(bitspersymbol,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # unpack shorts to symbols compatible with the outer FSM input cardinality
- enc_out = trellis.encoder_ss(fo,0) # initial state = 0
- inter = trellis.permutation(interleaver.K(),interleaver.INTER(),1,gr.sizeof_short)
- enc_in = trellis.encoder_ss(fi,0) # initial state = 0
- mod = gr.chunks_to_symbols_sf(constellation,dimensionality)
- add = gr.add_ff()
- noise = gr.noise_source_f(gr.GR_GAUSSIAN,math.sqrt(N0/2),seed)
- # RX
- metrics_in = trellis.metrics_f(fi.O(),dimensionality,constellation,trellis.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN) # data preprocessing to generate metrics for innner Viterbi
- va_in = trellis.viterbi_s(fi,K,0,-1) # Put -1 if the Initial/Final states are not set.
- deinter = trellis.permutation(interleaver.K(),interleaver.DEINTER(),1,gr.sizeof_short)
- metrics_out = trellis.metrics_s(fo.O(),1,[0,1,2,3],trellis.TRELLIS_HARD_SYMBOL) # data preprocessing to generate metrics for outer Viterbi (hard decisions)
- va_out = trellis.viterbi_s(fo,K,0,-1) # Put -1 if the Initial/Final states are not set.
- fsmi2s = gr.unpacked_to_packed_ss(bitspersymbol,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # pack FSM input symbols to shorts
- dst = gr.check_lfsr_32k_s()
- fg.connect (src,src_head,s2fsmi,enc_out,inter,enc_in,mod)
- fg.connect (mod,(add,0))
- fg.connect (noise,(add,1))
- fg.connect (add,metrics_in)
- fg.connect (metrics_in,va_in,deinter,metrics_out,va_out,fsmi2s,dst)
- ntotal = dst.ntotal ()
- nright = dst.nright ()
- runlength = dst.runlength ()
- return (ntotal,ntotal-nright)
-def main(args):
- nargs = len (args)
- if nargs == 4:
- fname_out=args[0]
- fname_in=args[1]
- esn0_db=float(args[2]) # Es/No in dB
- rep=int(args[3]) # number of times the experiment is run to collect enough errors
- else:
- sys.stderr.write ('usage: fsm_name_out fsm_fname_in Es/No_db repetitions\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- # system parameters
- Kb=1024*16 # packet size in bits (make it multiple of 16 so it can be packed in a short)
- fo=trellis.fsm(fname_out) # get the outer FSM specification from a file
- fi=trellis.fsm(fname_in) # get the innner FSM specification from a file
- bitspersymbol = int(round(math.log(fo.I())/math.log(2))) # bits per FSM input symbol
- if fo.O() != fi.I():
- sys.stderr.write ('Incompatible cardinality between outer and inner FSM.\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- K=Kb/bitspersymbol # packet size in trellis steps
- interleaver=trellis.interleaver(K,666) # construct a random interleaver
- modulation = fsm_utils.psk8 # see for available predefined modulations
- dimensionality = modulation[0]
- constellation = modulation[1]
- if len(constellation)/dimensionality != fi.O():
- sys.stderr.write ('Incompatible FSM output cardinality and modulation size.\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- # calculate average symbol energy
- Es = 0
- for i in range(len(constellation)):
- Es = Es + constellation[i]**2
- Es = Es / (len(constellation)/dimensionality)
- N0=Es/pow(10.0,esn0_db/10.0); # calculate noise variance
- tot_s=0 # total number of transmitted shorts
- terr_s=0 # total number of shorts in error
- terr_p=0 # total number of packets in error
- for i in range(rep):
- (s,e)=run_test(fo,fi,interleaver,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,constellation,N0,-long(666+i)) # run experiment with different seed to get different noise realizations
- tot_s=tot_s+s
- terr_s=terr_s+e
- terr_p=terr_p+(terr_s!=0)
- if ((i+1)%100==0) : # display progress
- print i+1,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
- # estimate of the (short or bit) error rate
- print rep,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main (sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
deleted file mode 100755
index 23e6553ca1..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from gnuradio import gr
-from gnuradio import audio
-from gnuradio import trellis
-from gnuradio import eng_notation
-import math
-import sys
-import random
-import fsm_utils
-def run_test (fo,fi,interleaver,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,constellation,N0,seed):
- fg = gr.flow_graph ()
- # TX
- src = gr.lfsr_32k_source_s()
- src_head = gr.head (gr.sizeof_short,Kb/16) # packet size in shorts
- s2fsmi = gr.packed_to_unpacked_ss(bitspersymbol,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # unpack shorts to symbols compatible with the outer FSM input cardinality
- enc_out = trellis.encoder_ss(fo,0) # initial state = 0
- inter = trellis.permutation(interleaver.K(),interleaver.INTER(),1,gr.sizeof_short)
- enc_in = trellis.encoder_ss(fi,0) # initial state = 0
- mod = gr.chunks_to_symbols_sf(constellation,dimensionality)
- add = gr.add_ff()
- noise = gr.noise_source_f(gr.GR_GAUSSIAN,math.sqrt(N0/2),seed)
- # RX
- metrics_in = trellis.metrics_f(fi.O(),dimensionality,constellation,trellis.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN) # data preprocessing to generate metrics for innner Viterbi
- gnd = gr.vector_source_f([0],True);
- siso_in = trellis.siso_f(fi,K,0,-1,True,False,trellis.TRELLIS_MIN_SUM) # Put -1 if the Initial/Final states are not set.
- deinter = trellis.permutation(interleaver.K(),interleaver.DEINTER(),fi.I(),gr.sizeof_float)
- va_out = trellis.viterbi_s(fo,K,0,-1) # Put -1 if the Initial/Final states are not set.
- fsmi2s = gr.unpacked_to_packed_ss(bitspersymbol,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # pack FSM input symbols to shorts
- dst = gr.check_lfsr_32k_s()
- fg.connect (src,src_head,s2fsmi,enc_out,inter,enc_in,mod)
- fg.connect (mod,(add,0))
- fg.connect (noise,(add,1))
- fg.connect (add,metrics_in)
- fg.connect (gnd,(siso_in,0))
- fg.connect (metrics_in,(siso_in,1))
- fg.connect (siso_in,deinter,va_out,fsmi2s,dst)
- ntotal = dst.ntotal ()
- nright = dst.nright ()
- runlength = dst.runlength ()
- return (ntotal,ntotal-nright)
-def main(args):
- nargs = len (args)
- if nargs == 4:
- fname_out=args[0]
- fname_in=args[1]
- esn0_db=float(args[2]) # Es/No in dB
- rep=int(args[3]) # number of times the experiment is run to collect enough errors
- else:
- sys.stderr.write ('usage: fsm_name_out fsm_fname_in Es/No_db repetitions\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- # system parameters
- Kb=1024*16 # packet size in bits (make it multiple of 16 so it can be packed in a short)
- fo=trellis.fsm(fname_out) # get the outer FSM specification from a file
- fi=trellis.fsm(fname_in) # get the innner FSM specification from a file
- bitspersymbol = int(round(math.log(fo.I())/math.log(2))) # bits per FSM input symbol
- if fo.O() != fi.I():
- sys.stderr.write ('Incompatible cardinality between outer and inner FSM.\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- K=Kb/bitspersymbol # packet size in trellis steps
- interleaver=trellis.interleaver(K,666) # construct a random interleaver
- modulation = fsm_utils.psk8 # see for available predefined modulations
- dimensionality = modulation[0]
- constellation = modulation[1]
- if len(constellation)/dimensionality != fi.O():
- sys.stderr.write ('Incompatible FSM output cardinality and modulation size.\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- # calculate average symbol energy
- Es = 0
- for i in range(len(constellation)):
- Es = Es + constellation[i]**2
- Es = Es / (len(constellation)/dimensionality)
- N0=Es/pow(10.0,esn0_db/10.0); # calculate noise variance
- tot_s=0 # total number of transmitted shorts
- terr_s=0 # total number of shorts in error
- terr_p=0 # total number of packets in error
- for i in range(rep):
- (s,e)=run_test(fo,fi,interleaver,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,constellation,N0,-long(666+i)) # run experiment with different seed to get different noise realizations
- tot_s=tot_s+s
- terr_s=terr_s+e
- terr_p=terr_p+(terr_s!=0)
- if ((i+1)%100==0) : # display progress
- print i+1,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
- # estimate of the (short or bit) error rate
- print rep,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main (sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
deleted file mode 100755
index f67fb09223..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from gnuradio import gr
-from gnuradio import audio
-from gnuradio import trellis
-from gnuradio import eng_notation
-import math
-import sys
-import random
-import fsm_utils
-def make_rx(fg,fo,fi,dimensionality,constellation,K,interleaver,IT,Es,N0,type):
- metrics_in = trellis.metrics_f(fi.O(),dimensionality,constellation,trellis.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN) # data preprocessing to generate metrics for innner Viterbi
- scale = gr.multiply_const_ff(1.0/N0)
- gnd = gr.vector_source_f([0],True);
- inter=[]
- deinter=[]
- siso_in=[]
- siso_out=[]
- # generate all blocks
- for it in range(IT):
- inter.append( trellis.permutation(interleaver.K(),interleaver.INTER(),fi.I(),gr.sizeof_float) )
- siso_in.append( trellis.siso_f(fi,K,0,-1,True,False,type) )
- deinter.append( trellis.permutation(interleaver.K(),interleaver.DEINTER(),fi.I(),gr.sizeof_float) )
- if it < IT-1:
- siso_out.append( trellis.siso_f(fo,K,0,-1,False,True,type) )
- else:
- siso_out.append( trellis.viterbi_s(fo,K,0,-1) ) # no soft outputs needed
- # connect first stage
- fg.connect (gnd,inter[0])
- fg.connect (metrics_in,scale)
- fg.connect (scale,(siso_in[0],1))
- # connect the rest
- for it in range(IT):
- if it < IT-1:
- fg.connect (metrics_in,(siso_in[it+1],1))
- fg.connect (siso_in[it],deinter[it],(siso_out[it],1))
- fg.connect (gnd,(siso_out[it],0))
- fg.connect (siso_out[it],inter[it+1])
- fg.connect (inter[it],(siso_in[it],0))
- else:
- fg.connect (siso_in[it],deinter[it],siso_out[it])
- fg.connect (inter[it],(siso_in[it],0))
- return (metrics_in,siso_out[IT-1])
-def run_test (fo,fi,interleaver,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,constellation,Es,N0,IT,seed):
- fg = gr.flow_graph ()
- # TX
- src = gr.lfsr_32k_source_s()
- src_head = gr.head (gr.sizeof_short,Kb/16) # packet size in shorts
- s2fsmi = gr.packed_to_unpacked_ss(bitspersymbol,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # unpack shorts to symbols compatible with the outer FSM input cardinality
- enc_out = trellis.encoder_ss(fo,0) # initial state = 0
- inter = trellis.permutation(interleaver.K(),interleaver.INTER(),1,gr.sizeof_short)
- enc_in = trellis.encoder_ss(fi,0) # initial state = 0
- mod = gr.chunks_to_symbols_sf(constellation,dimensionality)
- add = gr.add_ff()
- noise = gr.noise_source_f(gr.GR_GAUSSIAN,math.sqrt(N0/2),seed)
- # RX
- (head,tail) = make_rx(fg,fo,fi,dimensionality,constellation,K,interleaver,IT,Es,N0,trellis.TRELLIS_MIN_SUM)
- #(head,tail) = make_rx(fg,fo,fi,dimensionality,constellation,K,interleaver,IT,Es,N0,trellis.TRELLIS_SUM_PRODUCT)
- fsmi2s = gr.unpacked_to_packed_ss(bitspersymbol,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # pack FSM input symbols to shorts
- dst = gr.check_lfsr_32k_s()
- fg.connect (src,src_head,s2fsmi,enc_out,inter,enc_in,mod)
- fg.connect (mod,(add,0))
- fg.connect (noise,(add,1))
- fg.connect (add,head)
- fg.connect (tail,fsmi2s,dst)
- #print enc_out.ST(), enc_in.ST()
- ntotal = dst.ntotal ()
- nright = dst.nright ()
- runlength = dst.runlength ()
- return (ntotal,ntotal-nright)
-def main(args):
- nargs = len (args)
- if nargs == 4:
- fname_out=args[0]
- fname_in=args[1]
- esn0_db=float(args[2]) # Es/No in dB
- rep=int(args[3]) # number of times the experiment is run to collect enough errors
- else:
- sys.stderr.write ('usage: fsm_name_out fsm_fname_in Es/No_db repetitions\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- # system parameters
- Kb=1024*16 # packet size in bits (make it multiple of 16 so it can be packed in a short)
- fo=trellis.fsm(fname_out) # get the outer FSM specification from a file
- fi=trellis.fsm(fname_in) # get the innner FSM specification from a file
- bitspersymbol = int(round(math.log(fo.I())/math.log(2))) # bits per FSM input symbol
- if fo.O() != fi.I():
- sys.stderr.write ('Incompatible cardinality between outer and inner FSM.\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- K=Kb/bitspersymbol # packet size in trellis steps
- interleaver=trellis.interleaver(K,666) # construct a random interleaver
- modulation = fsm_utils.psk8 # see for available predefined modulations
- dimensionality = modulation[0]
- constellation = modulation[1]
- if len(constellation)/dimensionality != fi.O():
- sys.stderr.write ('Incompatible FSM output cardinality and modulation size.\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- # calculate average symbol energy
- Es = 0
- for i in range(len(constellation)):
- Es = Es + constellation[i]**2
- Es = Es / (len(constellation)/dimensionality)
- N0=Es/pow(10.0,esn0_db/10.0); # calculate noise variance
- IT = 3 # number of turbo iterations
- tot_s=0 # total number of transmitted shorts
- terr_s=0 # total number of shorts in error
- terr_p=0 # total number of packets in error
- for i in range(rep):
- (s,e)=run_test(fo,fi,interleaver,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,constellation,Es,N0,IT,-long(666+i)) # run experiment with different seed to get different noise realizations
- tot_s=tot_s+s
- terr_s=terr_s+e
- terr_p=terr_p+(terr_s!=0)
- if ((i+1)%10==0): # display progress
- print i+1,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
- # estimate of the (short or bit) error rate
- print rep,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main (sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
deleted file mode 100755
index f225015580..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from gnuradio import gr
-from gnuradio import audio
-from gnuradio import trellis
-from gnuradio import eng_notation
-import math
-import sys
-import random
-import fsm_utils
-def run_test (f,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,constellation,N0,seed):
- fg = gr.flow_graph ()
- # TX
- #packet = [0]*Kb
- #for i in range(Kb-1*16): # last 16 bits = 0 to drive the final state to 0
- #packet[i] = random.randint(0, 1) # random 0s and 1s
- #src = gr.vector_source_s(packet,False)
- src = gr.lfsr_32k_source_s()
- src_head = gr.head (gr.sizeof_short,Kb/16) # packet size in shorts
- #b2s = gr.unpacked_to_packed_ss(1,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # pack bits in shorts
- s2fsmi = gr.packed_to_unpacked_ss(bitspersymbol,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # unpack shorts to symbols compatible with the FSM input cardinality
- enc = trellis.encoder_ss(f,0) # initial state = 0
- mod = gr.chunks_to_symbols_sf(constellation,dimensionality)
- add = gr.add_ff()
- noise = gr.noise_source_f(gr.GR_GAUSSIAN,math.sqrt(N0/2),seed)
- # RX
- metrics = trellis.metrics_f(f.O(),dimensionality,constellation,trellis.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN) # data preprocessing to generate metrics for Viterbi
- va = trellis.viterbi_s(f,K,0,-1) # Put -1 if the Initial/Final states are not set.
- fsmi2s = gr.unpacked_to_packed_ss(bitspersymbol,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # pack FSM input symbols to shorts
- #s2b = gr.packed_to_unpacked_ss(1,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # unpack shorts to bits
- #dst = gr.vector_sink_s();
- dst = gr.check_lfsr_32k_s()
- fg.connect (src,src_head,s2fsmi,enc,mod)
- #fg.connect (src,b2s,s2fsmi,enc,mod)
- fg.connect (mod,(add,0))
- fg.connect (noise,(add,1))
- fg.connect (add,metrics)
- fg.connect (metrics,va,fsmi2s,dst)
- #fg.connect (metrics,va,fsmi2s,s2b,dst)
- # A bit of cheating: run the program once and print the
- # final encoder state..
- # Then put it as the last argument in the viterbi block
- #print "final state = " , enc.ST()
- ntotal = dst.ntotal ()
- nright = dst.nright ()
- runlength = dst.runlength ()
- #ntotal = len(packet)
- #if len( != ntotal:
- #print "Error: not enough data\n"
- #nright = 0;
- #for i in range(ntotal):
- #if packet[i][i]:
- #nright=nright+1
- #else:
- #print "Error in ", i
- return (ntotal,ntotal-nright)
-def main(args):
- nargs = len (args)
- if nargs == 3:
- fname=args[0]
- esn0_db=float(args[1]) # Es/No in dB
- rep=int(args[2]) # number of times the experiment is run to collect enough errors
- else:
- sys.stderr.write ('usage: fsm_fname Es/No_db repetitions\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- # system parameters
- f=trellis.fsm(fname) # get the FSM specification from a file
- Kb=1024*16 # packet size in bits (make it multiple of 16 so it can be packed in a short)
- bitspersymbol = int(round(math.log(f.I())/math.log(2))) # bits per FSM input symbol
- K=Kb/bitspersymbol # packet size in trellis steps
- modulation = fsm_utils.psk4 # see for available predefined modulations
- dimensionality = modulation[0]
- constellation = modulation[1]
- if len(constellation)/dimensionality != f.O():
- sys.stderr.write ('Incompatible FSM output cardinality and modulation size.\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- # calculate average symbol energy
- Es = 0
- for i in range(len(constellation)):
- Es = Es + constellation[i]**2
- Es = Es / (len(constellation)/dimensionality)
- N0=Es/pow(10.0,esn0_db/10.0); # calculate noise variance
- tot_s=0 # total number of transmitted shorts
- terr_s=0 # total number of shorts in error
- terr_p=0 # total number of packets in error
- for i in range(rep):
- (s,e)=run_test(f,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,constellation,N0,-long(666+i)) # run experiment with different seed to get different noise realizations
- tot_s=tot_s+s
- terr_s=terr_s+e
- terr_p=terr_p+(terr_s!=0)
- if ((i+1)%100==0) : # display progress
- print i+1,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
- # estimate of the (short or bit) error rate
- print rep,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main (sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
deleted file mode 100755
index 66d7131e38..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from gnuradio import gr
-from gnuradio import audio
-from gnuradio import trellis
-from gnuradio import eng_notation
-import math
-import sys
-import random
-import fsm_utils
-def run_test (f,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,constellation,N0,seed):
- fg = gr.flow_graph ()
- # TX
- packet = [0]*Kb
- # this for loop is TOO slow!!!
- for i in range(Kb-1*16): # last 16 bits = 0 to drive the final state to 0
- packet[i] = random.randint(0, 1) # random 0s and 1s
- src = gr.vector_source_s(packet,False)
- #src = gr.lfsr_32k_source_s()
- #src_head = gr.head (gr.sizeof_short,Kb/16) # packet size in shorts
- b2s = gr.unpacked_to_packed_ss(1,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # pack bits in shorts
- s2fsmi = gr.packed_to_unpacked_ss(bitspersymbol,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # unpack shorts to symbols compatible with the FSM input cardinality
- enc = trellis.encoder_ss(f,0) # initial state = 0
- mod = gr.chunks_to_symbols_sf(constellation,dimensionality)
- add = gr.add_ff()
- noise = gr.noise_source_f(gr.GR_GAUSSIAN,math.sqrt(N0/2),seed)
- # RX
- metrics = trellis.metrics_f(f.O(),dimensionality,constellation,trellis.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN) # data preprocessing to generate metrics for Viterbi
- va = trellis.viterbi_s(f,K,0,-1) # Put -1 if the Initial/Final states are not set.
- fsmi2s = gr.unpacked_to_packed_ss(bitspersymbol,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # pack FSM input symbols to shorts
- s2b = gr.packed_to_unpacked_ss(1,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # unpack shorts to bits
- dst = gr.vector_sink_s();
- #dst = gr.check_lfsr_32k_s();
- #fg.connect (src,src_head,s2fsmi,enc,mod)
- fg.connect (src,b2s,s2fsmi,enc,mod)
- fg.connect (mod,(add,0))
- fg.connect (noise,(add,1))
- fg.connect (add,metrics)
- #fg.connect (metrics,va,fsmi2s,dst)
- fg.connect (metrics,va,fsmi2s,s2b,dst)
- # A bit of cheating: run the program once and print the
- # final encoder state..
- # Then put it as the last argument in the viterbi block
- #print "final state = " , enc.ST()
- #ntotal = dst.ntotal ()
- #nright = dst.nright ()
- #runlength = dst.runlength ()
- ntotal = len(packet)
- if len( != ntotal:
- print "Error: not enough data\n"
- nright = 0;
- # this for loop is TOO slow!!!
- for i in range(ntotal):
- if packet[i][i]:
- nright=nright+1
- #else:
- #print "Error in ", i
- return (ntotal,ntotal-nright)
-def main(args):
- nargs = len (args)
- if nargs == 3:
- fname=args[0]
- esn0_db=float(args[1]) # Es/No in dB
- rep=int(args[2]) # number of times the experiment is run to collect enough errors
- else:
- sys.stderr.write ('usage: fsm_fname Es/No_db repetitions\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- # system parameters
- f=trellis.fsm(fname) # get the FSM specification from a file
- Kb=1024*16 # packet size in bits (make it multiple of 16 so it can be packed in a short)
- bitspersymbol = int(round(math.log(f.I())/math.log(2))) # bits per FSM input symbol
- K=Kb/bitspersymbol # packet size in trellis steps
- modulation = fsm_utils.psk4 # see for available predefined modulations
- dimensionality = modulation[0]
- constellation = modulation[1]
- if len(constellation)/dimensionality != f.O():
- sys.stderr.write ('Incompatible FSM output cardinality and modulation size.\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- # calculate average symbol energy
- Es = 0
- for i in range(len(constellation)):
- Es = Es + constellation[i]**2
- Es = Es / (len(constellation)/dimensionality)
- N0=Es/pow(10.0,esn0_db/10.0); # noise variance
- tot_s=0 # total number of transmitted shorts
- terr_s=0 # total number of shorts in error
- terr_p=0 # total number of packets in error
- for i in range(rep):
- (s,e)=run_test(f,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,constellation,N0,-long(666+i)) # run experiment with different seed to get different noise realizations
- tot_s=tot_s+s
- terr_s=terr_s+e
- terr_p=terr_p+(terr_s!=0)
- if ((i+1)%1==0) : # display progress
- print i+1,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
- # estimate of the (short or bit) error rate
- print rep,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main (sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
deleted file mode 100755
index 9680909ea6..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from gnuradio import gr
-from gnuradio import audio
-from gnuradio import trellis
-from gnuradio import eng_notation
-import math
-import sys
-import random
-import fsm_utils
-def run_test (f,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,constellation,N0,seed):
- fg = gr.flow_graph ()
- # TX
- #packet = [0]*Kb
- #for i in range(Kb-1*16): # last 16 bits = 0 to drive the final state to 0
- #packet[i] = random.randint(0, 1) # random 0s and 1s
- #src = gr.vector_source_s(packet,False)
- src = gr.lfsr_32k_source_s()
- src_head = gr.head (gr.sizeof_short,Kb/16) # packet size in shorts
- #b2s = gr.unpacked_to_packed_ss(1,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # pack bits in shorts
- s2fsmi = gr.packed_to_unpacked_ss(bitspersymbol,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # unpack shorts to symbols compatible with the FSM input cardinality
- enc = trellis.encoder_ss(f,0) # initial state = 0
- mod = gr.chunks_to_symbols_sf(constellation,dimensionality)
- add = gr.add_ff()
- noise = gr.noise_source_f(gr.GR_GAUSSIAN,math.sqrt(N0/2),seed)
- # RX
- metrics = trellis.metrics_f(f.O(),dimensionality,constellation,trellis.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN) # data preprocessing to generate metrics for Viterbi
- va = trellis.viterbi_s(f,K,0,-1) # Put -1 if the Initial/Final states are not set.
- fsmi2s = gr.unpacked_to_packed_ss(bitspersymbol,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # pack FSM input symbols to shorts
- #s2b = gr.packed_to_unpacked_ss(1,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # unpack shorts to bits
- #dst = gr.vector_sink_s();
- dst = gr.check_lfsr_32k_s()
- fg.connect (src,src_head,s2fsmi,enc,mod)
- #fg.connect (src,b2s,s2fsmi,enc,mod)
- fg.connect (mod,(add,0))
- fg.connect (noise,(add,1))
- fg.connect (add,metrics)
- fg.connect (metrics,va,fsmi2s,dst)
- #fg.connect (metrics,va,fsmi2s,s2b,dst)
- # A bit of cheating: run the program once and print the
- # final encoder state..
- # Then put it as the last argument in the viterbi block
- #print "final state = " , enc.ST()
- ntotal = dst.ntotal ()
- nright = dst.nright ()
- runlength = dst.runlength ()
- #ntotal = len(packet)
- #if len( != ntotal:
- #print "Error: not enough data\n"
- #nright = 0;
- #for i in range(ntotal):
- #if packet[i][i]:
- #nright=nright+1
- #else:
- #print "Error in ", i
- return (ntotal,ntotal-nright)
-def main(args):
- nargs = len (args)
- if nargs == 2:
- esn0_db=float(args[0]) # Es/No in dB
- rep=int(args[1]) # number of times the experiment is run to collect enough errors
- else:
- sys.stderr.write ('usage: Es/No_db repetitions\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- # system parameters
- f=trellis.fsm(1,2,[5,7]) # generate FSM specification from the generator matrix
- Kb=1024*16 # packet size in bits (make it multiple of 16 so it can be packed in a short)
- bitspersymbol = int(round(math.log(f.I())/math.log(2))) # bits per FSM input symbol
- K=Kb/bitspersymbol # packet size in trellis steps
- modulation = fsm_utils.psk4 # see for available predefined modulations
- dimensionality = modulation[0]
- constellation = modulation[1]
- if len(constellation)/dimensionality != f.O():
- sys.stderr.write ('Incompatible FSM output cardinality and modulation size.\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- # calculate average symbol energy
- Es = 0
- for i in range(len(constellation)):
- Es = Es + constellation[i]**2
- Es = Es / (len(constellation)/dimensionality)
- N0=Es/pow(10.0,esn0_db/10.0); # calculate noise variance
- tot_s=0 # total number of transmitted shorts
- terr_s=0 # total number of shorts in error
- terr_p=0 # total number of packets in error
- for i in range(rep):
- (s,e)=run_test(f,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,constellation,N0,-long(666+i)) # run experiment with different seed to get different noise realizations
- tot_s=tot_s+s
- terr_s=terr_s+e
- terr_p=terr_p+(terr_s!=0)
- if ((i+1)%100==0) : # display progress
- print i+1,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
- # estimate of the (short or bit) error rate
- print rep,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main (sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
deleted file mode 100755
index 92e020bea3..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from gnuradio import gr
-from gnuradio import audio
-from gnuradio import trellis
-from gnuradio import eng_notation
-import math
-import sys
-import fsm_utils
-def run_test (f,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,constellation,N0,seed):
- fg = gr.flow_graph ()
- # TX
- src = gr.lfsr_32k_source_s()
- src_head = gr.head (gr.sizeof_short,Kb/16) # packet size in shorts
- s2fsmi = gr.packed_to_unpacked_ss(bitspersymbol,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # unpack shorts to symbols compatible with the FSM input cardinality
- enc = trellis.encoder_ss(f,0) # initial state = 0
- mod = gr.chunks_to_symbols_sf(constellation,dimensionality)
- add = gr.add_ff()
- noise = gr.noise_source_f(gr.GR_GAUSSIAN,math.sqrt(N0/2),seed)
- # RX
- va = trellis.viterbi_combined_fs(f,K,0,-1,dimensionality,constellation,trellis.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN) # Put -1 if the Initial/Final states are not set.
- fsmi2s = gr.unpacked_to_packed_ss(bitspersymbol,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # pack FSM input symbols to shorts
- dst = gr.check_lfsr_32k_s();
- fg.connect (src,src_head,s2fsmi,enc,mod)
- fg.connect (mod,(add,0))
- fg.connect (noise,(add,1))
- fg.connect (add,va,fsmi2s,dst)
- # A bit of cheating: run the program once and print the
- # final encoder state..
- # Then put it as the last argument in the viterbi block
- #print "final state = " , enc.ST()
- ntotal = dst.ntotal ()
- nright = dst.nright ()
- runlength = dst.runlength ()
- return (ntotal,ntotal-nright)
-def main(args):
- nargs = len (args)
- if nargs == 3:
- fname=args[0]
- esn0_db=float(args[1]) # Es/No in dB
- rep=int(args[2]) # number of times the experiment is run to collect enough errors
- else:
- sys.stderr.write ('usage: fsm_fname Es/No_db repetitions\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- # system parameters
- f=trellis.fsm(fname) # get the FSM specification from a file (will hopefully be automated in the future...)
- Kb=1024*16 # packet size in bits (make it multiple of 16)
- bitspersymbol = int(round(math.log(f.I())/math.log(2))) # bits per FSM input symbol
- K=Kb/bitspersymbol # packet size in trellis steps
- modulation = fsm_utils.psk4 # see for available predefined modulations
- dimensionality = modulation[0]
- constellation = modulation[1]
- if len(constellation)/dimensionality != f.O():
- sys.stderr.write ('Incompatible FSM output cardinality and modulation size.\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- # calculate average symbol energy
- Es = 0
- for i in range(len(constellation)):
- Es = Es + constellation[i]**2
- Es = Es / (len(constellation)/dimensionality)
- N0=Es/pow(10.0,esn0_db/10.0); # noise variance
- tot_s=0 # total number of transmitted shorts
- terr_s=0 # total number of shorts in error
- terr_p=0 # total number of packets in error
- for i in range(rep):
- (s,e)=run_test(f,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,constellation,N0,-long(666+i)) # run experiment with different seed to get different noise realizations
- tot_s=tot_s+s
- terr_s=terr_s+e
- terr_p=terr_p+(terr_s!=0)
- if ((i+1)%100==0) : # display progress
- print i+1,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
- # estimate of the (short or bit) error rate
- print rep,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main (sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
deleted file mode 100755
index f9dcb58526..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from gnuradio import gr
-from gnuradio import audio
-from gnuradio import trellis
-from gnuradio import eng_notation
-import math
-import sys
-import fsm_utils
-def run_test (f,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,constellation,N0,seed,P):
- fg = gr.flow_graph ()
- # TX
- src = gr.lfsr_32k_source_s()
- src_head = gr.head (gr.sizeof_short,Kb/16*P) # packet size in shorts
- s2fsmi=gr.packed_to_unpacked_ss(bitspersymbol,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # unpack shorts to symbols compatible with the FSM input cardinality
- s2p = gr.stream_to_streams(gr.sizeof_short,P) # serial to parallel
- enc = trellis.encoder_ss(f,0) # initiali state = 0
- mod = gr.chunks_to_symbols_sf(constellation,dimensionality)
- add=[]
- noise=[]
- for i in range(P):
- add.append(gr.add_ff())
- noise.append(gr.noise_source_f(gr.GR_GAUSSIAN,math.sqrt(N0/2),seed))
- # RX
- metrics = trellis.metrics_f(f.O(),dimensionality,constellation,trellis.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN) # data preprocessing to generate metrics for Viterbi
- va = trellis.viterbi_s(f,K,0,-1) # Put -1 if the Initial/Final states are not set.
- p2s = gr.streams_to_stream(gr.sizeof_short,P) # parallel to serial
- fsmi2s=gr.unpacked_to_packed_ss(bitspersymbol,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # pack FSM input symbols to shorts
- dst = gr.check_lfsr_32k_s()
- fg.connect (src,src_head,s2fsmi,s2p)
- for i in range(P):
- fg.connect ((s2p,i),(enc,i),(mod,i))
- fg.connect ((mod,i),(add[i],0))
- fg.connect (noise[i],(add[i],1))
- fg.connect (add[i],(metrics,i))
- fg.connect ((metrics,i),(va,i),(p2s,i))
- fg.connect (p2s,fsmi2s,dst)
- # A bit of cheating: run the program once and print the
- # final encoder state.
- # Then put it as the last argument in the viterbi block
- #print "final state = " , enc.ST()
- ntotal = dst.ntotal ()
- nright = dst.nright ()
- runlength = dst.runlength ()
- return (ntotal,ntotal-nright)
-def main(args):
- nargs = len (args)
- if nargs == 3:
- fname=args[0]
- esn0_db=float(args[1]) # Es/No in dB
- rep=int(args[2]) # number of times the experiment is run to collect enough errors
- else:
- sys.stderr.write ('usage: fsm_fname Es/No_db repetitions\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- # system parameters
- f=trellis.fsm(fname) # get the FSM specification from a file
- P=4 # how many parallel streams?
- Kb=1024*16 # packet size in bits (make it multiple of 16 so it can be packed in a short)
- bitspersymbol = int(round(math.log(f.I())/math.log(2))) # bits per FSM input symbol
- K=Kb/bitspersymbol # packet size in trellis steps
- modulation = fsm_utils.psk4 # see for available predefined modulations
- dimensionality = modulation[0]
- constellation = modulation[1]
- if len(constellation)/dimensionality != f.O():
- sys.stderr.write ('Incompatible FSM output cardinality and modulation size.\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- # calculate average symbol energy
- Es = 0
- for i in range(len(constellation)):
- Es = Es + constellation[i]**2
- Es = Es / (len(constellation)/dimensionality)
- N0=Es/pow(10.0,esn0_db/10.0); # calculate noise variance
- tot_s=0 # total number of transmitted shorts
- terr_s=0 # total number of shorts in error
- terr_p=0 # total number of packets in error
- for i in range(rep):
- (s,e)=run_test(f,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,constellation,N0,-long(666+i),P) # run experiment with different seed to get different noise realizations
- tot_s=tot_s+s
- terr_s=terr_s+e
- terr_p=terr_p+(terr_s!=0)
- if ((i+1)%100==0) : # display progress
- print i+1,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
- # estimate of the (short or bit) error rate
- print rep,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main (sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
deleted file mode 100755
index ff0497e2b0..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from gnuradio import gr
-from gnuradio import audio
-from gnuradio import trellis
-from gnuradio import eng_notation
-import math
-import sys
-import fsm_utils
-def make_rx(fg,fo,fi,dimensionality,tot_constellation,K,interleaver,IT,Es,N0,type):
- metrics_in = trellis.metrics_f(fi.O(),dimensionality,tot_constellation,trellis.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN) # data preprocessing to generate metrics for innner SISO
- scale = gr.multiply_const_ff(1.0/N0)
- gnd = gr.vector_source_f([0],True);
- inter=[]
- deinter=[]
- siso_in=[]
- siso_out=[]
- # generate all blocks
- for it in range(IT):
- inter.append( trellis.permutation(interleaver.K(),interleaver.INTER(),fi.I(),gr.sizeof_float) )
- siso_in.append( trellis.siso_f(fi,K,0,-1,True,False,type) )
- deinter.append( trellis.permutation(interleaver.K(),interleaver.DEINTER(),fi.I(),gr.sizeof_float) )
- if it < IT-1:
- siso_out.append( trellis.siso_f(fo,K,0,-1,False,True,type) )
- else:
- siso_out.append( trellis.viterbi_s(fo,K,0,-1) ) # no soft outputs needed
- # connect first stage
- fg.connect (gnd,inter[0])
- fg.connect (metrics_in,scale)
- fg.connect (scale,(siso_in[0],1))
- # connect the rest
- for it in range(IT):
- if it < IT-1:
- fg.connect (metrics_in,(siso_in[it+1],1))
- fg.connect (siso_in[it],deinter[it],(siso_out[it],1))
- fg.connect (gnd,(siso_out[it],0))
- fg.connect (siso_out[it],inter[it+1])
- fg.connect (inter[it],(siso_in[it],0))
- else:
- fg.connect (siso_in[it],deinter[it],siso_out[it])
- fg.connect (inter[it],(siso_in[it],0))
- return (metrics_in,siso_out[IT-1])
-def run_test (fo,fi,interleaver,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,tot_constellation,Es,N0,IT,seed):
- fg = gr.flow_graph ()
- # TX
- src = gr.lfsr_32k_source_s()
- src_head = gr.head (gr.sizeof_short,Kb/16) # packet size in shorts
- s2fsmi = gr.packed_to_unpacked_ss(bitspersymbol,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # unpack shorts to symbols compatible with the iouter FSM input cardinality
- enc_out = trellis.encoder_ss(fo,0) # initial state = 0
- inter = trellis.permutation(interleaver.K(),interleaver.INTER(),1,gr.sizeof_short)
- enc_in = trellis.encoder_ss(fi,0) # initial state = 0
- # essentially here we implement the combination of modulation and channel as a memoryless modulation (the memory induced by the channel is hidden in the innner FSM)
- mod = gr.chunks_to_symbols_sf(tot_constellation,dimensionality)
- add = gr.add_ff()
- noise = gr.noise_source_f(gr.GR_GAUSSIAN,math.sqrt(N0/2),seed)
- # RX
- (head,tail) = make_rx(fg,fo,fi,dimensionality,tot_constellation,K,interleaver,IT,Es,N0,trellis.TRELLIS_MIN_SUM)
- fsmi2s = gr.unpacked_to_packed_ss(bitspersymbol,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # pack FSM input symbols to shorts
- dst = gr.check_lfsr_32k_s();
- fg.connect (src,src_head,s2fsmi,enc_out,inter,enc_in,mod)
- fg.connect (mod,(add,0))
- fg.connect (noise,(add,1))
- fg.connect (add,head)
- fg.connect (tail,fsmi2s,dst)
- ntotal = dst.ntotal ()
- nright = dst.nright ()
- runlength = dst.runlength ()
- #print ntotal,nright,runlength
- return (ntotal,ntotal-nright)
-def main(args):
- nargs = len (args)
- if nargs == 3:
- fname_out=args[0]
- esn0_db=float(args[1])
- rep=int(args[2])
- else:
- sys.stderr.write ('usage: fsm_name_out Es/No_db repetitions\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- # system parameters
- Kb=64*16 # packet size in bits (multiple of 16)
- modulation = fsm_utils.pam4 # see for available predefined modulations
- channel = fsm_utils.c_channel # see for available predefined test channels
- fo=trellis.fsm(fname_out) # get the outer FSM specification from a file
- fi=trellis.fsm(len(modulation[1]),len(channel)) # generate the FSM automatically
- if fo.O() != fi.I():
- sys.stderr.write ('Incompatible cardinality between outer and inner FSM.\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- bitspersymbol = int(round(math.log(fo.I())/math.log(2))) # bits per FSM input symbol
- K=Kb/bitspersymbol # packet size in trellis steps
- print 'size = ',K
- interleaver=trellis.interleaver(K,666) # construct a random interleaver
- tot_channel = fsm_utils.make_isi_lookup(modulation,channel,True) # generate the lookup table (normalize energy to 1)
- dimensionality = tot_channel[0]
- tot_constellation = tot_channel[1]
- if len(tot_constellation)/dimensionality != fi.O():
- sys.stderr.write ('Incompatible FSM output cardinality and lookup table size.\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- N0=pow(10.0,-esn0_db/10.0); # noise variance
- IT = 3 # number of turbo iterations
- tot_s=0 # total number of transmitted shorts
- terr_s=0 # total number of shorts in error
- terr_p=0 # total number of packets in error
- for i in range(rep):
- (s,e)=run_test(fo,fi,interleaver,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,tot_constellation,1,N0,IT,-long(666+i)) # run experiment with different seed to get different noise realizations
- print s
- tot_s=tot_s+s
- terr_s=terr_s+e
- terr_p=terr_p+(terr_s!=0)
- if ((i+1)%10==0) : # display progress
- print i+1,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
- # estimate of the (short or bit) error rate
- print rep,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main (sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
deleted file mode 100755
index 5afd5ba66e..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from gnuradio import gr
-from gnuradio import audio
-from gnuradio import trellis
-from gnuradio import eng_notation
-import math
-import sys
-import random
-import fsm_utils
-def make_rx(fg,fo,fi,dimensionality,tot_constellation,K,interleaver,IT,Es,N0,type):
- metrics_in = trellis.metrics_f(fi.O(),dimensionality,tot_constellation,trellis.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN) # data preprocessing to generate metrics for innner SISO
- scale = gr.multiply_const_ff(1.0/N0)
- gnd = gr.vector_source_f([0],True);
- inter=[]
- deinter=[]
- siso_in=[]
- siso_out=[]
- # generate all blocks
- for it in range(IT):
- inter.append( trellis.permutation(interleaver.K(),interleaver.INTER(),fi.I(),gr.sizeof_float) )
- siso_in.append( trellis.siso_f(fi,K,0,-1,True,False,type) )
- deinter.append( trellis.permutation(interleaver.K(),interleaver.DEINTER(),fi.I(),gr.sizeof_float) )
- if it < IT-1:
- siso_out.append( trellis.siso_f(fo,K,0,-1,False,True,type) )
- else:
- siso_out.append( trellis.viterbi_s(fo,K,0,-1) ) # no soft outputs needed
- # connect first stage
- fg.connect (gnd,inter[0])
- fg.connect (metrics_in,scale)
- fg.connect (scale,(siso_in[0],1))
- # connect the rest
- for it in range(IT):
- if it < IT-1:
- fg.connect (scale,(siso_in[it+1],1))
- fg.connect (siso_in[it],deinter[it],(siso_out[it],1))
- fg.connect (gnd,(siso_out[it],0))
- fg.connect (siso_out[it],inter[it+1])
- fg.connect (inter[it],(siso_in[it],0))
- else:
- fg.connect (siso_in[it],deinter[it],siso_out[it])
- fg.connect (inter[it],(siso_in[it],0))
- return (metrics_in,siso_out[IT-1])
-def run_test (fo,fi,interleaver,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,channel,modulation,dimensionality,tot_constellation,Es,N0,IT,seed):
- fg = gr.flow_graph ()
- L = len(channel)
- # TX
- # this for loop is TOO slow in python!!!
- packet = [0]*(K)
- random.seed(seed)
- for i in range(len(packet)):
- packet[i] = random.randint(0, 2**bitspersymbol - 1) # random symbols
- src = gr.vector_source_s(packet,False)
- enc_out = trellis.encoder_ss(fo,0) # initial state = 0
- inter = trellis.permutation(interleaver.K(),interleaver.INTER(),1,gr.sizeof_short)
- mod = gr.chunks_to_symbols_sf(modulation[1],modulation[0])
- isi = gr.fir_filter_fff(1,channel)
- add = gr.add_ff()
- noise = gr.noise_source_f(gr.GR_GAUSSIAN,math.sqrt(N0/2),seed)
- # RX
- (head,tail) = make_rx(fg,fo,fi,dimensionality,tot_constellation,K,interleaver,IT,Es,N0,trellis.TRELLIS_MIN_SUM)
- dst = gr.vector_sink_s();
- fg.connect (src,enc_out,inter,mod)
- fg.connect (mod,isi,(add,0))
- fg.connect (noise,(add,1))
- fg.connect (add,head)
- fg.connect (tail,dst)
- data =
- ntotal = len(data)
- nright=0
- for i in range(ntotal):
- if packet[i]==data[i]:
- nright=nright+1
- #else:
- #print "Error in ", i
- return (ntotal,ntotal-nright)
-def main(args):
- nargs = len (args)
- if nargs == 3:
- fname_out=args[0]
- esn0_db=float(args[1])
- rep=int(args[2])
- else:
- sys.stderr.write ('usage: fsm_name_out Es/No_db repetitions\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- # system parameters
- Kb=64*16 # packet size in bits (multiple of 16)
- modulation = fsm_utils.pam4 # see for available predefined modulations
- channel = fsm_utils.c_channel # see for available predefined test channels
- fo=trellis.fsm(fname_out) # get the outer FSM specification from a file
- fi=trellis.fsm(len(modulation[1]),len(channel)) # generate the FSM automatically
- if fo.O() != fi.I():
- sys.stderr.write ('Incompatible cardinality between outer and inner FSM.\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- bitspersymbol = int(round(math.log(fo.I())/math.log(2))) # bits per FSM input symbol
- K=Kb/bitspersymbol # packet size in trellis steps
- interleaver=trellis.interleaver(K,666) # construct a random interleaver
- tot_channel = fsm_utils.make_isi_lookup(modulation,channel,True) # generate the lookup table (normalize energy to 1)
- dimensionality = tot_channel[0]
- tot_constellation = tot_channel[1]
- if len(tot_constellation)/dimensionality != fi.O():
- sys.stderr.write ('Incompatible FSM output cardinality and lookup table size.\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- N0=pow(10.0,-esn0_db/10.0); # noise variance
- IT = 3 # number of turbo iterations
- tot_s=0 # total number of transmitted shorts
- terr_s=0 # total number of shorts in error
- terr_p=0 # total number of packets in error
- for i in range(rep):
- (s,e)=run_test(fo,fi,interleaver,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,channel,modulation,dimensionality,tot_constellation,1,N0,IT,-long(666+i)) # run experiment with different seed to get different noise realizations
- tot_s=tot_s+s
- terr_s=terr_s+e
- terr_p=terr_p+(terr_s!=0)
- if ((i+1)%10==0) : # display progress
- print i+1,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
- # estimate of the (short or bit) error rate
- print rep,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main (sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
deleted file mode 100755
index 7e252d6d10..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from gnuradio import gr
-from gnuradio import audio
-from gnuradio import trellis
-from gnuradio import eng_notation
-import math
-import sys
-import random
-import fsm_utils
-def make_rx(fg,fo,fi,dimensionality,tot_constellation,K,interleaver,IT,Es,N0,type):
- scale = gr.multiply_const_ff(math.sqrt(1.0/N0))
- gnd = gr.vector_source_f([0],True);
- inter=[]
- deinter=[]
- siso_in=[]
- siso_out=[]
- # generate all blocks
- for it in range(IT):
- inter.append( trellis.permutation(interleaver.K(),interleaver.INTER(),fi.I(),gr.sizeof_float) )
- siso_in.append( trellis.siso_combined_f(fi,K,0,-1,True,False,type,dimensionality,tot_constellation,trellis.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN) )
- deinter.append( trellis.permutation(interleaver.K(),interleaver.DEINTER(),fi.I(),gr.sizeof_float) )
- if it < IT-1:
- siso_out.append( trellis.siso_f(fo,K,0,-1,False,True,type) )
- else:
- siso_out.append( trellis.viterbi_s(fo,K,0,-1) ) # no soft outputs needed
- # connect first stage
- fg.connect (gnd,inter[0])
- fg.connect (scale,(siso_in[0],1))
- # connect the rest
- for it in range(IT):
- if it < IT-1:
- fg.connect (scale,(siso_in[it+1],1))
- fg.connect (siso_in[it],deinter[it],(siso_out[it],1))
- fg.connect (gnd,(siso_out[it],0))
- fg.connect (siso_out[it],inter[it+1])
- fg.connect (inter[it],(siso_in[it],0))
- else:
- fg.connect (siso_in[it],deinter[it],siso_out[it])
- fg.connect (inter[it],(siso_in[it],0))
- return (scale,siso_out[IT-1])
-def run_test (fo,fi,interleaver,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,channel,modulation,dimensionality,tot_constellation,Es,N0,IT,seed):
- fg = gr.flow_graph ()
- L = len(channel)
- # TX
- # this for loop is TOO slow in python!!!
- packet = [0]*(K)
- random.seed(seed)
- for i in range(len(packet)):
- packet[i] = random.randint(0, 2**bitspersymbol - 1) # random symbols
- src = gr.vector_source_s(packet,False)
- enc_out = trellis.encoder_ss(fo,0) # initial state = 0
- inter = trellis.permutation(interleaver.K(),interleaver.INTER(),1,gr.sizeof_short)
- mod = gr.chunks_to_symbols_sf(modulation[1],modulation[0])
- isi = gr.fir_filter_fff(1,channel)
- add = gr.add_ff()
- noise = gr.noise_source_f(gr.GR_GAUSSIAN,math.sqrt(N0/2),seed)
- # RX
- (head,tail) = make_rx(fg,fo,fi,dimensionality,tot_constellation,K,interleaver,IT,Es,N0,trellis.TRELLIS_MIN_SUM)
- dst = gr.vector_sink_s();
- fg.connect (src,enc_out,inter,mod)
- fg.connect (mod,isi,(add,0))
- fg.connect (noise,(add,1))
- fg.connect (add,head)
- fg.connect (tail,dst)
- data =
- ntotal = len(data)
- nright=0
- for i in range(ntotal):
- if packet[i]==data[i]:
- nright=nright+1
- #else:
- #print "Error in ", i
- return (ntotal,ntotal-nright)
-def main(args):
- nargs = len (args)
- if nargs == 3:
- fname_out=args[0]
- esn0_db=float(args[1])
- rep=int(args[2])
- else:
- sys.stderr.write ('usage: fsm_name_out Es/No_db repetitions\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- # system parameters
- Kb=64*16 # packet size in bits (multiple of 16)
- modulation = fsm_utils.pam4 # see for available predefined modulations
- channel = fsm_utils.c_channel # see for available predefined test channels
- fo=trellis.fsm(fname_out) # get the outer FSM specification from a file
- fi=trellis.fsm(len(modulation[1]),len(channel)) # generate the FSM automatically
- if fo.O() != fi.I():
- sys.stderr.write ('Incompatible cardinality between outer and inner FSM.\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- bitspersymbol = int(round(math.log(fo.I())/math.log(2))) # bits per FSM input symbol
- K=Kb/bitspersymbol # packet size in trellis steps
- interleaver=trellis.interleaver(K,666) # construct a random interleaver
- tot_channel = fsm_utils.make_isi_lookup(modulation,channel,True) # generate the lookup table (normalize energy to 1)
- dimensionality = tot_channel[0]
- N0=pow(10.0,-esn0_db/10.0); # noise variance
- tot_constellation =[0]*len(tot_channel[1])
- for i in range(len(tot_channel[1])):
- tot_constellation[i] = tot_channel[1][i] * math.sqrt(1.0/N0)
- if len(tot_constellation)/dimensionality != fi.O():
- sys.stderr.write ('Incompatible FSM output cardinality and lookup table size.\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- IT = 3 # number of turbo iterations
- tot_s=0 # total number of transmitted shorts
- terr_s=0 # total number of shorts in error
- terr_p=0 # total number of packets in error
- for i in range(rep):
- (s,e)=run_test(fo,fi,interleaver,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,channel,modulation,dimensionality,tot_constellation,1,N0,IT,-long(666+i)) # run experiment with different seed to get different noise realizations
- tot_s=tot_s+s
- terr_s=terr_s+e
- terr_p=terr_p+(terr_s!=0)
- if ((i+1)%10==0) : # display progress
- print i+1,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
- # estimate of the (short or bit) error rate
- print rep,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main (sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
deleted file mode 100755
index 24545e3b0d..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from gnuradio import gr
-from gnuradio import audio
-from gnuradio import trellis
-from gnuradio import eng_notation
-import math
-import sys
-import fsm_utils
-def run_test (f,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,tot_constellation,N0,seed):
- fg = gr.flow_graph ()
- # TX
- src = gr.lfsr_32k_source_s()
- src_head = gr.head (gr.sizeof_short,Kb/16) # packet size in shorts
- s2fsmi = gr.packed_to_unpacked_ss(bitspersymbol,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # unpack shorts to symbols compatible with the FSM input cardinality
- enc = trellis.encoder_ss(f,0) # initial state = 0
- # essentially here we implement the combination of modulation and channel as a memoryless modulation (the memory induced by the channel is hidden in the FSM)
- mod = gr.chunks_to_symbols_sf(tot_constellation,dimensionality)
- add = gr.add_ff()
- noise = gr.noise_source_f(gr.GR_GAUSSIAN,math.sqrt(N0/2),seed)
- # RX
- metrics = trellis.metrics_f(f.O(),dimensionality,tot_constellation,trellis.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN) # data preprocessing to generate metrics for Viterbi
- va = trellis.viterbi_s(f,K,0,-1) # Put -1 if the Initial/Final states are not set.
- fsmi2s = gr.unpacked_to_packed_ss(bitspersymbol,gr.GR_MSB_FIRST) # pack FSM input symbols to shorts
- dst = gr.check_lfsr_32k_s();
- fg.connect (src,src_head,s2fsmi,enc,mod)
- fg.connect (mod,(add,0))
- fg.connect (noise,(add,1))
- fg.connect (add,metrics)
- fg.connect (metrics,va,fsmi2s,dst)
- ntotal = dst.ntotal ()
- nright = dst.nright ()
- runlength = dst.runlength ()
- #print ntotal,nright,runlength
- return (ntotal,ntotal-nright)
-def main(args):
- nargs = len (args)
- if nargs == 2:
- esn0_db=float(args[0])
- rep=int(args[1])
- else:
- sys.stderr.write ('usage: Es/No_db repetitions\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- # system parameters
- Kb=128*16 # packet size in bits (multiple of 16)
- modulation = fsm_utils.pam4 # see for available predefined modulations
- channel = fsm_utils.c_channel # see for available predefined test channels
- f=trellis.fsm(len(modulation[1]),len(channel)) # generate the FSM automatically
- bitspersymbol = int(round(math.log(f.I())/math.log(2))) # bits per FSM input symbol
- K=Kb/bitspersymbol # packet size in trellis steps
- tot_channel = fsm_utils.make_isi_lookup(modulation,channel,True) # generate the lookup table (normalize energy to 1)
- dimensionality = tot_channel[0]
- tot_constellation = tot_channel[1]
- N0=pow(10.0,-esn0_db/10.0); # noise variance
- if len(tot_constellation)/dimensionality != f.O():
- sys.stderr.write ('Incompatible FSM output cardinality and lookup table size.\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- tot_s=0 # total number of transmitted shorts
- terr_s=0 # total number of shorts in error
- terr_p=0 # total number of packets in error
- for i in range(rep):
- (s,e)=run_test(f,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,dimensionality,tot_constellation,N0,-long(666+i)) # run experiment with different seed to get different noise realizations
- tot_s=tot_s+s
- terr_s=terr_s+e
- terr_p=terr_p+(terr_s!=0)
- if ((i+1)%100==0) : # display progress
- print i+1,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
- # estimate of the (short or bit) error rate
- print rep,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main (sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
deleted file mode 100755
index 002d41a767..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/channel-coding/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from gnuradio import gr
-from gnuradio import audio
-from gnuradio import trellis
-from gnuradio import eng_notation
-import math
-import sys
-import random
-import fsm_utils
-def run_test (f,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,channel,modulation,dimensionality,tot_constellation,N0,seed):
- fg = gr.flow_graph ()
- L = len(channel)
- # TX
- # this for loop is TOO slow in python!!!
- packet = [0]*(K+2*L)
- random.seed(seed)
- for i in range(len(packet)):
- packet[i] = random.randint(0, 2**bitspersymbol - 1) # random symbols
- for i in range(L): # first/last L symbols set to 0
- packet[i] = 0
- packet[len(packet)-i-1] = 0
- src = gr.vector_source_s(packet,False)
- mod = gr.chunks_to_symbols_sf(modulation[1],modulation[0])
- isi = gr.fir_filter_fff(1,channel)
- add = gr.add_ff()
- noise = gr.noise_source_f(gr.GR_GAUSSIAN,math.sqrt(N0/2),seed)
- # RX
- skip = gr.skiphead(gr.sizeof_float, L) # skip the first L samples since you know they are coming from the L zero symbols
- #metrics = trellis.metrics_f(f.O(),dimensionality,tot_constellation,trellis.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN) # data preprocessing to generate metrics for Viterbi
- #va = trellis.viterbi_s(f,K+L,-1,0) # Put -1 if the Initial/Final states are not set.
- va = trellis.viterbi_combined_fs(f,K+L,0,0,dimensionality,tot_constellation,trellis.TRELLIS_EUCLIDEAN) # using viterbi_combined_fs instead of metrics_f/viterbi_s allows larger packet lengths because metrics_f is complaining for not being able to allocate large buffers. This is due to the large f.O() in this application...
- dst = gr.vector_sink_s()
- fg.connect (src,mod)
- fg.connect (mod,isi,(add,0))
- fg.connect (noise,(add,1))
- #fg.connect (add,metrics)
- #fg.connect (metrics,va,dst)
- fg.connect (add,skip,va,dst)
- data =
- ntotal = len(data) - L
- nright=0
- for i in range(ntotal):
- if packet[i+L]==data[i]:
- nright=nright+1
- #else:
- #print "Error in ", i
- return (ntotal,ntotal-nright)
-def main(args):
- nargs = len (args)
- if nargs == 2:
- esn0_db=float(args[0])
- rep=int(args[1])
- else:
- sys.stderr.write ('usage: Es/No_db repetitions\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- # system parameters
- Kb=128*16 # packet size in bits (multiple of 16)
- modulation = fsm_utils.pam4 # see for available predefined modulations
- channel = fsm_utils.c_channel # see for available predefined test channels
- f=trellis.fsm(len(modulation[1]),len(channel)) # generate the FSM automatically
- bitspersymbol = int(round(math.log(f.I())/math.log(2))) # bits per FSM input symbol
- K=Kb/bitspersymbol # packet size in trellis steps
- tot_channel = fsm_utils.make_isi_lookup(modulation,channel,True) # generate the lookup table (normalize energy to 1)
- dimensionality = tot_channel[0]
- tot_constellation = tot_channel[1]
- N0=pow(10.0,-esn0_db/10.0); # noise variance
- if len(tot_constellation)/dimensionality != f.O():
- sys.stderr.write ('Incompatible FSM output cardinality and lookup table size.\n')
- sys.exit (1)
- tot_s=0 # total number of transmitted shorts
- terr_s=0 # total number of shorts in error
- terr_p=0 # total number of packets in error
- for i in range(rep):
- (s,e)=run_test(f,Kb,bitspersymbol,K,channel,modulation,dimensionality,tot_constellation,N0,-long(666+i)) # run experiment with different seed to get different noise realizations
- tot_s=tot_s+s
- terr_s=terr_s+e
- terr_p=terr_p+(terr_s!=0)
- if ((i+1)%100==0) : # display progress
- print i+1,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
- # estimate of the (short or symbol) error rate
- print rep,terr_p, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_p)/(i+1)),tot_s,terr_s, '%.2e' % ((1.0*terr_s)/tot_s)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main (sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/digital/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/digital/
index 91b914dfd9..1db2f8470c 100644
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/digital/
+++ b/gnuradio-examples/python/digital/
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
@@ -32,3 +34,6 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \ \ \
+ourdatadir = $(exampledir)/digital
+ourdata_DATA = $(EXTRA_DIST)
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/digital_voice/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/digital_voice/
index 0236fbf214..08bd48821d 100644
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/digital_voice/
+++ b/gnuradio-examples/python/digital_voice/
@@ -19,6 +19,11 @@
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
+ourdatadir = $(exampledir)/digital_voice
+ourdata_DATA = $(EXTRA_DIST) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/multi-antenna/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/multi-antenna/
index 0172eac359..7e620b3ab6 100644
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/multi-antenna/
+++ b/gnuradio-examples/python/multi-antenna/
@@ -19,7 +19,12 @@
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
EXTRA_DIST = \ \ \
+ourdatadir = $(exampledir)/multi-antenna
+ourdata_DATA = $(EXTRA_DIST)
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/multi_usrp/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/multi_usrp/
index 1f51f23a8a..01119bb8a7 100644
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/multi_usrp/
+++ b/gnuradio-examples/python/multi_usrp/
@@ -19,10 +19,12 @@
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- \
+include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
+ \
+ourdatadir = $(exampledir)/multi_usrp
+ourdata_DATA = $(EXTRA_DIST)
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/ofdm/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/ofdm/
index 5e8570d698..e9ff3bacac 100644
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/ofdm/
+++ b/gnuradio-examples/python/ofdm/
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
EXTRA_DIST = \ \ \
@@ -28,3 +30,6 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \ \ \
+ourdatadir = $(exampledir)/ofdm
+ourdata_DATA = $(EXTRA_DIST)
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
index 0d82031c6f..71f4607213 100644
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
+++ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
@@ -19,30 +19,14 @@
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \ \ \ \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \ \ \
- \
- \
- \
- \ \ \ \
@@ -53,3 +37,6 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \ \ \
+ourdatadir = $(exampledir)/usrp
+ourdata_DATA = $(EXTRA_DIST)
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
deleted file mode 100755
index fc01514a13..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2004,2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-Benchmark the USB/USRP throughput. Finds the maximum full-duplex speed
-the USRP/USB combination can sustain without errors.
-This program does not currently give reliable results. Sorry about that...
-from gnuradio import gr
-from gnuradio import usrp
-from gnuradio import eng_notation
-import sys
-def run_test (usb_throughput, verbose):
- # usb_throughput is in bytes/sec.
- #
- # Returns True or False
- nsec = 1
- stream_length = int (usb_throughput/2 * nsec) # length of stream to examine
- adc_freq = 64e6
- dac_freq = 128e6
- sizeof_sample = 2 * gr.sizeof_short
- usb_throughput_in_samples = usb_throughput / sizeof_sample
- # allocate usb throughput 50/50 between Tx and Rx
- tx_interp = int (dac_freq) / int (usb_throughput_in_samples / 2)
- rx_decim = int (adc_freq) / int (usb_throughput_in_samples / 2)
- # print "tx_interp =", tx_interp, "rx_decim =", rx_decim
- assert (tx_interp == 2 * rx_decim)
- fg = gr.flow_graph ()
- # Build the Tx pipeline
- data_src = gr.lfsr_32k_source_s ()
- src_head = gr.head (gr.sizeof_short, int (stream_length * 2))
- usrp_tx = usrp.sink_s (0, tx_interp)
- fg.connect (data_src, src_head, usrp_tx)
- # and the Rx pipeline
- usrp_rx = usrp.source_s (0, rx_decim, 1, 0x32103210, usrp.FPGA_MODE_LOOPBACK)
- head = gr.head (gr.sizeof_short, stream_length)
- check = gr.check_lfsr_32k_s ()
- fg.connect (usrp_rx, head, check)
- ()
- ntotal = check.ntotal ()
- nright = check.nright ()
- runlength = check.runlength ()
- if verbose:
- print "usb_throughput =", eng_notation.num_to_str (usb_throughput)
- print "ntotal =", ntotal
- print "nright =", nright
- print "runlength =", runlength
- print "delta =", ntotal - runlength
- return runlength >= stream_length - 80000
-def main ():
- verbose = True
- best_rate = 0
- usb_rate = [ 2e6, 4e6, 8e6, 16e6, 32e6 ]
- #usb_rate = [ 32e6, 32e6, 32e6, 32e6, 32e6 ]
- # usb_rate.reverse ()
- for rate in usb_rate:
- sys.stdout.write ("Testing %sB/sec... " % (eng_notation.num_to_str (rate)))
- sys.stdout.flush ()
- ok = run_test (rate, verbose)
- if ok:
- best_rate = max (best_rate, rate)
- sys.stdout.write ("OK\n")
- else:
- sys.stdout.write ("FAILED\n")
- print "Max USB/USRP throughput = %sB/sec" % (eng_notation.num_to_str (best_rate),)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main ()
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/
index 2908dcbf54..2908dcbf54 100755
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
+++ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/ayfabtu.dat b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/ayfabtu.dat
index 5c65cf4833..5c65cf4833 100644
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/ayfabtu.dat
+++ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/ayfabtu.dat
Binary files differ
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/
index de6c26f58a..de6c26f58a 100755
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
+++ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/
index 13d1db110d..13d1db110d 100755
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
+++ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/
index 6a59148b88..6a59148b88 100755
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
+++ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/
index 8709e3373f..8709e3373f 100755
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
+++ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/
index a1d9eda46c..a1d9eda46c 100755
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
+++ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/
index 60a49e3b37..60a49e3b37 100755
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
+++ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/
index 403cf3fa4d..403cf3fa4d 100755
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
+++ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/
index 5edb372b98..5edb372b98 100755
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
+++ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/limbo/
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
deleted file mode 100755
index ccfa948c61..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-Check Rx path or USRP Rev 1.
-This configures the USRP to return a periodic sequence of integers
-from gnuradio import gr
-from gnuradio import usrp
-def build_graph ():
- rx_decim = 32
- fg = gr.flow_graph ()
- usrp_rx = usrp.source_s (0, rx_decim, 1, 0x32103210, usrp.FPGA_MODE_COUNTING)
- sink = gr.check_counting_s ()
- fg.connect (usrp_rx, sink)
- # file_sink = gr.file_sink (gr.sizeof_short, 'counting.dat')
- # fg.connect (usrp_rx, file_sink)
- return fg
-def main ():
- fg = build_graph ()
- try:
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main ()
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
deleted file mode 100755
index 51a705a057..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-Digital loopback (Tx to Rx) for the USRP Rev1.
-from gnuradio import gr
-from gnuradio import usrp
-def ramp_source (fg):
- period = 2**16
- src = gr.vector_source_s (range (-period/2, period/2, 1), True)
- return src
-def build_graph ():
- tx_interp = 32 # tx should be twice rx
- rx_decim = 16
- fg = gr.flow_graph ()
- data_src = ramp_source (fg)
- # usrp_tx = usrp.sink_s (0, tx_interp, 1, 0x98)
- usrp_tx = usrp.sink_s (0, tx_interp)
- fg.connect (data_src, usrp_tx)
- usrp_rx = usrp.source_s (0, rx_decim, 1, 0x32103210, usrp.FPGA_MODE_LOOPBACK)
- sink = gr.check_counting_s ()
- fg.connect (usrp_rx, sink)
- # file_sink = gr.file_sink (gr.sizeof_short, "loopback.dat")
- # fg.connect (usrp_rx, file_sink)
- return fg
-def main ():
- fg = build_graph ()
- try:
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main ()
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
deleted file mode 100755
index 446ca30a16..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-Digital loopback (Tx to Rx) for the USRP Rev1.
-from gnuradio import gr
-from gnuradio import usrp
-def build_graph ():
- tx_interp = 32 # tx should be twice rx
- rx_decim = 16
- fg = gr.flow_graph ()
- data_src = gr.lfsr_32k_source_s ()
- # usrp_tx = usrp.sink_s (0, tx_interp, 1, 0x98)
- usrp_tx = usrp.sink_s (0, tx_interp)
- fg.connect (data_src, usrp_tx)
- usrp_rx = usrp.source_s (0, rx_decim, 1, 0x32103210, usrp.FPGA_MODE_LOOPBACK)
- sink = gr.check_lfsr_32k_s ()
- fg.connect (usrp_rx, sink)
- # file_sink = gr.file_sink (gr.sizeof_short, "loopback.dat")
- # fg.connect (usrp_rx, file_sink)
- return fg
-def main ():
- fg = build_graph ()
- try:
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main ()
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deleted file mode 100755
index 353c89218f..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2004,2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-from gnuradio import gr, gru
-from gnuradio import usrp
-from gnuradio import eng_notation
-from gnuradio.eng_option import eng_option
-from gnuradio.wxgui import stdgui, fftsink, waterfallsink, scopesink, form, slider
-from optparse import OptionParser
-import wx
-import sys
-def pick_subdevice(u):
- """
- The user didn't specify a subdevice on the command line.
- If there's a daughterboard on A, select A.
- If there's a daughterboard on B, select B.
- Otherwise, select A.
- """
- if u.db[0][0].dbid() >= 0: # dbid is < 0 if there's no d'board or a problem
- return (0, 0)
- if u.db[1][0].dbid() >= 0:
- return (1, 0)
- return (0, 0)
-class app_flow_graph(stdgui.gui_flow_graph):
- def __init__(self, frame, panel, vbox, argv):
- stdgui.gui_flow_graph.__init__(self)
- self.frame = frame
- self.panel = panel
- parser = OptionParser(option_class=eng_option)
- parser.add_option("-w", "--which", type="int", default=0,
- help="select which USRP (0, 1, ...) default is %default",
- metavar="NUM")
- parser.add_option("-R", "--rx-subdev-spec", type="subdev", default=None,
- help="select USRP Rx side A or B (default=first one with a daughterboard)")
- parser.add_option("-d", "--decim", type="int", default=16,
- help="set fgpa decimation rate to DECIM [default=%default]")
- parser.add_option("-f", "--freq", type="eng_float", default=None,
- help="set frequency to FREQ", metavar="FREQ")
- parser.add_option("-g", "--gain", type="eng_float", default=None,
- help="set gain in dB (default is midpoint)")
- parser.add_option("-W", "--waterfall", action="store_true", default=False,
- help="Enable waterfall display")
- parser.add_option("-8", "--width-8", action="store_true", default=False,
- help="Enable 8-bit samples across USB")
- parser.add_option("-S", "--oscilloscope", action="store_true", default=False,
- help="Enable oscilloscope display")
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if len(args) != 0:
- parser.print_help()
- sys.exit(1)
- self.show_debug_info = True
- # build the graph
- self.u = usrp.source_c(which=options.which, decim_rate=options.decim)
- if options.rx_subdev_spec is None:
- options.rx_subdev_spec = pick_subdevice(self.u)
- self.u.set_mux(usrp.determine_rx_mux_value(self.u, options.rx_subdev_spec))
- if options.width_8:
- width = 8
- shift = 8
- format = self.u.make_format(width, shift)
- print "format =", hex(format)
- r = self.u.set_format(format)
- print "set_format =", r
- # determine the daughterboard subdevice we're using
- self.subdev = usrp.selected_subdev(self.u, options.rx_subdev_spec)
- input_rate = self.u.adc_freq() / self.u.decim_rate()
- if options.waterfall:
- self.scope = \
- waterfallsink.waterfall_sink_c (self, panel, fft_size=1024, sample_rate=input_rate)
- elif options.oscilloscope:
- self.scope = scopesink.scope_sink_c(self, panel, sample_rate=input_rate)
- else:
- self.scope = fftsink.fft_sink_c (self, panel, fft_size=1024, sample_rate=input_rate)
- self.connect(self.u, self.scope)
- self._build_gui(vbox)
- # set initial values
- if options.gain is None:
- # if no gain was specified, use the mid-point in dB
- g = self.subdev.gain_range()
- options.gain = float(g[0]+g[1])/2
- if options.freq is None:
- # if no freq was specified, use the mid-point
- r = self.subdev.freq_range()
- options.freq = float(r[0]+r[1])/2
- self.set_gain(options.gain)
- if self.show_debug_info:
- self.myform['decim'].set_value(self.u.decim_rate())
- self.myform['fs@usb'].set_value(self.u.adc_freq() / self.u.decim_rate())
- self.myform['dbname'].set_value(
- self.myform['baseband'].set_value(0)
- self.myform['ddc'].set_value(0)
- if not(self.set_freq(options.freq)):
- self._set_status_msg("Failed to set initial frequency")
- def _set_status_msg(self, msg):
- self.frame.GetStatusBar().SetStatusText(msg, 0)
- def _build_gui(self, vbox):
- def _form_set_freq(kv):
- return self.set_freq(kv['freq'])
- vbox.Add(, 10, wx.EXPAND)
- # add control area at the bottom
- self.myform = myform = form.form()
- hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
- hbox.Add((5,0), 0, 0)
- myform['freq'] = form.float_field(
- parent=self.panel, sizer=hbox, label="Center freq", weight=1,
- callback=myform.check_input_and_call(_form_set_freq, self._set_status_msg))
- hbox.Add((5,0), 0, 0)
- g = self.subdev.gain_range()
- myform['gain'] = form.slider_field(parent=self.panel, sizer=hbox, label="Gain",
- weight=3,
- min=int(g[0]), max=int(g[1]),
- callback=self.set_gain)
- hbox.Add((5,0), 0, 0)
- vbox.Add(hbox, 0, wx.EXPAND)
- self._build_subpanel(vbox)
- def _build_subpanel(self, vbox_arg):
- # build a secondary information panel (sometimes hidden)
- # FIXME figure out how to have this be a subpanel that is always
- # created, but has its visibility controlled by foo.Show(True/False)
- def _form_set_decim(kv):
- return self.set_decim(kv['decim'])
- if not(self.show_debug_info):
- return
- panel = self.panel
- vbox = vbox_arg
- myform = self.myform
- #panel = wx.Panel(self.panel, -1)
- #vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
- hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
- hbox.Add((5,0), 0)
- myform['decim'] = form.int_field(
- parent=panel, sizer=hbox, label="Decim",
- callback=myform.check_input_and_call(_form_set_decim, self._set_status_msg))
- hbox.Add((5,0), 1)
- myform['fs@usb'] = form.static_float_field(
- parent=panel, sizer=hbox, label="Fs@USB")
- hbox.Add((5,0), 1)
- myform['dbname'] = form.static_text_field(
- parent=panel, sizer=hbox)
- hbox.Add((5,0), 1)
- myform['baseband'] = form.static_float_field(
- parent=panel, sizer=hbox, label="Analog BB")
- hbox.Add((5,0), 1)
- myform['ddc'] = form.static_float_field(
- parent=panel, sizer=hbox, label="DDC")
- hbox.Add((5,0), 0)
- vbox.Add(hbox, 0, wx.EXPAND)
- def set_freq(self, target_freq):
- """
- Set the center frequency we're interested in.
- @param target_freq: frequency in Hz
- @rypte: bool
- Tuning is a two step process. First we ask the front-end to
- tune as close to the desired frequency as it can. Then we use
- the result of that operation and our target_frequency to
- determine the value for the digital down converter.
- """
- r = self.u.tune(0, self.subdev, target_freq)
- if r:
- self.myform['freq'].set_value(target_freq) # update displayed value
- if self.show_debug_info:
- self.myform['baseband'].set_value(r.baseband_freq)
- self.myform['ddc'].set_value(r.dxc_freq)
- return True
- return False
- def set_gain(self, gain):
- self.myform['gain'].set_value(gain) # update displayed value
- self.subdev.set_gain(gain)
- def set_decim(self, decim):
- ok = self.u.set_decim_rate(decim)
- if not ok:
- print "set_decim failed"
- input_rate = self.u.adc_freq() / self.u.decim_rate()
- self.scope.set_sample_rate(input_rate)
- if self.show_debug_info: # update displayed values
- self.myform['decim'].set_value(self.u.decim_rate())
- self.myform['fs@usb'].set_value(self.u.adc_freq() / self.u.decim_rate())
- return ok
-def main ():
- app = stdgui.stdapp(app_flow_graph, "USRP FFT", nstatus=1)
- app.MainLoop()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main ()
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
deleted file mode 100755
index 5d71492816..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2004,2005,2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# print "Loading revised usrp_oscope with additional options for scopesink..."
-from gnuradio import gr, gru
-from gnuradio import usrp
-from gnuradio import eng_notation
-from gnuradio.eng_option import eng_option
-from gnuradio.wxgui import stdgui, fftsink, waterfallsink, scopesink, form, slider
-from optparse import OptionParser
-import wx
-import sys
-def pick_subdevice(u):
- """
- The user didn't specify a subdevice on the command line.
- If there's a daughterboard on A, select A.
- If there's a daughterboard on B, select B.
- Otherwise, select A.
- """
- if u.db[0][0].dbid() >= 0: # dbid is < 0 if there's no d'board or a problem
- return (0, 0)
- if u.db[1][0].dbid() >= 0:
- return (1, 0)
- return (0, 0)
-class app_flow_graph(stdgui.gui_flow_graph):
- def __init__(self, frame, panel, vbox, argv):
- stdgui.gui_flow_graph.__init__(self)
- self.frame = frame
- self.panel = panel
- parser = OptionParser(option_class=eng_option)
- parser.add_option("-R", "--rx-subdev-spec", type="subdev", default=None,
- help="select USRP Rx side A or B (default=first one with a daughterboard)")
- parser.add_option("-d", "--decim", type="int", default=16,
- help="set fgpa decimation rate to DECIM [default=%default]")
- parser.add_option("-f", "--freq", type="eng_float", default=None,
- help="set frequency to FREQ", metavar="FREQ")
- parser.add_option("-g", "--gain", type="eng_float", default=None,
- help="set gain in dB (default is midpoint)")
- parser.add_option("-8", "--width-8", action="store_true", default=False,
- help="Enable 8-bit samples across USB")
- parser.add_option("-n", "--frame-decim", type="int", default=1,
- help="set oscope frame decimation factor to n [default=1]")
- parser.add_option("-v", "--v-scale", type="eng_float", default=1000,
- help="set oscope initial V/div to SCALE [default=%default]")
- parser.add_option("-t", "--t-scale", type="eng_float", default=49e-6,
- help="set oscope initial s/div to SCALE [default=50us]")
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if len(args) != 0:
- parser.print_help()
- sys.exit(1)
- self.show_debug_info = True
- # build the graph
- self.u = usrp.source_c(decim_rate=options.decim)
- if options.rx_subdev_spec is None:
- options.rx_subdev_spec = pick_subdevice(self.u)
- self.u.set_mux(usrp.determine_rx_mux_value(self.u, options.rx_subdev_spec))
- if options.width_8:
- width = 8
- shift = 8
- format = self.u.make_format(width, shift)
- #print "format =", hex(format)
- r = self.u.set_format(format)
- #print "set_format =", r
- # determine the daughterboard subdevice we're using
- self.subdev = usrp.selected_subdev(self.u, options.rx_subdev_spec)
- input_rate = self.u.adc_freq() / self.u.decim_rate()
- self.scope = scopesink.scope_sink_c(self, panel, sample_rate=input_rate,
- frame_decim=options.frame_decim,
- v_scale=options.v_scale,
- t_scale=options.t_scale)
- self.connect(self.u, self.scope)
- self._build_gui(vbox)
- # set initial values
- if options.gain is None:
- # if no gain was specified, use the mid-point in dB
- g = self.subdev.gain_range()
- options.gain = float(g[0]+g[1])/2
- if options.freq is None:
- # if no freq was specified, use the mid-point
- r = self.subdev.freq_range()
- options.freq = float(r[0]+r[1])/2
- self.set_gain(options.gain)
- if self.show_debug_info:
- self.myform['decim'].set_value(self.u.decim_rate())
- self.myform['fs@usb'].set_value(self.u.adc_freq() / self.u.decim_rate())
- self.myform['dbname'].set_value(
- self.myform['baseband'].set_value(0)
- self.myform['ddc'].set_value(0)
- if not(self.set_freq(options.freq)):
- self._set_status_msg("Failed to set initial frequency")
- def _set_status_msg(self, msg):
- self.frame.GetStatusBar().SetStatusText(msg, 0)
- def _build_gui(self, vbox):
- def _form_set_freq(kv):
- return self.set_freq(kv['freq'])
- vbox.Add(, 10, wx.EXPAND)
- # add control area at the bottom
- self.myform = myform = form.form()
- hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
- hbox.Add((5,0), 0, 0)
- myform['freq'] = form.float_field(
- parent=self.panel, sizer=hbox, label="Center freq", weight=1,
- callback=myform.check_input_and_call(_form_set_freq, self._set_status_msg))
- hbox.Add((5,0), 0, 0)
- g = self.subdev.gain_range()
- myform['gain'] = form.slider_field(parent=self.panel, sizer=hbox, label="Gain",
- weight=3,
- min=int(g[0]), max=int(g[1]),
- callback=self.set_gain)
- hbox.Add((5,0), 0, 0)
- vbox.Add(hbox, 0, wx.EXPAND)
- self._build_subpanel(vbox)
- def _build_subpanel(self, vbox_arg):
- # build a secondary information panel (sometimes hidden)
- # FIXME figure out how to have this be a subpanel that is always
- # created, but has its visibility controlled by foo.Show(True/False)
- def _form_set_decim(kv):
- return self.set_decim(kv['decim'])
- if not(self.show_debug_info):
- return
- panel = self.panel
- vbox = vbox_arg
- myform = self.myform
- #panel = wx.Panel(self.panel, -1)
- #vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
- hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
- hbox.Add((5,0), 0)
- myform['decim'] = form.int_field(
- parent=panel, sizer=hbox, label="Decim",
- callback=myform.check_input_and_call(_form_set_decim, self._set_status_msg))
- hbox.Add((5,0), 1)
- myform['fs@usb'] = form.static_float_field(
- parent=panel, sizer=hbox, label="Fs@USB")
- hbox.Add((5,0), 1)
- myform['dbname'] = form.static_text_field(
- parent=panel, sizer=hbox)
- hbox.Add((5,0), 1)
- myform['baseband'] = form.static_float_field(
- parent=panel, sizer=hbox, label="Analog BB")
- hbox.Add((5,0), 1)
- myform['ddc'] = form.static_float_field(
- parent=panel, sizer=hbox, label="DDC")
- hbox.Add((5,0), 0)
- vbox.Add(hbox, 0, wx.EXPAND)
- def set_freq(self, target_freq):
- """
- Set the center frequency we're interested in.
- @param target_freq: frequency in Hz
- @rypte: bool
- Tuning is a two step process. First we ask the front-end to
- tune as close to the desired frequency as it can. Then we use
- the result of that operation and our target_frequency to
- determine the value for the digital down converter.
- """
- r = usrp.tune(self.u, 0, self.subdev, target_freq)
- if r:
- self.myform['freq'].set_value(target_freq) # update displayed value
- if self.show_debug_info:
- self.myform['baseband'].set_value(r.baseband_freq)
- self.myform['ddc'].set_value(r.dxc_freq)
- return True
- return False
- def set_gain(self, gain):
- self.myform['gain'].set_value(gain) # update displayed value
- self.subdev.set_gain(gain)
- def set_decim(self, decim):
- ok = self.u.set_decim_rate(decim)
- if not ok:
- print "set_decim failed"
- input_rate = self.u.adc_freq() / self.u.decim_rate()
- self.scope.set_sample_rate(input_rate)
- if self.show_debug_info: # update displayed values
- self.myform['decim'].set_value(self.u.decim_rate())
- self.myform['fs@usb'].set_value(self.u.adc_freq() / self.u.decim_rate())
- return ok
-def main ():
- app = stdgui.stdapp(app_flow_graph, "USRP O'scope", nstatus=1)
- app.MainLoop()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main ()
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
deleted file mode 100755
index 306e101d35..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Read samples from the USRP and write to file formatted as binary
-outputs single precision complex float values or complex short values (interleaved 16 bit signed short integers).
-from gnuradio import gr, eng_notation
-from gnuradio import audio
-from gnuradio import usrp
-from gnuradio.eng_option import eng_option
-from optparse import OptionParser
-class my_graph(gr.flow_graph):
- def __init__(self):
- gr.flow_graph.__init__(self)
- usage="%prog: [options] output_filename"
- parser = OptionParser(option_class=eng_option, usage=usage)
- parser.add_option("-R", "--rx-subdev-spec", type="subdev", default=(0, 0),
- help="select USRP Rx side A or B (default=A)")
- parser.add_option("-d", "--decim", type="int", default=16,
- help="set fgpa decimation rate to DECIM [default=%default]")
- parser.add_option("-f", "--freq", type="eng_float", default=None,
- help="set frequency to FREQ", metavar="FREQ")
- parser.add_option("-g", "--gain", type="eng_float", default=None,
- help="set gain in dB (default is midpoint)")
- parser.add_option("-8", "--width-8", action="store_true", default=False,
- help="Enable 8-bit samples across USB")
- parser.add_option( "--no-hb", action="store_true", default=False,
- help="don't use halfband filter in usrp")
- parser.add_option( "-s","--output-shorts", action="store_true", default=False,
- help="output interleaved shorts in stead of complex floats")
- parser.add_option("-N", "--nsamples", type="eng_float", default=None,
- help="number of samples to collect [default=+inf]")
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args ()
- if len(args) != 1:
- parser.print_help()
- raise SystemExit, 1
- filename = args[0]
- if options.freq is None:
- parser.print_help()
- sys.stderr.write('You must specify the frequency with -f FREQ\n');
- raise SystemExit, 1
- # build the graph
- if options.no_hb or (options.decim<8):
- self.fpga_filename="std_4rx_0tx.rbf" #Min decimation of this firmware is 4. contains 4 Rx paths without halfbands and 0 tx paths.
- if options.output_shorts:
- self.u = usrp.source_s(decim_rate=options.decim,fpga_filename=self.fpga_filename)
- else:
- self.u = usrp.source_c(decim_rate=options.decim,fpga_filename=self.fpga_filename)
- else:
- #standard fpga firmware "std_2rxhb_2tx.rbf" contains 2 Rx paths with halfband filters and 2 tx paths (the default) min decimation 8
- if options.output_shorts:
- self.u = usrp.source_s(decim_rate=options.decim)
- else:
- self.u = usrp.source_c(decim_rate=options.decim)
- if options.width_8:
- sample_width = 8
- sample_shift = 8
- format = self.u.make_format(sample_width, sample_shift)
- r = self.u.set_format(format)
- if options.output_shorts:
- self.dst = gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_short, filename)
- else:
- self.dst = gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, filename)
- if options.nsamples is None:
- self.connect(self.u, self.dst)
- else:
- if options.output_shorts:
- self.head = gr.head(gr.sizeof_short, int(options.nsamples)*2)
- else:
- self.head = gr.head(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, int(options.nsamples))
- self.connect(self.u, self.head, self.dst)
- if options.rx_subdev_spec is None:
- options.rx_subdev_spec = usrp.pick_rx_subdevice(self.u)
- self.u.set_mux(usrp.determine_rx_mux_value(self.u, options.rx_subdev_spec))
- # determine the daughterboard subdevice we're using
- self.subdev = usrp.selected_subdev(self.u, options.rx_subdev_spec)
- print "Using RX d'board %s" % (self.subdev.side_and_name(),)
- input_rate = self.u.adc_freq() / self.u.decim_rate()
- print "USB sample rate %s" % (eng_notation.num_to_str(input_rate))
- if options.gain is None:
- # if no gain was specified, use the mid-point in dB
- g = self.subdev.gain_range()
- options.gain = float(g[0]+g[1])/2
- self.subdev.set_gain(options.gain)
- r = self.u.tune(0, self.subdev, options.freq)
- if not r:
- sys.stderr.write('Failed to set frequency\n')
- raise SystemExit, 1
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- try:
- my_graph().run()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
deleted file mode 100755
index b33d626e28..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from gnuradio import gr, gru, usrp, optfir, audio, eng_notation, blks
-from gnuradio.eng_option import eng_option
-from optparse import OptionParser
-This example application demonstrates receiving and demodulating
-different types of signals using the USRP.
-A receive chain is built up of the following signal processing
-USRP - Daughter board source generating complex baseband signal.
-CHAN - Low pass filter to select channel bandwidth
-RFSQL - RF squelch zeroing output when input power below threshold
-AGC - Automatic gain control leveling signal at [-1.0, +1.0]
-DEMOD - Demodulation block appropriate to selected signal type.
- This converts the complex baseband to real audio frequencies,
- and applies an appropriate low pass decimating filter.
-CTCSS - Optional tone squelch zeroing output when tone is not present.
-RSAMP - Resampler block to convert audio sample rate to user specified
- sound card output rate.
-AUDIO - Audio sink for playing final output to speakers.
-The following are required command line parameters:
--f FREQ USRP receive frequency
--m MOD Modulation type, select from AM, FM, or WFM
-The following are optional command line parameters:
--R SUBDEV Daughter board specification, defaults to first found
--c FREQ Calibration offset. Gets added to receive frequency.
- Defaults to 0.0 Hz.
--g GAIN Daughterboard gain setting. Defaults to mid-range.
--o RATE Sound card output rate. Defaults to 32000. Useful if
- your sound card only accepts particular sample rates.
--r RFSQL RF squelch in db. Defaults to -50.0.
--p FREQ CTCSS frequency. Opens squelch when tone is present.
-Once the program is running, ctrl-break (Ctrl-C) stops operation.
-Please see and for details of the demodulation
-# (usrp_decim, channel_decim, audio_decim, channel_pass, channel_stop, demod)
-demod_params = {
- 'AM' : (250, 16, 1, 5000, 8000, blks.demod_10k0a3e_cf),
- 'FM' : (250, 8, 4, 8000, 9000, blks.demod_20k0f3e_cf),
- 'WFM' : (250, 1, 8, 90000, 100000, blks.demod_200kf3e_cf)
- }
-class usrp_source_c(gr.hier_block):
- """
- Create a USRP source object supplying complex floats.
- Selects user supplied subdevice or chooses first available one.
- Calibration value is the offset from the tuned frequency to
- the actual frequency.
- """
- def __init__(self, fg, subdev_spec, decim, gain=None, calibration=0.0):
- self._decim = decim
- self._src = usrp.source_c()
- if subdev_spec is None:
- subdev_spec = usrp.pick_rx_subdevice(self._src)
- self._subdev = usrp.selected_subdev(self._src, subdev_spec)
- self._src.set_mux(usrp.determine_rx_mux_value(self._src, subdev_spec))
- self._src.set_decim_rate(self._decim)
- # If no gain specified, set to midrange
- if gain is None:
- g = self._subdev.gain_range()
- gain = (g[0]+g[1])/2.0
- self._subdev.set_gain(gain)
- self._cal = calibration
- gr.hier_block.__init__(self, fg, self._src, self._src)
- def tune(self, freq):
- result = usrp.tune(self._src, 0, self._subdev, freq+self._cal)
- # TODO: deal with residual
- def rate(self):
- return self._src.adc_rate()/self._decim
-class app_flow_graph(gr.flow_graph):
- def __init__(self, options, args):
- gr.flow_graph.__init__(self)
- self.options = options
- self.args = args
- (usrp_decim, channel_decim, audio_decim,
- channel_pass, channel_stop, demod) = demod_params[options.modulation]
- USRP = usrp_source_c(self, # Flow graph
- options.rx_subdev_spec, # Daugherboard spec
- usrp_decim, # IF decimation ratio
- options.gain, # Receiver gain
- options.calibration) # Frequency offset
- USRP.tune(options.frequency)
- if_rate = USRP.rate()
- channel_rate = if_rate // channel_decim
- audio_rate = channel_rate // audio_decim
- CHAN_taps = optfir.low_pass(1.0, # Filter gain
- if_rate, # Sample rate
- channel_pass, # One sided modulation bandwidth
- channel_stop, # One sided channel bandwidth
- 0.1, # Passband ripple
- 60) # Stopband attenuation
- CHAN = gr.freq_xlating_fir_filter_ccf(channel_decim, # Decimation rate
- CHAN_taps, # Filter taps
- 0.0, # Offset frequency
- if_rate) # Sample rate
- RFSQL = gr.pwr_squelch_cc(options.rf_squelch, # Power threshold
- 125.0/channel_rate, # Time constant
- channel_rate/20, # 50ms rise/fall
- False) # Zero, not gate output
- AGC = gr.agc_cc(1.0/channel_rate, # Time constant
- 1.0, # Reference power
- 1.0, # Initial gain
- 1.0) # Maximum gain
- DEMOD = demod(self, channel_rate, audio_decim)
- # From RF to audio
- self.connect(USRP, CHAN, RFSQL, AGC, DEMOD)
- # Optionally add CTCSS and RSAMP if needed
- tail = DEMOD
- if options.ctcss != None and options.ctcss > 60.0:
- CTCSS = gr.ctcss_squelch_ff(audio_rate, # Sample rate
- options.ctcss) # Squelch tone
- self.connect(DEMOD, CTCSS)
- tail = CTCSS
- if options.output_rate != audio_rate:
- out_lcm = gru.lcm(audio_rate, options.output_rate)
- out_interp = int(out_lcm // audio_rate)
- out_decim = int(out_lcm // options.output_rate)
- RSAMP = blks.rational_resampler_fff(self, out_interp, out_decim)
- self.connect(tail, RSAMP)
- tail = RSAMP
- # Send to default audio output
- AUDIO = audio.sink(options.output_rate, "")
- self.connect(tail, AUDIO)
-def main():
- parser = OptionParser(option_class=eng_option)
- parser.add_option("-f", "--frequency", type="eng_float",
- help="set receive frequency to Hz", metavar="Hz")
- parser.add_option("-R", "--rx-subdev-spec", type="subdev",
- help="select USRP Rx side A or B", metavar="SUBDEV")
- parser.add_option("-c", "--calibration", type="eng_float", default=0.0,
- help="set frequency offset to Hz", metavar="Hz")
- parser.add_option("-g", "--gain", type="int", default=None,
- help="set RF gain", metavar="dB")
- parser.add_option("-m", "--modulation", type="choice", choices=('AM','FM','WFM'),
- help="set modulation type (AM,FM)", metavar="TYPE")
- parser.add_option("-o", "--output-rate", type="int", default=32000,
- help="set audio output rate to RATE", metavar="RATE")
- parser.add_option("-r", "--rf-squelch", type="eng_float", default=-50.0,
- help="set RF squelch to dB", metavar="dB")
- parser.add_option("-p", "--ctcss", type="float",
- help="set CTCSS squelch to FREQ", metavar="FREQ")
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if options.frequency < 1e6:
- options.frequency *= 1e6
- fg = app_flow_graph(options, args)
- try:
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
deleted file mode 100755
index 7f5285885b..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from gnuradio import gr, gru
-from gnuradio import usrp
-from gnuradio.eng_option import eng_option
-from gnuradio import eng_notation
-from optparse import OptionParser
-import sys
-class my_graph(gr.flow_graph):
- def __init__ (self):
- gr.flow_graph.__init__(self)
- # controllable values
- self.interp = 64
- self.waveform_type = gr.GR_SIN_WAVE
- self.waveform_ampl = 16000
- self.waveform_freq = 100.12345e3
- self.waveform_offset = 0
- self._instantiate_blocks ()
- self.set_waveform_type (self.waveform_type)
- def usb_freq (self):
- return self.u.dac_freq() / self.interp
- def usb_throughput (self):
- return self.usb_freq () * 4
- def set_waveform_type (self, type):
- '''
- valid waveform types are: gr.GR_SIN_WAVE, gr.GR_CONST_WAVE,
- '''
- self._configure_graph (type)
- self.waveform_type = type
- def set_waveform_ampl (self, ampl):
- self.waveform_ampl = ampl
- self.siggen.set_amplitude (ampl)
- self.noisegen.set_amplitude (ampl)
- def set_waveform_freq (self, freq):
- self.waveform_freq = freq
- self.siggen.set_frequency (freq)
- def set_waveform_offset (self, offset):
- self.waveform_offset = offset
- self.siggen.set_offset (offset)
- def set_interpolator (self, interp):
- self.interp = interp
- self.siggen.set_sampling_freq (self.usb_freq ())
- self.u.set_interp_rate (interp)
- def _instantiate_blocks (self):
- self.src = None
- self.u = usrp.sink_c (0, self.interp)
- self.siggen = gr.sig_source_c (self.usb_freq (),
- self.waveform_freq,
- self.waveform_ampl,
- self.waveform_offset)
- self.noisegen = gr.noise_source_c (gr.GR_UNIFORM,
- self.waveform_ampl)
- # self.file_sink = gr.file_sink (gr.sizeof_gr_complex, "siggen.dat")
- def _configure_graph (self, type):
- was_running = self.is_running ()
- if was_running:
- self.stop ()
- self.disconnect_all ()
- if type == gr.GR_SIN_WAVE or type == gr.GR_CONST_WAVE:
- self.connect (self.siggen, self.u)
- # self.connect (self.siggen, self.file_sink)
- self.siggen.set_waveform (type)
- self.src = self.siggen
- elif type == gr.GR_UNIFORM or type == gr.GR_GAUSSIAN:
- self.connect (self.noisegen, self.u)
- self.noisegen.set_type (type)
- self.src = self.noisegen
- else:
- raise ValueError, type
- if was_running:
- self.start ()
- def set_freq(self, target_freq):
- """
- Set the center frequency we're interested in.
- @param target_freq: frequency in Hz
- @rypte: bool
- Tuning is a two step process. First we ask the front-end to
- tune as close to the desired frequency as it can. Then we use
- the result of that operation and our target_frequency to
- determine the value for the digital up converter.
- """
- r = self.u.tune(self.subdev._which, self.subdev, target_freq)
- if r:
- #print "r.baseband_freq =", eng_notation.num_to_str(r.baseband_freq)
- #print "r.dxc_freq =", eng_notation.num_to_str(r.dxc_freq)
- #print "r.residual_freq =", eng_notation.num_to_str(r.residual_freq)
- #print "r.inverted =", r.inverted
- return True
- return False
-def main ():
- parser = OptionParser (option_class=eng_option)
- parser.add_option ("-T", "--tx-subdev-spec", type="subdev", default=(0, 0),
- help="select USRP Tx side A or B")
- parser.add_option ("-f", "--rf-freq", type="eng_float", default=None,
- help="set RF center frequency to FREQ")
- parser.add_option ("-i", "--interp", type="int", default=64,
- help="set fgpa interpolation rate to INTERP [default=%default]")
- parser.add_option ("--sine", dest="type", action="store_const", const=gr.GR_SIN_WAVE,
- help="generate a complex sinusoid [default]", default=gr.GR_SIN_WAVE)
- parser.add_option ("--const", dest="type", action="store_const", const=gr.GR_CONST_WAVE,
- help="generate a constant output")
- parser.add_option ("--gaussian", dest="type", action="store_const", const=gr.GR_GAUSSIAN,
- help="generate Gaussian random output")
- parser.add_option ("--uniform", dest="type", action="store_const", const=gr.GR_UNIFORM,
- help="generate Uniform random output")
- parser.add_option ("-w", "--waveform-freq", type="eng_float", default=100e3,
- help="set waveform frequency to FREQ [default=%default]")
- parser.add_option ("-a", "--amplitude", type="eng_float", default=16e3,
- help="set waveform amplitude to AMPLITUDE [default=%default]", metavar="AMPL")
- parser.add_option ("-o", "--offset", type="eng_float", default=0,
- help="set waveform offset to OFFSET [default=%default]")
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args ()
- if len(args) != 0:
- parser.print_help()
- raise SystemExit
- if options.rf_freq is None:
- sys.stderr.write("usrp_siggen: must specify RF center frequency with -f RF_FREQ\n")
- parser.print_help()
- raise SystemExit
- fg = my_graph()
- fg.set_interpolator (options.interp)
- fg.set_waveform_type (options.type)
- fg.set_waveform_freq (options.waveform_freq)
- fg.set_waveform_ampl (options.amplitude)
- fg.set_waveform_offset (options.offset)
- # determine the daughterboard subdevice we're using
- if options.tx_subdev_spec is None:
- options.tx_subdev_spec = usrp.pick_tx_subdevice(fg.u)
- m = usrp.determine_tx_mux_value(fg.u, options.tx_subdev_spec)
- #print "mux = %#04x" % (m,)
- fg.u.set_mux(m)
- fg.subdev = usrp.selected_subdev(fg.u, options.tx_subdev_spec)
- print "Using TX d'board %s" % (fg.subdev.side_and_name(),)
- fg.subdev.set_gain(fg.subdev.gain_range()[1]) # set max Tx gain
- if not fg.set_freq(options.rf_freq):
- sys.stderr.write('Failed to set RF frequency\n')
- raise SystemExit
- fg.subdev.set_enable(True) # enable transmitter
- try:
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main ()