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-# Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
-# under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3
-# or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
-# with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
-# A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU
-# Free Documentation License".
-/*! \page page_pmt Polymorphic Types
-\section pmt_introduction Introduction
-Polymorphic Types are opaque data types that are designed as generic
-containers of data that can be safely passed around between blocks and
-threads in GNU Radio. They are heavily used in the stream tags and
-message passing interfaces. The most complete list of PMT function is,
-of course, the source code, specifically the header file pmt.h. This
-manual page summarizes the most important features and points of PMTs.
-Let's dive straight into some Python code and see how we can use
->>> import pmt
->>> P = pmt.from_long(23)
->>> type(P)
-<class 'pmt.pmt_swig.swig_int_ptr'>
->>> print P
->>> P2 = pmt.from_complex(1j)
->>> type(P2)
-<class 'pmt.pmt_swig.swig_int_ptr'>
->>> print P2
->>> pmt.is_complex(P2)
-First, the pmt module is imported. We assign two values (P and P2)
-with PMTs using the from_long() and from_complex() calls,
-respectively. As we can see, they are both of the same type! This
-means we can pass these variables to C++ through SWIG, and C++ can
-handle this type accordingly.
-The same code as above in C++ would look like this:
-#include <pmt/pmt.h>
-// [...]
-pmt::pmt_t P = pmt::from_long(23);
-std::cout << P << std::endl;
-pmt::pmt_t P2 = pmt::from_complex(gr_complex(0, 1)); // Alternatively: pmt::from_complex(0, 1)
-std::cout << P2 << std::endl;
-std::cout << pmt::is_complex(P2) << std::endl;
-Two things stand out in both Python and C++. First, we can simply print
-the contents of a PMT. How is this possible? Well, the PMTs have
-in-built capability to cast their value to a string (this is not
-possible with all types, though). Second, PMTs must obviously know
-their type, so we can query that, e.g. by calling the is_complex()
-When assigning a non-PMT value to a PMT, we can use the from_*
-methods, and use the to_* methods to convert back:
-pmt::pmt_t P_int = pmt::from_long(42);
-int i = pmt::to_long(P_int);
-pmt::pmt_t P_double = pmt::from_double(0.2);
-double d = pmt::to_double(P_double);
-String types play a bit of a special role in PMTs, as we will see
-later, and have their own converter:
-pmt::pmt_t P_str = pmt::string_to_symbol("spam");
-pmt::pmt_t P_str2 = pmt::intern("spam");
-std::string str = pmt::symbol_to_string(P_str);
-The pmt::intern is another way of saying pmt::string_to_symbol.
-In Python, we can make use of the dynamic typing, and there's actually a
-helper function to do these conversions (C++ also has a helper
-function for converting to PMTs called pmt::mp(), but it's less
-powerful, and not quite as useful, because types are always strictly
-known in C++):
-P_int = pmt.to_pmt(42)
-i = pmt.to_python(P_int)
-P_double = pmt.to_pmt(0.2)
-d = pmt.to_double(P_double)
-On a side note, there are three useful PMT constants, which can be
-used in both Python and C++ domains. In C++, these can be used as
-pmt::pmt_t P_true = pmt::PMT_T;
-pmt::pmt_t P_false = pmt::PMT_F;
-pmt::pmt_t P_nil = pmt::PMT_NIL;
-In Python:
-P_true = pmt.PMT_T
-P_false = pmt.PMT_F
-P_nil = pmt.PMT_NIL
-pmt.PMT_T and pmt.PMT_F are boolean PMT types.
-To be able to go back to C++ data types, we need to be able to find
-out the type from a PMT. The family of is_* methods helps us do that:
-double d;
-if (pmt::is_integer(P)) {
- d = (double) pmt::to_long(P);
-} else if (pmt::is_real(P)) {
- d = pmt::to_double(P);
-} else {
- // We really expected an integer or a double here, so we don't know what to do
- throw std::runtime_error("expected an integer!");
-It is important to do type checking since we cannot unpack a PMT of
-the wrong data type.
-We can compare PMTs without knowing their type by using the
-pmt::equal() function:
-if (pmt::eq(P_int, P_double)) {
- std::cout << "Equal!" << std::endl; // This line will never be reached
-The rest of this page provides more depth into how to handle different
-data types with the PMT library.
-\section pmt_datatype PMT Data Type
-All PMTs are of the type pmt::pmt_t. This is an opaque container and
-PMT functions must be used to manipulate and even do things like
-compare PMTs. PMTs are also \a immutable (except PMT vectors). We
-never change the data in a PMT; instead, we create a new PMT with the
-new data. The main reason for this is thread safety. We can pass PMTs
-as tags and messages between blocks and each receives its own copy
-that we can read from. However, we can never write to this object, and
-so if multiple blocks have a reference to the same PMT, there is no
-possibility of thread-safety issues of one reading the PMT data while
-another is writing the data. If a block is trying to write new data to
-a PMT, it actually creates a new PMT to put the data into. Thus we
-allow easy access to data in the PMT format without worrying about
-mutex locking and unlocking while manipulating them.
-PMTs can represent the following:
-- Boolean values of true/false
-- Strings (as symbols)
-- Integers (long and uint64)
-- Floats (as doubles)
-- Complex (as two doubles)
-- Pairs
-- Tuples
-- Vectors (of PMTs)
-- Uniform vectors (of any standard data type)
-- Dictionaries (list of key:value pairs)
-- Any (contains a boost::any pointer to hold anything)
-The PMT library also defines a set of functions that operate directly
-on PMTs such as:
-- Equal/equivalence between PMTs
-- Length (of a tuple or vector)
-- Map (apply a function to all elements in the PMT)
-- Reverse
-- Get a PMT at a position in a list
-- Serialize and deserialize
-- Printing
-The constants in the PMT library are:
-- pmt::PMT_T - a PMT True
-- pmt::PMT_F - a PMT False
-- pmt::PMT_NIL - an empty PMT (think Python's 'None')
-\section pmt_insert Inserting and Extracting Data
-Use pmt.h for a complete guide to the list of functions used to create
-PMTs and get the data from a PMT. When using these functions, remember
-that while PMTs are opaque and designed to hold any data, the data
-underneath is still a C++ typed object, and so the right type of
-set/get function must be used for the data type.
-Typically, a PMT object can be made from a scalar item using a call
-like "pmt::from_<type>". Similarly, when getting data out of a
-PMT, we use a call like "pmt::to_<type>". For example:
-double a = 1.2345;
-pmt::pmt_t pmt_a = pmt::from_double(a);
-double b = pmt::to_double(pmt_a);
-int c = 12345;
-pmt::pmt_t pmt_c = pmt::from_long(c);
-int d = pmt::to_long(pmt_c);
-As a side-note, making a PMT from a complex number is not obvious:
-std::complex<double> a(1.2, 3.4);
-pmt::pmt_t pmt_a = pmt::make_rectangular(a.real(), b.imag());
-std::complex<double> b = pmt::to_complex(pmt_a);
-Pairs, dictionaries, and vectors have different constructors and ways
-to manipulate them, and these are explained in their own sections.
-\section pmt_strings Strings
-PMTs have a way of representing short strings. These strings are
-actually stored as interned symbols in a hash table, so in other
-words, only one PMT object for a given string exists. If creating a
-new symbol from a string, if that string already exists in the hash
-table, the constructor will return a reference to the existing PMT.
-We create strings with the following functions, where the second
-function, pmt::intern, is simply an alias of the first.
-pmt::pmt_t str0 = pmt::string_to_symbol(std::string("some string"));
-pmt::pmt_t str1 = pmt::intern(std::string("some string"));
-The string can be retrieved using the inverse function:
-std::string s = pmt::symbol_to_string(str0);
-\section pmt_tests Tests and Comparisons
-The PMT library comes with a number of functions to test and compare
-PMT objects. In general, for any PMT data type, there is an equivalent
-"pmt::is_<type>". We can use these to test the PMT before trying
-to access the data inside. Expanding our examples above, we have:
-pmt::pmt_t str0 = pmt::string_to_symbol(std::string("some string"));
- std::string s = pmt::symbol_to_string(str0);
-double a = 1.2345;
-pmt::pmt_t pmt_a = pmt::from_double(a);
- double b = pmt::to_double(pmt_a);
-int c = 12345;
-pmt::pmt_t pmt_c = pmt::from_long(c);
- int d = pmt::to_long(pmt_c);
-\\ This will fail the test. Otherwise, trying to coerce \b pmt_c as a
-\\ double when internally it is a long will result in an exception.
- double d = pmt::to_double(pmt_c);
-\section pmt_dict Dictionaries
-PMT dictionaries are lists of key:value pairs. They have a
-well-defined interface for creating, adding, removing, and accessing
-items in the dictionary. Note that every operation that changes the
-dictionary both takes a PMT dictionary as an argument and returns a
-PMT dictionary. The dictionary used as an input is not changed and the
-returned dictionary is a new PMT with the changes made there.
-The following is a list of PMT dictionary functions. Click through to
-get more information on what each does.
-- bool pmt::is_dict(const pmt_t &obj)
-- pmt_t pmt::make_dict()
-- pmt_t pmt::dict_add(const pmt_t &dict, const pmt_t &key, const pmt_t &value)
-- pmt_t pmt::dict_delete(const pmt_t &dict, const pmt_t &key)
-- bool pmt::dict_has_key(const pmt_t &dict, const pmt_t &key)
-- pmt_t pmt::dict_ref(const pmt_t &dict, const pmt_t &key, const pmt_t &not_found)
-- pmt_t pmt::dict_items(pmt_t dict)
-- pmt_t pmt::dict_keys(pmt_t dict)
-- pmt_t pmt::dict_values(pmt_t dict)
-This example does some basic manipulations of PMT dictionaries in
-Python. Notice that we pass the dictionary \a a and return the results
-to \a a. This still creates a new dictionary and removes the local
-reference to the old dictionary. This just keeps our number of
-variables small.
-import pmt
-key0 = pmt.intern("int")
-val0 = pmt.from_long(123)
-val1 = pmt.from_long(234)
-key1 = pmt.intern("double")
-val2 = pmt.from_double(5.4321)
-# Make an empty dictionary
-a = pmt.make_dict()
-# Add a key:value pair to the dictionary
-a = pmt.dict_add(a, key0, val0)
-print a
-# Add a new value to the same key;
-# new dict will still have one item with new value
-a = pmt.dict_add(a, key0, val1)
-print a
-# Add a new key:value pair
-a = pmt.dict_add(a, key1, val2)
-print a
-# Test if we have a key, then delete it
-print pmt.dict_has_key(a, key1)
-a = pmt.dict_delete(a, key1)
-print pmt.dict_has_key(a, key1)
-ref = pmt.dict_ref(a, key0, pmt.PMT_NIL)
-print ref
-# The following should never print
-if(pmt.dict_has_key(a, key0) and pmt.eq(ref, pmt.PMT_NIL)):
- print "Trouble! We have key0, but it returned PMT_NIL"
-\section pmt_vectors Vectors
-PMT vectors come in two forms: vectors of PMTs and vectors of uniform
-data. The standard PMT vector is a vector of PMTs, and each PMT can be
-of any internal type. On the other hand, uniform PMTs are of a
-specific data type which come in the form:
-- (u)int8
-- (u)int16
-- (u)int32
-- (u)int64
-- float32
-- float64
-- complex 32 (std::complex<float>)
-- complex 64 (std::complex<double>)
-That is, the standard sizes of integers, floats, and complex types of
-both signed and unsigned.
-Vectors have a well-defined interface that allows us to make, set,
-get, and fill them. We can also get the length of a vector with
-For standard vectors, these functions look like:
-- bool pmt::is_vector(pmt_t x)
-- pmt_t pmt::make_vector(size_t k, pmt_t fill)
-- pmt_t pmt::vector_ref(pmt_t vector, size_t k)
-- void pmt::vector_set(pmt_t vector, size_t k, pmt_t obj)
-- void pmt::vector_fill(pmt_t vector, pmt_t fill)
-Uniform vectors have the same types of functions, but they are data
-type-dependent. The following list tries to explain them where you
-substitute the specific data type prefix for \a dtype (prefixes being:
-u8, u16, u32, u64, s8, s16, s32, s64, f32, f64, c32, c64).
-- bool pmt::is_(dtype)vector(pmt_t x)
-- pmt_t pmt::make_(dtype)vector(size_t k, (dtype) fill)
-- pmt_t pmt::init_(dtype)vector(size_t k, const (dtype*) data)
-- pmt_t pmt::init_(dtype)vector(size_t k, const std::vector<dtype> data)
-- pmt_t pmt::(dtype)vector_ref(pmt_t vector, size_t k)
-- void pmt::(dtype)vector_set(pmt_t vector, size_t k, (dtype) x)
-- const dtype* pmt::(dtype)vector_elements(pmt_t vector, size_t &len)
-- dtype* pmt::(dtype)vector_writable_elements(pmt_t vector, size_t &len)
-\b Note: We break the contract with vectors. The 'set' functions
-actually change the data underneath. It is important to keep track of
-the implications of setting a new value as well as accessing the
-'vector_writable_elements' data. Since these are mostly standard data
-types, sets and gets are atomic, so it is unlikely to cause a great
-deal of harm. But it's only unlikely, not impossible. Best to use
-mutexes whenever manipulating data in a vector.
-\subsection pmt_blob BLOB
-A BLOB is a 'binary large object' type. In PMT's, this is actually
-just a thin wrapper around a u8vector.
-\section pmt_pairs Pairs
-Pairs are inspired by LISP 'cons' data types, so you will find the
-language here comes from LISP. A pair is just a pair of PMT
-objects. They are manipulated using the following functions:
-- bool pmt::is_pair(const pmt_t &obj): Return true if obj is a pair, else false
-- pmt_t pmt::cons(const pmt_t &x, const pmt_t &y): construct new pair
-- pmt_t pmt::car(const pmt_t &pair): get the car of the pair (first object)
-- pmt_t pmt::cdr(const pmt_t &pair): get the cdr of the pair (second object)
-- void pmt::set_car(pmt_t pair, pmt_t value): Stores value in the car field
-- void pmt::set_cdr(pmt_t pair, pmt_t value): Stores value in the cdr field
-\section pmt_serdes Serializing and Deserializing
-It is often important to hide the fact that we are working with PMTs
-to make them easier to transmit, store, write to file, etc. The PMT
-library has methods to serialize data into a string buffer or a
-string and then methods to deserialize the string buffer or string
-back into a PMT. We use this extensively in the metadata files (see
-\ref page_metadata).
-- bool pmt::serialize(pmt_t obj, std::streambuf &sink)
-- std::string pmt::serialize_str(pmt_t obj)
-- pmt_t pmt::deserialize(std::streambuf &source)
-- pmt_t pmt::deserialize_str(std::string str)
-For example, we will serialize the data above to make it into a string
-ready to be written to a file and then deserialize it back to its
-original PMT.
-import pmt
-key0 = pmt.intern("int")
-val0 = pmt.from_long(123)
-key1 = pmt.intern("double")
-val1 = pmt.from_double(5.4321)
-# Make an empty dictionary
-a = pmt.make_dict()
-# Add a key:value pair to the dictionary
-a = pmt.dict_add(a, key0, val0)
-a = pmt.dict_add(a, key1, val1)
-print a
-ser_str = pmt.serialize_str(a)
-print ser_str
-b = pmt.deserialize_str(ser_str)
-print b
-The line where we 'print ser_str' will print and parts will be
-readable, but the point of serializing is not to make a human-readable
-string. This is only done here as a test.
-\section pmt_printing Printing
-In Python, the __repr__ function of a PMT object is overloaded to call
-'pmt::write_string'. This means that any time we call a formatted
-printing operation on a PMT object, the PMT library will properly
-format the object for display.
-In C++, we can use the 'pmt::print(object)' function or print the
-contents is using the overloaded "<<" operator with a stream buffer
-object. In C++, we can inline print the contents of a PMT like:
-pmt::pmt_t a pmt::from_double(1.0);
-std::cout << "The PMT a contains " << a << std::endl;
-\section pmt_python Conversion between Python Objects and PMTs
-Although PMTs can be manipulated in Python using the Python versions
-of the C++ interfaces, there are some additional goodies that make it
-easier to work with PMTs in python. There are functions to automate
-the conversion between PMTs and Python types for booleans, strings,
-integers, longs, floats, complex numbers, dictionaries, lists, tuples
-and combinations thereof.
-Two functions capture most of this functionality:
-pmt.to_pmt # Converts a python object to a PMT.
-pmt.to_python # Converts a PMT into a python object.