diff options
132 files changed, 17681 insertions, 2740 deletions
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 271e93cd1d..d355b7e801 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ message(STATUS "Build type set to ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}.")
# Set the version information here
include(GrVersion) #setup version info
# Append -O2 optimization flag for Debug builds
@@ -409,6 +409,14 @@ add_subdirectory(gr-zeromq)
# Install our Cmake modules into $prefix/lib/cmake/gnuradio
diff --git a/cmake/Modules/FindThrift.cmake b/cmake/Modules/FindThrift.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f12bce01e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/Modules/FindThrift.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+set(THRIFT_REQ_VERSION "0.9.2")
+# If pkg-config found Thrift and it doesn't meet our version
+# requirement, warn and exit -- does not cause an error; just doesn't
+# enable Thrift.
+ message(STATUS "Could not find appropriate version of Thrift: ${PC_THRIFT_VERSION} < ${THRIFT_REQ_VERSION}")
+ return()
+# Else, look for it ourselves
+ NAMES thrift/Thrift.h
+ /usr/local/include
+ /usr/include
+ )
+ NAMES thrift
+ /usr/local/lib
+ /usr/lib
+ )
+# Get the thrift binary to build our files during cmake
+# Use binary to get version string and test against THRIFT_REQ_VERSION
+ COMMAND ${THRIFT_BIN} --version
+ )
+ message(STATUS "Binary 'thrift' not found.")
+ return()
+STRING(REGEX MATCH "[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+"
+ message(STATUS "Could not find appropriate version of Thrift: ${THRIFT_VERSION} < ${THRIFT_REQ_VERSION}")
+ return()
+# Check that Thrift for Python is available
+# Set to found if we've made it this far
+ set(THRIFT_FOUND TRUE CACHE BOOL "If Thift has been found")
diff --git a/cmake/Modules/GrSwig.cmake b/cmake/Modules/GrSwig.cmake
index abf4dc4612..ef3a76eb4c 100644
--- a/cmake/Modules/GrSwig.cmake
+++ b/cmake/Modules/GrSwig.cmake
@@ -105,17 +105,36 @@ endfunction(GR_SWIG_MAKE_DOCS)
macro(GR_SWIG_MAKE name)
set(ifiles ${ARGN})
- # Shimming this in here to take care of a SWIG bug with handling
- # vector<size_t> and vector<unsigned int> (on 32-bit machines) and
- # vector<long unsigned int> (on 64-bit machines). Use this to test
- # the size of size_t, then set SIZE_T_32 if it's a 32-bit machine
- # or not if it's 64-bit. The logic in gr_type.i handles the rest.
- INCLUDE(CheckTypeSize)
+ # Take care of a SWIG < 3.0 bug with handling std::vector<size_t>,
+ # by mapping to the correct sized type on the runtime system, one
+ # of "unsigned int", "unsigned long", or "unsigned long long".
+ # Compare the sizeof(size_t) with the sizeof the other types, and
+ # pick the first one in the list with the same sizeof. The logic
+ # in gnuradio-runtime/swig/gr_types.i handles the rest. It is
+ # probably not necessary to do this assignment all of the time,
+ # but it's easier to do it this way than to figure out the
+ # conditions when it is necessary -- and doing it this way won't
+ # hurt. This bug seems to have been fixed with SWIG >= 3.0, and
+ # mostly happens when not doing a native build (e.g., on Mac OS X
+ # when using a 64-bit CPU but building for 32-bit).
+ include(CheckTypeSize)
+ check_type_size("size_t" SIZEOF_SIZE_T)
+ check_type_size("unsigned int" SIZEOF_UINT)
+ check_type_size("unsigned long" SIZEOF_UL)
+ check_type_size("unsigned long long" SIZEOF_ULL)
+ else()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "GrSwig: Unable to find replace for std::vector<size_t>; this should never happen!")
+ endif()
+ endif()
#do swig doc generation if specified
diff --git a/cmake/Modules/GrTest.cmake b/cmake/Modules/GrTest.cmake
index 62caab4b51..ff78ed2726 100644
--- a/cmake/Modules/GrTest.cmake
+++ b/cmake/Modules/GrTest.cmake
@@ -66,7 +66,8 @@ function(GR_ADD_TEST test_name)
file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${GR_TEST_LIBRARY_DIRS}" libpath) #ok to use on dir list?
file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${GR_TEST_PYTHON_DIRS}" pypath) #ok to use on dir list?
- set(environs "VOLK_GENERIC=1" "GR_DONT_LOAD_PREFS=1" "srcdir=${srcdir}")
+ set(environs "VOLK_GENERIC=1" "GR_DONT_LOAD_PREFS=1" "srcdir=${srcdir}"
list(APPEND environs ${GR_TEST_ENVIRONS})
diff --git a/ b/
index 82751a3cf7..ad6e3d022c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -30,6 +30,12 @@
#cmakedefine GR_CTRLPORT
#cmakedefine ENABLE_GR_LOG
diff --git a/docs/doxygen/other/build_guide.dox b/docs/doxygen/other/build_guide.dox
index 56bcce7f96..8fc3f911fb 100644
--- a/docs/doxygen/other/build_guide.dox
+++ b/docs/doxygen/other/build_guide.dox
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ first. Most recent systems have these packages available.
\li audio-osx
\li audio-windows
-* Optional but recommended dependencies.
+<b>Optional but recommended dependencies.</b>
It is not necessary to satisfy all of these dependencies; just the
one(s) that are right for your system. On Linux, don't expect
@@ -82,6 +82,17 @@ audio-osx and audio-windows to be either satisfied or built.
\li log4cpp (>= 1.0)
+\ref page_ctrlport may use various backends to perform the RPC
+process, and each is its own dependency.
+Currently, ControlPort only supports the Apache Thrift backend.
+\li thrift (>= 0.9.2)
\section build_gr_cmake Building GNU Radio
GNU Radio is built using the CMake build system
diff --git a/docs/doxygen/other/ctrlport.dox b/docs/doxygen/other/ctrlport.dox
index 64bf9f7d38..94a768e429 100644
--- a/docs/doxygen/other/ctrlport.dox
+++ b/docs/doxygen/other/ctrlport.dox
@@ -16,8 +16,427 @@ gnuradio.ctrlport module, imported as:
from gnuradio import ctrlport
-ControlPort is currently a temporary stub implementation of a set of
-RPC calls we would like to enable that would allow remote viewing,
-command, and control of GNU Radio flowgraphs and blocks.
+\section ctrlport_conf Configuration
+ControlPort is configured using two files. The first is the GNU Radio
+preferences file while the second file is specific to the type of
+middleware used.
+The GNU Radio preferences file has three options. The 'on' option is
+used to enable or disable the use of ControlPort, and is disabled by
+default. The 'config' option allows a user to specify the
+middleware-specific configuration file. The 'edges_list' is a special
+option that exports the list of nodes and edges of the flowgraph
+across ControlPort. This latter option is mainly used for redrawing
+the flowgraph for the Performance Counter applications.
+ [ControlPort]
+ on = True
+ edges_list = True
+ config = path-to/ctrlport.conf
+The ControlPort preferences are installed by default into
+'gnuradio-runtime.conf'. These can always be overridden in the local
+~/.gnuradio/config.conf file.
+\section ctrlport_deps Dependencies
+ControlPort is an abstracted remote procedure call tool that. It is
+built on top of other middleware libraries. The following subsections
+explain some details about the use of the particular middleware
+Currently, the only implemented middleware library is the Apache
+Thrift project.
+\subsection ctrlport_thrift Apache Thrift
+Current version support: >= 0.9.2
+Apache Thrift is a middleware layer that defines interfaces of a
+program using its own Thrift language. GNU Radio's interface file is:
+This file defines the interfaces set, get, trigger, and properties. It
+also defines a set of data structure Knobs to allow us to pass any
+type of data over the interfaces.
+To use Thrift in ControlPort requires a minimum Thrift version of
+0.9.0. If a Thrift version greater than or equal to this version is
+not found, the Thrift backend to ControlPort will not be installed,
+through ControlPort itself still will be. During cmake configuration
+time, it prints out information about finding Thrift and requires:
+\li Thrift header files by looking for thrift/Thrift.h
+\li Thrift C++ libraries:
+\li Thrift Python bindings: "import thrift"
+If all of these are not satisfied, the Thrift backend will not be
+installed. Upon completion, cmake outputs a notification of what
+components will be built. You will see this if Thrift was found and
+can be used:
+* gr-ctrlport
+* * thrift
+Cmake also uses the Thrift compiler ("thrift") to build the C++ and
+Python files necessary for compiling ControlPort. It runs "thrift
+--gen cpp" the C++ bindings in the build directory, and then
+it runs "thrift --gen py" to build the Python bindings, also in the
+build directory. These are used to compile the Thrift ControlPort
+features and are necessary files to run the Python clients. If cmake
+fails to produce these bindings, it should error out.
+\subsubsection ctrlport_thrift_prefs Configuration
+Thrift does not support its own concept of a configuration file, so we
+have built one for our purposes in GNU Radio. The 'config' option in
+the ControlPort section of the preference files tells ControlPort
+where to find the backend-specific file format. GNU Radio's Thrift
+format follows the same "[Section] key = value" scheme used in all of
+its other preference files. Currently supported configuration options
+port = 9090
+nthreads = 2
+buffersize = 1434
+init_attempts = 100
+\subsubsection ctrlport_thrift_issues Thrift: Current Issues
+Thrift uses a thread pool system to handle each connection, but it
+will only allow up to a specified number of threads in the server. The
+default value is 10 threads, but the Thrift configuration file allows
+the user to change this value.
+Thrift also does not find and use a free ephemeral port when launching
+the server. It must be told explicitly which port to launch on, which
+we set in the configuration file. This makes it difficult to launch
+multiple flowgraphs on the same machine because that will cause a port
+collision. Until this is fixed, a way around this is to use the
+environmental variable GR_CONF_THRIFT_PORT=xxx to set the port number
+for that specific application.
+Efficiency issues of Thrift come from the over-the-wire formatting
+done by the transport protocol. It defaults to using 512 byte packets,
+which can lead to a lot of fragmentation of the data over the
+connection. The buffersize configuration allows the user to set this
+value to whatever number fits their network needs. The default 1434 is
+designed around the standard 1500 byte Ethernet frame size limit minus
+the TCP/IP and Ethernet header size.
+\subsection ctrlport_client_translation Translation Layer for Clients
+Different backends will produce different ways to interface with the
+system. ControlPort in the running flowgraph acts as the server by
+exposing interfaces to blocks. The interfaces and API in GNU Radio to
+communicate with ControlPort are all abstracted completely away from
+the backend methods and data types. That is, the code in GNU Radio's
+scheduler and in the blocks that expose their ControlPort interfaces
+will work regardless of the backend used.
+We are building better abstractions on the clients sides now, as
+well. Although certain backends will support other features of
+discovery and services that work well with their products, GNU Radio
+wants to make sure that clients can access the data from the
+interfaces in the same way for any backend used. This abstraction is
+done through the GNURadioControlPortClient. This class is told which
+type of backend is used, and defaults to Thrift, and can be passed
+information about the server's endpoint such as the host name and port
+number to attach to. The GNURadioControlPortClient returns a 'radio'
+object that represents the connection to the running flowgraph.
+\section ctrlport_using Using ControlPort to Export Variables
+The ability to export variables from a block is inherited from
+gr::block. Then, when the flowgraph is started, the function
+<b>setup_rpc()</b> is called in turn for each block. By default, this
+is an empty function. A block overloads this function and defines and
+exports variables in it.
+Say we have a class <b>gr::blocks::foo</b> that has variables <b>a</b>
+and <b>b</b> that we want to export. Specifically, we want to be able
+to read the values of both <b>a</b> and <b>b</b> and also set the
+value of <b>b</b>. The class <b>gr::blocks::foo</b> has setters and
+getters all set up. So our class implementation header file looks
+something like:
+namespace gr {
+ namespace blocks {
+ class foo_impl : public foo
+ {
+ private:
+ float d_a, d_b;
+ public:
+ foo_impl(float a, float b);
+ ~foo_impl();
+ float a() const { return d_a; }
+ float b() const { return d_a; }
+ void set_a(float a) { d_a = a; }
+ void set_b(float b) { d_b = b; }
+ void setup_rpc();
+ int work(int noutput_items,
+ gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
+ gr_vector_void_star &output_items);
+ };
+ } /* namespace blocks */
+} /* namespace gr */
+The source code then sets up the class and fills in
+namespace gr {
+ namespace blocks {
+ foo_impl::foo_impl(float a, float b):
+ sync_bloc(....),
+ d_a(a), d_b(b)
+ { }
+ foo_impl::~foo_impl()
+ { }
+ void
+ foo_impl::setup_rpc()
+ {
+ add_rpc_variable(
+ rpcbasic_sptr(new rpcbasic_register_get<foo, float>(
+ alias(), "a",
+ &foo::a,
+ pmt::mp(-2.0f), pmt::mp(2.0f), pmt::mp(0.0f),
+ "", "Get value of a", RPC_PRIVLVL_MIN,
+ add_rpc_variable(
+ rpcbasic_sptr(new rpcbasic_register_get<foo, float>(
+ alias(), "b",
+ &foo::b,
+ pmt::mp(0.0f), pmt::mp(20.0f), pmt::mp(10.0f),
+ "", "Get value of b", RPC_PRIVLVL_MIN,
+ add_rpc_variable(
+ rpcbasic_sptr(new rpcbasic_register_set<foo, float>(
+ alias(), "b",
+ &foo::set_b,
+ pmt::mp(0.0f), pmt::mp(20.0f), pmt::mp(10.0f),
+ "", "Set value of b", RPC_PRIVLVL_MIN,
+#endif /* GR_CTRLPORT */
+ }
+ int
+ foo_impl::work(int noutput_items,
+ gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
+ gr_vector_void_star &output_items)
+ { .... }
+ } /* namespace blocks */
+} /* namespace gr */
+In the above example, we're ignoring some of the basic semantics of
+the class as a GNU Radio block and focus just on the call to set up
+the get and set functions over ControlPort. Each block has a function
+that allows us to add a new ControlPort interface object to a list,
+the <b>add_rpc_variable</b>. We don't care about that list anymore;
+that's for ControlPort to worry about. We just add new variables,
+either setters or getters.
+Without dissecting every piece of the above calls, notice that we use
+the public class, <b>gr::blocks::foo</b> as the class, not the
+implementation class. We also use the block's alias, which GNU Radio
+uses as a database entry to connect a block by name to the pointer in
+memory. This allows ControlPort to know where the object in memory is
+at any given time to access the setters and getters.
+The three PMTs specified are simply an expected minimum, maximum, and
+default value. None of these are strictly enforced and only serve as
+guides. The RPC_PRIVLVL_MIN is currently a placeholder for a
+privilege level setting. In many cases, reading <b>b</b> might be
+fine for everyone, but we want strong restrictions on who has the
+ability to set <b>b</b>.
+And finally, we can specify display options to hint at the right way
+to display this variable when remotely plotting it. More on that in
+the following section.
+Finally, note that we put \#ifdefs around the code. We always want
+<b>setup_rpc</b> to be there and callable, but if ControlPort was not
+built for GNU Radio, we cannot register any variables with it. This is
+just a nicety to allow us to set up our code for use with ControlPort
+without requiring it.
+\subsection ctrlport_alt_reg Alternative Registers
+If using the concept above, <b>setup_rpc</b> automatically gets called
+when the flowgraph is started. In most instances, this is all we ever
+need since there's nothing interesting going on until then. However,
+if not using a gr::block or needing access before we run the flowgraph,
+the above method won't work (it comes down to when the block's alias
+has meaning).
+There are alternate variable registration functions for the sets and
+gets. These take the form:
+ rpcbasic_register_get(const std::string& name,
+ const char* functionbase,
+ T* obj,
+ Tfrom (T::*function)(),
+ const pmt::pmt_t &min, const pmt::pmt_t &max, const pmt::pmt_t &def,
+ const char* units_ = "",
+ const char* desc_ = "",
+ priv_lvl_t minpriv_ = RPC_PRIVLVL_MIN,
+ DisplayType display_ = DISPNULL)
+ rpcbasic_register_set(const std::string& name,
+ const char* functionbase,
+ T* obj,
+ void (T::*function)(Tto),
+ const pmt::pmt_t &min, const pmt::pmt_t &max, const pmt::pmt_t &def,
+ const char* units_ = "",
+ const char* desc_ = "",
+ priv_lvl_t minpriv_ = RPC_PRIVLVL_MIN,
+ DisplayType display_ = DISPNULL)
+The only thing different about the above code is that instead of
+taking a single 'alias()' name, which provides us access to the
+objects pointer, we instead provide a unique name
+(<b>fucntionbase</b>) and a pointer to the object itself
+(<b>obj</b>). These are templated functions, so the class T is known
+from that.
+If using this method, the recommended way is to create a new function
+(not <b>setup_rpc</b>), register the variable using
+<b>add_rpc_variable</b> but with the different <b>register_get/set</b>
+shown here, and then call this function either in the object's
+constructor or make it a public member function to be called when you
+need it.
+\section ctrlport_disp Display Options
+When exporting a new RPC variable over ControlPort, one argument is a
+display options mask. These options are useful to a remote client to
+tell identify activities like default plotters and initial
+conditions. The <b>gr-ctrlport-monitor</b> application uses this
+heavily in determining how to plot ControlPort variables.
+The options mask is just a 32-bit value with options OR'd
+together. Certain options are only appropriate for certain types of
+plots. Options on plots where that option is not available will
+simply be ignored.
+The main caveat to be aware of is that the DISPXY plot type is
+specific to complex values. Therefore, DISPOPTCPLX is assumed.
+These options are specified in rpccallbackregister_base.h and are
+exposed through SWIG to live in the \b gr namespace.
+<b>Plot Types</b>
+\li <b>DISPNULL:</b> Nothing specified.
+\li <b>DISPTIME:</b> Time-domain plot.
+\li <b>DISPXY:</b> XY or constellation plot (complex only).
+\li <b>DISPPSD:</b> PSD plot.
+\li <b>DISPSPEC:</b> Spectrogram plot.
+\li <b>DISPRAST:</b> Time raster plot (non-complex only)
+<b>Plot Options</b>
+\li <b>DISPOPTCPLX:</b> Signal is complex.
+\li <b>DISPOPTLOG:</b> Start plot in semilog-y mode (time domain only).
+\li <b>DISPOPTSTEM:</b> Start plot in stem mode (time domain only).
+\li <b>DISPOPTSTRIP:</b> Run plot as a stripchart (time domain only).
+\li <b>DISPOPTSCATTER:</b> Do scatter plot instead of lines (XY plot only).
+\section ctrlport_probes ControlPort Probes
+ControlPort provides a set of probes that can be used as sinks that
+pass vectors of data across ControlPort. These probes are used to
+sample or visualize data remotely. We can place a ControlPort probe
+anywhere in the flowgraph to grab the latest sample of data from the
+block it's connected to.
+The main ControlPort probe to use is
+<b>blocks.ctrlport_probe2_x</b>. From GRC, this is simply "CtrlPort
+Probe", which can handle complex, floats, ints, shorts, and bytes. The
+blocks are named and given a description to identify them over
+ControlPort. The blocks also take a vector length for how many samples
+to pass back at a time. Finally, these blocks take a display hint,
+as described in the above section. This allows us to specify the
+default behavior for how to display the samples.
+Another block that can be used is the <b>fft.ctrlport_probe_psd</b> to
+calculate the PSD and pass that over the ControlPort interface.
+\section ctrlport_monitors ControlPort Monitors
+There are two main ControlPort monitor applications provided with GNU
+Radio. Both act similarly. The first is a standard ControlPort monitor
+application. This connects to a running flowgraph and displays all
+exported interfaces in a table format. The name, unit, latest sample,
+and description of all interfaces are display in a
+row. Double-clicking will open up the default display. Right clicking
+any item will allow the user to select the type of plot to use to
+display the data.
+When a display is active, using the buttons at the top, the subwindows
+can all be tiled or windowed as needed to manage the full
+interface. We can then drag-and-drop any other item on top of a
+currently running display plot.
+To launch the ControlPort monitor application, know the IP address and
+port of the ControlPort endpoint established by the flowgraph and run:
+gr-ctrlport-monitor \<ip-addr\> -p \<port\>
+\subsection perfmonitor Performance Monitor
+A second application is used to locally redraw the flowgraph and
+display some of the Performance Counters. In this application, the
+nodes are blue boxes where the size of the box is proportional to the
+work time and the color depth and line width are proportional to the
+output buffer fullness.
+The controls at the top of the Performance Monitor application allow
+us to select the instantaneous, average, and variance values of the
+Performance Counters. And the work time and buffer fullness can be
+displayed as a table or bar graph.
+To launch the Performance Monitor, run:
+gr-perf-monitorx \<ip-addr\> -p \<port\>
diff --git a/docs/doxygen/other/perf_counters.dox b/docs/doxygen/other/perf_counters.dox
index 1a5bf40cba..9bca38268a 100644
--- a/docs/doxygen/other/perf_counters.dox
+++ b/docs/doxygen/other/perf_counters.dox
@@ -85,4 +85,14 @@ The options for the [PerfCounters] section are:
\li clock: sets the type of clock used when calculating work_time
('thread' or 'monotonic').
+\section pc_perfmonitor Performance Monitor
+See \ref perfmonitor for some details of using a ControlPort-based
+monitor application, gr-perf-monitorx, for visualizing the
+counters. This application is particularly useful in learning which
+blocks are the computationally complex blocks that could use extra
+optimization or work to improve their performance. It can also be used
+to understand the current 'health' of the application.
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/CMakeLists.txt b/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/CMakeLists.txt
index 3fc2fe7bd8..472f91847b 100644
--- a/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -86,6 +86,16 @@ install(FILES
COMPONENT "runtime_devel"
+ rpcserver_booter_thrift.h
+ thrift_application_base.h
+ thrift_server_template.h
+ COMPONENT "runtime_devel"
# Configure logger
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/prefs.h b/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/prefs.h
index a9a28586ab..4dc92b3631 100644
--- a/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/prefs.h
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/prefs.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2006,2013,2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -47,10 +47,38 @@ namespace gr {
static prefs *singleton();
+ /*!
+ * \brief Creates an object to read preference files.
+ *
+ * \details
+ *
+ * If no file name is given (empty arg list or ""), this opens up
+ * the standard GNU Radio configuration files in
+ * prefix/etc/gnuradio/conf.d as well as ~/.gnuradio/config.conf.
+ *
+ * Only access this through the singleton defined here:
+ * \code
+ * prefs *p = prefs::singleton();
+ * \endcode
+ */
virtual ~prefs();
+ * If specifying a file name, this opens that specific
+ * configuration file of the standard form containing sections and
+ * key-value pairs:
+ *
+ * \code
+ * [SectionName]
+ * key0 = value0
+ * key1 = value1
+ * \endcode
+ */
+ void add_config_file(const std::string &configfile);
+ /*!
* \brief Returns the configuration options as a string.
std::string to_string();
@@ -137,7 +165,7 @@ namespace gr {
virtual std::vector<std::string> _sys_prefs_filenames();
- virtual void _read_files();
+ virtual std::string _read_files(const std::vector<std::string> &filenames);
virtual void _convert_to_map(const std::string &conf);
virtual char * option_to_env(std::string section, std::string option);
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcbufferedget.h b/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcbufferedget.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad05551d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcbufferedget.h
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <boost/thread/condition_variable.hpp>
+#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
+template<typename TdataType>
+class rpcbufferedget {
+ rpcbufferedget(const unsigned int init_buffer_size = 4096) :
+ d_data_needed(false), d_data_ready(), d_buffer_lock(), d_buffer(init_buffer_size) {;}
+ ~rpcbufferedget() {
+ d_data_ready.notify_all();
+ }
+ void offer_data(const TdataType& data) {
+ if (!d_data_needed)
+ return;
+ {
+ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(d_buffer_lock);
+ d_buffer = data;
+ d_data_needed = false;
+ }
+ d_data_ready.notify_one();
+ }
+ TdataType get() {
+ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(d_buffer_lock);
+ d_data_needed = true;
+ d_data_ready.wait(lock);
+ return d_buffer;
+ }
+ bool d_data_needed;
+ boost::condition_variable d_data_ready;
+ boost::mutex d_buffer_lock;
+ TdataType d_buffer;
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcmanager.h b/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcmanager.h
index 5635572a8b..e7ee4c4942 100644
--- a/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcmanager.h
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcmanager.h
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class GR_RUNTIME_API rpcmanager : public virtual rpcmanager_base
static bool booter_registered;
static bool aggregator_registered;
static void rpcserver_booter_base_sptr_dest(rpcserver_booter_base* b) {;}
- static rpcserver_booter_base* boot;
+ static std::auto_ptr<rpcserver_booter_base> boot;
static std::auto_ptr<rpcserver_booter_aggregator> aggregator;
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcpmtconverters_thrift.h b/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcpmtconverters_thrift.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d55e7eb3b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcpmtconverters_thrift.h
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ * Copyright 2014,2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <pmt/pmt.h>
+#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
+#include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_map.hpp>
+#include "thrift/gnuradio_types.h"
+namespace rpcpmtconverter
+ GNURadio::Knob from_pmt(const pmt::pmt_t& knob);
+ struct to_pmt_f {
+ to_pmt_f() {;}
+ virtual ~to_pmt_f() {}
+ virtual pmt::pmt_t operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob);
+ };
+ struct to_pmt_byte_f : public to_pmt_f { pmt::pmt_t operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob); };
+ struct to_pmt_short_f : public to_pmt_f { pmt::pmt_t operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob); };
+ struct to_pmt_int_f : public to_pmt_f { pmt::pmt_t operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob); };
+ struct to_pmt_long_f : public to_pmt_f { pmt::pmt_t operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob); };
+ struct to_pmt_double_f : public to_pmt_f { pmt::pmt_t operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob); };
+ struct to_pmt_string_f : public to_pmt_f { pmt::pmt_t operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob); };
+ struct to_pmt_bool_f : public to_pmt_f { pmt::pmt_t operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob); };
+ struct to_pmt_complex_f: public to_pmt_f { pmt::pmt_t operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob); };
+ struct to_pmt_f32vect_f: public to_pmt_f { pmt::pmt_t operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob); };
+ struct to_pmt_f64vect_f: public to_pmt_f { pmt::pmt_t operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob); };
+ struct to_pmt_s64vect_f: public to_pmt_f { pmt::pmt_t operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob); };
+ struct to_pmt_s32vect_f: public to_pmt_f { pmt::pmt_t operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob); };
+ struct to_pmt_s16vect_f: public to_pmt_f { pmt::pmt_t operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob); };
+ struct to_pmt_s8vect_f : public to_pmt_f { pmt::pmt_t operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob); };
+ struct to_pmt_c32vect_f: public to_pmt_f { pmt::pmt_t operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob); };
+ class To_PMT : private boost::noncopyable {
+ public:
+ static To_PMT instance;
+ template<typename TO_PMT_F> friend struct to_pmt_reg;
+ pmt::pmt_t operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob);
+ protected:
+ boost::ptr_map<GNURadio::BaseTypes::type, to_pmt_f> to_pmt_map;
+ private:
+ To_PMT() {;}
+ };
+ template<typename TO_PMT_F> struct to_pmt_reg {
+ to_pmt_reg(To_PMT& instance, const GNURadio::BaseTypes::type type);
+ };
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcregisterhelpers.h b/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcregisterhelpers.h
index 0999dea747..f82f5ed0aa 100644
--- a/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcregisterhelpers.h
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcregisterhelpers.h
@@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ struct rpcbasic_register_set : public rpcbasic_base
d_minpriv = minpriv_;
d_display = display_;
d_object = dynamic_cast<T*>(global_block_registry.block_lookup(pmt::intern(block_alias)).get());
extractor(new rpcbasic_extractor<T,Tto>(d_object, function),
minpriv_, std::string(units_),
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ struct rpcbasic_register_set : public rpcbasic_base
d_minpriv = minpriv_;
d_display = display_;
d_object = obj;
extractor(new rpcbasic_extractor<T,Tto>(d_object, function),
minpriv_, std::string(units_),
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ struct rpcbasic_register_set : public rpcbasic_base
@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ struct rpcbasic_register_trigger : public rpcbasic_base
d_desc = desc_;
d_minpriv = minpriv_;
d_object = dynamic_cast<T*>(global_block_registry.block_lookup(pmt::intern(block_alias)).get());
extractor(new rpcbasic_extractor<T,void>(d_object, function),
minpriv_, std::string(desc_));
@@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ struct rpcbasic_register_trigger : public rpcbasic_base
d_desc = desc_;
d_minpriv = minpriv_;
d_object = obj;
extractor(new rpcbasic_extractor<T,void>(d_object, function),
minpriv_, std::string(desc_));
@@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ struct rpcbasic_register_trigger : public rpcbasic_base
@@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ public:
d_minpriv = minpriv_;
d_display = display_;
d_object = dynamic_cast<T*>(global_block_registry.block_lookup(pmt::intern(block_alias)).get());
inserter(new rpcbasic_inserter<T,Tfrom>(d_object, function),
minpriv_, std::string(units_), display_, std::string(desc_), min, max, def);
@@ -1022,7 +1022,7 @@ public:
d_minpriv = minpriv_;
d_display = display_;
d_object = dynamic_cast<T*>(global_block_registry.block_lookup(pmt::intern(block_alias)).get());
inserter(new rpcbasic_inserter<T,Tfrom>(d_object, (Tfrom (T::*)())function),
minpriv_, std::string(units_), display_, std::string(desc_), min, max, def);
@@ -1076,7 +1076,7 @@ public:
d_minpriv = minpriv_;
d_display = display_;
d_object = obj;
inserter(new rpcbasic_inserter<T,Tfrom>(d_object, function),
minpriv_, std::string(units_), display_, std::string(desc_), min, max, def);
@@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@ public:
d_minpriv = minpriv_;
d_display = display_;
d_object = obj;
inserter(new rpcbasic_inserter<T,Tfrom>(d_object, (Tfrom (T::*)())function),
minpriv_, std::string(units_), display_, std::string(desc_), min, max, def);
@@ -1125,7 +1125,7 @@ public:
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcserver_booter_thrift.h b/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcserver_booter_thrift.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd1da09fa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcserver_booter_thrift.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <gnuradio/rpcserver_booter_base.h>
+#include <gnuradio/thrift_server_template.h>
+#include "thrift/ControlPort.h"
+class rpcserver_base;
+class rpcserver_thrift;
+class rpcserver_booter_thrift
+ : public virtual rpcserver_booter_base,
+ public virtual thrift_server_template<rpcserver_base,
+ rpcserver_thrift,
+ rpcserver_booter_thrift>
+ public:
+ rpcserver_booter_thrift();
+ ~rpcserver_booter_thrift();
+ rpcserver_base* i();
+ const std::string & type() {return d_type;}
+ const std::vector<std::string> endpoints();
+ private:
+ std::string d_type;
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcserver_selector.h b/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcserver_selector.h
index 8a14f78d99..31ab6cea0b 100644
--- a/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcserver_selector.h
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcserver_selector.h
@@ -23,10 +23,12 @@
+#include <gnuradio/config.h>
-//#define RPCSERVER_ICE
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcserver_thrift.h b/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcserver_thrift.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..203be66e9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/rpcserver_thrift.h
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2014,2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <gnuradio/rpcserver_base.h>
+#include <gnuradio/rpcpmtconverters_thrift.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <map>
+#include "thrift/ControlPort.h"
+#include "thrift/gnuradio_types.h"
+#include <boost/format.hpp>
+#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
+#define S(x) #x
+#define S_(x) S(x)
+#define S__LINE__ S_(__LINE__)
+class rpcserver_thrift : public virtual rpcserver_base, public GNURadio::ControlPortIf
+ rpcserver_thrift();
+ virtual ~rpcserver_thrift();
+ void registerConfigureCallback(const std::string &id,
+ const configureCallback_t callback);
+ void unregisterConfigureCallback(const std::string &id);
+ void registerQueryCallback(const std::string &id,
+ const queryCallback_t callback);
+ void unregisterQueryCallback(const std::string &id);
+ void setKnobs(const GNURadio::KnobMap&);
+ void getKnobs(GNURadio::KnobMap&,
+ const GNURadio::KnobIDList&);
+ void getRe(GNURadio::KnobMap&,
+ const GNURadio::KnobIDList&);
+ void properties(GNURadio::KnobPropMap&,
+ const GNURadio::KnobIDList& knobs);
+ virtual void shutdown();
+ private:
+ boost::mutex d_callback_map_lock;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, configureCallback_t> ConfigureCallbackMap_t;
+ ConfigureCallbackMap_t d_setcallbackmap;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, queryCallback_t> QueryCallbackMap_t;
+ QueryCallbackMap_t d_getcallbackmap;
+ template<typename T, typename TMap> struct set_f
+ : public std::unary_function<T,void>
+ {
+ set_f(TMap &_setcallbackmap, const priv_lvl_t &_cur_priv)
+ : d_setcallbackmap(_setcallbackmap), cur_priv(_cur_priv)
+ {
+ ;
+ }
+ void operator()(const T& p)
+ {
+ ConfigureCallbackMap_t::const_iterator iter(d_setcallbackmap.find(p.first));
+ if(iter != d_setcallbackmap.end()) {
+ if(cur_priv <= iter->second.priv) {
+ (*iter->second.callback).post(pmt::PMT_NIL, rpcpmtconverter::To_PMT::instance(p.second));
+ }
+ else {
+ std::cout << "Key " << p.first << " requires PRIVLVL <= "
+ << iter->second.priv << " to set, currently at: "
+ << cur_priv << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throw apache::thrift::TApplicationException(__FILE__ " " S__LINE__);
+ }
+ }
+ TMap& d_setcallbackmap;
+ const priv_lvl_t& cur_priv;
+ };
+ template<typename T, typename TMap>
+ struct get_f : public std::unary_function<T,void>
+ {
+ get_f(TMap &_getcallbackmap, const priv_lvl_t &_cur_priv, GNURadio::KnobMap &_outknobs) :
+ d_getcallbackmap(_getcallbackmap), cur_priv(_cur_priv), outknobs(_outknobs)
+ {}
+ void operator()(const T& p)
+ {
+ QueryCallbackMap_t::const_iterator iter(d_getcallbackmap.find(p));
+ if(iter != d_getcallbackmap.end()) {
+ if(cur_priv <= iter->second.priv) {
+ outknobs[p] = rpcpmtconverter::from_pmt((*iter->second.callback).retrieve());
+ }
+ else {
+ std::cout << "Key " << iter->first << " requires PRIVLVL: <= "
+ << iter->second.priv << " to get, currently at: "
+ << cur_priv << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "Ctrlport Key called with unregistered key (" << p << ")\n";
+ std::cout << ss.str();
+ throw apache::thrift::TApplicationException(__FILE__ " " S__LINE__);
+ }
+ }
+ TMap& d_getcallbackmap;
+ const priv_lvl_t& cur_priv;
+ GNURadio::KnobMap& outknobs;
+ };
+ template<typename T, typename TMap, typename TKnobMap>
+ struct get_all_f : public std::unary_function<T,void>
+ {
+ get_all_f(TMap &_getcallbackmap, const priv_lvl_t &_cur_priv, TKnobMap &_outknobs) :
+ d_getcallbackmap(_getcallbackmap), cur_priv(_cur_priv), outknobs(_outknobs)
+ {;}
+ void operator()(const T& p)
+ {
+ if(cur_priv <= p.second.priv) {
+ outknobs[p.first] = rpcpmtconverter::from_pmt(p.second.callback->retrieve());
+ }
+ else {
+ std::cout << "Key " << p.first << " requires PRIVLVL <= "
+ << p.second.priv << " to get, currently at: "
+ << cur_priv << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ TMap& d_getcallbackmap;
+ const priv_lvl_t& cur_priv;
+ TKnobMap& outknobs;
+ };
+ template<typename T, typename TMap, typename TKnobMap>
+ struct properties_all_f : public std::unary_function<T,void>
+ {
+ properties_all_f(QueryCallbackMap_t &_getcallbackmap,
+ const priv_lvl_t &_cur_priv,
+ GNURadio::KnobPropMap &_outknobs)
+ : d_getcallbackmap(_getcallbackmap),
+ cur_priv(_cur_priv),
+ outknobs(_outknobs)
+ {;}
+ void operator()(const T& p)
+ {
+ if(cur_priv <= p.second.priv) {
+ GNURadio::KnobProp prop;
+ prop.type = GNURadio::KnobType::KNOBDOUBLE;
+ prop.units = p.second.units;
+ prop.description = p.second.description;
+ prop.min = rpcpmtconverter::from_pmt(p.second.min);
+ prop.max = rpcpmtconverter::from_pmt(p.second.max);
+ prop.display = static_cast<uint32_t>(p.second.display);
+ outknobs[p.first] = prop;
+ }
+ else {
+ std::cout << "Key " << p.first << " requires PRIVLVL <= "
+ << p.second.priv << " to get, currently at: "
+ << cur_priv << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ TMap& d_getcallbackmap;
+ const priv_lvl_t& cur_priv;
+ TKnobMap& outknobs;
+ };
+ template<class T, typename TMap, typename TKnobMap>
+ struct properties_f : public std::unary_function<T,void>
+ {
+ properties_f(TMap &_getcallbackmap, const priv_lvl_t &_cur_priv, TKnobMap &_outknobs) :
+ d_getcallbackmap(_getcallbackmap), cur_priv(_cur_priv), outknobs(_outknobs)
+ {;}
+ void operator()(const T& p)
+ {
+ typename TMap::const_iterator iter(d_getcallbackmap.find(p));
+ if(iter != d_getcallbackmap.end()) {
+ if(cur_priv <= iter->second.priv) {
+ GNURadio::KnobProp prop;
+ prop.type = GNURadio::KnobType::KNOBDOUBLE;
+ prop.units = iter->second.units;
+ prop.description = iter->second.description;
+ prop.min = rpcpmtconverter::from_pmt(iter->second.min);
+ prop.max = rpcpmtconverter::from_pmt(iter->second.max);
+ prop.display = static_cast<uint32_t>(iter->second.display);
+ outknobs[p] = prop;
+ }
+ else {
+ std::cout << "Key " << iter->first << " requires PRIVLVL: <= "
+ << iter->second.priv << " to get, currently at: " << cur_priv << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ throw apache::thrift::TApplicationException(__FILE__ " " S__LINE__);
+ }
+ }
+ TMap& d_getcallbackmap;
+ const priv_lvl_t& cur_priv;
+ TKnobMap& outknobs;
+ };
+#endif /* RPCSERVER_THRIFT_H */
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/thrift_application_base.h b/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/thrift_application_base.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33b8437736
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/thrift_application_base.h
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <gnuradio/api.h>
+#include <gnuradio/logger.h>
+#include <gnuradio/prefs.h>
+#include <gnuradio/thread/thread.h>
+#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
+#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
+namespace {
+ // Time, in milliseconds, to wait between checks to the Thrift runtime to see if
+ // it has fully initialized.
+ static const unsigned int THRIFTAPPLICATION_ACTIVATION_TIMEOUT_MS(200);
+namespace apache { namespace thrift { namespace server { class TServer; } } }
+ * \brief Class to be statically initialized by thrift_application_base. Used
+ * to store state for thrift_application_base's singleton functions.
+ */
+class thrift_application_base_impl
+ thrift_application_base_impl() :
+ d_application_initilized(false),
+ d_endpointStr(""),
+ d_start_thrift_thread() {;}
+ // Used to ensure the Thrift runtime is initialized on the first call to ::i().
+ bool d_application_initilized;
+ // Stores the generated endpoint string after the Thrift runtime has initialized.
+ std::string d_endpointStr;
+ // Thread to execute the Thrift runtime's blocking serve() function.
+ boost::shared_ptr<gr::thread::thread> d_start_thrift_thread;
+ * \brief Base class for a Thrift application with a singleton with
+ * instance function thrift_application_base::i(). Lazy initialization
+ * is used to start the Thrift runtime, therefore the Thrift runtime
+ * is not started unless thrift_application_base::i() is called at
+ * least once. This typically means that at least one rpc variable
+ * must be registered by a block before the runtime will start.
+ *
+ * \param TserverBase Template parameter naming the type of the server
+ * base, which is typically rpcserverbase.
+ * \param TserverClass Template parameter naming the eventual type of
+ * the fully derived application.
+ * \param _app Reference to the fully derived application instance to
+ * be returned by thrift_application_base::i().
+ */
+template<typename TserverBase, typename TserverClass>
+class thrift_application_base
+ thrift_application_base(TserverClass* _app);
+ /*!
+ * Destructor for the application. Since shutdown and cleanup of the
+ * runtime is typically custom to a particular booter
+ * implementation, this must be implemented as a specialized function
+ * for a particular booter. Thus a template implementation is not
+ * provided here.
+ */
+ ~thrift_application_base();
+ /*!
+ * The application singleton instance function.
+ */
+ static TserverBase* i();
+ /*!
+ * Returns the endpoint string of this application.
+ */
+ static const std::vector<std::string> endpoints();
+ /*!
+ * Allows this application's booter to set the endpoint string after
+ * the Thrift runtime has initialized.
+ *
+ * \param[in] endpoint The endpoint string reported by this class.
+ */
+ void set_endpoint(const std::string& endpoint);
+ virtual TserverBase* i_impl() = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Reference to the fully derived application instance.
+ */
+ static TserverClass* d_application;
+ /*!
+ * Reference to the Thrift runtime.
+ */
+ boost::scoped_ptr<apache::thrift::server::TServer> d_thriftserver;
+ /*!
+ * Max number of attempts when checking the Thrift runtime for
+ * Initialization before giving up. Set in the Thrift config file
+ * (see \ref ctrlport_thrift_prefs).
+ */
+ static const unsigned int d_default_max_init_attempts;
+ /*!
+ * Default port for the runtime to listen on, if a static port is
+ * not specified. Set in the Thrift config file (see \ref
+ * ctrlport_thrift_prefs).
+ */
+ static const unsigned int d_default_thrift_port;
+ /*!
+ * Maximum number of threads to create when serving multiple rpc
+ * clients. Set in the Thrift config file (see \ref
+ * ctrlport_thrift_prefs).
+ */
+ static const unsigned int d_default_num_thrift_threads;
+ /*!
+ * Default packet size for the IP payload of thrift packets. Set in
+ * the Thrift config file (see \ref ctrlport_thrift_prefs).
+ */
+ static const unsigned int d_default_thrift_buffer_size;
+ /*!
+ * \ref page_logger instances.
+ */
+ gr::logger_ptr d_logger, d_debug_logger;
+ // Function to be called in a separate thread to invoke the blocking
+ // ThriftServer::serve() function. Must be specialized for a particular
+ // booter implementation, therefore a template implementation is
+ // not provided here.
+ void start_thrift();
+ // Non-blocking function that returns true when the Thrift
+ // runtime has finished initialization. Must be implemented
+ // as a specialized template function for a particular booter
+ // implementation, therefore template implementation is not
+ // provided here.
+ bool application_started();
+ // Internal function to start the initialization of the runtime.
+ // Since this singleton uses lazy instantiation, this function
+ // will be called on the first call to the instance function ::i(),
+ // and since ::i() is static, this function must be static as well.
+ static void start_application();
+ // Pointer to the structure containing staticly allocated
+ // state information for the applicaiton_base singleton.
+ static boost::scoped_ptr<thrift_application_base_impl > p_impl;
+ // Mutex to protect the endpoint string.
+ gr::thread::mutex d_lock;
+ // Will be set to true by a the application_started() function,
+ // specialized for a particular booter implementation, once the
+ // thrift runtime has successfully initialized.
+ bool d_thirft_is_running;
+template<typename TserverBase, typename TserverClass>
+TserverClass* thrift_application_base<TserverBase, TserverClass>::d_application(0);
+template<typename TserverBase, typename TserverClass>
+thrift_application_base<TserverBase, TserverClass>::thrift_application_base(TserverClass* _app)
+ : d_lock(),
+ d_thirft_is_running(false)
+ gr::configure_default_loggers(d_logger, d_debug_logger, "controlport");
+ d_application = _app;
+template<typename TserverBase, typename TserverClass>
+void thrift_application_base<TserverBase, TserverClass>::start_application()
+ unsigned int max_init_attempts = \
+ static_cast<unsigned int>(gr::prefs::singleton()->get_long("thrift", "init_attempts",
+ d_default_max_init_attempts));
+ if(!p_impl->d_application_initilized) {
+ p_impl->d_start_thrift_thread.reset(
+ (new gr::thread::thread(boost::bind(&thrift_application_base::start_thrift, d_application))));
+ bool app_started(false);
+ for(unsigned int attempts(0); (!app_started && attempts < max_init_attempts); ++attempts) {
+ boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(THRIFTAPPLICATION_ACTIVATION_TIMEOUT_MS));
+ app_started = d_application->application_started();
+ }
+ if(!app_started) {
+ GR_WARN("thrift", "thrift_application_base::start_application(), "
+ "timeout waiting to port number might have failed?");
+ }
+ p_impl->d_application_initilized = true;
+ }
+template<typename TserverBase, typename TserverClass>
+const std::vector<std::string> thrift_application_base<TserverBase, TserverClass>::endpoints()
+ std::vector<std::string> ep;
+ ep.push_back(p_impl->d_endpointStr);
+ return ep;
+template<typename TserverBase, typename TserverClass>
+void thrift_application_base<TserverBase, TserverClass>::set_endpoint(const std::string& endpoint)
+ gr::thread::scoped_lock guard(d_lock);
+ p_impl->d_endpointStr = endpoint;
+template<typename TserverBase, typename TserverClass>
+TserverBase* thrift_application_base<TserverBase, TserverClass>::i()
+ if(!p_impl->d_application_initilized) {
+ start_application();
+ }
+ return d_application->i_impl();
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/thrift_server_template.h b/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/thrift_server_template.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2d6f63a69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/include/gnuradio/thrift_server_template.h
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <gnuradio/prefs.h>
+#include <gnuradio/logger.h>
+#include <gnuradio/rpcserver_thrift.h>
+#include <gnuradio/thrift_application_base.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <thrift/server/TSimpleServer.h>
+#include <thrift/server/TThreadPoolServer.h>
+#include <thrift/concurrency/ThreadManager.h>
+#include <thrift/concurrency/PlatformThreadFactory.h>
+#include <thrift/transport/TServerSocket.h>
+#include <thrift/transport/TBufferTransports.h>
+#include "thrift/ControlPort.h"
+using namespace apache;
+template<typename TserverBase, typename TserverClass, typename TImplClass>
+class thrift_server_template : public thrift_application_base<TserverBase, TImplClass>
+ thrift_server_template(TImplClass* _this);
+ ~thrift_server_template();
+ TserverBase* i_impl();
+ friend class thrift_application_base<TserverBase, TImplClass>;
+ boost::shared_ptr<TserverClass> d_handler;
+ boost::shared_ptr<thrift::TProcessor> d_processor;
+ boost::shared_ptr<thrift::transport::TServerTransport> d_serverTransport;
+ boost::shared_ptr<thrift::transport::TTransportFactory> d_transportFactory;
+ boost::shared_ptr<thrift::protocol::TProtocolFactory> d_protocolFactory;
+ /**
+ * Custom TransportFactory that allows you to override the default Thrift buffer size
+ * of 512 bytes.
+ *
+ */
+ class TBufferedTransportFactory : public thrift::transport::TTransportFactory
+ {
+ public:
+ TBufferedTransportFactory(const unsigned int _bufferSize) : bufferSize(_bufferSize) {;}
+ virtual ~TBufferedTransportFactory() {}
+ virtual boost::shared_ptr<thrift::transport::TTransport> getTransport(
+ boost::shared_ptr<thrift::transport::TTransport> trans)
+ {
+ return boost::shared_ptr<thrift::transport::TTransport>
+ (new thrift::transport::TBufferedTransport(trans, bufferSize));
+ }
+ private:
+ unsigned int bufferSize;
+ };
+template<typename TserverBase, typename TserverClass, typename TImplClass>
+thrift_server_template<TserverBase, TserverClass, TImplClass>::thrift_server_template(TImplClass* _this)
+ : thrift_application_base<TserverBase, TImplClass>(_this),
+ d_handler(new TserverClass()),
+ d_processor(new GNURadio::ControlPortProcessor(d_handler)),
+ d_serverTransport(),
+ d_transportFactory(),
+ d_protocolFactory(new thrift::protocol::TBinaryProtocolFactory())
+ gr::logger_ptr logger, debug_logger;
+ gr::configure_default_loggers(logger, debug_logger, "controlport");
+ unsigned int port, nthreads, buffersize;
+ std::string thrift_config_file = gr::prefs::singleton()->get_string("ControlPort", "config", "");
+ if(thrift_config_file.length() > 0) {
+ gr::prefs::singleton()->add_config_file(thrift_config_file);
+ }
+ // Collect configuration options from the Thrift config file;
+ // defaults if the config file doesn't exist or list the specific
+ // options.
+ port = static_cast<unsigned int>
+ (gr::prefs::singleton()->get_long("thrift", "port",
+ thrift_application_base<TserverBase,
+ TImplClass>::d_default_thrift_port));
+ nthreads = static_cast<unsigned int>
+ (gr::prefs::singleton()->get_long("thrift", "nthreads",
+ thrift_application_base<TserverBase,
+ TImplClass>::d_default_num_thrift_threads));
+ buffersize = static_cast<unsigned int>
+ (gr::prefs::singleton()->get_long("thrift", "buffersize",
+ thrift_application_base<TserverBase,
+ TImplClass>::d_default_thrift_buffer_size));
+ d_serverTransport.reset(new thrift::transport::TServerSocket(port));
+ d_transportFactory.reset(new thrift_server_template::TBufferedTransportFactory(buffersize));
+ if(nthreads <= 1) {
+ // "Thrift: Single-threaded server"
+ //std::cout << "Thrift Single-threaded server" << std::endl;
+ thrift_application_base<TserverBase, TImplClass>::d_thriftserver.reset
+ (new thrift::server::TSimpleServer(d_processor, d_serverTransport,
+ d_transportFactory, d_protocolFactory));
+ }
+ else {
+ //std::cout << "Thrift Multi-threaded server : " << d_nthreads << std::endl;
+ boost::shared_ptr<thrift::concurrency::ThreadManager> threadManager
+ (thrift::concurrency::ThreadManager::newSimpleThreadManager(nthreads));
+ threadManager->threadFactory
+ (boost::shared_ptr<thrift::concurrency::PlatformThreadFactory>
+ (new thrift::concurrency::PlatformThreadFactory()));
+ threadManager->start();
+ thrift_application_base<TserverBase, TImplClass>::d_thriftserver.reset
+ (new thrift::server::TThreadPoolServer(d_processor, d_serverTransport,
+ d_transportFactory, d_protocolFactory,
+ threadManager));
+ }
+template<typename TserverBase, typename TserverClass, typename TImplClass>
+thrift_server_template<TserverBase, TserverClass,TImplClass>::~thrift_server_template()
+template<typename TserverBase, typename TserverClass, typename TImplClass>
+TserverBase* thrift_server_template<TserverBase, TserverClass, TImplClass>::i_impl()
+ //std::cerr << "thrift_server_template: i_impl" << std::endl;
+ return d_handler.get();
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/CMakeLists.txt b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/CMakeLists.txt
index efbfa9235f..e8fd67b13c 100644
--- a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -208,20 +208,23 @@ add_dependencies(gnuradio-runtime
- # Remove controlport-specific source files from staticlibs build
+ # Remove controlport-specific source files from staticlibs build if
+ # ICE is the backend since it does not build statically.
- list(REMOVE_ITEM gnuradio_runtime_sources
- ${gnuradio_ctrlport_sources}
- )
- # Remove GR_CTRLPORT set this target's definitions.
- # Makes sure we don't try to use ControlPort stuff in source files
- # readd it to the target since we removed it from the directory-wide list.
+ list(REMOVE_ITEM gnuradio_runtime_sources
+ ${gnuradio_ctrlport_sources}
+ )
+ # Remove GR_CTRLPORT set this target's definitions.
+ # Makes sure we don't try to use ControlPort stuff in source files
+ # readd it to the target since we removed it from the directory-wide list.
+ endif(ICE_FOUND)
add_library(gnuradio-runtime_static STATIC ${gnuradio_runtime_sources})
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/
index f26d6bb933..6edb73966d 100644
--- a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/
@@ -842,42 +842,42 @@ namespace gr {
rpcbasic_sptr(new rpcbasic_register_get<block, std::vector<float> >(
alias(), "input \% full", &block::pc_input_buffers_full,
- pmt::make_c32vector(0,0), pmt::make_c32vector(0,1), pmt::make_c32vector(0,0),
+ pmt::make_f32vector(0,0), pmt::make_f32vector(0,1), pmt::make_f32vector(0,0),
"", "how full input buffers are", RPC_PRIVLVL_MIN,
rpcbasic_sptr(new rpcbasic_register_get<block, std::vector<float> >(
alias(), "avg input \% full", &block::pc_input_buffers_full_avg,
- pmt::make_c32vector(0,0), pmt::make_c32vector(0,1), pmt::make_c32vector(0,0),
+ pmt::make_f32vector(0,0), pmt::make_f32vector(0,1), pmt::make_f32vector(0,0),
"", "Average of how full input buffers are", RPC_PRIVLVL_MIN,
rpcbasic_sptr(new rpcbasic_register_get<block, std::vector<float> >(
alias(), "var input \% full", &block::pc_input_buffers_full_var,
- pmt::make_c32vector(0,0), pmt::make_c32vector(0,1), pmt::make_c32vector(0,0),
+ pmt::make_f32vector(0,0), pmt::make_f32vector(0,1), pmt::make_f32vector(0,0),
"", "Var. of how full input buffers are", RPC_PRIVLVL_MIN,
rpcbasic_sptr(new rpcbasic_register_get<block, std::vector<float> >(
alias(), "output \% full", &block::pc_output_buffers_full,
- pmt::make_c32vector(0,0), pmt::make_c32vector(0,1), pmt::make_c32vector(0,0),
+ pmt::make_f32vector(0,0), pmt::make_f32vector(0,1), pmt::make_f32vector(0,0),
"", "how full output buffers are", RPC_PRIVLVL_MIN,
rpcbasic_sptr(new rpcbasic_register_get<block, std::vector<float> >(
alias(), "avg output \% full", &block::pc_output_buffers_full_avg,
- pmt::make_c32vector(0,0), pmt::make_c32vector(0,1), pmt::make_c32vector(0,0),
+ pmt::make_f32vector(0,0), pmt::make_f32vector(0,1), pmt::make_f32vector(0,0),
"", "Average of how full output buffers are", RPC_PRIVLVL_MIN,
rpcbasic_sptr(new rpcbasic_register_get<block, std::vector<float> >(
alias(), "var output \% full", &block::pc_output_buffers_full_var,
- pmt::make_c32vector(0,0), pmt::make_c32vector(0,1), pmt::make_c32vector(0,0),
+ pmt::make_f32vector(0,0), pmt::make_f32vector(0,1), pmt::make_f32vector(0,0),
"", "Var. of how full output buffers are", RPC_PRIVLVL_MIN,
#endif /* defined(GR_CTRLPORT) && defined(GR_PERFORMANCE_COUNTERS) */
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/CMakeLists.txt b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/CMakeLists.txt
index 262c5adb8b..f0d2618c01 100644
--- a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -19,8 +19,13 @@
+# Keep track of the number of backends ControlPort supports
# Add definition so we can compile in ControlPort to the blocks.
list(APPEND gnuradio_ctrlport_sources
@@ -29,14 +34,71 @@ list(APPEND gnuradio_ctrlport_sources
+OPTION(ENABLE_CTRLPORT_THRIFT "Enable ControlPort Thrift support" ON)
+# Look if Thrift is installed and use it as a ControlPort backend.
+# Indicate thrift as an installed backend in the cmake summary.
+message(STATUS "Found and enabling Thrift backend to ControlPort")
+# Run Thrrift To compile C++ and Python files
+message(STATUS "Running thrift to build C++ bindings")
+ COMMAND ${THRIFT_BIN} --gen cpp -out ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/thrift/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/thrift/gnuradio.thrift
+ )
+list(APPEND gnuradio_ctrlport_sources
+# add files built by compiling gnuradio.thrift
+list(APPEND gnuradio_ctrlport_sources
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/thrift/gnuradio_types.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/thrift/gnuradio_constants.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/thrift/ControlPort.cpp
+# Add required libraries here
+list(APPEND gnuradio_runtime_libs
+# Add install rule to move example Thrift configuration file into
+# $prefix/etc/gnuradio
+ FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/thrift/thrift.conf.example
+ COMPONENT "runtime_runtime"
# Add controlport stuff to gnuradio-runtime
-# Add any required libraries here
-#list(APPEND gnuradio_runtime_libs
+# Save the number of backends for testing against later
+ CACHE INTERNAL "Number of ControlPort backends available"
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/
index 0c7bc135be..a67febe386 100644
--- a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/
@@ -26,16 +26,12 @@
bool rpcmanager::booter_registered(false);
bool rpcmanager::aggregator_registered(false);
-rpcserver_booter_base* rpcmanager::boot(0);
+std::auto_ptr<rpcserver_booter_base> rpcmanager::boot(0);
std::auto_ptr<rpcserver_booter_aggregator> rpcmanager::aggregator(0);
rpcmanager::rpcmanager() {;}
- if(boot)
- delete boot;
+rpcmanager::~rpcmanager() {;}
@@ -44,10 +40,10 @@ rpcmanager::get()
return aggregator.get();
else if(booter_registered) {
- return boot;
+ return boot.get();
assert(booter_registered || aggregator_registered);
- return boot;
+ return boot.get();
@@ -63,7 +59,7 @@ rpcmanager::register_booter(rpcserver_booter_base* booter)
else if(!booter_registered) {
- boot = booter;
+ boot.reset(booter);
booter_registered = true;
else {
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/
index 201dfb3929..a1983b4ac5 100644
--- a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
#include <gnuradio/rpcserver_booter_aggregator.h>
rpcserver_booter_aggregator::rpcserver_booter_aggregator() :
- d_type(std::string("aggregator")), server(new rpcserver_aggregator())
+ d_type(std::string("aggregator")),
+ server(new rpcserver_aggregator())
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/
index 692f151958..8f3b4557c2 100644
--- a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/
@@ -26,14 +26,23 @@
bool rpcmanager::make_aggregator(false);
+rpcmanager manager_instance;
#error TODO ICE
+#include <gnuradio/rpcserver_booter_thrift.h>
+rpcmanager::rpcserver_booter_register_helper<rpcserver_booter_thrift> boot_thrift;
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/README b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5448e512f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/README
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+For info on ControlPort and Thrift, see the wiki page:
+This readme is to address the patch file in the repo for Thrift. We
+believe that there is a bug in Thrift itself that occasionally causes
+a segfault when shutting down the server. If you run into a problem
+when shutting down an application running ControlPort, this might be
+the cause. If so, we have included a patch with the source code in
+this directory that should be applied to Thrift before rebuilding the
+Thrift library:
+Note that we are working off Thrift version 0.9.2, so this patch may
+not be relevant or even cleanly apply in later versions of Thrift.
+We are also still trying to track down another shutdown problem with
+Thrift that again appears to be related to their code. If a segfault
+persists after the above patch is applied to Thrift, do a backtrace in
+GDB to see what the error looks like. If it is different than the
+following backtrace, definitely report it to the Discuss GNU Radio
+Mailing List as a known bug. If you see the same backtrace as here,
+this is a known bug that occurs very irregularly, but help in tracing
+down the cause is appreciated.
+#0 0x00007f07b5b478c2 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
+(gdb) bt
+#0 0x00007f07b5b478c2 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
+#1 0x00007f07b5b4856d in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
+#2 0x00007f07afc924c5 in std::locale::_Impl::~_Impl() () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
+#3 0x00007f07afc925fd in std::locale::~locale() () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
+#4 0x00007f07b5b05259 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
+#5 0x00007f07b5b052a5 in exit () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
+#6 0x000000000042fb83 in Py_Exit ()
+#7 0x000000000042fcb9 in ?? ()
+#8 0x000000000042ec32 in PyErr_PrintEx ()
+#9 0x0000000000469f2f in PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags ()
+#10 0x000000000046ab81 in Py_Main ()
+#11 0x00007f07b5aeaec5 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
+#12 0x000000000057497e in _start ()
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/gnuradio.thrift b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/gnuradio.thrift
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae7f839a2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/gnuradio.thrift
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ * Copyright 2014,2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+namespace cpp GNURadio
+namespace py GNURadio
+struct complex {
+ 1: double re;
+ 2: double im;
+typedef list<bool> VectorB
+typedef binary VectorC
+typedef list<i16> VectorT
+typedef list<i32> VectorI
+typedef list<i64> VectorL
+typedef list<double> VectorF
+typedef list<double> VectorD
+typedef list<string> VectorS
+typedef list<complex> VectorZ
+union KnobBase {
+ 1: bool a_bool;
+ 2: byte a_byte;
+ 3: i16 a_short;
+ 4: i32 a_int;
+ 5: i64 a_long;
+ 6: double a_double;
+ 7: string a_string;
+ 8: complex a_complex;
+ 9: VectorF a_f32vector;
+ 10: VectorD a_f64vector;
+ 11: VectorL a_s64vector;
+ 12: VectorI a_s32vector;
+ 13: VectorT a_s16vector;
+ 14: VectorC a_s8vector;
+ 15: VectorZ a_c32vector;
+struct Knob {
+ 1: BaseTypes type;
+ 2: KnobBase value;
+const i32 DISPNULL = 0x0000
+const i32 DISPTIME = 0x0001
+const i32 DISPXY = 0x0002
+const i32 DISPPSD = 0x0004
+const i32 DISPSPEC = 0x0008
+const i32 DISPRAST = 0x0010
+const i32 DISPOPTCPLX = 0x0100
+const i32 DISPOPTLOG = 0x0200
+const i32 DISPOPTSTEM = 0x0400
+const i32 DISPOPTSTRIP = 0x0800
+const i32 DISPOPTSCATTER = 0x1000
+struct KnobProp {
+ 1: KnobType type,
+ 2: string units,
+ 3: string description,
+ 4: i32 display,
+ 5: Knob min,
+ 6: Knob max,
+ 7: Knob defaultvalue
+typedef list<string> KnobIDList
+typedef map<string, Knob> KnobMap
+typedef map<string, KnobProp> KnobPropMap
+typedef map<string, string> WaveformArgMap
+service StreamReceiver {
+ void push(1:VectorC data);
+service ControlPort {
+ void setKnobs(1:KnobMap knobs);
+ KnobMap getKnobs(1:KnobIDList knobs);
+ KnobMap getRe(1:KnobIDList knobs);
+ KnobPropMap properties(1:KnobIDList knobs);
+ void shutdown();
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc8804f79d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+ * Copyright 2014,2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <boost/assign/ptr_map_inserter.hpp>
+#include <gnuradio/rpcpmtconverters_thrift.h>
+#include <gnuradio/gr_complex.h>
+#include "thrift/gnuradio_types.h"
+#include <iostream>
+rpcpmtconverter::from_pmt(const pmt::pmt_t& knob)
+ if(pmt::is_real(knob)) {
+ GNURadio::Knob result;
+ result.type = GNURadio::BaseTypes::DOUBLE;
+ result.value.__set_a_double(pmt::to_double(knob));
+ return result;
+ }
+ else if(pmt::is_symbol(knob)) {
+ std::string value = pmt::symbol_to_string(knob);
+ GNURadio::Knob result;
+ result.type = GNURadio::BaseTypes::STRING;
+ result.value.__set_a_string(value);
+ return result;
+ }
+ else if(pmt::is_integer(knob)) {
+ GNURadio::Knob result;
+ result.type = GNURadio::BaseTypes::LONG;
+ result.value.__set_a_long(pmt::to_long(knob));
+ return result;
+ }
+ else if(pmt::is_bool(knob)) {
+ GNURadio::Knob result;
+ result.type = GNURadio::BaseTypes::BOOL;
+ result.value.__set_a_bool(pmt::to_bool(knob));
+ return result;
+ }
+ else if(pmt::is_uint64(knob)) {
+ GNURadio::Knob result;
+ result.type = GNURadio::BaseTypes::LONG;
+ result.value.__set_a_long(pmt::to_uint64(knob));
+ return result;
+ }
+ else if(pmt::is_complex(knob)) {
+ GNURadio::Knob result;
+ result.type = GNURadio::BaseTypes::COMPLEX;
+ std::complex<double> tmp = pmt::to_complex(knob);
+ GNURadio::complex cpx;
+ = tmp.real();
+ = tmp.imag();
+ result.value.__set_a_complex(cpx);
+ return result;
+ }
+ else if(pmt::is_f32vector(knob)) {
+ GNURadio::Knob result;
+ result.type = GNURadio::BaseTypes::F32VECTOR;
+ size_t size(pmt::length(knob));
+ const float* start((const float*)pmt::f32vector_elements(knob,size));
+ result.value.__set_a_f32vector(std::vector<double>(start,start+size));
+ return result;
+ }
+ else if(pmt::is_f64vector(knob)) {
+ GNURadio::Knob result;
+ result.type = GNURadio::BaseTypes::F64VECTOR;
+ size_t size(pmt::length(knob));
+ const double* start((const double*)pmt::f64vector_elements(knob,size));
+ result.value.__set_a_f64vector(std::vector<double>(start,start+size));
+ return result;
+ }
+ else if(pmt::is_s64vector(knob)) {
+ GNURadio::Knob result;
+ result.type = GNURadio::BaseTypes::S64VECTOR;
+ size_t size(pmt::length(knob));
+ const int64_t* start((const int64_t*)pmt::s64vector_elements(knob,size));
+ result.value.__set_a_s64vector(std::vector<int64_t>(start,start+size));
+ return result;
+ }
+ else if(pmt::is_s32vector(knob)) {
+ GNURadio::Knob result;
+ result.type = GNURadio::BaseTypes::S32VECTOR;
+ size_t size(pmt::length(knob));
+ const int32_t* start((const int32_t*)pmt::s32vector_elements(knob,size));
+ result.value.__set_a_s32vector(std::vector<int32_t>(start,start+size));
+ return result;
+ }
+ else if(pmt::is_s16vector(knob)) {
+ GNURadio::Knob result;
+ result.type = GNURadio::BaseTypes::S16VECTOR;
+ size_t size(pmt::length(knob));
+ const int16_t* start((const int16_t*)pmt::s16vector_elements(knob,size));
+ result.value.__set_a_s16vector(std::vector<int16_t>(start,start+size));
+ return result;
+ }
+ else if(pmt::is_s8vector(knob)) {
+ GNURadio::Knob result;
+ result.type = GNURadio::BaseTypes::S8VECTOR;
+ size_t size(pmt::length(knob));
+ const int8_t* start((const int8_t*)pmt::s8vector_elements(knob,size));
+ result.value.__set_a_s8vector(std::basic_string<char>(start,start+size));
+ return result;
+ }
+ else if(pmt::is_c32vector(knob)) {
+ std::vector< GNURadio::complex > z;
+ GNURadio::Knob result;
+ result.type = GNURadio::BaseTypes::C32VECTOR;
+ size_t size(pmt::length(knob));
+ const gr_complex* start((const gr_complex*)pmt::c32vector_elements(knob,size));
+ for(size_t s = 0; s < size; s++) {
+ GNURadio::complex z0;
+ gr_complex z1 = gr_complex(*(start+s));
+ z0.__set_re(z1.real());
+ z0.__set_im(z1.imag());
+ z.push_back(z0);
+ }
+ result.value.__set_a_c32vector(z);
+ return result;
+ }
+ else {
+ std::cerr << "Error: Don't know how to handle Knob Type (from): " << knob << std::endl;
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ return GNURadio::Knob();
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_byte_f::operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob)
+ return pmt::mp(knob.value.a_byte);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_short_f::operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob)
+ return pmt::mp(knob.value.a_short);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_int_f::operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob)
+ return pmt::mp(knob.value.a_int);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_long_f::operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob)
+ return pmt::from_long(knob.value.a_long);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_double_f::operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob)
+ return pmt::mp(knob.value.a_double);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_string_f::operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob)
+ return pmt::string_to_symbol(knob.value.a_string);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_bool_f::operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob)
+ if(knob.value.a_bool)
+ return pmt::PMT_T;
+ else
+ return pmt::PMT_F;
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_complex_f::operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob)
+ gr_complexd cpx(,;
+ return pmt::from_complex(cpx);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_f32vect_f::operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob)
+ std::vector<double> v_double = knob.value.a_f32vector;
+ std::vector<float> v(v_double.begin(), v_double.end());
+ return pmt::init_f32vector(v.size(), v);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_f64vect_f::operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob)
+ std::vector<double> v = knob.value.a_f64vector;
+ return pmt::init_f64vector(v.size(), v);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_s64vect_f::operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob)
+ std::vector<int64_t> v = knob.value.a_s64vector;
+ return pmt::init_s64vector(v.size(), v);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_s32vect_f::operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob)
+ std::vector<int32_t> v = knob.value.a_s32vector;
+ return pmt::init_s32vector(v.size(), v);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_s16vect_f::operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob)
+ std::vector<int16_t> v = knob.value.a_s16vector;
+ return pmt::init_s16vector(v.size(), v);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_s8vect_f::operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob)
+ std::basic_string<char> v = knob.value.a_s8vector;
+ return pmt::init_s8vector(v.size(), reinterpret_cast<const int8_t*>(;
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_c32vect_f::operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob)
+ std::vector<GNURadio::complex> v0 = knob.value.a_c32vector;
+ std::vector<GNURadio::complex>::iterator vitr;
+ std::vector<gr_complex> v;
+ for(vitr = v0.begin(); vitr != v0.end(); vitr++) {
+ v.push_back(gr_complex(vitr->re, vitr->im));
+ }
+ return pmt::init_c32vector(v.size(), v);
+rpcpmtconverter::To_PMT rpcpmtconverter::To_PMT::instance;
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_reg<rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_bool_f> reg_bool(rpcpmtconverter::To_PMT::instance,
+ GNURadio::BaseTypes::BOOL);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_reg<rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_byte_f> reg_byte(rpcpmtconverter::To_PMT::instance,
+ GNURadio::BaseTypes::BYTE);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_reg<rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_short_f> reg_short(rpcpmtconverter::To_PMT::instance,
+ GNURadio::BaseTypes::SHORT);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_reg<rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_int_f> reg_int(rpcpmtconverter::To_PMT::instance,
+ GNURadio::BaseTypes::INT);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_reg<rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_long_f> reg_long(rpcpmtconverter::To_PMT::instance,
+ GNURadio::BaseTypes::LONG);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_reg<rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_double_f> reg_double(rpcpmtconverter::To_PMT::instance,
+ GNURadio::BaseTypes::DOUBLE);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_reg<rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_string_f> reg_string(rpcpmtconverter::To_PMT::instance,
+ GNURadio::BaseTypes::STRING);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_reg<rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_complex_f> reg_complex(rpcpmtconverter::To_PMT::instance,
+ GNURadio::BaseTypes::COMPLEX);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_reg<rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_f32vect_f> reg_f32v(rpcpmtconverter::To_PMT::instance,
+ GNURadio::BaseTypes::F32VECTOR);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_reg<rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_f64vect_f> reg_f64v(rpcpmtconverter::To_PMT::instance,
+ GNURadio::BaseTypes::F64VECTOR);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_reg<rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_s64vect_f> reg_s64v(rpcpmtconverter::To_PMT::instance,
+ GNURadio::BaseTypes::S64VECTOR);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_reg<rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_s32vect_f> reg_s32v(rpcpmtconverter::To_PMT::instance,
+ GNURadio::BaseTypes::S32VECTOR);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_reg<rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_s16vect_f> reg_s16v(rpcpmtconverter::To_PMT::instance,
+ GNURadio::BaseTypes::S16VECTOR);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_reg<rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_s8vect_f> reg_s8v(rpcpmtconverter::To_PMT::instance,
+ GNURadio::BaseTypes::S8VECTOR);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_reg<rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_c32vect_f> reg_c32v(rpcpmtconverter::To_PMT::instance,
+ GNURadio::BaseTypes::C32VECTOR);
+template<typename TO_PMT_F>
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_reg<TO_PMT_F>::to_pmt_reg(To_PMT& instance,
+ const GNURadio::BaseTypes::type type)
+ boost::assign::ptr_map_insert<TO_PMT_F>(instance.to_pmt_map)(type);
+rpcpmtconverter::to_pmt_f::operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob)
+ std::cerr << "Error: Don't know how to handle Knob Type: " << knob.type << std::endl;
+ assert(0);
+ return pmt::pmt_t();
+rpcpmtconverter::To_PMT::operator()(const GNURadio::Knob& knob)
+ return to_pmt_map[knob.type](knob);
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3284fa077b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <gnuradio/rpcserver_thrift.h>
+#include <gnuradio/rpcserver_booter_thrift.h>
+#include <boost/asio/ip/host_name.hpp>
+namespace {
+ static const char* const CONTROL_PORT_CLASS("thrift");
+ static const unsigned int ETHERNET_HEADER_SIZE(14);
+ static const unsigned int IP_HEADER_SIZE(20);
+ static const unsigned int TCP_HEADER_SIZE(32);
+ static const unsigned int ETHERNET_TYPICAL_MTU(1500);
+ static const unsigned int ALRIGHT_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE(
+ * \brief A booter implementation for a Thrift application class.
+ */
+rpcserver_booter_thrift::rpcserver_booter_thrift() :
+ thrift_server_template<rpcserver_base,
+ rpcserver_thrift,
+ rpcserver_booter_thrift>(this),
+ d_type(std::string(CONTROL_PORT_CLASS))
+ return thrift_server_template<rpcserver_base, rpcserver_thrift,
+ rpcserver_booter_thrift>::i();
+ * \brief Returns the endpoint string for the application
+ */
+const std::vector<std::string>
+ return thrift_server_template<rpcserver_base, rpcserver_thrift,
+ rpcserver_booter_thrift>::endpoints();
+// Specialized thrift_application_base attributes and functions
+// for this rpcserver_booter instance.
+template<class rpcserver_base, class rpcserver_booter_thrift>
+const unsigned int thrift_application_base<rpcserver_base, rpcserver_booter_thrift>::d_default_max_init_attempts(100U);
+template<class rpcserver_base, class rpcserver_booter_thrift>
+const unsigned int thrift_application_base<rpcserver_base, rpcserver_booter_thrift>::d_default_thrift_port(0U);
+template<class rpcserver_base, class rpcserver_booter_thrift>
+const unsigned int thrift_application_base<rpcserver_base, rpcserver_booter_thrift>::d_default_num_thrift_threads(10U);
+template<class rpcserver_base, class rpcserver_booter_thrift>
+const unsigned int thrift_application_base<rpcserver_base, rpcserver_booter_thrift>::d_default_thrift_buffer_size(
+template<class rpcserver_base, class rpcserver_booter_thrift>
+ thrift_application_base<rpcserver_base, rpcserver_booter_thrift>::p_impl(
+ new thrift_application_base_impl());
+template<class rpcserver_base, class rpcserver_booter_thrift>
+thrift_application_base<rpcserver_base, rpcserver_booter_thrift>::~thrift_application_base()
+ if(d_thirft_is_running) {
+ d_thriftserver->stop();
+ d_thirft_is_running = false;
+ }
+template<class rpcserver_base, class rpcserver_booter_thrift>
+void thrift_application_base<rpcserver_base, rpcserver_booter_thrift>::start_thrift()
+ d_thriftserver->serve();
+template<class rpcserver_base, typename rpcserver_booter_thrift>
+bool thrift_application_base<rpcserver_base, rpcserver_booter_thrift>::application_started()
+ if (d_thirft_is_running) return true;
+ bool result(false);
+ // Define the endpoint.
+ apache::thrift::transport::TServerTransport *thetransport =
+ d_thriftserver->getServerTransport().get();
+ // Determine the specified endpoint port number, or the port number selected by bind() if
+ int used_port = ((apache::thrift::transport::TServerSocket*)thetransport)->getPort();
+ if (used_port > 0) {
+ // Determine the hostname of this host
+ const std::string boost_hostname(boost::asio::ip::host_name());
+ std::string endpoint = boost::str(boost::format("-h %1% -p %2%") % boost_hostname % used_port);
+ set_endpoint(endpoint);
+ GR_INFO("thrift_application_base", "Apache Thrift: " + endpoint);
+ d_thirft_is_running = true;
+ result = true;
+ }
+ return result;
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e6eabc854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2014,2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <gnuradio/rpcserver_thrift.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <pmt/pmt.h>
+#include <thrift/protocol/TBinaryProtocol.h>
+#include <thrift/transport/TSocket.h>
+#include <thrift/transport/TTransportUtils.h>
+#include <boost/xpressive/xpressive.hpp>
+#include "thrift/ControlPort.h"
+#define DEBUG 0
+using namespace rpcpmtconverter;
+ //std::cerr << "rpcserver_thrift::ctor" << std::endl;
+ //std::cerr << "rpcserver_thrift::dtor" << std::endl;
+rpcserver_thrift::registerConfigureCallback(const std::string &id,
+ const configureCallback_t callback)
+ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(d_callback_map_lock);
+ {
+ ConfigureCallbackMap_t::const_iterator iter(d_setcallbackmap.find(id));
+ if(iter != d_setcallbackmap.end()) {
+ std::stringstream s;
+ s << "rpcserver_thrift:: rpcserver_thrift ERROR registering set, already registered: "
+ << id << std::endl;
+ throw std::runtime_error(s.str().c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ if(DEBUG) {
+ std::cerr << "rpcserver_thrift registering set: " << id << std::endl;
+ }
+ d_setcallbackmap.insert(ConfigureCallbackMap_t::value_type(id, callback));
+rpcserver_thrift::unregisterConfigureCallback(const std::string &id)
+ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(d_callback_map_lock);
+ ConfigureCallbackMap_t::iterator iter(d_setcallbackmap.find(id));
+ if(iter == d_setcallbackmap.end()) {
+ std::stringstream s;
+ s << "rpcserver_thrift:: rpcserver_thrift ERROR unregistering set, not registered: "
+ << id << std::endl;
+ throw std::runtime_error(s.str().c_str());
+ }
+ if(DEBUG)
+ std::cerr << "rpcserver_thrift unregistering set: " << id << std::endl;
+ d_setcallbackmap.erase(iter);
+rpcserver_thrift::registerQueryCallback(const std::string &id,
+ const queryCallback_t callback)
+ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(d_callback_map_lock);
+ {
+ QueryCallbackMap_t::const_iterator iter(d_getcallbackmap.find(id));
+ if(iter != d_getcallbackmap.end()) {
+ std::stringstream s;
+ s << "rpcserver_thrift:: rpcserver_thrift ERROR registering get, already registered: "
+ << id << std::endl;
+ throw std::runtime_error(s.str().c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ if(DEBUG) {
+ std::cerr << "rpcserver_thrift registering get: " << id << std::endl;
+ }
+ d_getcallbackmap.insert(QueryCallbackMap_t::value_type(id, callback));
+rpcserver_thrift::unregisterQueryCallback(const std::string &id)
+ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(d_callback_map_lock);
+ QueryCallbackMap_t::iterator iter(d_getcallbackmap.find(id));
+ if(iter == d_getcallbackmap.end()) {
+ std::stringstream s;
+ s << "rpcserver_thrift:: rpcserver_thrift ERROR unregistering get, registered: "
+ << id << std::endl;
+ throw std::runtime_error(s.str().c_str());
+ }
+ if(DEBUG) {
+ std::cerr << "rpcserver_thrift unregistering get: " << id << std::endl;
+ }
+ d_getcallbackmap.erase(iter);
+rpcserver_thrift::setKnobs(const GNURadio::KnobMap& knobs)
+ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(d_callback_map_lock);
+ std::for_each(knobs.begin(), knobs.end(),
+ set_f<GNURadio::KnobMap::value_type,ConfigureCallbackMap_t>
+ (d_setcallbackmap, cur_priv));
+rpcserver_thrift::getKnobs(GNURadio::KnobMap& _return,
+ const GNURadio::KnobIDList& knobs)
+ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(d_callback_map_lock);
+ if(knobs.size() == 0) {
+ std::for_each(d_getcallbackmap.begin(), d_getcallbackmap.end(),
+ get_all_f<QueryCallbackMap_t::value_type, QueryCallbackMap_t, GNURadio::KnobMap>
+ (d_getcallbackmap, cur_priv, _return));
+ }
+ else {
+ std::for_each(knobs.begin(), knobs.end(),
+ get_f<GNURadio::KnobIDList::value_type, QueryCallbackMap_t>
+ (d_getcallbackmap, cur_priv, _return));
+ }
+rpcserver_thrift::getRe(GNURadio::KnobMap& _return, const GNURadio::KnobIDList& knobs)
+ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(d_callback_map_lock);
+ if(knobs.size() == 0) {
+ std::for_each(d_getcallbackmap.begin(), d_getcallbackmap.end(),
+ get_all_f<QueryCallbackMap_t::value_type, QueryCallbackMap_t, GNURadio::KnobMap>
+ (d_getcallbackmap, cur_priv, _return));
+ }
+ else {
+ QueryCallbackMap_t::iterator it;
+ for(it = d_getcallbackmap.begin(); it != d_getcallbackmap.end(); it++){
+ for(size_t j=0; j<knobs.size(); j++) {
+ const boost::xpressive::sregex re(boost::xpressive::sregex::compile(knobs[j]));
+ if(boost::xpressive::regex_match(it->first, re)) {
+ get_f<GNURadio::KnobIDList::value_type, QueryCallbackMap_t>
+ (d_getcallbackmap, cur_priv, _return)(it->first);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+rpcserver_thrift::properties(GNURadio::KnobPropMap& _return,
+ const GNURadio::KnobIDList& knobs)
+ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(d_callback_map_lock);
+ if(knobs.size() == 0) {
+ std::for_each(d_getcallbackmap.begin(), d_getcallbackmap.end(),
+ properties_all_f<QueryCallbackMap_t::value_type,
+ QueryCallbackMap_t, GNURadio::KnobPropMap>(d_getcallbackmap,
+ cur_priv, _return));
+ }
+ else {
+ std::for_each(knobs.begin(), knobs.end(),
+ properties_f<GNURadio::KnobIDList::value_type,
+ QueryCallbackMap_t, GNURadio::KnobPropMap>(d_getcallbackmap,
+ cur_priv, _return));
+ }
+rpcserver_thrift::shutdown() {
+ if (DEBUG) {
+ std::cerr << "Shutting down..." << std::endl;
+ }
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/thrift-codebase-shutdown-patch.diff b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/thrift-codebase-shutdown-patch.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eaf54d5c70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/thrift-codebase-shutdown-patch.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+diff --git a/lib/cpp/src/thrift/concurrency/ThreadManager.cpp b/lib/cpp/src/thrift/concurrency/ThreadManager.cpp
+index 255d237..9954a8a 100644
+--- a/lib/cpp/src/thrift/concurrency/ThreadManager.cpp
++++ b/lib/cpp/src/thrift/concurrency/ThreadManager.cpp
+@@ -409,6 +409,8 @@ void ThreadManager::Impl::removeWorker(size_t value) {
+ workerMaxCount_ -= value;
++ shutdown_mutex_.unlock();
+ if (idleCount_ < value) {
+ for (size_t ix = 0; ix < idleCount_; ix++) {
+ monitor_.notify();
+diff --git a/lib/cpp/src/thrift/concurrency/ThreadManager.h b/lib/cpp/src/thrift/concurrency/ThreadManager.h
+index 7bb71d1..e97fd25 100644
+--- a/lib/cpp/src/thrift/concurrency/ThreadManager.h
++++ b/lib/cpp/src/thrift/concurrency/ThreadManager.h
+@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
+ #include <thrift/cxxfunctional.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <thrift/concurrency/Thread.h>
++#include <thrift/concurrency/Mutex.h>
+ namespace apache {
+ namespace thrift {
+@@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ protected:
+ ThreadManager() {}
+ public:
++ Mutex shutdown_mutex_;
+ typedef apache::thrift::stdcxx::function<void(boost::shared_ptr<Runnable>)> ExpireCallback;
+ virtual ~ThreadManager() {}
+diff --git a/lib/cpp/src/thrift/server/TThreadPoolServer.cpp b/lib/cpp/src/thrift/server/TThreadPoolServer.cpp
+index 0530d8d..d6b73dc 100644
+--- a/lib/cpp/src/thrift/server/TThreadPoolServer.cpp
++++ b/lib/cpp/src/thrift/server/TThreadPoolServer.cpp
+@@ -194,19 +194,28 @@ void TThreadPoolServer::serve() {
+ }
+ }
+- // If stopped manually, join the existing threads
+- if (stop_) {
+- try {
+- serverTransport_->close();
+- threadManager_->join();
+- } catch (TException& tx) {
+- string errStr = string("TThreadPoolServer: Exception shutting down: ") + tx.what();
+- GlobalOutput(errStr.c_str());
++ {
++ Guard g(threadManager_->shutdown_mutex_);
++ // If stopped manually, join the existing threads
++ if (stop_) {
++ try {
++ serverTransport_->close();
++ threadManager_->join();
++ } catch (TException& tx) {
++ string errStr = string("TThreadPoolServer: Exception shutting down: ") + tx.what();
++ GlobalOutput(errStr.c_str());
++ }
++ stop_ = false;
+ }
+- stop_ = false;
+ }
+ }
++void TThreadPoolServer::stop() {
++ threadManager_->shutdown_mutex_.lock();
++ stop_ = true;
++ serverTransport_->interrupt();
+ int64_t TThreadPoolServer::getTimeout() const {
+ return timeout_;
+ }
+diff --git a/lib/cpp/src/thrift/server/TThreadPoolServer.h b/lib/cpp/src/thrift/server/TThreadPoolServer.h
+index ad7e7ef..9b89846 100644
+--- a/lib/cpp/src/thrift/server/TThreadPoolServer.h
++++ b/lib/cpp/src/thrift/server/TThreadPoolServer.h
+@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
+ #include <thrift/server/TServer.h>
+ #include <thrift/transport/TServerTransport.h>
+ #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
+ namespace apache {
+@@ -113,10 +114,7 @@ public:
+ virtual void setTimeout(int64_t value);
+- virtual void stop() {
+- stop_ = true;
+- serverTransport_->interrupt();
+- }
++ virtual void stop();
+ virtual int64_t getTaskExpiration() const;
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/thrift.conf.example b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/thrift.conf.example
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..71cc506249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/thrift.conf.example
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+port = 9090
+nthreads = 2
+buffersize = 1434
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..282ed9fc63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <gnuradio/thrift_application_base.h>
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/
index b7fcaada9d..b303ffdaf9 100644
--- a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2006,2013,2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -46,7 +46,10 @@ namespace gr {
- _read_files();
+ std::string config = _read_files(_sys_prefs_filenames());
+ // Convert the string into a map
+ _convert_to_map(config);
@@ -83,13 +86,12 @@ namespace gr {
return fnames;
- void
- prefs::_read_files()
+ std::string
+ prefs::_read_files(const std::vector<std::string> &filenames)
std::string config;
- std::vector<std::string> filenames = _sys_prefs_filenames();
- std::vector<std::string>::iterator sitr;
+ std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator sitr;
char tmp[1024];
for(sitr = filenames.begin(); sitr != filenames.end(); sitr++) {
fs::ifstream fin(*sitr);
@@ -142,8 +144,7 @@ namespace gr {
- // Convert the string into a map
- _convert_to_map(config);
+ return config;
@@ -188,6 +189,17 @@ namespace gr {
+ void
+ prefs::add_config_file(const std::string &configfile)
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> filenames;
+ filenames.push_back(configfile);
+ std::string config = _read_files(filenames);
+ _convert_to_map(config);
+ }
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/CMakeLists.txt b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/CMakeLists.txt
index 1d5a292429..f40f253a72 100644
--- a/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -27,10 +27,53 @@ install(
COMPONENT "runtime_python"
+ DESTINATION ${GR_PYTHON_DIR}/gnuradio/ctrlport/
+ COMPONENT "runtime_python"
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/gr-perf-monitorx
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/gr-ctrlport-monitor
+ COMPONENT "runtime_python"
+ COMMAND ${THRIFT_BIN} --gen py -out ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/gnuradio-runtime/lib/controlport/thrift/gnuradio.thrift
+ )
DESTINATION ${GR_PYTHON_DIR}/gnuradio/ctrlport/
COMPONENT "runtime_python"
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/GNURadio/ControlPort-remote
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/GNURadio/StreamReceiver-remote
+ DESTINATION ${GR_PYTHON_DIR}/gnuradio/ctrlport/GNURadio
+ COMPONENT "runtime_python"
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/ b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87d2cf5658
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GNU Radio
+# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+Python Client classes for interfacing with the GNU Radio ControlPort interface
+and for accessing Performance Counters.
+While ControlPort and these client classes are designed to support multiple
+Remote Procedure Call (RPC) transports, the Apache Thrift middle-ware RPC
+is currently the only supported transport.
+import exceptions
+GNURadioControlPortClient is the main class for creating a GNU Radio
+ControlPort client application for all transports.
+Two constructors are provided for creating a connection to ControlPort.
+class GNURadioControlPortClient():
+ """
+ Constructor for creating a ControlPort connection to a specified host / port
+ Args:
+ host: hostname of the connection. Specifying None (default) will
+ select the loopback interface.
+ port: port number to use for the connection. Specifying None (default)
+ will select the specified RPC transport's default port number, if
+ the transport has a default.
+ rpcmethod: This string specifies the RPC transport to use for the
+ client connection. The default implementation currently uses
+ the Apache Thrift RPC transport. The value specified here must
+ be one of the transport keys listed in the RPCMethods dictionary
+ above
+ callback: This optional parameter is a callback function that will be passed
+ a reference to the Client implementation for the RPC transport specified
+ by rpcmethod. The callback will be executed after the client has been
+ constructed, but before __init__ returns.
+ blockingcallback: This optional parameter is a callback function with
+ no parameters that will be executed after callback() is executed,
+ but before __init__ returns. It is useful if your application
+ requires that a blocking function be called to start the application,
+ such as QtGui.QApplication.exec_
+ """
+ def __init__(self, host = None, port = None, rpcmethod = 'thrift', callback = None, blockingcallback = None):
+ __init__([host, port], rpcmethod, callback, blockingcallback)
+ """
+ Constructor for creating a ControlPort from a tuple of command line arguments (i.e. sys.argv)
+ Args:
+ argv: List of command line arguments. Future implementations may parse the argument list
+ for OptionParser style key / value pairs, however the current implementation
+ simply takes argv[1] and argv[2] as the connection hostname and port, respectively.
+ Example Usage:
+ In the following QT client example, the ControlPort host and port are specified to
+ the Client application as the first two command line arguments. The MAINWindow class is
+ of the type QtGui.QMainWindow, and is the main window for the QT application. MyApp
+ is a simple helper class for starting the application.
+ class MAINWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):
+ ... QT Application implementation ...
+ class MyApp(object):
+ def __init__(self, args):
+ from GNURadioControlPortClient import GNURadioControlPortClient
+ GNURadioControlPortClient(args, 'thrift',, QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv).exec_)
+ def run(self, client):
+ MAINWindow(client).show()
+ MyApp(sys.argv)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, argv = [], rpcmethod = 'thrift', callback = None, blockingcallback = None):
+ if len(argv) > 1: host = argv[1]
+ else: host = None
+ if len(argv) > 2: port = argv[2]
+ else: port = None
+ self.client = None
+ from gnuradio.ctrlport.RPCConnection import RPCMethods
+ if RPCMethods.has_key(rpcmethod):
+ from gnuradio.ctrlport.RPCConnectionThrift import RPCConnectionThrift
+ if rpcmethod == 'thrift':
+ #print("making RPCConnectionThrift")
+ self.client = RPCConnectionThrift(host, port)
+ #print("made %s" % self.client)
+ #print("making callback call")
+ if not callback is None:
+ callback(self.client)
+ #print("making blockingcallback call")
+ if not blockingcallback is None:
+ blockingcallback()
+ else:
+ print("Unsupported RPC method: ", rpcmethod)
+ raise exceptions.ValueError()
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/ b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/
index 661705d613..c5bfd0a8cb 100644
--- a/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
from gnuradio import gr
from gnuradio import blocks
from gnuradio import filter
-from gnuradio.ctrlport import GNURadio
+from gnuradio.ctrlport.GNURadio import ControlPort
import sys, time, struct
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ class GrDataPlotterValueTable:
units = str(knobprops[itemKey].units)
descr = str(knobprops[itemKey].description)
- if(type(v) == GNURadio.complex):
+ if(type(v) == ControlPort.complex):
v = +*1j
# If it's a byte stream, Python thinks it's a string.
# Unpack and convert to floats for plotting.
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ class GrDataPlotterValueTable:
for k in knobs.keys():
if k not in foundKeys:
v = knobs[k].value
- if(type(v) == GNURadio.complex):
+ if(type(v) == ControlPort.complex):
v = +*1j
# If it's a byte stream, Python thinks it's a string.
# Unpack and convert to floats for plotting.
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/ b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e14cc0cea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GNU Radio
+# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+import exceptions
+RPCMethods is a dictionary listing RPC transports currently supported
+by this client.
+ function: the function whose parameter list will be examined
+ excluded_args: function arguments that are NOT to be added to the dictionary (sequence of strings)
+ options: result of command argument parsing (optparse.Values)
+RPCMethods = {'thrift': 'Apache Thrift',
+ #'ice': 'Zeroc ICE'
+ }
+Base class for RPC transport clients
+Methods that all RPC clients should implement include:
+ def newConnection(host,port): Method for re-establishing a new client
+ connection to a different host / port
+ def properties([]): Given a list of ControlPort property names,
+ or an empty list to specify all currently registered properties,
+ this method returns a dictionary of metadata describing the
+ the specified properties. The dictionary key contains the name
+ of each returned properties.
+ def getKnobs([]): Given a list of ControlPort property names,
+ or an empty list to specify all currently registered properties,
+ this method returns a dictionary of the current value of
+ the specified properties.
+ def getRe([]): Given a list of regular expression strings,
+ this method returns a dictionary of the current value of
+ the all properties with names that match the specified
+ expressions.
+ def setKnobs({}): Given a dictionary of ControlPort property
+ key / value pairs, this method requests that ControlPort
+ attempt to set the specified named properties to the
+ value given. Success in setting each property to the
+ value specified requires that the property be registered
+ as a 'setable' ControlPort property, that the client have the
+ requisite privilege level to set the property, and
+ the underlying Block's implementation in handling
+ the set request.
+ method: name of the RPC transport
+ port: port number of the connection
+ host: hostname of the connection
+class RPCConnection(object):
+ def __init__(self, method, port, host=None):
+ (self.method, self.port) = (method, port)
+ if host is None: = ''
+ else: = host
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "%s connection on %s:%s"%(self.getName(), self.getHost(), self.getPort())
+ def getName(self):
+ return RPCMethods[self.method]
+ def getHost(self):
+ return
+ def getPort(self):
+ return self.port
+ def newConnection(self, host=None, port=None):
+ raise exceptions.NotImplementedError()
+ def properties(self, *args):
+ raise exceptions.NotImplementedError()
+ def getKnobs(self, *args):
+ raise exceptions.NotImplementedError()
+ def getRe(self,*args):
+ raise exceptions.NotImplementedError()
+ def setKnobs(self,*args):
+ raise exceptions.NotImplementedError()
+ def shutdown(self):
+ raise exceptions.NotImplementedError()
+ def printProperties(self, props):
+ raise exceptions.NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/ b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a2a302af5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GNU Radio
+# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+from thrift import Thrift
+from thrift.transport import TSocket
+from thrift.transport import TTransport
+from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol
+from gnuradio.ctrlport.GNURadio import ControlPort
+from gnuradio.ctrlport import RPCConnection
+from gnuradio import gr
+import sys
+class ThriftRadioClient:
+ def __init__(self, host, port):
+ self.tsocket = TSocket.TSocket(host, port)
+ self.transport = TTransport.TBufferedTransport(self.tsocket)
+ self.protocol = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocol(self.transport)
+ = ControlPort.Client(self.protocol)
+ def __del__(self):
+ self.transport.close()
+ def getRadio(self, host, port):
+ return
+RPC Client interface for the Apache Thrift middle-ware RPC transport.
+ port: port number of the connection
+ host: hostname of the connection
+class RPCConnectionThrift(RPCConnection.RPCConnection):
+ class Knob():
+ def __init__(self, key, value=None, ktype=0):
+ (self.key, self.value, self.ktype) = (key, value, ktype)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "({0} = {1})".format(self.key, self.value)
+ def __init__(self, host=None, port=None):
+ from gnuradio.ctrlport.GNURadio import ttypes
+ self.BaseTypes = ttypes.BaseTypes
+ self.KnobBase = ttypes.KnobBase
+ # If not set by the user, get the port number from the thrift
+ # config file, if one is set. Defaults to 9090 otherwise.
+ if port is None:
+ p = gr.prefs()
+ thrift_config_file = p.get_string("ControlPort", "config", "");
+ if(len(thrift_config_file) > 0):
+ p.add_config_file(thrift_config_file)
+ port = p.get_long("thrift", "port", 9090)
+ else:
+ port = 9090
+ else:
+ port = int(port)
+ super(RPCConnectionThrift, self).__init__(method='thrift', port=port, host=host)
+ self.newConnection(host, port)
+ self.unpack_dict = {
+ self.BaseTypes.BOOL: lambda k,b: self.Knob(k, b.value.a_bool, self.BaseTypes.BOOL),
+ self.BaseTypes.BYTE: lambda k,b: self.Knob(k, b.value.a_byte, self.BaseTypes.BYTE),
+ self.BaseTypes.SHORT: lambda k,b: self.Knob(k, b.value.a_short, self.BaseTypes.SHORT),
+ self.BaseTypes.INT: lambda k,b: self.Knob(k, b.value.a_int, self.BaseTypes.INT),
+ self.BaseTypes.LONG: lambda k,b: self.Knob(k, b.value.a_long, self.BaseTypes.LONG),
+ self.BaseTypes.DOUBLE: lambda k,b: self.Knob(k, b.value.a_double, self.BaseTypes.DOUBLE),
+ self.BaseTypes.STRING: lambda k,b: self.Knob(k, b.value.a_string, self.BaseTypes.STRING),
+ self.BaseTypes.COMPLEX: lambda k,b: self.Knob(k, b.value.a_complex, self.BaseTypes.COMPLEX),
+ self.BaseTypes.F32VECTOR: lambda k,b: self.Knob(k, b.value.a_f32vector, self.BaseTypes.F32VECTOR),
+ self.BaseTypes.F64VECTOR: lambda k,b: self.Knob(k, b.value.a_f64vector, self.BaseTypes.F64VECTOR),
+ self.BaseTypes.S64VECTOR: lambda k,b: self.Knob(k, b.value.a_s64vector, self.BaseTypes.S64VECTOR),
+ self.BaseTypes.S32VECTOR: lambda k,b: self.Knob(k, b.value.a_s32vector, self.BaseTypes.S32VECTOR),
+ self.BaseTypes.S16VECTOR: lambda k,b: self.Knob(k, b.value.a_s16vector, self.BaseTypes.S16VECTOR),
+ self.BaseTypes.S8VECTOR: lambda k,b: self.Knob(k, b.value.a_s8vector, self.BaseTypes.S8VECTOR),
+ self.BaseTypes.C32VECTOR: lambda k,b: self.Knob(k, b.value.a_c32vector, self.BaseTypes.C32VECTOR),
+ }
+ self.pack_dict = {
+ self.BaseTypes.BOOL: lambda k: ttypes.Knob(type=k.ktype, value=ttypes.KnobBase(a_bool = k.value)),
+ self.BaseTypes.BYTE: lambda k: ttypes.Knob(type=k.ktype, value=ttypes.KnobBase(a_byte = k.value)),
+ self.BaseTypes.SHORT: lambda k: ttypes.Knob(type=k.ktype, value=ttypes.KnobBase(a_short = k.value)),
+ self.BaseTypes.INT: lambda k: ttypes.Knob(type=k.ktype, value=ttypes.KnobBase(a_int = k.value)),
+ self.BaseTypes.LONG: lambda k: ttypes.Knob(type=k.ktype, value=ttypes.KnobBase(a_long = k.value)),
+ self.BaseTypes.DOUBLE: lambda k: ttypes.Knob(type=k.ktype, value=ttypes.KnobBase(a_double = k.value)),
+ self.BaseTypes.STRING: lambda k: ttypes.Knob(type=k.ktype, value=ttypes.KnobBase(a_string = k.value)),
+ self.BaseTypes.COMPLEX: lambda k: ttypes.Knob(type=k.ktype, value=ttypes.KnobBase(a_complex = k.value)),
+ self.BaseTypes.F32VECTOR: lambda k: ttypes.Knob(type=k.ktype, value=ttypes.KnobBase(a_f32vector = k.value)),
+ self.BaseTypes.F64VECTOR: lambda k: ttypes.Knob(type=k.ktype, value=ttypes.KnobBase(a_f64vector = k.value)),
+ self.BaseTypes.S64VECTOR: lambda k: ttypes.Knob(type=k.ktype, value=ttypes.KnobBase(a_s64vector = k.value)),
+ self.BaseTypes.S32VECTOR: lambda k: ttypes.Knob(type=k.ktype, value=ttypes.KnobBase(a_s32vector = k.value)),
+ self.BaseTypes.S16VECTOR: lambda k: ttypes.Knob(type=k.ktype, value=ttypes.KnobBase(a_s16vector = k.value)),
+ self.BaseTypes.S8VECTOR: lambda k: ttypes.Knob(type=k.ktype, value=ttypes.KnobBase(a_s8vector = k.value)),
+ self.BaseTypes.C32VECTOR: lambda k: ttypes.Knob(type=k.ktype, value=ttypes.KnobBase(a_c32vector = k.value)),
+ }
+ def unpackKnob(self, key, knob):
+ f = self.unpack_dict.get(knob.type, None)
+ if(f):
+ return f(key, knob)
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write("unpackKnobs: Incorrect Knob type: {0}\n".format(knob.type))
+ raise exceptions.ValueError
+ def packKnob(self, knob):
+ f = self.pack_dict.get(knob.ktype, None)
+ if(f):
+ return f(knob)
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write("packKnobs: Incorrect Knob type: {0}\n".format(knob.type))
+ raise exceptions.ValueError
+ def newConnection(self, host=None, port=None):
+ try:
+ self.thriftclient = ThriftRadioClient(self.getHost(), self.getPort())
+ except TTransport.TTransportException:
+ sys.stderr.write("Could not connect to ControlPort endpoint at {0}:{1}.\n\n".format(host, port))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ def properties(self, *args):
+ knobprops =*args)
+ for key, knobprop in knobprops.iteritems():
+ #print("key:", key, "value:", knobprop, "type:", knobprop.type)
+ knobprops[key].min = self.unpackKnob(key, knobprop.min)
+ knobprops[key].max = self.unpackKnob(key, knobprop.max)
+ knobprops[key].defaultvalue = self.unpackKnob(key, knobprop.defaultvalue)
+ return knobprops
+ def getKnobs(self, *args):
+ result = {}
+ for key, knob in*args).iteritems():
+ #print("key:", key, "value:", knob, "type:", knob.type)
+ result[key] = self.unpackKnob(key, knob)
+ # If complex, convert to Python complex
+ # FIXME: better list iterator way to handle this?
+ if(knob.type == self.BaseTypes.C32VECTOR):
+ for i in xrange(len(result[key].value)):
+ result[key].value[i] = complex(result[key].value[i].re,
+ result[key].value[i].im)
+ return result
+ def getKnobsRaw(self, *args):
+ result = {}
+ for key, knob in*args).iteritems():
+ #print("key:", key, "value:", knob, "type:", knob.type)
+ result[key] = knob
+ return result
+ def getRe(self,*args):
+ result = {}
+ for key, knob in*args).iteritems():
+ result[key] = self.unpackKnob(key, knob)
+ return result
+ def setKnobs(self, *args):
+ if(type(*args) == dict):
+ a = dict(*args)
+ result = {}
+ for key, knob in a.iteritems():
+ result[key] = self.packKnob(knob)
+ elif(type(*args) == list or type(*args) == tuple):
+ a = list(*args)
+ result = {}
+ for k in a:
+ result[k.key] = self.packKnob(k)
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write("setKnobs: Invalid type; must be dict, list, or tuple\n")
+ def shutdown(self):
+ def printProperties(self, props):
+ info = ""
+ info += "Item:\t\t{0}\n".format(props.description)
+ info += "units:\t\t{0}\n".format(props.units)
+ info += "min:\t\t{0}\n".format(props.min.value)
+ info += "max:\t\t{0}\n".format(props.max.value)
+ info += "default:\t\t{0}\n".format(props.defaultvalue.value)
+ info += "Type Code:\t0x{0:x}\n".format(props.type)
+ info += "Disp Code:\t0x{0:x}\n".format(props.display)
+ return info
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/gr-ctrlport-monitor b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/gr-ctrlport-monitor
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c866776355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/gr-ctrlport-monitor
@@ -0,0 +1,771 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2012,2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GNU Radio
+# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+from PyQt4 import QtCore,Qt
+import PyQt4.QtGui as QtGui
+import os, sys, time, struct
+from gnuradio import gr, ctrlport
+from gnuradio.ctrlport.GrDataPlotter import *
+class RateDialog(QtGui.QDialog):
+ def __init__(self, delay, parent=None):
+ super(RateDialog, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.gridLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout(self)
+ self.setWindowTitle("Update Delay (ms)");
+ self.delay = QtGui.QLineEdit(self);
+ self.delay.setText(str(delay));
+ self.buttonBox = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel)
+ self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.delay);
+ self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.buttonBox);
+ self.buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.accept)
+ self.buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.reject)
+ def accept(self):
+ self.done(1);
+ def reject(self):
+ self.done(0);
+class MAINWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):
+ def minimumSizeHint(self):
+ return Qtgui.QSize(800,600)
+ def __init__(self, radioclient):
+ super(MAINWindow, self).__init__()
+ self.radioclient = radioclient
+ self.updateRate = 1000;
+ self.conns = []
+ self.plots = []
+ self.knobprops = []
+ self.mdiArea = QtGui.QMdiArea()
+ self.mdiArea.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded)
+ self.mdiArea.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded)
+ self.setCentralWidget(self.mdiArea)
+ self.mdiArea.subWindowActivated.connect(self.updateMenus)
+ self.windowMapper = QtCore.QSignalMapper(self)
+ self.windowMapper.mapped[QtGui.QWidget].connect(self.setActiveSubWindow)
+ self.createActions()
+ self.createMenus()
+ self.createToolBars()
+ self.createStatusBar()
+ self.updateMenus()
+ self.setWindowTitle("GNU Radio Control Port Monitor")
+ self.setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac(True)
+ self.newCon(radioclient)
+ icon = QtGui.QIcon(ctrlport.__path__[0] + "/icon.png" )
+ self.setWindowIcon(icon)
+ # Locally turn off ControlPort export from GR. This prevents
+ # our GR-based plotters from launching their own ControlPort
+ # instance (and possibly causing a port collision if one has
+ # been specified).
+ os.environ['GR_CONF_CONTROLPORT_ON'] = 'False'
+ def setUpdateRate(self,nur):
+ self.updateRate = int(nur);
+ for c in self.conns:
+ c.updateRate = self.updateRate;
+ c.timer.setInterval(self.updateRate);
+ def newCon(self, csomeBool):
+ child = MForm(self.radioclient, len(self.conns), parent = self, dialogprompt = not csomeBool)
+ if(child.radioclient is not None):
+ child.setWindowTitle(str(child.radioclient))
+ self.mdiArea.addSubWindow(child)
+ self.mdiArea.currentSubWindow().showMaximized()
+ self.conns.append(child)
+ self.plots.append([])
+ def propertiesMenu(self, key, radio, uid):
+ title = str(radio)
+ props =[key])
+ pmin,pmax = get_minmax(props[key])
+ # Use display option mask of item to set up available plot
+ # types and default options.
+ disp = self.knobprops[uid][key].display
+ cplx = disp & gr.DISPOPTCPLX | disp & gr.DISPXY
+ strip = disp & gr.DISPOPTSTRIP
+ stem = disp & gr.DISPOPTSTEM
+ log = disp & gr.DISPOPTLOG
+ scatter = disp & gr.DISPOPTSCATTER
+ def newUpdaterProxy():
+ self.newUpdater(key, radio)
+ def newPlotterFProxy():
+ self.newPlotF(key, uid, title, pmin, pmax,
+ log, strip, stem)
+ def newPlotterCProxy():
+ self.newPlotC(key, uid, title, pmin, pmax,
+ log, strip, stem)
+ def newPlotterConstProxy():
+ self.newPlotConst(key, uid, title, pmin, pmax,
+ scatter, strip)
+ def newPlotterPsdFProxy():
+ self.newPlotPsdF(key, uid, title)
+ def newPlotterPsdCProxy():
+ self.newPlotPsdC(key, uid, title)
+ def newPlotterRasterFProxy():
+ self.newPlotRasterF(key, uid, title, pmin, pmax)
+ def newPlotterRasterBProxy():
+ self.newPlotRasterB(key, uid, title, pmin, pmax)
+ menu = QtGui.QMenu(self)
+ menu.setTitle("Item Actions")
+ menu.setTearOffEnabled(False)
+ # object properties
+ menu.addAction("Properties", newUpdaterProxy)
+ # displays available
+ if(cplx == 0):
+ menu.addAction("Plot Time", newPlotterFProxy)
+ menu.addAction("Plot PSD", newPlotterPsdFProxy)
+ menu.addAction("Plot Raster (real)", newPlotterRasterFProxy)
+ #menu.addAction("Plot Raster (bits)", newPlotterRasterBProxy)
+ else:
+ menu.addAction("Plot Time", newPlotterCProxy)
+ menu.addAction("Plot PSD", newPlotterPsdCProxy)
+ menu.addAction("Plot Constellation", newPlotterConstProxy)
+ menu.popup(QtGui.QCursor.pos())
+ def newUpdater(self, key, radio):
+ updater = UpdaterWindow(key, radio, None)
+ updater.setWindowTitle("Updater: " + key)
+ updater.setModal(False)
+ updater.exec_()
+ def newSub(self, e):
+ tag = str(e.text(0))
+ tree = e.treeWidget().parent()
+ uid = tree.uid
+ knobprop = self.knobprops[uid][tag]
+ strr = str(tree.radioclient)
+ print(strr)
+# r = strr.split(" ")
+ title = strr #title = "{0}:{1}".format(r[3], r[5])
+ pmin,pmax = get_minmax(knobprop)
+ disp = knobprop.display
+ if(disp & gr.DISPTIME):
+ strip = disp & gr.DISPOPTSTRIP
+ stem = disp & gr.DISPOPTSTEM
+ log = disp & gr.DISPOPTLOG
+ if(disp & gr.DISPOPTCPLX == 0):
+ self.newPlotF(tag, uid, title, pmin, pmax,
+ log, strip, stem)
+ else:
+ self.newPlotC(tag, uid, title, pmin, pmax,
+ log, strip, stem)
+ elif(disp & gr.DISPXY):
+ scatter = disp & gr.DISPOPTSCATTER
+ self.newPlotConst(tag, uid, title, pmin, pmax, scatter)
+ elif(disp & gr.DISPPSD):
+ if(disp & gr.DISPOPTCPLX == 0):
+ self.newPlotPsdF(tag, uid, title)
+ else:
+ self.newPlotPsdC(tag, uid, title)
+ def startDrag(self, e):
+ drag = QtGui.QDrag(self)
+ mime_data = QtCore.QMimeData()
+ tag = str(e.text(0))
+ tree = e.treeWidget().parent()
+ knobprop = self.knobprops[tree.uid][tag]
+ disp = knobprop.display
+ iscomplex = (disp & gr.DISPOPTCPLX) or (disp & gr.DISPXY)
+ if(disp != gr.DISPNULL):
+ data = "PlotData:::{0}:::{1}".format(tag, iscomplex)
+ else:
+ data = "OtherData:::{0}:::{1}".format(tag, iscomplex)
+ mime_data.setText(data)
+ drag.setMimeData(mime_data)
+ drop = drag.start()
+ def createPlot(self, plot, uid, title):
+ plot.start()
+ self.plots[uid].append(plot)
+ self.mdiArea.addSubWindow(plot)
+ plot.setWindowTitle("{0}: {1}".format(title,
+ self.connect(plot.qwidget(),
+ QtCore.SIGNAL('destroyed(QObject*)'),
+ self.destroyPlot)
+ # when the plot is updated via drag-and-drop, we need to be
+ # notified of the new qwidget that's created so we can
+ # properly destroy it.
+ plot.plotupdated.connect(self.plotUpdated)
+ def plotUpdated(self, q):
+ # the plot has been updated with a new qwidget; make sure this
+ # gets dies to the destroyPlot function.
+ for i, plots in enumerate(self.plots):
+ for p in plots:
+ if(p == q):
+ #plots.remove(p)
+ #plots.append(q)
+ self.connect(q.qwidget(),
+ QtCore.SIGNAL('destroyed(QObject*)'),
+ self.destroyPlot)
+ break
+ def destroyPlot(self, obj):
+ for plots in self.plots:
+ for p in plots:
+ if p.qwidget() == obj:
+ plots.remove(p)
+ break
+ def newPlotConst(self, tag, uid, title="", pmin=None, pmax=None,
+ scatter=False, stripchart=False):
+ plot = GrDataPlotterConst(tag, 32e6, pmin, pmax, stripchart)
+ plot.scatter(scatter)
+ self.createPlot(plot, uid, title)
+ def newPlotF(self, tag, uid, title="", pmin=None, pmax=None,
+ logy=False, stripchart=False, stem=False):
+ plot = GrDataPlotterF(tag, 32e6, pmin, pmax, stripchart)
+ plot.semilogy(logy)
+ plot.stem(stem)
+ self.createPlot(plot, uid, title)
+ def newPlotC(self, tag, uid, title="", pmin=None, pmax=None,
+ logy=False, stripchart=False, stem=False):
+ plot = GrDataPlotterC(tag, 32e6, pmin, pmax, stripchart)
+ plot.semilogy(logy)
+ plot.stem(stem)
+ self.createPlot(plot, uid, title)
+ def newPlotPsdF(self, tag, uid, title="", pmin=None, pmax=None):
+ plot = GrDataPlotterPsdF(tag, 32e6, pmin, pmax)
+ self.createPlot(plot, uid, title)
+ def newPlotPsdC(self, tag, uid, title="", pmin=None, pmax=None):
+ plot = GrDataPlotterPsdC(tag, 32e6, pmin, pmax)
+ self.createPlot(plot, uid, title)
+ def newPlotRasterF(self, tag, uid, title="", pmin=None, pmax=None):
+ plot = GrTimeRasterF(tag, 32e6, pmin, pmax)
+ self.createPlot(plot, uid, title)
+ def newPlotRasterB(self, tag, uid, title="", pmin=None, pmax=None):
+ plot = GrTimeRasterB(tag, 32e6, pmin, pmax)
+ self.createPlot(plot, uid, title)
+ def update(self, knobs, uid):
+ #sys.stderr.write("KNOB KEYS: {0}\n".format(knobs.keys()))
+ for plot in self.plots[uid]:
+ data = []
+ for n in plot.knobnames:
+ d = knobs[n].value
+# if(type(d) == GNURadio.complex):
+# d = [,]
+ # If it's a byte stream, Python thinks it's a string.
+ # Unpack and convert to floats for plotting.
+ if(type(d) == str and n.find('probe2_b') == 0):
+ d = struct.unpack(len(d)*'b', d)
+ d = [float(di) for di in d]
+ data.append(d)
+ plot.update(data)
+ plot.stop()
+ plot.wait()
+ plot.start()
+ def setActiveSubWindow(self, window):
+ if window:
+ self.mdiArea.setActiveSubWindow(window)
+ def createActions(self):
+ self.newConAct = QtGui.QAction("&New Connection",
+ self, shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.New,
+ statusTip="Create a new file", triggered=self.newCon)
+ self.exitAct = QtGui.QAction("E&xit", self, shortcut="Ctrl+Q",
+ statusTip="Exit the application",
+ triggered=QtGui.qApp.closeAllWindows)
+ self.closeAct = QtGui.QAction("Cl&ose", self, shortcut="Ctrl+F4",
+ statusTip="Close the active window",
+ triggered=self.mdiArea.closeActiveSubWindow)
+ self.closeAllAct = QtGui.QAction("Close &All", self,
+ statusTip="Close all the windows",
+ triggered=self.mdiArea.closeAllSubWindows)
+ self.urAct = QtGui.QAction("Update Rate", self, shortcut="F5",
+ statusTip="Change Update Rate",
+ triggered=self.updateRateShow)
+ qks = QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.CTRL + QtCore.Qt.Key_T);
+ self.tileAct = QtGui.QAction("&Tile", self,
+ statusTip="Tile the windows",
+ triggered=self.mdiArea.tileSubWindows,
+ shortcut=qks)
+ qks = QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.CTRL + QtCore.Qt.Key_C);
+ self.cascadeAct = QtGui.QAction("&Cascade", self,
+ statusTip="Cascade the windows", shortcut=qks,
+ triggered=self.mdiArea.cascadeSubWindows)
+ self.nextAct = QtGui.QAction("Ne&xt", self,
+ shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.NextChild,
+ statusTip="Move the focus to the next window",
+ triggered=self.mdiArea.activateNextSubWindow)
+ self.previousAct = QtGui.QAction("Pre&vious", self,
+ shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.PreviousChild,
+ statusTip="Move the focus to the previous window",
+ triggered=self.mdiArea.activatePreviousSubWindow)
+ self.separatorAct = QtGui.QAction(self)
+ self.separatorAct.setSeparator(True)
+ self.aboutAct = QtGui.QAction("&About", self,
+ statusTip="Show the application's About box",
+ triggered=self.about)
+ self.aboutQtAct = QtGui.QAction("About &Qt", self,
+ statusTip="Show the Qt library's About box",
+ triggered=QtGui.qApp.aboutQt)
+ def createMenus(self):
+ self.fileMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&File")
+ self.fileMenu.addAction(self.newConAct)
+ self.fileMenu.addAction(self.urAct)
+ self.fileMenu.addSeparator()
+ self.fileMenu.addAction(self.exitAct)
+ self.windowMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&Window")
+ self.updateWindowMenu()
+ self.windowMenu.aboutToShow.connect(self.updateWindowMenu)
+ self.menuBar().addSeparator()
+ self.helpMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&Help")
+ self.helpMenu.addAction(self.aboutAct)
+ self.helpMenu.addAction(self.aboutQtAct)
+ def updateRateShow(self):
+ askrate = RateDialog(self.updateRate, self);
+ if askrate.exec_():
+ ur = float(str(askrate.delay.text()));
+ self.setUpdateRate(ur);
+ return;
+ else:
+ return;
+ def createToolBars(self):
+ self.fileToolBar = self.addToolBar("File")
+ self.fileToolBar.addAction(self.newConAct)
+ self.fileToolBar.addAction(self.urAct)
+ self.fileToolBar = self.addToolBar("Window")
+ self.fileToolBar.addAction(self.tileAct)
+ self.fileToolBar.addAction(self.cascadeAct)
+ def createStatusBar(self):
+ self.statusBar().showMessage("Ready")
+ def activeMdiChild(self):
+ activeSubWindow = self.mdiArea.activeSubWindow()
+ if activeSubWindow:
+ return activeSubWindow.widget()
+ return None
+ def updateMenus(self):
+ hasMdiChild = (self.activeMdiChild() is not None)
+ self.closeAct.setEnabled(hasMdiChild)
+ self.closeAllAct.setEnabled(hasMdiChild)
+ self.tileAct.setEnabled(hasMdiChild)
+ self.cascadeAct.setEnabled(hasMdiChild)
+ self.nextAct.setEnabled(hasMdiChild)
+ self.previousAct.setEnabled(hasMdiChild)
+ self.separatorAct.setVisible(hasMdiChild)
+ def updateWindowMenu(self):
+ self.windowMenu.clear()
+ self.windowMenu.addAction(self.closeAct)
+ self.windowMenu.addAction(self.closeAllAct)
+ self.windowMenu.addSeparator()
+ self.windowMenu.addAction(self.tileAct)
+ self.windowMenu.addAction(self.cascadeAct)
+ self.windowMenu.addSeparator()
+ self.windowMenu.addAction(self.nextAct)
+ self.windowMenu.addAction(self.previousAct)
+ self.windowMenu.addAction(self.separatorAct)
+ def about(self):
+ about_info = \
+'''Copyright 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n
+This program is part of GNU Radio.\n
+GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.\n
+GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.'''
+ QtGui.QMessageBox.about(None, "gr-ctrlport-monitor", about_info)
+class ConInfoDialog(QtGui.QDialog):
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ super(ConInfoDialog, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.gridLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout(self)
+ = QtGui.QLineEdit(self);
+ self.port = QtGui.QLineEdit(self);
+ self.port.setText("43243");
+ self.buttonBox = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel)
+ self.gridLayout.addWidget(;
+ self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.port);
+ self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.buttonBox);
+ self.buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.accept)
+ self.buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.reject)
+ def accept(self):
+ self.done(1);
+ def reject(self):
+ self.done(0);
+class UpdaterWindow(QtGui.QDialog):
+ def __init__(self, key, radio, parent):
+ QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent)
+ self.key = key;
+ = radio
+ self.resize(300,200)
+ self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+ self.props =[key])[key]
+ info = radio.printProperties(self.props)
+ self.infoLabel = QtGui.QLabel(info)
+ self.layout.addWidget(self.infoLabel)
+ # Test here to make sure that a 'set' function exists
+ try:
+ radio.setKnobs(radio.getKnobs([key]))
+ has_set = True
+ except:
+ has_set = False
+ if(has_set is False):
+ self.cancelButton = QtGui.QPushButton("Ok")
+ self.cancelButton.connect(self.cancelButton, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.reject)
+ self.buttonlayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+ self.buttonlayout.addWidget(self.cancelButton)
+ self.layout.addLayout(self.buttonlayout)
+ else: # we have a set function
+ self.textInput = QtGui.QLineEdit()
+ self.layout.addWidget(self.textInput)
+ self.applyButton = QtGui.QPushButton("Apply")
+ self.setButton = QtGui.QPushButton("OK")
+ self.cancelButton = QtGui.QPushButton("Cancel")
+ rv = radio.getKnobs([key])
+ val = rv[key].value
+ if(type(val) == ControlPort.complex):
+ val = +*1j
+ self.textInput.setText(str(val))
+ = rv[key]
+ self.applyButton.connect(self.applyButton, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self._apply)
+ self.setButton.connect(self.setButton, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self._set)
+ self.cancelButton.connect(self.cancelButton, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.reject)
+ self.is_num = ((type( or (type(
+ if(self.is_num):
+ self.sliderlayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+ self.slider = QtGui.QSlider(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal)
+ self.sliderlayout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel(str(self.props.min.value)))
+ self.sliderlayout.addWidget(self.slider)
+ self.sliderlayout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel(str(self.props.max.value)))
+ self.steps = 10000
+ self.valspan = self.props.max.value - self.props.min.value
+ self.slider.setRange(0, 10000)
+ self._set_slider_value(
+ self.connect(self.slider, QtCore.SIGNAL("sliderReleased()"), self._slide)
+ self.layout.addLayout(self.sliderlayout)
+ else:
+ self._set_slider_value = None
+ self.buttonlayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+ self.buttonlayout.addWidget(self.applyButton)
+ self.buttonlayout.addWidget(self.setButton)
+ self.buttonlayout.addWidget(self.cancelButton)
+ self.layout.addLayout(self.buttonlayout)
+ # set layout and go...
+ self.setLayout(self.layout)
+ def _set_slider_value(self, val):
+ self.slider.setValue(self.steps*(val-self.props.min.value)/self.valspan)
+ def _slide(self):
+ val = (self.slider.value()*self.valspan + self.props.min.value)/float(self.steps)
+ self.textInput.setText(str(val))
+ def _apply(self):
+ if(type( == str):
+ val = str(self.textInput.text())
+ elif(type( == int):
+ val = int(round(float(self.textInput.text())))
+ elif(type( == float):
+ val = float(self.textInput.text())
+ elif(type( == ControlPort.complex):
+ t = str(self.textInput.text())
+ t = complex(t.strip("(").strip(")").replace(" ", ""))
+ val = ControlPort.complex()
+ = t.real
+ = t.imag
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write("set type not supported! ({0})\n".format(type(
+ return
+ = val
+ km = {}
+ km[self.key] =
+ if self._set_slider_value:
+ self._set_slider_value(
+ def _set(self):
+ self._apply()
+ self.done(0)
+class MForm(QtGui.QWidget):
+ def update(self):
+ # TODO: revisit this try-except block, figure out what it's doing, and if we need to keep it. at very lease makes debugging dificult
+ if True: #try:
+ st = time.time();
+ knobs = self.radioclient.getKnobs([])
+ ft = time.time();
+ latency = ft-st;
+ self.parent.statusBar().showMessage("Current GNU Radio Control Port Query Latency: %f ms"%(latency*1000))
+# except Exception, e:
+# sys.stderr.write("ctrlport-monitor: radio.get threw exception ({0}).\n".format(e))
+# if(type(self.parent) is MAINWindow):
+# # Find window of connection
+# remove = []
+# for p in self.parent.mdiArea.subWindowList():
+# if self.parent.conns[self.uid] == p.widget():
+# remove.append(p)
+# # Find any subplot windows of connection
+# for p in self.parent.mdiArea.subWindowList():
+# for plot in self.parent.plots[self.uid]:
+# if plot.qwidget() == p.widget():
+# remove.append(p)
+# # Clean up local references to these
+# self.parent.conns.remove(self.parent.conns[self.uid])
+# self.parent.plots.remove(self.parent.plots[self.uid])
+# # Remove subwindows for connection and plots
+# for r in remove:
+# self.parent.mdiArea.removeSubWindow(r)
+# # Clean up self
+# self.close()
+# else:
+# sys.exit(1)
+# return
+ tableitems = knobs.keys()
+ #try:
+ self.table.updateItems(knobs, self.knobprops)
+ #except:
+ # self.knobprops =[])
+ # print("knobsprops1:", len(self.knobprops))
+ self.parent.update(knobs, self.uid)
+ def __init__(self, radioclient, uid=0, updateRate=2000, parent=None, dialogprompt = False):
+ super(MForm, self).__init__()
+ self.radioclient = radioclient
+# print("before radioclient.getHost()", radioclient.getHost(), radioclient.getPort(), "prompt", prompt)
+ if(dialogprompt or radioclient.getHost() is None or radioclient.getPort() is None):
+# print("before ConInfoDialog")
+ askinfo = ConInfoDialog(self);
+ if askinfo.exec_():
+ host = str(;
+ port = str(askinfo.port.text());
+# print("before radioclient.newConnection host: %s port: %s"%(host,port))
+ newradio = self.radioclient.newConnection(host, port)
+ if newradio is None:
+ print("Error making a %s connection to %s:%s from %s" % (radioclient.getName(), host, port, radioclient))
+ else:
+ self.radioclient = newradio
+ else:
+ self.radioclient = Nonclient = None
+ return
+ self.uid = uid
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.horizontalLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self)
+ self.gridLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
+ self.knobprops =[])
+ #print("props5:", self.knobprops)
+ self.parent.knobprops.append(self.knobprops)
+ self.resize(775,500)
+ self.timer = QtCore.QTimer()
+ self.constupdatediv = 0
+ self.tableupdatediv = 0
+ plotsize=250
+ # make table
+ self.table = GrDataPlotterValueTable(uid, self, 0, 0, 400, 200)
+ sizePolicy = QtGui.QSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Preferred, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Preferred)
+ self.table.treeWidget.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy)
+ self.table.treeWidget.setEditTriggers(QtGui.QAbstractItemView.EditKeyPressed)
+ self.table.treeWidget.setSortingEnabled(True)
+ self.table.treeWidget.setDragEnabled(True)
+ # add things to layouts
+ self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.table.treeWidget)
+ # set up timer
+ self.connect(self.timer, QtCore.SIGNAL('timeout()'), self.update)
+ self.updateRate = updateRate;
+ self.timer.start(self.updateRate)
+ # set up context menu ..
+ self.table.treeWidget.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu)
+ self.table.treeWidget.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.openMenu)
+ # Set up double-click to launch default plotter
+ self.connect(self.table.treeWidget,
+ QtCore.SIGNAL('itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)'),
+ self.parent.newSub);
+ # Allow drag/drop event from table item to plotter
+ self.connect(self.table.treeWidget,
+ QtCore.SIGNAL('itemPressed(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)'),
+ self.parent.startDrag)
+ def openMenu(self, pos):
+ index = self.table.treeWidget.selectedIndexes()
+ item = self.table.treeWidget.itemFromIndex(index[0])
+ itemname = str(item.text(0))
+ self.parent.propertiesMenu(itemname, self.radioclient, self.uid)
+def get_minmax(p):
+ pmin = p.min.value
+ pmax = p.max.value
+ # Find min/max or real or imag for GNURadio::complex
+ # TODO: fix complex
+ if(type(pmin) == ControlPort.complex):
+ pmin = min(,
+ if(type(pmax) == ControlPort.complex):
+ pmax = max(,
+ # If it's a byte stream, Python thinks it's a string.
+ try:
+ if(type(pmin) == str):
+ pmin = struct.unpack('b', pmin)[0]
+ if(type(pmax) == str):
+ pmax = struct.unpack('b', pmax)[0]
+ except struct.error:
+ pmin = []
+ pmax = []
+ if pmin == []:
+ pmin = None
+ else:
+ pmin = 1.1*float(pmin)
+ if pmax == []:
+ pmax = None
+ else:
+ pmax = 1.1*float(pmax)
+ return pmin, pmax
+class MyApp(object):
+ def __init__(self, args):
+ from gnuradio.ctrlport.GNURadioControlPortClient import GNURadioControlPortClient
+ GNURadioControlPortClient(args, 'thrift',, QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv).exec_)
+ def run(self, client):
+ MAINWindow(client).show()
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/gr-perf-monitorx b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/gr-perf-monitorx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cebc00dcf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/gr-perf-monitorx
@@ -0,0 +1,875 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2012-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GNU Radio
+# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+import random,math,operator
+import networkx as nx
+import matplotlib
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas
+from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import NavigationToolbar2QTAgg as NavigationToolbar
+from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+from PyQt4 import QtCore,Qt,Qwt5
+import PyQt4.QtGui as QtGui
+import sys, time, re, pprint
+import itertools
+from gnuradio import gr, ctrlport
+from gnuradio.ctrlport.GrDataPlotter import *
+class MAINWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):
+ def minimumSizeHint(self):
+ return QtGui.QSize(800,600)
+ def __init__(self, radioclient):
+ super(MAINWindow, self).__init__()
+ self.radioclient = radioclient
+ self.conns = []
+ self.plots = []
+ self.knobprops = []
+ self.mdiArea = QtGui.QMdiArea()
+ self.mdiArea.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded)
+ self.mdiArea.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded)
+ self.setCentralWidget(self.mdiArea)
+ self.mdiArea.subWindowActivated.connect(self.updateMenus)
+ self.windowMapper = QtCore.QSignalMapper(self)
+ self.windowMapper.mapped[QtGui.QWidget].connect(self.setActiveSubWindow)
+ self.createActions()
+ self.createMenus()
+ self.createToolBars()
+ self.createStatusBar()
+ self.updateMenus()
+ self.setWindowTitle("GNU Radio Performance Monitor")
+ self.setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac(True)
+ self.newCon(radioclient)
+ icon = QtGui.QIcon(ctrlport.__path__[0] + "/icon.png" )
+ self.setWindowIcon(icon)
+ def newSubWindow(self, window, title):
+ child = window;
+ child.setWindowTitle(title)
+ self.mdiArea.addSubWindow(child)
+ self.conns.append(child)
+ self.mdiArea.currentSubWindow().showMaximized()
+ def newCon(self, csomeBool):
+ child = MForm(self.radioclient, len(self.conns), self, dialogprompt = not csomeBool)
+ if(child.radioclient is not None):
+ child.setWindowTitle(str(child.radioclient))
+ self.mdiArea.addSubWindow(child)
+ self.mdiArea.currentSubWindow().showMaximized()
+ self.conns.append(child)
+ self.plots.append([])
+ def update(self, knobs, uid):
+ #sys.stderr.write("KNOB KEYS: {0}\n".format(knobs.keys()))
+ for plot in self.plots[uid]:
+ data = knobs[].value
+ plot.update(data)
+ plot.stop()
+ plot.wait()
+ plot.start()
+ def setActiveSubWindow(self, window):
+ if window:
+ self.mdiArea.setActiveSubWindow(window)
+ def createActions(self):
+ self.newConAct = QtGui.QAction("&New Connection",
+ self, shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.New,
+ statusTip="Create a new file", triggered=self.newCon)
+ self.exitAct = QtGui.QAction("E&xit", self, shortcut="Ctrl+Q",
+ statusTip="Exit the application",
+ triggered=QtGui.qApp.closeAllWindows)
+ self.closeAct = QtGui.QAction("Cl&ose", self, shortcut="Ctrl+F4",
+ statusTip="Close the active window",
+ triggered=self.mdiArea.closeActiveSubWindow)
+ self.closeAllAct = QtGui.QAction("Close &All", self,
+ statusTip="Close all the windows",
+ triggered=self.mdiArea.closeAllSubWindows)
+ qks = QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.CTRL + QtCore.Qt.Key_T);
+ self.tileAct = QtGui.QAction("&Tile", self,
+ statusTip="Tile the windows",
+ triggered=self.mdiArea.tileSubWindows,
+ shortcut=qks)
+ qks = QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.CTRL + QtCore.Qt.Key_C);
+ self.cascadeAct = QtGui.QAction("&Cascade", self,
+ statusTip="Cascade the windows", shortcut=qks,
+ triggered=self.mdiArea.cascadeSubWindows)
+ self.nextAct = QtGui.QAction("Ne&xt", self,
+ shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.NextChild,
+ statusTip="Move the focus to the next window",
+ triggered=self.mdiArea.activateNextSubWindow)
+ self.previousAct = QtGui.QAction("Pre&vious", self,
+ shortcut=QtGui.QKeySequence.PreviousChild,
+ statusTip="Move the focus to the previous window",
+ triggered=self.mdiArea.activatePreviousSubWindow)
+ self.separatorAct = QtGui.QAction(self)
+ self.separatorAct.setSeparator(True)
+ self.aboutAct = QtGui.QAction("&About", self,
+ statusTip="Show the application's About box",
+ triggered=self.about)
+ self.aboutQtAct = QtGui.QAction("About &Qt", self,
+ statusTip="Show the Qt library's About box",
+ triggered=QtGui.qApp.aboutQt)
+ def createMenus(self):
+ self.fileMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&File")
+ self.fileMenu.addAction(self.newConAct)
+ self.fileMenu.addSeparator()
+ self.fileMenu.addAction(self.exitAct)
+ self.windowMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&Window")
+ self.updateWindowMenu()
+ self.windowMenu.aboutToShow.connect(self.updateWindowMenu)
+ self.menuBar().addSeparator()
+ self.helpMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&Help")
+ self.helpMenu.addAction(self.aboutAct)
+ self.helpMenu.addAction(self.aboutQtAct)
+ def createToolBars(self):
+ self.fileToolBar = self.addToolBar("File")
+ self.fileToolBar.addAction(self.newConAct)
+ self.fileToolBar = self.addToolBar("Window")
+ self.fileToolBar.addAction(self.tileAct)
+ self.fileToolBar.addAction(self.cascadeAct)
+ def createStatusBar(self):
+ self.statusBar().showMessage("Ready")
+ def activeMdiChild(self):
+ activeSubWindow = self.mdiArea.activeSubWindow()
+ if activeSubWindow:
+ return activeSubWindow.widget()
+ return None
+ def updateMenus(self):
+ hasMdiChild = (self.activeMdiChild() is not None)
+ self.closeAct.setEnabled(hasMdiChild)
+ self.closeAllAct.setEnabled(hasMdiChild)
+ self.tileAct.setEnabled(hasMdiChild)
+ self.cascadeAct.setEnabled(hasMdiChild)
+ self.nextAct.setEnabled(hasMdiChild)
+ self.previousAct.setEnabled(hasMdiChild)
+ self.separatorAct.setVisible(hasMdiChild)
+ def updateWindowMenu(self):
+ self.windowMenu.clear()
+ self.windowMenu.addAction(self.closeAct)
+ self.windowMenu.addAction(self.closeAllAct)
+ self.windowMenu.addSeparator()
+ self.windowMenu.addAction(self.tileAct)
+ self.windowMenu.addAction(self.cascadeAct)
+ self.windowMenu.addSeparator()
+ self.windowMenu.addAction(self.nextAct)
+ self.windowMenu.addAction(self.previousAct)
+ self.windowMenu.addAction(self.separatorAct)
+ def about(self):
+ about_info = \
+'''Copyright 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n
+This program is part of GNU Radio.\n
+GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.\n
+GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.'''
+ QtGui.QMessageBox.about(None, "gr-perf-monitorx", about_info)
+class ConInfoDialog(QtGui.QDialog):
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ super(ConInfoDialog, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.gridLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout(self)
+ = QtGui.QLineEdit(self);
+ self.port = QtGui.QLineEdit(self);
+ self.port.setText("43243");
+ self.buttonBox = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok |
+ QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel)
+ self.gridLayout.addWidget(;
+ self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.port);
+ self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.buttonBox);
+ self.buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.accept)
+ self.buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.reject)
+ def accept(self):
+ self.done(1);
+ def reject(self):
+ self.done(0);
+class DataTable(QtGui.QWidget):
+ def update(self):
+ print "update"
+ def closeEvent(self, event):
+ self.timer = None
+ def __init__(self, radioclient, G):
+ QtGui.QWidget.__init__( self)
+ self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self)
+ self.hlayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+ self.layout.addLayout(self.hlayout)
+ self.G = G
+ self.radioclient = radioclient
+ self._keymap = None
+ self.disp = None
+ # Create a combobox to set the type of statistic we want.
+ self._statistic = "Instantaneous"
+ self._statistics_table = {"Instantaneous": "",
+ "Average": "avg ",
+ "Variance": "var "}
+ self.stattype = QtGui.QComboBox()
+ self.stattype.addItem("Instantaneous")
+ self.stattype.addItem("Average")
+ self.stattype.addItem("Variance")
+ self.stattype.setMaximumWidth(200)
+ self.hlayout.addWidget(self.stattype)
+ self.stattype.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.stat_changed)
+ # Create a checkbox to toggle sorting of graphs
+ self._sort = False
+ self.checksort = QtGui.QCheckBox("Sort")
+ self.checksort.setCheckState(self._sort)
+ self.hlayout.addWidget(self.checksort);
+ self.checksort.stateChanged.connect(self.checksort_changed)
+ # set up table
+ self.perfTable = Qt.QTableWidget()
+ self.perfTable.setColumnCount(2)
+ self.perfTable.verticalHeader().hide()
+ self.perfTable.setHorizontalHeaderLabels( ["Block Name", "Percent Runtime"] )
+ self.perfTable.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True)
+ self.perfTable.setSortingEnabled(True)
+ nodes = self.G.nodes(data=True)
+ # set up plot
+ self.f = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8), dpi=90)
+ self.sp = self.f.add_subplot(111)
+ self.sp.autoscale_view(True,True,True)
+ self.sp.set_autoscale_on(True)
+ self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.f)
+ # set up tabs
+ self.tabber = QtGui.QTabWidget();
+ self.layout.addWidget(self.tabber);
+ self.tabber.addTab(self.perfTable,"Table View");
+ self.tabber.addTab(self.canvas, "Graph View");
+ # set up timer
+ self.timer = QtCore.QTimer()
+ self.connect(self.timer, QtCore.SIGNAL('timeout()'), self.update)
+ self.timer.start(500)
+ for i in range(0,len(nodes)):
+ self.perfTable.setItem(
+ i,0,
+ Qt.QTableWidgetItem(nodes[i][0]))
+ def table_update(self,data):
+ for k in data.keys():
+ weight = data[k]
+ existing = self.perfTable.findItems(str(k),QtCore.Qt.MatchFixedString)
+ if(len(existing) == 0):
+ i = self.perfTable.rowCount();
+ self.perfTable.setRowCount( i+1)
+ self.perfTable.setItem( i,0, Qt.QTableWidgetItem(str(k)))
+ self.perfTable.setItem( i,1, Qt.QTableWidgetItem(str(weight)))
+ else:
+ self.perfTable.setItem( self.perfTable.row(existing[0]),1, Qt.QTableWidgetItem(str(weight)))
+ def stat_changed(self, index):
+ self._statistic = str(self.stattype.currentText())
+ def checksort_changed(self, state):
+ self._sort = state > 0
+class DataTableBuffers(DataTable):
+ def __init__(self, radioclient, G):
+ super(DataTableBuffers, self).__init__(radioclient, G)
+ self.perfTable.setHorizontalHeaderLabels( ["Block Name", "Percent Buffer Full"] )
+ def update(self):
+ nodes = self.G.nodes();
+ # get buffer fullness for all blocks
+ kl = map(lambda x: "%s::%soutput %% full" % \
+ (x, self._statistics_table[self._statistic]),
+ nodes);
+ buf_knobs = self.radioclient.getKnobs(kl)
+ # strip values out of ctrlport response
+ buffer_fullness = dict(zip(
+ map(lambda x: x.split("::")[0], buf_knobs.keys()),
+ map(lambda x: x.value, buf_knobs.values())))
+ blockport_fullness = {}
+ for blk in buffer_fullness:
+ bdata = buffer_fullness[blk]
+ if bdata:
+ for port in range(0,len(bdata)):
+ blockport_fullness["%s:%d"%(blk,port)] = bdata[port]
+ if(self.perfTable.isVisible()):
+ self.table_update(blockport_fullness);
+ else:
+ if(self._sort):
+ sorted_fullness = sorted(blockport_fullness.iteritems(),
+ key=operator.itemgetter(1))
+ self._keymap = map(operator.itemgetter(0), sorted_fullness)
+ else:
+ if self._keymap:
+ sorted_fullness = len(self._keymap)*['',]
+ for b in blockport_fullness:
+ sorted_fullness[self._keymap.index(b)] = (b, blockport_fullness[b])
+ else:
+ sorted_fullness = blockport_fullness.items()
+ if(not self.disp):
+ self.disp =,len(sorted_fullness)),
+ map(lambda x: x[1], sorted_fullness),
+ alpha=0.5)
+ self.sp.set_ylabel("% Buffers Full");
+ self.sp.set_xticks( map(lambda x: x+0.5, range(0,len(sorted_fullness))))
+ self.sp.set_xticklabels(map(lambda x: " " + x, map(lambda x: x[0], sorted_fullness)),
+ rotation="vertical", verticalalignment="bottom")
+ else:
+ self.sp.set_xticklabels(map(lambda x: " " + x, map(lambda x: x[0], sorted_fullness)),
+ rotation="vertical", verticalalignment="bottom")
+ for r,w in zip(self.disp, sorted_fullness):
+ r.set_height(w[1])
+ self.canvas.draw()
+class DataTableRuntimes(DataTable):
+ def __init__(self, radioclient, G):
+ super(DataTableRuntimes, self).__init__( radioclient, G)
+ def update(self):
+ nodes = self.G.nodes();
+ # get work time for all blocks
+ kl = map(lambda x: "%s::%swork time" % \
+ (x, self._statistics_table[self._statistic]),
+ nodes);
+ wrk_knobs = self.radioclient.getKnobs(kl)
+ # strip values out of ctrlport response
+ total_work = sum(map(lambda x: x.value, wrk_knobs.values()))
+ if(total_work == 0):
+ total_work = 1
+ work_times = dict(zip(
+ map(lambda x: x.split("::")[0], wrk_knobs.keys()),
+ map(lambda x: x.value/total_work, wrk_knobs.values())))
+ # update table view
+ if(self.perfTable.isVisible()):
+ self.table_update(work_times)
+ else:
+ if(self._sort):
+ sorted_work = sorted(work_times.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
+ self._keymap = map(operator.itemgetter(0), sorted_work)
+ else:
+ if self._keymap:
+ sorted_work = len(self._keymap)*['',]
+ for b in work_times:
+ sorted_work[self._keymap.index(b)] = (b, work_times[b])
+ else:
+ sorted_work = work_times.items()
+ f = plt.figure(self.f.number)
+ if(not self.disp):
+ self.disp =,len(sorted_work)),
+ map(lambda x: x[1], sorted_work),
+ alpha=0.5)
+ self.sp.set_ylabel("% Runtime");
+ self.sp.set_xticks( map(lambda x: x+0.5, range(0,len(sorted_work))))
+ self.sp.set_xticklabels( map(lambda x: " " + x[0], sorted_work),
+ rotation="vertical", verticalalignment="bottom" )
+ else:
+ self.sp.set_xticklabels( map(lambda x: " " + x[0], sorted_work),
+ rotation="vertical", verticalalignment="bottom" )
+ for r,w in zip(self.disp, sorted_work):
+ r.set_height(w[1])
+ self.canvas.draw()
+class MForm(QtGui.QWidget):
+ def update(self):
+ try:
+ try:
+ # update current clock type
+ self.prevent_clock_change = True;
+ kl1 = None;
+ if(self.clockKey == None):
+ kl1 = self.radioclient.getRe([".*perfcounter_clock"])
+ else:
+ kl1 = self.radioclient.getKnobs([self.clockKey])
+ self.clockKey = kl1.keys()[0]
+ self.currClock = kl1[self.clockKey].value
+ self.clockSelIdx = self.clocks.values().index(self.currClock)
+ self.clockSel.setCurrentIndex(self.clockSelIdx)
+ self.prevent_clock_change = False
+ except:
+ print "WARNING: Failed to get current clock setting!"
+ nodes_stream = self.G_stream.nodes()
+ nodes_msg = self.G_msg.nodes()
+ # get current buffer depths of all output buffers
+ kl = map(lambda x: "%s::%soutput %% full" % \
+ (x, self._statistics_table[self._statistic]),
+ nodes_stream);
+ st = time.time()
+ buf_knobs = self.radioclient.getKnobs(kl)
+ td1 = time.time() - st;
+ # strip values out of ctrlport response
+ buf_vals = dict(zip(
+ map(lambda x: x.split("::")[0], buf_knobs.keys()),
+ map(lambda x: x.value, buf_knobs.values())))
+ # get work time for all blocks
+ kl = map(lambda x: "%s::%swork time" % \
+ (x, self._statistics_table[self._statistic]),
+ nodes_stream);
+ st = time.time()
+ wrk_knobs = self.radioclient.getKnobs(kl)
+ td2 = time.time() - st;
+ # strip values out of ctrlport response
+ total_work = sum(map(lambda x: x.value, wrk_knobs.values()))
+ if(total_work == 0):
+ total_work = 1
+ work_times = dict(zip(
+ map(lambda x: x.split("::")[0], wrk_knobs.keys()),
+ map(lambda x: x.value/total_work, wrk_knobs.values())))
+ work_times_padded = dict(zip(
+ self.G.nodes(),
+ [0.1]*len(self.G.nodes())))
+ work_times_padded.update(work_times)
+ for n in nodes_stream:
+ # ne is the list of edges away from this node!
+ ne = self.G.edges([n],True);
+ #for e in ne: # iterate over edges from this block
+ for e in ne: # iterate over edges from this block
+ # get the right output buffer/port weight for each edge
+ sourceport = e[2]["sourceport"];
+ if(e[2]["type"] == "stream"):
+ newweight = buf_vals[n][sourceport]
+ e[2]["weight"] = newweight;
+ for n in nodes_msg:
+ ne = self.G.edges([n],True);
+ for e in ne: # iterate over edges from this block
+ sourceport = e[2]["sourceport"];
+ if(e[2]["type"] == "msg"):
+ newweight = 0.01;
+ e[2]["weight"] = newweight;
+ # set updated weights
+ #self.node_weights = map(lambda x: 20+2000*work_times[x], nodes_stream);
+ self.node_weights = map(lambda x: 20+2000*work_times_padded[x], self.G.nodes());
+ self.edge_weights = map(lambda x: 100.0*x[2]["weight"], self.G.edges(data=True));
+ # draw graph updates
+ self.updateGraph();
+ latency = td1 + td2;
+ self.parent.statusBar().showMessage("Current GNU Radio Control Port Query Latency: %f ms"%\
+ (latency*1000))
+ except Exception, e:
+ sys.stderr.write("gr-perf-monitorx: radio.getKnobs threw exception ({0}).\n".format(e))
+ if(type(self.parent) is MAINWindow):
+ # Find window of connection
+ remove = []
+ for p in self.parent.mdiArea.subWindowList():
+ if self.parent.conns[self.uid] == p.widget():
+ remove.append(p)
+ # Remove subwindows for connection and plots
+ for r in remove:
+ self.parent.mdiArea.removeSubWindow(r)
+ # Clean up self
+ self.close()
+ else:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return
+ def rtt(self):
+ self.parent.newSubWindow( DataTableRuntimes(self.radioclient, self.G_stream), "Runtime Table" );
+ def bpt(self):
+ self.parent.newSubWindow( DataTableBuffers(self.radioclient, self.G_stream), "Buffers Table" );
+ def resetPCs(self):
+ knobs = []
+ for b in self.blocks_list:
+ knobs += [self.radioclient.Knob(b + "::reset_perf_counters"),]
+ k = self.radioclient.setKnobs(knobs)
+ def toggleFlowgraph(self):
+ if self.pauseFGAct.isChecked():
+ self.pauseFlowgraph()
+ else:
+ self.unpauseFlowgraph()
+ def pauseFlowgraph(self):
+ knobs = [self.radioclient.Knob(self.top_block + "::lock"),
+ self.radioclient.Knob(self.top_block + "::stop")]
+ k = self.radioclient.setKnobs(knobs)
+ def unpauseFlowgraph(self):
+ knobs = [self.radioclient.Knob(self.top_block + "::unlock")]
+ k = self.radioclient.setKnobs(knobs)
+ def stat_changed(self, index):
+ self._statistic = str(self.stattype.currentText())
+ def update_clock(self, clkidx):
+ if(self.prevent_clock_change):
+ return;
+ idx = self.clockSel.currentIndex();
+ clk = self.clocks.values()[idx]
+# print "UPDATE CLOCK!!! %d -> %d"%(idx,clk);
+ k = self.radioclient.getKnobs([self.clockKey]);
+ k[self.clockKey].value = clk;
+ km = {};
+ km[self.clockKey] = k[self.clockKey];
+ self.radioclient.setKnobs(km);
+ def __init__(self, radioclient, uid=0, parent=None, dialogprompt = False):
+ super(MForm, self).__init__()
+ self.radioclient = radioclient
+# print("before radioclient.getHost()", radioclient.getHost(), radioclient.getPort(), "prompt", prompt)
+ if(dialogprompt or radioclient.getHost() is None or radioclient.getPort() is None):
+# print("before ConInfoDialog")
+ askinfo = ConInfoDialog(self);
+ if askinfo.exec_():
+ host = str(;
+ port = str(askinfo.port.text());
+# print("before radioclient.newConnection host: %s port: %s"%(host,port))
+ newradio = self.radioclient.newConnection(host, port)
+ if newradio is None:
+ print("Error making a %s connection to %s:%s from %s" % (radioclient.getName(), host, port, radioclient))
+ else:
+ self.radioclient = newradio
+ else:
+ self.radioclient = None
+ return
+ self.uid = uid
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.layoutTop = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self)
+ self.ctlBox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout();
+ self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+ self.layoutTop.addLayout(self.ctlBox);
+ self.layoutTop.addLayout(self.layout);
+ self.rttAct = QtGui.QAction("Runtime Table",
+ self, statusTip="Runtime Table", triggered=self.rtt)
+ self.rttBut = Qt.QToolButton()
+ self.rttBut.setDefaultAction(self.rttAct);
+ self.ctlBox.addWidget(self.rttBut);
+ self.bptAct = QtGui.QAction("Buffer Table",
+ self, statusTip="Buffer Table", triggered=self.bpt)
+ self.bptBut = Qt.QToolButton()
+ self.bptBut.setDefaultAction(self.bptAct);
+ self.ctlBox.addWidget(self.bptBut);
+ self.resetPCsAct = QtGui.QAction("Reset", self,
+ statusTip="Reset all Performance Counters",
+ triggered=self.resetPCs)
+ self.resetPCsBut = Qt.QToolButton()
+ self.resetPCsBut.setDefaultAction(self.resetPCsAct);
+ self.ctlBox.addWidget(self.resetPCsBut);
+ self.pauseFGAct = QtGui.QAction("Pause", self,
+ statusTip="Pause the Flowgraph",
+ triggered=self.toggleFlowgraph)
+ self.pauseFGAct.setCheckable(True)
+ self.pauseFGBut = Qt.QToolButton()
+ self.pauseFGBut.setDefaultAction(self.pauseFGAct);
+ self.ctlBox.addWidget(self.pauseFGBut);
+ self.prevent_clock_change = True;
+ self.clockKey = None;
+ self.clocks = {"MONOTONIC":1, "THREAD":3};
+ self.clockSel = QtGui.QComboBox(self);
+ map(lambda x: self.clockSel.addItem(x), self.clocks.keys());
+ self.ctlBox.addWidget(self.clockSel);
+ self.clockSel.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.update_clock);
+ self.prevent_clock_change = False;
+ self._statistic = "Instantaneous"
+ self._statistics_table = {"Instantaneous": "",
+ "Average": "avg ",
+ "Variance": "var "}
+ self.stattype = QtGui.QComboBox()
+ self.stattype.addItem("Instantaneous")
+ self.stattype.addItem("Average")
+ self.stattype.addItem("Variance")
+ self.stattype.setMaximumWidth(200)
+ self.ctlBox.addWidget(self.stattype);
+ self.stattype.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.stat_changed)
+# self.setLayout(self.layout);
+ = radioclient
+ self.knobprops =[])
+ self.parent.knobprops.append(self.knobprops)
+ self.timer = QtCore.QTimer()
+ self.constupdatediv = 0
+ self.tableupdatediv = 0
+ plotsize=250
+ # Set up the graph of blocks
+ input_name = lambda x: x+"::avg input % full"
+ output_name = lambda x: x+"::avg output % full"
+ wtime_name = lambda x: x+"::avg work time"
+ nout_name = lambda x: x+"::avg noutput_items"
+ nprod_name = lambda x: x+"::avg nproduced"
+ tmplist = []
+ knobs =[])
+ edgelist = None
+ msgedgelist = None
+ for k in knobs:
+ propname = k.split("::")
+ blockname = propname[0]
+ keyname = propname[1]
+ if(keyname == "edge list"):
+ edgelist = knobs[k].value
+ self.top_block = blockname
+ elif(keyname == "msg edges list"):
+ msgedgelist = knobs[k].value
+ elif(blockname not in tmplist):
+ # only take gr_blocks (no hier_block2)
+ if(knobs.has_key(input_name(blockname))):
+ tmplist.append(blockname)
+ if not edgelist:
+ sys.stderr.write("Could not find list of edges from flowgraph. " + \
+ "Make sure the option 'edges_list' is enabled " + \
+ "in the ControlPort configuration.\n\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ self.blocks_list = tmplist
+ edges = edgelist.split("\n")[0:-1]
+ msgedges = msgedgelist.split("\n")[0:-1]
+ edgepairs_stream = [];
+ edgepairs_msg = [];
+ # add stream connections
+ for e in edges:
+ _e = e.split("->")
+ edgepairs_stream.append( (_e[0].split(":")[0], _e[1].split(":")[0],
+ {"type":"stream", "sourceport":int(_e[0].split(":")[1])}) );
+ # add msg connections
+ for e in msgedges:
+ _e = e.split("->")
+ edgepairs_msg.append( (_e[0].split(":")[0], _e[1].split(":")[0],
+ {"type":"msg", "sourceport":_e[0].split(":")[1]}) );
+ self.G = nx.MultiDiGraph();
+ self.G_stream = nx.MultiDiGraph();
+ self.G_msg = nx.MultiDiGraph();
+ self.G.add_edges_from(edgepairs_stream);
+ self.G.add_edges_from(edgepairs_msg);
+ self.G_stream.add_edges_from(edgepairs_stream);
+ self.G_msg.add_edges_from(edgepairs_msg);
+ n_edges = self.G.edges(data=True);
+ for e in n_edges:
+ e[2]["weight"] = 5+random.random()*10;
+ self.G.clear();
+ self.G.add_edges_from(n_edges);
+ self.f = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8), dpi=90)
+ self.sp = self.f.add_subplot(111);
+ self.sp.autoscale_view(True,True,True);
+ self.sp.set_autoscale_on(True)
+ self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.f)
+ self.layout.addWidget(self.canvas);
+ self.pos = nx.graphviz_layout(self.G);
+ #self.pos = nx.pygraphviz_layout(self.G);
+ #self.pos = nx.spectral_layout(self.G);
+ #self.pos = nx.circular_layout(self.G);
+ #self.pos = nx.shell_layout(self.G);
+ #self.pos = nx.spring_layout(self.G);
+ # generate weights and plot
+ self.update();
+ # set up timer
+ self.timer = QtCore.QTimer()
+ self.connect(self.timer, QtCore.SIGNAL('timeout()'), self.update)
+ self.timer.start(1000)
+ # Set up mouse callback functions to move blocks around.
+ self._grabbed = False
+ self._current_block = ''
+ self.f.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event',
+ self.button_press)
+ self.f.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event',
+ self.mouse_move)
+ self.f.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event',
+ self.button_release)
+ def button_press(self, event):
+ x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata
+ thrsh = 100
+ if(x is not None and y is not None):
+ nearby = map(lambda z: math.sqrt( math.pow(x-z[0],2) + math.pow(y-z[1],2)), self.pos.values())
+ i = nearby.index(min(nearby))
+ if(abs(self.pos.values()[i][0] - x) < thrsh and
+ abs(self.pos.values()[i][1]-y) < thrsh):
+ self._current_block = self.pos.keys()[i]
+ #print "MOVING BLOCK: ", self._current_block
+ #print "CUR POS: ", self.pos.values()[i]
+ self._grabbed = True
+ def mouse_move(self, event):
+ if self._grabbed:
+ x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata
+ if(x is not None and y is not None):
+ #print "NEW POS: ", (x,y)
+ self.pos[self._current_block] = (x,y)
+ self.updateGraph();
+ def button_release(self, event):
+ self._grabbed = False
+ def openMenu(self, pos):
+ index = self.table.treeWidget.selectedIndexes()
+ item = self.table.treeWidget.itemFromIndex(index[0])
+ itemname = str(item.text(0))
+ self.parent.propertiesMenu(itemname, self.radioclient, self.uid)
+ def updateGraph(self):
+ self.canvas.updateGeometry()
+ self.sp.clear();
+ plt.figure(self.f.number)
+ plt.subplot(111);
+ nx.draw(self.G, self.pos,
+ edge_color=self.edge_weights,
+ node_color='#A0CBE2',
+ width=map(lambda x: 3+math.log(x), self.edge_weights),
+ node_shape="s",
+ node_size=self.node_weights,
+ ax=self.sp,
+ arrows=False
+ )
+ nx.draw_networkx_labels(self.G, self.pos,
+ font_size=12)
+ self.canvas.draw();
+class MyApp(object):
+ def __init__(self, args):
+ p = gr.prefs()
+ cp_on = p.get_bool("ControlPort", "on", False)
+ cp_edges = p.get_bool("ControlPort", "edges_list", False)
+ pcs_on = p.get_bool("PerfCounters", "on", False)
+ pcs_exported = p.get_bool("PerfCounters", "export", False)
+ if(not (pcs_on and cp_on and pcs_exported and cp_edges)):
+ print("Configuration has not turned on all of the appropriate ControlPort features:")
+ print("\t[ControlPort] on = {0}".format(cp_on))
+ print("\t[ControlPort] edges_list = {0}".format(cp_edges))
+ print("\t[PerfCounters] on = {0}".format(pcs_on))
+ print("\t[PerfCounters] export = {0}".format(pcs_exported))
+ exit(1)
+ from gnuradio.ctrlport.GNURadioControlPortClient import GNURadioControlPortClient
+ GNURadioControlPortClient(args, 'thrift',, QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv).exec_)
+ def run(self, client):
+ MAINWindow(client).show()
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/ b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/
index 8bb26d93a1..f651be2449 100644
--- a/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ class monitor:
print "monitor::endpoints() = %s" % (gr.rpcmanager_get().endpoints())
cmd = map(lambda a: [self.tool,
-"-p (\d+)",a).group(1)],
- gr.rpcmanager_get().endpoints())[0]
+"-h (\S+|\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)",a).group(1),
+"-p (\d+)",a).group(1)],
+ gr.rpcmanager_get().endpoints())[0]
print "running: %s"%(str(cmd))
self.proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd);
self.started = True
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/gr/ b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/gr/
index 1a08ac5ae6..55b62a12ac 100755
--- a/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/gr/
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/gr/
@@ -76,6 +76,38 @@ class test_tag_utils (gr_unittest.TestCase):
self.assertTrue(pmt.equal(t_tuple.value, value))
self.assertEqual(t_tuple.offset, offset)
+ def test_003(self):
+ offsets = (6, 3, 8)
+ key = pmt.string_to_symbol('key')
+ srcid = pmt.string_to_symbol('qa_tag_utils')
+ tags = []
+ for k in offsets:
+ t = gr.tag_t()
+ t.offset = k
+ t.key = key
+ t.value = pmt.from_long(k)
+ t.srcid = srcid
+ tags.append(t)
+ for k, t in zip(sorted(offsets),
+ sorted(tags, key=gr.tag_t_offset_compare_key())):
+ self.assertEqual(t.offset, k)
+ self.assertTrue(pmt.equal(t.key, key))
+ self.assertTrue(pmt.equal(t.value, pmt.from_long(k)))
+ self.assertTrue(pmt.equal(t.srcid, srcid))
+ tmin = min(tags, key=gr.tag_t_offset_compare_key())
+ self.assertEqual(tmin.offset, min(offsets))
+ self.assertTrue(pmt.equal(tmin.key, key))
+ self.assertTrue(pmt.equal(tmin.value, pmt.from_long(min(offsets))))
+ self.assertTrue(pmt.equal(tmin.srcid, srcid))
+ tmax = max(tags, key=gr.tag_t_offset_compare_key())
+ self.assertEqual(tmax.offset, max(offsets))
+ self.assertTrue(pmt.equal(tmax.key, key))
+ self.assertTrue(pmt.equal(tmax.value, pmt.from_long(max(offsets))))
+ self.assertTrue(pmt.equal(tmax.srcid, srcid))
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/gr/ b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/gr/
index dc36e05250..a7745428c7 100644
--- a/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/gr/
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/gr/
@@ -108,3 +108,36 @@ def python_to_tag(tag_struct):
return tag
return None
+def tag_t_offset_compare_key():
+ """
+ Convert a tag_t_offset_compare function into a key=function
+ This method is modeled after functools.cmp_to_key(_func_).
+ It can be used by functions that accept a key function, such as
+ sorted(), min(), max(), etc. to compare tags by their offsets,
+ e.g., sorted(tag_list, key=gr.tag_t_offset_compare_key()).
+ """
+ class K(object):
+ def __init__(self, obj, *args):
+ self.obj = obj
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ # x.offset < y.offset
+ return gr.tag_t_offset_compare(self.obj, other.obj)
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ # y.offset < x.offset
+ return gr.tag_t_offset_compare(other.obj, self.obj)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ # not (x.offset < y.offset) and not (y.offset < x.offset)
+ return not gr.tag_t_offset_compare(self.obj, other.obj) and \
+ not gr.tag_t_offset_compare(other.obj, self.obj)
+ def __le__(self, other):
+ # not (y.offset < x.offset)
+ return not gr.tag_t_offset_compare(other.obj, self.obj)
+ def __ge__(self, other):
+ # not (x.offset < y.offset)
+ return not gr.tag_t_offset_compare(self.obj, other.obj)
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ # (x.offset < y.offset) or (y.offset < x.offset)
+ return gr.tag_t_offset_compare(self.obj, other.obj) or \
+ gr.tag_t_offset_compare(other.obj, self.obj)
+ return K
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/swig/gr_types.i b/gnuradio-runtime/swig/gr_types.i
index 8ae953b904..e329a4ce9f 100644
--- a/gnuradio-runtime/swig/gr_types.i
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/swig/gr_types.i
@@ -80,15 +80,19 @@ namespace std {
%template(gr_vector_vector_complexf) std::vector< std::vector< std::complex<float> > >;
%template(gr_vector_vector_complexd) std::vector< std::vector< std::complex<double> > >;
-// Fix for Issue #529
-#ifdef SIZE_T_32
- // On 32-bit systems, whenever we see std::vector<size_t>, replace it
- // with vector<unsigned int>
+// Fix for Issue #529: replace std::vector<size_t> with its equivalent
+// in element size, one of "unsigned int", "unsigned long", or
+// "unsigned long long". The replacement depends on the sizeof each
+// type, as determined in GrSwig.cmake GR_SWIG_MAKE. For SWIG >=
+// 3.0.0, none of these will be defined because this issue seems to
+// have been fixed.
+#if defined(SIZE_T_UINT)
%apply std::vector<unsigned int> { std::vector<size_t> };
- // On 64-bit systems, whenever we see std::vector<size_t>, replace it
- // with vector<long unsigned int>
- %apply std::vector<long unsigned int> { std::vector<size_t> };
+#elif defined(SIZE_T_UL)
+ %apply std::vector<unsigned long> { std::vector<size_t> };
+#elif defined(SIZE_T_ULL)
+ %apply std::vector<unsigned long long> { std::vector<size_t> };
#endif /* SWIG_GR_TYPES_I */
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/swig/prefs.i b/gnuradio-runtime/swig/prefs.i
index ac5fab7adc..4774146b69 100644
--- a/gnuradio-runtime/swig/prefs.i
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/swig/prefs.i
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2006,2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2006,2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ class gr::prefs
static gr::prefs *singleton();
+ void add_config_file(const std::string &configfile);
virtual ~prefs();
std::string to_string();
diff --git a/gr-analog/grc/analog_pwr_squelch_xx.xml b/gr-analog/grc/analog_pwr_squelch_xx.xml
index 32d9c0e947..a75f85cf10 100644
--- a/gr-analog/grc/analog_pwr_squelch_xx.xml
+++ b/gr-analog/grc/analog_pwr_squelch_xx.xml
@@ -34,11 +34,13 @@
+ <value>1e-4</value>
+ <value>0</value>
diff --git a/gr-analog/include/gnuradio/analog/pwr_squelch_cc.h b/gr-analog/include/gnuradio/analog/pwr_squelch_cc.h
index 6913d62934..324743d965 100644
--- a/gr-analog/include/gnuradio/analog/pwr_squelch_cc.h
+++ b/gr-analog/include/gnuradio/analog/pwr_squelch_cc.h
@@ -49,10 +49,14 @@ namespace gr {
* \brief Make power-based squelch block.
* \param db threshold (in dB) for power squelch
- * \param alpha Gain of averaging filter
- * \param ramp sets response characteristic.
+ * \param alpha Gain of averaging filter. Defaults to 0.0001.
+ * \param ramp sets response characteristic. Defaults to 0.
* \param gate if true, no output if no squelch tone.
- * if false, output 0's if no squelch tone.
+ * if false, output 0's if no squelch tone (default).
+ *
+ * The block will emit a tag with the key pmt::intern("squelch_sob")
+ * with the value of pmt::PMT_NIL on the first item it passes, and with
+ * the key pmt::intern("squelch:eob") on the last item it passes.
static sptr make(double db, double alpha=0.0001,
int ramp=0, bool gate=false);
diff --git a/gr-analog/include/gnuradio/analog/pwr_squelch_ff.h b/gr-analog/include/gnuradio/analog/pwr_squelch_ff.h
index 46046eae07..a65cedaa57 100644
--- a/gr-analog/include/gnuradio/analog/pwr_squelch_ff.h
+++ b/gr-analog/include/gnuradio/analog/pwr_squelch_ff.h
@@ -49,10 +49,14 @@ namespace gr {
* \brief Make power-based squelch block.
* \param db threshold (in dB) for power squelch
- * \param alpha Gain of averaging filter
- * \param ramp sets response characteristic.
+ * \param alpha Gain of averaging filter. Defaults to 0.0001.
+ * \param ramp sets response characteristic. Defaults to 0.
* \param gate if true, no output if no squelch tone.
- * if false, output 0's if no squelch tone.
+ * if false, output 0's if no squelch tone (default).
+ *
+ * The block will emit a tag with the key pmt::intern("squelch_sob")
+ * with the value of pmt::PMT_NIL on the first item it passes, and with
+ * the key pmt::intern("squelch:eob") on the last item it passes.
static sptr make(double db, double alpha=0.0001,
int ramp=0, bool gate=false);
diff --git a/gr-analog/lib/ b/gr-analog/lib/
index 3255d3bde4..b5c153558b 100644
--- a/gr-analog/lib/
+++ b/gr-analog/lib/
@@ -32,8 +32,11 @@ namespace gr {
squelch_base_cc_impl::squelch_base_cc_impl(const char *name, int ramp, bool gate)
: block(name,
- io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(float)),
- io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(float)))
+ io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(float)),
+ io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(float))),
+ d_sob_key(pmt::intern("squelch_sob")),
+ d_eob_key(pmt::intern("squelch_eob")),
+ d_tag_next_unmuted(true)
@@ -92,48 +95,58 @@ namespace gr {
gr::thread::scoped_lock l(d_setlock);
for(int i = 0; i < noutput_items; i++) {
- update_state(in[i]);
- // Adjust envelope based on current state
- switch(d_state) {
- case ST_MUTED:
- if(!mute()) {
- d_state = d_ramp ? ST_ATTACK : ST_UNMUTED; // If not ramping, go straight to unmuted
- }
- break;
- case ST_UNMUTED:
- if(mute()) {
- d_state = d_ramp ? ST_DECAY : ST_MUTED; // If not ramping, go straight to muted
- }
- break;
- case ST_ATTACK:
- d_envelope = 0.5-std::cos(M_PI*(++d_ramped)/d_ramp)/2.0; // FIXME: precalculate window for speed
- if(d_ramped >= d_ramp) { // use >= in case d_ramp is set to lower value elsewhere
- d_state = ST_UNMUTED;
- d_envelope = 1.0;
- }
- break;
- case ST_DECAY:
- d_envelope = 0.5-std::cos(M_PI*(--d_ramped)/d_ramp)/2.0; // FIXME: precalculate window for speed
- if(d_ramped == 0.0) {
- d_state = ST_MUTED;
- }
- break;
- };
- // If unmuted, copy input times envelope to output
- // Otherwise, if not gating, copy zero to output
- if(d_state != ST_MUTED) {
- out[j++] = in[i]*gr_complex(d_envelope, 0.0);
- }
- else {
- if(!d_gate) {
- out[j++] = 0.0;
- }
- }
+ update_state(in[i]);
+ // Adjust envelope based on current state
+ switch(d_state) {
+ case ST_MUTED:
+ if(!mute()) {
+ d_state = d_ramp ? ST_ATTACK : ST_UNMUTED; // If not ramping, go straight to unmuted
+ if(d_state == ST_UNMUTED)
+ d_tag_next_unmuted = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ST_UNMUTED:
+ if(d_tag_next_unmuted) {
+ d_tag_next_unmuted = false;
+ add_item_tag(0, nitems_written(0) + j, d_sob_key, pmt::PMT_NIL);
+ }
+ if(mute()) {
+ d_state = d_ramp ? ST_DECAY : ST_MUTED; // If not ramping, go straight to muted
+ if(d_state == ST_MUTED)
+ add_item_tag(0, nitems_written(0) + j, d_eob_key, pmt::PMT_NIL);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ST_ATTACK:
+ d_envelope = 0.5-std::cos(M_PI*(++d_ramped)/d_ramp)/2.0; // FIXME: precalculate window for speed
+ if(d_ramped >= d_ramp) { // use >= in case d_ramp is set to lower value elsewhere
+ d_state = ST_UNMUTED;
+ d_tag_next_unmuted = true;
+ d_envelope = 1.0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ST_DECAY:
+ d_envelope = 0.5-std::cos(M_PI*(--d_ramped)/d_ramp)/2.0; // FIXME: precalculate window for speed
+ if(d_ramped == 0.0) {
+ d_state = ST_MUTED;
+ add_item_tag(0, nitems_written(0) + j, d_eob_key, pmt::PMT_NIL);
+ }
+ break;
+ };
+ // If unmuted, copy input times envelope to output
+ // Otherwise, if not gating, copy zero to output
+ if(d_state != ST_MUTED) {
+ out[j++] = in[i]*gr_complex(d_envelope, 0.0);
+ }
+ else {
+ if(!d_gate) {
+ out[j++] = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
consume_each(noutput_items); // Use all the inputs
diff --git a/gr-analog/lib/squelch_base_cc_impl.h b/gr-analog/lib/squelch_base_cc_impl.h
index 58802df91c..68ed1bb2b8 100644
--- a/gr-analog/lib/squelch_base_cc_impl.h
+++ b/gr-analog/lib/squelch_base_cc_impl.h
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ namespace gr {
bool d_gate;
double d_envelope;
+ const pmt::pmt_t d_sob_key, d_eob_key;
+ bool d_tag_next_unmuted;
virtual void update_state(const gr_complex &sample) {};
diff --git a/gr-analog/lib/ b/gr-analog/lib/
index a729fedb24..ea2d29bd97 100644
--- a/gr-analog/lib/
+++ b/gr-analog/lib/
@@ -26,14 +26,18 @@
#include "squelch_base_ff_impl.h"
#include <gnuradio/io_signature.h>
+#include <pmt/pmt.h>
namespace gr {
namespace analog {
squelch_base_ff_impl::squelch_base_ff_impl(const char *name, int ramp, bool gate)
: block(name,
- io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(float)),
- io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(float)))
+ io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(float)),
+ io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(float))),
+ d_sob_key(pmt::intern("squelch_sob")),
+ d_eob_key(pmt::intern("squelch_eob")),
+ d_tag_next_unmuted(true)
@@ -88,48 +92,61 @@ namespace gr {
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < noutput_items; i++) {
- update_state(in[i]);
- // Adjust envelope based on current state
- switch(d_state) {
- case ST_MUTED:
- if(!mute())
- // If not ramping, go straight to unmuted
- d_state = d_ramp ? ST_ATTACK : ST_UNMUTED;
- break;
- case ST_UNMUTED:
- if(mute())
- // If not ramping, go straight to muted
- d_state = d_ramp ? ST_DECAY : ST_MUTED;
- break;
- case ST_ATTACK:
- // FIXME: precalculate window for speed
- d_envelope = 0.5-std::cos(M_PI*(++d_ramped)/d_ramp)/2.0;
- // use >= in case d_ramp is set to lower value elsewhere
- if(d_ramped >= d_ramp) {
- d_state = ST_UNMUTED;
- d_envelope = 1.0;
- }
- break;
- case ST_DECAY:
- // FIXME: precalculate window for speed
- d_envelope = 0.5-std::cos(M_PI*(--d_ramped)/d_ramp)/2.0;
- if(d_ramped == 0.0)
- d_state = ST_MUTED;
- break;
- };
- // If unmuted, copy input times envelope to output
- // Otherwise, if not gating, copy zero to output
- if(d_state != ST_MUTED)
- out[j++] = in[i]*d_envelope;
- else
- if(!d_gate)
- out[j++] = 0.0;
+ update_state(in[i]);
+ // Adjust envelope based on current state
+ switch(d_state) {
+ case ST_MUTED:
+ if(!mute()) {
+ // If not ramping, go straight to unmuted
+ d_state = d_ramp ? ST_ATTACK : ST_UNMUTED;
+ if(d_state == ST_UNMUTED)
+ d_tag_next_unmuted = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ST_UNMUTED:
+ if(d_tag_next_unmuted) {
+ d_tag_next_unmuted = false;
+ add_item_tag(0, nitems_written(0) + j, d_sob_key, pmt::PMT_NIL);
+ }
+ if(mute()) {
+ // If not ramping, go straight to muted
+ d_state = d_ramp ? ST_DECAY : ST_MUTED;
+ if(d_state == ST_MUTED)
+ add_item_tag(0, nitems_written(0) + j, d_eob_key, pmt::PMT_NIL);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ST_ATTACK:
+ // FIXME: precalculate window for speed
+ d_envelope = 0.5-std::cos(M_PI*(++d_ramped)/d_ramp)/2.0;
+ // use >= in case d_ramp is set to lower value elsewhere
+ if(d_ramped >= d_ramp) {
+ d_state = ST_UNMUTED;
+ d_tag_next_unmuted = true;
+ d_envelope = 1.0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ST_DECAY:
+ // FIXME: precalculate window for speed
+ d_envelope = 0.5-std::cos(M_PI*(--d_ramped)/d_ramp)/2.0;
+ if(d_ramped == 0.0) {
+ d_state = ST_MUTED;
+ add_item_tag(0, nitems_written(0) + j, d_eob_key, pmt::PMT_NIL);
+ }
+ break;
+ };
+ // If unmuted, copy input times envelope to output
+ // Otherwise, if not gating, copy zero to output
+ if(d_state != ST_MUTED)
+ out[j++] = in[i]*d_envelope;
+ else
+ if(!d_gate)
+ out[j++] = 0.0;
consume_each(noutput_items); // Use all the inputs
diff --git a/gr-analog/lib/squelch_base_ff_impl.h b/gr-analog/lib/squelch_base_ff_impl.h
index 343dc5f610..b6a7efe609 100644
--- a/gr-analog/lib/squelch_base_ff_impl.h
+++ b/gr-analog/lib/squelch_base_ff_impl.h
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include <gnuradio/analog/squelch_base_ff.h>
+#include <pmt/pmt.h>
namespace gr {
namespace analog {
@@ -36,6 +37,8 @@ namespace gr {
bool d_gate;
double d_envelope;
+ const pmt::pmt_t d_sob_key, d_eob_key;
+ bool d_tag_next_unmuted;
virtual void update_state(const float &sample) {};
diff --git a/gr-blocks/examples/CMakeLists.txt b/gr-blocks/examples/CMakeLists.txt
index bb07cdc2b5..0ecf9d7a91 100644
--- a/gr-blocks/examples/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gr-blocks/examples/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+ peak_detector2.grc
DESTINATION ${GR_PKG_DATA_DIR}/examples/blocks
COMPONENT "runtime_python"
diff --git a/gr-blocks/examples/peak_detector2.grc b/gr-blocks/examples/peak_detector2.grc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c49febdce4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-blocks/examples/peak_detector2.grc
@@ -0,0 +1,1045 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ASCII'?>
+<?grc format='1' created='3.7.8'?>
+ <timestamp>Wed Apr 8 18:17:58 2015</timestamp>
+ <block>
+ <key>options</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>test_peak2</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>title</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>author</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>description</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>window_size</key>
+ <value>1280, 1024</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>generate_options</key>
+ <value>qt_gui</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>category</key>
+ <value>Custom</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>run_options</key>
+ <value>run</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>run</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>max_nouts</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>realtime_scheduling</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>thread_safe_setters</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(16, 11)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>factor</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>0.3</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(264, 11)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>alpha</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>0.001</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(440, 11)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>lookahead</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>int(samp_rate/1e3/1.1)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(352, 11)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>100e3</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(176, 11)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>qtgui_time_sink_x</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>qtgui_time_sink_x_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>float</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>name</key>
+ <value>""</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ylabel</key>
+ <value>Amplitude</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>yunit</key>
+ <value>""</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>size</key>
+ <value>512</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>srate</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>grid</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>autoscale</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ymin</key>
+ <value>-1.5</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ymax</key>
+ <value>1.5</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>nconnections</key>
+ <value>3</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>update_time</key>
+ <value>0.10</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>entags</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gui_hint</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_mode</key>
+ <value>qtgui.TRIG_MODE_AUTO</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_slope</key>
+ <value>qtgui.TRIG_SLOPE_POS</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_level</key>
+ <value>0.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_delay</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_chan</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_tag</key>
+ <value>""</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ctrlpanel</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>legend</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label1</key>
+ <value>Input</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width1</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color1</key>
+ <value>"blue"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style1</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker1</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha1</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label2</key>
+ <value>Peaks</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width2</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color2</key>
+ <value>"red"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style2</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker2</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha2</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label3</key>
+ <value>Average</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width3</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color3</key>
+ <value>"green"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style3</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker3</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha3</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label4</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width4</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color4</key>
+ <value>"black"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style4</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker4</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha4</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label5</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width5</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color5</key>
+ <value>"cyan"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style5</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker5</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha5</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label6</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width6</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color6</key>
+ <value>"magenta"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style6</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker6</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha6</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label7</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width7</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color7</key>
+ <value>"yellow"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style7</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker7</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha7</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label8</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width8</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color8</key>
+ <value>"dark red"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style8</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker8</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha8</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label9</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width9</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color9</key>
+ <value>"dark green"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style9</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker9</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha9</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label10</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width10</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color10</key>
+ <value>"blue"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style10</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker10</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha10</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(808, 152)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_char_to_float</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_char_to_float_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vlen</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>scale</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(624, 83)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_peak_detector2_fb</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_peak_detector2_fb_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>threshold_factor_rise</key>
+ <value>factor</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>look_ahead</key>
+ <value>lookahead</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha</key>
+ <value>alpha</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(408, 83)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_file_sink</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_file_sink_0_1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>file</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>float</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vlen</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>unbuffered</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>append</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(808, 51)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_file_sink</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_file_sink_0_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>file</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>float</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vlen</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>unbuffered</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>append</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(784, 259)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_file_sink</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_file_sink_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>file</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>float</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vlen</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>unbuffered</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>append</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(408, 187)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable_qtgui_range</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>offset</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>0.1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>start</key>
+ <value>-1.5</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>stop</key>
+ <value>1.5</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>step</key>
+ <value>0.1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>widget</key>
+ <value>counter_slider</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>orient</key>
+ <value>Qt.Horizontal</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>min_len</key>
+ <value>200</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gui_hint</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(16, 235)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>analog_sig_source_x</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>analog_sig_source_x_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>float</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>samp_rate</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>waveform</key>
+ <value>analog.GR_SAW_WAVE</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>freq</key>
+ <value>1000</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>amp</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>offset</key>
+ <value>offset</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(16, 115)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_throttle</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_throttle_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>float</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>samples_per_second</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vlen</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ignoretag</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(224, 147)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_char_to_float_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_file_sink_0_1</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_peak_detector2_fb_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_file_sink_0_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>1</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_throttle_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>qtgui_time_sink_x_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_char_to_float_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>qtgui_time_sink_x_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>1</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_peak_detector2_fb_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>qtgui_time_sink_x_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>1</source_key>
+ <sink_key>2</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_throttle_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_peak_detector2_fb_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_peak_detector2_fb_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_char_to_float_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_throttle_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_file_sink_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>analog_sig_source_x_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_throttle_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
diff --git a/gr-blocks/grc/blocks_block_tree.xml b/gr-blocks/grc/blocks_block_tree.xml
index cc7b4b8c6f..fb4e10d1ba 100644
--- a/gr-blocks/grc/blocks_block_tree.xml
+++ b/gr-blocks/grc/blocks_block_tree.xml
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@
<name>Control Port</name>
+ <block>blocks_ctrlport_monitor</block>
+ <block>blocks_ctrlport_monitor_performance</block>
diff --git a/gr-blocks/grc/blocks_ctrlport_performance.xml b/gr-blocks/grc/blocks_ctrlport_performance.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab17c9e263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-blocks/grc/blocks_ctrlport_performance.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ Copyright 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of GNU Radio
+ GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ <name>CtrlPort Performance Monitor</name>
+ <key>blocks_ctrlport_monitor_performance</key>
+ <import>from gnuradio.ctrlport.monitor import *</import>
+ <make>not $en or monitor("gr-perf-monitorx")</make>
+ <param>
+ <name>Enabled</name>
+ <key>en</key>
+ <value></value>
+ <type>enum</type>
+ <option>
+ <name>True</name>
+ <key>True</key>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <name>False</name>
+ <key>False</key>
+ </option>
+ </param>
+ <doc>
+ Place this in a graph to launch a QtPy GR CtrlPort Performance Monitor app.
+ </doc>
diff --git a/gr-blocks/grc/blocks_ctrlport_viewer.xml b/gr-blocks/grc/blocks_ctrlport_viewer.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d5a2e5931
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-blocks/grc/blocks_ctrlport_viewer.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ Copyright 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of GNU Radio
+ GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ <name>CtrlPort Monitor</name>
+ <key>blocks_ctrlport_monitor</key>
+ <import>from gnuradio.ctrlport.monitor import *</import>
+ <make>not $en or monitor()</make>
+ <param>
+ <name>Enabled</name>
+ <key>en</key>
+ <value></value>
+ <type>enum</type>
+ <option>
+ <name>True</name>
+ <key>True</key>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <name>False</name>
+ <key>False</key>
+ </option>
+ </param>
+ <doc>
+ Place this in a graph to launch a QtPy GR CtrlPort Monitor app.
+ </doc>
diff --git a/gr-blocks/grc/blocks_peak_detector2_fb.xml b/gr-blocks/grc/blocks_peak_detector2_fb.xml
index 584e7a1fb3..0b25e01680 100644
--- a/gr-blocks/grc/blocks_peak_detector2_fb.xml
+++ b/gr-blocks/grc/blocks_peak_detector2_fb.xml
@@ -38,4 +38,9 @@
+ <source>
+ <name>debug</name>
+ <type>float</type>
+ <optional>1</optional>
+ </source>
diff --git a/gr-blocks/include/gnuradio/blocks/peak_detector2_fb.h b/gr-blocks/include/gnuradio/blocks/peak_detector2_fb.h
index da2d9fc740..541dd8aa09 100644
--- a/gr-blocks/include/gnuradio/blocks/peak_detector2_fb.h
+++ b/gr-blocks/include/gnuradio/blocks/peak_detector2_fb.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2007,2013,2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ namespace gr {
* \details
* If a peak is detected, this block outputs a 1, or it outputs
* 0's. A separate debug output may be connected, to view the
- * internal EWMA described below.
+ * internal estimated mean described below.
class BLOCKS_API peak_detector2_fb : virtual public sync_block
@@ -47,13 +47,21 @@ namespace gr {
* Build a peak detector block with float in, byte out.
- * \param threshold_factor_rise The threshold factor determins
- * when a peak is present. An EWMA average of the signal is
- * calculated and when the value of the signal goes over
- * threshold_factor_rise*average, we call the peak.
+ * \param threshold_factor_rise The threshold factor determines
+ * when a peak is present. An average of the input signal
+ * is calculated (through a single-pole autoregressive
+ * filter) and when the value of the input signal goes
+ * over threshold_factor_rise*average, we assume we are
+ * in the neighborhood of a peak. The block will then
+ * find the position of the maximum within a window of
+ * look_ahead samples starting at the point where the
+ * threshold was crossed upwards.
* \param look_ahead The look-ahead value is used when the
- * threshold is found to locate the peak within this range.
- * \param alpha The gain value of a single-pole moving average filter.
+ * threshold is crossed upwards to locate the peak within
+ * this range.
+ * \param alpha One minus the pole of a single-pole
+ * autoregressive filter that evaluates the average of
+ * the input signal.
static sptr make(float threshold_factor_rise=7,
int look_ahead=1000, float alpha=0.001);
diff --git a/gr-blocks/lib/CMakeLists.txt b/gr-blocks/lib/CMakeLists.txt
index cd164f219e..0f5d9fa2b6 100644
--- a/gr-blocks/lib/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gr-blocks/lib/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -251,18 +251,20 @@ GR_LIBRARY_FOO(gnuradio-blocks RUNTIME_COMPONENT "blocks_runtime" DEVEL_COMPONEN
# Remove controlport-specific source files from staticlibs build
- list(REMOVE_ITEM gr_blocks_sources
- ${blocks_ctrlport_sources}
- )
+ list(REMOVE_ITEM gr_blocks_sources
+ ${blocks_ctrlport_sources}
+ )
- # Remove GR_CTRLPORT set this target's definitions.
- # Makes sure we don't try to use ControlPort stuff in source files
+ # Remove GR_CTRLPORT set this target's definitions.
+ # Makes sure we don't try to use ControlPort stuff in source files
- # readd it to the target since we removed it from the directory-wide list.
+ # readd it to the target since we removed it from the directory-wide list.
+ endif(ICE_FOUND)
add_library(gnuradio-blocks_static STATIC ${gr_blocks_sources})
diff --git a/gr-blocks/lib/ b/gr-blocks/lib/
index e6e2570ea6..996e997d96 100644
--- a/gr-blocks/lib/
+++ b/gr-blocks/lib/
@@ -63,39 +63,27 @@ namespace gr {
ninput_items_required[i] = d_len;
- // boost::shared_mutex mutex_buffer;
- // mutable boost::mutex mutex_notify;
- // boost::condition_variable condition_buffer_ready;
std::vector<signed char>
- mutex_buffer.lock();
- d_buffer.clear();
- mutex_buffer.unlock();
- // wait for condition
- boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_notify);
- condition_buffer_ready.wait(lock);
- mutex_buffer.lock();
- std::vector<signed char> buf_copy = d_buffer;
- assert(buf_copy.size() == d_len);
- mutex_buffer.unlock();
- return buf_copy;
+ return buffered_get.get();
ctrlport_probe2_b_impl::set_length(int len)
+ gr::thread::scoped_lock guard(d_setlock);
if(len > 8191) {
- std::cerr << "probe2_b: length " << len
- << " exceeds maximum buffer size of 8191" << std::endl;
+ GR_LOG_WARN(d_logger,
+ boost::format("probe2_b: length %1% exceeds maximum"
+ " buffer size of 8191") % len);
len = 8191;
d_len = len;
- d_buffer.reserve(d_len);
+ d_buffer.resize(d_len);
+ d_index = 0;
@@ -111,23 +99,22 @@ namespace gr {
const char *in = (const char*)input_items[0];
+ gr::thread::scoped_lock guard(d_setlock);
// copy samples to get buffer if we need samples
- mutex_buffer.lock();
- if(d_buffer.size() < d_len) {
+ if(d_index < d_len) {
// copy smaller of remaining buffer space and num inputs to work()
- int num_copy = std::min( (int)(d_len - d_buffer.size()), noutput_items );
+ int num_copy = std::min( (int)(d_len - d_index), noutput_items );
- // TODO: convert this to a copy operator for speed...
- for(int i = 0; i < num_copy; i++) {
- d_buffer.push_back(in[i]);
- }
+ memcpy(&d_buffer[d_index], in, num_copy*sizeof(char));
+ d_index += num_copy;
+ }
- // notify the waiting get() if we fill up the buffer
- if(d_buffer.size() == d_len) {
- condition_buffer_ready.notify_one();
- }
+ // notify the waiting get() if we fill up the buffer
+ if(d_index == d_len) {
+ buffered_get.offer_data(d_buffer);
+ d_index = 0;
- mutex_buffer.unlock();
return noutput_items;
diff --git a/gr-blocks/lib/ctrlport_probe2_b_impl.h b/gr-blocks/lib/ctrlport_probe2_b_impl.h
index 155dd4c23c..165f0d33db 100644
--- a/gr-blocks/lib/ctrlport_probe2_b_impl.h
+++ b/gr-blocks/lib/ctrlport_probe2_b_impl.h
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
#include <gnuradio/blocks/ctrlport_probe2_b.h>
#include <gnuradio/rpcregisterhelpers.h>
-#include <boost/thread/shared_mutex.hpp>
+#include <gnuradio/rpcbufferedget.h>
namespace gr {
namespace blocks {
@@ -37,11 +37,10 @@ namespace gr {
std::string d_desc;
size_t d_len;
unsigned int d_disp_mask;
- boost::shared_mutex mutex_buffer;
- mutable boost::mutex mutex_notify;
- boost::condition_variable condition_buffer_ready;
+ size_t d_index;
std::vector<signed char> d_buffer;
+ rpcbufferedget< std::vector<signed char> > buffered_get;
ctrlport_probe2_b_impl(const std::string &id, const std::string &desc,
@@ -66,4 +65,3 @@ namespace gr {
} /* namespace gr */
diff --git a/gr-blocks/lib/ b/gr-blocks/lib/
index aa038c0765..b8ed0af444 100644
--- a/gr-blocks/lib/
+++ b/gr-blocks/lib/
@@ -64,39 +64,27 @@ namespace gr {
ninput_items_required[i] = d_len;
- // boost::shared_mutex mutex_buffer;
- // mutable boost::mutex mutex_notify;
- // boost::condition_variable condition_buffer_ready;
- mutex_buffer.lock();
- d_buffer.clear();
- mutex_buffer.unlock();
- // wait for condition
- boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_notify);
- condition_buffer_ready.wait(lock);
- mutex_buffer.lock();
- std::vector<gr_complex> buf_copy = d_buffer;
- assert(buf_copy.size() == d_len);
- mutex_buffer.unlock();
- return buf_copy;
+ return buffered_get.get();
ctrlport_probe2_c_impl::set_length(int len)
+ gr::thread::scoped_lock guard(d_setlock);
if(len > 8191) {
- std::cerr << "probe2_c: length " << len
- << " exceeds maximum buffer size of 8191" << std::endl;
+ GR_LOG_WARN(d_logger,
+ boost::format("probe2_c: length %1% exceeds maximum"
+ " buffer size of 8191") % len);
len = 8191;
d_len = len;
- d_buffer.reserve(d_len);
+ d_buffer.resize(d_len);
+ d_index = 0;
@@ -112,23 +100,22 @@ namespace gr {
const gr_complex *in = (const gr_complex*)input_items[0];
+ gr::thread::scoped_lock guard(d_setlock);
// copy samples to get buffer if we need samples
- mutex_buffer.lock();
- if(d_buffer.size() < d_len) {
+ if(d_index < d_len) {
// copy smaller of remaining buffer space and num inputs to work()
- int num_copy = std::min( (int)(d_len - d_buffer.size()), noutput_items );
+ int num_copy = std::min( (int)(d_len - d_index), noutput_items );
- // TODO: convert this to a copy operator for speed...
- for(int i = 0; i < num_copy; i++) {
- d_buffer.push_back(in[i]);
- }
+ memcpy(&d_buffer[d_index], in, num_copy*sizeof(gr_complex));
+ d_index += num_copy;
+ }
- // notify the waiting get() if we fill up the buffer
- if(d_buffer.size() == d_len) {
- condition_buffer_ready.notify_one();
- }
+ // notify the waiting get() if we fill up the buffer
+ if(d_index == d_len) {
+ buffered_get.offer_data(d_buffer);
+ d_index = 0;
- mutex_buffer.unlock();
return noutput_items;
diff --git a/gr-blocks/lib/ctrlport_probe2_c_impl.h b/gr-blocks/lib/ctrlport_probe2_c_impl.h
index 15ff0f4ea2..119738a481 100644
--- a/gr-blocks/lib/ctrlport_probe2_c_impl.h
+++ b/gr-blocks/lib/ctrlport_probe2_c_impl.h
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
#include <gnuradio/blocks/ctrlport_probe2_c.h>
#include <gnuradio/rpcregisterhelpers.h>
-#include <boost/thread/shared_mutex.hpp>
+#include <gnuradio/rpcbufferedget.h>
namespace gr {
namespace blocks {
@@ -37,11 +37,10 @@ namespace gr {
std::string d_desc;
size_t d_len;
unsigned int d_disp_mask;
- boost::shared_mutex mutex_buffer;
- mutable boost::mutex mutex_notify;
- boost::condition_variable condition_buffer_ready;
+ size_t d_index;
std::vector<gr_complex> d_buffer;
+ rpcbufferedget< std::vector<gr_complex> > buffered_get;
ctrlport_probe2_c_impl(const std::string &id, const std::string &desc,
@@ -66,4 +65,3 @@ namespace gr {
} /* namespace gr */
diff --git a/gr-blocks/lib/ b/gr-blocks/lib/
index b53b2dc3cb..ff37401e88 100644
--- a/gr-blocks/lib/
+++ b/gr-blocks/lib/
@@ -62,39 +62,27 @@ namespace gr {
ninput_items_required[i] = d_len;
- // boost::shared_mutex mutex_buffer;
- // mutable boost::mutex mutex_notify;
- // boost::condition_variable condition_buffer_ready;
- mutex_buffer.lock();
- d_buffer.clear();
- mutex_buffer.unlock();
- // wait for condition
- boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_notify);
- condition_buffer_ready.wait(lock);
- mutex_buffer.lock();
- std::vector<float> buf_copy = d_buffer;
- assert(buf_copy.size() == d_len);
- mutex_buffer.unlock();
- return buf_copy;
+ return buffered_get.get();
ctrlport_probe2_f_impl::set_length(int len)
+ gr::thread::scoped_lock guard(d_setlock);
if(len > 8191) {
- std::cerr << "probe2_f: length " << len
- << " exceeds maximum buffer size of 8191" << std::endl;
+ GR_LOG_WARN(d_logger,
+ boost::format("probe2_f: length %1% exceeds maximum"
+ " buffer size of 8191") % len);
len = 8191;
d_len = len;
- d_buffer.reserve(d_len);
+ d_buffer.resize(d_len);
+ d_index = 0;
@@ -110,23 +98,22 @@ namespace gr {
const float *in = (const float*)input_items[0];
+ gr::thread::scoped_lock guard(d_setlock);
// copy samples to get buffer if we need samples
- mutex_buffer.lock();
- if(d_buffer.size() < d_len) {
+ if(d_index < d_len) {
// copy smaller of remaining buffer space and num inputs to work()
- int num_copy = std::min( (int)(d_len - d_buffer.size()), noutput_items );
+ int num_copy = std::min( (int)(d_len - d_index), noutput_items );
- // TODO: convert this to a copy operator for speed...
- for(int i = 0; i < num_copy; i++) {
- d_buffer.push_back(in[i]);
- }
+ memcpy(&d_buffer[d_index], in, num_copy*sizeof(float));
+ d_index += num_copy;
+ }
- // notify the waiting get() if we fill up the buffer
- if(d_buffer.size() == d_len) {
- condition_buffer_ready.notify_one();
- }
+ // notify the waiting get() if we fill up the buffer
+ if(d_index == d_len) {
+ buffered_get.offer_data(d_buffer);
+ d_index = 0;
- mutex_buffer.unlock();
return noutput_items;
diff --git a/gr-blocks/lib/ctrlport_probe2_f_impl.h b/gr-blocks/lib/ctrlport_probe2_f_impl.h
index a4aa099237..6aec0789f4 100644
--- a/gr-blocks/lib/ctrlport_probe2_f_impl.h
+++ b/gr-blocks/lib/ctrlport_probe2_f_impl.h
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
#include <gnuradio/blocks/ctrlport_probe2_f.h>
#include <gnuradio/rpcregisterhelpers.h>
-#include <boost/thread/shared_mutex.hpp>
+#include <gnuradio/rpcbufferedget.h>
namespace gr {
namespace blocks {
@@ -37,11 +37,10 @@ namespace gr {
std::string d_desc;
size_t d_len;
unsigned int d_disp_mask;
- boost::shared_mutex mutex_buffer;
- mutable boost::mutex mutex_notify;
- boost::condition_variable condition_buffer_ready;
+ size_t d_index;
std::vector<float> d_buffer;
+ rpcbufferedget< std::vector<float> > buffered_get;
ctrlport_probe2_f_impl(const std::string &id, const std::string &desc,
@@ -66,4 +65,3 @@ namespace gr {
} /* namespace gr */
diff --git a/gr-blocks/lib/ b/gr-blocks/lib/
index 77dca2ad0d..7e17d8e8fe 100644
--- a/gr-blocks/lib/
+++ b/gr-blocks/lib/
@@ -64,39 +64,27 @@ namespace gr {
ninput_items_required[i] = d_len;
- // boost::shared_mutex mutex_buffer;
- // mutable boost::mutex mutex_notify;
- // boost::condition_variable condition_buffer_ready;
- mutex_buffer.lock();
- d_buffer.clear();
- mutex_buffer.unlock();
- // wait for condition
- boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_notify);
- condition_buffer_ready.wait(lock);
- mutex_buffer.lock();
- std::vector<int> buf_copy = d_buffer;
- assert(buf_copy.size() == d_len);
- mutex_buffer.unlock();
- return buf_copy;
+ return buffered_get.get();
ctrlport_probe2_i_impl::set_length(int len)
+ gr::thread::scoped_lock guard(d_setlock);
if(len > 8191) {
- std::cerr << "probe2_i: length " << len
- << " exceeds maximum buffer size of 8191" << std::endl;
+ GR_LOG_WARN(d_logger,
+ boost::format("probe2_i: length %1% exceeds maximum"
+ " buffer size of 8191") % len);
len = 8191;
d_len = len;
- d_buffer.reserve(d_len);
+ d_buffer.resize(d_len);
+ d_index = 0;
@@ -112,23 +100,22 @@ namespace gr {
const int *in = (const int*)input_items[0];
+ gr::thread::scoped_lock guard(d_setlock);
// copy samples to get buffer if we need samples
- mutex_buffer.lock();
- if(d_buffer.size() < d_len) {
+ if(d_index < d_len) {
// copy smaller of remaining buffer space and num inputs to work()
- int num_copy = std::min( (int)(d_len - d_buffer.size()), noutput_items );
+ int num_copy = std::min( (int)(d_len - d_index), noutput_items );
- // TODO: convert this to a copy operator for speed...
- for(int i = 0; i < num_copy; i++) {
- d_buffer.push_back(in[i]);
- }
+ memcpy(&d_buffer[d_index], in, num_copy*sizeof(int));
+ d_index += num_copy;
+ }
- // notify the waiting get() if we fill up the buffer
- if(d_buffer.size() == d_len) {
- condition_buffer_ready.notify_one();
- }
+ // notify the waiting get() if we fill up the buffer
+ if(d_index == d_len) {
+ buffered_get.offer_data(d_buffer);
+ d_index = 0;
- mutex_buffer.unlock();
return noutput_items;
diff --git a/gr-blocks/lib/ctrlport_probe2_i_impl.h b/gr-blocks/lib/ctrlport_probe2_i_impl.h
index 06493ac23a..2832af07ec 100644
--- a/gr-blocks/lib/ctrlport_probe2_i_impl.h
+++ b/gr-blocks/lib/ctrlport_probe2_i_impl.h
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
#include <gnuradio/blocks/ctrlport_probe2_i.h>
#include <gnuradio/rpcregisterhelpers.h>
-#include <boost/thread/shared_mutex.hpp>
+#include <gnuradio/rpcbufferedget.h>
namespace gr {
namespace blocks {
@@ -37,11 +37,10 @@ namespace gr {
std::string d_desc;
size_t d_len;
unsigned int d_disp_mask;
- boost::shared_mutex mutex_buffer;
- mutable boost::mutex mutex_notify;
- boost::condition_variable condition_buffer_ready;
+ size_t d_index;
std::vector<int> d_buffer;
+ rpcbufferedget< std::vector<int> > buffered_get;
ctrlport_probe2_i_impl(const std::string &id, const std::string &desc,
@@ -66,4 +65,3 @@ namespace gr {
} /* namespace gr */
diff --git a/gr-blocks/lib/ b/gr-blocks/lib/
index 6a4ade462c..9924243db0 100644
--- a/gr-blocks/lib/
+++ b/gr-blocks/lib/
@@ -64,39 +64,27 @@ namespace gr {
ninput_items_required[i] = d_len;
- // boost::shared_mutex mutex_buffer;
- // mutable boost::mutex mutex_notify;
- // boost::condition_variable condition_buffer_ready;
- mutex_buffer.lock();
- d_buffer.clear();
- mutex_buffer.unlock();
- // wait for condition
- boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_notify);
- condition_buffer_ready.wait(lock);
- mutex_buffer.lock();
- std::vector<short> buf_copy = d_buffer;
- assert(buf_copy.size() == d_len);
- mutex_buffer.unlock();
- return buf_copy;
+ return buffered_get.get();
ctrlport_probe2_s_impl::set_length(int len)
+ gr::thread::scoped_lock guard(d_setlock);
if(len > 8191) {
- std::cerr << "probe2_s: length " << len
- << " exceeds maximum buffer size of 8191" << std::endl;
+ GR_LOG_WARN(d_logger,
+ boost::format("probe2_s: length %1% exceeds maximum"
+ " buffer size of 8191") % len);
len = 8191;
d_len = len;
- d_buffer.reserve(d_len);
+ d_buffer.resize(d_len);
+ d_index = 0;
@@ -112,23 +100,21 @@ namespace gr {
const short *in = (const short*)input_items[0];
+ gr::thread::scoped_lock guard(d_setlock);
// copy samples to get buffer if we need samples
- mutex_buffer.lock();
- if(d_buffer.size() < d_len) {
+ if(d_index < d_len) {
// copy smaller of remaining buffer space and num inputs to work()
- int num_copy = std::min( (int)(d_len - d_buffer.size()), noutput_items );
+ int num_copy = std::min( (int)(d_len - d_index), noutput_items );
- // TODO: convert this to a copy operator for speed...
- for(int i = 0; i < num_copy; i++) {
- d_buffer.push_back(in[i]);
- }
+ memcpy(&d_buffer[d_index], in, num_copy*sizeof(short));
+ d_index += num_copy;
+ }
- // notify the waiting get() if we fill up the buffer
- if(d_buffer.size() == d_len) {
- condition_buffer_ready.notify_one();
- }
+ // notify the waiting get() if we fill up the buffer
+ if(d_index == d_len) {
+ buffered_get.offer_data(d_buffer);
- mutex_buffer.unlock();
return noutput_items;
diff --git a/gr-blocks/lib/ctrlport_probe2_s_impl.h b/gr-blocks/lib/ctrlport_probe2_s_impl.h
index 078dd56b73..a608a7898c 100644
--- a/gr-blocks/lib/ctrlport_probe2_s_impl.h
+++ b/gr-blocks/lib/ctrlport_probe2_s_impl.h
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
#include <gnuradio/blocks/ctrlport_probe2_s.h>
#include <gnuradio/rpcregisterhelpers.h>
-#include <boost/thread/shared_mutex.hpp>
+#include <gnuradio/rpcbufferedget.h>
namespace gr {
namespace blocks {
@@ -37,11 +37,10 @@ namespace gr {
std::string d_desc;
size_t d_len;
unsigned int d_disp_mask;
- boost::shared_mutex mutex_buffer;
- mutable boost::mutex mutex_notify;
- boost::condition_variable condition_buffer_ready;
+ size_t d_index;
std::vector<short> d_buffer;
+ rpcbufferedget< std::vector<short> > buffered_get;
ctrlport_probe2_s_impl(const std::string &id, const std::string &desc,
@@ -66,4 +65,3 @@ namespace gr {
} /* namespace gr */
diff --git a/gr-blocks/lib/ b/gr-blocks/lib/
index 7ff7f542ec..dc13e66dbe 100644
--- a/gr-blocks/lib/
+++ b/gr-blocks/lib/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2010,2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2007,2010,2013,2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -45,15 +45,46 @@ namespace gr {
: sync_block("peak_detector2_fb",
io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(float)),
io_signature::make2(1, 2, sizeof(char), sizeof(float))),
- d_threshold_factor_rise(threshold_factor_rise),
- d_look_ahead(look_ahead), d_alpha(alpha), d_avg(0.0f), d_found(false)
+ d_avg(0.0f), d_found(false)
+ set_threshold_factor_rise(threshold_factor_rise);
+ set_look_ahead(look_ahead);
+ set_alpha(alpha);
+ void
+ peak_detector2_fb_impl::set_threshold_factor_rise(float thr)
+ {
+ gr::thread::scoped_lock lock(d_setlock);
+ d_threshold_factor_rise = thr;
+ invalidate();
+ }
+ void
+ peak_detector2_fb_impl::set_look_ahead(int look)
+ {
+ gr::thread::scoped_lock lock(d_setlock);
+ d_look_ahead = look;
+ invalidate();
+ }
+ void
+ peak_detector2_fb_impl::set_alpha(float alpha)
+ {
+ d_alpha = alpha;
+ }
+ void
+ peak_detector2_fb_impl::invalidate()
+ {
+ d_found = false;
+ set_output_multiple(1);
+ }
peak_detector2_fb_impl::work(int noutput_items,
gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
@@ -61,53 +92,53 @@ namespace gr {
float *iptr = (float *)input_items[0];
char *optr = (char *)output_items[0];
+ float *sigout;
+ if(output_items.size() == 2)
+ sigout = (float *)output_items[1];
memset(optr, 0, noutput_items*sizeof(char));
- for(int i = 0; i < noutput_items; i++) {
- if(!d_found) {
- // Have not yet detected presence of peak
+ gr::thread::scoped_lock lock(d_setlock);
+ // have not crossed threshold yet
+ if(d_found==false) {
+ for(int i = 0; i < noutput_items; i++) {
+ d_avg = d_alpha*iptr[i] + (1.0f - d_alpha)*d_avg;
+ if(output_items.size() == 2)
+ sigout[i]=d_avg;
if(iptr[i] > d_avg * (1.0f + d_threshold_factor_rise)) {
d_found = true;
- d_look_ahead_remaining = d_look_ahead;
d_peak_val = -(float)INFINITY;
- }
- else {
- d_avg = d_alpha*iptr[i] + (1.0f - d_alpha)*d_avg;
+ set_output_multiple(d_look_ahead);
+ return i;
- else {
- // Detected presence of peak
+ return noutput_items;
+ } // end d_found==false
+ // can complete in this call
+ else if(noutput_items >= d_look_ahead) {
+ for(int i = 0; i < d_look_ahead; i++) {
+ d_avg = d_alpha*iptr[i] + (1.0f - d_alpha)*d_avg;
+ if(output_items.size() == 2)
+ sigout[i]=d_avg;
if(iptr[i] > d_peak_val) {
d_peak_val = iptr[i];
- d_peak_ind = i;
- }
- else if(d_look_ahead_remaining <= 0) {
- optr[d_peak_ind] = 1;
- d_found = false;
- d_avg = iptr[i];
+ d_peak_ind =i;
- // Have not yet located peak, loop and keep searching.
- d_look_ahead_remaining--;
- }
- // Every iteration of the loop, write debugging signal out if
- // connected:
- if(output_items.size() == 2) {
- float *sigout = (float *)output_items[1];
- sigout[i] = d_avg;
- } // loop
- if(!d_found)
- return noutput_items;
+ optr[d_peak_ind] = 1;
- // else if detected presence, keep searching during the next call to work.
- int tmp = d_peak_ind;
- d_peak_ind = 1;
+ // restart the search
+ invalidate();
+ return d_look_ahead;
+ } // end can complete in this call
- return tmp - 1;
+ // cannot complete in this call
+ else {
+ return 0; // ask for more
+ }
} /* namespace blocks */
diff --git a/gr-blocks/lib/peak_detector2_fb_impl.h b/gr-blocks/lib/peak_detector2_fb_impl.h
index f5a8ac1a6b..4e16c93dac 100644
--- a/gr-blocks/lib/peak_detector2_fb_impl.h
+++ b/gr-blocks/lib/peak_detector2_fb_impl.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007,2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2007,2013,2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -40,14 +40,16 @@ namespace gr {
float d_avg;
bool d_found;
+ void invalidate();
peak_detector2_fb_impl(float threshold_factor_rise,
int look_ahead, float alpha);
- void set_threshold_factor_rise(float thr) { d_threshold_factor_rise = thr; }
- void set_look_ahead(int look) { d_look_ahead = look; }
- void set_alpha(float alpha) { d_alpha = alpha; }
+ void set_threshold_factor_rise(float thr);
+ void set_look_ahead(int look);
+ void set_alpha(float alpha);
float threshold_factor_rise() { return d_threshold_factor_rise; }
int look_ahead() { return d_look_ahead; }
diff --git a/gr-blocks/python/blocks/CMakeLists.txt b/gr-blocks/python/blocks/CMakeLists.txt
index 44977313cf..19d808b1dd 100644
--- a/gr-blocks/python/blocks/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gr-blocks/python/blocks/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ if(ENABLE_TESTING)
file(GLOB py_qa_test_files "qa_*.py")
- # Force out the controlport QA tests if we've disabled it.
+ # Force out the controlport QA tests if we have no backends to use.
list(REMOVE_ITEM py_qa_test_files
foreach(py_qa_test_file ${py_qa_test_files})
get_filename_component(py_qa_test_name ${py_qa_test_file} NAME_WE)
diff --git a/gr-blocks/python/blocks/ b/gr-blocks/python/blocks/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23a5c9b826
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-blocks/python/blocks/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2012,2013,2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GNU Radio
+# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# This program tests mixed python and c++ ctrlport exports in a single app
+import sys, time, random, numpy, re
+from gnuradio import gr, gr_unittest, blocks
+from gnuradio.ctrlport import GNURadio
+from gnuradio import ctrlport
+import os
+def get1():
+ return "success"
+def get2():
+ return "failure"
+class inc_class:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.val = 1
+ def pp(self):
+ self.val = self.val+1
+ return self.val
+get3 = inc_class()
+def get4():
+ random.seed(0)
+ rv = random.random()
+ return rv
+def get5():
+ numpy.random.seed(0)
+ samp_t = numpy.random.randn(24)+1j*numpy.random.randn(24);
+ samp_f = numpy.fft.fft(samp_t);
+ log_pow_f = 20*numpy.log10(numpy.abs(samp_f))
+ rv = list(log_pow_f)
+ return rv;
+def get6():
+ numpy.random.seed(0)
+ samp_t = numpy.random.randn(1024)+1j*numpy.random.randn(1024);
+ rv = list(samp_t)
+ return rv;
+class test_cpp_py_binding(gr_unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.tb = gr.top_block()
+ os.environ['GR_CONF_CONTROLPORT_ON'] = 'True'
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.tb = None
+ def test_001(self):
+ v1 = gr.RPC_get_string("pyland", "v1", "unit_1_string",
+ "Python Exported String", "", "", "",
+ v1.activate(get1)
+ v2 = gr.RPC_get_string("pyland", "v2", "unit_2_string",
+ "Python Exported String", "", "", "",
+ v2.activate(get2)
+ v3 = gr.RPC_get_int("pyland", "v3", "unit_3_int",
+ "Python Exported Int", 0, 100, 1,
+ v3.activate(get3.pp)
+ v4 = gr.RPC_get_double("pyland", "time", "unit_4_time_double",
+ "Python Exported Double", 0, 1000, 1,
+ v4.activate(get4)
+ v5 = gr.RPC_get_vector_float("pyland", "fvec", "unit_5_float_vector",
+ "Python Exported Float Vector", [], [], [],
+ v5.activate(get5)
+ v6 = gr.RPC_get_vector_gr_complex("pyland", "cvec", "unit_6_gr_complex_vector",
+ "Python Exported Complex Vector", [], [], [],
+ v6.activate(get6)
+ # print some variables locally
+ val = get1()
+ rval = v1.get()
+ self.assertEqual(val, rval)
+ val = get2()
+ rval = v2.get()
+ self.assertEqual(val, rval)
+ val = get3.pp()
+ rval = v3.get()
+ self.assertEqual(val+1, rval)
+ val = get4()
+ rval = v4.get()
+ self.assertEqual(val, rval)
+ val = get5()
+ rval = v5.get()
+ self.assertComplexTuplesAlmostEqual(val, rval, 5)
+ val = get6()
+ rval = v6.get()
+ self.assertComplexTuplesAlmostEqual(val, rval, 5)
+ def test_002(self):
+ data = range(1,9)
+ self.src = blocks.vector_source_c(data)
+ self.p1 = blocks.ctrlport_probe_c("aaa","C++ exported variable")
+ self.p2 = blocks.ctrlport_probe_c("bbb","C++ exported variable")
+ probe_name = self.p2.alias()
+ self.tb.connect(self.src, self.p1)
+ self.tb.connect(self.src, self.p2)
+ self.tb.start()
+ # Probes return complex values as list of floats with re, im
+ # Imaginary parts of this data set are 0.
+ expected_result = [1, 2, 3, 4,
+ 5, 6, 7, 8]
+ # Make sure we have time for flowgraph to run
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ # Get available endpoint
+ ep = gr.rpcmanager_get().endpoints()[0]
+ hostname ="-h (\S+|\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)", ep).group(1)
+ portnum ="-p (\d+)", ep).group(1)
+ argv = [None, hostname, portnum]
+ # Initialize a simple ControlPort client from endpoint
+ from gnuradio.ctrlport.GNURadioControlPortClient import GNURadioControlPortClient
+ radiosys = GNURadioControlPortClient(argv=argv, rpcmethod='thrift')
+ radio = radiosys.client
+ # Get all exported knobs
+ ret = radio.getKnobs([probe_name + "::bbb"])
+ for name in ret.keys():
+ result = ret[name].value
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected_result)
+ self.tb.stop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+, "test_cpp_py_binding.xml")
diff --git a/gr-blocks/python/blocks/ b/gr-blocks/python/blocks/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b81de08f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-blocks/python/blocks/
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2012,2013,2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GNU Radio
+# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# This program tests mixed python and c++ GRCP sets in a single app
+import sys, time, random, numpy, re
+from gnuradio import gr, gr_unittest, blocks
+from gnuradio.ctrlport import GNURadio
+from gnuradio import ctrlport
+import os
+class inc_class:
+ def __init__(self,val):
+ self.val = val;
+ def _get(self):
+ #print "returning get (val = %s)"%(str(self.val));
+ return self.val;
+ def _set(self,val):
+ #print "updating val to %s"%(str(val));
+ self.val = val;
+ return;
+getset1 = inc_class(10);
+getset2 = inc_class(100.0);
+getset3 = inc_class("test");
+class test_cpp_py_binding_set(gr_unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.tb = gr.top_block()
+ os.environ['GR_CONF_CONTROLPORT_ON'] = 'True'
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.tb = None
+ def test_001(self):
+ g1 = gr.RPC_get_int("pyland", "v1", "unit_1_int",
+ "Python Exported Int", 0, 100, 10,
+ g1.activate(getset1._get)
+ s1 = gr.RPC_get_int("pyland", "v1", "unit_1_int",
+ "Python Exported Int", 0, 100, 10,
+ s1.activate(getset1._set)
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ # test int variables
+ getset1._set(21)
+ val = getset1._get()
+ rval = g1.get()
+ self.assertEqual(val, rval)
+ g2 = gr.RPC_get_float("pyland", "v2", "unit_2_float",
+ "Python Exported Float", -100, 1000.0, 100.0,
+ g2.activate(getset2._get)
+ s2 = gr.RPC_get_float("pyland", "v2", "unit_2_float",
+ "Python Exported Float", -100, 1000.0, 100.0,
+ s2.activate(getset2._set)
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ # test float variables
+ getset2._set(123.456)
+ val = getset2._get()
+ rval = g2.get()
+ self.assertAlmostEqual(val, rval, 4)
+ g3 = gr.RPC_get_string("pyland", "v3", "unit_3_string",
+ "Python Exported String", "", "", "",
+ g3.activate(getset3._get)
+ s3 = gr.RPC_get_string("pyland", "v3", "unit_3_string",
+ "Python Exported String", "", "", "",
+ s3.activate(getset3._set)
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ # test string variables
+ getset3._set("third test")
+ val = getset3._get()
+ rval = g3.get()
+ self.assertEqual(val, rval)
+ def test_002(self):
+ data = range(1, 10)
+ self.src = blocks.vector_source_c(data, True)
+ self.p = blocks.nop(gr.sizeof_gr_complex)
+ self.p.set_ctrlport_test(0);
+ probe_info = self.p.alias()
+ self.tb.connect(self.src, self.p)
+ # Get available endpoint
+ ep = gr.rpcmanager_get().endpoints()[0]
+ hostname ="-h (\S+|\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)", ep).group(1)
+ portnum ="-p (\d+)", ep).group(1)
+ argv = [None, hostname, portnum]
+ # Initialize a simple ControlPort client from endpoint
+ from gnuradio.ctrlport.GNURadioControlPortClient import GNURadioControlPortClient
+ radiosys = GNURadioControlPortClient(argv=argv, rpcmethod='thrift')
+ radio = radiosys.client
+ self.tb.start()
+ # Make sure we have time for flowgraph to run
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ # Get all exported knobs
+ key_name_test = probe_info+"::test"
+ ret = radio.getKnobs([key_name_test,])
+ ret[key_name_test].value = 10
+ radio.setKnobs({key_name_test: ret[key_name_test]})
+ ret = radio.getKnobs([])
+ result_test = ret[key_name_test].value
+ self.assertEqual(result_test, 10)
+ self.tb.stop()
+ self.tb.wait()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+, "test_cpp_py_binding_set.xml")
diff --git a/gr-blocks/python/blocks/ b/gr-blocks/python/blocks/
index 91d96010fd..c678846df0 100644
--- a/gr-blocks/python/blocks/
+++ b/gr-blocks/python/blocks/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright 2013,2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -22,33 +22,225 @@
import sys, time, random, numpy
from gnuradio import gr, gr_unittest, blocks
+import os, struct, re
-import os, struct
+from gnuradio.ctrlport.GNURadioControlPortClient import GNURadioControlPortClient
class test_ctrlport_probes(gr_unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
- self.tb = gr.top_block()
os.environ['GR_CONF_CONTROLPORT_ON'] = 'True'
+ self.tb = gr.top_block()
def tearDown(self):
self.tb = None
- def xtest_001(self):
- pass
+ def test_001(self):
+ data = range(1,9)
+ self.src = blocks.vector_source_c(data, True)
+ self.probe = blocks.ctrlport_probe2_c("samples","Complex",
+ len(data), gr.DISPNULL)
+ probe_name = self.probe.alias()
+ self.tb.connect(self.src, self.probe)
+ self.tb.start()
+ # Probes return complex values as list of floats with re, im
+ # Imaginary parts of this data set are 0.
+ expected_result = [1, 2, 3, 4,
+ 5, 6, 7, 8]
+ # Make sure we have time for flowgraph to run
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ # Get available endpoint
+ ep = gr.rpcmanager_get().endpoints()[0]
+ hostname ="-h (\S+|\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)", ep).group(1)
+ portnum ="-p (\d+)", ep).group(1)
+ argv = [None, hostname, portnum]
+ # Initialize a simple ControlPort client from endpoint
+ from gnuradio.ctrlport.GNURadioControlPortClient import GNURadioControlPortClient
+ radiosys = GNURadioControlPortClient(argv=argv, rpcmethod='thrift')
+ radio = radiosys.client
+ # Get all exported knobs
+ ret = radio.getKnobs([probe_name + "::samples"])
+ for name in ret.keys():
+ # Get data in probe, which might be offset; find the
+ # beginning and unwrap.
+ result = ret[name].value
+ i = result.index(complex(1.0, 0.0))
+ result = result[i:] + result[0:i]
+ self.assertComplexTuplesAlmostEqual(expected_result, result, 4)
+ self.tb.stop()
+ self.tb.wait()
def test_002(self):
- pass
+ data = range(1,9)
+ self.src = blocks.vector_source_f(data, True)
+ self.probe = blocks.ctrlport_probe2_f("samples","Floats",
+ len(data), gr.DISPNULL)
+ probe_name = self.probe.alias()
+ self.tb.connect(self.src, self.probe)
+ self.tb.start()
+ expected_result = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,]
+ # Make sure we have time for flowgraph to run
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ # Get available endpoint
+ ep = gr.rpcmanager_get().endpoints()[0]
+ hostname ="-h (\S+|\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)", ep).group(1)
+ portnum ="-p (\d+)", ep).group(1)
+ argv = [None, hostname, portnum]
+ # Initialize a simple ControlPort client from endpoint
+ from gnuradio.ctrlport.GNURadioControlPortClient import GNURadioControlPortClient
+ radiosys = GNURadioControlPortClient(argv=argv, rpcmethod='thrift')
+ radio = radiosys.client
+ # Get all exported knobs
+ ret = radio.getKnobs([probe_name + "::samples"])
+ for name in ret.keys():
+ # Get data in probe, which might be offset; find the
+ # beginning and unwrap.
+ result = ret[name].value
+ i = result.index(1.0)
+ result = result[i:] + result[0:i]
+ self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)
+ self.tb.stop()
+ self.tb.wait()
def test_003(self):
- pass
+ data = range(1,9)
+ self.src = blocks.vector_source_i(data, True)
+ self.probe = blocks.ctrlport_probe2_i("samples","Integers",
+ len(data), gr.DISPNULL)
+ probe_name = self.probe.alias()
+ self.tb.connect(self.src, self.probe)
+ self.tb.start()
+ expected_result = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,]
+ # Make sure we have time for flowgraph to run
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ # Get available endpoint
+ ep = gr.rpcmanager_get().endpoints()[0]
+ hostname ="-h (\S+|\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)", ep).group(1)
+ portnum ="-p (\d+)", ep).group(1)
+ argv = [None, hostname, portnum]
+ # Initialize a simple ControlPort client from endpoint
+ from gnuradio.ctrlport.GNURadioControlPortClient import GNURadioControlPortClient
+ radiosys = GNURadioControlPortClient(argv=argv, rpcmethod='thrift')
+ radio = radiosys.client
+ # Get all exported knobs
+ ret = radio.getKnobs([probe_name + "::samples"])
+ for name in ret.keys():
+ # Get data in probe, which might be offset; find the
+ # beginning and unwrap.
+ result = ret[name].value
+ i = result.index(1.0)
+ result = result[i:] + result[0:i]
+ self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)
+ self.tb.stop()
+ self.tb.wait()
def test_004(self):
- pass
+ data = range(1,9)
+ self.src = blocks.vector_source_s(data, True)
+ self.probe = blocks.ctrlport_probe2_s("samples","Shorts",
+ len(data), gr.DISPNULL)
+ probe_name = self.probe.alias()
+ self.tb.connect(self.src, self.probe)
+ self.tb.start()
+ expected_result = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,]
+ # Make sure we have time for flowgraph to run
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ # Get available endpoint
+ ep = gr.rpcmanager_get().endpoints()[0]
+ hostname ="-h (\S+|\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)", ep).group(1)
+ portnum ="-p (\d+)", ep).group(1)
+ argv = [None, hostname, portnum]
+ # Initialize a simple ControlPort client from endpoint
+ from gnuradio.ctrlport.GNURadioControlPortClient import GNURadioControlPortClient
+ radiosys = GNURadioControlPortClient(argv=argv, rpcmethod='thrift')
+ radio = radiosys.client
+ # Get all exported knobs
+ ret = radio.getKnobs([probe_name + "::samples"])
+ for name in ret.keys():
+ # Get data in probe, which might be offset; find the
+ # beginning and unwrap.
+ result = ret[name].value
+ i = result.index(1.0)
+ result = result[i:] + result[0:i]
+ self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)
+ self.tb.stop()
+ self.tb.wait()
def test_005(self):
- pass
+ data = range(1,9)
+ self.src = blocks.vector_source_b(data, True)
+ self.probe = blocks.ctrlport_probe2_b("samples","Bytes",
+ len(data), gr.DISPNULL)
+ probe_name = self.probe.alias()
+ self.tb.connect(self.src, self.probe)
+ self.tb.start()
+ expected_result = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,]
+ # Make sure we have time for flowgraph to run
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ # Get available endpoint
+ ep = gr.rpcmanager_get().endpoints()[0]
+ hostname ="-h (\S+|\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)", ep).group(1)
+ portnum ="-p (\d+)", ep).group(1)
+ argv = [None, hostname, portnum]
+ # Initialize a simple ControlPort client from endpoint
+ from gnuradio.ctrlport.GNURadioControlPortClient import GNURadioControlPortClient
+ radiosys = GNURadioControlPortClient(argv=argv, rpcmethod='thrift')
+ radio = radiosys.client
+ # Get all exported knobs
+ ret = radio.getKnobs([probe_name + "::samples"])
+ for name in ret.keys():
+ # Get data in probe, which might be offset; find the
+ # beginning and unwrap.
+ result = ret[name].value
+ result = list(struct.unpack(len(result)*'b', result))
+ i = result.index(1)
+ result = result[i:] + result[0:i]
+ self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)
+ self.tb.stop()
+ self.tb.wait()
if __name__ == '__main__':, "test_ctrlport_probes.xml")
diff --git a/gr-blocks/python/blocks/ b/gr-blocks/python/blocks/
index 475897eac2..d6fd4fe95f 100644
--- a/gr-blocks/python/blocks/
+++ b/gr-blocks/python/blocks/
@@ -30,18 +30,20 @@ class test_peak_detector2(gr_unittest.TestCase):
def tearDown(self):
self.tb = None
- def test_regen1(self):
+ def test_peak1(self):
+ #print "\n\nTEST 1"
tb = self.tb
- data = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
- 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
+ n=10
+ data = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
+ 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0,)+n*(0,)
expected_result = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)+n*(0,)
src = blocks.vector_source_f(data, False)
- regen = blocks.peak_detector2_fb()
+ regen = blocks.peak_detector2_fb(7.0, 25, 0.001)
dst = blocks.vector_sink_b()
tb.connect(src, regen)
@@ -52,5 +54,80 @@ class test_peak_detector2(gr_unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(expected_result, dst_data)
+ def test_peak2(self):
+ #print "\n\nTEST 2"
+ tb = self.tb
+ n=10
+ data = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
+ 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0,)+n*(0,)
+ expected_result = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)+n*(0,)
+ src = blocks.vector_source_f(data, False)
+ regen = blocks.peak_detector2_fb(7.0, 1000, 0.001) # called with a LONG window
+ dst = blocks.vector_sink_b()
+ tb.connect(src, regen)
+ tb.connect(regen, dst)
+ dst_data =
+ # here we know that the block will terminate prematurely, so we compare only part of the expected_result
+ self.assertEqual(expected_result[0:len(dst_data)], dst_data)
+ def test_peak3(self):
+ #print "\n\nTEST 3"
+ tb = self.tb
+ l = 8100
+ m = 100
+ n = 10
+ data = l*(0,)+ (10,)+ m*(0,)+(100,)+ n*(0,)
+ expected_result = l*(0,)+ (0,)+ m*(0,)+(1,)+ n*(0,)
+ src = blocks.vector_source_f(data, False)
+ regen = blocks.peak_detector2_fb(7.0, 105, 0.001)
+ dst = blocks.vector_sink_b()
+ tb.connect(src, regen)
+ tb.connect(regen, dst)
+ dst_data =
+ self.assertEqual(expected_result, dst_data)
+ def test_peak4(self):
+ #print "\n\nTEST 4"
+ tb = self.tb
+ l = 8100
+ m = 100
+ n = 10
+ data = l*(0,)+ (10,)+ m*(0,)+(100,)+ n*(0,)
+ expected_result = l*(0,)+ (0,)+ m*(0,)+(1,)+ n*(0,)
+ src = blocks.vector_source_f(data, False)
+ regen = blocks.peak_detector2_fb(7.0, 150, 0.001)
+ dst = blocks.vector_sink_b()
+ tb.connect(src, regen)
+ tb.connect(regen, dst)
+ dst_data =
+ # here we know that the block will terminate prematurely, so we compare only part of the expected_result
+ self.assertEqual(expected_result[0:len(dst_data)], dst_data)
if __name__ == '__main__':, "test_peak_detector2.xml")
diff --git a/gr-digital/examples/CMakeLists.txt b/gr-digital/examples/CMakeLists.txt
index 8faad96708..38ee443ab7 100644
--- a/gr-digital/examples/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gr-digital/examples/CMakeLists.txt
COMPONENT "digital_python"
+ burst_shaper.grc
+ COMPONENT "digital_python"
# Narrowband
@@ -82,6 +89,7 @@ install(
+ demod/test_corr_est.grc
diff --git a/gr-digital/examples/burst_shaper.grc b/gr-digital/examples/burst_shaper.grc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..35a98a3267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-digital/examples/burst_shaper.grc
@@ -0,0 +1,880 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ASCII'?>
+<?grc format='1' created='3.7.8'?>
+ <timestamp>Fri Apr 17 12:31:57 2015</timestamp>
+ <block>
+ <key>options</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>burst_shaper</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>title</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>author</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>description</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>window_size</key>
+ <value>1280, 1024</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>generate_options</key>
+ <value>no_gui</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>category</key>
+ <value>Custom</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>run_options</key>
+ <value>run</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>run</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>max_nouts</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>realtime_scheduling</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>thread_safe_setters</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(10, 10)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>32000</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(392, 11)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>window_taps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>fft.window.hann(10)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(232, 11)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>import</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>import_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>import</key>
+ <value>import pmt</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(8, 99)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>import</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>import_0_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>import</key>
+ <value>from gnuradio import fft</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(96, 99)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_vector_source_x</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_vector_source_x_0_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>float</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vector</key>
+ <value>[1.0, -1.0]*15</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tags</key>
+ <value>[gr.python_to_tag({'offset':0, 'key':pmt.intern('packet_len'), 'value':pmt.from_long(20), 'srcid':pmt.intern('vector_source')})]</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>repeat</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vlen</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(8, 171)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_vector_source_x</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_vector_source_x_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>complex</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vector</key>
+ <value>[complex(1.0), complex(-1.0)]*15</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tags</key>
+ <value>[gr.python_to_tag({'offset':0, 'key':pmt.intern('packet_len'), 'value':pmt.from_long(20), 'srcid':pmt.intern('vector_source')})]</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>repeat</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vlen</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(8, 307)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_tagged_stream_to_pdu</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_tagged_stream_to_pdu_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>float</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tag</key>
+ <value>packet_len</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(632, 163)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_message_debug</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_message_debug_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(888, 168)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_message_debug</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_message_debug_0_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(888, 304)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_tag_debug</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_tag_debug_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>float</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>name</key>
+ <value>Float</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>filter</key>
+ <value>"packet_len"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>num_inputs</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vlen</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>display</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(632, 211)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_tagged_stream_to_pdu</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_tagged_stream_to_pdu_1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>complex</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tag</key>
+ <value>packet_len</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(632, 299)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>digital_burst_shaper_xx</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>digital_burst_shaper_xx_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>float</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>window</key>
+ <value>window_taps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>pre_padding</key>
+ <value>5</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>post_padding</key>
+ <value>5</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>insert_phasing</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>length_tag_name</key>
+ <value>"packet_len"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(232, 155)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_throttle</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_throttle_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>float</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>samples_per_second</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vlen</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ignoretag</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(456, 187)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>digital_burst_shaper_xx</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>digital_burst_shaper_xx_0_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>complex</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>window</key>
+ <value>window_taps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>pre_padding</key>
+ <value>5</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>post_padding</key>
+ <value>5</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>insert_phasing</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>length_tag_name</key>
+ <value>"packet_len"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(232, 291)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_throttle</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_throttle_0_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>complex</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>samples_per_second</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vlen</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ignoretag</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(456, 323)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_tag_debug</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_tag_debug_0_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>complex</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>name</key>
+ <value>Complex</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>filter</key>
+ <value>"packet_len"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>num_inputs</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vlen</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>display</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(632, 347)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_throttle_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_tagged_stream_to_pdu_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_vector_source_x_0_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>digital_burst_shaper_xx_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>digital_burst_shaper_xx_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_throttle_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>digital_burst_shaper_xx_0_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_throttle_0_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_vector_source_x_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>digital_burst_shaper_xx_0_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_tagged_stream_to_pdu_1</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_message_debug_0_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>pdus</source_key>
+ <sink_key>print</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_tagged_stream_to_pdu_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_message_debug_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>pdus</source_key>
+ <sink_key>print</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_throttle_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_tag_debug_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_throttle_0_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_tagged_stream_to_pdu_1</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_throttle_0_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_tag_debug_0_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
diff --git a/gr-digital/examples/demod/test_corr_est.grc b/gr-digital/examples/demod/test_corr_est.grc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6237565a4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-digital/examples/demod/test_corr_est.grc
@@ -0,0 +1,3500 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ASCII'?>
+<?grc format='1' created='3.7.7'?>
+ <timestamp>Fri Jul 11 16:54:10 2014</timestamp>
+ <block>
+ <key>options</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>test_corr_est</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>title</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>author</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>description</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>window_size</key>
+ <value>2000,2000</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>generate_options</key>
+ <value>qt_gui</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>category</key>
+ <value>Custom</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>run_options</key>
+ <value>prompt</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>run</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>max_nouts</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>realtime_scheduling</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>thread_safe_setters</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(10, 10)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>data</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>[0]*4+[random.getrandbits(8) for i in range(payload_size)]</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(16, 251)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>rrc_taps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>firdes.root_raised_cosine(nfilts, nfilts, 1.0/float(sps), eb, 5*sps*nfilts)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(1075, 73)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>nfilts</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>32</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(1074, 9)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>payload_size</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>992</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(101, 73)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>bb_filter</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>firdes.root_raised_cosine(sps, sps, 1, eb, 101)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(429, 8)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>sps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>4</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(278, 72)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>matched_filter</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>firdes.root_raised_cosine(nfilts, nfilts, 1, eb, int(11*sps*nfilts))</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(429, 72)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>100000</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(11, 72)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>gap</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>20000</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(202, 72)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>eb</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>0.35</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(346, 72)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>preamble</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>[0xac, 0xdd, 0xa4, 0xe2, 0xf2, 0x8c, 0x20, 0xfc]</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(279, 8)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>rxmod</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>digital.generic_mod(constel, False, sps, True, eb, False, False)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(8, 427)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>channels_channel_model</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>channels_channel_model_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>noise_voltage</key>
+ <value>noise</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>freq_offset</key>
+ <value>freq_offset</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>epsilon</key>
+ <value>time_offset</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>taps</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>seed</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>block_tags</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(772, 158)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_throttle</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_throttle_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>complex</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>samples_per_second</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vlen</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ignoretag</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(586, 190)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_null_source</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_null_source_0_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>complex</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vlen</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>num_outputs</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>bus_conns</key>
+ <value>[[0,],]</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(402, 322)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable_qtgui_range</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>phase</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label</key>
+ <value>Phase offset</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>start</key>
+ <value>-2*scipy.pi</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>stop</key>
+ <value>2*scipy.pi</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>step</key>
+ <value>0.1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>widget</key>
+ <value>slider</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>orient</key>
+ <value>Qt.Horizontal</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>min_len</key>
+ <value>200</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gui_hint</key>
+ <value>3,1,1,1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(692, 7)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable_qtgui_range</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>time_offset</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label</key>
+ <value>Timing Offset</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>start</key>
+ <value>0.995</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>stop</key>
+ <value>1.005</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>step</key>
+ <value>0.00001</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>widget</key>
+ <value>slider</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>orient</key>
+ <value>Qt.Horizontal</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>min_len</key>
+ <value>200</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gui_hint</key>
+ <value>4,1,1,1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(950, 8)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable_qtgui_range</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>noise</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label</key>
+ <value>Noise</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>start</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>stop</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>step</key>
+ <value>0.005</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>widget</key>
+ <value>slider</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>orient</key>
+ <value>Qt.Horizontal</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>min_len</key>
+ <value>200</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gui_hint</key>
+ <value>3,0,1,1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(584, 7)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>digital_pfb_clock_sync_xxx</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>digital_pfb_clock_sync_xxx_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>ccf</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>sps</key>
+ <value>sps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>loop_bw</key>
+ <value>2*3.14/100.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>taps</key>
+ <value>rrc_taps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>filter_size</key>
+ <value>nfilts</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>init_phase</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>max_dev</key>
+ <value>0.5</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>osps</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(790, 289)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_sub_xx</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_sub_xx_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>float</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vlen</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>num_inputs</key>
+ <value>2</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(1125, 617)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable_qtgui_range</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>delay</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label</key>
+ <value>delay</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>90</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>start</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>stop</key>
+ <value>200</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>step</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>widget</key>
+ <value>counter_slider</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>orient</key>
+ <value>Qt.Horizontal</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>min_len</key>
+ <value>200</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gui_hint</key>
+ <value>5,0,1,2</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(875, 571)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_char_to_float</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_char_to_float_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vlen</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>scale</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(752, 517)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_unpack_k_bits_bb</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_unpack_k_bits_bb_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>k</key>
+ <value>8</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(576, 517)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_stream_mux</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_stream_mux_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>byte</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>lengths</key>
+ <value>(len(preamble)/8+payload_size), gap/sps/8</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>num_inputs</key>
+ <value>2</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vlen</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(390, 504)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_null_source</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_null_source_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>byte</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vlen</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>num_outputs</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>bus_conns</key>
+ <value>[[0,],]</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(210, 538)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_delay</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_delay_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>float</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>delay</key>
+ <value>int(delay)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>num_ports</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vlen</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(923, 518)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_char_to_float</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_char_to_float_0_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vlen</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>scale</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(1112, 482)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>qtgui_time_sink_x</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>qtgui_time_sink_x_0_1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>float</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>name</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ylabel</key>
+ <value>Amplitude</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>yunit</key>
+ <value>""</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>size</key>
+ <value>20000</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>srate</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>grid</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>autoscale</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ymin</key>
+ <value>-2</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ymax</key>
+ <value>2</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>nconnections</key>
+ <value>3</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>update_time</key>
+ <value>0.10</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>entags</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gui_hint</key>
+ <value>2,0,1,2</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_mode</key>
+ <value>qtgui.TRIG_MODE_TAG</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_slope</key>
+ <value>qtgui.TRIG_SLOPE_POS</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_level</key>
+ <value>0.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_delay</key>
+ <value>0.010</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_chan</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_tag</key>
+ <value>time_est</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ctrlpanel</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>legend</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label1</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width1</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color1</key>
+ <value>"blue"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style1</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker1</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha1</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label2</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width2</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color2</key>
+ <value>"red"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style2</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker2</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha2</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label3</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width3</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color3</key>
+ <value>"green"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style3</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker3</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha3</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label4</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width4</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color4</key>
+ <value>"black"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style4</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker4</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha4</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label5</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width5</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color5</key>
+ <value>"cyan"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style5</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker5</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha5</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label6</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width6</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color6</key>
+ <value>"magenta"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style6</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker6</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha6</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label7</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width7</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color7</key>
+ <value>"yellow"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style7</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker7</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha7</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label8</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width8</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color8</key>
+ <value>"dark red"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style8</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker8</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha8</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label9</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width9</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color9</key>
+ <value>"dark green"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style9</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker9</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha9</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label10</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width10</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color10</key>
+ <value>"blue"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style10</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker10</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha10</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(1345, 531)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>digital_constellation_decoder_cb</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>digital_constellation_decoder_cb_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>constellation</key>
+ <value>constel</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(1111, 433)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>180</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>digital_costas_loop_cc</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>digital_costas_loop_cc_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>w</key>
+ <value>1*3.14/50.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>order</key>
+ <value>2</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>use_snr</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(1091, 303)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>qtgui_time_sink_x</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>qtgui_time_sink_x_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>complex</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>name</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ylabel</key>
+ <value>Amplitude</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>yunit</key>
+ <value>""</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>size</key>
+ <value>50000</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>srate</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>grid</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>autoscale</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ymin</key>
+ <value>-2</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ymax</key>
+ <value>2</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>nconnections</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>update_time</key>
+ <value>0.10</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>entags</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gui_hint</key>
+ <value>0,0,1,1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_mode</key>
+ <value>qtgui.TRIG_MODE_TAG</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_slope</key>
+ <value>qtgui.TRIG_SLOPE_POS</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_level</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_delay</key>
+ <value>0.1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_chan</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_tag</key>
+ <value>time_est</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ctrlpanel</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>legend</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label1</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width1</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color1</key>
+ <value>"blue"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style1</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker1</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha1</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label2</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width2</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color2</key>
+ <value>"red"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style2</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker2</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha2</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label3</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width3</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color3</key>
+ <value>"green"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style3</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker3</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha3</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label4</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width4</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color4</key>
+ <value>"black"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style4</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker4</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha4</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label5</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width5</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color5</key>
+ <value>"cyan"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style5</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker5</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha5</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label6</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width6</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color6</key>
+ <value>"magenta"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style6</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker6</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha6</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label7</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width7</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color7</key>
+ <value>"yellow"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style7</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker7</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha7</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label8</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width8</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color8</key>
+ <value>"dark red"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style8</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker8</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha8</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label9</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width9</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color9</key>
+ <value>"dark green"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style9</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker9</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha9</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label10</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width10</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color10</key>
+ <value>"blue"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style10</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker10</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha10</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(1398, 370)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable_constellation</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>constel</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>sym_map</key>
+ <value>[0,1]</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>const_points</key>
+ <value>[1,-1]</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>rot_sym</key>
+ <value>2</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>dims</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>precision</key>
+ <value>8</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>soft_dec_lut</key>
+ <value>None</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(1237, 27)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable_qtgui_range</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>freq_offset</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label</key>
+ <value>Frequency Offset</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>start</key>
+ <value>-0.001</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>stop</key>
+ <value>0.001</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>step</key>
+ <value>0.00002</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>widget</key>
+ <value>slider</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>orient</key>
+ <value>Qt.Horizontal</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>min_len</key>
+ <value>200</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gui_hint</key>
+ <value>4,0,1,1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(808, 7)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>qtgui_const_sink_x</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>qtgui_const_sink_x_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>complex</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>name</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>size</key>
+ <value>(len(preamble)+payload_size)*8</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>grid</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>autoscale</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ymin</key>
+ <value>-2</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ymax</key>
+ <value>2</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>xmin</key>
+ <value>-2</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>xmax</key>
+ <value>2</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>nconnections</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>update_time</key>
+ <value>0.10</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gui_hint</key>
+ <value>0,1,1,1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_mode</key>
+ <value>qtgui.TRIG_MODE_TAG</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_slope</key>
+ <value>qtgui.TRIG_SLOPE_POS</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_level</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_chan</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_tag</key>
+ <value>time_est</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>legend</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label1</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width1</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color1</key>
+ <value>"blue"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style1</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker1</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha1</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label2</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width2</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color2</key>
+ <value>"red"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style2</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker2</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha2</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label3</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width3</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color3</key>
+ <value>"red"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style3</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker3</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha3</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label4</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width4</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color4</key>
+ <value>"red"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style4</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker4</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha4</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label5</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width5</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color5</key>
+ <value>"red"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style5</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker5</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha5</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label6</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width6</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color6</key>
+ <value>"red"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style6</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker6</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha6</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label7</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width7</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color7</key>
+ <value>"red"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style7</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker7</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha7</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label8</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width8</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color8</key>
+ <value>"red"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style8</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker8</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha8</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label9</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width9</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color9</key>
+ <value>"red"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style9</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker9</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha9</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label10</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width10</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color10</key>
+ <value>"red"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style10</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker10</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha10</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(1399, 283)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_complex_to_mag</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_complex_to_mag_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vlen</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(1235, 149)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_complex_to_float</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_complex_to_float_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vlen</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(1235, 194)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>import</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>import_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>import</key>
+ <value>import scipy</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(181, 16)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>import</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>import_0_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>import</key>
+ <value>import random</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(176, 147)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_vector_source_x</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_vector_source_x_0_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>byte</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vector</key>
+ <value>preamble+data</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tags</key>
+ <value>[]</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>repeat</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vlen</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(15, 165)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>digital_constellation_modulator</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>digital_constellation_modulator_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>constellation</key>
+ <value>constel</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>differential</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>samples_per_symbol</key>
+ <value>sps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>excess_bw</key>
+ <value>eb</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>verbose</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>log</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(312, 166)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>blocks_stream_mux</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_stream_mux_0_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>complex</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>lengths</key>
+ <value>(len(preamble)+len(data))*8*sps, gap</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>num_inputs</key>
+ <value>2</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>vlen</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(568, 288)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>qtgui_time_sink_x</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>qtgui_time_sink_x_1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>float</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>name</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ylabel</key>
+ <value>Amplitude</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>yunit</key>
+ <value>""</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>size</key>
+ <value>80000</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>srate</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>grid</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>autoscale</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ymin</key>
+ <value>-200</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ymax</key>
+ <value>400</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>nconnections</key>
+ <value>3</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>update_time</key>
+ <value>0.10</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>entags</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gui_hint</key>
+ <value>1,0,1,2</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_mode</key>
+ <value>qtgui.TRIG_MODE_NORM</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_slope</key>
+ <value>qtgui.TRIG_SLOPE_POS</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_level</key>
+ <value>100</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_delay</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_chan</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_tag</key>
+ <value>""</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ctrlpanel</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>legend</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label1</key>
+ <value>|corr|^2</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width1</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color1</key>
+ <value>"blue"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style1</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker1</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha1</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label2</key>
+ <value>Re{corr}</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width2</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color2</key>
+ <value>"red"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style2</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker2</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha2</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label3</key>
+ <value>Im{corr}</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width3</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color3</key>
+ <value>"green"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style3</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker3</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha3</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label4</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width4</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color4</key>
+ <value>"black"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style4</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker4</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha4</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label5</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width5</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color5</key>
+ <value>"cyan"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style5</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker5</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha5</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label6</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width6</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color6</key>
+ <value>"magenta"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style6</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker6</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha6</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label7</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width7</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color7</key>
+ <value>"yellow"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style7</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker7</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha7</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label8</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width8</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color8</key>
+ <value>"dark red"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style8</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker8</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha8</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label9</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width9</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color9</key>
+ <value>"dark green"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style9</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker9</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha9</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label10</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width10</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color10</key>
+ <value>"blue"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>style10</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>marker10</key>
+ <value>-1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha10</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(1433, 160)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable_modulate_vector</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>modulated_sync_word</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>mod</key>
+ <value>rxmod</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>data</key>
+ <value>preamble</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>taps</key>
+ <value>[1]</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(8, 491)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>digital_corr_est_cc</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>digital_corr_est_cc_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>symbols</key>
+ <value>modulated_sync_word</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>sps</key>
+ <value>sps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>mark_delay</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>threshold</key>
+ <value>0.9</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(972, 174)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>digital_costas_loop_cc_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>qtgui_time_sink_x_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>digital_costas_loop_cc_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>digital_constellation_decoder_cb_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_complex_to_float_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>qtgui_time_sink_x_1</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>1</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_complex_to_mag_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>qtgui_time_sink_x_1</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>digital_corr_est_cc_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>digital_pfb_clock_sync_xxx_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_null_source_0_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_stream_mux_0_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>1</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_stream_mux_0_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_throttle_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_complex_to_float_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>qtgui_time_sink_x_1</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>1</source_key>
+ <sink_key>2</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>channels_channel_model_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>digital_corr_est_cc_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>digital_constellation_modulator_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_stream_mux_0_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>digital_corr_est_cc_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_complex_to_mag_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>1</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>digital_corr_est_cc_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_complex_to_float_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>1</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_throttle_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>channels_channel_model_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>digital_pfb_clock_sync_xxx_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>digital_costas_loop_cc_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_delay_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>qtgui_time_sink_x_0_1</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>1</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_char_to_float_0_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_sub_xx_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_delay_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_sub_xx_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>1</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_sub_xx_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>qtgui_time_sink_x_0_1</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>2</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_char_to_float_0_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>qtgui_time_sink_x_0_1</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_stream_mux_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_unpack_k_bits_bb_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_unpack_k_bits_bb_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_char_to_float_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_null_source_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_stream_mux_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>1</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_char_to_float_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_delay_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>digital_constellation_decoder_cb_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>blocks_char_to_float_0_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>digital_costas_loop_cc_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>qtgui_const_sink_x_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_vector_source_x_0_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>digital_constellation_modulator_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
diff --git a/gr-digital/grc/digital_block_tree.xml b/gr-digital/grc/digital_block_tree.xml
index f6dcceb6d0..6707a8e4db 100644
--- a/gr-digital/grc/digital_block_tree.xml
+++ b/gr-digital/grc/digital_block_tree.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
- Copyright 2011-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ Copyright 2011-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
+ <block>variable_modulate_vector</block>
<name>Packet Operators</name>
@@ -120,6 +121,7 @@
+ <block>digital_corr_est_cc</block>
diff --git a/gr-digital/grc/digital_burst_shaper.xml b/gr-digital/grc/digital_burst_shaper.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c0bc78d0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-digital/grc/digital_burst_shaper.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <name>Burst Shaper</name>
+ <key>digital_burst_shaper_xx</key>
+ <category>Packet Operators</category>
+ <import>from gnuradio import digital</import>
+ <make>digital.burst_shaper_$(type.fcn)($window, $pre_padding, $post_padding, $insert_phasing, $length_tag_name)</make>
+ <param>
+ <name>Type</name>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <type>enum</type>
+ <option>
+ <name>Float</name>
+ <key>float</key>
+ <opt>fcn:ff</opt>
+ <opt>taps:float_vector</opt>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <name>Complex</name>
+ <key>complex</key>
+ <opt>fcn:cc</opt>
+ <opt>taps:complex_vector</opt>
+ </option>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Window Taps</name>
+ <key>window</key>
+ <value>([])</value>
+ <type>$(type.taps)</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Pre-padding Length</name>
+ <key>pre_padding</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ <type>int</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Post-padding Length</name>
+ <key>post_padding</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ <type>int</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Insert phasing symbols</name>
+ <key>insert_phasing</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ <type>enum</type>
+ <option>
+ <name>No</name>
+ <key>False</key>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <name>Yes</name>
+ <key>True</key>
+ </option>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Length Tag Name</name>
+ <key>length_tag_name</key>
+ <value>"packet_len"</value>
+ <type>string</type>
+ </param>
+ <sink>
+ <name>in</name>
+ <type>$type</type>
+ </sink>
+ <source>
+ <name>out</name>
+ <type>$type</type>
+ </source>
diff --git a/gr-digital/grc/digital_corr_est_cc.xml b/gr-digital/grc/digital_corr_est_cc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb345e933f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-digital/grc/digital_corr_est_cc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <name>Correlation Estimator</name>
+ <key>digital_corr_est_cc</key>
+ <import>from gnuradio import digital</import>
+ <make>digital.corr_est_cc($symbols, $sps, $mark_delay, $threshold)</make>
+ <callback>set_mark_delay($mark_delay)</callback>
+ <callback>set_theshold($threshold)</callback>
+ <param>
+ <name>Symbols</name>
+ <key>symbols</key>
+ <type>complex_vector</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Samples per Symbol</name>
+ <key>sps</key>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Tag marking delay</name>
+ <key>mark_delay</key>
+ <type>int</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Threshold</name>
+ <key>threshold</key>
+ <value>0.9</value>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <sink>
+ <name>in</name>
+ <type>complex</type>
+ </sink>
+ <source>
+ <name>out</name>
+ <type>complex</type>
+ </source>
+ <source>
+ <name>corr</name>
+ <type>complex</type>
+ <optional>1</optional>
+ </source>
diff --git a/gr-digital/grc/digital_modulate_vector.xml b/gr-digital/grc/digital_modulate_vector.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91614dd3fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-digital/grc/digital_modulate_vector.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+# modulate_vector_bc
+ -->
+ <name>Modulate Vector</name>
+ <key>variable_modulate_vector</key>
+ <category>Modulators</category>
+ <import>from gnuradio import digital</import>
+ <var_make>self.$(id) = $(id) = digital.modulate_vector_bc($mod .to_basic_block(), $data, $taps)</var_make>
+ <var_value>digital.modulate_vector_bc($mod .to_basic_block(), $data, $taps)</var_value>
+ <make></make>
+ <param>
+ <name>Modulator</name>
+ <key>mod</key>
+ <value></value>
+ <type>raw</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Data vector</name>
+ <key>data</key>
+ <value></value>
+ <type>int_vector</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Filter taps</name>
+ <key>taps</key>
+ <value></value>
+ <type>float_vector</type>
+ </param>
diff --git a/gr-digital/grc/digital_msk_timing_recovery_cc.xml b/gr-digital/grc/digital_msk_timing_recovery_cc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cda780d685
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-digital/grc/digital_msk_timing_recovery_cc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <name>MSK Timing Recovery</name>
+ <key>digital_msk_timing_recovery_cc</key>
+ <import>from gnuradio import digital</import>
+ <make>digital.msk_timing_recovery_cc($sps, $gain, $limit, $osps)</make>
+ <callback>set_gain($gain)</callback>
+ <callback>set_sps($sps)</callback>
+ <callback>set_limit($limit)</callback>
+ <param>
+ <name>Gain</name>
+ <key>gain</key>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Samples per symbol</name>
+ <key>sps</key>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Error limit</name>
+ <key>limit</key>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Output samples per symbol</name>
+ <key>osps</key>
+ <type>int</type>
+ </param>
+ <sink>
+ <name>in</name>
+ <type>complex</type>
+ </sink>
+ <source>
+ <name>out</name>
+ <type>complex</type>
+ </source>
+ <source>
+ <name>err</name>
+ <type>float</type>
+ <optional>1</optional>
+ </source>
+ <source>
+ <name>omega</name>
+ <type>float</type>
+ <optional>1</optional>
+ </source>
diff --git a/gr-digital/include/gnuradio/digital/CMakeLists.txt b/gr-digital/include/gnuradio/digital/CMakeLists.txt
index c39b12bed2..d8fe2b6c4d 100644
--- a/gr-digital/include/gnuradio/digital/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gr-digital/include/gnuradio/digital/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2011-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright 2011-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
GR_EXPAND_X_H(digital chunks_to_symbols_XX bf bc sf sc if ic)
+GR_EXPAND_X_H(digital burst_shaper_XX cc ff)
add_custom_target(digital_generated_includes DEPENDS
@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ install(FILES
+ corr_est_cc.h
@@ -69,9 +71,11 @@ install(FILES
+ modulate_vector.h
+ msk_timing_recovery_cc.h
diff --git a/gr-digital/include/gnuradio/digital/burst_shaper_XX.h.t b/gr-digital/include/gnuradio/digital/burst_shaper_XX.h.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd7b69060e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-digital/include/gnuradio/digital/burst_shaper_XX.h.t
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+/* @WARNING@ */
+#ifndef @GUARD_NAME@
+#define @GUARD_NAME@
+#include <gnuradio/digital/api.h>
+#include <gnuradio/block.h>
+namespace gr {
+ namespace digital {
+ /*!
+ * \brief Burst shaper block for applying burst padding and ramping.
+ * \ingroup packet_operators_blk
+ *
+ * \details
+ *
+ * This block applies a configurable amount of zero padding before
+ * and/or after a burst indicated by tagged stream length tags.
+ *
+ * If phasing symbols are used, an alternating pattern of +1/-1
+ * symbols of length ceil(N/2) will be inserted before and after
+ * each burst, where N is the length of the taps vector. The ramp-
+ * up/ramp-down shape will be applied to these phasing symbols.
+ *
+ * If phasing symbols are not used, the taper will be applied
+ * directly to the head and tail of each burst.
+ *
+ * Length tags will be updated to include the length of any added
+ * zero padding or phasing symbols and will be placed at the
+ * beginning of the modified tagged stream. Any other tags found at
+ * the same offset as a length tag will also be placed at the
+ * beginning of the modified tagged stream, since these tags are
+ * assumed to be associated with the burst rather than a specific
+ * sample. For example, if "tx_time" tags are used to control
+ * bursts, their offsets should be consistent with their associated
+ * burst's length tags. Tags at other offsets will be placed with
+ * the samples on which they were found.
+ *
+ * \li input: stream of @I_TYPE@
+ * \li output: stream of @O_TYPE@
+ */
+ class DIGITAL_API @NAME@ : virtual public block
+ {
+ public:
+ // gr::digital::@BASE_NAME@::sptr
+ typedef boost::shared_ptr<@BASE_NAME@> sptr;
+ /*!
+ * Make a burst shaper block.
+ *
+ * \param taps: vector of window taper taps; the first ceil(N/2)
+ * items are the up flank and the last ceil(N/2)
+ * items are the down flank. If taps.size() is odd,
+ * the middle tap will be used as the last item of
+ * the up flank and first item of the down flank.
+ * \param pre_padding: number of zero samples to insert before
+ * the burst.
+ * \param post_padding: number of zero samples to append after
+ * the burst.
+ * \param insert_phasing: if true, insert alternating +1/-1
+ * pattern of length ceil(N/2) before and
+ * after the burst and apply ramp up and
+ * ramp down taps, respectively, to the
+ * inserted patterns instead of the head
+ * and tail items of the burst.
+ * \param length_tag_name: the name of the tagged stream length
+ * tag key.
+ */
+ static sptr make(const std::vector<@O_TYPE@> &taps,
+ int pre_padding=0, int post_padding=0,
+ bool insert_phasing=false,
+ const std::string &length_tag_name="packet_len");
+ /*!
+ * Returns the amount of zero padding inserted before each burst.
+ */
+ virtual int pre_padding() const = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Returns the amount of zero padding inserted after each burst.
+ */
+ virtual int post_padding() const = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Returns the total amount of zero padding and phasing symbols
+ * inserted before each burst.
+ */
+ virtual int prefix_length() const = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Returns the total amount of zero padding and phasing symbols
+ * inserted after each burst.
+ */
+ virtual int suffix_length() const = 0;
+ };
+ } // namespace digital
+} // namespace gr
+#endif /* @GUARD_NAME@ */
diff --git a/gr-digital/include/gnuradio/digital/corr_est_cc.h b/gr-digital/include/gnuradio/digital/corr_est_cc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e8211cf60b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-digital/include/gnuradio/digital/corr_est_cc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <gnuradio/digital/api.h>
+#include <gnuradio/sync_block.h>
+namespace gr {
+ namespace digital {
+ /*!
+ * \brief Correlate stream with a pre-defined sequence and estimate peak
+ * \ingroup synchronizers_blk
+ *
+ * \details
+ * Input:
+ * \li Stream of complex samples.
+ *
+ * Output:
+ * \li Output stream that just passes the input complex samples
+ * \li tag 'phase_est': estimate of phase offset
+ * \li tag 'time_est': estimate of symbol timing offset
+ * \li tag 'corr_est': the correlation value of the estimates
+ * \li tag 'corr_start': the start sample of the correlation and the value
+ *
+ * \li Optional 2nd output stream providing the advanced correlator output
+ *
+ * This block is designed to search for a sync word by correlation
+ * and uses the results of the correlation to get a time and phase
+ * offset estimate. These estimates are passed downstream as
+ * stream tags for use by follow-on synchronization blocks.
+ *
+ * The sync word is provided as a set of symbols along with a
+ * baseband matched filter which we use to create the filtered and
+ * upsampled symbols that we will receive over-the-air.
+ *
+ * The phase_est tag can be used by downstream blocks to adjust
+ * their phase estimatopm/correction loops, and is currently
+ * implemented by the gr::digital::costas_loop_cc block.
+ *
+ * The time_est tag can be used to adjust the sampling timing
+ * estimate of any downstream synchronization blocks and is
+ * currently implemented by the gr::digital::pfb_clock_sync_ccf
+ * block.
+ *
+ * The caller must provide a "time_est" and "phase_est" tag
+ * marking delay from the start of the correlated signal segment,
+ * in order to mark the proper point in the sync word for
+ * downstream synchronization blocks. Generally this block cannot
+ * know where the actual sync word symbols are located relative to
+ * "corr_start", given that some modulations have pulses with
+ * intentional ISI. The user should manually examine the primary
+ * output and the "corr_start" tag postition to determine the
+ * required tag delay settings for the particular modulation,
+ * sync word, and downstream blocks used.
+ *
+ * For a discussion of the properties of complex correlations,
+ * with respect to signal processing, see:
+ * Marple, Jr., S. L., "Estimating Group Delay and Phase Delay
+ * via Discrete-Time 'Analytic' Cross-Correlation, _IEEE_Transcations_
+ * _on_Signal_Processing_, Volume 47, No. 9, September 1999
+ *
+ */
+ class DIGITAL_API corr_est_cc : virtual public sync_block
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef boost::shared_ptr<corr_est_cc> sptr;
+ /*!
+ * Make a block that correlates against the \p symbols vector
+ * and outputs a phase and symbol timing estimate.
+ *
+ * \param symbols Set of symbols to correlate against (e.g., a
+ * sync word).
+ * \param sps Samples per symbol
+ * \param mark_delay tag marking delay in samples after the
+ * corr_start tag
+ * \param threshold Threshold of correlator, relative to a 100%
+ * correlation (1.0). Default is 0.9.
+ */
+ static sptr make(const std::vector<gr_complex> &symbols,
+ float sps, unsigned int mark_delay, float threshold=0.9);
+ virtual std::vector<gr_complex> symbols() const = 0;
+ virtual void set_symbols(const std::vector<gr_complex> &symbols) = 0;
+ virtual unsigned int mark_delay() const = 0;
+ virtual void set_mark_delay(unsigned int mark_delay) = 0;
+ virtual float threshold() const = 0;
+ virtual void set_threshold(float threshold) = 0;
+ };
+ } // namespace digital
+} // namespace gr
diff --git a/gr-digital/include/gnuradio/digital/modulate_vector.h b/gr-digital/include/gnuradio/digital/modulate_vector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6083099a89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-digital/include/gnuradio/digital/modulate_vector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ * Copyright 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <gnuradio/digital/api.h>
+#include <gnuradio/types.h>
+namespace gr {
+ namespace digital {
+ /*!
+ * \brief Modulate a vector of data and apply a shaping filter.
+ *
+ * \p modulator: Pointer to a byte-to-complex modulator block.
+ * \p data: Vector of bytes to modulate into symbols.
+ * \p taps: Post-modulation symbol shaping filter taps.
+ *
+ * \details
+ * This function modulates the input vector and applies a
+ * symbol shaping filter. It is intended for use with the
+ * corr_est_cc block as the symbol stream to correlate
+ * against.
+ *
+ * Any differential encoding or other data coding must be
+ * performed on the input vector before this modulation
+ * operation.
+ *
+ * Be aware that the format of the incoming data must match
+ * the format the modulator block is expecting. GNURadio
+ * modulator blocks are inconsistent in their data type
+ * expectations. For instance, cpmmod_bc expects unpacked,
+ * signed bytes in (-1, 1), while gmsk_mod expects packed,
+ * unsigned bytes in (0, 1). In other words, the output of
+ * gmsk_mod given the input vector [0xaa, 0x00] is equivalent
+ * to the output of cpmmod_bc given the input vector
+ * [1,255,1,255,1,255,1,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255]
+ *
+ * Please check the documentation or source of the modulator
+ * before using this function.
+ *
+ */
+ DIGITAL_API std::vector<gr_complex>
+ modulate_vector_bc(basic_block_sptr modulator,
+ std::vector<uint8_t> data,
+ std::vector<float> taps);
+ } /* namespace digital */
+} /* namespace gr */
diff --git a/gr-digital/include/gnuradio/digital/msk_timing_recovery_cc.h b/gr-digital/include/gnuradio/digital/msk_timing_recovery_cc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..770bd91da1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-digital/include/gnuradio/digital/msk_timing_recovery_cc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <gnuradio/digital/api.h>
+#include <gnuradio/block.h>
+namespace gr {
+ namespace digital {
+ /*!
+ * \brief MSK/GMSK timing recovery
+ * \ingroup synchronizers_blk
+ *
+ * This block performs timing synchronization on CPM modulations using a
+ * fourth-order nonlinearity feedback method which is non-data-aided. The
+ * block does not require prior phase synchronization but is relatively
+ * sensitive to frequency offset (keep offset to 0.1x symbol rate).
+ *
+ * For details on the algorithm, see:
+ * A.N. D'Andrea, U. Mengali, R. Reggiannini: A digital approach to clock
+ * recovery in generalized minimum shift keying. IEEE Transactions on
+ * Vehicular Technology, Vol. 39, Issue 3.
+ */
+ class DIGITAL_API msk_timing_recovery_cc : virtual public gr::block
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef boost::shared_ptr<msk_timing_recovery_cc> sptr;
+ /*!
+ * \brief Make an MSK timing recovery block.
+ *
+ * \param sps: Samples per symbol
+ * \param gain: Loop gain of timing error filter (try 0.05)
+ * \param limit: Relative limit of timing error (try 0.1 for 10% error max)
+ * \param osps: Output samples per symbol
+ *
+ */
+ static sptr make(float sps, float gain, float limit, int osps);
+ virtual void set_gain(float gain)=0;
+ virtual float get_gain(void)=0;
+ virtual void set_limit(float limit)=0;
+ virtual float get_limit(void)=0;
+ virtual void set_sps(float sps)=0;
+ virtual float get_sps(void)=0;
+ };
+ } // namespace digital
+} // namespace gr
diff --git a/gr-digital/lib/CMakeLists.txt b/gr-digital/lib/CMakeLists.txt
index eb1008423b..daa577f56f 100644
--- a/gr-digital/lib/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gr-digital/lib/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ endif(ENABLE_GR_CTRLPORT)
GR_EXPAND_X_CC_H(digital chunks_to_symbols_XX_impl bf bc sf sc if ic)
+GR_EXPAND_X_CC_H(digital burst_shaper_XX_impl cc ff)
# Setup library
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ list(APPEND digital_sources
@@ -85,9 +87,11 @@ list(APPEND digital_sources
diff --git a/gr-digital/lib/ b/gr-digital/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85add49115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-digital/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+/* @WARNING@ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <boost/format.hpp>
+#include <gnuradio/io_signature.h>
+#include <volk/volk.h>
+#include "@IMPL_NAME@.h"
+#ifndef VOLK_MULT_gr_complex
+#define VOLK_MULT_gr_complex volk_32fc_x2_multiply_32fc
+#ifndef VOLK_MULT_float
+#define VOLK_MULT_float volk_32f_x2_multiply_32f
+namespace gr {
+ namespace digital {
+ @BASE_NAME@::sptr
+ @BASE_NAME@::make(const std::vector<@I_TYPE@> &taps,
+ int pre_padding, int post_padding,
+ bool insert_phasing,
+ const std::string &length_tag_name)
+ {
+ return gnuradio::get_initial_sptr
+ (new @IMPL_NAME@(taps, pre_padding, post_padding,
+ insert_phasing, length_tag_name));
+ }
+ @IMPL_NAME@::@IMPL_NAME@(const std::vector<@I_TYPE@> &taps,
+ int pre_padding, int post_padding,
+ bool insert_phasing,
+ const std::string &length_tag_name)
+ : gr::block("@BASE_NAME@",
+ gr::io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(@I_TYPE@)),
+ gr::io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(@O_TYPE@))),
+ d_up_ramp(taps.begin(), taps.begin() + taps.size()/2 + taps.size()%2),
+ d_down_ramp(taps.begin() + taps.size()/2, taps.end()),
+ d_nprepad(pre_padding),
+ d_npostpad(post_padding),
+ d_insert_phasing(insert_phasing),
+ d_length_tag_key(pmt::string_to_symbol(length_tag_name)),
+ d_ncopy(0),
+ d_limit(0),
+ d_index(0),
+ d_length_tag_offset(0),
+ d_finished(false),
+ d_state(STATE_WAIT)
+ {
+ assert(d_up_ramp.size() == d_down_ramp.size());
+ d_up_phasing.resize(d_up_ramp.size());
+ d_down_phasing.resize(d_down_ramp.size());
+ @I_TYPE@ symbol;
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < d_up_ramp.size(); i++) {
+ symbol = (i%2 == 0) ? @I_TYPE@(1.0f) : @I_TYPE@(-1.0f);
+ d_up_phasing[i] = symbol * d_up_ramp[i];
+ d_down_phasing[i] = symbol * d_down_ramp[i];
+ }
+ //set_relative_rate(1.0);
+ set_tag_propagation_policy(TPP_DONT);
+ }
+ {
+ }
+ void
+ @IMPL_NAME@::forecast(int noutput_items,
+ gr_vector_int &ninput_items_required)
+ {
+ ninput_items_required[0] = noutput_items;
+ }
+ int
+ @IMPL_NAME@::general_work(int noutput_items,
+ gr_vector_int &ninput_items,
+ gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
+ gr_vector_void_star &output_items)
+ {
+ const @I_TYPE@ *in = reinterpret_cast<const @I_TYPE@ *>(input_items[0]);
+ @O_TYPE@ *out = reinterpret_cast<@O_TYPE@ *>(output_items[0]);
+ int nwritten = 0;
+ int nread = 0;
+ int nspace = 0;
+ int nskip = 0;
+ int curr_tag_index = 0;
+ std::vector<tag_t> length_tags;
+ get_tags_in_window(length_tags, 0, 0, ninput_items[0], d_length_tag_key);
+ std::sort(length_tags.rbegin(), length_tags.rend(), tag_t::offset_compare);
+ while((nwritten < noutput_items) && (nread < ninput_items[0])) {
+ if(d_finished) {
+ d_finished = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ nspace = noutput_items - nwritten;
+ switch(d_state) {
+ case(STATE_WAIT):
+ if(!length_tags.empty()) {
+ d_length_tag_offset = length_tags.back().offset;
+ curr_tag_index = (int)(d_length_tag_offset - nitems_read(0));
+ d_ncopy = pmt::to_long(length_tags.back().value);
+ length_tags.pop_back();
+ nskip = curr_tag_index - nread;
+ add_length_tag(nwritten);
+ propagate_tags(curr_tag_index, nwritten, 1, false);
+ enter_prepad();
+ }
+ else {
+ nskip = ninput_items[0] - nread;
+ }
+ if(nskip > 0) {
+ GR_LOG_WARN(d_logger,
+ boost::format("Dropping %1% samples") %
+ nskip);
+ nread += nskip;
+ in += nskip;
+ }
+ break;
+ write_padding(out, nwritten, nspace);
+ if(d_index == d_limit)
+ enter_rampup();
+ break;
+ apply_ramp(out, in, nwritten, nread, nspace);
+ if(d_index == d_limit)
+ enter_copy();
+ break;
+ case(STATE_COPY):
+ copy_items(out, in, nwritten, nread, nspace);
+ if(d_index == d_limit)
+ enter_rampdown();
+ break;
+ apply_ramp(out, in, nwritten, nread, nspace);
+ if(d_index == d_limit)
+ enter_postpad();
+ break;
+ write_padding(out, nwritten, nspace);
+ if(d_index == d_limit)
+ enter_wait();
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw std::runtime_error("@BASE_NAME@: invalid state");
+ }
+ }
+ consume_each(nread);
+ return nwritten;
+ }
+ int
+ @IMPL_NAME@::prefix_length() const
+ {
+ return (d_insert_phasing) ?
+ d_nprepad + d_up_ramp.size() : d_nprepad;
+ }
+ int
+ @IMPL_NAME@::suffix_length() const
+ {
+ return (d_insert_phasing) ?
+ d_npostpad + d_down_ramp.size() : d_npostpad;
+ }
+ void
+ @IMPL_NAME@::write_padding(@O_TYPE@ *&dst, int &nwritten, int nspace)
+ {
+ int nprocess = std::min(d_limit - d_index, nspace);
+ std::memset(dst, 0x00, nprocess * sizeof(@O_TYPE@));
+ dst += nprocess;
+ nwritten += nprocess;
+ d_index += nprocess;
+ }
+ void
+ @IMPL_NAME@::copy_items(@O_TYPE@ *&dst, const @I_TYPE@ *&src, int &nwritten,
+ int &nread, int nspace)
+ {
+ int nprocess = std::min(d_limit - d_index, nspace);
+ propagate_tags(nread, nwritten, nprocess);
+ std::memcpy(dst, src, nprocess * sizeof(@O_TYPE@));
+ dst += nprocess;
+ nwritten += nprocess;
+ src += nprocess;
+ nread += nprocess;
+ d_index += nprocess;
+ }
+ void
+ @IMPL_NAME@::apply_ramp(@O_TYPE@ *&dst, const @I_TYPE@ *&src, int &nwritten,
+ int &nread, int nspace)
+ {
+ int nprocess = std::min(d_limit - d_index, nspace);
+ @O_TYPE@ *phasing;
+ const @O_TYPE@ *ramp;
+ if(d_state == STATE_RAMPUP) {
+ phasing = &d_up_phasing[d_index];
+ ramp = &d_up_ramp[d_index];
+ }
+ else {
+ phasing = &d_down_phasing[d_index];
+ ramp = &d_down_ramp[d_index];
+ }
+ if(d_insert_phasing)
+ std::memcpy(dst, phasing, nprocess * sizeof(@O_TYPE@));
+ else {
+ propagate_tags(nread, nwritten, nprocess);
+ VOLK_MULT_@O_TYPE@(dst, src, ramp, nprocess);
+ src += nprocess;
+ nread += nprocess;
+ }
+ dst += nprocess;
+ nwritten += nprocess;
+ d_index += nprocess;
+ }
+ void
+ @IMPL_NAME@::add_length_tag(int offset)
+ {
+ add_item_tag(0, nitems_written(0) + offset, d_length_tag_key,
+ pmt::from_long(d_ncopy + prefix_length() +
+ suffix_length()),
+ pmt::string_to_symbol(name()));
+ }
+ void
+ @IMPL_NAME@::propagate_tags(int in_offset, int out_offset, int count, bool skip)
+ {
+ uint64_t abs_start = nitems_read(0) + in_offset;
+ uint64_t abs_end = abs_start + count;
+ uint64_t abs_offset = nitems_written(0) + out_offset;
+ tag_t temp_tag;
+ std::vector<tag_t> tags;
+ std::vector<tag_t>::iterator it;
+ get_tags_in_range(tags, 0, abs_start, abs_end);
+ for(it = tags.begin(); it != tags.end(); it++) {
+ if(!pmt::equal(it->key, d_length_tag_key)) {
+ if(skip && (it->offset == d_length_tag_offset))
+ continue;
+ temp_tag = *it;
+ temp_tag.offset = abs_offset + it->offset - abs_start;
+ add_item_tag(0, temp_tag);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ @IMPL_NAME@::enter_wait()
+ {
+ d_finished = true;
+ d_index = 0;
+ d_state = STATE_WAIT;
+ }
+ void
+ @IMPL_NAME@::enter_prepad()
+ {
+ d_limit = d_nprepad;
+ d_index = 0;
+ d_state = STATE_PREPAD;
+ }
+ void
+ @IMPL_NAME@::enter_rampup()
+ {
+ if(d_insert_phasing)
+ d_limit = d_up_ramp.size();
+ else
+ d_limit = std::min((size_t)(d_ncopy/2), d_up_ramp.size());
+ d_index = 0;
+ d_state = STATE_RAMPUP;
+ }
+ void
+ @IMPL_NAME@::enter_copy()
+ {
+ if(d_insert_phasing)
+ d_limit = d_ncopy;
+ else
+ d_limit = d_ncopy - std::min((size_t)((d_ncopy/2)*2),
+ d_up_ramp.size() +
+ d_down_ramp.size());
+ d_index = 0;
+ d_state = STATE_COPY;
+ }
+ void
+ @IMPL_NAME@::enter_rampdown()
+ {
+ if(d_insert_phasing)
+ d_limit = d_down_ramp.size();
+ else
+ d_limit = std::min((size_t)(d_ncopy/2), d_down_ramp.size());
+ d_index = 0;
+ d_state = STATE_RAMPDOWN;
+ }
+ void
+ @IMPL_NAME@::enter_postpad()
+ {
+ d_limit = d_npostpad;
+ d_index = 0;
+ d_state = STATE_POSTPAD;
+ }
+ } /* namespace digital */
+} /* namespace gr */
diff --git a/gr-digital/lib/burst_shaper_XX_impl.h.t b/gr-digital/lib/burst_shaper_XX_impl.h.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99ad7fb08a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-digital/lib/burst_shaper_XX_impl.h.t
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+/* @WARNING@ */
+#ifndef @GUARD_NAME@
+#define @GUARD_NAME@
+#include <gnuradio/digital/@BASE_NAME@.h>
+namespace gr {
+ namespace digital {
+ class @IMPL_NAME@ : public @BASE_NAME@
+ {
+ protected:
+ private:
+ const std::vector<@O_TYPE@> d_up_ramp;
+ const std::vector<@O_TYPE@> d_down_ramp;
+ const int d_nprepad;
+ const int d_npostpad;
+ const bool d_insert_phasing;
+ const pmt::pmt_t d_length_tag_key;
+ std::vector<@O_TYPE@> d_up_phasing;
+ std::vector<@O_TYPE@> d_down_phasing;
+ int d_ncopy;
+ int d_limit;
+ int d_index;
+ uint64_t d_length_tag_offset;
+ bool d_finished;
+ state_t d_state;
+ void write_padding(@O_TYPE@ *&dst, int &nwritten, int nspace);
+ void copy_items(@O_TYPE@ *&dst, const @I_TYPE@ *&src, int &nwritten,
+ int &nread, int nspace);
+ void apply_ramp(@O_TYPE@ *&dst, const @I_TYPE@ *&src, int &nwritten,
+ int &nread, int nspace);
+ void add_length_tag(int offset);
+ void propagate_tags(int in_offset, int out_offset, int count, bool skip=true);
+ void enter_wait();
+ void enter_prepad();
+ void enter_rampup();
+ void enter_copy();
+ void enter_rampdown();
+ void enter_postpad();
+ public:
+ @IMPL_NAME@(const std::vector<@O_TYPE@> &taps, int pre_padding,
+ int post_padding, bool insert_phasing,
+ const std::string &length_tag_name);
+ ~@IMPL_NAME@();
+ void forecast(int noutput_items, gr_vector_int &ninput_items_required);
+ int general_work(int noutput_items,
+ gr_vector_int &ninput_items,
+ gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
+ gr_vector_void_star &output_items);
+ int pre_padding() const { return d_nprepad; }
+ int post_padding() const { return d_npostpad; }
+ int prefix_length() const;
+ int suffix_length() const;
+ };
+ } // namespace digital
+} // namespace gr
+#endif /* @GUARD_NAME@ */
diff --git a/gr-digital/lib/ b/gr-digital/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac753fbba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-digital/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <gnuradio/io_signature.h>
+#include <gnuradio/math.h>
+#include "corr_est_cc_impl.h"
+#include <volk/volk.h>
+#include <boost/format.hpp>
+#include <boost/math/special_functions/round.hpp>
+#include <gnuradio/filter/pfb_arb_resampler.h>
+#include <gnuradio/filter/firdes.h>
+namespace gr {
+ namespace digital {
+ corr_est_cc::sptr
+ corr_est_cc::make(const std::vector<gr_complex> &symbols,
+ float sps, unsigned int mark_delay,
+ float threshold)
+ {
+ return gnuradio::get_initial_sptr
+ (new corr_est_cc_impl(symbols, sps, mark_delay, threshold));
+ }
+ corr_est_cc_impl::corr_est_cc_impl(const std::vector<gr_complex> &symbols,
+ float sps, unsigned int mark_delay,
+ float threshold)
+ : sync_block("corr_est_cc",
+ io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(gr_complex)),
+ io_signature::make(1, 2, sizeof(gr_complex))),
+ d_src_id(pmt::intern(alias()))
+ {
+ d_sps = sps;
+ // Create time-reversed conjugate of symbols
+ d_symbols = symbols;
+ for(size_t i=0; i < d_symbols.size(); i++) {
+ d_symbols[i] = conj(d_symbols[i]);
+ }
+ std::reverse(d_symbols.begin(), d_symbols.end());
+ set_mark_delay(mark_delay);
+ set_threshold(threshold);
+ // Correlation filter
+ d_filter = new kernel::fft_filter_ccc(1, d_symbols);
+ // Per comments in gr-filter/include/gnuradio/filter/fft_filter.h,
+ // set the block output multiple to the FFT filter kernel's internal,
+ // assumed "nsamples", to ensure the scheduler always passes a
+ // proper number of samples.
+ int nsamples;
+ nsamples = d_filter->set_taps(d_symbols);
+ set_output_multiple(nsamples);
+ // It looks like the kernel::fft_filter_ccc stashes a tail between
+ // calls, so that contains our filtering history (I think). The
+ // fft_filter_ccc block (which calls the kernel::fft_filter_ccc) sets
+ // the history to 1 (0 history items), so let's follow its lead.
+ //set_history(1);
+ // We'll (ab)use the history for our own purposes of tagging back in time.
+ // Keep a history of the length of the sync word to delay for tagging.
+ set_history(d_symbols.size()+1);
+ declare_sample_delay(1, 0);
+ declare_sample_delay(0, d_symbols.size());
+ // Setting the alignment multiple for volk causes problems with the
+ // expected behavior of setting the output multiple for the FFT filter.
+ // Don't set the alignment multiple.
+ //const int alignment_multiple =
+ // volk_get_alignment() / sizeof(gr_complex);
+ //set_alignment(std::max(1,alignment_multiple));
+ // In order to easily support the optional second output,
+ // don't deal with an unbounded max number of output items.
+ // For the common case of not using the optional second output,
+ // this ensures we optimally call the volk routines.
+ const size_t nitems = 24*1024;
+ set_max_noutput_items(nitems);
+ d_corr = (gr_complex *)
+ volk_malloc(sizeof(gr_complex)*nitems, volk_get_alignment());
+ d_corr_mag = (float *)
+ volk_malloc(sizeof(float)*nitems, volk_get_alignment());
+ }
+ corr_est_cc_impl::~corr_est_cc_impl()
+ {
+ delete d_filter;
+ volk_free(d_corr);
+ volk_free(d_corr_mag);
+ }
+ std::vector<gr_complex>
+ corr_est_cc_impl::symbols() const
+ {
+ return d_symbols;
+ }
+ void
+ corr_est_cc_impl::set_symbols(const std::vector<gr_complex> &symbols)
+ {
+ gr::thread::scoped_lock lock(d_setlock);
+ d_symbols = symbols;
+ // Per comments in gr-filter/include/gnuradio/filter/fft_filter.h,
+ // set the block output multiple to the FFT filter kernel's internal,
+ // assumed "nsamples", to ensure the scheduler always passes a
+ // proper number of samples.
+ int nsamples;
+ nsamples = d_filter->set_taps(d_symbols);
+ set_output_multiple(nsamples);
+ // It looks like the kernel::fft_filter_ccc stashes a tail between
+ // calls, so that contains our filtering history (I think). The
+ // fft_filter_ccc block (which calls the kernel::fft_filter_ccc) sets
+ // the history to 1 (0 history items), so let's follow its lead.
+ //set_history(1);
+ // We'll (ab)use the history for our own purposes of tagging back in time.
+ // Keep a history of the length of the sync word to delay for tagging.
+ set_history(d_symbols.size()+1);
+ declare_sample_delay(1, 0);
+ declare_sample_delay(0, d_symbols.size());
+ _set_mark_delay(d_stashed_mark_delay);
+ _set_threshold(d_stashed_threshold);
+ }
+ unsigned int
+ corr_est_cc_impl::mark_delay() const
+ {
+ return d_mark_delay;
+ }
+ void
+ corr_est_cc_impl::_set_mark_delay(unsigned int mark_delay)
+ {
+ d_stashed_mark_delay = mark_delay;
+ if(mark_delay >= d_symbols.size()) {
+ d_mark_delay = d_symbols.size()-1;
+ GR_LOG_WARN(d_logger, boost::format("set_mark_delay: asked for %1% but due "
+ "to the symbol size constraints, "
+ "mark delay set to %2%.") \
+ % mark_delay % d_mark_delay);
+ }
+ else {
+ d_mark_delay = mark_delay;
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ corr_est_cc_impl::set_mark_delay(unsigned int mark_delay)
+ {
+ gr::thread::scoped_lock lock(d_setlock);
+ _set_mark_delay(mark_delay);
+ }
+ float
+ corr_est_cc_impl::threshold() const
+ {
+ return d_thresh;
+ }
+ void
+ corr_est_cc_impl::_set_threshold(float threshold)
+ {
+ d_stashed_threshold = threshold;
+ // Compute a correlation threshold.
+ // Compute the value of the discrete autocorrelation of the matched
+ // filter with offset 0 (aka the autocorrelation peak).
+ float corr = 0;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < d_symbols.size(); i++)
+ corr += abs(d_symbols[i]*conj(d_symbols[i]));
+ d_thresh = threshold*corr*corr;
+ }
+ void
+ corr_est_cc_impl::set_threshold(float threshold)
+ {
+ gr::thread::scoped_lock lock(d_setlock);
+ _set_threshold(threshold);
+ }
+ int
+ corr_est_cc_impl::work(int noutput_items,
+ gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
+ gr_vector_void_star &output_items)
+ {
+ gr::thread::scoped_lock lock(d_setlock);
+ const gr_complex *in = (gr_complex *)input_items[0];
+ gr_complex *out = (gr_complex*)output_items[0];
+ gr_complex *corr;
+ if (output_items.size() > 1)
+ corr = (gr_complex *) output_items[1];
+ else
+ corr = d_corr;
+ // Our correlation filter length
+ unsigned int hist_len = history() - 1;
+ // Delay the output by our correlation filter length so we can
+ // tag backwards in time
+ memcpy(out, &in[0], sizeof(gr_complex)*noutput_items);
+ // Calculate the correlation of the non-delayed input with the
+ // known symbols.
+ d_filter->filter(noutput_items, &in[hist_len], corr);
+ // Find the magnitude squared of the correlation
+ volk_32fc_magnitude_squared_32f(&d_corr_mag[0], corr, noutput_items);
+ int isps = (int)(d_sps + 0.5f);
+ int i = 0;
+ while(i < noutput_items) {
+ // Look for the correlator output to cross the threshold
+ if (d_corr_mag[i] <= d_thresh) {
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Go to (just past) the current correlator output peak
+ while ((i < (noutput_items-1)) &&
+ (d_corr_mag[i] < d_corr_mag[i+1]))
+ i++;
+ // Delaying the primary signal output by the matched filter
+ // length using history(), means that the the peak output of
+ // the matched filter aligns with the start of the desired
+ // sync word in the primary signal output. This corr_start
+ // tag is not offset to another sample, so that downstream
+ // data-aided blocks (like adaptive equalizers) know exactly
+ // where the start of the correlated symbols are.
+ add_item_tag(0, nitems_written(0) + i, pmt::intern("corr_start"),
+ pmt::from_double(d_corr_mag[i]), d_src_id);
+ // Peak detector using a "center of mass" approach center
+ // holds the +/- fraction of a sample index from the found
+ // peak index to the estimated actual peak index.
+ double center = 0.0;
+ if (i > 0 and i < (noutput_items - 1)) {
+ double nom = 0, den = 0;
+ for(int s = 0; s < 3; s++) {
+ nom += (s+1)*d_corr_mag[i+s-1];
+ den += d_corr_mag[i+s-1];
+ }
+ center = nom / den - 2.0;
+ }
+ // Calculate the phase offset of the incoming signal.
+ //
+ // The analytic cross-correlation is:
+ //
+ // 2A*e_bb(t-t_d)*exp(-j*2*pi*f*(t-t_d) - j*phi_bb(t-t_d) - j*theta_c)
+ //
+ // The analytic auto-correlation's envelope, e_bb(), has its
+ // peak at the "group delay" time, t = t_d. The analytic
+ // cross-correlation's center frequency phase shift, theta_c,
+ // is determined from the argument of the analytic
+ // cross-correlation at the "group delay" time, t = t_d.
+ //
+ // Taking the argument of the analytic cross-correlation at
+ // any other time will include the baseband auto-correlation's
+ // phase term, phi_bb(t-t_d), and a frequency dependent term
+ // of the cross-correlation, which I don't believe maps simply
+ // to expected symbol phase differences.
+ float phase = fast_atan2f(corr[i].imag(), corr[i].real());
+ int index = i + d_mark_delay;
+ add_item_tag(0, nitems_written(0) + index, pmt::intern("phase_est"),
+ pmt::from_double(phase), d_src_id);
+ add_item_tag(0, nitems_written(0) + index, pmt::intern("time_est"),
+ pmt::from_double(center), d_src_id);
+ // N.B. the appropriate d_corr_mag[] index is "i", not "index".
+ add_item_tag(0, nitems_written(0) + index, pmt::intern("corr_est"),
+ pmt::from_double(d_corr_mag[i]), d_src_id);
+ if (output_items.size() > 1) {
+ // N.B. these debug tags are not offset to avoid walking off out buf
+ add_item_tag(1, nitems_written(0) + i, pmt::intern("phase_est"),
+ pmt::from_double(phase), d_src_id);
+ add_item_tag(1, nitems_written(0) + i, pmt::intern("time_est"),
+ pmt::from_double(center), d_src_id);
+ add_item_tag(1, nitems_written(0) + i, pmt::intern("corr_est"),
+ pmt::from_double(d_corr_mag[i]), d_src_id);
+ }
+ // Skip ahead to the next potential symbol peak
+ // (for non-offset/interleaved symbols)
+ i += isps;
+ }
+ //if (output_items.size() > 1)
+ // add_item_tag(1, nitems_written(0) + noutput_items - 1,
+ // pmt::intern("ce_eow"), pmt::from_uint64(noutput_items),
+ // d_src_id);
+ return noutput_items;
+ }
+ } /* namespace digital */
+} /* namespace gr */
diff --git a/gr-digital/lib/corr_est_cc_impl.h b/gr-digital/lib/corr_est_cc_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e8dd17083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-digital/lib/corr_est_cc_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <gnuradio/digital/corr_est_cc.h>
+#include <gnuradio/filter/fft_filter.h>
+using namespace gr::filter;
+namespace gr {
+ namespace digital {
+ class corr_est_cc_impl : public corr_est_cc
+ {
+ private:
+ pmt::pmt_t d_src_id;
+ std::vector<gr_complex> d_symbols;
+ float d_sps;
+ unsigned int d_mark_delay, d_stashed_mark_delay;
+ float d_thresh, d_stashed_threshold;
+ kernel::fft_filter_ccc *d_filter;
+ gr_complex *d_corr;
+ float *d_corr_mag;
+ void _set_mark_delay(unsigned int mark_delay);
+ void _set_threshold(float threshold);
+ public:
+ corr_est_cc_impl(const std::vector<gr_complex> &symbols,
+ float sps, unsigned int mark_delay,
+ float threshold=0.9);
+ ~corr_est_cc_impl();
+ std::vector<gr_complex> symbols() const;
+ void set_symbols(const std::vector<gr_complex> &symbols);
+ unsigned int mark_delay() const;
+ void set_mark_delay(unsigned int mark_delay);
+ float threshold() const;
+ void set_threshold(float threshold);
+ int work(int noutput_items,
+ gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
+ gr_vector_void_star &output_items);
+ };
+ } // namespace digital
+} // namespace gr
diff --git a/gr-digital/lib/ b/gr-digital/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..281e3435c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-digital/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+* Copyright 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+* This file is part of GNU Radio
+* GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+* any later version.
+* GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+* Generate a modulated transmit vector corresponding to a particular
+* data sequence, resampling rate, and shaping filter. The output is
+* suitable for use as a candidate filter for the correlate_and_sync
+* block, or just for prototyping.
+* It accepts a sptr to a modulator block as an argument; given
+* suitable data vectors and arguments you should be able to use any of
+* the GNU Radio modulator blocks as a modulator. Be careful that some
+* modulators expect packed words, some expect unpacked words, and some
+* have unique expectations, requirements, or limitations.
+* modulator as: gr.block or gr.hier_block
+* taps as: list or array
+#include "config.h"
+#include <gnuradio/blocks/vector_source_b.h>
+#include <gnuradio/blocks/vector_sink_c.h>
+#include <gnuradio/filter/fir_filter_ccf.h>
+#include <gnuradio/top_block.h>
+#include <gnuradio/digital/modulate_vector.h>
+namespace gr {
+ namespace digital {
+ std::vector<gr_complex> modulate_vector_bc(basic_block_sptr modulator,
+ std::vector<uint8_t> data,
+ std::vector<float> taps)
+ {
+ blocks::vector_source_b::sptr vector_src = blocks::vector_source_b::make(data);
+ filter::fir_filter_ccf::sptr filter = filter::fir_filter_ccf::make(1, taps);
+ blocks::vector_sink_c::sptr vector_sink = blocks::vector_sink_c::make();
+ top_block_sptr tb = make_top_block("modulate_vector");
+ tb->connect(vector_src, 0, modulator, 0);
+ tb->connect(modulator, 0, filter, 0);
+ tb->connect(filter, 0, vector_sink, 0);
+ tb->run();
+ return vector_sink->data();
+ }
+ } /* namespace digital */
+} /* namespace gr */
diff --git a/gr-digital/lib/ b/gr-digital/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a567357019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-digital/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <gnuradio/io_signature.h>
+#include <gnuradio/math.h>
+#include "msk_timing_recovery_cc_impl.h"
+#include <gnuradio/filter/firdes.h>
+namespace gr {
+ namespace digital {
+ msk_timing_recovery_cc::sptr
+ msk_timing_recovery_cc::make(float sps, float gain, float limit, int osps=1)
+ {
+ return gnuradio::get_initial_sptr
+ (new msk_timing_recovery_cc_impl(sps, gain, limit, osps));
+ }
+ /*
+ * The private constructor
+ */
+ msk_timing_recovery_cc_impl::msk_timing_recovery_cc_impl(float sps, float gain, float limit, int osps)
+ : gr::block("msk_timing_recovery_cc",
+ gr::io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(gr_complex)),
+ gr::io_signature::make3(1, 3, sizeof(gr_complex), sizeof(float), sizeof(float))),
+ d_limit(limit),
+ d_interp(new filter::mmse_fir_interpolator_cc()),
+ d_dly_conj_1(0),
+ d_dly_conj_2(0),
+ d_dly_diff_1(0),
+ d_mu(0.5),
+ d_div(0),
+ d_osps(osps)
+ {
+ set_sps(sps);
+ enable_update_rate(true); //fixes tag propagation through variable rate blox
+ set_gain(gain);
+ if(d_osps != 1 && d_osps != 2) throw std::out_of_range("osps must be 1 or 2");
+ }
+ msk_timing_recovery_cc_impl::~msk_timing_recovery_cc_impl()
+ {
+ delete d_interp;
+ }
+ void msk_timing_recovery_cc_impl::set_sps(float sps) {
+ d_sps = sps/2.0; //loop runs at 2x sps
+ d_omega = d_sps;
+ set_relative_rate(d_osps/sps);
+// set_history(d_sps);
+ }
+ float msk_timing_recovery_cc_impl::get_sps(void) {
+ return d_sps;
+ }
+ void msk_timing_recovery_cc_impl::set_gain(float gain) {
+ d_gain = gain;
+ if(d_gain <= 0) throw std::out_of_range("Gain must be positive");
+ d_gain_omega = d_gain*d_gain*0.25;
+ }
+ float msk_timing_recovery_cc_impl::get_gain(void) {
+ return d_gain;
+ }
+ void msk_timing_recovery_cc_impl::set_limit(float limit) {
+ d_limit = limit;
+ }
+ float msk_timing_recovery_cc_impl::get_limit(void) {
+ return d_limit;
+ }
+ void
+ msk_timing_recovery_cc_impl::forecast (int noutput_items, gr_vector_int &ninput_items_required)
+ {
+ unsigned ninputs = ninput_items_required.size();
+ for(unsigned i=0; i<ninputs; i++) {
+ ninput_items_required[i] = (int)ceil((noutput_items*d_sps*2) + 3.0*d_sps + d_interp->ntaps());
+ }
+ }
+ int
+ msk_timing_recovery_cc_impl::general_work (int noutput_items,
+ gr_vector_int &ninput_items,
+ gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
+ gr_vector_void_star &output_items)
+ {
+ const gr_complex *in = (const gr_complex *) input_items[0];
+ gr_complex *out = (gr_complex *) output_items[0];
+ float *out2, *out3;
+ if(output_items.size() >= 2) out2 = (float *) output_items[1];
+ if(output_items.size() >= 3) out3 = (float *) output_items[2];
+ int oidx=0, iidx=0;
+ int ninp=ninput_items[0] - 3.0*d_sps;
+ if(ninp <= 0) {
+ consume_each(0);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ std::vector<tag_t> tags;
+ get_tags_in_range(tags,
+ 0,
+ nitems_read(0),
+ nitems_read(0)+ninp,
+ pmt::intern("time_est"));
+ gr_complex sq, //Squared input
+ dly_conj, //Input delayed sps and conjugated
+ nlin_out, //output of the nonlinearity
+ in_interp; //interpolated input
+ float err_out=0; //error output
+ while(oidx < noutput_items && iidx < ninp) {
+ //check to see if there's a tag to reset the timing estimate
+ if(tags.size() > 0) {
+ int offset = tags[0].offset - nitems_read(0);
+ if((offset >= iidx) && (offset < (iidx+d_sps))) {
+ float center = (float) pmt::to_double(tags[0].value);
+ if(center != center) { //test for NaN, it happens somehow
+ tags.erase(tags.begin());
+ goto out;
+ }
+ d_mu = center;
+ iidx = offset;
+ if(d_mu<0) {
+ d_mu++;
+ iidx--;
+ }
+ d_div = 0;
+ d_omega = d_sps;
+ d_dly_conj_2 = d_dly_conj_1;
+ //this keeps the block from outputting an odd number of
+ //samples and throwing off downstream blocks which depend
+ //on proper alignment -- for instance, a decimating FIR
+ //filter.
+// if(d_div == 0 and d_osps == 2) oidx++;
+ tags.erase(tags.begin());
+ }
+ }
+ //the actual equation for the nonlinearity is as follows:
+ //e(n) = in[n]^2 * in[n-sps].conj()^2
+ //we then differentiate the error by subtracting the sample delayed by d_sps/2
+ in_interp = d_interp->interpolate(&in[iidx], d_mu);
+ sq = in_interp*in_interp;
+ //conjugation is distributive.
+ dly_conj = std::conj(d_dly_conj_2*d_dly_conj_2);
+ nlin_out = sq*dly_conj;
+ //TODO: paper argues that some improvement can be had
+ //if you either operate at >2sps or use a better numeric
+ //differentiation method.
+ err_out = std::real(nlin_out - d_dly_diff_1);
+ if(d_div % 2) { //error loop calc once per symbol
+ err_out = gr::branchless_clip(err_out, 3.0);
+ d_omega += d_gain_omega*err_out;
+ d_omega = d_sps + gr::branchless_clip(d_omega-d_sps, d_limit);
+ d_mu += d_gain*err_out;
+ }
+ //output every other d_sps by default.
+ if(!(d_div % 2) or d_osps==2) {
+ out[oidx] = in_interp;
+ if(output_items.size() >= 2) out2[oidx] = err_out;
+ if(output_items.size() >= 3) out3[oidx] = d_mu;
+ oidx++;
+ }
+ d_div++;
+ d_dly_conj_1 = in_interp;
+ d_dly_conj_2 = d_dly_conj_1;
+ d_dly_diff_1 = nlin_out;
+ //update interpolator twice per symbol
+ d_mu += d_omega;
+ iidx += (int)floor(d_mu);
+ d_mu -= floor(d_mu);
+ }
+ consume_each (iidx);
+ return oidx;
+ }
+ } /* namespace digital */
+} /* namespace gr */
diff --git a/gr-digital/lib/msk_timing_recovery_cc_impl.h b/gr-digital/lib/msk_timing_recovery_cc_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02c29dc6ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-digital/lib/msk_timing_recovery_cc_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <gnuradio/digital/msk_timing_recovery_cc.h>
+#include <gnuradio/filter/mmse_fir_interpolator_cc.h>
+#include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp>
+#include <gnuradio/filter/fir_filter_with_buffer.h>
+namespace gr {
+ namespace digital {
+ class msk_timing_recovery_cc_impl : public msk_timing_recovery_cc
+ {
+ private:
+ float d_sps;
+ float d_gain;
+ float d_limit;
+ filter::mmse_fir_interpolator_cc *d_interp;
+ filter::kernel::fir_filter_with_buffer_fff *d_decim;
+ gr_complex d_dly_conj_1, d_dly_conj_2, d_dly_diff_1;
+ float d_mu, d_omega, d_gain_omega;
+ int d_div;
+ int d_osps;
+ int d_loop_rate;
+ public:
+ msk_timing_recovery_cc_impl(float sps, float gain, float limit, int osps);
+ ~msk_timing_recovery_cc_impl();
+ // Where all the action really happens
+ void forecast (int noutput_items, gr_vector_int &ninput_items_required);
+ int general_work(int noutput_items,
+ gr_vector_int &ninput_items,
+ gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
+ gr_vector_void_star &output_items);
+ void set_gain(float gain);
+ float get_gain(void);
+ void set_limit(float limit);
+ float get_limit(void);
+ void set_sps(float sps);
+ float get_sps(void);
+ };
+ } // namespace digital
+} // namespace gr
diff --git a/gr-digital/python/digital/ b/gr-digital/python/digital/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..f85b79ceec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-digital/python/digital/
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GNU Radio
+# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+from gnuradio import gr, gr_unittest
+from gnuradio import blocks, digital
+import pmt
+import numpy as np
+import sys
+def make_length_tag(offset, length):
+ return gr.python_to_tag({'offset' : offset,
+ 'key' : pmt.intern('packet_len'),
+ 'value' : pmt.from_long(length),
+ 'srcid' : pmt.intern('qa_burst_shaper')})
+def make_tag(offset, key, value):
+ return gr.python_to_tag({'offset' : offset,
+ 'key' : pmt.intern(key),
+ 'value' : value,
+ 'srcid' : pmt.intern('qa_burst_shaper')})
+def compare_tags(a, b):
+ return a.offset == b.offset and pmt.equal(a.key, b.key) and \
+ pmt.equal(a.value, b.value)
+class qa_burst_shaper (gr_unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp (self):
+ self.tb = gr.top_block ()
+ def tearDown (self):
+ self.tb = None
+ def test_ff (self):
+ prepad = 10
+ postpad = 10
+ length = 20
+ data = np.ones(length + 10) # need 10 more to push things through
+ window = np.concatenate((-2.0*np.ones(5), -4.0*np.ones(5)))
+ tags = (make_length_tag(0, length),)
+ expected = np.concatenate((np.zeros(prepad), window[0:5],
+ np.ones(length - len(window)), window[5:10],
+ np.zeros(postpad)))
+ etag = make_length_tag(0, length + prepad + postpad)
+ # flowgraph
+ source = blocks.vector_source_f(data, tags=tags)
+ shaper = digital.burst_shaper_ff(window, pre_padding=prepad,
+ post_padding=postpad)
+ sink = blocks.vector_sink_f()
+ self.tb.connect(source, shaper, sink)
+ ()
+ # checks
+ self.assertFloatTuplesAlmostEqual(, expected, 6)
+ self.assertTrue(compare_tags(sink.tags()[0], etag))
+ def test_cc (self):
+ prepad = 10
+ postpad = 10
+ length = 20
+ data = np.ones(length + 10,
+ dtype=complex) # need 10 more to push things through
+ window = np.concatenate((-2.0*np.ones(5, dtype=complex),
+ -4.0*np.ones(5, dtype=complex)))
+ tags = (make_length_tag(0, length),)
+ expected = np.concatenate((np.zeros(prepad, dtype=complex), window[0:5],
+ np.ones(length - len(window), dtype=complex),
+ window[5:10], np.zeros(postpad,
+ dtype=complex)))
+ etag = make_length_tag(0, length + prepad + postpad)
+ # flowgraph
+ source = blocks.vector_source_c(data, tags=tags)
+ shaper = digital.burst_shaper_cc(window, pre_padding=prepad,
+ post_padding=postpad)
+ sink = blocks.vector_sink_c()
+ self.tb.connect(source, shaper, sink)
+ ()
+ # checks
+ self.assertComplexTuplesAlmostEqual(, expected, 6)
+ self.assertTrue(compare_tags(sink.tags()[0], etag))
+ def test_ff_with_phasing (self):
+ prepad = 10
+ postpad = 10
+ length = 20
+ data = np.ones(length + 10) # need 10 more to push things through
+ window = np.concatenate((-2.0*np.ones(5), -4.0*np.ones(5)))
+ tags = (make_length_tag(0, length),)
+ phasing = np.zeros(5)
+ for i in xrange(5):
+ phasing[i] = ((-1.0)**i)
+ expected = np.concatenate((np.zeros(prepad), phasing*window[0:5],
+ np.ones(length), phasing*window[5:10],
+ np.zeros(postpad)))
+ etag = make_length_tag(0, length + prepad + postpad + len(window))
+ # flowgraph
+ source = blocks.vector_source_f(data, tags=tags)
+ shaper = digital.burst_shaper_ff(window, pre_padding=prepad,
+ post_padding=postpad,
+ insert_phasing=True)
+ sink = blocks.vector_sink_f()
+ self.tb.connect(source, shaper, sink)
+ ()
+ # checks
+ self.assertFloatTuplesAlmostEqual(, expected, 6)
+ self.assertTrue(compare_tags(sink.tags()[0], etag))
+ def test_cc_with_phasing (self):
+ prepad = 10
+ postpad = 10
+ length = 20
+ data = np.ones(length + 10,
+ dtype=complex) # need 10 more to push things through
+ window = np.concatenate((-2.0*np.ones(5, dtype=complex),
+ -4.0*np.ones(5, dtype=complex)))
+ tags = (make_length_tag(0, length),)
+ phasing = np.zeros(5, dtype=complex)
+ for i in xrange(5):
+ phasing[i] = complex((-1.0)**i)
+ expected = np.concatenate((np.zeros(prepad, dtype=complex),
+ phasing*window[0:5],
+ np.ones(length, dtype=complex),
+ phasing*window[5:10],
+ np.zeros(postpad, dtype=complex)))
+ etag = make_length_tag(0, length + prepad + postpad + len(window))
+ # flowgraph
+ source = blocks.vector_source_c(data, tags=tags)
+ shaper = digital.burst_shaper_cc(window, pre_padding=prepad,
+ post_padding=postpad,
+ insert_phasing=True)
+ sink = blocks.vector_sink_c()
+ self.tb.connect(source, shaper, sink)
+ ()
+ # checks
+ self.assertComplexTuplesAlmostEqual(, expected, 6)
+ self.assertTrue(compare_tags(sink.tags()[0], etag))
+ def test_odd_window (self):
+ prepad = 10
+ postpad = 10
+ length = 20
+ data = np.ones(length + 10) # need 10 more to push things through
+ window = np.concatenate((-2.0*np.ones(5), -3.0*np.ones(1),
+ -4.0*np.ones(5)))
+ tags = (make_length_tag(0, length),)
+ expected = np.concatenate((np.zeros(prepad), window[0:6],
+ np.ones(length - len(window) - 1),
+ window[5:11], np.zeros(postpad)))
+ etag = make_length_tag(0, length + prepad + postpad)
+ # flowgraph
+ source = blocks.vector_source_f(data, tags=tags)
+ shaper = digital.burst_shaper_ff(window, pre_padding=prepad,
+ post_padding=postpad)
+ sink = blocks.vector_sink_f()
+ self.tb.connect(source, shaper, sink)
+ ()
+ # checks
+ self.assertFloatTuplesAlmostEqual(, expected, 6)
+ self.assertTrue(compare_tags(sink.tags()[0], etag))
+ def test_short_burst (self):
+ prepad = 10
+ postpad = 10
+ length = 9
+ data = np.ones(length + 10) # need 10 more to push things through
+ window = np.concatenate((-2.0*np.ones(5), -3.0*np.ones(1),
+ -4.0*np.ones(5)))
+ tags = (make_length_tag(0, length),)
+ expected = np.concatenate((np.zeros(prepad), window[0:4],
+ np.ones(1), window[5:9],
+ np.zeros(postpad)))
+ etag = make_length_tag(0, length + prepad + postpad)
+ # flowgraph
+ source = blocks.vector_source_f(data, tags=tags)
+ shaper = digital.burst_shaper_ff(window, pre_padding=prepad,
+ post_padding=postpad)
+ sink = blocks.vector_sink_f()
+ self.tb.connect(source, shaper, sink)
+ ()
+ # checks
+ self.assertFloatTuplesAlmostEqual(, expected, 6)
+ self.assertTrue(compare_tags(sink.tags()[0], etag))
+ def test_consecutive_bursts (self):
+ prepad = 10
+ postpad = 10
+ length1 = 15
+ length2 = 25
+ data = np.concatenate((np.ones(length1), -1.0*np.ones(length2),
+ np.zeros(10))) # need 10 more to push things through
+ window = np.concatenate((-2.0*np.ones(5), -4.0*np.ones(5)))
+ tags = (make_length_tag(0, length1), make_length_tag(length1, length2))
+ expected = np.concatenate((np.zeros(prepad), window[0:5],
+ np.ones(length1 - len(window)), window[5:10],
+ np.zeros(postpad + prepad), -1.0*window[0:5],
+ -1.0*np.ones(length2 - len(window)),
+ -1.0*window[5:10], np.zeros(postpad)))
+ etags = (make_length_tag(0, length1 + prepad + postpad),
+ make_length_tag(length1 + prepad + postpad,
+ length2 + prepad + postpad))
+ # flowgraph
+ source = blocks.vector_source_f(data, tags=tags)
+ shaper = digital.burst_shaper_ff(window, pre_padding=prepad,
+ post_padding=postpad)
+ sink = blocks.vector_sink_f()
+ self.tb.connect(source, shaper, sink)
+ ()
+ # checks
+ self.assertFloatTuplesAlmostEqual(, expected, 6)
+ for i in xrange(len(etags)):
+ self.assertTrue(compare_tags(sink.tags()[i], etags[i]))
+ def test_tag_gap (self):
+ prepad = 10
+ postpad = 10
+ length = 20
+ gap_len = 5
+ data = np.arange(2*length + 10,
+ dtype=float) # need 10 more to push things through
+ window = np.concatenate((-2.0*np.ones(5), -4.0*np.ones(5)))
+ ewindow = window * np.array([1,-1,1,-1,1,1,-1,1,-1,1],dtype=float)
+ tags = (make_length_tag(0, length),
+ make_length_tag(length + gap_len, length))
+ expected = np.concatenate((np.zeros(prepad), ewindow[0:5],
+ np.arange(0, length, dtype=float),
+ ewindow[5:10], np.zeros(postpad),
+ np.zeros(prepad), ewindow[0:5],
+ np.arange(length + gap_len,
+ 2*length + gap_len, dtype=float),
+ ewindow[5:10], np.zeros(postpad)))
+ burst_len = length + len(window) + prepad + postpad
+ etags = (make_length_tag(0, burst_len),
+ make_length_tag(burst_len, burst_len))
+ # flowgraph
+ source = blocks.vector_source_f(data, tags=tags)
+ shaper = digital.burst_shaper_ff(window, pre_padding=prepad,
+ post_padding=postpad,
+ insert_phasing=True)
+ sink = blocks.vector_sink_f()
+ self.tb.connect(source, shaper, sink)
+ ()
+ # checks
+ self.assertFloatTuplesAlmostEqual(, expected, 6)
+ for i in xrange(len(etags)):
+ self.assertTrue(compare_tags(sink.tags()[i], etags[i]))
+ def test_tag_propagation (self):
+ prepad = 10
+ postpad = 10
+ length1 = 15
+ length2 = 25
+ gap_len = 5
+ lentag1_offset = 0
+ lentag2_offset = length1 + gap_len
+ tag1_offset = 0 # accompanies first length tag
+ tag2_offset = length1 + gap_len # accompanies second length tag
+ tag3_offset = 2 # in ramp-up state
+ tag4_offset = length1 + 2 # in gap; tag will be dropped
+ tag5_offset = length1 + gap_len + 7 # in copy state
+ data = np.concatenate((np.ones(length1), np.zeros(gap_len),
+ -1.0*np.ones(length2), np.zeros(10)))
+ window = np.concatenate((-2.0*np.ones(5), -4.0*np.ones(5)))
+ tags = (make_length_tag(lentag1_offset, length1),
+ make_length_tag(lentag2_offset, length2),
+ make_tag(tag1_offset, 'head', pmt.intern('tag1')),
+ make_tag(tag2_offset, 'head', pmt.intern('tag2')),
+ make_tag(tag3_offset, 'body', pmt.intern('tag3')),
+ make_tag(tag4_offset, 'body', pmt.intern('tag4')),
+ make_tag(tag5_offset, 'body', pmt.intern('tag5')))
+ expected = np.concatenate((np.zeros(prepad), window[0:5],
+ np.ones(length1 - len(window)), window[5:10],
+ np.zeros(postpad + prepad), -1.0*window[0:5],
+ -1.0*np.ones(length2 - len(window)),
+ -1.0*window[5:10], np.zeros(postpad)))
+ elentag1_offset = 0
+ elentag2_offset = length1 + prepad + postpad
+ etag1_offset = 0
+ etag2_offset = elentag2_offset
+ etag3_offset = prepad + tag3_offset
+ etag5_offset = 2*prepad + postpad + tag5_offset - gap_len
+ etags = (make_length_tag(elentag1_offset, length1 + prepad + postpad),
+ make_length_tag(elentag2_offset, length2 + prepad + postpad),
+ make_tag(etag1_offset, 'head', pmt.intern('tag1')),
+ make_tag(etag2_offset, 'head', pmt.intern('tag2')),
+ make_tag(etag3_offset, 'body', pmt.intern('tag3')),
+ make_tag(etag5_offset, 'body', pmt.intern('tag5')))
+ # flowgraph
+ source = blocks.vector_source_f(data, tags=tags)
+ shaper = digital.burst_shaper_ff(window, pre_padding=prepad,
+ post_padding=postpad)
+ sink = blocks.vector_sink_f()
+ self.tb.connect(source, shaper, sink)
+ ()
+ # checks
+ self.assertFloatTuplesAlmostEqual(, expected, 6)
+ for x, y in zip(sorted(sink.tags(), key=gr.tag_t_offset_compare_key()),
+ sorted(etags, key=gr.tag_t_offset_compare_key())):
+ self.assertTrue(compare_tags(x, y))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+, "qa_burst_shaper.xml")
diff --git a/gr-digital/swig/digital_swig.i b/gr-digital/swig/digital_swig.i
index 43f68a3d6e..d7a3b81c15 100644
--- a/gr-digital/swig/digital_swig.i
+++ b/gr-digital/swig/digital_swig.i
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2011,2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
#include "gnuradio/digital/additive_scrambler_bb.h"
#include "gnuradio/digital/binary_slicer_fb.h"
+#include "gnuradio/digital/burst_shaper_cc.h"
+#include "gnuradio/digital/burst_shaper_ff.h"
#include "gnuradio/digital/chunks_to_symbols_bc.h"
#include "gnuradio/digital/chunks_to_symbols_bf.h"
#include "gnuradio/digital/chunks_to_symbols_ic.h"
@@ -52,6 +54,7 @@
#include "gnuradio/digital/constellation_decoder_cb.h"
#include "gnuradio/digital/constellation_receiver_cb.h"
#include "gnuradio/digital/constellation_soft_decoder_cf.h"
+#include "gnuradio/digital/corr_est_cc.h"
#include "gnuradio/digital/correlate_access_code_bb.h"
#include "gnuradio/digital/correlate_access_code_tag_bb.h"
#include "gnuradio/digital/correlate_access_code_bb_ts.h"
@@ -78,9 +81,11 @@
#include "gnuradio/digital/lms_dd_equalizer_cc.h"
#include "gnuradio/digital/map_bb.h"
#include "gnuradio/digital/metric_type.h"
+#include "gnuradio/digital/modulate_vector.h"
#include "gnuradio/digital/mpsk_receiver_cc.h"
#include "gnuradio/digital/mpsk_snr_est.h"
#include "gnuradio/digital/mpsk_snr_est_cc.h"
+#include "gnuradio/digital/msk_timing_recovery_cc.h"
#include "gnuradio/digital/ofdm_carrier_allocator_cvc.h"
#include "gnuradio/digital/ofdm_chanest_vcvc.h"
#include "gnuradio/digital/ofdm_cyclic_prefixer.h"
@@ -115,6 +120,8 @@
%include "gnuradio/digital/additive_scrambler_bb.h"
%include "gnuradio/digital/binary_slicer_fb.h"
+%include "gnuradio/digital/burst_shaper_cc.h"
+%include "gnuradio/digital/burst_shaper_ff.h"
%include "gnuradio/digital/chunks_to_symbols_bc.h"
%include "gnuradio/digital/chunks_to_symbols_bf.h"
%include "gnuradio/digital/chunks_to_symbols_ic.h"
@@ -128,6 +135,7 @@
%include "gnuradio/digital/constellation_decoder_cb.h"
%include "gnuradio/digital/constellation_receiver_cb.h"
%include "gnuradio/digital/constellation_soft_decoder_cf.h"
+%include "gnuradio/digital/corr_est_cc.h"
%include "gnuradio/digital/correlate_access_code_bb.h"
%include "gnuradio/digital/correlate_access_code_tag_bb.h"
%include "gnuradio/digital/correlate_access_code_bb_ts.h"
@@ -154,9 +162,11 @@
%include "gnuradio/digital/lms_dd_equalizer_cc.h"
%include "gnuradio/digital/map_bb.h"
%include "gnuradio/digital/metric_type.h"
+%include "gnuradio/digital/modulate_vector.h"
%include "gnuradio/digital/mpsk_receiver_cc.h"
%include "gnuradio/digital/mpsk_snr_est.h"
%include "gnuradio/digital/mpsk_snr_est_cc.h"
+%include "gnuradio/digital/msk_timing_recovery_cc.h"
%include "gnuradio/digital/ofdm_carrier_allocator_cvc.h"
%include "gnuradio/digital/ofdm_chanest_vcvc.h"
%include "gnuradio/digital/ofdm_cyclic_prefixer.h"
@@ -187,6 +197,8 @@
GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2(digital, additive_scrambler_bb);
GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2(digital, binary_slicer_fb);
+GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2(digital, burst_shaper_cc);
+GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2(digital, burst_shaper_ff);
GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2(digital, chunks_to_symbols_bc);
GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2(digital, chunks_to_symbols_bf);
GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2(digital, chunks_to_symbols_ic);
@@ -199,6 +211,7 @@ GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2(digital, cma_equalizer_cc);
GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2(digital, constellation_decoder_cb);
GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2(digital, constellation_receiver_cb);
GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2(digital, constellation_soft_decoder_cf);
+GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2(digital, corr_est_cc);
GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2(digital, correlate_access_code_bb);
GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2(digital, correlate_access_code_tag_bb);
GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2(digital, correlate_access_code_bb_ts);
@@ -224,6 +237,7 @@ GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2(digital, lms_dd_equalizer_cc);
GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2(digital, map_bb);
GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2(digital, mpsk_receiver_cc);
GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2(digital, mpsk_snr_est_cc);
+GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2(digital, msk_timing_recovery_cc);
GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2(digital, ofdm_carrier_allocator_cvc);
GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2(digital, ofdm_chanest_vcvc);
GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2(digital, ofdm_cyclic_prefixer);
diff --git a/gr-filter/examples/CMakeLists.txt b/gr-filter/examples/CMakeLists.txt
index 48b59ef099..a6229f38f4 100644
--- a/gr-filter/examples/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gr-filter/examples/CMakeLists.txt
+ filter_taps.grc
COMPONENT "filter_python"
diff --git a/gr-filter/examples/filter_taps.grc b/gr-filter/examples/filter_taps.grc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48d37b228a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-filter/examples/filter_taps.grc
@@ -0,0 +1,1299 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ASCII'?>
+<?grc format='1' created='3.7.7'?>
+ <timestamp>Wed Apr 8 11:00:48 2015</timestamp>
+ <block>
+ <key>options</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>filter_taps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>title</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>author</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>description</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>window_size</key>
+ <value>1280, 1024</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>generate_options</key>
+ <value>qt_gui</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>category</key>
+ <value>Custom</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>run_options</key>
+ <value>prompt</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>run</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>max_nouts</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>realtime_scheduling</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>thread_safe_setters</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(10, 10)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>sym_rate</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>samp_rate/sps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(1080, 171)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>sps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>2</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(1016, 171)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>bp_low</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>6000</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(120, 139)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>cutoff_high</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>14000</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(8, 211)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>32000</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(8, 83)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>transition</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>1000</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(8, 283)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>cutoff_low</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>2000</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(8, 147)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>bp_high</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>10000</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(120, 211)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>len_taps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>len(lp_taps)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(288, 35)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable_band_pass_filter_taps</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>bp_taps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>taps_real</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gain</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>samp_rate</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>low_cutoff_freq</key>
+ <value>bp_low</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>high_cutoff_freq</key>
+ <value>bp_high</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width</key>
+ <value>transition</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>win</key>
+ <value>firdes.WIN_HAMMING</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>beta</key>
+ <value>6.76</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(696, 35)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable_high_pass_filter_taps</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>hp_taps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gain</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>samp_rate</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>cutoff_freq</key>
+ <value>cutoff_low</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width</key>
+ <value>transition</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>win</key>
+ <value>firdes.WIN_HAMMING</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>beta</key>
+ <value>6.76</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(536, 35)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable_low_pass_filter_taps</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>lp_taps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gain</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>samp_rate</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>cutoff_freq</key>
+ <value>cutoff_high</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width</key>
+ <value>transition</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>win</key>
+ <value>firdes.WIN_HAMMING</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>beta</key>
+ <value>6.76</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(376, 35)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable_band_reject_filter_taps</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>br_taps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gain</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>samp_rate</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>low_cutoff_freq</key>
+ <value>bp_low</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>high_cutoff_freq</key>
+ <value>bp_high</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width</key>
+ <value>transition</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>win</key>
+ <value>firdes.WIN_HAMMING</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>beta</key>
+ <value>6.76</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(856, 35)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>fir_filter_xxx</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>lp_filter</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>fff</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>decim</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>taps</key>
+ <value>lp_taps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>samp_delay</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value>Low-pass filter</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(392, 203)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>fir_filter_xxx</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>hp_filter</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>fff</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>decim</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>taps</key>
+ <value>hp_taps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>samp_delay</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value>High-pass filter</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(392, 307)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>fir_filter_xxx</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>bp_filter</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>fff</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>decim</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>taps</key>
+ <value>bp_taps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>samp_delay</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value>Band-pass filter</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(392, 403)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>fir_filter_xxx</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>br_filter</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>fff</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>decim</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>taps</key>
+ <value>br_taps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>samp_delay</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value>Band-reject filter</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(392, 499)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable_rrc_filter_taps</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>rrc_taps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gain</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>samp_rate</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>sym_rate</key>
+ <value>sym_rate</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha</key>
+ <value>0.35</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ntaps</key>
+ <value>11*sps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(1016, 35)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>analog_fastnoise_source_x</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>analog_fastnoise_source_x_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>float</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>noise_type</key>
+ <value>analog.GR_GAUSSIAN</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>amp</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>seed</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>samples</key>
+ <value>8192</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(176, 387)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>fir_filter_xxx</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>rrc_filter</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>fff</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>decim</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>taps</key>
+ <value>rrc_taps</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>samp_delay</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value>RRC filter</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(392, 587)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>qtgui_freq_sink_x</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>qtgui_freq_sink_x_0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>float</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>name</key>
+ <value>""</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>fftsize</key>
+ <value>4096</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>freqhalf</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>wintype</key>
+ <value>firdes.WIN_BLACKMAN_hARRIS</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>fc</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>bw</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>grid</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>autoscale</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>average</key>
+ <value>0.2</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ymin</key>
+ <value>-140</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ymax</key>
+ <value>10</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>nconnections</key>
+ <value>5</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>update_time</key>
+ <value>0.10</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gui_hint</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>showports</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_mode</key>
+ <value>qtgui.TRIG_MODE_FREE</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_level</key>
+ <value>0.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_chan</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_tag</key>
+ <value>""</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ctrlpanel</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>legend</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label1</key>
+ <value>Low-pass</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width1</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color1</key>
+ <value>"blue"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha1</key>
+ <value>0.9</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label2</key>
+ <value>High-pass</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width2</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color2</key>
+ <value>"red"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha2</key>
+ <value>0.9</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label3</key>
+ <value>Band-pass</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width3</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color3</key>
+ <value>"green"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha3</key>
+ <value>0.9</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label4</key>
+ <value>Band-reject</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width4</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color4</key>
+ <value>"cyan"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha4</key>
+ <value>0.9</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label5</key>
+ <value>RRC</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width5</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color5</key>
+ <value>"magenta"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha5</key>
+ <value>0.9</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label6</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width6</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color6</key>
+ <value>"magenta"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha6</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label7</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width7</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color7</key>
+ <value>"yellow"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha7</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label8</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width8</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color8</key>
+ <value>"dark red"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha8</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label9</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width9</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color9</key>
+ <value>"dark green"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha9</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label10</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>width10</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color10</key>
+ <value>"dark blue"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha10</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(728, 416)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>bp_filter</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>qtgui_freq_sink_x_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>2</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>analog_fastnoise_source_x_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>bp_filter</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>hp_filter</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>qtgui_freq_sink_x_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>1</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>analog_fastnoise_source_x_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>hp_filter</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>lp_filter</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>qtgui_freq_sink_x_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>analog_fastnoise_source_x_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>lp_filter</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>analog_fastnoise_source_x_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>br_filter</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>br_filter</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>qtgui_freq_sink_x_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>3</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>rrc_filter</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>qtgui_freq_sink_x_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>4</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>analog_fastnoise_source_x_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>rrc_filter</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ </connection>
diff --git a/gr-filter/grc/CMakeLists.txt b/gr-filter/grc/CMakeLists.txt
index 575f6675d6..b3bc2e1828 100644
--- a/gr-filter/grc/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gr-filter/grc/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -45,6 +45,11 @@ install(FILES
+ variable_low_pass_filter_taps.xml
+ variable_high_pass_filter_taps.xml
+ variable_band_pass_filter_taps.xml
+ variable_band_reject_filter_taps.xml
+ variable_rrc_filter_taps.xml
COMPONENT "filter_python"
diff --git a/gr-filter/grc/filter_block_tree.xml b/gr-filter/grc/filter_block_tree.xml
index fbba9daf09..ea869a75bd 100644
--- a/gr-filter/grc/filter_block_tree.xml
+++ b/gr-filter/grc/filter_block_tree.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
- Copyright 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ Copyright 2012,2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of GNU Radio
@@ -30,6 +30,12 @@
<name></name> <!-- Blank for Root Name -->
+ <!-- FIR filter tap generators -->
+ <block>variable_low_pass_filter_taps</block>
+ <block>variable_high_pass_filter_taps</block>
+ <block>variable_band_pass_filter_taps</block>
+ <block>variable_band_reject_filter_taps</block>
+ <block>variable_rrc_filter_taps</block>
<!-- FIR convenience filters -->
diff --git a/gr-filter/grc/variable_band_pass_filter_taps.xml b/gr-filter/grc/variable_band_pass_filter_taps.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6cdfcc0373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-filter/grc/variable_band_pass_filter_taps.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+# Convenience wrapper for calling firdes.band_pass(...)
+# or firdes.complex_bandpass(...)
+ -->
+ <name>Band-pass Filter Taps</name>
+ <key>variable_band_pass_filter_taps</key>
+ <import>from gnuradio.filter import firdes</import>
+ <var_make>
+self.$(id) = $(id) = firdes.$(type.fcn)($gain, $samp_rate, $low_cutoff_freq, $high_cutoff_freq, $width, $win, $beta)
+ </var_make>
+ <var_value>firdes.$(type.fcn)($gain, $samp_rate, $low_cutoff_freq, $high_cutoff_freq, $width, $win, $beta)</var_value>
+ <make></make>
+ <param>
+ <name>Tap Type</name>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <type>enum</type>
+ <option>
+ <name>Real</name>
+ <key>taps_real</key>
+ <opt>fcn:band_pass</opt>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <name>Complex</name>
+ <key>taps_complex</key>
+ <opt>fcn:complex_band_pass</opt>
+ </option>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Gain</name>
+ <key>gain</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Sample Rate (Hz)</name>
+ <key>samp_rate</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Low Cutoff Freq (Hz)</name>
+ <key>low_cutoff_freq</key>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>High Cutoff Freq (Hz)</name>
+ <key>high_cutoff_freq</key>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Transition Width (Hz)</name>
+ <key>width</key>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Window</name>
+ <key>win</key>
+ <value>firdes.WIN_HAMMING</value>
+ <type>int</type>
+ <option>
+ <name>Hamming</name>
+ <key>firdes.WIN_HAMMING</key>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <name>Hann</name>
+ <key>firdes.WIN_HANN</key>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <name>Blackman</name>
+ <key>firdes.WIN_BLACKMAN</key>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <name>Rectangular</name>
+ <key>firdes.WIN_RECTANGULAR</key>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <name>Kaiser</name>
+ <key>firdes.WIN_KAISER</key>
+ </option>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Beta</name>
+ <key>beta</key>
+ <value>6.76</value>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <doc>
+ This is a convenience wrapper for calling firdes.band_pass() or firdes.complex_band_pass()
+ The beta paramater only applies to the Kaiser window.
+ </doc>
diff --git a/gr-filter/grc/variable_band_reject_filter_taps.xml b/gr-filter/grc/variable_band_reject_filter_taps.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbf25886d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-filter/grc/variable_band_reject_filter_taps.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+# Convenience wrapper for calling firdes.band_reject(...)
+ -->
+ <name>Band-reject Filter Taps</name>
+ <key>variable_band_reject_filter_taps</key>
+ <import>from gnuradio.filter import firdes</import>
+ <var_make>
+self.$(id) = $(id) = firdes.band_reject($gain, $samp_rate, $low_cutoff_freq, $high_cutoff_freq, $width, $win, $beta)
+ </var_make>
+ <var_value>firdes.band_reject($gain, $samp_rate, $low_cutoff_freq, $high_cutoff_freq, $width, $win, $beta)</var_value>
+ <make></make>
+ <param>
+ <name>Gain</name>
+ <key>gain</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Sample Rate (Hz)</name>
+ <key>samp_rate</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Low Cutoff Freq (Hz)</name>
+ <key>low_cutoff_freq</key>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>High Cutoff Freq (Hz)</name>
+ <key>high_cutoff_freq</key>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Transition Width (Hz)</name>
+ <key>width</key>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Window</name>
+ <key>win</key>
+ <value>firdes.WIN_HAMMING</value>
+ <type>int</type>
+ <option>
+ <name>Hamming</name>
+ <key>firdes.WIN_HAMMING</key>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <name>Hann</name>
+ <key>firdes.WIN_HANN</key>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <name>Blackman</name>
+ <key>firdes.WIN_BLACKMAN</key>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <name>Rectangular</name>
+ <key>firdes.WIN_RECTANGULAR</key>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <name>Kaiser</name>
+ <key>firdes.WIN_KAISER</key>
+ </option>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Beta</name>
+ <key>beta</key>
+ <value>6.76</value>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <doc>
+ This is a convenience wrapper for calling firdes.band_reject().
+ The beta paramater only applies to the Kaiser window.
+ </doc>
diff --git a/gr-filter/grc/variable_high_pass_filter_taps.xml b/gr-filter/grc/variable_high_pass_filter_taps.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08768d808a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-filter/grc/variable_high_pass_filter_taps.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+## Convenience wrapper around call to fides.high_pass()
+ -->
+ <name>High-pass Filter Taps</name>
+ <key>variable_high_pass_filter_taps</key>
+ <import>from gnuradio.filter import firdes</import>
+ <var_make>
+self.$(id) = $(id) = firdes.high_pass($gain, $samp_rate, $cutoff_freq, $width, $win, $beta)
+ </var_make>
+ <var_value>firdes.high_pass($gain, $samp_rate, $cutoff_freq, $width, $win, $beta)</var_value>
+ <make></make>
+ <param>
+ <name>Gain</name>
+ <key>gain</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Sample Rate (Hz)</name>
+ <key>samp_rate</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Cutoff Freq (Hz)</name>
+ <key>cutoff_freq</key>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Transition Width (Hz)</name>
+ <key>width</key>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Window</name>
+ <key>win</key>
+ <value>firdes.WIN_HAMMING</value>
+ <type>int</type>
+ <option>
+ <name>Hamming</name>
+ <key>firdes.WIN_HAMMING</key>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <name>Hann</name>
+ <key>firdes.WIN_HANN</key>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <name>Blackman</name>
+ <key>firdes.WIN_BLACKMAN</key>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <name>Rectangular</name>
+ <key>firdes.WIN_RECTANGULAR</key>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <name>Kaiser</name>
+ <key>firdes.WIN_KAISER</key>
+ </option>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Beta</name>
+ <key>beta</key>
+ <value>6.76</value>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <doc>
+ This variable is a convenience wrapper around a call to firdes.high_pass(...).
+ The beta paramater only applies to the Kaiser window.
+ </doc>
diff --git a/gr-filter/grc/variable_low_pass_filter_taps.xml b/gr-filter/grc/variable_low_pass_filter_taps.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e3367b1ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-filter/grc/variable_low_pass_filter_taps.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+## Convenience wrapper around call to fides.low_pass()
+ -->
+ <name>Low-pass Filter Taps</name>
+ <key>variable_low_pass_filter_taps</key>
+ <import>from gnuradio.filter import firdes</import>
+ <var_make>
+self.$(id) = $(id) = firdes.low_pass($gain, $samp_rate, $cutoff_freq, $width, $win, $beta)
+ </var_make>
+ <var_value>firdes.low_pass($gain, $samp_rate, $cutoff_freq, $width, $win, $beta)</var_value>
+ <make></make>
+ <param>
+ <name>Gain</name>
+ <key>gain</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Sample Rate (Hz)</name>
+ <key>samp_rate</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Cutoff Freq (Hz)</name>
+ <key>cutoff_freq</key>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Transition Width (Hz)</name>
+ <key>width</key>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Window</name>
+ <key>win</key>
+ <value>firdes.WIN_HAMMING</value>
+ <type>int</type>
+ <option>
+ <name>Hamming</name>
+ <key>firdes.WIN_HAMMING</key>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <name>Hann</name>
+ <key>firdes.WIN_HANN</key>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <name>Blackman</name>
+ <key>firdes.WIN_BLACKMAN</key>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <name>Rectangular</name>
+ <key>firdes.WIN_RECTANGULAR</key>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <name>Kaiser</name>
+ <key>firdes.WIN_KAISER</key>
+ </option>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Beta</name>
+ <key>beta</key>
+ <value>6.76</value>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <doc>
+ This variable is a convenience wrapper around a call to firdes.low_pass(...).
+ The beta paramater only applies to the Kaiser window.
+ </doc>
diff --git a/gr-filter/grc/variable_rrc_filter_taps.xml b/gr-filter/grc/variable_rrc_filter_taps.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2824ba75b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-filter/grc/variable_rrc_filter_taps.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+## Convenience wrapper for calling firdes.root_raised_cosine_filter(...)
+ -->
+ <name>RRC Filter Taps</name>
+ <key>variable_rrc_filter_taps</key>
+ <import>from gnuradio.filter import firdes</import>
+ <var_make>
+self.$(id) = $(id) = firdes.root_raised_cosine($gain, $samp_rate, $sym_rate, $alpha, $ntaps)
+ </var_make>
+ <var_value>firdes.root_raised_cosine($gain, $samp_rate, $sym_rate, $alpha, $ntaps)</var_value>
+ <make></make>
+ <param>
+ <name>Gain</name>
+ <key>gain</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Sample Rate (Hz)</name>
+ <key>samp_rate</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Symbol Rate (Hz)</name>
+ <key>sym_rate</key>
+ <value></value>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Excess BW</name>
+ <key>alpha</key>
+ <value>0.35</value>
+ <type>float</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Num Taps</name>
+ <key>ntaps</key>
+ <value>11*sps</value>
+ <type>int</type>
+ </param>
+ <doc>
+ This is a convenience wrapper for calling firdes.root_raised_cosine(...).
+ </doc>
diff --git a/gr-qtgui/grc/qtgui_range.xml b/gr-qtgui/grc/qtgui_range.xml
index 05f3ffce9f..71b614cc5e 100644
--- a/gr-qtgui/grc/qtgui_range.xml
+++ b/gr-qtgui/grc/qtgui_range.xml
@@ -6,105 +6,126 @@
- <name>QT GUI Range</name>
- <key>variable_qtgui_range</key>
- <import>from gnuradio.qtgui import Range, RangeWidget</import>
- <var_make>self.$(id) = $(id) = $value</var_make>
- <make>#set $win = 'self._%s_win'%$id
+ <name>QT GUI Range</name>
+ <key>variable_qtgui_range</key>
+ <import>from gnuradio.qtgui import Range, RangeWidget</import>
+ <var_make>self.$(id) = $(id) = $value</var_make>
+ <make>#set $win = 'self._%s_win'%$id
#set $range = 'self._%s_range'%$id
#if not $label()
#set $label = '"%s"'%$id
#end if
$(range) = Range($start, $stop, $step, $value, $min_len)
-$(win) = RangeWidget($range, self.set_$(id), $label, "$widget")
+$(win) = RangeWidget($range, self.set_$(id), $label, "$widget", $rangeType)
- <callback>self.set_$(id)($value)</callback>
- <param>
- <name>Label</name>
- <key>label</key>
- <value></value>
- <type>string</type>
- <hide>#if $label() then 'none' else 'part'#</hide>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Default Value</name>
- <key>value</key>
- <value>50</value>
- <type>real</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Start</name>
- <key>start</key>
- <value>0</value>
- <type>real</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Stop</name>
- <key>stop</key>
- <value>100</value>
- <type>real</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Step</name>
- <key>step</key>
- <value>1</value>
- <type>real</type>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Widget</name>
- <key>widget</key>
- <value>counter_slider</value>
- <type>enum</type>
- <hide>part</hide>
- <option><name>Counter + Slider</name><key>counter_slider</key></option>
- <option><name>Counter</name><key>counter</key></option>
- <option><name>Slider</name><key>slider</key></option>
- <option><name>Knob</name><key>dial</key></option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Orientation</name>
- <key>orient</key>
- <value>Qt.Horizontal</value>
- <type>enum</type>
- <hide>#if $widget() == "slider" then 'part' else 'all'#</hide>
- <option>
- <name>Horizontal</name>
- <key>Qt.Horizontal</key>
- <opt>scalepos:BottomScale</opt>
- <opt>minfcn:setMinimumWidth</opt>
- </option>
- <option>
- <name>Vertical</name>
- <key>Qt.Vertical</key>
- <opt>scalepos:LeftScale</opt>
- <opt>minfcn:setMinimumHeight</opt>
- </option>
- </param>
- <param>
- <name>Minimum Length</name>
- <key>min_len</key>
- <value>200</value>
- <type>int</type>
- <hide>part</hide>
- </param>
-<!-- from min_len <hide>#if $widget().split('_')[0] in ("slider", "counter") then 'part' else 'all'#</hide>-->
- <param>
- <name>GUI Hint</name>
- <key>gui_hint</key>
- <value></value>
- <type>gui_hint</type>
- <hide>part</hide>
- </param>
- <check>$start &lt;= $value &lt;= $stop</check>
- <check>$start &lt; $stop</check>
- <doc>
-This block creates a variable with a slider. \
-Leave the label blank to use the variable id as the label. \
-The value must be a real number. \
-The value must be between the start and the stop.
+ <callback>self.set_$(id)($value)</callback>
-The GUI hint can be used to position the widget within the application. \
-The hint is of the form [tab_id@tab_index]: [row, col, row_span, col_span]. \
-Both the tab specification and the grid position are optional.
- </doc>
+ <param>
+ <name>Label</name>
+ <key>label</key>
+ <value></value>
+ <type>string</type>
+ <hide>#if $label() then 'none' else 'part'#</hide>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Type</name>
+ <key>rangeType</key>
+ <value>"float"</value>
+ <type>enum</type>
+ <hide>part</hide>
+ <option><name>Float</name><key>float</key><opt>type:float</opt></option>
+ <option><name>Int</name><key>int</key><opt>type:int</opt></option>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Default Value</name>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>50</value>
+ <type>$rangeType.type</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Start</name>
+ <key>start</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ <type>$rangeType.type</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Stop</name>
+ <key>stop</key>
+ <value>100</value>
+ <type>$rangeType.type</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Step</name>
+ <key>step</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ <type>$rangeType.type</type>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Widget</name>
+ <key>widget</key>
+ <value>counter_slider</value>
+ <type>enum</type>
+ <hide>part</hide>
+ <option><name>Counter + Slider</name><key>counter_slider</key></option>
+ <option><name>Counter</name><key>counter</key></option>
+ <option><name>Slider</name><key>slider</key></option>
+ <option><name>Knob</name><key>dial</key></option>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Orientation</name>
+ <key>orient</key>
+ <value>Qt.Horizontal</value>
+ <type>enum</type>
+ <hide>#if $widget() == "slider" then 'part' else 'all'#</hide>
+ <option>
+ <name>Horizontal</name>
+ <key>Qt.Horizontal</key>
+ <opt>scalepos:BottomScale</opt>
+ <opt>minfcn:setMinimumWidth</opt>
+ </option>
+ <option>
+ <name>Vertical</name>
+ <key>Qt.Vertical</key>
+ <opt>scalepos:LeftScale</opt>
+ <opt>minfcn:setMinimumHeight</opt>
+ </option>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <name>Minimum Length</name>
+ <key>min_len</key>
+ <value>200</value>
+ <type>int</type>
+ <hide>part</hide>
+ </param>
+ <!-- from min_len <hide>#if $widget().split('_')[0] in ("slider", "counter") then 'part' else 'all'#</hide>-->
+ <param>
+ <name>GUI Hint</name>
+ <key>gui_hint</key>
+ <value></value>
+ <type>gui_hint</type>
+ <hide>part</hide>
+ </param>
+ <check>$start &lt;= $value &lt;= $stop</check>
+ <check>$start &lt; $stop</check>
+ <doc>
+ This block creates a variable with a slider. \
+ Leave the label blank to use the variable id as the label. \
+ The value must be a real number. \
+ The value must be between the start and the stop.
+ The GUI hint can be used to position the widget within the application. \
+ The hint is of the form [tab_id@tab_index]: [row, col, row_span, col_span]. \
+ Both the tab specification and the grid position are optional.
+ </doc>
diff --git a/gr-qtgui/python/qtgui/ b/gr-qtgui/python/qtgui/
index 168e6662c3..3eafc9002e 100755
--- a/gr-qtgui/python/qtgui/
+++ b/gr-qtgui/python/qtgui/
@@ -64,13 +64,16 @@ class Range(object):
class RangeWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
- def __init__(self, ranges, slot, label, style):
+ def __init__(self, ranges, slot, label, style, rangeType=float):
""" Creates the QT Range widget """
self.range = ranges = style
+ # rangeType tells the block how to return the value as a standard
+ self.rangeType = rangeType
# Top-block function to call when any value changes
# Some widgets call this directly when their value changes.
# Others have intermediate functions to map the value into the right range.
@@ -81,24 +84,26 @@ class RangeWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
if style == "dial":
- self.d_widget = self.Dial(self, self.range, self.notifyChanged)
+ self.d_widget = self.Dial(self, self.range, self.notifyChanged, rangeType)
elif style == "slider":
- self.d_widget = self.Slider(self, self.range, self.notifyChanged)
+ self.d_widget = self.Slider(self, self.range, self.notifyChanged, rangeType)
elif style == "counter":
# The counter widget can be directly wired to the notifyChanged slot
- self.d_widget = self.Counter(self, self.range, self.notifyChanged)
+ self.d_widget = self.Counter(self, self.range, self.notifyChanged, rangeType)
# The CounterSlider needs its own internal handlers before calling notifyChanged
- self.d_widget = self.CounterSlider(self, self.range, self.notifyChanged)
+ self.d_widget = self.CounterSlider(self, self.range, self.notifyChanged, rangeType)
class Dial(QtGui.QDial):
""" Creates the range using a dial """
- def __init__(self, parent, ranges, slot):
+ def __init__(self, parent, ranges, slot, rangeType=float):
QtGui.QDial.__init__(self, parent)
+ self.rangeType = rangeType
# Setup the dial
self.setRange(0, ranges.nsteps-1)
@@ -116,13 +121,15 @@ class RangeWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
def changed(self, value):
""" Handles maping the value to the right range before calling the slot. """
val = self.range.map_range(value)
- self.notifyChanged(val)
+ self.notifyChanged(self.rangeType(val))
class Slider(QtGui.QSlider):
""" Creates the range using a slider """
- def __init__(self, parent, ranges, slot):
+ def __init__(self, parent, ranges, slot, rangeType=float):
QtGui.QSlider.__init__(self, QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, parent)
+ self.rangeType = rangeType
# Setup the slider
self.setRange(0, ranges.nsteps - 1)
@@ -149,7 +156,7 @@ class RangeWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
def changed(self, value):
""" Handle the valueChanged signal and map the value into the correct range """
val = self.range.map_range(value)
- self.notifyChanged(val)
+ self.notifyChanged(self.rangeType(val))
def mousePressEvent(self, event):
if((event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton)):
@@ -168,9 +175,11 @@ class RangeWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
class Counter(QtGui.QDoubleSpinBox):
""" Creates the range using a counter """
- def __init__(self, parent, ranges, slot):
+ def __init__(self, parent, ranges, slot, rangeType=float):
QtGui.QDoubleSpinBox.__init__(self, parent)
+ self.rangeType = rangeType
# Setup the counter
self.setRange(ranges.min, ranges.max)
@@ -179,18 +188,25 @@ class RangeWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
# The counter already handles floats and can be connected directly.
- self.valueChanged.connect(slot)
+ self.valueChanged.connect(self.changed)
+ self.notifyChanged = slot
+ def changed(self, value):
+ """ Handle the valueChanged signal by converting to the right type """
+ self.notifyChanged(self.rangeType(value))
class CounterSlider(QtGui.QWidget):
""" Creates the range using a counter and slider """
- def __init__(self, parent, ranges, slot):
+ def __init__(self, parent, ranges, slot, rangeType=float):
QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
+ self.rangeType = rangeType
# Slot to call in the parent
self.notifyChanged = slot
- self.slider = RangeWidget.Slider(parent, ranges, self.sliderChanged)
- self.counter = RangeWidget.Counter(parent, ranges, self.counterChanged)
+ self.slider = RangeWidget.Slider(parent, ranges, self.sliderChanged, rangeType)
+ self.counter = RangeWidget.Counter(parent, ranges, self.counterChanged, rangeType)
# Need another horizontal layout to wrap the other widgets.
layout = Qt.QHBoxLayout()
@@ -207,8 +223,8 @@ class RangeWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
# If the counter was changed, ignore any of these events
if not self.ignoreSlider:
# Value is already float. Just set the counter
- self.counter.setValue(value)
- self.notifyChanged(value)
+ self.counter.setValue(self.rangeType(value))
+ self.notifyChanged(self.rangeType(value))
self.ignoreSlider = False
def counterChanged(self, value):
@@ -223,4 +239,21 @@ class RangeWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
self.ignoreSlider = True
- self.notifyChanged(value)
+ self.notifyChanged(self.rangeType(value))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ from PyQt4 import Qt
+ import sys
+ def valueChanged(frequency):
+ print("Value updated - " + str(frequency))
+ app = Qt.QApplication(sys.argv)
+ widget = RangeWidget(Range(0, 100, 10, 1, 100), valueChanged, "Test", "counter_slider", int)
+ widget.setWindowTitle("Test Qt Range")
+ app.exec_()
+ widget = None
diff --git a/gr-uhd/doc/uhd.dox b/gr-uhd/doc/uhd.dox
index da6d9d45f5..27a1475566 100644
--- a/gr-uhd/doc/uhd.dox
+++ b/gr-uhd/doc/uhd.dox
@@ -12,15 +12,10 @@ as:
from gnuradio import uhd
-The relevant blocks are listed in the \ref uhd_blk group.
-A quick listing of the details can be found in Python after importing
-by using:
- help(uhd)
+The relevant blocks are listed in the \ref uhd_blk group. The most important
+components are the gr::uhd::usrp_source and gr::uhd::usrp_sink blocks, which
+act as receivers/transmitters. Both are derived from gr::uhd::usrp_block, which
+defines many of the shared functions between those blocks.
\section uhd_external_docs External Documentation
@@ -36,48 +31,92 @@
\section uhd_command_syntax Command Syntax
The UHD sink and source can be controlled by a message port. These message ports
-take commands, which are PMTs formatted as such:
+take commands, which are PMTs formatted as described in \ref msg_passing_commands.
+There is a legacy format, which will be deprecated in the future, where commands may
+be tuples, formatted as:
(command, value, [channel])
-A command PMT is either a pair or a tuple. If it's a tuple, it must have either 2 or 3 elements.
-Any other type of PMT will throw an error.
+See older versions of this manual for documentation on this deprecated command format.
-The `command` part is a string, which defines the command. `value` is a PMT whose format depends
-on the command issued. Finally, `channel` is an integer PMT value that specifies which channel
-this command shall be specified on. If this value is omitted, then it either applies this command
-to all channels or channel zero, depending on which command is used.
+In general, every command consists of one or more key/value pairs (either stored as a
+PMT pair, or a dictionary). A full list of keys is listed below.
-pmt::pmt_t command = pmt::cons( // We make a pair, but pmt::make_tuple() is also valid!
- pmt::mp("freq"), // Use the 'freq' command, which sets the frequency
+pmt::pmt_t command = pmt::cons( // Make a pair
+ pmt::mp("freq"), // Key is 'freq' => sets the frequency
pmt::mp(1.1e9) // Set the frequency to 1.1 GHz
+// Now pass 'command' into the USRP block's command port
This PMT would set the frequency to 1.1 GHz on all channels. We make use of the pmt::mp() function
which automatically sets the PMT types. Assume we only want to set the frequency on channel 1
-(i.e. the second channel). In this case, we must construct a tuple:
+(i.e. the second channel). In this case, we must construct a dictionary:
-pmt::pmt_t command = pmt::make_tuple(
- pmt::mp("freq"), // Use the 'freq' command, which sets the frequency
- pmt::mp(1.1e9) // Set the frequency to 1.1 GHz
- pmt::mp(1) // Select channel 1
+pmt::pmt_t command = pmt::make_dict();
+pmt::dict_add(command, pmt::mp("freq"), pmt::mp(1.1e9)); // Specify frequency
+pmt::dict_add(command, pmt::mp("chan"), pmt::mp(1)); // Specify channel
+// Now pass 'command' into the USRP block's command port
+This command structure becomes more intuitive when thinking of sending the command PMT
+as a function call, where the key/value pairs are argument names and values, respectively.
+In the above example, the behaviour is the same as if calling
+usrp_source.set_center_freq(freq=1.1e9, chan=1)
+The main difference is that we can add more properties to the same
+command PMT, e.g. as such:
+// 'command' is the same PMT as in the previous example
+pmt::dict_add(command, pmt::mp("gain"), pmt::mp(23.0)); // Specify gain
+pmt::dict_add(command, pmt::mp("antenna"), pmt::mp("TX/RX")); // Switch antenna
+// Now pass 'command' into the USRP block's command port
+When the USRP block interprets this command PMT, all properties will be
+\subsection uhd_command_syntax_cmds Common command keys
+The following command keys are understood by both UHD Source and Sink:
+Command name | Value Type | Description
+`chan` | int | Specifies a channel. If this is not given, either all channels are chosen, or channel 0, depending on the action. A value of -1 forces 'all channels', where possible.
+`gain` | double | Sets the Tx or Rx gain (in dB). Defaults to all channels.
+`freq` | double | Sets the Tx or Rx frequency. Defaults to all channels. If specified without `lo_offset`, it will set the LO offset to zero.
+`lo_offset` | double | Sets an LO offset. Defaults to all channels. Note this does not affect the effective center frequency.
+`tune` | tune_request | Like freq, but sets a full tune request (i.e. center frequency and DSP offset). Defaults to all channels.
+`lo_freq` | double | For fully manual tuning: Set the LO frequency (RF frequency). Conflicts with `freq`, `lo_offset`, and `tune`.
+`dsp_freq` | double | For fully manual tuning: Set the DSP frequency (CORDIC frequency). Conflicts with `freq`, `lo_offset`, and `tune`.
+`rate` | double | See usrp_block::set_samp_rate(). *Always* affects all channels.
+`bandwidth` | double | See usrp_block::set_bandwidth(). Defaults to all channels.
+`time` | timestamp | Sets a command time. See usrp_block::set_command_time(). A value of PMT_NIL will clear the command time.
+`mboard` | int | Specify mboard index, where applicable.
+`antenna` | string | See usrp_block::set_antenna(). Defaults to all channels.
+Special types:
+- tune_request: Like a uhd::tune_request_t, but always uses POLICY_AUTO. This is a pair, composed of (target_frequency, lo_offset)
+- timestamp: A pair composed of (long full_secs, double frac_secs). Similar to uhd::time_spec_t
-\subsection uhd_command_syntax_cmds Common commands
+\b Note: Not all commands are affected by `time`. See the UHD manual for details on timed commands.
-The following commands are understood by both UHD Source and Sink:
+\subsection uhd_command_syntax_multi_vs_single Dictionaries vs pairs
-Command name | Value Type | Description
-`freq` | double | Sets the Tx or Rx frequency. Defaults to all channels.
-`lo_offset` | double | Sets an LO offset. Defaults to all channels.
-`gain` | double | Sets the Tx or Rx gain (in dB). Defaults to all channels.
+Given the choices, it may be unclear if it's preferable to send multiple commands
+to the USRP block with a single key/value pair each, or send a single dict with
+all the values.
+In general, the dictionary should be preferred. It has some distinct advantages:
+- If it carries a timestamp, this timestamp is valid for all key/value pairs it
+ may be applied to.
+- All settings will be applied at once. With multiple messages, other blocks might
+ be sending interfering messages while the messages are being processed.
\section uhd_configuring Configuring a UHD object
diff --git a/gr-uhd/examples/grc/uhd_msg_tune.grc b/gr-uhd/examples/grc/uhd_msg_tune.grc
index 89022278be..cedb743b40 100644
--- a/gr-uhd/examples/grc/uhd_msg_tune.grc
+++ b/gr-uhd/examples/grc/uhd_msg_tune.grc
@@ -1,39 +1,56 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ASCII'?>
+<?grc format='1' created='3.7.8'?>
<timestamp>Tue Jul 8 12:08:19 2014</timestamp>
- <key>id</key>
- <value>uhd_tune_msg</value>
+ <key>author</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>_enabled</key>
- <value>True</value>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>title</key>
- <value>UHD Message Tuner</value>
+ <key>category</key>
+ <value>Custom</value>
- <key>author</key>
+ <key>comment</key>
- <value>Tune a UHD source from a QT sink via messages.</value>
+ <value>Tune a UHD source from a QT sink via messages (double-click a frequency to tune)</value>
- <key>window_size</key>
- <value>1280, 1024</value>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(8, 3)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
- <key>category</key>
- <value>Custom</value>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>uhd_tune_msg</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>max_nouts</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>realtime_scheduling</key>
+ <value></value>
@@ -44,447 +61,708 @@
- <key>max_nouts</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>thread_safe_setters</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>realtime_scheduling</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>title</key>
+ <value>UHD Message Tuner</value>
- <key>alias</key>
+ <key>window_size</key>
+ <value>1280, 1024</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable_qtgui_chooser</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>TX/RX</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
- <value>(-1, -2)</value>
+ <value>(8, 307)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gui_hint</key>
+ <value></value>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>ant_msg</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label0</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label1</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label2</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label3</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label4</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label</key>
+ <value>Antenna</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>labels</key>
+ <value>[]</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>num_opts</key>
+ <value>2</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>option0</key>
+ <value>TX/RX</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>option1</key>
+ <value>RX2</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>option2</key>
+ <value>2</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>option3</key>
+ <value>3</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>option4</key>
+ <value>4</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>options</key>
+ <value>[0, 1, 2]</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>orient</key>
+ <value>Qt.QVBoxLayout</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>string</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>widget</key>
+ <value>combo_box</value>
+ </param>
- <key>id</key>
- <value>initial_fc</value>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(232, 115)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>cmd_msg</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
- <value>100e6</value>
+ <value>pmt.to_pmt({'antenna': ant_msg, 'gain': gain_msg, 'chan': 0, 'freq': freq_msg, 'lo_offset': lo_msg})</value>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable_qtgui_entry</key>
- <key>alias</key>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>initial_fc</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
- <value>(-2, 172)</value>
+ <value>(144, 227)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gui_hint</key>
+ <value>0,1,1,1</value>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>freq_msg</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label</key>
+ <value>Frequency</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>real</value>
+ </param>
- <key>id</key>
- <value>samp_rate</value>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(104, 99)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>gain</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
- <value>2e6</value>
+ <value>0.8</value>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable_qtgui_entry</key>
- <key>alias</key>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>gain</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
- <value>(1, 102)</value>
+ <value>(8, 227)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gui_hint</key>
+ <value>0,0,1,1</value>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>gain_msg</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label</key>
+ <value>Gain</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>real</value>
+ </param>
- <key>variable_qtgui_range</key>
+ <key>variable</key>
- <key>id</key>
- <value>gain</value>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>label</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(8, 163)</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>initial_fc</value>
- <value>20</value>
+ <value>100e6</value>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable_qtgui_entry</key>
- <key>start</key>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
- <key>stop</key>
- <value>60</value>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
- <key>step</key>
- <value>1</value>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(144, 307)</value>
- <key>widget</key>
- <value>counter_slider</value>
+ <key>gui_hint</key>
+ <value>1,1,1,1</value>
- <key>orient</key>
- <value>Qt.Horizontal</value>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
- <key>min_len</key>
- <value>200</value>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>lo_msg</value>
- <key>gui_hint</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>label</key>
+ <value>LO Offset</value>
- <key>alias</key>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>real</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>variable</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
- <value>(103, 99)</value>
+ <value>(8, 99)</value>
+ <param>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <value>2e6</value>
+ </param>
- <key>uhd_usrp_source</key>
+ <key>blocks_message_strobe</key>
- <key>id</key>
- <value>uhd_usrp_source_0</value>
+ <key>alias</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>type</key>
- <value>fc32</value>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(216, 43)</value>
- <key>otw</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
- <key>stream_args</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>blocks_message_strobe_0</value>
- <key>stream_chans</key>
- <value>[]</value>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
- <key>dev_addr</key>
- <value>""</value>
+ <key>msg</key>
+ <value>cmd_msg</value>
- <key>dev_args</key>
- <value>""</value>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
- <key>sync</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>period</key>
+ <value>2000</value>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>qtgui_freq_sink_x</key>
- <key>clock_rate</key>
- <value>0.0</value>
+ <key>autoscale</key>
+ <value>False</value>
- <key>num_mboards</key>
- <value>1</value>
+ <key>average</key>
+ <value>0.1</value>
- <key>clock_source0</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>bw</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
- <key>time_source0</key>
+ <key>alias</key>
- <key>sd_spec0</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>fc</key>
+ <value>initial_fc</value>
- <key>clock_source1</key>
+ <key>comment</key>
- <key>time_source1</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>ctrlpanel</key>
+ <value>False</value>
- <key>sd_spec1</key>
+ <key>affinity</key>
- <key>clock_source2</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
- <key>time_source2</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>fftsize</key>
+ <value>1024</value>
- <key>sd_spec2</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(472, 155)</value>
- <key>clock_source3</key>
+ <key>gui_hint</key>
- <key>time_source3</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>180</value>
- <key>sd_spec3</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>grid</key>
+ <value>True</value>
- <key>clock_source4</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>qtgui_freq_sink_x_0</value>
- <key>time_source4</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>legend</key>
+ <value>False</value>
- <key>sd_spec4</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>alpha1</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
- <key>clock_source5</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>color1</key>
+ <value>"blue"</value>
- <key>time_source5</key>
+ <key>label1</key>
- <key>sd_spec5</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>width1</key>
+ <value>1</value>
- <key>clock_source6</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>alpha10</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
- <key>time_source6</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>color10</key>
+ <value>"dark blue"</value>
- <key>sd_spec6</key>
+ <key>label10</key>
- <key>clock_source7</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>width10</key>
+ <value>1</value>
- <key>time_source7</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>alpha2</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
- <key>sd_spec7</key>
+ <key>color2</key>
+ <value>"red"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label2</key>
- <key>nchan</key>
+ <key>width2</key>
- <key>samp_rate</key>
- <value>samp_rate</value>
+ <key>alpha3</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
- <key>center_freq0</key>
- <value>initial_fc</value>
+ <key>color3</key>
+ <value>"green"</value>
- <key>gain0</key>
- <value>gain</value>
+ <key>label3</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>ant0</key>
+ <key>width3</key>
+ <value>1</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>alpha4</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>color4</key>
+ <value>"black"</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>label4</key>
- <key>bw0</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>width4</key>
+ <value>1</value>
- <key>center_freq1</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>alpha5</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
- <key>gain1</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>color5</key>
+ <value>"cyan"</value>
- <key>ant1</key>
+ <key>label5</key>
- <key>bw1</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>width5</key>
+ <value>1</value>
- <key>center_freq2</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>alpha6</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
- <key>gain2</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>color6</key>
+ <value>"magenta"</value>
- <key>ant2</key>
+ <key>label6</key>
- <key>bw2</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>width6</key>
+ <value>1</value>
- <key>center_freq3</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>alpha7</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
- <key>gain3</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>color7</key>
+ <value>"yellow"</value>
- <key>ant3</key>
+ <key>label7</key>
- <key>bw3</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>width7</key>
+ <value>1</value>
- <key>center_freq4</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>alpha8</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
- <key>gain4</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>color8</key>
+ <value>"dark red"</value>
- <key>ant4</key>
+ <key>label8</key>
- <key>bw4</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>width8</key>
+ <value>1</value>
- <key>center_freq5</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>alpha9</key>
+ <value>1.0</value>
- <key>gain5</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>color9</key>
+ <value>"dark green"</value>
- <key>ant5</key>
+ <key>label9</key>
- <key>bw5</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>width9</key>
+ <value>1</value>
- <key>center_freq6</key>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
- <key>gain6</key>
+ <key>minoutbuf</key>
- <key>ant6</key>
+ <key>name</key>
- <key>bw6</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>nconnections</key>
+ <value>1</value>
- <key>center_freq7</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>showports</key>
+ <value>False</value>
- <key>gain7</key>
+ <key>freqhalf</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>tr_chan</key>
- <key>ant7</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>tr_level</key>
+ <value>0.0</value>
- <key>bw7</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>tr_mode</key>
+ <value>qtgui.TRIG_MODE_FREE</value>
- <key>center_freq8</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>tr_tag</key>
+ <value>""</value>
- <key>gain8</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>complex</value>
- <key>ant8</key>
+ <key>update_time</key>
+ <value>0.10</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>wintype</key>
+ <value>firdes.WIN_BLACKMAN_hARRIS</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ymax</key>
+ <value>-40</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ymin</key>
+ <value>-120</value>
+ </param>
+ </block>
+ <block>
+ <key>uhd_usrp_source</key>
+ <param>
+ <key>alias</key>
- <key>bw8</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>ant0</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>center_freq9</key>
+ <key>bw0</key>
- <key>gain9</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>center_freq0</key>
+ <value>initial_fc</value>
- <key>ant9</key>
+ <key>norm_gain0</key>
+ <value>True</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gain0</key>
+ <value>gain</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ant10</key>
- <key>bw9</key>
+ <key>bw10</key>
@@ -492,15 +770,19 @@
+ <key>norm_gain10</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
- <key>ant10</key>
+ <key>ant11</key>
- <key>bw10</key>
+ <key>bw11</key>
@@ -508,15 +790,19 @@
+ <key>norm_gain11</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
- <key>ant11</key>
+ <key>ant12</key>
- <key>bw11</key>
+ <key>bw12</key>
@@ -524,15 +810,19 @@
+ <key>norm_gain12</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
- <key>ant12</key>
+ <key>ant13</key>
- <key>bw12</key>
+ <key>bw13</key>
@@ -540,15 +830,19 @@
+ <key>norm_gain13</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
- <key>ant13</key>
+ <key>ant14</key>
- <key>bw13</key>
+ <key>bw14</key>
@@ -556,15 +850,19 @@
+ <key>norm_gain14</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
- <key>ant14</key>
+ <key>ant15</key>
- <key>bw14</key>
+ <key>bw15</key>
@@ -572,15 +870,19 @@
+ <key>norm_gain15</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
- <key>ant15</key>
+ <key>ant16</key>
- <key>bw15</key>
+ <key>bw16</key>
@@ -588,15 +890,19 @@
+ <key>norm_gain16</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
- <key>ant16</key>
+ <key>ant17</key>
- <key>bw16</key>
+ <key>bw17</key>
@@ -604,15 +910,19 @@
+ <key>norm_gain17</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
- <key>ant17</key>
+ <key>ant18</key>
- <key>bw17</key>
+ <key>bw18</key>
@@ -620,15 +930,19 @@
+ <key>norm_gain18</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
- <key>ant18</key>
+ <key>ant19</key>
- <key>bw18</key>
+ <key>bw19</key>
@@ -636,23 +950,31 @@
+ <key>norm_gain19</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
- <key>ant19</key>
+ <key>ant1</key>
- <key>bw19</key>
+ <key>bw1</key>
- <key>center_freq20</key>
+ <key>center_freq1</key>
- <key>gain20</key>
+ <key>norm_gain1</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gain1</key>
@@ -664,11 +986,15 @@
- <key>center_freq21</key>
+ <key>center_freq20</key>
- <key>gain21</key>
+ <key>norm_gain20</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gain20</key>
@@ -680,11 +1006,15 @@
- <key>center_freq22</key>
+ <key>center_freq21</key>
- <key>gain22</key>
+ <key>norm_gain21</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gain21</key>
@@ -696,11 +1026,15 @@
- <key>center_freq23</key>
+ <key>center_freq22</key>
- <key>gain23</key>
+ <key>norm_gain22</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gain22</key>
@@ -712,11 +1046,15 @@
- <key>center_freq24</key>
+ <key>center_freq23</key>
- <key>gain24</key>
+ <key>norm_gain23</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gain23</key>
@@ -728,11 +1066,15 @@
- <key>center_freq25</key>
+ <key>center_freq24</key>
- <key>gain25</key>
+ <key>norm_gain24</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gain24</key>
@@ -744,11 +1086,15 @@
- <key>center_freq26</key>
+ <key>center_freq25</key>
- <key>gain26</key>
+ <key>norm_gain25</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gain25</key>
@@ -760,11 +1106,15 @@
- <key>center_freq27</key>
+ <key>center_freq26</key>
- <key>gain27</key>
+ <key>norm_gain26</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gain26</key>
@@ -776,11 +1126,15 @@
- <key>center_freq28</key>
+ <key>center_freq27</key>
- <key>gain28</key>
+ <key>norm_gain27</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gain27</key>
@@ -792,11 +1146,15 @@
- <key>center_freq29</key>
+ <key>center_freq28</key>
- <key>gain29</key>
+ <key>norm_gain28</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gain28</key>
@@ -808,11 +1166,35 @@
- <key>center_freq30</key>
+ <key>center_freq29</key>
- <key>gain30</key>
+ <key>norm_gain29</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gain29</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ant2</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>bw2</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>center_freq2</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>norm_gain2</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gain2</key>
@@ -824,11 +1206,15 @@
- <key>center_freq31</key>
+ <key>center_freq30</key>
- <key>gain31</key>
+ <key>norm_gain30</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gain30</key>
@@ -840,258 +1226,291 @@
- <key>alias</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>center_freq31</key>
+ <value>0</value>
- <key>affinity</key>
+ <key>norm_gain31</key>
+ <value>False</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>gain31</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ant3</key>
- <key>minoutbuf</key>
+ <key>bw3</key>
- <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <key>center_freq3</key>
- <key>_coordinate</key>
- <value>(336, 8)</value>
+ <key>norm_gain3</key>
+ <value>False</value>
- <key>_rotation</key>
+ <key>gain3</key>
- </block>
- <block>
- <key>qtgui_freq_sink_x</key>
- <key>id</key>
- <value>qtgui_freq_sink_x_0</value>
+ <key>ant4</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>_enabled</key>
- <value>True</value>
+ <key>bw4</key>
+ <value>0</value>
- <key>type</key>
- <value>complex</value>
+ <key>center_freq4</key>
+ <value>0</value>
- <key>name</key>
- <value>QT GUI Plot</value>
+ <key>norm_gain4</key>
+ <value>False</value>
- <key>fftsize</key>
- <value>1024</value>
+ <key>gain4</key>
+ <value>0</value>
- <key>wintype</key>
- <value>firdes.WIN_BLACKMAN_hARRIS</value>
+ <key>ant5</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>fc</key>
- <value>initial_fc</value>
+ <key>bw5</key>
+ <value>0</value>
- <key>bw</key>
- <value>samp_rate</value>
+ <key>center_freq5</key>
+ <value>0</value>
- <key>autoscale</key>
+ <key>norm_gain5</key>
- <key>average</key>
- <value>1.0</value>
+ <key>gain5</key>
+ <value>0</value>
- <key>ymin</key>
- <value>-140</value>
+ <key>ant6</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>ymax</key>
- <value>10</value>
+ <key>bw6</key>
+ <value>0</value>
- <key>nconnections</key>
- <value>1</value>
+ <key>center_freq6</key>
+ <value>0</value>
- <key>update_time</key>
- <value>0.10</value>
+ <key>norm_gain6</key>
+ <value>False</value>
- <key>gui_hint</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>gain6</key>
+ <value>0</value>
- <key>label1</key>
+ <key>ant7</key>
- <key>width1</key>
- <value>1</value>
+ <key>bw7</key>
+ <value>0</value>
- <key>color1</key>
- <value>"blue"</value>
+ <key>center_freq7</key>
+ <value>0</value>
- <key>alpha1</key>
- <value>1.0</value>
+ <key>norm_gain7</key>
+ <value>False</value>
- <key>label2</key>
+ <key>gain7</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ant8</key>
- <key>width2</key>
- <value>1</value>
+ <key>bw8</key>
+ <value>0</value>
- <key>color2</key>
- <value>"red"</value>
+ <key>center_freq8</key>
+ <value>0</value>
- <key>alpha2</key>
- <value>1.0</value>
+ <key>norm_gain8</key>
+ <value>False</value>
- <key>label3</key>
+ <key>gain8</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>ant9</key>
- <key>width3</key>
- <value>1</value>
+ <key>bw9</key>
+ <value>0</value>
- <key>color3</key>
- <value>"green"</value>
+ <key>center_freq9</key>
+ <value>0</value>
- <key>alpha3</key>
- <value>1.0</value>
+ <key>norm_gain9</key>
+ <value>False</value>
- <key>label4</key>
+ <key>gain9</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>clock_rate</key>
+ <value>0.0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>comment</key>
- <key>width4</key>
- <value>1</value>
+ <key>affinity</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>color4</key>
- <value>"black"</value>
+ <key>dev_addr</key>
+ <value>""</value>
- <key>alpha4</key>
- <value>1.0</value>
+ <key>dev_args</key>
+ <value>""</value>
- <key>label5</key>
- <value></value>
+ <key>_enabled</key>
+ <value>True</value>
- <key>width5</key>
- <value>1</value>
+ <key>_coordinate</key>
+ <value>(488, 27)</value>
- <key>color5</key>
- <value>"cyan"</value>
+ <key>_rotation</key>
+ <value>0</value>
- <key>alpha5</key>
- <value>1.0</value>
+ <key>id</key>
+ <value>uhd_usrp_source_0</value>
- <key>label6</key>
+ <key>maxoutbuf</key>
+ <value>0</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>clock_source0</key>
- <key>width6</key>
- <value>1</value>
+ <key>sd_spec0</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>color6</key>
- <value>"magenta"</value>
+ <key>time_source0</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>alpha6</key>
- <value>1.0</value>
+ <key>clock_source1</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>label7</key>
+ <key>sd_spec1</key>
- <key>width7</key>
- <value>1</value>
+ <key>time_source1</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>color7</key>
- <value>"yellow"</value>
+ <key>clock_source2</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>alpha7</key>
- <value>1.0</value>
+ <key>sd_spec2</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>label8</key>
+ <key>time_source2</key>
- <key>width8</key>
- <value>1</value>
+ <key>clock_source3</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>color8</key>
- <value>"dark red"</value>
+ <key>sd_spec3</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>alpha8</key>
- <value>1.0</value>
+ <key>time_source3</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>label9</key>
+ <key>clock_source4</key>
- <key>width9</key>
- <value>1</value>
+ <key>sd_spec4</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>color9</key>
- <value>"dark green"</value>
+ <key>time_source4</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>alpha9</key>
- <value>1.0</value>
+ <key>clock_source5</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>label10</key>
+ <key>sd_spec5</key>
- <key>width10</key>
- <value>1</value>
+ <key>time_source5</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>color10</key>
- <value>"dark blue"</value>
+ <key>clock_source6</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>alpha10</key>
- <value>1.0</value>
+ <key>sd_spec6</key>
+ <value></value>
- <key>alias</key>
+ <key>time_source6</key>
- <key>affinity</key>
+ <key>clock_source7</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>sd_spec7</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>time_source7</key>
@@ -1099,23 +1518,49 @@
- <key>maxoutbuf</key>
- <value>0</value>
+ <key>nchan</key>
+ <value>1</value>
- <key>_coordinate</key>
- <value>(330, 104)</value>
+ <key>num_mboards</key>
+ <value>1</value>
- <key>_rotation</key>
- <value>180</value>
+ <key>type</key>
+ <value>fc32</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>samp_rate</key>
+ <value>samp_rate</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>stream_args</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>stream_chans</key>
+ <value>[]</value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>sync</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </param>
+ <param>
+ <key>otw</key>
+ <value></value>
- <source_block_id>uhd_usrp_source_0</source_block_id>
+ <source_block_id>blocks_message_strobe_0</source_block_id>
+ <sink_block_id>uhd_usrp_source_0</sink_block_id>
+ <source_key>strobe</source_key>
+ <sink_key>command</sink_key>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <source_block_id>qtgui_freq_sink_x_0</source_block_id>
- <source_key>0</source_key>
- <sink_key>0</sink_key>
+ <source_key>freq</source_key>
+ <sink_key>freq</sink_key>
@@ -1124,9 +1569,9 @@
- <source_block_id>qtgui_freq_sink_x_0</source_block_id>
+ <source_block_id>uhd_usrp_source_0</source_block_id>
- <source_key>freq</source_key>
- <sink_key>freq</sink_key>
+ <source_key>0</source_key>
+ <sink_key>0</sink_key>
diff --git a/gr-uhd/examples/python/ b/gr-uhd/examples/python/
index 5da5efa241..ce33a92a51 100755
--- a/gr-uhd/examples/python/
+++ b/gr-uhd/examples/python/
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
TXs a waveform (either from a file, or a sinusoid) in a frequency-hopping manner.
-import time
import numpy
import argparse
import pmt
@@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ from gnuradio import uhd
def setup_parser():
""" Setup the parser for the frequency hopper. """
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description="Transmit a signal in a frequency-hopping manner, using tx_freq tags."
+ description="Transmit a signal in a frequency-hopping manner, using tx_freq tags."
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input-file', type=file, default=None,
help="File with samples to transmit. If left out, will transmit a sinusoid.")
@@ -54,7 +53,9 @@ def setup_parser():
parser.add_argument("-t", "--hop-time", type=float, default=1000,
help="Time between hops in milliseconds. This must be larger than or equal to the burst duration as set by --samp-per-burst")
parser.add_argument("-f", "--freq", type=float, default=2.45e9,
- help="Base frequency. This is the lowest frequency at which the USRP will Tx.")
+ help="Base frequency. This is the middle channel frequency at which the USRP will Tx.")
+ parser.add_argument("--dsp", action='store_true',
+ help="DSP tuning only.")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--freq-delta", type=float, default=1e6,
help="Channel spacing.")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--num-channels", type=int, default=5,
@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ def setup_parser():
parser.add_argument("-p", "--post-tuning", action='count',
help="Tune after transmitting. Default is to tune immediately before transmitting.")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action='count',
- help="Print more information.")
+ help="Print more information. The morer the printier.")
return parser
@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ class FrequencyHopperSrc(gr.hier_block2):
def __init__(
n_bursts, n_channels,
- freq_delta, base_freq,
+ freq_delta, base_freq, dsp_tuning,
burst_length, base_time, hop_time,
@@ -85,8 +86,10 @@ class FrequencyHopperSrc(gr.hier_block2):
gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_gr_complex),
n_samples_total = n_bursts * burst_length
- self.hop_sequence = numpy.arange(base_freq, base_freq + n_channels * freq_delta, freq_delta)
+ lowest_frequency = base_freq - numpy.floor(n_channels/2) * freq_delta
+ self.hop_sequence = [lowest_frequency + n * freq_delta for n in xrange(n_channels)]
+ # Repeat that:
self.hop_sequence = [self.hop_sequence[x % n_channels] for x in xrange(n_bursts)]
if verbose:
print "Hop Frequencies | Hop Pattern"
@@ -103,20 +106,19 @@ class FrequencyHopperSrc(gr.hier_block2):
gain_tag = gr.tag_t()
gain_tag.offset = 0
gain_tag.key = pmt.string_to_symbol('tx_command')
- gain_tag.value = pmt.cons(
- pmt.intern("gain"),
- # These are both valid:
- #pmt.from_double(tx_gain)
- pmt.cons(pmt.to_pmt(0), pmt.to_pmt(tx_gain))
- )
+ gain_tag.value = pmt.to_pmt({'gain': tx_gain})
tag_list = [gain_tag,]
- for i in xrange(n_bursts):
+ for i in xrange(len(self.hop_sequence)):
tune_tag = gr.tag_t()
tune_tag.offset = i * burst_length
- if i > 0 and post_tuning:
+ if i > 0 and post_tuning and not dsp_tuning: # TODO dsp_tuning should also be able to do post_tuning
tune_tag.offset -= 1 # Move it to last sample of previous burst
- tune_tag.key = pmt.string_to_symbol('tx_freq')
- tune_tag.value = pmt.to_pmt(self.hop_sequence[i])
+ if dsp_tuning:
+ tune_tag.key = pmt.string_to_symbol('tx_command')
+ tune_tag.value = pmt.to_pmt({'lo_freq': base_freq, 'dsp_freq': base_freq - self.hop_sequence[i]})
+ else:
+ tune_tag.key = pmt.string_to_symbol('tx_freq')
+ tune_tag.value = pmt.to_pmt(self.hop_sequence[i])
length_tag = gr.tag_t()
length_tag.offset = i * burst_length
@@ -164,7 +166,7 @@ class FlowGraph(gr.top_block):
raise SystemExit, 1
hopper_block = FrequencyHopperSrc(
options.num_bursts, options.num_channels,
- options.freq_delta, options.freq,
+ options.freq_delta, options.freq, options.dsp,
options.samp_per_burst, 1.0, options.hop_time / 1000.,
@@ -202,7 +204,7 @@ def main():
args = setup_parser().parse_args()
if (1.0 * args.samp_per_burst / args.rate) > args.hop_time * 1e-3:
print "Burst duration must be smaller than hop time."
- raise SystemExit, 1
+ exit(1)
if args.verbose:
top_block = FlowGraph(args)
diff --git a/gr-uhd/examples/python/ b/gr-uhd/examples/python/
index ba45a2e80e..b1ea6b44d8 100755
--- a/gr-uhd/examples/python/
+++ b/gr-uhd/examples/python/
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import math
import struct
import threading
from datetime import datetime
+import time
sys.stderr.write("Warning: this may have issues on some machines+Python version combinations to seg fault due to the callback in bin_statitics.\n\n")
@@ -271,6 +272,8 @@ def main_loop(tb):
bin_start = int(tb.fft_size * ((1 - 0.75) / 2))
bin_stop = int(tb.fft_size - bin_start)
+ timestamp = 0
+ centerfreq = 0
while 1:
# Get the next message sent from the C++ code (blocking call).
@@ -282,6 +285,15 @@ def main_loop(tb):
# m.raw_data is a string that contains the binary floats.
# You could write this as binary to a file.
+ # Scanning rate
+ if timestamp == 0:
+ timestamp = time.time()
+ centerfreq = m.center_freq
+ if m.center_freq < centerfreq:
+ sys.stderr.write("scanned %.1fMHz in %.1fs\n" % ((centerfreq - m.center_freq)/1.0e6, time.time() - timestamp))
+ timestamp = time.time()
+ centerfreq = m.center_freq
for i_bin in range(bin_start, bin_stop):
center_freq = m.center_freq
diff --git a/gr-uhd/include/gnuradio/uhd/CMakeLists.txt b/gr-uhd/include/gnuradio/uhd/CMakeLists.txt
index 71c17b89cd..b1f3345d78 100644
--- a/gr-uhd/include/gnuradio/uhd/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gr-uhd/include/gnuradio/uhd/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ usrp_block.h
diff --git a/gr-uhd/include/gnuradio/uhd/usrp_block.h b/gr-uhd/include/gnuradio/uhd/usrp_block.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5605ab82fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-uhd/include/gnuradio/uhd/usrp_block.h
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <gnuradio/uhd/api.h>
+#include <gnuradio/sync_block.h>
+#include <uhd/usrp/multi_usrp.hpp>
+namespace gr {
+ namespace uhd {
+ /*! Base class for USRP blocks.
+ * \ingroup uhd_blk
+ *
+ * Note that many of the functions defined here differ between
+ * Rx and Tx configurations. As an example, set_center_freq()
+ * will set the Rx frequency for a usrp_source object, and the
+ * Tx frequency on a usrp_sink object.
+ */
+ class GR_UHD_API usrp_block : public gr::sync_block
+ {
+ protected:
+ usrp_block() {}; // For virtual sub-classing
+ usrp_block(const std::string &name,
+ gr::io_signature::sptr input_signature,
+ gr::io_signature::sptr output_signature);
+ public:
+ /*!
+ * Set the frontend specification.
+ *
+ * \param spec the subdev spec markup string
+ * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
+ */
+ virtual void set_subdev_spec(const std::string &spec, size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get the frontend specification.
+ *
+ * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
+ * \return the frontend specification in use
+ */
+ virtual std::string get_subdev_spec(size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Set the sample rate for this connection to the USRP.
+ *
+ * \param rate a new rate in Sps
+ */
+ virtual void set_samp_rate(double rate) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get the sample rate for this connection to the USRP.
+ * This is the actual sample rate and may differ from the rate set.
+ *
+ * \return the actual rate in Sps
+ */
+ virtual double get_samp_rate(void) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get the possible sample rates for this connection.
+ *
+ * \return a range of rates in Sps
+ */
+ virtual ::uhd::meta_range_t get_samp_rates(void) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Tune the selected channel to the desired center frequency.
+ *
+ * \param tune_request the tune request instructions
+ * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
+ * \return a tune result with the actual frequencies
+ */
+ virtual ::uhd::tune_result_t set_center_freq(
+ const ::uhd::tune_request_t tune_request,
+ size_t chan = 0
+ ) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Tune the the selected channel to the desired center frequency.
+ *
+ * This is a wrapper around set_center_freq() so that in this case,
+ * the user can pass a single frequency in the call instead of
+ * having to generate a tune_request_t object.
+ *
+ * \param freq the desired frequency in Hz
+ * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
+ * \return a tune result with the actual frequencies
+ */
+ ::uhd::tune_result_t set_center_freq(double freq, size_t chan = 0)
+ {
+ return set_center_freq(::uhd::tune_request_t(freq), chan);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * Get the center frequency.
+ *
+ * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
+ * \return the frequency in Hz
+ */
+ virtual double get_center_freq(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get the tunable frequency range.
+ *
+ * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
+ * \return the frequency range in Hz
+ */
+ virtual ::uhd::freq_range_t get_freq_range(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Set the gain for the selected channel.
+ *
+ * \param gain the gain in dB
+ * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
+ */
+ virtual void set_gain(double gain, size_t chan = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Set the named gain on the dboard.
+ *
+ * \param gain the gain in dB
+ * \param name the name of the gain stage
+ * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
+ */
+ virtual void set_gain(double gain,
+ const std::string &name,
+ size_t chan = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Set the normalized gain.
+ *
+ * The normalized gain is always in [0, 1], regardless of the device.
+ * 0 corresponds to minimum gain (usually 0 dB, but make sure to read the device
+ * notes in the UHD manual) and 1 corresponds to maximum gain.
+ * This will work for any UHD device. Use get_gain() to see which dB value
+ * the normalized gain value corresponds to.
+ *
+ * Note that it is not possible to specify a gain name for this function.
+ *
+ * \throws A runtime_error if \p norm_gain is not within the valid range.
+ *
+ * \param norm_gain the gain in fractions of the gain range (must be 0 <= norm_gain <= 1)
+ * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
+ */
+ virtual void set_normalized_gain(double norm_gain, size_t chan = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get the actual dboard gain setting.
+ *
+ * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
+ * \return the actual gain in dB
+ */
+ virtual double get_gain(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get the actual dboard gain setting of named stage.
+ *
+ * \param name the name of the gain stage
+ * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
+ * \return the actual gain in dB
+ */
+ virtual double get_gain(const std::string &name,
+ size_t chan = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Returns the normalized gain.
+ *
+ * The normalized gain is always in [0, 1], regardless of the device.
+ * See also set_normalized_gain().
+ *
+ * Note that it is not possible to specify a gain name for
+ * this function, the result is over the entire gain chain.
+ *
+ * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
+ */
+ virtual double get_normalized_gain(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get the actual dboard gain setting of named stage.
+ *
+ * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
+ * \return the actual gain in dB
+ */
+ virtual std::vector<std::string> get_gain_names(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get the settable gain range.
+ *
+ * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
+ * \return the gain range in dB
+ */
+ virtual ::uhd::gain_range_t get_gain_range(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get the settable gain range.
+ *
+ * \param name the name of the gain stage
+ * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
+ * \return the gain range in dB
+ */
+ virtual ::uhd::gain_range_t get_gain_range(const std::string &name,
+ size_t chan = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Set the antenna to use for a given channel.
+ *
+ * \param ant the antenna string
+ * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
+ */
+ virtual void set_antenna(const std::string &ant,
+ size_t chan = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get the antenna in use.
+ *
+ * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
+ * \return the antenna string
+ */
+ virtual std::string get_antenna(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get a list of possible antennas on a given channel.
+ *
+ * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
+ * \return a vector of antenna strings
+ */
+ virtual std::vector<std::string> get_antennas(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Set the bandpass filter on the RF frontend.
+ *
+ * \param bandwidth the filter bandwidth in Hz
+ * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
+ */
+ virtual void set_bandwidth(double bandwidth, size_t chan = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get the bandpass filter setting on the RF frontend.
+ *
+ * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
+ * \return bandwidth of the filter in Hz
+ */
+ virtual double get_bandwidth(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get the bandpass filter range of the RF frontend.
+ *
+ * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
+ * \return the range of the filter bandwidth in Hz
+ */
+ virtual ::uhd::freq_range_t get_bandwidth_range(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get an RF frontend sensor value.
+ * \param name the name of the sensor
+ * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
+ * \return a sensor value object
+ */
+ virtual ::uhd::sensor_value_t get_sensor(const std::string &name,
+ size_t chan = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get a list of possible RF frontend sensor names.
+ * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
+ * \return a vector of sensor names
+ */
+ virtual std::vector<std::string> get_sensor_names(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
+ //! DEPRECATED use get_sensor
+ ::uhd::sensor_value_t get_dboard_sensor(const std::string &name,
+ size_t chan = 0)
+ {
+ return this->get_sensor(name, chan);
+ }
+ //! DEPRECATED use get_sensor_names
+ std::vector<std::string> get_dboard_sensor_names(size_t chan = 0)
+ {
+ return this->get_sensor_names(chan);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * Get a motherboard sensor value.
+ *
+ * \param name the name of the sensor
+ * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
+ * \return a sensor value object
+ */
+ virtual ::uhd::sensor_value_t get_mboard_sensor(const std::string &name,
+ size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get a list of possible motherboard sensor names.
+ *
+ * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
+ * \return a vector of sensor names
+ */
+ virtual std::vector<std::string> get_mboard_sensor_names(size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get the currently set time source.
+ *
+ * \param mboard which motherboard to get the config
+ * \return the string representing the time source
+ */
+ virtual std::string get_time_source(const size_t mboard) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get a list of possible time sources.
+ *
+ * \param mboard which motherboard to get the list
+ * \return a vector of strings for possible settings
+ */
+ virtual std::vector<std::string> get_time_sources(const size_t mboard) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Set the clock source for the usrp device.
+ *
+ * This sets the source for a 10 MHz reference clock.
+ * Typical options for source: internal, external, MIMO.
+ *
+ * \param source a string representing the clock source
+ * \param mboard which motherboard to set the config
+ */
+ virtual void set_clock_source(const std::string &source,
+ const size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get the currently set clock source.
+ *
+ * \param mboard which motherboard to get the config
+ * \return the string representing the clock source
+ */
+ virtual std::string get_clock_source(const size_t mboard) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get a list of possible clock sources.
+ *
+ * \param mboard which motherboard to get the list
+ * \return a vector of strings for possible settings
+ */
+ virtual std::vector<std::string> get_clock_sources(const size_t mboard) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get the master clock rate.
+ *
+ * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
+ * \return the clock rate in Hz
+ */
+ virtual double get_clock_rate(size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Set the master clock rate.
+ *
+ * \param rate the new rate in Hz
+ * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
+ */
+ virtual void set_clock_rate(double rate, size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get the current time registers.
+ *
+ * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
+ * \return the current usrp time
+ */
+ virtual ::uhd::time_spec_t get_time_now(size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get the time when the last pps pulse occured.
+ * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
+ * \return the current usrp time
+ */
+ virtual ::uhd::time_spec_t get_time_last_pps(size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Sets the time registers immediately.
+ * \param time_spec the new time
+ * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
+ */
+ virtual void set_time_now(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec, size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Set the time registers at the next pps.
+ * \param time_spec the new time
+ */
+ virtual void set_time_next_pps(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Sync the time registers with an unknown pps edge.
+ * \param time_spec the new time
+ */
+ virtual void set_time_unknown_pps(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Set the time at which the control commands will take effect.
+ *
+ * A timed command will back-pressure all subsequent timed commands,
+ * assuming that the subsequent commands occur within the time-window.
+ * If the time spec is late, the command will be activated upon arrival.
+ *
+ * \param time_spec the time at which the next command will activate
+ * \param mboard which motherboard to set the config
+ */
+ virtual void set_command_time(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec,
+ size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Clear the command time so future commands are sent ASAP.
+ *
+ * \param mboard which motherboard to set the config
+ */
+ virtual void clear_command_time(size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get access to the underlying uhd dboard iface object.
+ *
+ * \return the dboard_iface object
+ */
+ virtual ::uhd::usrp::dboard_iface::sptr get_dboard_iface(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Get access to the underlying uhd device object.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This function is only available in C++.
+ * \return the multi usrp device object
+ */
+ virtual ::uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr get_device(void) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Perform write on the user configuration register bus. These
+ * only exist if the user has implemented custom setting
+ * registers in the device FPGA.
+ *
+ * \param addr 8-bit register address
+ * \param data 32-bit register value
+ * \param mboard which motherboard to set the user register
+ */
+ virtual void set_user_register(const uint8_t addr,
+ const uint32_t data,
+ size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Set the clock configuration.
+ *
+ * DEPRECATED for set_time/clock_source.
+ * \param clock_config the new configuration
+ * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
+ */
+ virtual void set_clock_config(const ::uhd::clock_config_t &clock_config,
+ size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Set the time source for the USRP device.
+ *
+ * This sets the method of time synchronization,
+ * typically a pulse per second or an encoded time.
+ * Typical options for source: external, MIMO.
+ * \param source a string representing the time source
+ * \param mboard which motherboard to set the config
+ */
+ virtual void set_time_source(const std::string &source,
+ const size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
+ /*!
+ * Update the stream args for this device.
+ *
+ * This update will only take effect after a restart of the
+ * streaming, or before streaming and after construction.
+ * This will also delete the current streamer.
+ * Note you cannot change the I/O signature of this block using
+ * this function, or it will throw.
+ *
+ * It is possible to leave the 'channels' fields of \p stream_args
+ * unset. In this case, the previous channels field is used.
+ *
+ * \param stream_args New stream args.
+ * \throws std::runtime_error if new settings are invalid.
+ */
+ virtual void set_stream_args(const ::uhd::stream_args_t &stream_args) = 0;
+ };
+ } /* namespace uhd */
+} /* namespace gr */
diff --git a/gr-uhd/include/gnuradio/uhd/usrp_sink.h b/gr-uhd/include/gnuradio/uhd/usrp_sink.h
index dd1bd6a73a..4ccb83f595 100644
--- a/gr-uhd/include/gnuradio/uhd/usrp_sink.h
+++ b/gr-uhd/include/gnuradio/uhd/usrp_sink.h
@@ -23,9 +23,7 @@
-#include <gnuradio/uhd/api.h>
-#include <gnuradio/sync_block.h>
-#include <uhd/usrp/multi_usrp.hpp>
+#include <gnuradio/uhd/usrp_block.h>
// TODO In 3.8, UHD 3.4 will be required and we can remove all these ifdefs
@@ -54,7 +52,72 @@ namespace gr {
class uhd_usrp_sink;
- class GR_UHD_API usrp_sink : virtual public sync_block
+ /*! USRP Sink -- Radio Transmitter
+ * \ingroup uhd_blk
+ *
+ *
+ * The USRP sink block reads a stream and transmits the samples.
+ * The sink block also provides API calls for transmitter settings.
+ * See also gr::uhd::usrp_block for more public API calls.
+ *
+ * \section uhd_tx_tagging TX Stream tagging
+ *
+ * The following tag keys will be consumed by the work function:
+ * - pmt::string_to_symbol("tx_sob")
+ * - pmt::string_to_symbol("tx_eob")
+ * - pmt::string_to_symbol("tx_time")
+ * - pmt::string_to_symbol("tx_freq")
+ * - pmt::string_to_symbol("tx_command")
+ * - pmt::string_to_symbol(tsb_tag_name)
+ *
+ * Any other tag will be ignored.
+ *
+ * \section uhd_tx_burstys Bursty Transmission
+ *
+ * There are multiple ways to do bursty transmission without triggering
+ * underruns:
+ * - Using SOB/EOB tags
+ * - Using tagged streams (See \ref page_tagged_stream_blocks)
+ *
+ * The sob and eob (start and end of burst) tag values are pmt booleans.
+ * When present, burst tags should be set to true (pmt::PMT_T).
+ *
+ * If `tsb_tag_name` is not an empty string, all "tx_sob" and "tx_eob"
+ * tags will be ignored, and the input is assumed to a tagged stream.
+ *
+ * If sob/eob tags or length tags are used, this block understands that
+ * the data is bursty, and will configure the USRP to make sure there's
+ * no underruns after transmitting the final sample of a burst.
+ *
+ * \section uhd_tx_time Timestamps
+ *
+ * The timestamp tag value is a PMT tuple of the following:
+ * (uint64 seconds, double fractional seconds).
+ *
+ * The tx_freq tag has to be a double or a pair of form (channel, frequency),
+ * with frequency being a double and channel being an integer.
+ * This tag will trigger a tune command to the USRP
+ * to the given frequency, if possible. Note that oscillators need some time
+ * to stabilize after this! Don't expect clean data to be sent immediately after this command.
+ * If channel is omitted, and only a double is given, it will set this frequency to all
+ * channels.
+ *
+ * The command tag can carry a PMT command. See the following section.
+ *
+ * \section uhd_tx_commands Command interface
+ *
+ * There are two ways of passing commands to this block:
+ * 1. tx_command tag. The command is attached to a sample, and will executed
+ * before the sample is transmitted, and after the previous sample.
+ * 2. The 'command' message port. The command is executed asynchronously,
+ * as soon as possible.
+ *
+ * In both cases, the payload of the command is a PMT command, as described
+ * in Section \ref uhd_command_syntax.
+ *
+ * For a more general description of the gr-uhd components, see \ref page_uhd.
+ */
+ class GR_UHD_API usrp_sink : virtual public usrp_block
// gr::uhd::usrp_sink::sptr
@@ -68,64 +131,10 @@ namespace gr {
* gr::uhd::usrp_sink::make(const ::uhd::device_addr_t, const ::uhd::stream_args_t, const std::string).
static sptr make(const ::uhd::device_addr_t &device_addr,
- const ::uhd::io_type_t &io_type,
- size_t num_channels);
+ const ::uhd::io_type_t &io_type,
+ size_t num_channels);
- * \brief Make a new USRP sink block (usually a radio transmitter).
- *
- * The USRP sink block reads a stream and transmits the samples.
- * The sink block also provides API calls for transmitter settings.
- *
- * \section uhd_tx_tagging TX Stream tagging
- *
- * The following tag keys will be consumed by the work function:
- * - pmt::string_to_symbol("tx_sob")
- * - pmt::string_to_symbol("tx_eob")
- * - pmt::string_to_symbol("tx_time")
- * - pmt::string_to_symbol("tx_freq")
- * - pmt::string_to_symbol("tx_command")
- * - pmt::string_to_symbol(tsb_tag_name)
- *
- * Any other tag will be ignored.
- *
- * The sob and eob (start and end of burst) tag values are pmt booleans.
- * When present, burst tags should be set to true (pmt::PMT_T).
- *
- * If `tsb_tag_name` is not an empty string, all "tx_sob" and "tx_eob"
- * tags will be ignored, and the input is assumed to a tagged stream,
- * as described in \ref page_tagged_stream_blocks.
- *
- * If sob/eob tags or length tags are used, this block understands that
- * the data is bursty, and will configure the USRP to make sure there's
- * no underruns after transmitting the final sample of a burst.
- *
- * The timestamp tag value is a PMT tuple of the following:
- * (uint64 seconds, double fractional seconds).
- *
- * The tx_freq tag has to be a double or a pair of form (channel, frequency),
- * with frequency being a double and channel being an integer.
- * This tag will trigger a tune command to the USRP
- * to the given frequency, if possible. Note that oscillators need some time
- * to stabilize after this! Don't expect clean data to be sent immediately after this command.
- * If channel is omitted, and only a double is given, it will set this frequency to all
- * channels.
- *
- * The command tag can carry a PMT command. See the following section.
- *
- * \section uhd_tx_commands Command interface
- *
- * There are two ways of passing commands to this block:
- * 1. tx_command tag. The command is attached to a sample, and will executed
- * before the sample is transmitted, and after the previous sample.
- * 2. The 'command' message port. The command is executed asynchronously,
- * as soon as possible.
- *
- * In both cases, the payload of the command is a PMT command, as described
- * in Section \ref uhd_command_syntax.
- *
- * For a more general description of the gr-uhd components, see \ref page_uhd.
- *
* \param device_addr the address to identify the hardware
* \param stream_args the IO format and channel specification
* \param tsb_tag_name the name of the tag identifying tagged stream length
@@ -158,205 +167,6 @@ namespace gr {
virtual ::uhd::dict<std::string, std::string> get_usrp_info(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- * Set the frontend specification.
- * \param spec the subdev spec markup string
- * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
- */
- virtual void set_subdev_spec(const std::string &spec, size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the TX frontend specification.
- * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
- * \return the frontend specification in use
- */
- virtual std::string get_subdev_spec (size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the sample rate for the usrp device.
- * \param rate a new rate in Sps
- */
- virtual void set_samp_rate(double rate) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the sample rate for the usrp device.
- * This is the actual sample rate and may differ from the rate set.
- * \return the actual rate in Sps
- */
- virtual double get_samp_rate(void) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the possible sample rates for the usrp device.
- * \return a range of rates in Sps
- */
- virtual ::uhd::meta_range_t get_samp_rates(void) = 0;
- /*!
- * Tune the usrp device to the desired center frequency.
- * \param tune_request the tune request instructions
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return a tune result with the actual frequencies
- */
- virtual ::uhd::tune_result_t set_center_freq
- (const ::uhd::tune_request_t tune_request, size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Tune the usrp device to the desired center frequency.
- * This is a wrapper around set center freq so that in this case,
- * the user can pass a single frequency in the call through swig.
- * \param freq the desired frequency in Hz
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return a tune result with the actual frequencies
- */
- ::uhd::tune_result_t set_center_freq(double freq, size_t chan = 0)
- {
- return set_center_freq(::uhd::tune_request_t(freq), chan);
- }
- /*!
- * Get the center frequency.
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return the frequency in Hz
- */
- virtual double get_center_freq(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the tunable frequency range.
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return the frequency range in Hz
- */
- virtual ::uhd::freq_range_t get_freq_range(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the gain for the dboard.
- * \param gain the gain in dB
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- */
- virtual void set_gain(double gain, size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the named gain on the dboard.
- * \param gain the gain in dB
- * \param name the name of the gain stage
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- */
- virtual void set_gain(double gain,
- const std::string &name,
- size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the normalized gain.
- *
- * The normalized gain is always in [0, 1], regardless of the device.
- * 0 corresponds to minimum gain (usually 0 dB, but make sure to read the device
- * notes in the UHD manual) and 1 corresponds to maximum gain.
- * This will work for any UHD device. Use get_gain() to see which dB value
- * the normalized gain value corresponds to.
- *
- * Note that it is not possible to specify a gain name for this function.
- *
- * \throws A runtime_error if \p norm_gain is not within the valid range.
- *
- * \param norm_gain the gain in fractions of the gain range (must be 0 <= norm_gain <= 1)
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- */
- virtual void set_normalized_gain(double norm_gain, size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the actual dboard gain setting.
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return the actual gain in dB
- */
- virtual double get_gain(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the actual dboard gain setting of named stage.
- * \param name the name of the gain stage
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return the actual gain in dB
- */
- virtual double get_gain(const std::string &name,
- size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Returns the normalized gain.
- *
- * The normalized gain is always in [0, 1], regardless of the device.
- * See also set_normalized_gain().
- *
- * Note that it is not possible to specify a gain name for this function,
- * the result is over the entire gain chain.
- *
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- */
- virtual double get_normalized_gain(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the actual dboard gain setting of named stage.
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return the actual gain in dB
- */
- virtual std::vector<std::string> get_gain_names(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the settable gain range.
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return the gain range in dB
- */
- virtual ::uhd::gain_range_t get_gain_range(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the settable gain range.
- * \param name the name of the gain stage
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return the gain range in dB
- */
- virtual ::uhd::gain_range_t get_gain_range(const std::string &name,
- size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the antenna to use.
- * \param ant the antenna string
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- */
- virtual void set_antenna(const std::string &ant,
- size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the antenna in use.
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return the antenna string
- */
- virtual std::string get_antenna(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get a list of possible antennas.
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return a vector of antenna strings
- */
- virtual std::vector<std::string> get_antennas(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the bandpass filter on the RF frontend.
- * \param bandwidth the filter bandwidth in Hz
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- */
- virtual void set_bandwidth(double bandwidth, size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the bandpass filter setting on the RF frontend.
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return bandwidth of the filter in Hz
- */
- virtual double get_bandwidth(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the bandpass filter range of the RF frontend.
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return the range of the filter bandwidth in Hz
- */
- virtual ::uhd::freq_range_t get_bandwidth_range(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
* Set a constant DC offset value.
* The value is complex to control both I and Q.
* \param offset the dc offset (1.0 is full-scale)
@@ -375,218 +185,6 @@ namespace gr {
virtual void set_iq_balance(const std::complex<double> &correction,
size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get an RF frontend sensor value.
- * \param name the name of the sensor
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return a sensor value object
- */
- virtual ::uhd::sensor_value_t get_sensor(const std::string &name,
- size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get a list of possible RF frontend sensor names.
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return a vector of sensor names
- */
- virtual std::vector<std::string> get_sensor_names(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- //! DEPRECATED use get_sensor
- ::uhd::sensor_value_t get_dboard_sensor(const std::string &name,
- size_t chan = 0)
- {
- return this->get_sensor(name, chan);
- }
- //! DEPRECATED use get_sensor_names
- std::vector<std::string> get_dboard_sensor_names(size_t chan = 0)
- {
- return this->get_sensor_names(chan);
- }
- /*!
- * Get a motherboard sensor value.
- * \param name the name of the sensor
- * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
- * \return a sensor value object
- */
- virtual ::uhd::sensor_value_t get_mboard_sensor(const std::string &name,
- size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get a list of possible motherboard sensor names.
- * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
- * \return a vector of sensor names
- */
- virtual std::vector<std::string> get_mboard_sensor_names(size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the clock configuration.
- * DEPRECATED for set_time/clock_source.
- * \param clock_config the new configuration
- * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
- */
- virtual void set_clock_config(const ::uhd::clock_config_t &clock_config,
- size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the time source for the usrp device.
- * This sets the method of time synchronization,
- * typically a pulse per second or an encoded time.
- * Typical options for source: external, MIMO.
- * \param source a string representing the time source
- * \param mboard which motherboard to set the config
- */
- virtual void set_time_source(const std::string &source,
- const size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the currently set time source.
- * \param mboard which motherboard to get the config
- * \return the string representing the time source
- */
- virtual std::string get_time_source(const size_t mboard) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get a list of possible time sources.
- * \param mboard which motherboard to get the list
- * \return a vector of strings for possible settings
- */
- virtual std::vector<std::string> get_time_sources(const size_t mboard) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the clock source for the usrp device.
- * This sets the source for a 10 Mhz reference clock.
- * Typical options for source: internal, external, MIMO.
- * \param source a string representing the clock source
- * \param mboard which motherboard to set the config
- */
- virtual void set_clock_source(const std::string &source,
- const size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the currently set clock source.
- * \param mboard which motherboard to get the config
- * \return the string representing the clock source
- */
- virtual std::string get_clock_source(const size_t mboard) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get a list of possible clock sources.
- * \param mboard which motherboard to get the list
- * \return a vector of strings for possible settings
- */
- virtual std::vector<std::string> get_clock_sources(const size_t mboard) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the master clock rate.
- * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
- * \return the clock rate in Hz
- */
- virtual double get_clock_rate(size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the master clock rate.
- * \param rate the new rate in Hz
- * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
- */
- virtual void set_clock_rate(double rate, size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the current time registers.
- * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
- * \return the current usrp time
- */
- virtual ::uhd::time_spec_t get_time_now(size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the time when the last pps pulse occured.
- * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
- * \return the current usrp time
- */
- virtual ::uhd::time_spec_t get_time_last_pps(size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Sets the time registers immediately.
- * \param time_spec the new time
- * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
- */
- virtual void set_time_now(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec, size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the time registers at the next pps.
- * \param time_spec the new time
- */
- virtual void set_time_next_pps(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec) = 0;
- /*!
- * Sync the time registers with an unknown pps edge.
- * \param time_spec the new time
- */
- virtual void set_time_unknown_pps(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the time at which the control commands will take effect.
- *
- * A timed command will back-pressure all subsequent timed commands,
- * assuming that the subsequent commands occur within the time-window.
- * If the time spec is late, the command will be activated upon arrival.
- *
- * \param time_spec the time at which the next command will activate
- * \param mboard which motherboard to set the config
- */
- virtual void set_command_time(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec,
- size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Clear the command time so future commands are sent ASAP.
- *
- * \param mboard which motherboard to set the config
- */
- virtual void clear_command_time(size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get access to the underlying uhd dboard iface object.
- * \return the dboard_iface object
- */
- virtual ::uhd::usrp::dboard_iface::sptr get_dboard_iface(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get access to the underlying uhd device object.
- *
- * NOTE: This function is only available in C++.
- * \return the multi usrp device object
- */
- virtual ::uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr get_device(void) = 0;
- /*!
- * Perform write on the user configuration register bus. These
- * only exist if the user has implemented custom setting
- * registers in the device FPGA.
- * \param addr 8-bit register address
- * \param data 32-bit register value
- * \param mboard which motherboard to set the user register
- */
- virtual void set_user_register(const uint8_t addr,
- const uint32_t data,
- size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Update the stream args for this device.
- *
- * This update will only take effect after a restart of the
- * streaming, or before streaming and after construction.
- * This will also delete the current streamer.
- * Note you cannot change the I/O signature of this block using
- * this function, or it will throw.
- *
- * It is possible to leave the 'channels' fields of \p stream_args
- * unset. In this case, the previous channels field is used.
- *
- * \param stream_args New stream args.
- * \throws std::runtime_error if new settings are invalid.
- */
- virtual void set_stream_args(const ::uhd::stream_args_t &stream_args) = 0;
} /* namespace uhd */
diff --git a/gr-uhd/include/gnuradio/uhd/usrp_source.h b/gr-uhd/include/gnuradio/uhd/usrp_source.h
index 7da39683d1..19b3feb61f 100644
--- a/gr-uhd/include/gnuradio/uhd/usrp_source.h
+++ b/gr-uhd/include/gnuradio/uhd/usrp_source.h
@@ -23,11 +23,9 @@
-#include <gnuradio/uhd/api.h>
-#include <gnuradio/sync_block.h>
-#include <uhd/usrp/multi_usrp.hpp>
+#include <gnuradio/uhd/usrp_block.h>
-// TODO In 3.8, UHD 3.4 will be required and we can remove all these ifdefs
+// TODO In 3.8, UHD 3.6 will be required and we can remove all these ifdefs
namespace uhd {
struct GR_UHD_API stream_args_t
@@ -54,7 +52,31 @@ namespace gr {
class uhd_usrp_source;
- class GR_UHD_API usrp_source : virtual public sync_block
+ /*! USRP Source -- Radio Receiver
+ * \ingroup uhd_blk
+ *
+ * The USRP source block receives samples and writes to a stream.
+ * The source block also provides API calls for receiver settings.
+ * See also gr::uhd::usrp_block for more public API calls.
+ *
+ * RX Stream tagging:
+ *
+ * The following tag keys will be produced by the work function:
+ * - pmt::string_to_symbol("rx_time")
+ *
+ * The timestamp tag value is a pmt tuple of the following:
+ * (uint64 seconds, and double fractional seconds).
+ * A timestamp tag is produced at start() and after overflows.
+ *
+ * \section uhd_rx_command_iface Command interface
+ *
+ * This block has a message port, which consumes UHD PMT commands.
+ * For a description of the command syntax, see Section \ref uhd_command_syntax.
+ *
+ * For a more general description of the gr-uhd components, see \ref page_uhd.
+ *
+ */
+ class GR_UHD_API usrp_source : virtual public usrp_block
// gr::uhd::usrp_source::sptr
@@ -72,27 +94,6 @@ namespace gr {
size_t num_channels);
- * \brief Make a new USRP source block (usually a radio receiver).
- *
- * The USRP source block receives samples and writes to a stream.
- * The source block also provides API calls for receiver settings.
- *
- * RX Stream tagging:
- *
- * The following tag keys will be produced by the work function:
- * - pmt::string_to_symbol("rx_time")
- *
- * The timestamp tag value is a pmt tuple of the following:
- * (uint64 seconds, and double fractional seconds).
- * A timestamp tag is produced at start() and after overflows.
- *
- * \section uhd_rx_command_iface Command interface
- *
- * This block has a message port, which consumes UHD PMT commands.
- * For a description of the command syntax, see Section \ref uhd_command_syntax.
- *
- * For a more general description of the gr-uhd components, see \ref page_uhd.
- *
* \param device_addr the address to identify the hardware
* \param stream_args the IO format and channel specification
* \return a new USRP source block object
@@ -137,205 +138,6 @@ namespace gr {
virtual ::uhd::dict<std::string, std::string> get_usrp_info(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- * Set the frontend specification.
- * \param spec the subdev spec markup string
- * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
- */
- virtual void set_subdev_spec(const std::string &spec, size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the RX frontend specification.
- * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
- * \return the frontend specification in use
- */
- virtual std::string get_subdev_spec(size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the sample rate for the usrp device.
- * \param rate a new rate in Sps
- */
- virtual void set_samp_rate(double rate) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the sample rate for the usrp device.
- * This is the actual sample rate and may differ from the rate set.
- * \return the actual rate in Sps
- */
- virtual double get_samp_rate(void) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the possible sample rates for the usrp device.
- * \return a range of rates in Sps
- */
- virtual ::uhd::meta_range_t get_samp_rates(void) = 0;
- /*!
- * Tune the usrp device to the desired center frequency.
- * \param tune_request the tune request instructions
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return a tune result with the actual frequencies
- */
- virtual ::uhd::tune_result_t set_center_freq
- (const ::uhd::tune_request_t tune_request, size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Tune the usrp device to the desired center frequency.
- * This is a wrapper around set center freq so that in this case,
- * the user can pass a single frequency in the call through swig.
- * \param freq the desired frequency in Hz
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return a tune result with the actual frequencies
- */
- ::uhd::tune_result_t set_center_freq(double freq, size_t chan = 0)
- {
- return set_center_freq(::uhd::tune_request_t(freq), chan);
- }
- /*!
- * Get the center frequency.
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return the frequency in Hz
- */
- virtual double get_center_freq(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the tunable frequency range.
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return the frequency range in Hz
- */
- virtual ::uhd::freq_range_t get_freq_range(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the gain for the dboard.
- * \param gain the gain in dB
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- */
- virtual void set_gain(double gain, size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the named gain on the dboard.
- * \param gain the gain in dB
- * \param name the name of the gain stage
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- */
- virtual void set_gain(double gain,
- const std::string &name,
- size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the normalized gain.
- *
- * The normalized gain is always in [0, 1], regardless of the device.
- * 0 corresponds to minimum gain (usually 0 dB, but make sure to read the device
- * notes in the UHD manual) and 1 corresponds to maximum gain.
- * This will work for any UHD device. Use get_gain() to see which dB value
- * the normalized gain value corresponds to.
- *
- * Note that it is not possible to specify a gain name for this function.
- *
- * \throws A runtime_error if \p norm_gain is not within the valid range.
- *
- * \param norm_gain the gain in fractions of the gain range (must be 0 <= norm_gain <= 1)
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- */
- virtual void set_normalized_gain(double norm_gain, size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the actual dboard gain setting.
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return the actual gain in dB
- */
- virtual double get_gain(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the actual dboard gain setting of named stage.
- * \param name the name of the gain stage
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return the actual gain in dB
- */
- virtual double get_gain(const std::string &name,
- size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Returns the normalized gain.
- *
- * The normalized gain is always in [0, 1], regardless of the device.
- * See also set_normalized_gain().
- *
- * Note that it is not possible to specify a gain name for this function,
- * the result is over the entire gain chain.
- *
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- */
- virtual double get_normalized_gain(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the actual dboard gain setting of named stage.
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return the actual gain in dB
- */
- virtual std::vector<std::string> get_gain_names(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the settable gain range.
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return the gain range in dB
- */
- virtual ::uhd::gain_range_t get_gain_range(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the settable gain range.
- * \param name the name of the gain stage
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return the gain range in dB
- */
- virtual ::uhd::gain_range_t get_gain_range(const std::string &name,
- size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the antenna to use.
- * \param ant the antenna string
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- */
- virtual void set_antenna(const std::string &ant,
- size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the antenna in use.
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return the antenna string
- */
- virtual std::string get_antenna(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get a list of possible antennas.
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return a vector of antenna strings
- */
- virtual std::vector<std::string> get_antennas(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the bandpass filter on the RF frontend.
- * \param bandwidth the filter bandwidth in Hz
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- */
- virtual void set_bandwidth(double bandwidth, size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the bandpass filter setting on the RF frontend.
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return bandwidth of the filter in Hz
- */
- virtual double get_bandwidth(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the bandpass filter range of the RF frontend.
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return the range of the filter bandwidth in Hz
- */
- virtual ::uhd::freq_range_t get_bandwidth_range(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
* Enable/disable the automatic DC offset correction.
* The automatic correction subtracts out the long-run average.
@@ -377,221 +179,6 @@ namespace gr {
size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- * Get a RF frontend sensor value.
- * \param name the name of the sensor
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return a sensor value object
- */
- virtual ::uhd::sensor_value_t get_sensor(const std::string &name,
- size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get a list of possible RF frontend sensor names.
- * \param chan the channel index 0 to N-1
- * \return a vector of sensor names
- */
- virtual std::vector<std::string> get_sensor_names(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- //! DEPRECATED use get_sensor
- ::uhd::sensor_value_t get_dboard_sensor(const std::string &name,
- size_t chan = 0)
- {
- return this->get_sensor(name, chan);
- }
- //! DEPRECATED use get_sensor_names
- std::vector<std::string> get_dboard_sensor_names(size_t chan = 0)
- {
- return this->get_sensor_names(chan);
- }
- /*!
- * Get a motherboard sensor value.
- * \param name the name of the sensor
- * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
- * \return a sensor value object
- */
- virtual ::uhd::sensor_value_t get_mboard_sensor(const std::string &name,
- size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get a list of possible motherboard sensor names.
- * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
- * \return a vector of sensor names
- */
- virtual std::vector<std::string> get_mboard_sensor_names(size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the clock configuration.
- * DEPRECATED for set_time/clock_source.
- * \param clock_config the new configuration
- * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
- */
- virtual void set_clock_config(const ::uhd::clock_config_t &clock_config,
- size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the time source for the usrp device.
- * This sets the method of time synchronization,
- * typically a pulse per second or an encoded time.
- * Typical options for source: external, MIMO.
- * \param source a string representing the time source
- * \param mboard which motherboard to set the config
- */
- virtual void set_time_source(const std::string &source,
- const size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the currently set time source.
- * \param mboard which motherboard to get the config
- * \return the string representing the time source
- */
- virtual std::string get_time_source(const size_t mboard) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get a list of possible time sources.
- * \param mboard which motherboard to get the list
- * \return a vector of strings for possible settings
- */
- virtual std::vector<std::string> get_time_sources(const size_t mboard) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the clock source for the usrp device.
- * This sets the source for a 10 Mhz reference clock.
- * Typical options for source: internal, external, MIMO.
- * \param source a string representing the clock source
- * \param mboard which motherboard to set the config
- */
- virtual void set_clock_source(const std::string &source,
- const size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the currently set clock source.
- * \param mboard which motherboard to get the config
- * \return the string representing the clock source
- */
- virtual std::string get_clock_source(const size_t mboard) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get a list of possible clock sources.
- * \param mboard which motherboard to get the list
- * \return a vector of strings for possible settings
- */
- virtual std::vector<std::string> get_clock_sources(const size_t mboard) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the master clock rate.
- * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
- * \return the clock rate in Hz
- */
- virtual double get_clock_rate(size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the master clock rate.
- * \param rate the new rate in Hz
- * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
- */
- virtual void set_clock_rate(double rate, size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the current time registers.
- * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
- * \return the current usrp time
- */
- virtual ::uhd::time_spec_t get_time_now(size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get the time when the last pps pulse occured.
- * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
- * \return the current usrp time
- */
- virtual ::uhd::time_spec_t get_time_last_pps(size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Sets the time registers immediately.
- * \param time_spec the new time
- * \param mboard the motherboard index 0 to M-1
- */
- virtual void set_time_now(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec,
- size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the time registers at the next pps.
- * \param time_spec the new time
- */
- virtual void set_time_next_pps(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec) = 0;
- /*!
- * Sync the time registers with an unknown pps edge.
- * \param time_spec the new time
- */
- virtual void set_time_unknown_pps(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec) = 0;
- /*!
- * Set the time at which the control commands will take effect.
- *
- * A timed command will back-pressure all subsequent timed
- * commands, assuming that the subsequent commands occur within
- * the time-window. If the time spec is late, the command will
- * be activated upon arrival.
- *
- * \param time_spec the time at which the next command will activate
- * \param mboard which motherboard to set the config
- */
- virtual void set_command_time(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec,
- size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Clear the command time so future commands are sent ASAP.
- *
- * \param mboard which motherboard to set the config
- */
- virtual void clear_command_time(size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get access to the underlying uhd dboard iface object.
- * \return the dboard_iface object
- */
- virtual ::uhd::usrp::dboard_iface::sptr get_dboard_iface(size_t chan = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Get access to the underlying uhd device object.
- *
- * NOTE: This function is only available in C++.
- * \return the multi usrp device object
- */
- virtual ::uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr get_device(void) = 0;
- /*!
- * Perform write on the user configuration register bus. These
- * only exist if the user has implemented custom setting
- * registers in the device FPGA.
- * \param addr 8-bit register address
- * \param data 32-bit register value
- * \param mboard which motherboard to set the user register
- */
- virtual void set_user_register(const uint8_t addr,
- const uint32_t data,
- size_t mboard = 0) = 0;
- /*!
- * Update the stream args for this device.
- *
- * This update will only take effect after a restart of the
- * streaming, or before streaming and after construction.
- * This will also delete the current streamer.
- * Note you cannot change the I/O signature of this block using
- * this function, or it will throw.
- *
- * It is possible to leave the 'channels' fields of \p stream_args
- * unset. In this case, the previous channels field is used.
- *
- * \param stream_args New stream args.
- * \throws std::runtime_error if new settings are invalid.
- */
- virtual void set_stream_args(const ::uhd::stream_args_t &stream_args) = 0;
- /*!
* Convenience function for finite data acquisition.
* This is not to be used with the scheduler; rather,
* one can request samples from the USRP in python.
diff --git a/gr-uhd/lib/CMakeLists.txt b/gr-uhd/lib/CMakeLists.txt
index b3ead137af..531bd40b09 100644
--- a/gr-uhd/lib/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/gr-uhd/lib/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ link_directories(${LOG4CPP_LIBRARY_DIRS})
# Setup library
list(APPEND gr_uhd_sources
diff --git a/gr-uhd/lib/ b/gr-uhd/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e73b10538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-uhd/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include "usrp_block_impl.h"
+#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
+using namespace gr::uhd;
+const double usrp_block_impl::LOCK_TIMEOUT = 1.5;
+const pmt::pmt_t CMD_CHAN_KEY = pmt::mp("chan");
+const pmt::pmt_t CMD_GAIN_KEY = pmt::mp("gain");
+const pmt::pmt_t CMD_FREQ_KEY = pmt::mp("freq");
+const pmt::pmt_t CMD_LO_OFFSET_KEY = pmt::mp("lo_offset");
+const pmt::pmt_t CMD_TUNE_KEY = pmt::mp("tune");
+const pmt::pmt_t CMD_LO_FREQ_KEY = pmt::mp("lo_freq");
+const pmt::pmt_t CMD_DSP_FREQ_KEY = pmt::mp("dsp_freq");
+const pmt::pmt_t CMD_RATE_KEY = pmt::mp("rate");
+const pmt::pmt_t CMD_BANDWIDTH_KEY = pmt::mp("bandwidth");
+const pmt::pmt_t CMD_TIME_KEY = pmt::mp("time");
+const pmt::pmt_t CMD_MBOARD_KEY = pmt::mp("mboard");
+const pmt::pmt_t CMD_ANTENNA_KEY = pmt::mp("antenna");
+ * Structors
+ *********************************************************************/
+ const std::string &name,
+ gr::io_signature::sptr input_signature,
+ gr::io_signature::sptr output_signature
+) : sync_block(name, input_signature, output_signature)
+ // nop
+ const ::uhd::device_addr_t &device_addr,
+ const ::uhd::stream_args_t &stream_args,
+ const std::string &ts_tag_name
+) : _stream_args(stream_args),
+ _nchan(stream_args.channels.size()),
+ _stream_now(_nchan == 1 and ts_tag_name.empty()),
+ _start_time_set(false),
+ _curr_tune_req(stream_args.channels.size(), ::uhd::tune_request_t()),
+ _chans_to_tune(stream_args.channels.size())
+ // TODO remove this when we update UHD
+ if(stream_args.cpu_format == "fc32")
+ _type = boost::make_shared< ::uhd::io_type_t >(::uhd::io_type_t::COMPLEX_FLOAT32);
+ if(stream_args.cpu_format == "sc16")
+ _type = boost::make_shared< ::uhd::io_type_t >(::uhd::io_type_t::COMPLEX_INT16);
+ _dev = ::uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make(device_addr);
+ _check_mboard_sensors_locked();
+ // Set up message ports:
+ message_port_register_in(pmt::mp("command"));
+ set_msg_handler(
+ pmt::mp("command"),
+ boost::bind(&usrp_block_impl::msg_handler_command, this, _1)
+ );
+// cuz we lazy:
+#define REGISTER_CMD_HANDLER(key, _handler) register_msg_cmd_handler(key, boost::bind(&usrp_block_impl::_handler, this, _1, _2, _3))
+ // Register default command handlers:
+ REGISTER_CMD_HANDLER(CMD_FREQ_KEY, _cmd_handler_freq);
+ REGISTER_CMD_HANDLER(CMD_GAIN_KEY, _cmd_handler_gain);
+ REGISTER_CMD_HANDLER(CMD_LO_OFFSET_KEY, _cmd_handler_looffset);
+ REGISTER_CMD_HANDLER(CMD_TUNE_KEY, _cmd_handler_tune);
+ REGISTER_CMD_HANDLER(CMD_LO_FREQ_KEY, _cmd_handler_lofreq);
+ REGISTER_CMD_HANDLER(CMD_DSP_FREQ_KEY, _cmd_handler_dspfreq);
+ REGISTER_CMD_HANDLER(CMD_RATE_KEY, _cmd_handler_rate);
+ REGISTER_CMD_HANDLER(CMD_ANTENNA_KEY, _cmd_handler_antenna);
+ // nop
+ * Helpers
+ *********************************************************************/
+void usrp_block_impl::_update_stream_args(const ::uhd::stream_args_t &stream_args_)
+ ::uhd::stream_args_t stream_args(stream_args_);
+ if (stream_args.channels.empty()) {
+ stream_args.channels = _stream_args.channels;
+ }
+ if (stream_args.cpu_format != _stream_args.cpu_format ||
+ stream_args.channels.size() != _stream_args.channels.size()) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Cannot change I/O signatures while updating stream args!");
+ }
+ _stream_args = stream_args;
+bool usrp_block_impl::_wait_for_locked_sensor(
+ std::vector<std::string> sensor_names,
+ const std::string &sensor_name,
+ get_sensor_fn_t get_sensor_fn
+ if (std::find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), sensor_name) == sensor_names.end())
+ return true;
+ boost::system_time start = boost::get_system_time();
+ boost::system_time first_lock_time;
+ while (true) {
+ if ((not first_lock_time.is_not_a_date_time()) and
+ (boost::get_system_time() > (first_lock_time + boost::posix_time::seconds(LOCK_TIMEOUT)))) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (get_sensor_fn(sensor_name).to_bool()) {
+ if (first_lock_time.is_not_a_date_time())
+ first_lock_time = boost::get_system_time();
+ }
+ else {
+ first_lock_time = boost::system_time(); //reset to 'not a date time'
+ if (boost::get_system_time() > (start + boost::posix_time::seconds(LOCK_TIMEOUT))){
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(100));
+ }
+ return true;
+bool usrp_block_impl::_unpack_chan_command(
+ std::string &command,
+ pmt::pmt_t &cmd_val,
+ int &chan,
+ const pmt::pmt_t &cmd_pmt
+) {
+ try {
+ chan = -1; // Default value
+ if (pmt::is_tuple(cmd_pmt) and (pmt::length(cmd_pmt) == 2 or pmt::length(cmd_pmt) == 3)) {
+ command = pmt::symbol_to_string(pmt::tuple_ref(cmd_pmt, 0));
+ cmd_val = pmt::tuple_ref(cmd_pmt, 1);
+ if (pmt::length(cmd_pmt) == 3) {
+ chan = pmt::to_long(pmt::tuple_ref(cmd_pmt, 2));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (pmt::is_pair(cmd_pmt)) {
+ command = pmt::symbol_to_string(pmt::car(cmd_pmt));
+ cmd_val = pmt::cdr(cmd_pmt);
+ if (pmt::is_pair(cmd_val)) {
+ chan = pmt::to_long(pmt::car(cmd_val));
+ cmd_val = pmt::cdr(cmd_val);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } catch (pmt::wrong_type w) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool usrp_block_impl::_check_mboard_sensors_locked()
+ bool clocks_locked = true;
+ // Check ref lock for all mboards
+ for (size_t mboard_index = 0; mboard_index < _dev->get_num_mboards(); mboard_index++) {
+ std::string sensor_name = "ref_locked";
+ if (_dev->get_clock_source(mboard_index) == "internal") {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (_dev->get_clock_source(mboard_index) == "mimo") {
+ sensor_name = "mimo_locked";
+ }
+ if (not _wait_for_locked_sensor(
+ get_mboard_sensor_names(mboard_index),
+ sensor_name,
+ boost::bind(&usrp_block_impl::get_mboard_sensor, this, _1, mboard_index)
+ )) {
+ GR_LOG_WARN(d_logger, boost::format("Sensor '%s' failed to lock within timeout on motherboard %d.") % sensor_name % mboard_index);
+ clocks_locked = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return clocks_locked;
+ while (_chans_to_tune.any()) {
+ // This resets() bits, so this loop should not run indefinitely
+ _set_center_freq_from_internals(_chans_to_tune.find_first());
+ }
+ * Public API calls
+ *********************************************************************/
+usrp_block_impl::get_mboard_sensor(const std::string &name,
+ size_t mboard)
+ return _dev->get_mboard_sensor(name, mboard);
+usrp_block_impl::get_mboard_sensor_names(size_t mboard)
+ return _dev->get_mboard_sensor_names(mboard);
+usrp_block_impl::set_clock_config(const ::uhd::clock_config_t &clock_config,
+ size_t mboard)
+ return _dev->set_clock_config(clock_config, mboard);
+usrp_block_impl::set_time_source(const std::string &source,
+ const size_t mboard)
+ return _dev->set_time_source(source, mboard);
+ throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
+usrp_block_impl::get_time_source(const size_t mboard)
+ return _dev->get_time_source(mboard);
+ throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
+usrp_block_impl::get_time_sources(const size_t mboard)
+ return _dev->get_time_sources(mboard);
+ throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
+usrp_block_impl::set_clock_source(const std::string &source,
+ const size_t mboard)
+ return _dev->set_clock_source(source, mboard);
+ throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
+usrp_block_impl::get_clock_source(const size_t mboard)
+ return _dev->get_clock_source(mboard);
+ throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
+usrp_block_impl::get_clock_sources(const size_t mboard)
+ return _dev->get_clock_sources(mboard);
+ throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
+usrp_block_impl::get_clock_rate(size_t mboard)
+ return _dev->get_master_clock_rate(mboard);
+usrp_block_impl::set_clock_rate(double rate, size_t mboard)
+ return _dev->set_master_clock_rate(rate, mboard);
+usrp_block_impl::get_time_now(size_t mboard)
+ return _dev->get_time_now(mboard);
+usrp_block_impl::get_time_last_pps(size_t mboard)
+ return _dev->get_time_last_pps(mboard);
+usrp_block_impl::set_time_now(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec,
+ size_t mboard)
+ return _dev->set_time_now(time_spec, mboard);
+usrp_block_impl::set_time_next_pps(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec)
+ return _dev->set_time_next_pps(time_spec);
+usrp_block_impl::set_time_unknown_pps(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec)
+ return _dev->set_time_unknown_pps(time_spec);
+usrp_block_impl::set_command_time(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec,
+ size_t mboard)
+ return _dev->set_command_time(time_spec, mboard);
+ throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
+usrp_block_impl::clear_command_time(size_t mboard)
+ return _dev->clear_command_time(mboard);
+ throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
+usrp_block_impl::set_user_register(const uint8_t addr,
+ const uint32_t data,
+ size_t mboard)
+ _dev->set_user_register(addr, data, mboard);
+ throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
+ return _dev;
+ * External Interfaces
+ *********************************************************************/
+ add_rpc_variable(
+ rpcbasic_sptr(new rpcbasic_register_get<usrp_block, double>(
+ alias(), "samp_rate",
+ &usrp_block::get_samp_rate,
+ pmt::mp(100000.0f), pmt::mp(25000000.0f), pmt::mp(1000000.0f),
+ "sps", "Sample Rate", RPC_PRIVLVL_MIN,
+ );
+ add_rpc_variable(
+ rpcbasic_sptr(new rpcbasic_register_set<usrp_block, double>(
+ alias(), "samp_rate",
+ &usrp_block::set_samp_rate,
+ pmt::mp(100000.0f), pmt::mp(25000000.0f), pmt::mp(1000000.0f),
+ "sps", "Sample Rate",
+ );
+#endif /* GR_CTRLPORT */
+void usrp_block_impl::msg_handler_command(pmt::pmt_t msg)
+ // Legacy code back compat: If we receive a tuple, we convert
+ // it to a dict, and call the function again. Yep, this comes
+ // at a slight performance hit. Sometime in the future, we can
+ // hopefully remove this:
+ if (pmt::is_tuple(msg)) {
+ if (pmt::length(msg) != 2 && pmt::length(msg) != 3) {
+ GR_LOG_ALERT(d_logger, boost::format("Error while unpacking command PMT: %s") % msg);
+ return;
+ }
+ pmt::pmt_t new_msg = pmt::make_dict();
+ new_msg = pmt::dict_add(new_msg, pmt::tuple_ref(msg, 0), pmt::tuple_ref(msg, 1));
+ if (pmt::length(msg) == 3) {
+ new_msg = pmt::dict_add(new_msg, pmt::mp("chan"), pmt::tuple_ref(msg, 2));
+ }
+ GR_LOG_WARN(d_debug_logger, boost::format("Using legacy message format (tuples): %s") % msg);
+ return msg_handler_command(new_msg);
+ }
+ // End of legacy backward compat code.
+ // Turn pair into dict
+ if (!pmt::is_dict(msg)) {
+ GR_LOG_ERROR(d_logger, boost::format("Command message is neither dict nor pair: %s") % msg);
+ return;
+ }
+ // OK, here comes the horrible part. Pairs pass is_dict(), but they're not dicts. Such dicks.
+ try {
+ // This will fail if msg is a pair:
+ pmt::pmt_t keys = pmt::dict_keys(msg);
+ } catch (const pmt::wrong_type &e) {
+ // So we fix it:
+ GR_LOG_DEBUG(d_debug_logger, boost::format("Converting pair to dict: %s") % msg);
+ msg = pmt::dict_add(pmt::make_dict(), pmt::car(msg), pmt::cdr(msg));
+ }
+ /*** Start the actual message processing *************************/
+ /// 1) Check if there's a time stamp
+ if (pmt::dict_has_key(msg, CMD_TIME_KEY)) {
+ size_t mboard_index = pmt::to_long(
+ pmt::dict_ref(
+ pmt::from_long( ::uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::ALL_MBOARDS ) // Default to all mboards
+ )
+ );
+ pmt::pmt_t timespec_p = pmt::dict_ref(msg, CMD_TIME_KEY, pmt::PMT_NIL);
+ if (timespec_p == pmt::PMT_NIL) {
+ clear_command_time(mboard_index);
+ } else {
+ ::uhd::time_spec_t timespec(
+ time_t(pmt::to_uint64(pmt::car(timespec_p))), // Full secs
+ pmt::to_double(pmt::cdr(timespec_p)) // Frac secs
+ );
+ GR_LOG_DEBUG(d_debug_logger, boost::format("Setting command time on mboard %d") % mboard_index);
+ set_command_time(timespec, mboard_index);
+ }
+ }
+ /// 2) Read chan value
+ int chan = int(pmt::to_long(
+ pmt::dict_ref(
+ msg, CMD_CHAN_KEY,
+ pmt::from_long(-1) // Default to all chans
+ )
+ ));
+ /// 3) Loop through all the values
+ GR_LOG_DEBUG(d_debug_logger, boost::format("Processing command message %s") % msg);
+ pmt::pmt_t msg_items = pmt::dict_items(msg);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pmt::length(msg_items); i++) {
+ try {
+ dispatch_msg_cmd_handler(
+ pmt::car(pmt::nth(i, msg_items)),
+ pmt::cdr(pmt::nth(i, msg_items)),
+ chan, msg
+ );
+ } catch (pmt::wrong_type &e) {
+ GR_LOG_ALERT(d_logger, boost::format("Invalid command value for key %s: %s") % pmt::car(pmt::nth(i, msg_items)) % pmt::cdr(pmt::nth(i, msg_items)));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /// 4) Check if we need to re-tune
+ _set_center_freq_from_internals_allchans();
+void usrp_block_impl::dispatch_msg_cmd_handler(const pmt::pmt_t &cmd, const pmt::pmt_t &val, int chan, pmt::pmt_t &msg)
+ if (_msg_cmd_handlers.has_key(cmd)) {
+ _msg_cmd_handlers[cmd](val, chan, msg);
+ }
+void usrp_block_impl::register_msg_cmd_handler(const pmt::pmt_t &cmd, cmd_handler_t handler)
+ _msg_cmd_handlers[cmd] = handler;
+void usrp_block_impl::_update_curr_tune_req(::uhd::tune_request_t &tune_req, int chan)
+ if (chan == -1) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _nchan; i++) {
+ _update_curr_tune_req(tune_req, int(i));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tune_req.target_freq != _curr_tune_req[chan].target_freq ||
+ tune_req.rf_freq_policy != _curr_tune_req[chan].rf_freq_policy ||
+ tune_req.rf_freq != _curr_tune_req[chan].rf_freq ||
+ tune_req.dsp_freq != _curr_tune_req[chan].dsp_freq ||
+ tune_req.dsp_freq_policy != _curr_tune_req[chan].dsp_freq_policy
+ ) {
+ _curr_tune_req[chan] = tune_req;
+ _chans_to_tune.set(chan);
+ }
+// Default handlers:
+void usrp_block_impl::_cmd_handler_freq(const pmt::pmt_t &freq_, int chan, const pmt::pmt_t &msg)
+ double freq = pmt::to_double(freq_);
+ ::uhd::tune_request_t new_tune_reqest(freq);
+ if (pmt::dict_has_key(msg, CMD_LO_OFFSET_KEY)) {
+ double lo_offset = pmt::to_double(pmt::dict_ref(msg, CMD_LO_OFFSET_KEY, pmt::PMT_NIL));
+ new_tune_reqest = ::uhd::tune_request_t(freq, lo_offset);
+ }
+ _update_curr_tune_req(new_tune_reqest, chan);
+void usrp_block_impl::_cmd_handler_looffset(const pmt::pmt_t &lo_offset, int chan, const pmt::pmt_t &msg)
+ if (pmt::dict_has_key(msg, CMD_FREQ_KEY)) {
+ // Then it's already taken care of
+ return;
+ }
+ double lo_offs = pmt::to_double(lo_offset);
+ ::uhd::tune_request_t new_tune_request = _curr_tune_req[chan];
+ new_tune_request.rf_freq = new_tune_request.target_freq + lo_offs;
+ new_tune_request.rf_freq_policy = ::uhd::tune_request_t::POLICY_MANUAL;
+ new_tune_request.dsp_freq_policy = ::uhd::tune_request_t::POLICY_AUTO;
+ _update_curr_tune_req(new_tune_request, chan);
+void usrp_block_impl::_cmd_handler_gain(const pmt::pmt_t &gain_, int chan, const pmt::pmt_t &msg)
+ double gain = pmt::to_double(gain_);
+ if (chan == -1) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _nchan; i++) {
+ set_gain(gain, i);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ set_gain(gain, chan);
+void usrp_block_impl::_cmd_handler_antenna(const pmt::pmt_t &ant, int chan, const pmt::pmt_t &msg)
+ const std::string antenna(pmt::symbol_to_string(ant));
+ if (chan == -1) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _nchan; i++) {
+ set_antenna(antenna, i);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ set_antenna(antenna, chan);
+void usrp_block_impl::_cmd_handler_rate(const pmt::pmt_t &rate_, int, const pmt::pmt_t &)
+ const double rate = pmt::to_double(rate_);
+ set_samp_rate(rate);
+void usrp_block_impl::_cmd_handler_tune(const pmt::pmt_t &tune, int chan, const pmt::pmt_t &msg)
+ double freq = pmt::to_double(pmt::car(tune));
+ double lo_offset = pmt::to_double(pmt::cdr(tune));
+ ::uhd::tune_request_t new_tune_reqest(freq, lo_offset);
+ _update_curr_tune_req(new_tune_reqest, chan);
+void usrp_block_impl::_cmd_handler_bw(const pmt::pmt_t &bw, int chan, const pmt::pmt_t &msg)
+ double bandwidth = pmt::to_double(bw);
+ if (chan == -1) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _nchan; i++) {
+ set_bandwidth(bandwidth, i);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ set_bandwidth(bandwidth, chan);
+void usrp_block_impl::_cmd_handler_lofreq(const pmt::pmt_t &lofreq, int chan, const pmt::pmt_t &msg)
+ if (chan == -1) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _nchan; i++) {
+ _cmd_handler_lofreq(lofreq, int(i), msg);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ ::uhd::tune_request_t new_tune_request = _curr_tune_req[chan];
+ new_tune_request.rf_freq = pmt::to_double(lofreq);
+ if (pmt::dict_has_key(msg, CMD_DSP_FREQ_KEY)) {
+ new_tune_request.dsp_freq = pmt::to_double(pmt::dict_ref(msg, CMD_DSP_FREQ_KEY, pmt::PMT_NIL));
+ }
+ new_tune_request.rf_freq_policy = ::uhd::tune_request_t::POLICY_MANUAL;
+ new_tune_request.dsp_freq_policy = ::uhd::tune_request_t::POLICY_MANUAL;
+ _update_curr_tune_req(new_tune_request, chan);
+void usrp_block_impl::_cmd_handler_dspfreq(const pmt::pmt_t &dspfreq, int chan, const pmt::pmt_t &msg)
+ if (pmt::dict_has_key(msg, CMD_LO_FREQ_KEY)) {
+ // Then it's already dealt with
+ return;
+ }
+ if (chan == -1) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _nchan; i++) {
+ _cmd_handler_dspfreq(dspfreq, int(i), msg);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ ::uhd::tune_request_t new_tune_request = _curr_tune_req[chan];
+ new_tune_request.dsp_freq = pmt::to_double(dspfreq);
+ new_tune_request.rf_freq_policy = ::uhd::tune_request_t::POLICY_MANUAL;
+ new_tune_request.dsp_freq_policy = ::uhd::tune_request_t::POLICY_MANUAL;
+ _update_curr_tune_req(new_tune_request, chan);
diff --git a/gr-uhd/lib/usrp_block_impl.h b/gr-uhd/lib/usrp_block_impl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b38b51fa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-uhd/lib/usrp_block_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <gnuradio/uhd/usrp_block.h>
+#include <pmt/pmt.h>
+#include <uhd/usrp/multi_usrp.hpp>
+#include <boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp>
+#include <boost/bind.hpp>
+#define SET_CENTER_FREQ_FROM_INTERNALS(usrp_class, tune_method) \
+ ::uhd::tune_result_t \
+ usrp_class::_set_center_freq_from_internals(size_t chan) \
+ { \
+ _chans_to_tune.reset(chan); \
+ return _dev->tune_method(_curr_tune_req[chan], _stream_args.channels[chan]); \
+ }
+namespace gr {
+ namespace uhd {
+ class usrp_block_impl : virtual public usrp_block
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef boost::function< ::uhd::sensor_value_t (const std::string&)> get_sensor_fn_t;
+ typedef boost::function<void(const pmt::pmt_t &, int, const pmt::pmt_t &)> cmd_handler_t;
+ static const double LOCK_TIMEOUT;
+ /**********************************************************************
+ * Public API calls (see usrp_block.h for docs)
+ **********************************************************************/
+ // Getters
+ ::uhd::sensor_value_t get_mboard_sensor(const std::string &name, size_t mboard);
+ std::vector<std::string> get_mboard_sensor_names(size_t mboard);
+ std::string get_time_source(const size_t mboard);
+ std::vector<std::string> get_time_sources(const size_t mboard);
+ std::string get_clock_source(const size_t mboard);
+ std::vector<std::string> get_clock_sources(const size_t mboard);
+ double get_clock_rate(size_t mboard);
+ ::uhd::time_spec_t get_time_now(size_t mboard = 0);
+ ::uhd::time_spec_t get_time_last_pps(size_t mboard);
+ ::uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr get_device(void);
+ // Setters
+ void set_clock_config(const ::uhd::clock_config_t &clock_config, size_t mboard);
+ void set_time_source(const std::string &source, const size_t mboard);
+ void set_clock_source(const std::string &source, const size_t mboard);
+ void set_clock_rate(double rate, size_t mboard);
+ void set_time_now(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec, size_t mboard);
+ void set_time_next_pps(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec);
+ void set_time_unknown_pps(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec);
+ void set_command_time(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec, size_t mboard);
+ void set_user_register(const uint8_t addr, const uint32_t data, size_t mboard);
+ void clear_command_time(size_t mboard);
+ // RPC
+ void setup_rpc();
+ /**********************************************************************
+ * Structors
+ * ********************************************************************/
+ virtual ~usrp_block_impl();
+ protected:
+ /*! \brief Components common to USRP sink and source.
+ *
+ * \param device_addr Device address + options
+ * \param stream_args Stream args (cpu format, otw format...)
+ * \param ts_tag_name If this block produces or consumes stream tags, enter the corresponding tag name here
+ */
+ usrp_block_impl(
+ const ::uhd::device_addr_t &device_addr,
+ const ::uhd::stream_args_t &stream_args,
+ const std::string &ts_tag_name
+ );
+ /**********************************************************************
+ * Command Interface
+ **********************************************************************/
+ //! Receives commands and handles them
+ void msg_handler_command(pmt::pmt_t msg);
+ //! For a given argument, call the associated handler, or if none exists,
+ // show a warning through the logging interface.
+ void dispatch_msg_cmd_handler(const pmt::pmt_t &cmd, const pmt::pmt_t &val, int chan, pmt::pmt_t &msg);
+ //! Register a new handler for command key \p cmd
+ void register_msg_cmd_handler(const pmt::pmt_t &cmd, cmd_handler_t handler);
+ // Default handlers
+ void _cmd_handler_freq(const pmt::pmt_t &freq, int chan, const pmt::pmt_t &msg);
+ void _cmd_handler_looffset(const pmt::pmt_t &lo_offset, int chan, const pmt::pmt_t &msg);
+ void _cmd_handler_gain(const pmt::pmt_t &gain, int chan, const pmt::pmt_t &msg);
+ void _cmd_handler_antenna(const pmt::pmt_t &ant, int chan, const pmt::pmt_t &msg);
+ void _cmd_handler_rate(const pmt::pmt_t &rate, int chan, const pmt::pmt_t &msg);
+ void _cmd_handler_tune(const pmt::pmt_t &tune, int chan, const pmt::pmt_t &msg);
+ void _cmd_handler_bw(const pmt::pmt_t &bw, int chan, const pmt::pmt_t &msg);
+ void _cmd_handler_lofreq(const pmt::pmt_t &lofreq, int chan, const pmt::pmt_t &msg);
+ void _cmd_handler_dspfreq(const pmt::pmt_t &dspfreq, int chan, const pmt::pmt_t &msg);
+ /**********************************************************************
+ * Helpers
+ **********************************************************************/
+ bool _check_mboard_sensors_locked();
+ void _update_stream_args(const ::uhd::stream_args_t &stream_args_);
+ // should be const, doesn't work though 'cause missing operator=() for tune_request_t
+ void _update_curr_tune_req(::uhd::tune_request_t &tune_req, int chan);
+ /*! \brief Wait until a timeout or a sensor returns 'locked'.
+ *
+ * If a given sensor is not found, this still returns 'true', so we don't throw
+ * errors or warnings if a sensor wasn't implemented.
+ *
+ * \returns true if the sensor locked in time or doesn't exist
+ */
+ bool _wait_for_locked_sensor(
+ std::vector<std::string> sensor_names,
+ const std::string &sensor_name,
+ get_sensor_fn_t get_sensor_fn
+ );
+ //! Helper function for msg_handler_command:
+ // - Extracts command and the command value from the command PMT
+ // - Returns true if the command PMT is well formed
+ // - If a channel is given, return that as well, otherwise set the channel to -1
+ static bool _unpack_chan_command(
+ std::string &command,
+ pmt::pmt_t &cmd_val,
+ int &chan,
+ const pmt::pmt_t &cmd_pmt
+ );
+ //! Helper function for msg_handler_command:
+ // - Sets a value in vector_to_update to cmd_val, depending on chan
+ // - If chan is a positive integer, it will set vector_to_update[chan]
+ // - If chan is -1, it depends on minus_one_updates_all:
+ // - Either set vector_to_update[0] or
+ // - Set *all* entries in vector_to_update
+ // - Returns a dynamic_bitset, all indexes that where changed in
+ // vector_to_update are set to 1
+ template <typename T>
+ static boost::dynamic_bitset<> _update_vector_from_cmd_val(
+ std::vector<T> &vector_to_update,
+ int chan,
+ const T cmd_val,
+ bool minus_one_updates_all = false
+ ) {
+ boost::dynamic_bitset<> vals_updated(vector_to_update.size());
+ if (chan == -1) {
+ if (minus_one_updates_all) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < vector_to_update.size(); i++) {
+ if (vector_to_update[i] != cmd_val) {
+ vals_updated[i] = true;
+ vector_to_update[i] = cmd_val;
+ }
+ }
+ return vals_updated;
+ }
+ chan = 0;
+ }
+ if (vector_to_update[chan] != cmd_val) {
+ vector_to_update[chan] = cmd_val;
+ vals_updated[chan] = true;
+ }
+ return vals_updated;
+ }
+ //! Like set_center_freq(), but uses _curr_freq and _curr_lo_offset
+ virtual ::uhd::tune_result_t _set_center_freq_from_internals(size_t chan) = 0;
+ //! Calls _set_center_freq_from_internals() on all channels
+ void _set_center_freq_from_internals_allchans();
+ /**********************************************************************
+ * Members
+ *********************************************************************/
+ //! Shared pointer to the underlying multi_usrp object
+ ::uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr _dev;
+ ::uhd::stream_args_t _stream_args;
+ boost::shared_ptr< ::uhd::io_type_t > _type;
+ //! Number of channels (i.e. number of in- or outputs)
+ size_t _nchan;
+ bool _stream_now;
+ ::uhd::time_spec_t _start_time;
+ bool _start_time_set;
+ /****** Command interface related **********/
+ //! Stores a list of commands for later execution
+ std::vector<pmt::pmt_t> _pending_cmds;
+ //! Shadows the last value we told the USRP to tune to for every channel
+ // (this is not necessarily the true value the USRP is currently tuned to!).
+ std::vector< ::uhd::tune_request_t > _curr_tune_req;
+ boost::dynamic_bitset<> _chans_to_tune;
+ //! Stores the individual command handlers
+ ::uhd::dict<pmt::pmt_t, cmd_handler_t> _msg_cmd_handlers;
+ };
+ } /* namespace uhd */
+} /* namespace gr */
diff --git a/gr-uhd/lib/usrp_common.h b/gr-uhd/lib/usrp_common.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 41f443922c..0000000000
--- a/gr-uhd/lib/usrp_common.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-#include <pmt/pmt.h>
-#include <boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp>
-#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
-#include <boost/bind.hpp>
-#include <boost/thread.hpp>
-#include <uhd/usrp/multi_usrp.hpp>
-#include <uhd/convert.hpp>
-#include <iostream>
-namespace gr {
- namespace uhd {
- typedef boost::function< ::uhd::sensor_value_t (const std::string&)> get_sensor_fn_t;
- static const double LOCK_TIMEOUT = 1.5; // s
- //! Helper function for msg_handler_command:
- // - Extracts command and the command value from the command PMT
- // - Returns true if the command PMT is well formed
- // - If a channel is given, return that as well, otherwise set the channel to -1
- static bool _unpack_chan_command(
- std::string &command,
- pmt::pmt_t &cmd_val,
- int &chan,
- const pmt::pmt_t &cmd_pmt
- ) {
- try {
- chan = -1; // Default value
- if (pmt::is_tuple(cmd_pmt) and (pmt::length(cmd_pmt) == 2 or pmt::length(cmd_pmt) == 3)) {
- command = pmt::symbol_to_string(pmt::tuple_ref(cmd_pmt, 0));
- cmd_val = pmt::tuple_ref(cmd_pmt, 1);
- if (pmt::length(cmd_pmt) == 3) {
- chan = pmt::to_long(pmt::tuple_ref(cmd_pmt, 2));
- }
- }
- else if (pmt::is_pair(cmd_pmt)) {
- command = pmt::symbol_to_string(pmt::car(cmd_pmt));
- cmd_val = pmt::cdr(cmd_pmt);
- if (pmt::is_pair(cmd_val)) {
- chan = pmt::to_long(pmt::car(cmd_val));
- cmd_val = pmt::cdr(cmd_val);
- }
- }
- else {
- return false;
- }
- } catch (pmt::wrong_type w) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- //! Helper function for msg_handler_command:
- // - Sets a value in vector_to_update to cmd_val, depending on chan
- // - If chan is a positive integer, it will set vector_to_update[chan]
- // - If chan is -1, it depends on minus_one_updates_all:
- // - Either set vector_to_update[0] or
- // - Set *all* entries in vector_to_update
- // - Returns a dynamic_bitset, all indexes that where changed in
- // vector_to_update are set to 1
- template <typename T>
- static boost::dynamic_bitset<> _update_vector_from_cmd_val(
- std::vector<T> &vector_to_update,
- int chan,
- const T cmd_val,
- bool minus_one_updates_all = false
- ) {
- boost::dynamic_bitset<> vals_updated(vector_to_update.size());
- if (chan == -1) {
- if (minus_one_updates_all) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < vector_to_update.size(); i++) {
- if (vector_to_update[i] != cmd_val) {
- vals_updated[i] = true;
- vector_to_update[i] = cmd_val;
- }
- }
- return vals_updated;
- }
- chan = 0;
- }
- if (vector_to_update[chan] != cmd_val) {
- vector_to_update[chan] = cmd_val;
- vals_updated[chan] = true;
- }
- return vals_updated;
- }
- /*! \brief Components common to USRP sink and source.
- *
- * \param device_addr Device address + options
- * \param stream_args Stream args (cpu format, otw format...)
- * \param ts_tag_name If this block produces or consumes stream tags, enter the corresponding tag name here
- */
- class usrp_common_impl
- {
- public:
- usrp_common_impl(
- const ::uhd::device_addr_t &device_addr,
- const ::uhd::stream_args_t &stream_args,
- const std::string &ts_tag_name
- ) :
- _stream_args(stream_args),
- _nchan(stream_args.channels.size()),
- _stream_now(_nchan == 1 and ts_tag_name.empty()),
- _start_time_set(false)
- {
- if(stream_args.cpu_format == "fc32")
- _type = boost::make_shared< ::uhd::io_type_t >(::uhd::io_type_t::COMPLEX_FLOAT32);
- if(stream_args.cpu_format == "sc16")
- _type = boost::make_shared< ::uhd::io_type_t >(::uhd::io_type_t::COMPLEX_INT16);
- _dev = ::uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make(device_addr);
- };
- ~usrp_common_impl() {};
- protected:
- /*! \brief Wait until a timeout or a sensor returns 'locked'.
- *
- * If a given sensor is not found, this still returns 'true', so we don't throw
- * errors or warnings if a sensor wasn't implemented.
- */
- bool _wait_for_locked_sensor(
- std::vector<std::string> sensor_names,
- const std::string &sensor_name,
- get_sensor_fn_t get_sensor_fn
- ){
- if (std::find(sensor_names.begin(), sensor_names.end(), sensor_name) == sensor_names.end())
- return true;
- boost::system_time start = boost::get_system_time();
- boost::system_time first_lock_time;
- while (true) {
- if ((not first_lock_time.is_not_a_date_time()) and
- (boost::get_system_time() > (first_lock_time + boost::posix_time::seconds(LOCK_TIMEOUT)))) {
- break;
- }
- if (get_sensor_fn(sensor_name).to_bool()) {
- if (first_lock_time.is_not_a_date_time())
- first_lock_time = boost::get_system_time();
- }
- else {
- first_lock_time = boost::system_time(); //reset to 'not a date time'
- if (boost::get_system_time() > (start + boost::posix_time::seconds(LOCK_TIMEOUT))){
- return false;
- }
- }
- boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(100));
- }
- return true;
- }
- void _update_stream_args(const ::uhd::stream_args_t &stream_args_)
- {
- ::uhd::stream_args_t stream_args(stream_args_);
- if (stream_args.channels.empty()) {
- stream_args.channels = _stream_args.channels;
- }
- if (stream_args.cpu_format != _stream_args.cpu_format ||
- stream_args.channels.size() != _stream_args.channels.size()) {
- throw std::runtime_error("Cannot change I/O signatures while updating stream args!");
- }
- _stream_args = stream_args;
- }
- //! Shared pointer to the underlying multi_usrp object
- ::uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr _dev;
- ::uhd::stream_args_t _stream_args;
- boost::shared_ptr< ::uhd::io_type_t > _type;
- //! Number of channels (i.e. number of in- or outputs)
- size_t _nchan;
- bool _stream_now;
- ::uhd::time_spec_t _start_time;
- bool _start_time_set;
- };
- } /* namespace uhd */
-} /* namespace gr */
diff --git a/gr-uhd/lib/ b/gr-uhd/lib/
index 08896a8bb0..8f2d2ad4a3 100644
--- a/gr-uhd/lib/
+++ b/gr-uhd/lib/
@@ -64,53 +64,16 @@ namespace gr {
usrp_sink_impl::usrp_sink_impl(const ::uhd::device_addr_t &device_addr,
const ::uhd::stream_args_t &stream_args,
const std::string &length_tag_name)
- : sync_block("gr uhd usrp sink",
+ : usrp_block("gr uhd usrp sink",
io_signature::make(0, 0, 0)),
- usrp_common_impl(device_addr, stream_args, length_tag_name),
+ usrp_block_impl(device_addr, stream_args, length_tag_name),
_length_tag_key(length_tag_name.empty() ? pmt::PMT_NIL : pmt::string_to_symbol(length_tag_name)),
- _nitems_to_send(0),
- _curr_freq(stream_args.channels.size(), 0.0),
- _curr_lo_offset(stream_args.channels.size(), 0.0),
- _curr_gain(stream_args.channels.size(), 0.0),
- _chans_to_tune(stream_args.channels.size())
+ _nitems_to_send(0)
- message_port_register_in(pmt::mp("command"));
- set_msg_handler(
- pmt::mp("command"),
- boost::bind(&usrp_sink_impl::msg_handler_command, this, _1)
- );
- _check_sensors_locked();
+ _sample_rate = get_samp_rate();
- bool usrp_sink_impl::_check_sensors_locked()
- {
- bool clocks_locked = true;
- // Check ref lock for all mboards
- for (size_t mboard_index = 0; mboard_index < _dev->get_num_mboards(); mboard_index++) {
- std::string sensor_name = "ref_locked";
- if (_dev->get_clock_source(mboard_index) == "internal") {
- continue;
- }
- else if (_dev->get_clock_source(mboard_index) == "mimo") {
- sensor_name = "mimo_locked";
- }
- if (not _wait_for_locked_sensor(
- get_mboard_sensor_names(mboard_index),
- sensor_name,
- boost::bind(&usrp_sink_impl::get_mboard_sensor, this, _1, mboard_index)
- )) {
- GR_LOG_WARN(d_logger, boost::format("Sensor '%s' failed to lock within timeout on motherboard %d.") % sensor_name % mboard_index);
- clocks_locked = false;
- }
- }
- return clocks_locked;
- }
@@ -169,39 +132,12 @@ namespace gr {
usrp_sink_impl::set_center_freq(const ::uhd::tune_request_t tune_request,
size_t chan)
- _curr_freq[chan] = tune_request.target_freq;
- if (tune_request.rf_freq_policy == ::uhd::tune_request_t::POLICY_MANUAL) {
- _curr_lo_offset[chan] = tune_request.rf_freq - tune_request.target_freq;
- } else {
- _curr_lo_offset[chan] = 0.0;
- }
+ _curr_tune_req[chan] = tune_request;
chan = _stream_args.channels[chan];
return _dev->set_tx_freq(tune_request, chan);
- ::uhd::tune_result_t
- usrp_sink_impl::_set_center_freq_from_internals(size_t chan)
- {
- _chans_to_tune[chan] = false;
- if (_curr_lo_offset[chan] == 0.0) {
- return _dev->set_tx_freq(_curr_freq[chan], _stream_args.channels[chan]);
- } else {
- return _dev->set_tx_freq(
- ::uhd::tune_request_t(_curr_freq[chan], _curr_lo_offset[chan]),
- _stream_args.channels[chan]
- );
- }
- }
- void
- usrp_sink_impl::_set_center_freq_from_internals_allchans()
- {
- for (size_t chan = 0; chan < _nchan; chan++) {
- if (_chans_to_tune[chan]) {
- _set_center_freq_from_internals(chan);
- }
- }
- }
+ SET_CENTER_FREQ_FROM_INTERNALS(usrp_sink_impl, set_tx_freq);
usrp_sink_impl::get_center_freq(size_t chan)
@@ -220,7 +156,6 @@ namespace gr {
usrp_sink_impl::set_gain(double gain, size_t chan)
- _curr_gain[chan] = gain;
chan = _stream_args.channels[chan];
return _dev->set_tx_gain(gain, chan);
@@ -230,7 +165,6 @@ namespace gr {
const std::string &name,
size_t chan)
- _curr_gain[chan] = gain;
chan = _stream_args.channels[chan];
return _dev->set_tx_gain(gain, name, chan);
@@ -375,152 +309,6 @@ namespace gr {
return _dev->get_tx_sensor_names(chan);
- ::uhd::sensor_value_t
- usrp_sink_impl::get_mboard_sensor(const std::string &name,
- size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->get_mboard_sensor(name, mboard);
- }
- std::vector<std::string>
- usrp_sink_impl::get_mboard_sensor_names(size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->get_mboard_sensor_names(mboard);
- }
- void
- usrp_sink_impl::set_clock_config(const ::uhd::clock_config_t &clock_config,
- size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->set_clock_config(clock_config, mboard);
- }
- void
- usrp_sink_impl::set_time_source(const std::string &source,
- const size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->set_time_source(source, mboard);
- throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
- }
- std::string
- usrp_sink_impl::get_time_source(const size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->get_time_source(mboard);
- throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
- }
- std::vector<std::string>
- usrp_sink_impl::get_time_sources(const size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->get_time_sources(mboard);
- throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
- }
- void
- usrp_sink_impl::set_clock_source(const std::string &source,
- const size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->set_clock_source(source, mboard);
- throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
- }
- std::string
- usrp_sink_impl::get_clock_source(const size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->get_clock_source(mboard);
- throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
- }
- std::vector<std::string>
- usrp_sink_impl::get_clock_sources(const size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->get_clock_sources(mboard);
- throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
- }
- double
- usrp_sink_impl::get_clock_rate(size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->get_master_clock_rate(mboard);
- }
- void
- usrp_sink_impl::set_clock_rate(double rate, size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->set_master_clock_rate(rate, mboard);
- }
- ::uhd::time_spec_t
- usrp_sink_impl::get_time_now(size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->get_time_now(mboard);
- }
- ::uhd::time_spec_t
- usrp_sink_impl::get_time_last_pps(size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->get_time_last_pps(mboard);
- }
- void
- usrp_sink_impl::set_time_now(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec,
- size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->set_time_now(time_spec, mboard);
- }
- void
- usrp_sink_impl::set_time_next_pps(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec)
- {
- return _dev->set_time_next_pps(time_spec);
- }
- void
- usrp_sink_impl::set_time_unknown_pps(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec)
- {
- return _dev->set_time_unknown_pps(time_spec);
- }
- void
- usrp_sink_impl::set_command_time(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec,
- size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->set_command_time(time_spec, mboard);
- throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
- }
- void
- usrp_sink_impl::clear_command_time(size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->clear_command_time(mboard);
- throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
- }
usrp_sink_impl::get_dboard_iface(size_t chan)
@@ -528,24 +316,6 @@ namespace gr {
return _dev->get_tx_dboard_iface(chan);
- ::uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr
- usrp_sink_impl::get_device(void)
- {
- return _dev;
- }
- void
- usrp_sink_impl::set_user_register(const uint8_t addr,
- const uint32_t data,
- size_t mboard)
- {
- _dev->set_user_register(addr, data, mboard);
- throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
- }
usrp_sink_impl::set_stream_args(const ::uhd::stream_args_t &stream_args)
@@ -644,7 +414,7 @@ namespace gr {
// Go through tag list until something indicates the end of a burst.
bool found_time_tag = false;
bool found_eob = false;
- // For commands that are in the middle in the burst:
+ // For commands that are in the middle of the burst:
std::vector<pmt::pmt_t> commands_in_burst; // Store the command
uint64_t in_burst_cmd_offset = 0; // Store its position
BOOST_FOREACH(const tag_t &my_tag, _tags) {
@@ -660,7 +430,7 @@ namespace gr {
* This includes:
* - tx_time
- * - tx_command
+ * - tx_command TODO should also work end-of-burst
* - tx_sob
* - length tags
@@ -672,6 +442,7 @@ namespace gr {
max_count = my_tag_count;
+ // TODO set the command time from the sample time
@@ -727,12 +498,16 @@ namespace gr {
else if (pmt::equal(key, FREQ_KEY) && my_tag_count == samp0_count) {
// If it's on the first sample, immediately do the tune:
GR_LOG_DEBUG(d_debug_logger, boost::format("Received tx_freq on start of burst."));
- msg_handler_command(pmt::cons(pmt::mp("freq"), value));
+ pmt::pmt_t freq_cmd = pmt::make_dict();
+ freq_cmd = pmt::dict_add(freq_cmd, pmt::mp("freq"), value);
+ msg_handler_command(freq_cmd);
else if(pmt::equal(key, FREQ_KEY)) {
// If it's not on the first sample, queue this command and only tx until here:
GR_LOG_DEBUG(d_debug_logger, boost::format("Received tx_freq mid-burst."));
- commands_in_burst.push_back(pmt::cons(pmt::mp("freq"), value));
+ pmt::pmt_t freq_cmd = pmt::make_dict();
+ freq_cmd = pmt::dict_add(freq_cmd, pmt::mp("freq"), value);
+ commands_in_burst.push_back(freq_cmd);
max_count = my_tag_count + 1;
in_burst_cmd_offset = my_tag_count;
@@ -763,7 +538,7 @@ namespace gr {
// until before the tag, so it will be on the first sample of the next run.
if (not commands_in_burst.empty()) {
if (not found_eob) {
- // If it's in the middle of a burst, only send() until before the tag
+ // ...then it's in the middle of a burst, only send() until before the tag
max_count = in_burst_cmd_offset;
} else if (in_burst_cmd_offset < max_count) {
BOOST_FOREACH(const pmt::pmt_t &cmd_pmt, commands_in_burst) {
@@ -843,69 +618,5 @@ namespace gr {
return true;
- /************** External interfaces (RPC + Message passing) ********************/
- void usrp_sink_impl::msg_handler_command(pmt::pmt_t msg)
- {
- std::string command;
- pmt::pmt_t cmd_value;
- int chan = -1;
- if (not _unpack_chan_command(command, cmd_value, chan, msg)) {
- GR_LOG_ALERT(d_logger, boost::format("Error while unpacking command PMT: %s") % msg);
- return;
- }
- GR_LOG_DEBUG(d_debug_logger, boost::format("Received command: %s") % command);
- try {
- if (command == "freq") {
- _chans_to_tune = _update_vector_from_cmd_val<double>(
- _curr_freq, chan, pmt::to_double(cmd_value), true
- );
- _set_center_freq_from_internals_allchans();
- } else if (command == "lo_offset") {
- _chans_to_tune = _update_vector_from_cmd_val<double>(
- _curr_lo_offset, chan, pmt::to_double(cmd_value), true
- );
- _set_center_freq_from_internals_allchans();
- } else if (command == "gain") {
- boost::dynamic_bitset<> chans_to_change = _update_vector_from_cmd_val<double>(
- _curr_gain, chan, pmt::to_double(cmd_value), true
- );
- if (chans_to_change.any()) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < chans_to_change.size(); i++) {
- if (chans_to_change[i]) {
- set_gain(_curr_gain[i], i);
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- GR_LOG_ALERT(d_logger, boost::format("Received unknown command: %s") % command);
- }
- } catch (pmt::wrong_type &e) {
- GR_LOG_ALERT(d_logger, boost::format("Received command '%s' with invalid command value: %s") % command % cmd_value);
- }
- }
- void
- usrp_sink_impl::setup_rpc()
- {
- add_rpc_variable(
- rpcbasic_sptr(new rpcbasic_register_get<usrp_sink, double>(
- alias(), "samp_rate",
- &usrp_sink::get_samp_rate,
- pmt::mp(100000.0f), pmt::mp(25000000.0f), pmt::mp(1000000.0f),
- "sps", "TX Sample Rate", RPC_PRIVLVL_MIN,
- add_rpc_variable(
- rpcbasic_sptr(new rpcbasic_register_set<usrp_sink, double>(
- alias(), "samp_rate",
- &usrp_sink::set_samp_rate,
- pmt::mp(100000.0f), pmt::mp(25000000.0f), pmt::mp(1000000.0f),
- "sps", "TX Sample Rate",
-#endif /* GR_CTRLPORT */
- }
} /* namespace uhd */
} /* namespace gr */
diff --git a/gr-uhd/lib/usrp_sink_impl.h b/gr-uhd/lib/usrp_sink_impl.h
index e0cb5a9a60..1575378d21 100644
--- a/gr-uhd/lib/usrp_sink_impl.h
+++ b/gr-uhd/lib/usrp_sink_impl.h
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "usrp_block_impl.h"
#include <gnuradio/uhd/usrp_sink.h>
#include <uhd/convert.hpp>
-#include "usrp_common.h"
static const pmt::pmt_t SOB_KEY = pmt::string_to_symbol("tx_sob");
static const pmt::pmt_t EOB_KEY = pmt::string_to_symbol("tx_eob");
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ namespace gr {
* UHD Multi USRP Sink Impl
- class usrp_sink_impl : public usrp_sink, public usrp_common_impl
+ class usrp_sink_impl : public usrp_sink, public usrp_block_impl
usrp_sink_impl(const ::uhd::device_addr_t &device_addr,
@@ -60,8 +60,6 @@ namespace gr {
const std::string &length_tag_name);
- void setup_rpc();
::uhd::dict<std::string, std::string> get_usrp_info(size_t chan);
double get_samp_rate(void);
::uhd::meta_range_t get_samp_rates(void);
@@ -77,17 +75,7 @@ namespace gr {
std::vector<std::string> get_antennas(size_t chan);
::uhd::sensor_value_t get_sensor(const std::string &name, size_t chan);
std::vector<std::string> get_sensor_names(size_t chan);
- ::uhd::sensor_value_t get_mboard_sensor(const std::string &name, size_t mboard);
- std::vector<std::string> get_mboard_sensor_names(size_t mboard);
- std::string get_time_source(const size_t mboard);
- std::vector<std::string> get_time_sources(const size_t mboard);
- std::string get_clock_source(const size_t mboard);
- std::vector<std::string> get_clock_sources(const size_t mboard);
- double get_clock_rate(size_t mboard);
- ::uhd::time_spec_t get_time_now(size_t mboard = 0);
- ::uhd::time_spec_t get_time_last_pps(size_t mboard);
::uhd::usrp::dboard_iface::sptr get_dboard_iface(size_t chan);
- ::uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr get_device(void);
void set_subdev_spec(const std::string &spec, size_t mboard);
std::string get_subdev_spec(size_t mboard);
@@ -103,16 +91,6 @@ namespace gr {
::uhd::freq_range_t get_bandwidth_range(size_t chan);
void set_dc_offset(const std::complex<double> &offset, size_t chan);
void set_iq_balance(const std::complex<double> &correction, size_t chan);
- void set_clock_config(const ::uhd::clock_config_t &clock_config, size_t mboard);
- void set_time_source(const std::string &source, const size_t mboard);
- void set_clock_source(const std::string &source, const size_t mboard);
- void set_clock_rate(double rate, size_t mboard);
- void set_time_now(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec, size_t mboard);
- void set_time_next_pps(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec);
- void set_time_unknown_pps(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec);
- void set_command_time(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec, size_t mboard);
- void clear_command_time(size_t mboard);
- void set_user_register(const uint8_t addr, const uint32_t data, size_t mboard);
void set_stream_args(const ::uhd::stream_args_t &stream_args);
void set_start_time(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time);
@@ -126,14 +104,8 @@ namespace gr {
inline void tag_work(int &ninput_items);
- /*! \brief Run through all 'lock' sensors and make sure they are actually locked.
- */
- bool _check_sensors_locked();
//! Like set_center_freq(), but uses _curr_freq and _curr_lo_offset
::uhd::tune_result_t _set_center_freq_from_internals(size_t chan);
- //! Calls _set_center_freq_from_internals() on all channels
- void _set_center_freq_from_internals_allchans();
::uhd::tx_streamer::sptr _tx_stream;
@@ -141,27 +113,11 @@ namespace gr {
::uhd::tx_metadata_t _metadata;
double _sample_rate;
//stream tags related stuff
std::vector<tag_t> _tags;
const pmt::pmt_t _length_tag_key;
long _nitems_to_send;
- /****** Command interface related **********/
- //! Stores a list of commands for later execution
- std::vector<pmt::pmt_t> _pending_cmds;
- //! Receives commands and handles them
- void msg_handler_command(pmt::pmt_t msg);
- //! Stores the last value we told the USRP to tune to for every channel
- // (this is not necessarily the true value the USRP is currently tuned to!).
- // We could theoretically ask the device, but during streaming, we want to minimize
- // communication with the USRP.
- std::vector<double> _curr_freq;
- //! Stores the last value we told the USRP to have the LO offset for every channel.
- std::vector<double> _curr_lo_offset;
- //! Stores the last gain value we told the USRP to have for every channel.
- std::vector<double> _curr_gain;
- boost::dynamic_bitset<> _chans_to_tune;
} /* namespace uhd */
diff --git a/gr-uhd/lib/ b/gr-uhd/lib/
index 13457402be..6f0283e71f 100644
--- a/gr-uhd/lib/
+++ b/gr-uhd/lib/
@@ -20,10 +20,8 @@
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-#include "usrp_common.h"
#include "usrp_source_impl.h"
#include "gr_uhd_common.h"
-#include <gnuradio/io_signature.h>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
@@ -64,49 +62,21 @@ namespace gr {
usrp_source_impl::usrp_source_impl(const ::uhd::device_addr_t &device_addr,
const ::uhd::stream_args_t &stream_args):
- sync_block("gr uhd usrp source",
+ usrp_block("gr uhd usrp source",
io_signature::make(0, 0, 0),
- usrp_common_impl(device_addr, stream_args, ""),
+ usrp_block_impl(device_addr, stream_args, ""),
std::stringstream str;
str << name() << unique_id();
_id = pmt::string_to_symbol(str.str());
- message_port_register_in(pmt::mp("command"));
- set_msg_handler(
- pmt::mp("command"),
- boost::bind(&usrp_source_impl::msg_handler_command, this, _1)
- );
- _check_sensors_locked();
- }
- bool usrp_source_impl::_check_sensors_locked()
- {
- bool clocks_locked = true;
- // Check ref lock for all mboards
- for (size_t mboard_index = 0; mboard_index < _dev->get_num_mboards(); mboard_index++) {
- std::string sensor_name = "ref_locked";
- if (_dev->get_clock_source(mboard_index) == "internal") {
- continue;
- }
- else if (_dev->get_clock_source(mboard_index) == "mimo") {
- sensor_name = "mimo_locked";
- }
- if (not _wait_for_locked_sensor(
- get_mboard_sensor_names(mboard_index),
- sensor_name,
- boost::bind(&usrp_source_impl::get_mboard_sensor, this, _1, mboard_index)
- )) {
- GR_LOG_WARN(d_logger, boost::format("Sensor '%s' failed to lock within timeout on motherboard %d.") % sensor_name % mboard_index);
- clocks_locked = false;
- }
- }
- return clocks_locked;
+ _samp_rate = this->get_samp_rate();
+ _center_freq = this->get_center_freq(0);
+ _samps_per_packet = 1;
@@ -175,6 +145,8 @@ namespace gr {
return res;
+ SET_CENTER_FREQ_FROM_INTERNALS(usrp_source_impl, set_rx_freq);
usrp_source_impl::get_center_freq(size_t chan)
@@ -364,150 +336,6 @@ namespace gr {
return _dev->get_rx_sensor_names(chan);
- ::uhd::sensor_value_t
- usrp_source_impl::get_mboard_sensor(const std::string &name, size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->get_mboard_sensor(name, mboard);
- }
- std::vector<std::string>
- usrp_source_impl::get_mboard_sensor_names(size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->get_mboard_sensor_names(mboard);
- }
- void
- usrp_source_impl::set_clock_config(const ::uhd::clock_config_t &clock_config,
- size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->set_clock_config(clock_config, mboard);
- }
- void
- usrp_source_impl::set_time_source(const std::string &source,
- const size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->set_time_source(source, mboard);
- throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
- }
- std::string
- usrp_source_impl::get_time_source(const size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->get_time_source(mboard);
- throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
- }
- std::vector<std::string>
- usrp_source_impl::get_time_sources(const size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->get_time_sources(mboard);
- throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
- }
- void
- usrp_source_impl::set_clock_source(const std::string &source,
- const size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->set_clock_source(source, mboard);
- throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
- }
- std::string
- usrp_source_impl::get_clock_source(const size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->get_clock_source(mboard);
- throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
- }
- std::vector<std::string>
- usrp_source_impl::get_clock_sources(const size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->get_clock_sources(mboard);
- throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
- }
- double
- usrp_source_impl::get_clock_rate(size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->get_master_clock_rate(mboard);
- }
- void
- usrp_source_impl::set_clock_rate(double rate, size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->set_master_clock_rate(rate, mboard);
- }
- ::uhd::time_spec_t
- usrp_source_impl::get_time_now(size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->get_time_now(mboard);
- }
- ::uhd::time_spec_t
- usrp_source_impl::get_time_last_pps(size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->get_time_last_pps(mboard);
- }
- void
- usrp_source_impl::set_time_now(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec,
- size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->set_time_now(time_spec, mboard);
- }
- void
- usrp_source_impl::set_time_next_pps(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec)
- {
- return _dev->set_time_next_pps(time_spec);
- }
- void
- usrp_source_impl::set_time_unknown_pps(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec)
- {
- return _dev->set_time_unknown_pps(time_spec);
- }
- void
- usrp_source_impl::set_command_time(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec, size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->set_command_time(time_spec, mboard);
- throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
- }
- void
- usrp_source_impl::clear_command_time(size_t mboard)
- {
- return _dev->clear_command_time(mboard);
- throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
- }
usrp_source_impl::get_dboard_iface(size_t chan)
@@ -515,24 +343,6 @@ namespace gr {
return _dev->get_rx_dboard_iface(chan);
- ::uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr
- usrp_source_impl::get_device(void)
- {
- return _dev;
- }
- void
- usrp_source_impl::set_user_register(const uint8_t addr,
- const uint32_t data,
- size_t mboard)
- {
- _dev->set_user_register(addr, data, mboard);
- throw std::runtime_error("not implemented in this version");
- }
usrp_source_impl::set_stream_args(const ::uhd::stream_args_t &stream_args)
@@ -743,59 +553,5 @@ namespace gr {
return num_samps;
- /************** External interfaces (RPC + Message passing) ********************/
- void usrp_source_impl::msg_handler_command(pmt::pmt_t msg)
- {
- std::string command;
- pmt::pmt_t cmd_value;
- int chan = -1;
- if (not _unpack_chan_command(command, cmd_value, chan, msg)) {
- GR_LOG_ALERT(d_logger, "Error while unpacking command PMT.");
- }
- if (command == "freq") {
- double freq = pmt::to_double(cmd_value);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < _nchan; i++) {
- if (chan == -1 || chan == int(i)) {
- set_center_freq(freq, i);
- }
- }
- // TODO: implement
- //} else if (command == "lo_offset") {
- //;
- } else if (command == "gain") {
- double gain = pmt::to_double(cmd_value);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < _nchan; i++) {
- if (chan == -1 || chan == int(i)) {
- set_gain(gain, i);
- }
- }
- } else {
- GR_LOG_ALERT(d_logger, boost::format("Received unknown command: %s") % command);
- }
- }
- void
- usrp_source_impl::setup_rpc()
- {
- add_rpc_variable(
- rpcbasic_sptr(new rpcbasic_register_get<usrp_source, double>(
- alias(), "samp_rate",
- &usrp_source::get_samp_rate,
- pmt::mp(100000.0f), pmt::mp(25000000.0f), pmt::mp(1000000.0f),
- "sps", "RX Sample Rate", RPC_PRIVLVL_MIN,
- add_rpc_variable(
- rpcbasic_sptr(new rpcbasic_register_set<usrp_source, double>(
- alias(), "samp_rate",
- &usrp_source::set_samp_rate,
- pmt::mp(100000.0f), pmt::mp(25000000.0f), pmt::mp(1000000.0f),
- "sps", "RX Sample Rate",
-#endif /* GR_CTRLPORT */
- }
} /* namespace uhd */
} /* namespace gr */
diff --git a/gr-uhd/lib/usrp_source_impl.h b/gr-uhd/lib/usrp_source_impl.h
index 0cbbe2b16b..9f6fc1a759 100644
--- a/gr-uhd/lib/usrp_source_impl.h
+++ b/gr-uhd/lib/usrp_source_impl.h
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "usrp_block_impl.h"
#include <gnuradio/uhd/usrp_source.h>
#include <uhd/convert.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
-#include "usrp_common.h"
static const pmt::pmt_t TIME_KEY = pmt::string_to_symbol("rx_time");
static const pmt::pmt_t RATE_KEY = pmt::string_to_symbol("rx_rate");
@@ -51,15 +51,13 @@ namespace gr {
* UHD Multi USRP Source Impl
- class usrp_source_impl : public usrp_source, public usrp_common_impl
+ class usrp_source_impl : public usrp_source, public usrp_block_impl
usrp_source_impl(const ::uhd::device_addr_t &device_addr,
const ::uhd::stream_args_t &stream_args);
- void setup_rpc();
// Get Commands
::uhd::dict<std::string, std::string> get_usrp_info(size_t chan);
std::string get_subdev_spec(size_t mboard);
@@ -77,17 +75,7 @@ namespace gr {
std::vector<std::string> get_antennas(size_t chan);
::uhd::sensor_value_t get_sensor(const std::string &name, size_t chan);
std::vector<std::string> get_sensor_names(size_t chan);
- ::uhd::sensor_value_t get_mboard_sensor(const std::string &name, size_t mboard);
- std::vector<std::string> get_mboard_sensor_names(size_t mboard);
- std::string get_time_source(const size_t mboard);
- std::vector<std::string> get_time_sources(const size_t mboard);
- std::string get_clock_source(const size_t mboard);
- std::vector<std::string> get_clock_sources(const size_t mboard);
- double get_clock_rate(size_t mboard);
- ::uhd::time_spec_t get_time_now(size_t mboard = 0);
- ::uhd::time_spec_t get_time_last_pps(size_t mboard);
::uhd::usrp::dboard_iface::sptr get_dboard_iface(size_t chan);
- ::uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr get_device(void);
// Set Commands
void set_subdev_spec(const std::string &spec, size_t mboard);
@@ -105,20 +93,10 @@ namespace gr {
void set_dc_offset(const std::complex<double> &offset, size_t chan);
void set_auto_iq_balance(const bool enable, size_t chan);
void set_iq_balance(const std::complex<double> &correction, size_t chan);
- void set_clock_config(const ::uhd::clock_config_t &clock_config, size_t mboard);
- void set_time_source(const std::string &source, const size_t mboard);
- void set_clock_source(const std::string &source, const size_t mboard);
- void set_clock_rate(double rate, size_t mboard);
- void set_time_now(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec, size_t mboard);
- void set_time_next_pps(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec);
- void set_time_unknown_pps(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec);
- void set_command_time(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time_spec, size_t mboard);
- void set_user_register(const uint8_t addr, const uint32_t data, size_t mboard);
void set_stream_args(const ::uhd::stream_args_t &stream_args);
void set_start_time(const ::uhd::time_spec_t &time);
void issue_stream_cmd(const ::uhd::stream_cmd_t &cmd);
- void clear_command_time(size_t mboard);
void flush(void);
bool start(void);
bool stop(void);
@@ -129,9 +107,9 @@ namespace gr {
gr_vector_void_star &output_items);
- /*! \brief Run through all 'lock' sensors and make sure they are actually locked.
- */
- bool _check_sensors_locked();
+ //! Like set_center_freq(), but uses _curr_freq and _curr_lo_offset
+ ::uhd::tune_result_t _set_center_freq_from_internals(size_t chan);
::uhd::rx_streamer::sptr _rx_stream;
size_t _samps_per_packet;
@@ -145,21 +123,6 @@ namespace gr {
double _center_freq;
boost::recursive_mutex d_mutex;
- /****** Command interface related **********/
- //! Receives commands and handles them
- void msg_handler_command(pmt::pmt_t msg);
- //! Stores the last value we told the USRP to tune to for every channel
- // (this is not necessarily the true value the USRP is currently tuned to!).
- // We could theoretically ask the device, but during streaming, we want to minimize
- // communication with the USRP.
- std::vector<double> _curr_freq;
- //! Stores the last value we told the USRP to have the LO offset for every channel.
- std::vector<double> _curr_lo_offset;
- //! Stores the last gain value we told the USRP to have for every channel.
- std::vector<double> _curr_gain;
- boost::dynamic_bitset<> _chans_to_tune;
- bool _call_tune;
} /* namespace uhd */
diff --git a/gr-uhd/swig/uhd_swig.i b/gr-uhd/swig/uhd_swig.i
index a4b1528439..108f544da3 100644
--- a/gr-uhd/swig/uhd_swig.i
+++ b/gr-uhd/swig/uhd_swig.i
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@
#include <gnuradio/uhd/amsg_source.h>
+%include "gnuradio/uhd/usrp_block.h"
// used types
diff --git a/grc/base/ b/grc/base/
index afe326bbf4..b367e60e69 100644
--- a/grc/base/
+++ b/grc/base/
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ class Block(Element):
n = odict()
n['key'] = self.get_key()
- n['param'] = map(lambda p: p.export_data(), self.get_params())
+ n['param'] = map(lambda p: p.export_data(), sorted(self.get_params(), key=str))
if 'bus' in map(lambda a: a.get_type(), self.get_sinks()):
n['bus_sink'] = str(1);
if 'bus' in map(lambda a: a.get_type(), self.get_sources()):
diff --git a/grc/base/ b/grc/base/
index fb25b46821..790aed07f6 100644
--- a/grc/base/
+++ b/grc/base/
@@ -126,13 +126,13 @@ class FlowGraph(Element):
def get_block(self, id): return filter(lambda b: b.get_id() == id, self.get_blocks())[0]
def get_blocks_unordered(self): return filter(lambda e: e.is_block(), self.get_elements())
def get_blocks(self):
- blocks = self.get_blocks_unordered();
- for i in range(len(blocks)):
- if blocks[i].get_key() == 'variable':
- blk = blocks[i];
- blocks.remove(blk);
- blocks.insert(1, blk);
- return blocks;
+ # refactored the slow, ugly version
+ # don't know why we need this here, using it for sorted export_data()
+ return sorted(self.get_blocks_unordered(), key=lambda b: (
+ b.get_key() != 'options', # options to the front
+ not b.get_key().startswith('variable'), # then vars
+ str(b)
+ ))
def get_connections(self): return filter(lambda e: e.is_connection(), self.get_elements())
def get_children(self): return self.get_elements()
def get_elements(self):
@@ -250,8 +250,8 @@ class FlowGraph(Element):
n = odict()
n['timestamp'] = self._timestamp
- n['block'] = [block.export_data() for block in self.get_blocks()]
- n['connection'] = [connection.export_data() for connection in self.get_connections()]
+ n['block'] = [b.export_data() for b in self.get_blocks()] # already sorted
+ n['connection'] = [c.export_data() for c in sorted(self.get_connections(), key=str)]
instructions = odict({
'created': self.get_parent().get_version_short(),
diff --git a/grc/scripts/gnuradio-companion b/grc/scripts/gnuradio-companion
index 7a407eaaf8..b8b960a91e 100755
--- a/grc/scripts/gnuradio-companion
+++ b/grc/scripts/gnuradio-companion
@@ -55,6 +55,14 @@ def show_gtk_error_dialog(title, message):
+def check_gtk_init():
+ try:
+ gtk.init_check()
+ except RuntimeError:
+ print 'GTK initialization failed - bailing'
+ exit(-1)
def check_gnuradio_import():
from gnuradio import gr
@@ -108,6 +116,7 @@ def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
+ check_gtk_init()