GSoC 2023 Qt Widgets Improvement Week-1 [ Writing Matrix Sink Block ]

In this blog post, I will walk you through the journey of creating this block and share the valuable insights I gained from discussions with my mentor. To kick off the project, I had a productive discussion with my mentor about the implementation and visualization aspects of the Matrix Sink block.

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GSoC Standalone GRC: week-1

Hello, So moving ahead, week 1 really marks the beginning of my coding period, and I am happy to share the progress we have made so far since the last post, so here are a few of my notes on the project. recording dependencies : After separating GRC from gnuradio with the commit history of the folder still intact, I got to recording all the instances of imports from gnuradio in GRC.

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GSoC 2023 Qt Widgets Improvement Week-0 [Communuity Bonding]

Hello everyone! I am Rohit Bisht, a computer engineering student from Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, India. I am thrilled to be a part of the Google Summer of Code program and work on the GNU Radio project. Over the next few months, I will be focusing on improving the gr-qtgui component by adding new widgets and enhancing the existing ones.

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GSoC Standalone GRC: week-0

Hello, I am Rahul Balaji, a new contributor to GNU Radio. I have been selected to undertake this project as a Google Summer of Code. so what’s the project about ? Over time, we have come to realise that GRC has some use-cases outside GNU Radio, and that it has somewhat become it’s own standalone application.

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GNU Radio accepted for GSoC 2022

Hooray! GNU Radio has once again been accepted as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code. This means that we will soon be accepting proposals from students/contributors who want to spend their summer hacking on GNU Radio. Our ideas list has been updated for this year’s GSoC installment, and we are eagerly awaiting your project proposals!

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GSoC 2018: GNU Radio is in!

We are happy and excited to announce that we have been accepted by Google as a mentoring organization for the upcoming Google Summer of Code 2018! Same as in past years, we are looking forward to meeting students and hopefully passing on our love for FOSS! GSoC is a great opportunity for students, but equally important for GNU Radio as it helps us to find new and valuable contributors with fresh ideas that help us to further the project’s development.

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GSOC 2017 Accepted Projects

GSOC 2017 Accepted Projects We are really excited to announce that three students have been accepted to work on GNU Radio for Google’s Summer of Code 2017! Our three students are Luca, Kartik, and Kostis. Kostis’ project is implementing SigMF functionality for GNU Radio. His repository is gr-sigmf on Github, and his blog is at http://ixion.

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Google Summer of Code ’17: GNU Radio is in!

Google Summer of Code ’17: GNU Radio is in! GNU Radio takes part in GSoC 2017 Aww, yes! GNU Radio has been selected to participate in Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2017. Find the full list of organizations on the GSoC website. As this is the very beginning of GSoC, we don’t know yet how many students we will be able to accept.

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GNU Radio v3.7.10.1 Release

GNU Radio v3.7.10.1 Release GNU Radio release v3.7.10.1 is now available for download. V3.7.10.1 is the latest of the v3.7 API and contains bug fixes since v3.7.10. The official release tarball and detached signature are available via the following links The updated GNU Radio Live SDR Environment is updated to use v3.

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GNU Radio accepted for GSoC ’16!

GNU Radio accepted for GSoC ’16! Everyone, I’m really happy to say that GNU Radio was accepted as a participating organization for Google Summer of Code 2016! After not participating last year, I’m very glad I can give this news, and it’ll be the fourth time that we participate in this program.

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